Mower County Shopper 061521

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T uesday , J une 15, 2021 V ol . 47, N o . 24 S outhern M innesota S hoppers , I nc . 3405 W. O akland A venue • A ustin , MN 507-437-7731

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COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS. Competitive wage and benefits, meal allowance, paid lodging. Traveling position for railroad vegetation control, 60-80 hours/week. RAW (Cooperstown, ND). 888.700.0292, info@ (MCN)


Portable Oxygen Concentrator May Be Covered by Medicare! Reclaim independence and mobility with the compact design and long-lasting battery of Inogen One. Free information kit! Call 844-7162411. (MCN) Life Alert. One press of a button sends help FAST, 24/7! At home and on the go. Mobile Pendant with GPS. FREE First Aid Kit (with subscription.) CALL 844-646-2333 FREE Brochure. (MCN) SAVE UP TO 80% ON YOUR MEDICATION. Eliquis, Xarelto, Viagra, Cialis and more. Licensed and Certified. Lowest Price Guaranteed. Call 877-636-0750 and get free shipping on your first order. (Open M-F). (MCN)


Become a published author! Publications sold at all major secular & specialty Christian bookstores. CALL Christian Faith Publishing for your FREE author submission kit. 1-888-981-5761. (MCN)


BATHROOM RENOVATIONS. EASY, ONE DAY updates! We specialize in safe bathing. Grab bars, no slip flooring & seated showers. Call for a free in-home consultation: 855-836-2250. (MCN) Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 15% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855-577-1268. Promo Code 285. (MCN) Wesley Financial Group, LLC Timeshare Cancellation Experts. Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt and fees cancelled in 2019. Get free informational package and learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. Call 877-326-1608. (MCN)

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Auctions & Sales Garage Sales ANNUAL GARAGE SALE 908 12TH AVE SE, AUSTIN Tuesday-Sunday 11am-7pm 15 little kids bikes- 16” & 12”, tons of miscellaenous, window air conditioner, Amish fireplace, car battery, at least 200 more misc. items! Five-Family Rummage Sale 2702 5th Ave SW, Austin Friday June 18 4pm-7pm Saturday June 19 8am-1pm Womens, juniors & girls clothing, stroller, toys, Little Tikes slide, books, boys bike, boys sports equipment, Boyds Bears and Dreamsicles collectibles, microwaves, kitchen items, queen size and twin size mattresses, metal+glass table & chair set, recliner, elliptical exerciser, lots of miscellaneous. Garage Sale 307 LLOYD PLACE ALBERT LEA, Sat. June 19th 8am-3pm Boy’s clothes 3T-4T and toys! Come out and see! Garage Sale 804 9TH ST SW AUSTIN, Sat. June 19th 8am-4pm Bikes, air conditioners, household items, small appliances, furniture, legos, toys, and lots misc 13th Annual Sisters Sale! 707 11th St SW Austin, Friday, June 18th 9am-5pm Saturday, June 19th 8am-1pm Area rug, women’s clothing size 6-12, puzzles, canvas painting boards, books, girls clothing, rubber stamps, ice skates, some men’s clothing, shoes, books, Christmas decor, household items. Don’t miss this one! Garage Sale 1005 22nd Ave SW, Austin Friday June 18 8am-5pm Saturday June 19 8am-1pm Furniture, waterskis, bedding, vintage Schwinn tandem bike, beer steins, dinette set, much household and miscellaneous. Selling your home? Advertise here and sell it faster. Call Classifieds at 507-396-4617

3405 W Oakland Avenue Austin, MN 55912 (507) 396-4617

Garage Sales

Lawn & Garden

Moving Sale 400 12th Place NW Austin, Friday & Saturday June 18th & 19th 9am-5pm Mission oak dining table and chairs, sideboard, china cabinet, outdoor furniture, bookcase, oak dresser and mirror, wall art, and lamps


Multi-Family Garage Sale 2903 5TH AVE SW Austin Friday, June, 18th 8-4:30 Saturday, June 19th, 8am-1 Quilt frame, quilt material, crafts and stamping items, easel, furnace motor, kitchen FKDLUV ¿OH FDELQHW VSHDNHUV shop lights, child and adult FORWKLQJ ERRNV DQG PXFK miscellaneous. Multi-Family Garage Sale 409 10th Street NW, Austin June 18th 12pm-6pm June 19th 8am-2pm Clothes, toys, collectibles, kitchen items, picture frames, knick knacks, Christmas, tools, baby items, dishes. Put your ad here call 507-396-4617.

Garage & Craft Sale 2100 10TH PLACE NE By Nature Center AUSTIN, Saturday, June 19th 8am-4pm Reclaimed wood barn doors and planters, wine racks, signs, old well pump, old platform scale, vintage items, lots of misc

Merchandise Antiques & Collectibles NEED CASH

I give free appraisals of your coins 1964 and older.I am also looking to buy older coins such as silver dollars, halves,quarters,dimes and Indianhead cents. &DOO 5RQ IURP +D\¿HOG 507-477-2427 or 507-259-6460

By the pail or truckload. For loading large loads, call 507-438-3228.

HILLIER COMPOSTING Drop off your leaves, grass, branches. Reasonable rates.

Machinery & Tools POWER WASHERS in Stock 507-448-3302 TRADING POST Gordonsville STIHL Products in Stock We’re your Stihl Dealer. 507-448-3302 TRADING POST Gordonsville

Medical Equipment FOR SALE

Power Wheelchair NEW 2021 Unique 10in lifted seat Retail $4,000 Sacrafice $2,600 Average adult size electric wheelchair-$600 507-369-5066

Miscellaneous For Sale •Dewalt Power Miter Saw •Wood Burning Stove •Barrel Stove •Electric Bed •Dewalt Radio Arm Saw •Roto Tiller Call: 507-219-7228 or 507-433-6376

Want to Buy Merchandise BUYING JUNK VEHICLES. Cash. I will pick up 7 days a week (cell) 641-590-7068 Wanted to buy Remote control vehicles Cars, trucks or boats working or not Cash Call (507)208-0902

Notices Lost & Found Found money clip in stip mall by Walmart & Dollar Tree Please call to claim: 507-377-3685

Rentals Apartments AFFORDABLE RENTALS 1BR & 2BR smoke free apartments in Hayward & Clarks Grove. Month to month leases & deposit pay plans.

507-451-8524 TDD:507-451-0704

Equal Housing Opportunity Put your ad here call 507-396-4617.

ALBERT LEA RENTALS Smoke free studio apartments for 62+. All utilities included. Community room with activities & noon meals, on-site staff, laundry & off street parking.Age & income restrictions apply.

507-373-5391 or 507-451-8524 TDD:507-451-0704

Equal Housing Opportunity

Large 1BR apartment with sunroom, on-site laundry and parking. Utilities not included. $500/mo Available July 1 or sooner! 507-438-1723 Spacious 1 bedroom 10 miles north of Albert Lea (in Hartland). $405 mo, all utilities included except electric. Background checks required. No smoking! No pets! 507-456-9514

Duplexes for Rent Spacious 1 Bedroom 1 Bath Upstairs unit. No smoking, no pets. Utilities not included. $520/ month, $420 security deposit. Application with credit & background check. Call Theresa 480-766-1200 507-437-7606 Selling your home? Advertise here and sell it faster. Call Classifieds at 507-396-4617

Houses For Rent 2 Bedroom House in Emmons Garage. No pets. No smokers. $575 per month Plus deposit. 507-297-5921

Lake Property Rental Fabulous Lake Home For Rent

$1,250.00 714-924-6571

Office & Commercial Rental Available Now, Former Bus &RPSDQ\ )DFLOLW\ DQG 2I¿FHV 9600 sq. ft. block building, and VT IW RI¿FH VSDFH $OVR available RV indoor storage space with easy access. Contact Jim 507-438-9974 for more info

Transportation Automobiles 1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited. White, no rust, most parts replaced. Runs great, many miles. $5000. Call (507)373-9188

Services Appliance Service ON THE SPOT APPLIANCE SERVICE

Will Repair most Household Appliances & Commercial Cooking Products. 30+ Years Experience, Reasonable Rates. Call Orrin Mortensen at 507-214-8099 ANYTIME

Cleaning Services ARIZONA CLEANING COMPANY Serving Austin & Albert Lea area since 1999. Carpet Upholstery, Duct cleaning for all seasons. Don’t drown your carpet, dry clean it. Call: 507-433-7839 Put your ad here call 507-396-4617.

Painting & Decorating

We paint homes, farms and aluminum siding 40 Years Experience 2I¿FH 6SDFH IRU 5HQW &ORVH WR 'RZQWRZQ $OEHUW /HD 8QLW Call Us Now! URRP RI¿FH ZLWK D WRWDO RI 507-481-9071

VTXDUH IHHW :LQGRZ IDFHV 0DLQ 6WUHHW SHU PRQWK Roofing and Guttering 8QLW URRP RI¿FH VSDFH ZLWK WRWDO VTXDUH IHHW SHU PRQWK &DOO Gutters by GT Seamless Do you have available jobs? Call 507-396-4617 to let others know about job opportunities at your business.

Gutter Installation and Leaf Protection. Free Estimates. Like us on Facebook. Call Adam 507-402-5541 or Spencer 507-402-3253

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MEADOWS WEST TOWNHOMES NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS 2 & 3 Bedroom Townhomes. Rent based on income. Credit Check & Criminal Background Check Required.

300 27th Street SW, Austin, MN 55912


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June 1st - June 30th, 2021

BUSINESS DIRECTORY We get into backyards where trucks can't go!


Mark Lang Construction Residential & commercial cement work

507-433-4754 For Estimates

Insured, Family tradition for over 50 years License number BC743334

1X2 BD 05.14.19 05.21.19 05.28.19 06.04.19

Brad Lee Tree Climber

Tree Trimming & Removals Free Estimates


Licensed & Insured



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