12/01/20 Mower County Shopper

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T uesday , D ecember 1, 2020 V ol . 46, N o . 48 S outhern M innesota S hoppers , I nc . 3405 W. O akland A venue • A ustin , MN 507-437-7731

Take it Home Today | 0% Financing for 60 Months | No Down Payment Required

$500 Off Plus Special Financing on All Models Listed

X500 Select Series | X700 Signature Series | Z700 Ztraks | Mid & Full-Size Gators | 1023E, 1025R, 2025R Compact Utility Tractors

John Deere X500 Select Series Save



% 0 60 Months





X570 | 48” Deck | $5,799 X570 | 54” Deck | $6,099 X580 | 54” Deck | $7,099 X590 | 54” Deck | $7,799



% 0 60 Months



XUV590M | 2-Seat | $13,169 XUV590M | 4-Seat | $14,939

505 4th Ave NE





% 0 60 Months

John Deere Compact Utility Tractors Save




% 0 60 Months for

1023E | With Loader | $15,699 1025R | With Loader | $17,499 2025R | With Loader | $20,699

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% 0 60 Months

Z720E | 60” Deck | $6,649 Z730M | 60” Deck | $7,559 Z740R | 54” Deck | $8,479 Z740R | 60” Deck | $8,779

XUV825M | 4-Seat | $16,939 XUV835M | 3-Seat | $18,269 XUV835M | Cab | $20,909 XUV835R | HVAC | $26,439

Offers end December 7, 2020. Financing options with approved credit through John Deere Financial. Some restrictions apply; other special rates and terms may be available, so ask for details. Attachments pictured are extra unless otherwise stated.

Call or Text our Landlines

John Deere Z700 Ztraks Save


John Deere Full-Size Gators Save


Grand Meadow

% 0 60 Months

X730 | 54” Deck | $9,199 X734 | 54” Deck | $11,999 X738 | 60” Deck | $12,999 X739 | 60” Deck | $13,599

John Deere Mid-Size Gators Save

John Deere X700 Signature Series

11906 Hwy 14


11555 Hwy 60 Blvd



32980 Northfield Blvd



201 N Hwy 44/76


w w w. s e m a e q u i p . c o m

PAGE 2 • Tuesday, December 1, 2020 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER

My heart is full of gratitude and appreciation for the honor to represent the residents of District 27B in the MN House of Representatives. Since first being elected in 2004, I understood the responsibility given me to represent you, and for sixteen years, neither my energy nor my effort swayed from doing my best to represent all the people of our district. I am proud to have been the voice for our needs, interests, and the concerns of individuals, organizations, and communities within our region. I grew up on a farm in southeastern Minnesota, graduated from Houston High School, attended and graduated from UW-River Falls, and upon meeting my future husband, came to his hometown (Austin). Here we raised our family, and I worked at jobs I enjoyed while also happily taking on public service roles. Poppe for the People has always been my mission statement. From the first time being sworn in to the last time, I was proud to represent the people of our district in a respectful manner, personally answering emails, attending community events, and participating in virtual and in-person meetings. I am grateful for the relationships built through these years of service as they helped me fulfill the responsibilities of the office. I am very thankful for the opportunity, humbled to have served, and in awe of the recognition placed in me to serve as your representative.

Jeanne Poppe

MN State Representative, District 27B

Holiday s e c i v r e S h c r u Ch EAGLES

Tuesday, December 1, 2020 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER • PAGE 3

Business Directory Run Your Ad In Our Business Directory and Get Results! For Only $22 Per Issue, You Can Reach our Over 20,000 Readers!

Four Issue Minimum to Receive This Special Rate

Call 507-437-7731 Today

PAGE 4 • Tuesday, December 1, 2020 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER

DEADLINE is Thurs day at 4:00PM for the fol l ow ing Tu es day ’s Shopp er. Place your classif i e d ad by emai ling classif i e ds@mowercountyshopp er.com or c a l l us at 507-437-7731 to place your ad over the phone using a cre dit c ard. THE MOWER COUNT Y SHOPPER does not endorse or accept responsibility for any claims, products or ser vices expressed or implied in advertisement within this publication. If you have questions or concerns, first contact the vendor or the product or ser vice. If you do not get results, you may choose to contact your local or state B etter Business Bureau.





CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE for the Mower County Shopper is Thursday at 4:00 pm prior to the following Tuesday’s publication. Watch for Holiday Deadlines. Email classifieds@mowercountyshopper.com. Some restrictions apply. tfn/0nc00

For Sale: Round Bale Hay & Corn Stalks - good quality. Call for details & pricing 507-438-9218. 47/35b00/49

1 Bedroom - BROWNSDALE Smoke free apartments for 55+. $575 p/mo + elec. One year leases & no pets. 507-273-1383 or 507-451-8524 www.lifestyleinc.net tdd 507-451-0704 EHO. 47/76b00/50

HOUSES AVAILABLE! 2 & 3 bedrooms. $750$975 per month. You pay utilities. You can find more information at kpmrent.com or call us at 507-440-4062. Office is located at 508 Oakland Ave. W, Austin. Open Monday-Friday 10AM5PM. btfn/19b50

SEASONAL ITEMS FOR SALE For Sale: 7 foot Christmas Tree that routes with colored & white lights and 11 functions. $75.00 OBO. Call 433-5626. 49/18c00/49

FURNITURE & APPLIANCES Morris Furniture’s Budget Shop is loaded with clearance and blowout priced items. All items discounted at 50% and more off. Sofa’s, recliners, sectionals & reclining sofas by popular name brand manufacturers. Mismatched mattress sets, all sizes. Morris Furniture Budget Shop, 1909 E. Main Str., Albert Lea, MN. 507-373-6434. www. morrisfurniture.com. 45/0al00/48

HOME IMPROVEMENT Gutters by GT Seamless Gutter Installation and Leaf Protection. Free Estimates. Like us on Facebook. Call Adam 507-402-5541 or Zane 507-402-5578. btfn/0al00

HANDYMAN SERVICES E.L.K. CONSTRUCTION HANDYMAN SERVICES: Update or replace windows, egress windows & doors. Home repair, remodeling & construction, decks, garages, siding, roof repair, drywall & texturing, concrete. Call Ernie at 4384307. 24 years experience, bonded. License #BC 710064. btfn/38b00

1, 2, & 3 Bedroom Apartments available! In the city, close to downtown. And quiet country living. Nice apartments, affordable price. $495-$800. Laundry available, most locations. Basic utilities included at some locations. Come in & ask about our February special! Call 507-440-4062. See kpmrent.com. btfn/18b00 3 Bedroom Apartment, $725.00 everything included. Must have good rental history. Call for showing 507-202-1724. btfn/18b00 1 Bedroom Apartment. $500.00 plus utilities. Must have good rental history. Call for showing. 507-202-1724. btfn/18b00

BUSINESS SPACE FOR RENT Commercial Building for Lease: Large building for inside work and outside retail (ex:car lot) 605 10th Dr. SE, Austin, $650.00 a month plus utilities. Contact: D.G. 507-202-2828. 46/38b00/49 Available Now, Former Bus Company Facility and Offices 9600 sq. ft. block building, and 3200 sq. ft. office space. Contact Jim 507-438-9974 for more info. tfn/0b00 Available Now, 16,880 sq. ft. Former Bus Storage Metal Building. Contact Jim 507-438-9974 for more info. tfn/0b00

Tuesday, December 1, 2020 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER • PAGE 5

PAGE 6 • Tuesday, December 1, 2020 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER

Prepaid Funeral Plans that are...Guaranteed! Call Mayer Funeral Home, 433-1817 to meet with Brenda Schultz, Pre-planning Specialist. Guarantee your funeral costs at today’s prices. Compassion, Caring, Service with Respect Serving All Faiths in the Austin Area Since 1915

507-433-1817 600 2nd St NW, Austin www.mayerfh.com

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Brenda Schultz Pre-Planning Specialist

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Tuesday, December 1, 2020 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER • PAGE 7

“Slip” into the ease of LeRoy - Hometown Comfort with High Quality Care Respite Care, Assisted Living and Memory Care • Dedicated, caring & trained staff on-site 24 hours a day • RN and/or LPN available 7 days/week • Emergency call system • Daily activities • Weekly Housekeeping and Laundry available

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• Real Home Cooking • Spacious apartments & suites • Spacious community rooms for activities/events • Garage units available • Accept private pay • Accept Medical Assistance county/state waiver program

Wildwood Grove Oakwood Cemetery

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MEADOWS WEST TOWNHOMES NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS 2 & 3 Bedroom Townhomes. Rent based on income. Credit Check & Criminal Background Check Required.

300 27th Street SW, Austin, MN 55912


Place your auction or real estate advertisement in the Mower County Shopper! Our shopper is read by over 20,000 readers in the Austin & surrounding area!

CALL 507-437-7731 TODAY!



PAGE 8 • Tuesday, December 1, 2020 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER

Mower County, MN Sargeant Township AUCTION LOCATION: Hayfield American Legion, 7 Main St. W, Hayfield, MN 55940. LAND LOCATION: From Hayfield, MN, 5 miles east on Hwy 30, 5 miles south on 250th Ave./Dodge Mower Rd./660th Ave. Land is on the west side of the road. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: The Linbo Family is selling this prime Mower County farm in one tract. 182± deeded acres with 168± acres that are tillable. Pattern tiled with upgrades to mains in the Spring of 2020.

182± acres

For a detailed Buyer’s Prospectus with complete terms and conditions, contact Steffes Group at 320.693.9371, Brock Skov 507.272.4818

Steffes Group, Inc. | 24400 MN Hwy 22 South | Litchfield, MN 55355 TERMS: Ten percent down upon signing purchase agreement, payable by cash or check. Balance due at closing within 30 days. This is a 5% buyer’s premium auction. Scott Steffes MN14-51.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER • PAGE 9

PAGE 10 • Tuesday, December 1, 2020 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER

AUTOMOBILES For Sale: 1997 Ford Aspire. Runs great. Good work car. 47/4mg00/49

83,000 miles. 507-219-9520.

NEED TO SELL A VEHICLE that is taking up space!! Advertise it in The Mower County Shopper for $20.00 for up to a month (4 issues). Call 507-437-7731 or email classifieds@mowercountyshopper.com. tfn/0nc00

AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES For Sale: 8ft Aluminum Tool Topper 99 x 72, 2 doors each side and back all locks work with clearance and skylights, ladder rack, front and back windows. Asking $950.00. Call 507-4409861. 47/35p00/49

ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES NEED CASH - I give free appraisals of your coins 1964 and older. I am also looking to buy older coins such as silver dollars, halves, quarters, dimes, wheat and Indianhead cents. Please call Ron from Hayfield at 507-477-2427 or 507-2596460. 47/82c00/52



JUNK REMOVAL – Old Appliances, furniture, electronics, yard waste as well as Any kind of Junk from Anywhere! Basements, attics, garages. Any odd jobs. Free estimates. Senior discounts. BEST PRICES! Call anytime 507-2190466. btfn/0nc00

CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE for the Mower County Shopper is Thursday at 4:00 pm prior to the following Tuesday’s publication. Watch for Holiday Deadlines. Email classifieds@mowercountyshopper.com. Some restrictions apply. tfn/0nc00

STORAGE SPACE Now Available, RV indoor storage, easy access. Contact Jim 507-438-9974. tfn/0b00

PAINTING SERVICES Professional Painting. Interior Work. 40 Years Experience. Call 481-9071. 48/36p00/50

CLEANING SERVICES ARIZONA CLEANING COMPANY. Serving Austin & Albert Lea area since 1999. Carpet Upholstery, Duct cleaning for all seasons. Don’t drown your carpet, dry clean it. Call 507-433-7839. btfn/19b00

Place your classified ad in the Mower County Shopper - Call 507-437-7731


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Stay in your home longer with an American Standard Walk-In Bathtub. Receive up to $1,500 off, including a free toilet, and a lifetime warranty on the tub and installation! Call us at 1-855-3723080 or visit www.walkintubquote.com/midwest (MCN) Portable Oxygen Concentrator May Be Covered by Medicare! Reclaim independence and mobility with the compact design and long-lasting battery of Inogen One. Free information kit! Call 844-716-2411. (MCN) MobileHelp, America’s Premier Mobile Medical Alert System. Whether You’re Home or Away. For Safety and Peace of Mind. No Long Term Contracts! Free Brochure! Call Today! 1-855385-9770. (MCN)

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Tuesday, December 1, 2020 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER • PAGE 11



Local 1-Owner • Z71 • Heated Seats Full Power • Camera • Hard Bed Cover • Side Steps Remote Start • Beautiful Red Metallic


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All Aluminum • Extra Height • F & R Ramps LED Lighting • Alloy Wheels • 2 Fuel Doors Great Trailer at a Great Price!! SEE US FOR ALL YOUR TRAILER SERVICE • PARTS • ACCESSORIES



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Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 15% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855-577-1268. Promo Code 285. (MCN)

PAGE 12 • Tuesday, December 1, 2020 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER

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