Mower County Shopper 12/22/20

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The Mower CounTy


T uesday , D ecember 22, 2020 • V ol . 46, N o . 51 souTherN MiNNesoTa shoppers, iNc • 3405 W oaklaNd aVeNue • ausTiN, MN • 507-437-7731

S ’ A N O M 641-326-1277

Mona Smoke Shop

at Mona Tobacco Shop



Premium Cigars • Roll Your Own Pipes & Pipe Tobacco • Lighters & Cigar Accessories All prices subject to change without notice

We Accept Major Credit Cards






Ask How You Can Roll Yo ur Own Cigarettes

HOURS: M-F 9-8 Sat 9-7 Sun 10-5





Off of any purchase of

Any Carton Purchase of $35.00 or More

Roll Your Own Tobacco & Accessories

One Coupon Per Carton

One Coupon Per Purchase

The Tobacco Store


$25.00 or more of


Off of any purchase of $25.00 or more of

Roll Your Own Tobacco & Accessories The Tobacco Store One Coupon Per Purchase










Off of any purchase of

Any Carton Purchase of $35.00 or More

Roll Your Own Tobacco & Accessories

One Coupon Per Carton

One Coupon Per Purchase

The Tobacco Store

of any purchase of $25.00 or more of

One Coupon Per Purchase



200 Off

One Coupon Per Carton





Roll Your Own Tobacco & Accessories

The Tobacco Store


1414 Mona Drive St. Ansgar, IA 50472

Any Carton Purchase of $35.00 or More

The Tobacco Store



1.50 a pack

for as low as $

$25.00 or more of

The Tobacco Store

The Tobacco Store



100 Off

Any Carton Purchase of $35.00 or More

The Tobacco Store One Coupon Per Carton

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Tuesday, December 22, 2020 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER • PAGE 3

HOLIDAY DEADLINE is We dnes day at 10:00AM for the fol l ow ing Tu es day ’s Shopp er. Place your classif i e d ad by emai ling classif i e ds@mowercountyshopp or c a l l us at 507-437-7731 to place your ad over the phone using a cre dit c ard. THE MOWER C OUNT Y SHOPPER do es not endors e or accept resp onsibi lity for any claims, pro duc ts or s er vices express e d or implie d in adver t is ement wit hin t his publicat ion. If you have quest ions or concer ns, f irst cont ac t t he vendor or t he pro duc t or s er vice. If you do not get resu lts, you may cho os e to cont ac t your lo ca l or st ate B etter Business Bure au.





HOLIDAY CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE is Wednesday at 10:00AM. Email classifieds@ or call 507-4377731. tfn/0nc00

For Rent: Upstairs 1 bedroom, 1 person. No smoking, no pets. Utilities, garbage included. Northeast area. Deposit required. Call 507-4377542 or 507-481-8833. 50/36c00/52

NEED TO SELL A VEHICLE that is taking up space!! Advertise it in The Mower County Shopper for $20.00 for up to a month (4 issues). Call 507-437-7731 or email tfn/0nc00

JUNK REMOVAL – Old Appliances, furniture, electronics, yard waste as well as Any kind of Junk from Anywhere! Basements, attics, garages. Any odd jobs. Free estimates. Senior discounts. BEST PRICES! Call anytime 507-2190466. btfn/0nc00

FURNITURE & APPLIANCES Morris Furniture’s Budget Shop is loaded with clearance and blowout priced items. All items discounted at 50% and more off. Sofa’s, recliners, sectionals & reclining sofas by popular name brand manufacturers. Mismatched mattress sets, all sizes. Morris Furniture Budget Shop, 1909 E. Main Str., Albert Lea, MN. 507-373-6434. www. 49/0al00/53

HOME HEALTH AIDE ITEMS For Sale Various Medical Supplies: Hand operated Hoyer Lift $250.00. Commode $15.00. Hospital like Bed with remote $550.00. Bed side Tray Table $25.00. Two Wheelchairs, great condition. Several packages Depends L/XL $8.00 each. Brand new extra-large adult Bibs. Transfer cover for Bed/Chair. Call 507-440-5490. 50/33p00/52 For Sale: Easy Lift, lifts up to 400 lbs., Lumex brand. Comes with carrying sling. Battery operated. Must be able to stand to use. Like new condition. Asking $1,500.00. Call 507-440-5490. 50/33p00/52

HOME IMPROVEMENT Gutters by GT Seamless Gutter Installation and Leaf Protection. Free Estimates. Like us on Facebook. Call Adam 507-402-5541 or Zane 507-402-5578. btfn/0al00

HANDYMAN SERVICES E.L.K. CONSTRUCTION HANDYMAN SERVICES: Update or replace windows, egress windows & doors. Home repair, remodeling & construction, decks, garages, siding, roof repair, drywall & texturing, concrete. Call Ernie at 4384307. 24 years experience, bonded. License #BC 710064. btfn/38b00

1, 2, & 3 Bedroom Apartments available! In the city, close to downtown. And quiet country living. Nice apartments, affordable price. $495-$800. Laundry available, most locations. Basic utilities included at some locations. Come in & ask about our February special! Call 507-440-4062. See btfn/18b00 3 Bedroom Apartment, $725.00 everything included. Must have good rental history. Call for showing 507-202-1724. btfn/18b00 1 Bedroom Apartment. $500.00 plus utilities. Must have good rental history. Call for showing. 507-202-1724. btfn/18b00

HOUSES FOR RENT HOUSES AVAILABLE! 2 & 3 bedrooms. $750$975 per month. You pay utilities. You can find more information at or call us at 507-440-4062. Office is located at 508 Oakland Ave. W, Austin. Open Monday-Friday 10AM5PM. btfn/19b50

MOBILE HOME FOR RENT For Rent: 3 bedroom, 2 bath Mobile Home with garage. $750.00/month, includes utilities, $750.00 deposit. Available January 1st, 2021. Call 440-8661. 50/36p00/52

BUSINESS SPACE FOR RENT Available Now, Former Bus Company Facility and Offices 9600 sq. ft. block building, and 3200 sq. ft. office space. Contact Jim 507-438-9974 for more info. tfn/0b00 Available Now, 16,880 sq. ft. Former Bus Storage Metal Building. Contact Jim 507-438-9974 for more info. tfn/0b00

MEADOWS WEST TOWNHOMES NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS 2 & 3 Bedroom Townhomes. Rent based on income. Credit Check & Criminal Background Check Required.

300 27th Street SW, Austin, MN 55912




For Sale: 1997 1/2 ton C1500 Chevy, 2-wheel drive Pickup, 153k miles, $1,100.00 OBO, runs great. Call 507-437-2615. 51/17p50/51

Now Available, RV indoor storage, easy access. Contact Jim 507-438-9974. tfn/0b00



NEED CASH - I give free appraisals of your coins 1964 and older. I am also looking to buy older coins such as silver dollars, halves, quarters, dimes, wheat and Indianhead cents. Please call Ron from Hayfield at 507-477-2427 or 507-2596460. 47/82c00/52

A+ Services – Interior painting, staining, carpet cleaning. Light hauling & junk removal. Jerome 219-0118. 51/40p00/53

BUYING – Sterling flatware, dental gold, gold rings, class rings, silver coins - dimes, quarters, half silver dollars & wheat cents. All collectable coins & currency. Call Ed at 651-788-6532. 50/72aupal00/52 ANTIQUES WANTED: CROCK’S, TOYS, POCKET WATCHES, JEWELRY, CAST IRON FRY PANS, GUNS, WOOD & PAPER SHELL BOXES,READER DIGEST MAGAZINES, POSTCARDS, ADVERTISING SIGNS & TINS, TOOLS, STERLING GOLD. ANYTHING MADE BEFORE 1960. COUNTRYSIDE ANTIQUES 507-4020880. 50/118b80/52

CLEANING SERVICES ARIZONA CLEANING COMPANY. Serving Austin & Albert Lea area since 1999. Carpet Upholstery, Duct cleaning for all seasons. Don’t drown your carpet, dry clean it. Call 507-433-7839. btfn/19b00

GARAGE SALES CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE for the Mower County Shopper is Thursday at 4:00 pm prior to the following Tuesday’s publication. Watch for Holiday Deadlines. Email Some restrictions apply. tfn/0nc00

Christmas Gre

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run dates?


Tuesday, December 22, 2020 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER • PAGE 5

Holiday Church Services EAGLES

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Tuesday, December 22, 2020 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER • PAGE 7

FA T I NIncome C O M E Tax TA X

Seeking a Part Time Receptionist for the upcoming tax season. (January - April)

Seeking a professional, friendly person to greet clients, answer phones and attend to general office duties

Contact Ben Gildner for more information 507-437-8511

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Business Directory Run Your Ad In Our Business Directory and Get Results! For Only $22 Per Issue, You Can Reach our Over 20,000 Readers!

Four Issue Minimum to Receive This Special Rate

Call 507-437-7731 Today

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