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Beyond St James
Careers & Higher Education
We work hard to ensure our Sixth Form students fully develop their aptitudes and interests. When the time comes for you to decide on your future options we will guide you so that your choices will help you reach personal fulfilment and best serve your potential. You will receive information, advice and guidance through a comprehensive programme of UCAS induction, Higher Education seminars, assemblies, university visits and tutorial support. In order to assist you in making informed choices we offer the My Uni Choices psychometric test. You will also draw on the Education and Careers Resources section in the Sixth Form Centre. Our Head of Careers is available for one to one advice and guidance and can assist with work experience contacts if you wish. On alternate Friday afternoons you will attend the ‘Wider Perspectives’ comprehensive careers information programme. This includes sessions on CV and interview preparation, financial literacy and talks by a range of inspiring alumnae and professionals. Our ‘Survive and Thrive’ programme will provide you with a ‘tool kit’ of essential skills for university in the form of workshops on budgeting, careers, First Aid and cooking nutritiously on a budget.
UCAS Induction
Your formal UCAS programme begins on the Year 12 Induction Day with an interactive introduction to the requirements of a successful application by the Head of Sixth Form. You will register with the online careers platform, Unifrog. This platform is designed to enable you to manage your research effectively and link you with Higher Education taster events and work experience opportunities. Degree Apprenticeships and Higher Education options abroad are also represented.
Higher Education Seminars
Throughout the Spring Term of Year 12 you will be offered a variety of Higher Education Seminars by University Outreach Teams. Year 12 students visit a university as a group and are guided through registering with UCAS online during the UCAS week in June. The programme includes sessions on student finance and budgeting, interview techniques, a visit to a Russell Group University and open day presentations. You will attend a series of in-house Personal Statement workshops and receive one to one feedback on the first draft of your Personal Statement before the end of the Summer Term.
Individual Support
From the beginning of Year 12 you will be allocated a Sixth Form Tutor for one to one UCAS advice and guidance. Year 12 students meet formally with the tutor to discuss their progress and UCAS forms part of these discussions. In the Spring and Summer Terms of Year 12, you will be encouraged to attend University of London Taster Days, Higher Education Seminars and University Open Days. A variety of further courses, lectures, competitions and summer schools are advertised regularly on the Sixth Form Microsoft Team in the UCAS Channel and on the Higher Education notice board. The Morrisby Careers test offered in Year 11 is followed by individual interviews by experienced careers advisers in the Spring Term of Year 12. In the Autumn Term of Year 13, Sixth Form Tutors will advise you on how to improve your Personal Statement, check your UCAS applications and collate your UCAS reference.
Oxbridge/Medical Applications
We provide intensive support and guidance to our potential Oxbridge and medical candidates. If you are in this cohort we will offer you preliminary interview and feedback in the Spring Term of Year 12 and you will attend the Oxbridge Student Conference in March. When you receive your offer we will arrange your professional interview training from Oxbridge Applications. If you are a medical candidate we will provide additional lessons to prepare for Medical Aptitude Tests. In addition, Heads of Departments will offer guidance and preparation for the subject specific Admissions Tests. Owing to the highly competitive nature of these applications, our Oxbridge candidates must hold a minimum of five 8/9 grades at GCSE (or equivalent).
If, for any reason, your exam results turn out to be different from expectations, we will do our utmost to help you with applications to Higher Education institutions. You will need to make contact with us on results day so that we can help you secure your best possible place. Our Development Office runs an alumni association, ‘Seventh Form’. This is so named because it enables students who have left St James to stay in touch beyond the Sixth Form. ‘Seventh Form’ produces a monthly newsletter and organises regular social events such as drinks receptions and sports matches.