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July/August 2015


Articles 5 Deciding to Spay or Neuter Your Dog or Cat 8 STL Chip’s Adventure 10 To Flee or Not to Flea 14 Is this Normal? Pet Grief Reactions


17 Kids and Dogs: May I Pet Your Dog?

22 I Think My Dog is Afraid of Thunderstorms 24 Meet the Breed 26 Creature Feature 28 KC Chip’s Adventure 24

30 Pawzzle 32 KC Pet Services Directory 34 STL Pet Services Directory

Dear Readers: It is summertime! And I am looking forward to being outside. But with the temperature heating up, I will need lots of extra water and shade. And, with Chip — Our Founder the summer fireworks and thunderstorms, please remember that these noises make many of my friends nervous. So keep us inside and safe. This issue includes a great article about Spay and Neuter. Did you know that one female cat that is not spayed may produce hundreds of kittens in just seven years? Some of the kittens will grow up to be mother cats and will go on to produce more kittens. The point of this message – spay or neuter your cats and dogs. There are many low cost options – please check them out. To Flee or Not to Flea! Fleas can be a nuisance to you and your pet. The article on page 10 will help you learn ways to treat for fleas, ticks, and mosquitos. The normal human lifespan is much longer than our animal companions. So how do humans deal with the grief when our best friends die? The article on page 14 helps explain the grieving process and how to cope with such a loss.

Publisher MetroPet Magazine Editor/Production Manager Dan O’Leary Magazine Layout ROI Marketing 816.942.1600 •

We have all been there – a child comes up to you and asks “May I pet your dog?” The answer is “No, now is not a good time.” But the child persists. What do you do? The article on page 17 provides some guidance and tips. What do you know about corn snakes? This colorful snake just might surprise you – check out the Creature Feature on page 26. This issue also contains two chapters in Chip’s adventures — please check them out. Thanks again to all our loyal readers. Please remember to tell our advertisers — thank you! Without their support, MetroPet wouldn’t exist. Enjoy your summer –t his is a double issue so we will see you in September!

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Contributing Authors Joy Davy Tina Marie Frawley Geoff Hall Pat Hennessy Pauline Journe Heddie Leger Jon Nauss, DVM Mary Sellaro

Publishing Policy: Articles printed in the MetroPet Magazine express the opinions of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the formal position of MetroPet Magazine. Acceptance of advertising does not necessarily constitute endorsement by MetroPet Magazine. Articles: Readers are invited to submit articles for consideration for publication to All materials are subject to editorial review. © 2015 MetroPet Magazine. All rights reserved. Request reprint permissions at MetroPet Magazine is owned and published by ROI Marketing Services, all rights reserved.

Deciding to Spay or Neuter Your Dog or cat by Tina Marie Frawley Spaying and neutering your pet is a common practice in the United States. With so many animals in the United States (and around the world) needing homes, spaying or neutering your pet is the responsible way to help end pet homelessness. Not only does spaying and neutering prevent unwanted litters from being born, it also prevents a number of potential health problems in pets. This includes breast cancer, ovarian cancer, testicular cancer, and uterine cancer and infections.

might have to spend the night at the vet hospital where the veterinarian and veterinary technicians can keep a watchful eye on your dog and restrict their activity.

Spaying and neutering (also referred to as “sterilizing,” “altering,” or “fixing”) is done under anesthesia. All of the instruments used are sterile, as is the area where the procedure is taking place, reducing the chances of infection. Spaying, (called an Ovariohysterectomy) involves removing the female’s reproductive organs. Neutering is the removal of a male’s testicles. This way, animals are unable to procreate and have unwanted litters.

While some dog owners feel they have a duty to breed their dog because they are purebred, this is not the case. An estimated 25% of all animals turned over to shelters and rescues are purebred animals. Many animal rescues dedicate themselves to rescuing one specific breed because of the number of purebred animals needing homes.

The procedure to spay or neuter is one of the most performed surgeries in an animal hospital. Even though these surgeries are performed often, no two surgeries are alike. Each animal is different in size and shape. Some pets (depending on age, breed, and current health concerns) will go home the same day as their procedure, while some | Kansas City/St. Louis - July/August 2015

A few dogs may experience discomfort for a few days, but many pets go back to being their happy, playful selves in a few days. If there is a chance your dog or cat will have pain or discomfort, the veterinarian spaying or neutering your pet will address those concerns and tell you the best ways to keep your dog comfortable.

Another popular idea among pet owners is that the dog they love so much will reproduce a dog with the same personality and traits. While some dogs might, they may also reproduce a dog who is the complete opposite in personality and disposition. You can never predict what you will get with a litter of puppies no matter how loving or great the parents are. 5

Instead of taking a chance with a litter of puppies or kittens, you can easily visit the local humane society or shelter when you are ready for another pet. Here you can meet the pet you wish to take home, spend time with him or her and get to know their personality. Many rescues and shelters will let you bring in your current pets and have a “play date” to make sure everyone gets along. This way you not only know exactly what you are getting into, you have saved the life of a needy pet. Other pet owners worry about their pet’s health after having them fixed. Old wives tales exist about dogs and cats gaining weight after being fixed, or them not being as affectionate. Neither of these beliefs is true. Dogs do not gain weight because they are fixed. They can however gain weight because of diet and lack of exercise. Dogs that are spayed or neutered are just as affectionate after being fixed, as they were before. Fixed animals will also stick closer to home and stop roaming.

Some other myths about altering dogs include the idea that fixed dogs will be harder to train. In fact dog trainers find it easier to train dogs who are altered. This includes dogs that are trained to be protective. Just because a dog has a litter of puppies does not mean they will be more protective. Another misconception is that the cost of spaying or neutering is too expensive. Not only to many cities and towns offer low cost spay and neuter clinics (check with your local humane society), but the cost of such a surgery is far less than the problems associated with animals left unaltered. Add in the cost of a few dozen litters over the years and the cost of the initial spay or neuter surgery will seem like chump change to your wallet!

The benefits of spaying and neutering:

•D ecreases the chances of your dog roaming the neighborhood • In males, there is no chance for testicular cancer • In females, there is no chance for ovarian cancer • Other reproductive related cancers (such as mammary cancer) is greatly reduced • Your dog will not experience “heat” or “ovulation” periods (and the week or so of crying and howling that goes along with it!) • Spayed and neutered animals live longer, healthier lives • Cities and towns spend millions of dollars each year caring for, and unfortunately euthanizing animals who are homeless While spaying or neutering your dog is a big decision, take into consideration your dog’s health, the overpopulation of


MetroPet Magazine | Kansas City/St. Louis - July/August 2015

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pets currently, and what you would do with an unwanted litter of puppies. Weigh the consequence of health problems from cancers and infections eliminated with altering against the small cost of fixing your pet. If you still have questions or concerns about whether or not to spay or neuter your dog, you should make an appointment to see your veterinarian. Because they know your dog and personal situation, they can help make the best decision for you.

Did You Know?

Dogs (and cats) can be fixed as soon as they turn 4 months of age (check with your veterinarian to see what they suggest for the appropriate age). Studies show that spaying a female dog before her first heat cycle will reduce the chances of mammary cancer later in life. When purchasing a dog from a breeder you may be required to sign a contract or agreement about the care of your dog. One popular clause in many contracts requires owners to spay or neuter to prevent breeding. The majority of dogs hit by a car (because they are “roaming”) are unaltered males. The percentage has been estimated as high as 80% of accidents. Contrary to popular belief, having your pet fixed does not lead to weight gain or personality changes. Experts calculate that a reproducing female dog and her subsequent litters can produce around 67,000 puppies in a six year period. That’s a lot of dogs who need homes!

Tina Marie Frawley is a freelance writer from Charlotte, NC where she lives with her husband Jay, also a freelance writer, their yellow Lab, Buck, and black cat, McCabe.

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s i u o L St.

The Next Adventures of Chip

HUMILITY By Heddie Leger

Recap June 2015 - The first time I saw those needles, I was FREAKED OUT !!!! I was so scared I almost went potty right there. But, my MawMaw was so calm and trusting. Almost everything checked out great, except she had worms and needed medicine. The doctor said that was pretty normal for a dog living on the streets and was not concerned. What she was concerned about was a slight abnormal noise she heard when she listened to MawMaw’s heart. She drew some blood, ewwwww, more needles!!! And said she had to send the bloodwork to a laboratory. She was checking for heartworms. That had an awful sound to it. Round worms, hookworms, tapeworms, all those did not sound that scary, but Heartworms, now that sounded serious. But it would take a few days to find out. There was a problem, though as we were leaving the next day to go back home. How would we get the results? Would MawMaw have to stay there? We had to make some decisions soon. Well, it is settled…..everyone decided to keep her name MawMaw. The whole family fell in love with her and her name and did not want to change anything about her. We had given the veterinary clinic our home address and phone number and it was decided to call the family about the blood work results. The next day we were on our way. It was a done deal. The family decided to keep MawMaw and we were all reunited, but were we? As we learned more about that stormy day, MawMaw said there were two other siblings, one looked like me and another one had brown spots rather than the black ones that I had. She said I was always the nice calm pup, and my brother was the ornery one, little sis was just cute and cuddly. She was all white. I had given up hope of ever finding any of my family, but then here I was sitting right next to my own MawMaw, part of our family reunited. It was a great feeling and I could feel myself get all proud and bossy, like I was better than anyone else since I had set goals, worked hard, had faith and followed through with my dream.

hope they will come true someday….and it does take hard work and dedication, but you had a lot of help too. Look at how nice Penelope, Allen, Robert and Stephanie have been to you. They went out of their way to help. And look at how nice their own family dogs have been to you. By the looks of one of them, you could have been eaten alive !!!!! You have A LOT to be thankful for. We all have a lot to be thankful for. Now let’s just be thankful and leave the attitude at the next corner.” At that point, Robert stopped driving, and played along with MawMaw. He let me get out and pretend to set my attitude down on the side of the street; I got back in the car and we were on our way. I will tell you right now I was in for one big surprise. What I did not know is that Stephanie had been searching for my brother and she thought she had found him. She had to have MawMaw with us, so we were lucky there, as I was too young and would not have remembered my brother, but MawMaw, she would never forget one of her children. So off we went on the road again, to a destination that I did not know anything about. I could hear Allen and Penelope whispering in the back seat. As good as my hearing was, I could not hear or see what they were looking at or talking about. I found out later it was a photo of my brother.

Just then MawMaw, gave me a little scowl and corrected me. She said, “it is just by the grace of God, good people and a bit of luck that we have been reunited. It is nothing short of a miracle. Of course, we have something to be very happy and proud about, but don’t you dare go We drove all day long. It was boring, and fun at the same getting an attitude like you are better than everyone else. time. I listened to MawMaw tell us about our original We all have dreams family. Turns out there and wishes…we all were very nice people Humility – The state of being humble, not proud or arrogant 8

MetroPet Magazine | Kansas City/St. Louis - July/August 2015

Humility leads to strength and not to weakness. It is the highest form of self-respect to admit mistakes and to make amends for them. — John J. McCloy who did care about us a lot, but got caught in a bad situation. They had taken very good care of us, but just could not keep us safe during the storm, in fact, hardly anyone was safe. We sure did get lucky. We drove for what seemed like an eternity. This time we did not camp out. We stayed in a really nice bed and breakfast that was pet friendly. Stephanie had researched a long time to plan on finding a place that would allow pets, but she would stay any place else. I found out that a bed and breakfast is a place where people welcome you into their home, you sleep in their rooms, use their food, water and furniture and they treat you just like family and provide everything, including entertainment. The bed and breakfast was called the “One-Eyed Dog.” Stephanie had fallen in love with the name and we drove out of our way to get to it, but boy was it worth it. The “One-Eyed Dog” had everything your heart desires, including a huge play room for the dogs, and a special yard with a sand pit where we could dig and play to our hearts’ content. They had tennis balls, large things to jump on, a swimming pool for the dogs and another one for the humans, AND…….. BONES….all kinds of bones to chew on to your hearts content. It was truly a dream come true. I could not quite figure out where we were located, but there was lots of green grass everywhere, and huge animals that kind of looked like dogs, except people sat on their backs. They called them horses. They were really pretty to watch as the hair on their necks, and tails flowed in the wind. I noticed that the bed and breakfast had a flag that had a blue background with two men shaking hands, and the words “united we stand, divided we fall.” I was trying to figure out where we were as there were mile upon mile of beautiful flowers called Goldenrod and the sky was filled with big bright red birds. MawMaw said she was born in this state and called it Kentucky.

Stephanie said we deserved something special after all we had been through, but the best surprise was yet to come. We all went to bed feeling very happy, refreshed, and looking forward to the morning. What could she be saving, everything seemed pretty close to perfect. Humane Education Activity: Go to this link with an adult and discuss ways you can show humility. Discuss each of the points together.

Heddie is a Certified Humane Educator and member of APDT, APLB, APHE and NHES. She has a lifelong passion of helping children and the elderly learn manners reinforcement with their pets. You can reach her through the PawZone In-Home PetSitting at 816.820.5829.

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Pets a lw a y s w e lc o m e


Story Discussion Tips 1. Why is humility a good thing? 2. Was MawMaw happy with Chip when he was not humble? What did she do? 3. What did Robert do to help Chip learn how to change his attitude? 4. What was the name of the bed and breakfast? 5. Why do you think Chip liked the bed and breakfast? | Kansas City/St. Louis - July/August 2015 Chesterfield • Columbia • Des Peres • Ladue • Mid Rivers • Oakville • Leawood, KS 9

Rain, Rain, go away – you are bringing way too many bugs! Along with being inundated with the 17-year locusts, we are going to have our fill of fleas, ticks and mosquitos this year. You will want to arm yourself with the best arsenal you can.



or Not to

Flea by Pat Hennessy


MetroPet Magazine | Kansas City/St. Louis - July/August 2015

In the Midwest we have more than our fair share of flying, buzzing, and creepy crawly pests, due to our trees, grasses and humidity. Talk to your veterinarian about what products he or she has to offer to keep those pests at bay. If your dog or cat has a history of health issues, be sure to discuss all the options (do your research on ingredients and don’t hesitate to ask questions). You are your pet’s advocate. No matter what flea & tick method you choose always be diligent about protecting your pets. Observe them for any signs of irritation, which you should find by checking them for fleas and ticks anyway. Don’t just assume they are good to go — products don’t always protect them 100% of the time. If you are worried about conventional flea & tick treatments (spot-on liquids, ingestible tablets, and collars) having harmful ingredients, you can opt for a more natural approach (especially for the very young, senior, and ailing pets). Maintain an industrious regime of brushing and bathing your animal companion and vacuuming plus washing bedding. You can also use food grade diatomaceous earth and sprinkle it around bedding, entrances, windowsills, baseboards, carpet, etc., to keep pests at bay. There are powders made with diatomaceous earth and repelling herbs, such as neem or yarrow that can be used on pets (check with your vet for options, such as Buck Mountain parasite dust). If you do find one of those nasty bloodsuckers embedded in your dog or cat, there are tick pulling products that remove them naturally and safely without the fuss of using tweezers (such as the Tick Key® available through Cabela’s, N2paws, and Missouri German Shepherd Rescue). This tool removes the entire tick, avoiding the trauma associated with backing it out, which causes it to release nasty toxins into the bloodstream. The Tick Key® surrounds the tick and slides it out perfectly where you can dispose of it properly. Proper disposal suggestions of a live tick per the CDC: submersing it in alcohol, placing it in a sealed bag/container, wrapping it tightly in tape, or flushing it down the toilet (least favorable as it has to go through water treatment and it carries toxins). Never crush a tick with your fingers, as it releases all the toxins onto your skin and into the

environment (toxins which could carry Lyme disease).

made with the most purity based on quality plants (no herbicides or pesticides and high quality seed, growth, and harvesting) and processing practices (tools and methods of distillation) to maintain the truest form of the botanical constituents of a given

Maintain grass and shrubs at short levels this increases sunlight exposure and causes dryness which keeps the insect population down. If you have thought about using essential oils - consider the health of your animal companion and consult with your veterinarian (he or she may also consult with someone experienced in the use of essential oils with animals). Essential oils should be diluted for animals and can be made into sprays for topical use and diffused in the home to help reduce insect populations. You have to be conscientious about the use of essential oils and know which ones are safe to use as well as applicable for repelling insects. After consulting with your veterinarian (who may also recommend someone with extensive experience in the use of oils with animals), if you want to try essential oils keep these tips in mind: Only use oils from trusted sources, whose oils are | Kansas City/St. Louis - July/August 2015

plant. Always err on the side of caution by diluting oils and only using a couple of drops in your dilution to start out, as well as applying a small amount in a non-sensitive and hard-to-reach area (i.e. the middle of the back), to ensure that your companion can tolerate it. For smaller animals use more dilution and less drops. The higher quality/ more pure oils require less drops in general (the potency is higher, so less is needed and less is recommended). Don’t apply oils in the same location where topical flea treatment has been used or where shots have been given, to avoid any reaction. If your companion has sensitivities or health conditions


– allergies, immune issues, aging, etc., you can still get the benefit of oils without applying them directly on the animal. Place a drop or two (of the diluted oil) on a cotton ball then swipe it lightly onto a portion of a bandana and place the

bandanna on your dog with the application side up (use a thick fabric or double fabric underneath to prevent leaking through). You can also try a dab of the diluted oil on the collar (the part facing outward – not on the dog’s skin).

absorbed by your pet’s body, the healthier she will be. A better diet makes for a stronger immune system to fight off disease and make a less inviting host for insects. Don’t let the pesky bugs of summer get you or your animal companions down. Maintain a careful eye on your pets and make sure you are armed with appropriate tools to keep them safe and having fun this summer.

Pat Hennessy is the founder of N2paws, LLC, an organization that provides a holistic approach to companion animal care through behavior education, energy work, and positive training methods. Pat is a Level 2 TTouch® practitioner, CPDT, ACDBC, and member of the IAABC, IAATH and AWA. You may contact N2Paws via email, phone 816-522-7005, or visit www.n2paws. com.

An easy DIY safe choice is to add 2 tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar to a 32 ounce spray bottle of water and spritz it on your dog or cat. Another safe option would be to cut up 5-6 lemons and boil them in a 1 quart pan of water. Let it cool, then fill a spray bottle with it to spritz on your dog or cat. Ensure that neither of these are sprayed on any sensitive areas or any open wounds, sores, or hot spots to avoid irritation. Keep an eye on the temperatures and don’t let your furkids spend too much time in the sun. One of the best things you can do for your pets is feed them a high quality diet. The more nutrition that can be

August 31,2015 12

MetroPet Magazine | Kansas City/St. Louis - July/August 2015 | Kansas City/St. Louis - July/August 2015


Is This Normal?

Pet Grief Reactions by Joy Davy, M.S., L.C.P.C., N.C.C.

People in grief are sometimes troubled by their own thoughts and behavior and may even wonder if they are “going crazy.” You may be surprised by the path your grief takes. Grief takes on a life of its own. It comes into your life, seems to take over your thoughts and reactions, and stays as long as it will—like an unwelcome guest. What follows is some exploration of what people have shared with me in pet grief groups and in individual therapy. (Of course, identifying details are changed, to protect privacy.) “I am crying—sobbing—more for the loss of my cat than I cried for my mother and father when each of them passed. And I loved my mother and father. This loss is somehow more painful. How can that be?” These words were spoken by Barb, a 65-year-old empty nester, but almost exactly the same words have been spoken by grieving people of every description. Yes, it is normal to feel this loss more painfully than the losses of some people in your life—even people who were very dear to you. If this happens to you, you will know that this is not as strange as it might seem. 14

MetroPet Magazine | Kansas City/St. Louis - July/August 2015

Feeling this loss even more than you felt previous ones does not mean that you loved any of your dear ones less. There is no need to compare. Judging yourself for the depth of your grief is not necessary, and doesn’t help. Your relationship with your pet was unique. Your pet was able to be with you in ways people never could: sitting near you while you read or worked, following you from kitchen to computer to bed, taking walks with you, and greeting you as you came into the house. Your pet was there through all the moods and hours of your day, day in and day out. You were always the center of your pet’s world. The relationship was uncomplicated and clean of criticism, resentment, rejection, misunderstandings, and grudges— in short, a truly pure relationship that is very particular to the connection between an animal and a human. No human being could possibly give you that same clear and selfless devotion. It’s very likely that you touched your pet more than you touched even the dearest people in your life; physical touch is a very important part of bonding. While grieving, you may find yourself talking out loud

to your animal companion. Frank, a single man in his fifties, kept up a running dialog with his black cat, Felix, for 17 years. As Frank made his morning coffee, powered on his computer to work from home, and planned his day, he shared his thoughts with Felix, who showed a flattering interest, turning his head from one side to the other, meeting Frank’s eyes with his own emerald ones, and vocalizing in a variety of feline expressions, as if to demonstrate that he was following Frank’s line of thinking. “I know Felix didn’t understand the words…but I know he got me on his own level.” Frank’s eyes well with tears, which he tries to push back in with his fingers. “Now Felix is gone—I’m still talking to him. ‘What do you think about this, Felix?’ Is that normal?”Frank’s grief reaction is quite normal. He loves his pet deeply and is grieving deeply. Many people continue to talk to their pets after separated by death.

not there to do it anymore. So I make little tracks with my fingers, right across the bed, so it looks like he was just there. I feel I have to, to make the bed look right, the way it’s supposed to be.” Alithea is processing her grief, practicing her own mourning ritual, by preserving the home environment as it was before the loss. In this, there can be a sense of control where the heart and mind are struggling with the lack of control we experience when a loved one passes on. These mourning rituals will continue as long as a person needs them, and then fade out. Ariana, a college student, recently had to euthanize her

Alithea, a college professor with an impressive academic career, speaks softly of her attempts to preserve Tony the Chihuahua’s environment just as it was the day he was euthanized. “His bed,” she smiles through her tears, “—is just where it was. I won’t even wash it. I can’t even think about putting it away. Everyone is telling me to put it out of sight, and maybe I should, but I just can’t. He used to make little paw tracks in the comforter on my bed every day. Now he’s | Kansas City/St. Louis - July/August 2015


orange tabby cat, Shelby. “I’ll be walking in town, and it’s like I see her. It’s not a cat that sort of looks like her. It’s Shelby herself! My heart starts beating so fast. But whenever I can get up close, I can see it’s not Shelby. In fact, suddenly it looks nothing like her at all. It’s freaking me out, seeing her in random places, and then realizing it can’t be. It’s my mind playing tricks.”

Other grief reactions include:

Ariana is experiencing a common grief reaction that probably springs from the deep yearning to see or hear the loved one again, and so the mind provides what we so much want to hear and see. This, like all the other grief reactions, will fade away in time.

Knowing that all of this is normal, you will be spared, I hope, from unnecessary self-judgments or worry while grieving the loss of your pet. It’s may be a good idea to find a professional therapist who understands pet grief, just to give you the support you need as you work through your grief.

• Ruminating (cycling through the same unhappy thoughts again and again) • Flashes of anger: towards your vet, friends, family, God, yourself, and even your animal companion (for getting sick or “leaving”) • Guilt • Deep mournful sighs

Joy Davy, M.S., L.C.P.C., N.C.C., is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor with a special focus on Pet Grief and the Human-Animal Bond. She facilitates a Pet Grief Support Group, and works with individuals as they navigate their way through this very difficult type of bereavement. Joy has been an animal lover and rescuer all her life, and has experienced the healing power of animals. She is the author of “Healing Circles: Grieving, Healing and Bonding with Our Animal Companions,” available on Amazon.

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MetroPet Magazine | Kansas City/St. Louis - July/August 2015

Kids and Dogs: May I Pet Your Dog? by Mary Sellaro

I was recently working with a client and her dog at a small park. As it was a beautiful day, there were quite a few kids, dogs, joggers and walkers enjoying the open space. We found a small spot to work in a sheltered area without being in the middle of the activity, but still close enough to be able to take advantage of training around distractions. We were approached by a child around eight years old and his mother. The boy asked if he could pet the dog and my client thanked him for asking and explained we were working and now wasn’t a great time-maybe later. (The dog in question is not dangerous, we simply had a specific amount of time to work and training goals to meet.) The child stopped momentarily, looked back at his mother and continued to approach slowly and asked again in an annoyed tone, if NOW he could pet the dog. I walked towards him and said very clearly, no, you may not pet the dog. I was waiting for any type of intervention from the mother, but she just stood there watching the entire situation. In the absence of guidance from the parent, I explained to the child the reason for asking, “May I pet your dog?”

May I pet your dog—No!

• Sometimes the answer is no and for everyone’s safety, including the dog’s, you need to be respectful and walk away.

• It is also important to wait and listen for the answer before you pet the dog. • If the answer is yes, there is a safe way to pet and interact with the dog so everyone involved is comfortable and enjoys the interaction.

extremely frustrated with this child’s parent, this was a teachable moment and it is not my (or the dog owning public’s) responsibility to parent her child. If she was staying in the background due to a fear of dogs or because she simply didn’t know what to do past the initial question of

This whole encounter lasted less than five minutes, but the information given has the potential to change the outcome of what could be an unfortunate situation. I was

“may I pet your dog” then she needs to sit down and inform herself or find a source of education in order to keep her child safe. | Kansas City/St. Louis - July/August 2015


May I pet your dog—Yes!

When the answer to the question is yes, here are a few tips to remember: • Parents need to accompany and guide children through interactions • Don’t “rush” up to a dog. Move towards the dog and give the dog space-don’t crowd

•M ove slowly and keep your voice and body movements calm •K eep your hands by your side • S ay hi and the dog’s name gently. •T ouch the dog gently on the neck or chest 3 times and then stop.

• Say “hi” the safe way-stand up straight and approach from the side opposite of the person holding the leash.

• I f there are more kids waiting to pet the dog-take turns •L isten and be respectful of the dog’s person

• Do not try to get in between a dog and their person.

How To Be A Dog’s Friend This chart explains good things to remember and how to be a dog’s friend. Do


Do treat the dog the way you would like to be treated.

Don’t pull ears, tails, and fur or any body part.

Do let the dog eat by herself and ask a grown-up to pick up the bowl when they are done.

Don’t bother dogs when they are eating, they may think you are trying to take their food.

Do tell a grown-up if the dog is chewing on something that he is not supposed to.

Don’t try to take away or play near a dog that is chewing on a bone or toy. They may think you are trying to take it away and growl or bite.

Do go around a dog that is sleeping instead of stepping over. Do stand back from the dog and say their name to wake them up.

Don’t disturb a dog while they are sleeping, they may get scared and could try to bite.

Do talk in a normal voice and play gently.

Don’t put your face in the dog’s face, move suddenly or talk in a loud, scary voice.

Do pet gently.

Don’t hug the dog; they don’t like to be squeezed.

Do remember a dog’s kennel is like your bedroom and you don’t like it when people bother your stuff.

Don’t play in the dog’s kennel that is their special spot to go when they don’t want to be bothered.

For Parents — Teaching Your Children About Dogs Dogs as friends

An easy way to teach your children about how to act around and get along with dogs is to turn it into a situation they can easily understand. The message you want to give is a dog needs to be treated with respect and kindness-much like how they would treat a friend and how they, themselves, would like to be treated.

How to Start a Conversation:

Question: Ask the kids to explain what a friend is. Answer: A friend is someone you know, like and play and have fun with.


MetroPet Magazine | Kansas City/St. Louis - July/August 2015

A friend is someone you can talk to and doesn’t tattle or make you feel bad.

barking, growling or even biting. The do’s and don’ts chart on the next page explains about good things to remember and how to be a dog’s friend.

Explain: A dog is a friend and it can be your own dog, family dog or a friend’s dog. We need to be nice to and treat them with kindness and respect.

When Is a Dog A Stranger? Question: A sk the kids to explain what a stranger is.

Question: Ask the kids to tell you what they would do if a friend were not being nice to them, how would the friend let them know? Answer: The child would use words and tell their friend how they felt. Explain: Dogs can’t use words, but can tell us if they are not happy with what we are doing by


S omeone is a stranger when they don’t know them.

Explain: S omeone can still be a stranger even if you see them every day. Give examples of how a dog can be a stranger — a dog that the kids see being walked everyday or a dog in a yard near their house.

When A Dog is a Stranger This chart talks about good things to remember and how to stay safe

when a dog is a stranger. Don’t


Don’t pet a dog that is alone.

Do always ask if it is ok to pet a dog.

Never pet a dog behind a fence, in a car or on a chain. Do walk by quietly and look straight ahead. (Staring at a dog can scare them.) Never pet a loose or stray dog. | Kansas City/St. Louis - July/August 2015

Do tell a grown-up if you see a dog without a person.


What do you do if a strange dog walks up to you and you are standing up? • Stand still like a tree. Hold your branches (your arms) close to your side or fold them across your chest, and don’t move. Look down at your roots (feet). • Make your body into the shape of a tree. Don’t run away. Stand very still. • Let the dog sniff you if he wants. Don’t stare at the dog’s eyes. • When the dog goes away, you may back up slowly, so you can still watch him.

What do you do if a strange dog walks up to you and you are lying down, or have been knocked down by a dog? • Act like a stone. Cover your face and head with your arms, keep your legs together, and pull your knees up. • You are making your body into the shape of a stone or a big ball.

• Don’t get up and don’t move until the dog has gone away. •D o not run way from a dog, he might chase you. • I f you stay still the dog will probably sniff you, and then go away.

Can Dogs Talk? Dogs can’t talk with words like we do, but they can tell us how they feel with their ears, eyes, tail and how their bodies look. The body language chart on the next page provides messages the dog is communicating. Let’s learn to “read” what the dog is saying, so we can decide if the dog is ok to say hi to or if we need to leave him alone. Remember — it is only safe to approach a dog if there is an adult present and ASK first.

Children Learn by Example The key to having successful interactions between children and dogs depends on the attitude of the parents. It is important to remember a dog is not a pony, a trampoline, a toy or a babysitter. The task of teaching children how to behave around dogs is the responsibility of the parents or guardians. It is not the fault of the dog if a bite occurs. All dog interactions must be supervised by responsible adults-parents. The relationship between a dog and child or children should be one of mutual trust and respect. Dogs can provide and teach many positive things to kids as well as being a treasured friend with a helping hand from the adults in the family. Mary Sellaro has been training dogs since 1990. She has taught group and private lessons from puppy through advanced. Mary has also worked with dog owners on behavioral issues, including aggression. She developed and implemented a training class program for Retired Greyhounds as Pets. Mary has been the temperament test evaluator for the Children’s Mercy Hospital’s Pet Pal Program since 1997. Mary is now the Director of Training for Pooches Paradise Daycare and Resort in the Waldo area of Kansas City. Mary is a certified American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen Evaluator. She can be reached at 816361-3388.


MetroPet Magazine | Kansas City/St. Louis - July/August 2015

Body Language Chart



by Jon Nauss, DVM My veterinarian said my dog might be afraid of Do I really have to give my pet medicine because she’s thunderstorms. That can’t be true, can it? afraid of thunder? A surprising number of canine, and to a lesser degree Most likely the answer is yes. As we touched on before, feline, patients experience some kind of thunderstorm fear of loud noises like thunder and fireworks is a phobia phobia. It is generally thought that most of these patients and is irrational. Most medication plans involve a daily are sensitive to or scared of the loud noises of thunder maintenance drug and a fast acting intermittent or associated with severe storms. Similar stimuli includes episodic drug. This means your pet could be on a daily fireworks, loud music, construction, etc. Like other medication during the thunderstorm season and then phobias, the fear is irrational and often times extreme. take a pill before or during a thunderstorm (or during a fireworks celebration). This combination approach How would I even know if my pet was afraid of often helps the two medications be more effective than thunder or fireworks? if taken individually. Your veterinarian will discuss Owners with pets suffering from thunderstorm phobia with you the best combination for your pet and ensure will notice that their companion is seemingly normal any new medications won’t interact with any previous and not scared any other times. The fear response prescriptions your pet may be on. generally only occurs when faced with the loud noise. Most pets will display similar behaviors like: panting, whining, trembling, pacing, drooling, hiding, destructive behavior or even trying to run away outside.

But my pet seems fine; he eats, plays and acts like a normal dog...except when there’s a thunderstorm. This is very often the case. When most patients are diagnosed with thunderstorm phobia, they are otherwise physically healthy. Although, it is very important for your veterinarian to examine your pet and rule out any other potential causes for odd behavior you may be seeing at home. Thunderstorm phobia generally comes on in young to middle-aged patients. Females tend to be affected more than males and the affliction tends to be progressive. That means that the patient’s response to loud noises will become more fearful and exaggerated. How can I help my pet with thunderstorm phobia? The first and most important thing to do is go see your veterinarian. He or she will ensure your pet is in good health and there is nothing else contributing to the condition. Once your veterinarian has ruled out any other causes of the behavior, he or she will discuss the best course of treatment for your pet. Most doctors recommend three facets of treatment. These involve a combination of medication, environmental changes and behavior modification. 22

MetroPet Magazine | Kansas City/St. Louis - July/August 2015

How would I change her environment during a thunderstorm or fireworks celebration? The biggest and most important thing you can do is try to isolate your pet from the loud noise. This is well accomplished by housing them in an interior, windowless room in the house. Consider placing your pets kennel in an environment like this. Be sure if has adequate ventilation and your pet won’t overheat, remember, she may be panting excessively. Next, try to mask the sounds. A fan typically works well and also keeps your pet cool. Or consider trying a television, radio or white noise generator. Next, have this environment flush with dog appeasing pheromone (DAP). It can have a calming affect in many patients and is available in a number of different formulations like plug in diffusers, sprays and collars. Lastly, some pet owners have experienced positive results with products like thundershirts or mutt-muffs. Never leave pets unattended with these on. It may take a while and some changing around, but your pet will really appreciate all of your hard work to protect them from their biggest fear. I can give medicine and I can set up a safe room for my dog; but can I really modify her behavior? This facet of treatment is probably the most difficult to implement. It includes two approaches;

counterconditioning and desensitization. Counterconditioning aims to elicit a positive response to the fearful stimulus as opposed to the typical negative response. Desensitization aims to lessen an animal’s response through increasing levels of exposure. Both of these techniques can be quite successful. They both however, require a significant amount of time and effort and I recommend discussing this treatment option more fully with your veterinarian. I think I got it. Is there anything I should NOT do? Most pet owners (including myself before I learned otherwise) first response is to pet and soothe the dog. Avoid doing this as it is reinforcing the fearful response. Your attention in this instance is indiscernible from the praise you give your pet when they do something good and encourages them to continue acting scared. Likewise, do not punish your pet for her fearful response. This is a phobia and she has no control over their fear in these situations. Do not isolate your pet in the garage or bathroom during these times. They are still very scared and some behaviors can be destructive to the patient or environment. | Kansas City/St. Louis - July/August 2015

If you are concerned about your pet being afraid of thunderstorms, fireworks or other loud noises, consult your veterinarian. Try getting a video of the behavior or response to thunder to show the doctor during your visit. Remember that this condition tends to get worse and more severe with age and the patient will likely never grow out of it. However, a multifaceted treatment approach, keeping your pet in good health and nutrition and regular communication with your veterinarian will likely help you and your pet make it through thunderstorm season a little smoother. Jon Nauss, DVM, is the newest member of the team at the Animal Medical Center of Wentzville. He completed his Bachelor’s degree in Biology at Benedictine College in Atchison Kansas. He went on to earn his Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine from Kansas State University. Upon graduation, Dr. Nauss went on to serve as a veterinarian for the United States Army until returning to his wife’s hometown of St. Louis. He and his wife, Havalyn, have two daughters, three cats and two dogs.


Meet the Breed

July/August Pet of the Month

American Bulldog The American Bulldog is a large, mastiff type dog. Originally they were used in the bloody sport of bull baiting, but in addition, they were also by small farmers and ranchers who used them as all-around working dogs for many tasks included guarding of livestock, and for hunting bear, wild boar, raccoon and even squirrels. They proved to be very versatile and useful. Their desire to work, stamina, protectiveness, and intelligence make this breed a valued and prized possession for farmers. They have also been trained to drive cattle and guard stock from predators. This breed still exists today thanks to the efforts of Mr. John D. Johnson of Summerville, Georgia. This breed like others was almost completely extinct after World War II. Mr. Johnson decided to find the best specimens he could find from all across the rural South in an effort to bring the American Bulldog back from the brink of extinction.


MetroPet Magazine | Kansas City/St. Louis - July/August 2015

If not for his efforts they would be extinct. He preserved some of the American Bulldog’s talents such as hunting, watchdog, tracking, weight pulling and guarding. The American Bulldog is their determination, loyalty, bravery, reliable nature. While not an aggressive or hostile dog, they are very selfconfident, and aware of their surroundings in a very keen manner. This breed genuinely loves children and is known for its acts of heroism toward its master. It has strong protective

known for

instincts, and needs a firm, confident owner. They must be trained at an early age due to their size and strength and, to prevent them from becoming reserved with strangers. They may be aggressive with other dogs if not socialized properly. They need to be around people and know their place to be truly happy. This breed tends to drool and slobber. They can become nervous, and high strung without enough daily mental and physical exercise which can make them hard to handle. The American Bulldog has a short, harsh coat is easy to groom. Grooming with a firm bristle brush, and bathe only when necessary. They do not shed excessively. They can live up to sixteen years and reach sizes of 22-28 inches for males and 20-26 inches for females. Males can weigh from 70-120 pounds and females 60-100 pounds. This is a large powerful dog that needs proper training at a young age. Their coat color are predominantly white | Kansas City/St. Louis - July/August 2015

with patches of red, black, or brindle, however, in recent years other coat colors allow patterns including black, red, brown, fawn, and all shades of brindle. The color is varied. American Bulldogs are typically confident, social, and active dogs that are at ease with their families. It is not uncommon for an American Bulldog to require a high level of attention due to their highly emotional personality. They bond strongly with their owners. They are capable of jumping in excess of seven feet vertical due to the dense muscle build of the breed and require higher than average exercise to keep them fit and happy. If you have your heart set on an American Bulldog be prepared to put in ample time to keep them balanced and healthy both emotionally and physically.


Creature Feature Corn Snake

Pantherophis guttatus by Geoff Hall Summary: This colorful snake just might make some ophidiophiles (people who fear snakes) learn to appreciate snakes. Corn snakes can make excellent and tractable pets. They come in a vast array of colors and patterns. Sex Differences/Size/Lifespan: Corn snakes can grow to lengths of nearly 6 feet but are typically smaller. Males have a longer tail (yes, snakes have tails) and females are often heavier than males. While wild corn snakes can live up to 8 years, captive raised corn snakes have lived to over 23 years!

Natural Habitat: Corn snakes occur in a number of natural habitats where suitable rodent prey exists throughout the southeastern United States. Varieties/Costs: Numerous color and pattern variants have been selectively bred by both professional and hobbyist breeders. Costs for newly hatched corn snakes can range from $20 all the way up to several thousand dollars. Medical Care: Locate a local veterinarian experienced in reptile and amphibian medicine prior to acquisition of your pet and seek their expertise if you are concerned about the health of your corn snake. Care: Corn snakes can be easily maintained in small terrariums with a substrate of newspaper or aspen shavings. Make sure you provide a warmer area on one side of the terrarium to allow your pet reptile to properly thermoregulate and ensure your enclosure is escape-proof. 26

MetroPet Magazine | Kansas City/St. Louis - July/August 2015

Diet: Corn snakes are primarily rodent feeders in the wild and will eat previously euthanized and frozen/thawed rodents readily. Although they subdue wild prey by constriction, never feed your pet snake live rodents as they are likely to defend themselves causing injury to your snake. Where to Buy: Corn snakes are commonly available in reputable pet stores, local reptile shows and through the internet. Other: Always fully research the needs of the species of pet you are interested in keeping. Reputable sources of information can be found on the internet and through speaking directly to advanced hobbyists and knowledgeable pet store employees. Fun Fact: This species’ common name is often attributed to their habit of stalking rodent prey near grain stores or due to their pattern of colored scales on the snake’s belly that somewhat resembles colorful kernels of corn. | Kansas City/St. Louis - July/August 2015

Geoff Hall is President of Wayside Waifs, KC’s largest no kill pet adoption campus. Geoff brings to Wayside more than 20 years of experience in the animal welfare community. This includes serving as Chief Operating Officer of the Kansas City Zoo, General Curator of the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo and as Executive Vice President/General Curator of the Phoenix Zoo. He is the proud owner of dogs, cats, birds and other pets! You may contact Geoff via email at


Kansas City

The Next Adventures of Chip


By Heddie Leger

Recap from June, 2015: One older gentleman mentioned that he had a dog in a wheelchair once. He reminded me of Todd, but Todd is much younger. The man said he lost his dog in the war, someone had found it after it had been injured and a kind man had taken care of the dog and found him and returned the dog to him. It is quite a remarkable story. People honestly do some amazing things to help each other and to protect others in the country. The wheels are a pretty blue color that match the straps, and it is a very lightweight plastic frame, so it is not heavy or hard to move. It is actually kind of cute. I think I might get used to it. It gets me extra special attention from everyone, I like that. Since I had learned how to pledge the flag, Penelope and Allen had contacted the Dog Scout Camp and asked if I could lead the pledge of allegiance each morning and the manager said, yes, that would be fine. I am kind of getting excited about this now. I won’t just be the dog in the wheelchair, I will have an actual job to do and be a leader. I like that. Everyone said I am a born leader. I have no idea what helping others that is healing and like a medicine for your they are talking about. I just do what needs to be done insides. It makes your insides smile and feel so good, that and don’t sit around and whine about it. I learned you want to keep helping others. that from my MawMaw. I had not thought about her or Todd for a long time. They were two influences in I have found out that even a wheelchair, I can do things my life where I saw them think about the welfare and like pick up toys and put them away. Yes, I learned how wellbeing of others before thinking of themselves. The to do that. I LOVE learning new things. Penelope and way my MawMaw looked after Todd and his family is Allen taught me with clicker training how to pick things something I am learning to do, but sometimes I have a up. It is really fun and sometimes now I pick up things hard enough time taking care of myself, especially now and carry them to people. Makes me feel very helpful that I am in a wheelchair. However, I am finding, like and useful. Today I met a man who could not use his Todd, that no matter what the challenges, if I don’t just arms or legs. I can still use two of my legs. I picked up his sit around and have a pity party, but think about others pointing stick, as it had fallen out of his mouth. Can you more than myself, I feel even better about myself and my picture that….I picked it up with my mouth and gave it life. Whoever would have thought that would be true, but to him and he took it in his mouth. His lips worked better it is the truth. There is something about not focusing on than mine, he could put his lips in shapes I cannot do. My yourself and lips do not move thinking like that, but I can Selfless – having or showing great concern for other people about still pick things up

and little or no concern for yourself; being unselfish.


MetroPet Magazine | Kansas City/St. Louis - July/August 2015 Metro- February 2014

Pet Magazine | St. Louis

By hero, we tend to mean a heightened man who, more than other men, possesses qualities of courage, loyalty, resourcefulness, char...isma, above all, selflessness. He is an example of right behavior; the sort of man who risks his life to protect his society’s values, sacrificing his personal needs for those of the community. ~ Paul Zweig and he was very thankful. He typed T-H-A-N-K-YO-U with the stylus as he held it in between his lips. His helper is what I would call selfless. His human helper takes care of all his medical and physical needs. At least, I can do those things for myself. Guess I have lots to be thankful for…..I can still help others, and even be selfless in helping someone if they need help. I am getting more and more comfortable with my new life. Next month, we go to camp. We will learn the art of shaping and I will actually be making a painting by myself. Bet you cannot wait to hear about that…..

Story Discussion Tips 1) True or False. Everyone called Chip a born leader. 2) What does Chip not do? 3) What is clicker training? If you do not know, look it up and share the information. 4) What new skill did Chip learn with clicker training? 5) How did Chip help the man in the wheelchair? 6) What part of his body did Chip use to help the man? 7) How did the man respond after Chip helped him? 8) Where is Chip going next month? 9) What will Chip be making at camp? 10) Have you ever gone to camp? If so, what was your favorite activity?

Humane Education Activity: There are many ways to help someone that is not able to do things for themselves. Do you know someone in a wheelchair? Or that uses a walker? Most of the time they want to do things for themselves. Can you think of a way you can help someone that cannot move around easily? Volunteering for the Special Olympics is a good way to help others.

Heddie is a Certified Humane Educator and member of APDT, APLB, APHE and NHES. She has a lifelong passion of helping children and the elderly learn manners reinforcement with their pets. You can reach her through the PawZone In-Home PetSitting at 816.820.5829. | Kansas City/St. Louis - July/August 2015


Chip’s Corner


By Pawlean Journe

Answers to this Pawzzle can be found in the Breed of the Month story on page 20. 30

MetroPet Magazine | Kansas City/St. Louis - July/August 2015


The need a firm confident ____________.


Coat color can be ________________.


Coat color is predominantly __________.

June Pawzzle Answers

12. They are very, very _______________________. 14. This breed like many others almost went _____________ after World War II. 15. This breed genuinely loves ______________. 17. Their coat is short and ___________. 18. Originally there used for bull _____________. 19. They have also been used to ____________ livestock. 20. They were also used for guarding ____________________. 21. They are known for acts of __________________. 23. Farmers used them for ______ wild boar, raccoon and squirrels 24. They can be aggressive with other dogs if not __________ properly at a young age.


They are very useful and _______________.


They need daily mental and ______ exercise.


They must be trained at an early age due to their size and ________________.


They require ____________ than average exercise to keep them mentally and physically balanced.


They can jump in excess of ___________ feet.


They are know for their loyalty, reliability and _____________.

10. Another skill of the American Bulldog is _________________. 11. What type of brush should you use to brush an American Bulldog? 12. Mr. John Johnson credited with saving the breed searched all of the rural __________. 13. They are not aggressive or _____________. 16. They can be _____________ with strangers. 22. The American Bulldog is a large ___________ type dog. | Kansas City/St. Louis - July/August 2015


Kansas City Pet Services Directory Adoption

Boarding & Daycare

Great Plains SPCA 913-742-7326

Great Plains SPCA’s mission is to save, protect and improve the lives of animals, while strengthening the relationship between pets and human companions. Locations in Merriam, KS, and Independence, MO, offer veterinary care, adoption, rescue and education programs.

Second Chance Pet Adoptions SCPAKC


Camp Bow Wow, Lee’s Summit 1010 SE Hamblen Road Lee’s Summit, MO 816-246-7833 At Camp BowWow Lee’s Summit your pups reap the benefits of exercise and socialization while having lots of fun romping and playing with canine friends. Pooches in Paradise 7200 Wyandotte Kansas City, MO 816-361-3388

Pooches Paradise was created with your dogs needs in mind. We are dedicated to offering the finest in boarding, daycare, obedience training and spa treatments. Visit us at our mid-town location one block off Wornall, on 72nd Street.

Wayside Waifs 816-761-8151

Tails R’ Waggin

Wayside Waifs is a charitable animal shelter whose purpose is to improve the quality of animal welfare in our community by providing humane treatment and advocating for companion animals. It offers rescue, adoption, education programs, and pet memorial services.

waysidewaifs. org


Best Friends Pet

13008 State Line Road Leawood, KS • 913.498.1397 Peculiar, MO • 816.984.5481 Best Friends Pet is a full service salon with professional, gentle, caring pet stylists. Call us today! Leawood: Tues open at 7:30 am, Wed-Sat open at 9:00. Peculiar: Sat 9-4

Home Organization


Second Chance Pet Adoptions com

is a NO-Kill foster home adoption organization dedicated to helping homeless animals find loving, responsible, safe homes. Visit our center for adoptions and unique boutique items. We are open M, W, F, S. 9237 N Oak Kansas City, MO 64155 913-814-7471 •


6976 W 152nd Terrace Overland Park, KS 913-685-9246

Tails R’ Waggin provides the finest daycare, boarding, grooming and training for your pet. We are your pet’s destination of choice to play, stay and be treated like one of the family. Come by for a tour today!

Feel happy, centered, and productive in your space! Certified organizer Eliza Cantlay with Simplicana approaches clutter with humor and enthusiasm. Plus, she LOVES pets. The hardest part is getting started… Let Eliza Eliza Cantlay make it easy! P: 913-815-0008 •


Scott & Sara Coffman

Auto Home Insurance Group is an independent insurance agency specializing in auto, home, business, workers compensation, life and health insurance. Our experienced staff members are always happy to help you with your insurance needs. 913.839.1478 •

Pet Memorial Options

Pet Scarves­

Real Estate

Midwest Pet Aquamation A gentler eco-friendly alternative to pet cremation

23753 W. 83rd Terrace • Shawnee, KS 66227
 913-292-0953 •

Midwest Pet Aquamation understands that losing a pet companion is difficult. We want to help you through the process by providing professional, dependable, and eco-friendly pet cremation options. Our office is available 24/7 to all KC Metro area families and inhome pickup is available. Let us help you honor your pet with a peaceful cremation process. Please call us today.

Rolling Acres Memorial Gardens

Carol’s Dog Scarves`

Kansas City, MO • 816-728-2480 The best dog scarf your dog will ever wear! Can’t be pulled off, torn off, chewed off or rolled off. Stylish, chic or just plain cute — let your dog make its own fashion statement! Order online at our Etsy Shop.

Pet Fencing Options

New Owners: Tim, Ann and Tyler Schoenfelder

Serving the Kansas City area since 1973 Rolling Acres Memorial Gardens for Pets is a full service pet cemetery, crematory, and funeral home where our compassionate staff is ready to serve the bereaved families and friends of cherished animal companions. Our mission is to serve those who think of their pet as one of the family by providing compassionate, dignified and ethical cremation or burial services for their pet. Call us. We can help.

913.345.2999 Established in 1988, Heart of America Invisible Fence is an authorized, full service Invisible Fence® Brand dealership serving Jackson and Johnson counties and surrounding areas. We offer solutions to many problems, both outside and inside. Learn more about how we can customize an Invisible Fence Brand solution for you and your pet.

12200 N. Crooked Road • Kansas City, MO 816891-8888 • New Store 13342 Pawnee Lane Leawood, KS 66209

Pet Sitting

Latchkey Pets In-home Pet Sitting and Dog Walking

816.529.8500 Latchkey Pets provides daytime dog walking and vacation pet sitting services to Lee’s Summit and the surrounding areas. We have a team of Insured and Bonded professionals ready to assist with your individual pet care needs. Check out our reviews on Angie’s List, Facebook and Yelp. Call today for a free inhome consultation.

List Your Company In this Directory

Dan 913.548.1433 OR Mike 913.269.7595

New Owners: Kevin and Kim Clark 816-522-2195 Invisible Fence of Kansas City Recommended by vets and installed by professionals, our customizable solutions will keep your pet happy and out of harm’s way in your home and yard. Your pets are family to us. That’s why our pet specialists are certified in our renowned Perfect Start™ Plus Pet Training methods. We serve Kansas City north the river, Lawrence and St. Joseph.

Martin and Suzie Taggart Team REALExperience 913.667.9789

These full-time, pet-friendly real estate professionals (together with Sherman their rescue dog) enjoy helping pet-friendly people with their real estate experience! They understand selling a home with a pet & buying a home that is pet friendly can be challenging. Team REALExperience is here to help you & your pets with your move! Keller Williams Realty Legacy Partners, Inc.


Arbor Creek Animal Hospital 15971 S. Bradley Rd Olathe, KS • 913-764-9000

We believe that every pet has a different set of healthcare needs. Utilizing a blend of traditional medicine and holistic veterinary gives everyone options! Aid Animal Hospital 8343 Wornall Rd Kansas City, MO 816-363-4922 For 37 years, Aid Animal Hospital has provided quality veterinary medical and surgical services to Waldo and entire Kansas City area. We pride ourselves on quality customer service in a family friendly atmosphere, where your family can always feel welcome.

Pet and Garden Supplies American Midwest Distributors

1 Design Drive N., Kansas City, MO 64116 • 816-842-1905 • A local distributor which sells pet food (Earthborn Holistic and ProPac), bird seed and feeders, equine products, farm and feed supplies and fertilizers and garden supplies and many other products.

Cat Clinic of Johnson County 9421 Pflumm Road Lenexa, KS 913-541-0478

A feline exclusive clinic! Your cat is an important part of your family and you want the best medical care available. Our team is ready to provide cutting edge care.

Pet Hospice Services

St. Louis Pet Services Directory Adoption/Rescue

Pet Health

St. Louis English Bulldog Rescue 314-381-2010 St. Louis Bulldog Rescue, Inc. is a Federal Tax Exempt 501c3 organization that is an all volunteer group of bulldog lovers whose mission is to re-home bulldogs who are surrendered by their owners or find themselves otherwise without homes, landing in animal shelters or wandering the streets as strays.

Pet Cremation Services

Loving Hearts Pet Memorial Services

Pet Food

Apartment GEM Property Management, LLC 3890 S. Lindbergh Blvd, Suite 250 Sunset Hills, Missouri

Earthborn Holistic

www.earthborn GEM Property Management, LLC, manages seven apartment complexes in the greater St. Louis area. Each one is pet friendly, and six have dog parks next to the complexes. Please visit the website for complete details.

Earthborn Holistic® offers a wholesome approach to nutrition with high-quality ingredients that nourish the whole pet, dogs and cats. Every holistic pet food formula is designed to offer balanced nutrients that support your pet’s overall health and physical well-being. Natural Food for Pets.100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Or Your Money Back.

Pet Food, Supplies, Grooming

Pet Friendly Car Dealership

Treats Unleashed

www.treats-unleashed. com Treats Unleashed is a holistic pet specialty store with an in-store bakery. Treats has five St. Louis locations and one location in Kansas City. Each one offers a full line of holistic pet foods and treats. The stores also offer a full-line of pet products — toys, beds, collars, leashes, etc. Some locations offer a self-serve bath area and/or grooming services.

Lou Fusz Subaru of Creve Couer

10329 Old Olive Street Rd St. Louis, MO 314-994-1500

At Lou Fusz Subaru - St Louis, it’s not just about buying a car. It’s about finding the right car for YOU. That means, we take the time to get to know you — your aesthetic preferences, your hobbies, your driving habits and your pets! Come visit our pet friendly dealership and dog park!

Showcase Your Company in the MetroPet Magazine Directory Listing! Your company can be in 12 print issues and online for a full year for about $2/day! Call Nancy 314-650-7959 or 913-548-1433

1631 W. 5th St. Eureka, MO 636-587-8880 Loving Hearts was started by two families to provide the highest level of pet cremation services possible. The owners bring over 100 years of assisting grieving pet owners. We are committed to treating each pet as if it were one of our own. In your time of need, we will be there for you.

Pet Waste Mgmt & Products


Weekly - Every Other Week - Once A Month One Times Or Just Because..!

314-291-POOP (7667) Service

Free Estimates - No Contracts - Fully Insured Dogipot Products - Pet Stations - Litter Bags Fake Fire Hydrants And More...!

314-770-1500 Sales

Are The First Responders In Your Area Equipped With Pet Oxygen Recovery Masks?


Animal Medical Center of Wentzville 1120 W. Pearce Blvd Wentzville, MO • 636-332-4411 We provide friendly, honest, compassionate care for your family pet! Service include vaccine packages and parasite prevention, routine surgery, dental care; advanced surgery; full service grooming and much more. Call us or come see us to meet our incredible team.

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