Beginner Gym Workout Routine For Women

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Beginner Gym Workout Routine For Women

If you have lack of knowledge regarding effective workout plan or you are beginner in the gym, then MP45 workout plan is ideal workout for you to started. Start with these top 6 Exercises :1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Leg Press Machine Seated Chest Press Seated Row Machine Shoulder Press Machine Back Extension Crunch Exercise

Leg Press Machine

The Leg press machine exercise strengthens the lower body. The leg press machine workout is a great way to enable beginners to develop strength, size and powerful muscle in the legs.

1) Seated Chest Press The seated chest press targets the chest muscle, triceps and shoulders, this is safe for beginners who want to develop strength & endurance. MP45 will guide you step by step on how to perform chest press exercise.

1)Seated Row Machine The seated row machine focuses the muscle in the upper body. Seated row machine is a compound exercise for the body and it is ideal exercise for the beginners who want to gain strong muscle.

1)Shoulder Press Machine

The shoulder press machine is safe exercise for the beginners who want to develop shoulder strength and machine will guide your arms. Follow MP45 for the best beginner gym workout routine for women and get step by step instructions that describe the right technique for the shoulder press machine.

1)Back Extension The back extension exercise will help in both stretches and strengthens your lower back. This exercise work lower back as well as the upper back and mid. It's also know as hyperextensions.

1)Crunch Exercise Cruch exercise is the main focus on abdominal muscles and it is safe & effective exercise for the beginners who want to develop strong abdominal muscles.

5 Best Crunch Exercises

1. Bicycle Crunch 2. Swiss Ball Crunches 3. Suitcase Carry 4. Hanging Leg Raises 5. Spiderman Crawl


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