Chach Group Peace It

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Kingwood High School 2012-2013

*Making Memories*

Making Memories...

These grade new fr Maka Photo

The class of 2016, Kingwood Trials NCL group had their NCL Tea on Sunday April 28th. The NCL Tea is an event used to raise money for charity, but also a fun time for the girls. These are the freashman girls of Kingwood Trails. Photo credit: Emily Hartnett

Its always fun at the NCL Tea. “After all the intense bidding, we like to just have fun!� Kayla LeBlanc. Payton Russel, Sydney Fletcher, Samantha Fetterman, Amanda Braddock, Lexie Elliot, Makayla Clinton, Kayla LeBlanc Photo credit: Lauren Chachere

Everyone in NCL are like sisters. In this picture, Erin Delemar, Sydney Fletcher, Madeline Snell, Kayla LeBlanc, Amy Felder and Emmie Dalton all give eachother a group hug full of sisterly love! Photo credit: Makayla Clinton

NCL stands for National Charity League. It is a charity group that finds organizations who normaly do not get much help from other charitys. Some organizations they work at are the YMCA, HAAM, Sociaty of St. Stevens and many more! The girls work really hard to help everyone they can. They meet once a month at someones house and discuse how they will help more charitys. after help so much they like to relax by going on group father daughter dates, cultural events, and of course the NCL Tea!

e girls spend 6 years together, they start in 7th and finish off in 12th grade. You start to make riends quick! Emily McLlane, Lyndsi Philen, ayla Clinton, Romy Hanania. o credit: Emily Harttnet

Alot of the girls do common activities outside of NCL. The girls above are all kingwood fillies. They love to do charity and dance. Emily McLlane, Madeline Snell, Makayla Clinton, Lyndsi Philen, Erin Delamer. Photo credit: Romy Hanania



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The KHS pool remains empty after practice.


Freshman Ally Richars and Sophomore Mackenzie Boase take their mark before a race.

The 2012/2013 KHS JV swim team had a successful swim season. The swimmers practiced in 7th period until 3:30 everyday. They ended their successful season with a 1st place win at districts.

A KHS swimmer races for gold.

Just keep swimming...

All pictures taken by Romy Hanania

N ibrary dur l e h t n i g yin to taken Stap, stud o n h o P d n . t a r h g B i yn Student, on Tuesda g n i r o t u t ing NHS Chachere by Lauren

Studen ts tutorin working o nt g. Pho to take he compute rs duri n by L n auren Chach g NHS ere.



Student Emily Har tnett studying active ly in NHS tutoring on T uesday night. Photo taken by Lauren Chacher e.

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All great things must come to an end

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The 2013 Kingwood Fillies Banquet occurred on April 27th 2013. It was a night to end the 2012-2013 dance season. It was a night to celebrate the team’s wonderful competition season. They team took grand champion winners at their regional, state and national championships.

The senior Fillies put of pictures of all their their years of dancing Emily Hartnett.

Some f ner ta reshman gi b taken le before rls gather the fo a by Ro od is round the my H serve ir din anani d . Pho a. to

together collages r memories from all g. Photo taken by

infae h t and artnett. , n g rd si mily H a y s illie taken E F d woo o. Photo g n i K g The team lo s mou

Yearbook staff biogra

h d Hig e/ o o w g at Kin Fillies danc s r e d a r ood th g friend 9 w r g a e n s h i i h t K t artnet ces for the me wi ere. i H t y g l i n i n h d a Em She d njoys spen auren Chac . l o o h e L e Sc m. Sh to taken by a e t l l o dri ily. Ph m a f and

Mak a rolle yla Clint o d volv at Kingw n is also e a team d NCL an ood High 9th grad . e d nigh She enjo the KIn School. r ent. Ph S oto b ys her w gwood F he is inee i y Ro my H kly fam llies danc ily g anan ame e ia.


Laur e High n Chach er woo school. S e is a fre d s h ficer Fillies, a e Is invo hmen at . K n l little She enjo d she is ved in N ingwood y C th siste r. Ph s playing e Freshm L, the K oto b i y Em with her en class ngof p ily H artne ets and h er tt.

h d Hig o o w g at Kin wimming n e m e s h a fres ior varsity n NCL. Sh s i a i i n Hana on the jun involved time with y m o s s i i R g l. She m and she d spendin o o h c n a S ing te her dog a Clinton. v i d d an lking Makayla a w s enjoy . Photo by s friend

in ated c o l logo Lauren y d d y u est B , taken b B e is th lway This 00’s hal 0 the 1 ere. h Chac

Caught in the moment...

Laxmi po sing for t he taken by Lauren C camera. Photo hachere

r on thei by g n i k r wo ken Danny er. Photo ta d n a David the comput n math o hachere. C Lauren

Laxmi m od T-shirt. P eling in her Best Buddy hoto tak en by La achere uren Ch-

What a great year!

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