Final yearbook

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The Student Life 2013-2014

Photos by Kathryn Sadler


Stephanie Stilley is a sophomore at Kingwood high. She is in band and likes Doctor Who.

Ashely Lindly is a sophomore who loves art. She likes to travel.

Olivia Haggard is a graduating senior. She is a girl scout and in orchestra.

Kathryn Sadler is a sophmore in band. She loves Photography and reading.

Jayde Zimmer is a sophomore in Photojournalism. She enjoys photography and horse riding.

The Everyday Routine William Spaulding hanging out in class.

Mr. Ballay teaching in class.

Swimmers in the cafiteria are doing home work.

Christian is working on english

If you had a week left to live what would you do?

“Netflix”-Mr. Ballay “Go to Norway”- Reese Grayson

“Try to do as many illigeal things as possible”-Betsy Williams

The Daily Struggle Student Emily Lawrence (10) smiles happily as she lsitens to mr. Ballay speaks.

Shophmore Mathhew, reads before class begins.

Senior sits in the libary studying for finals.

Josh Uymrush (9) sits in the cafateria and does english homework 1st period.

What are your 2014 Summer plans?

Orchestra Make Every Note Count

Dr. Reidlinger, the head director of the KHS Orchestra, believes strongly in putting maximum effort into everything that is done. This year, the Chamber Orchestras and Band competed in the Symphony UIL Competition and earned sweepstakes! Also, the Chamber 1 Orchestra sent UIL recordings into the Midwest competition against 161 other Orchestras and were chosen to play in Chicago in December 2014! “If it weren’t for Dr. Reidlinger, I would not be in orchestra and I would not be the person I am today�Sarah Hansen. Orchestra is more than playing music to many of its students; It is a family.

Mrs. Hale begins instruction of the region music for the fall of 2014. The students work hard to learn this challenging selection of music. Created by Olivia Haggard

The Sign Life

Created by:Kathryn Sadler and Jayde Zimmer

1st Period ASL I is full of talented Signers who enjoy sign language. They continue to learn new signs everyday. Mrs. K is the American Sign Language teacher here at Kingwood High School. This is her 1st year teaching at this school, and she is well loved by her students.


Created By: Stephanie Stilley

Dylan Kolenburg works on his bench, by drilling a hole in it.

Mr. Dick and his student work on a woodshop project, discussing what to do next. Top: The woodshop is full of tools, wood, and lots of brooms for cleaning up the sawdust when they are done working. Bottom: A woodshop student works on his projects, and drills a hole for a nail he wil put in it.

Top: One of the woodshop students measures his wooden plank to work on it later. Bottom: Dylan Kolenburg works on his bench.

Olivia Senior 2014

“I haven’t got it yet, but I’m hunting it and fighting for it, I want something serious, something fresh—something with soul in it! Onward, onward.”—Vincent van Gogh



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1 - Two students in Art I General are working on their classwork. The student on the left is working on her exam review, while the student on the right works on her famous artwork project. 2 - The completed scratch-board artwork of zebras done by a student in Art I General. Scratch-board art takes time and patience to complete. 3 - A student in Mrs. Leatherwood’s first period works diligently on her famous artwork project. She was required to use 4 mediums - shading, sharpie, painting and color in with Prisma Colors - to complete the project. 4 - The project required the student ot draw an insect in a corner of the inner box and something elase to balance out the srtwork. The student then had to paint the insect and anything inside the box with watercolor paint; everything else was to be done using a zentangle design. Created by: Ashley Linldy

Photo by: Kathryn Sadler

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