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Discover. Grow. L i v e.



PASTOR’S MESSAGE Greetings brothers and sisters in Christ, Happy 2016! It might seem a little odd for you to hear this from me nearly two months into the year; however, this issue of the GO! Magazine is our first issue for 2016. This issue has information about upcoming events for the weeks and months to come, celebrations from last year’s ministries, and serves as our Annual Report for 2015. Please take the time to celebrate our blessed past and our most glorious future as the hands and feet of God here at Holy Comforter. God has indeed shaped each of us to serve as His hands and feet in the world. We might be fearful of our jobs ending, our savings declining, our children’s futures up in the air, and perhaps even our own safety. It is often hard to see the blessings around us when there is so much anxiety and fear in our world and even in us. In times of uncertainty and fear, God reminds us to focus on the one unchanging eternal and solid truth of life-- that He holds us in His hands and we are His priceless treasures and that He will be with us always. As our Council President, Sheryl Stucky, reminded us in her end of the year letter, “God loves you. God created you. God will provide for you.” 2015 brought many blessings to us as the body of Christ. Pastor Amy joined us as our Associate Pastor of Faith Development and Service. We are averaging over 550 lunches provided to Star of Hope Men’s Development Center every first Sunday of the month. We have partnered with a congregation in our companion synod, Fiel es Dios, in Iquitos, Peru. We have funded our fourth well in Africa through Water 2 Thrive. This is only a very short list of the many changed lives in and through Holy Comforter Lutheran Church. I expect nothing less in 2016. God has blessed us with so much and blessed us to be blessings to others. There are so many opportunities to be God’s loving presence in the world today. Please keep giving of the time, talents, and resources God has given you. God is counting on us to make a difference, out of love. In Christ,

Discover your Faith Grow in Community Live God’s Mission



[page 4] Worship & Music Ministry [page 5] Faith Story: Ed Robertson


[page 6] Praise Walkers [page 7] Stewardship Team [page 7] Early Childhood Education [page 8] Secret Service Club [page 8] Primetimers [page 9] Milestones Ministry [page 9] Confirmation Club [page 10] Tam Living Boldly [page 10] Women of the ELCA


Gathering Place

[page 11]

[page 11] Christmas Eve Service [page 12] Church & Office Volunteers

[page 14] Statistical Report [page 15] Leadership Portrait

GO! GO! is a quarterly magazine produced and published by the members of HCLC. The content of this magazine is intended to be shared. It is designed by Michelle Palmer and printed by PostNet - Kingwood. Editor’s Note: For article and photo submission, please contact Pam MacNaughton at 281.358.6500 or pam@godeeperwithchrist.org.



Faith Story:

Ed Robertson

Ed and Sandy Robertson were married 52

years ago. They have been members of Holy Comforter since nearly the beginning. Their daughters, Donna and Brenda, were raised in the church. In 2011, Brenda died. Her childhood pastor, George Brookover, officiated at her funeral. A couple of church members and I were present at her burial. I would venture to say that Donna’s death was a turning point in my relationship with Ed and Sandy. Walking with people during tragedy changes things and changes everyone involved. Prior to this, Ed and Sandy were one of those couples I would see in worship and who had started attending my Wednesday night Bible study. Ed always beamed with kindness and Sandy always had a joke or a story to tell. After the death of their daughter, things changed. Sandy’s Parkinson’s - related dementia became worse and Ed’s beam was dimming. No one really knew the struggle Ed was having caring for Sandy in their home. After their daughter’s death, Sandy’s dementia and dementia - related anxiety were out of control. She simply needed more care than he was able to give in their home. On April 9, 2013, Ed made the excruciating decision to place Sandy in Regent Care, a nursing facility for the aged, the sick, and the terminal, near Lone Star College in Kingwood. Over the next months, Ed would call to check in and give an update on how they were adjusting to their new way of life together. Ed remained in their home, as he does to date, but visits Sandy daily, spending most of the day with her. Sandy’s condition stabilized, as much as possible, and she was now in a place where she could receive the care she needed. Sandy was now more content and Ed’s glow started to return. In the course of one phone call, Ed wanted to know if he could say a blessing over Sandy each night as she went to bed and he left for home. He wanted to know if it was appropriate for him to do this. “Of course, Ed, we are all ministers,” I told him. He wanted to bless her with the words of the Benediction found in Numbers 6:24. This was a blessing he had heard in the liturgy at worship all of his life. He wanted to add the Trinitarian formula at the end because the Old Testament blessing wasn’t complete without Jesus. He continues to say this blessing every night as he puts his wife to bed. Over the course of the past few years, Ed Robertson has become quite a minister at Regent Care. Every day, as he and Sandy sit near the front door, Ed greets everyone with a smile and a hello. As folks leave the facility, he sends them on their way with the peace of Jesus

as he says, “The Peace of the Lord be with you.” Ed has said blessings over dying patients. He has prayed with grieving families. He is truly a light of hope in such a great but grieffilled place. Ed says that he heard the calling of the Holy Spirit. He had been hearing at church that “we are to serve God where we are”. He said that he realized that the Holy Spirit was calling him to mission at Regent Care, and “I got the message! And that’s why I do what I do.” “I see death here every week, and I know how faith makes the difference.” Ed wants everyone to know that God loves them, listens to them, and is with us always. Ed and Sandy are thankful for the staff at Regent Care, their family and friends who support and care for them, and their church family who loves them. Ed also wants to make sure that everyone knows that God listens; so talk and listen for His guidance and support.

Pastor Barb Bartling

Going deeper in faith, service, & relationships Worship & Music Ministry in 2016 Discussing the meaning of Epiphany for us today

Found a bean in the king cake! The Queen- Karen!

Wow! Epiphany Party


Looking forward….

WORSHIP Lent, Holy Week, and Easter – Join us to worship. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent on February 10. Worship at 7:00 pm, with optional Imposition of Ashes, reminds us that God created human beings out of the dust of the earth, and one day we will return to dust. “Lent” means “spring” or the lengthening of days, and lasts for forty days (plus Sundays and Holy Week), as Jesus fasted and prayed in the desert for forty days. Mid-Week Worship with Dramas: When They Crucified My Lord will be on Wednesdays in Lent, February 17 through March 16 at 7:00 pm. Come for dinner at 6:00, followed by a half-hour of activities for everyone, then worship together at 7:00. We will be finished by approximately 7:30, as every Wednesday at Worship, Word, and Witness on Wednesdays, usually called “WoW.” Join us for the evening, and invite your friends and family. These services will be brief but meaningful times of worship, scripture, drama, singing, and prayer, led in part by some of our children and youth. Everyone is welcome! Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, March 24 and 25, will have special full liturgies at 7:00 pm. Easter Day festival worship will be at 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 am on Sunday, March 27, with music led by our choirs and a professional brass quartet. Join us to worship the Risen Lord! LEARNING MORE ABOUT WORSHIP: Ashes to Easter, a series of three classes about Lent, Holy Week, and Easter, will be taught on Sundays February 28, March 13, and March 20 at 9:30 am in the Wittenberg Room in Luther Hall. Join Marsha Seale to learn more about what we do and why in this holy time known as “the Easter Cycle.” WORSHIP FIRST TEAM HAVE YOU NOTICED? The Worship First Team has prepared PowerPoint slides for the narthex screen, telling a bit about the day or season of the church year, highlighting some of the many volunteers in worship, and inviting others to join in worship leadership – visibly and/or behind the scenes. Join us! The Worship First Team meets on the second Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm in the office conference room. We invite others who would like to study and discuss more about Lutheran worship, seeking to grow in understanding and service, to join us. We continue to explore how we may help others to “DISCOVER – your faith” while deepening our own. Contact Marsha Seale if you desire more information about the team. On the near horizon – The Worship First Team will study From Conflict to Communion: Lutheran-Catholic Common Commemoration of the Reformation in 2017 – the report of the Lutheran-Roman Catholic Commission on Unity - as we approach the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation. Want to be a music-maker? We have room for more people in every musical group at HCLC. See the calendar for the weekly schedule, and join us to observe or participate as you wish. Tutoring and child care provided as needed.

Looking back…..

May I see, too? Much to think about!

ADVENT In additional to regularly scheduled worship, rehearsals, etc., St. Nicholas paid a surprise visit on December 9 to the Advent Club, comprised mostly of preschoolers and their families. CHRISTMAS Christmas Eve worship was splendid in keeping with the meaning of the birth of the Christ Child. At 5:00, our children and youth offered a Christmas play, acting out the Christmas story as a retrospective, seen through the eyes of a present-day family. Some of our youth were readers in this family-oriented worship service, with musical leadership from the Voices of Praise (women’s choir) and Bells of Praise. At 8:00 and 11:00, the Gloria Dei Choir singers were joined by a professional brass quartet. The growing light of individual candles and singing Silent Night at all three services can hardly be described in words. Heartfelt thanks to everyone who worked so diligently to offer their gifts in worship. All singers and instrumentalists contributed to the beauty and leadership of worship. Thank you, also, to the many, many people who serve in non-musical ways. Every person makes a significant contribution. EPIPHANY On January 6, we celebrated the Epiphany in WoW as a cross-generational party, with kings cakes, crowns, nativity sets that include Magi, candles, stars, gold, frankincense, and myrrh, singing, and art. We heard the nativity story from the gospel of Matthew, made gold star ornaments, and learned more about symbols and customs surrounding Epiphany and what it means for our lives today. By Marsha Seale Minister of Worship & Music Ministry

Michael Kell - one of our best youth readers and actors!

St. Nicholas pays a surprise visit!

Viewing the “Adoration of the Magi” in paintings

Who is speaking?



Naomi Circle : Nurtition Packs

After a December devotional led by Chris Stinson, the Naomi Circle members assembled 40 Children’s Nutrition Packs for Humble Area Assistance Ministries (HAAM). Donations of miniature boxed cereal, raisins, nuts, bottled water, pretzels, granola bars, and packages of instant oatmeal were put into a gallon size zip lock bag. These were later delivered to HAAM by Chris Stinson.

Women of the ELCA

The Women of the ELCA met for the January General Meeting on Jan. 19th in Luther Hall. The guest speaker was Wes Powell from Star of Hope Mission in downtown Houston. He presented a short film about the Mission then told about different aspects of the Mission and plans for the future. After the meeting, members helped load donations for Star of Hope. Refreshments were provided by Rebekah Circle; and cookies left were sent back to Star of Hope with Mr. Powell. Our project for February and March is school kits and quilts for Lutheran World Relief. The Women of the ELCA is divided into several circles, some for Bible study, some for working on projects for Lutheran World Relief, and one for Christian Fellowship. Bible study groups are the Naomi Circle meeting on the second Thursday of each month at 9:30 am, The Rebekah Circle meeting the second Tuesday at 1:30 pm, and the Ruth Circle meeting the second Tuesday at 7 pm. Each meets at a different time of the day to accommodate our busy schedules. The Martha Circle meets twice a month on Tuesday mornings to assemble quilts to be sent to Lutheran World Relief. If you can tie your shoes, you have the talent needed to join this group of dedicated ladies. Priscilla Circle combines lunch and work on making prayer shawls. The prayer shawls can be knitted, crocheted, or quilted. Since the group started, over 500 shawls have been given to anyone who needs comfort—friends, neighbors, strangers. The Eve Circle meets once a month at a chosen restaurant to enjoy a meal and Christian fellowship together. You are all welcome to come and join us! By Faye McKinzie

Quilt Donations Needed

Donations needed for quilt making include: Cotton or cotton/blend material in dark and colorful colors Twin – size sheets in dark and colorful colors Cash to purchase supplies and batting.

Beth Moseman, Pam MacNaughton, Chris Stinson, and Faye McKinzie with nutrition packs created during Naomi Circle

Martha Circle



Wallinger Family

When Ruby and I think about our relationship with God and how we should handle what we have we consider these passages from scripture: • Psalm 24:1 - The earth is the Lord ’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. • Deuteronomy 8:17-18 - Moses says to Israel before crossing the Jordan: You may say to yourself, “My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.” But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today. • 1 Chronicles 29:14 - [King David says as he and his people were financing the construction of the temple:] “But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.” • Hebrews 2:10 - Everything belongs to God, and all things were created by his power. • James 1:17 - Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights. How many of you grew up Lutheran? Did you have to memorize the Small Catechism to be confirmed? I remember those days. Consider the First Article from the Apostles’ and Luther’s explanation: • The First Article - “I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth.” • What does this mean? - “I believe that God has made me and all creatures; that He has given me my body and soul, eyes, ears, and all my limbs, my reason, and all my senses, and still preserves them; in addition thereto, clothing and shoes, meat and drink, house and homestead, wife and children, fields, cattle, and all my goods; that He provides me richly and daily with all that I need to support this body and life, protects me from all danger, and guards me and preserves me from all evil; and all this out of pure, fatherly, divine goodness and mercy, without any merit or worthiness in me; for all which I owe it to Him to thank, praise, serve, and obey Him. This is most certainly true.” Ruby and I believe we’ve been tremendously blessed by God. Ruby and I believe we’ve been given a great responsibility to steward what we’ve been given. We believe that we can be a blessing to others. Consider what Jesus tells us: • Luke 12:22-29 - Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! ...“Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you—you of little faith!” And most importantly, Jesus taught us: • Matthew 10:8b - “Freely you have received; freely give.”



By Wade Wallinger

Praise Walk is a group that meets every morning from 8 – 9 am Monday - Friday for an hour of exercise. We walk, do aerobics, stretching, yoga, and use weights at the church. If you’d like to add some exercise to your daily routine, come join us. Contact Lynette Schmit 281-360-4957 or Beth Moseman 281-358-5501 for questions. Also – if anyone is interested in an exercise group meeting in the late afternoon, please let us know. Some of the preschool teachers may be interested in a class after school. It could be yoga, aerobics, or whatever fits the group needs. Contact Beth Moseman 281-358-5501 or Colleen Engel 281-358-9337. By Beth Moseman



Early Childhood Education@HCLC REGISTRATION DATES Holy Comforter Lutheran Church School is offering Mother’s Day Out for 2 year olds and Preschool for 3 and 4 year olds. Flexible schedules are available from 7 a.m-6 p.m. This year we are offering clubs in our extended care-- our teachers are using their talents and special skills in the following clubs: -Cooking/ Science/ Gardening/ Music and Art for Preschool 4 year olds -Yoga/ Sculpting / and Animal Antics in our 2-3 year olds. Registration Dates are : Feb 22-26 for existing families and church members Registration will be open to the public Feb 29-March 4 The following classes will be offered: MOTHERS DAY OUT (9:30-2:30 pm) flexible day available - Monday thru Friday 2 year olds ( must turn 2 by Sept 1) 8 children with 2 teachers Early Threes ( turn 3 between Sept 1 and Jan 1) 12 children with 2 teachers PRESCHOOL 3 year olds ( 8:45-noon ) Stay and discover noon-2:15) flexible days Mon-Fri 3 year olds (must turn 3 by Sept 1) 14 children with 2 teachers PRESCHOOL 4 year olds ( 8:45-noon) Mon-Th or Mon- Fri 4 year olds ( must turn 4 by Sept 1) 16 children with 2 teachers * Extended care is available every day for MDO and Preschool students from 7 am-6 pm By Colleen Engel, Director of Early Childhood Education 281-358-9337

Secret Service Club donates socks

The Secret Service Club is an after school club for our 4 year old preschool children in extended care led by two of our preschool teachers, Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Synder and Pastor Amy. The purpose of the Secret Service Club is to teach compassion through service. Compassion is seeing a need, being touched by it, and taking a step to help, serving neighbors in need! Every Wednesday, the preschool children learn a Bible story, say a prayer, and sing a Bible song about serving God’s people. Then we do a service project secretly together. Recently the Secret Service club children collected brand new socks for neighbors that we don’t know. 80 pairs of socks were given by preschool parents and church members. The socks were placed in plastic bags with a note saying, “If you find these socks, they are for you.” The bag of socks were hung on the trees around Holy Comforter by the children. We recently received a thank you from a member of our community for the socks. Here is the note: My name is Sarah. I am staying with a friend at the nearby apartments. I decided to walk to the store for some food. I got lost in the greenbelts and was wearing shoes with no socks. My heels were bleeding by the time I passed your church. Imagine my surprise when I see socks dangling from the tree branches! I slipped them on and finished my tremendously long detour home in comfort. I have an injured spine and limping b/c of my bleeding heels was not good for me. God works in peculiar ways. Thanks for the socks!! God bless! --Sarah By Pastor Amy


Since our last report, 16 persons attended a December 6 performance at the Houston Family Arts Center of the play, “It’s a Wonderful Life”, which is based on the 1947 film that starred James Stewart, Donna Reed, and Lionel Barrymore. In the production we attended, those roles were played by professional actors, and the rest of the cast consisted of amateurs, including a number of children. We had not previously been to this venue, and we enjoyed the production. We will probably include the center on our list of future events as it performs the admirable function of providing family entertainment and affords

training in the dramatic arts to a wide variety of age groups. Following the performance, our group enjoyed a dinner at The Italian Joint in Old Town Spring. Our next event will be attending the Crighton Theatre in Conroe on February 20 for its production of the popular show, “The Producers”. There have been two films of this show – the first with Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder and the second with Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick. There will be an optional fellowship dinner at Carrabba’s Italian Grill before our departure from the church. Another event will be our March 19

trip to the Alley Theatre’s production of “Around the World in 80 Days”, and we look forward to seeing the Alley, which has been significantly renovated since the last visit there. Following the performance, we will have dinner at Birraporetti’s close to the theatre. Our next activity will be preparing a list of possible events in the period April through September, for which we will request buses from Precinct 4. Since that will be a warm weather period, we might want to schedule outdoor events.

By Frank Kopta



In the month of January, we offered blessings for two important milestones in the lives of God’s people at Holy Comforter. We blessed the anniversaries of couples married for 50 or more years during worship and we celebrated their love and commitment to one another with cake! Also we blessed elders, 70 years and above and we listened to their stories over lunch! We all experience milestone events in our lives from our births to our deaths. A milestone is simply a marker along life’s journey that says, “This is something important and God is here too.” Milestones are a time for us to pause, to celebrate, to share joys and sorrows, to give and receive support, to reflect on where and how we have found God in our story. Some milestones that we already celebrate in the life of our faith community are Baptism, giving first Bibles to our 4 year old children, First Communion, Confirmation, and the blessing of the backpacks before the school year begins. Each milestone is a significant time of transition and change in our lives. Some of these transitions happen yearly like birthdays and anniversaries; others only occasionally like graduation or retirement, while others happen only once in a lifetime like baptism. There are milestones that rise up in our daily life too: getting a new pet, getting a driver’s license, starting a new job, and moving into a new home. If any of these happen to you this year, email Pastor Amy so that we can bless you and bless these significant events that happen in your lives. These occasions are important for us to recognize with blessings, prayers and caring conversations. We cannot forget that God’s presence is with us in all times of our lives. There are many more milestones for us to celebrate with you! By Pastor Amy



Confirmation Club service, dinner & movie night

To celebrate the end of the 2015 fall semester of school, the HCLC youth hosted a Service, Dinner and Movie Night. We gathered and welcomed new friends as we made six fleece blankets. Pizza for dinner and camaraderie were followed by the movie, “A Christmas Story”, and steamy hot chocolate. The blankets have since been donated to Mission Northeast in New Caney. Thanks to all who participated. By Michele Dykstra (pictured are: Michael Kell, Talon Balcom, Zach Kell, Sam Dykstra, Donald Carver)



Holy Comforter hosted its first Fair Trade Holiday Gift Sale on November 6-7. Through this event, we helped support artisan entrepreneurs by providing a marketplace for their goods, while also providing the Kingwood community with a fun and convenient way to buy unique gifts for the holidays. Our sale featured handcrafted goods from Ten Thousand Villages and coffee from Equal Exchange. Both of these organizations, like all Fair Trade organizations, fight poverty by empowering farmers and artisan entrepreneurs. Fair Trade organizations foster a sustainable business for farmers and artisans by providing: 1. Access to global markets, particularly for marginalized producers. Most small scale farmers and artisans aren’t able to access lucrative global markets and the higher prices they bring. Fair Trade organizations provide a means of access. One of the ways this is accomplished is by helping local artisans and farmers to form democratically run cooperatives. These cooperatives help ensure that marginalized populations (women, disabled, etc.) are given an equal opportunity to participate in and run the cooperative. 2. Long-term business relationships that provide a more stable income. 3. Fair pricing/wages that take into account both local production costs and global market prices. A social premium is also added to the prices paid for goods. This premium is paid to the worker cooperative, which uses the money to fund community projects such as schools and health clinics. It may also be invested in equipment or process improvements that benefit all of the workers in the cooperative. 4. Design collaboration and technical assistance to ensure that the goods offered meet the quality standards and tastes of global markets. Thanks to the efforts of the Fair Trade Team, the sale was a huge success. In fact, we shattered the original sales goal of $2,600, which represented about 63% of inventory. (Plus we had a lot of fun in the process!) Below are some facts and figures for your consideration: Total volunteers: 21 Total sales: $3,853.98 Total items sold: 348 Percentage of inventory sold: 83% Thank you to everyone who volunteered, shopped, or told a friend. If you are interested in learning more about Holy Comforter’s fair trade sale or fair trade in general, contact Stacey Taylor. Interested in helping out with the 2016 sale? Organizational planning meetings will begin this summer. Stay tuned for more! By Stacey Taylor

The Gathering Place at HCLC meets on the first Friday of each month to offer respite care to families with a loved one who has dementia, Parkinson’s, stroke, etc. During the hours that care partners are at HCLC, our volunteers engage with them in activities, crafts, exercise, music, and more. We offer entertainment and lunch along with fellowship and support. Our next Gathering Place will be Friday, March 4, from 10 am – 1 pm. Our theme is “Dr. Seuss Month” and we will be reading several books

written by Dr. Seuss. Come and find out what The Gathering Place is all about. Upcoming Gathering Place dates are April 1 (April Fools Month) with a magic show, and May 6 (Laughter Month). If you are interested in volunteering (once a month) or know someone who would benefit from attending The Gathering Place as a care partner, please contact Pam MacNaughton 281-460-9252 or Beth Moseman 281358-5501. By Beth Moseman

C Camand eraid !



We Would Like to Thank Our Volunteers!

Office Volunteer Karen Geffert

Office Volunteer Karen Doepken

Worship Volunteer Linda Utecht Altar Guild volunteers June Hall and Coordinator Linda Johnston

The office is only one place of many that runs more smoothly with the help of volunteers. Worship each week depends on numerous volunteers-from choirs and other musicians, ushers, lectors, cantors, communion servers, acolytes and crucifers, ushers, sound board., worship sacks Openings are available in each category. Please jump into the volunteer pool! By Pam MacNaughton

www.godeeperwithchrist.org 11


Photos by Steve Hansen

www.godeeperwithchrist.org 13


oly Comforter Lutheran Church in Kingwood is blessed with a committed group of leaders who take their responsibility for church stewardship seriously. This is not the only thing that makes them outstanding; they are outstanding in the way in which the council has chosen to practice their representation. The church council makes their spiritual growth a priority. Every month the group has two meetings, one of which is a dinner and Bible Study in a council member’s home. It is a night to relax together as they probe scripture in light of their journey together on behalf of the church. They have learned to appreciate each other’s strengths and build their vulnerabilities. The second meeting, the business meeting, is a more formal approach to their work as visionary leaders for the congregation. Sheryl Stucky, Council President, said, “Our Council is always moving forward, and we want to do it together. We pray together, fellowship together, study together, and lead together. The best part about our role on the Council is that we have fun and all enjoy our roles.” The council members know each other very well and

understand what each member brings to the table when contemplating decisions for the church. Holy Comforter’s senior pastor, Barb Bartling, considers herself fortunate to work with this fine group of leaders. She indicates, “This is a congregation of vibrant leaders who long to change the world around them. We pray daily to see what God is doing and to have the courage to join in. The people of God at Holy Comforter are a people with a heart for service and justice not only in Kingwood, but beyond in the great city and the world.” The new associate pastor, Amy Oehlschlaeger, has been well received since beginning her ministry at Holy Comforter. Pastor Amy was called to specifically lead the congregation to work in the community and to reach those not yet there. “We take seriously the Great Commission,” says Pastor Amy. Pastor Barb, Pastor Amy, and the church council invite you to visit Holy Comforter in Kingwood. Worship is at 8:15 am and 11:00 am on Sundays.

By Liz Johnson, Gift Planner Previousy published in Connections, A monthly newsletter of the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod https://tlgcconnections.wordpress.com/2015/12/18/leadership-portrait/

Pictured are Hans Kell, Steve Hansen, Karen Geffert, Rick Janacek, Pastor Barb, Sheryl Stucky, Sue Muellner, Pator Amy, and Brad Goodwin.


Sadie MacNaughton Joaquin Chavira Neal Schiefelbein MaryJean Wallinger Steven Vincent

Memorial Services Warren Bendel Pat Christensen Tim Fleming Virginia Bartling Adele Bendel Sally Roberts

New Members

Carrie, Lewis & Jesse Boatner Danielle Endsley Velma Innes Marilyn Mobley Amy Oehlschlaeger Jennifer & Ashley Taylor Steven & Megan Vincent David Wright

Holy Comforter Lutheran School July 2014-June 2015: Income [$345,210] Expenses [$375,930] Checking Balance 6.30.2015 [$5,985] Money Market Balance 6.30.2015 [$12,542]

2015 BENEVOLENCE Synod & ELCA Partnership [$26,349] Heifer International [$200] Disaster Relief [$400] ELCA Malaria Fund [$975] Water to Thrive [$2000] Fiel es Dios Peru [$955] Sandwich Sunday - Star of Hope [$2560] HAAM [$1000] Total [$33.464] • • • • • • • • •

HAAM Seasons of Sharing Sandwich Sunday, 500+ lunches to Star of Hope Men’s Dev. Center Fair Trade Sale, Fleece Blankets to Mission Northeast, and ELCA Malaria Campaign, Rescue Barn Items for Familytime Woman’s & Children’s Center School Supplies Food & Personal care items to HAAM Quilts & Baby care kits for Lutheran World Relief Socks and other requested items for Azleway & the foster children And Many, Many More!

First Communion Alexa Taylor Jacob Taylor Claire Carver Emma Carver


Christian & Brittany Findley Josh & Sylvia Goebel

Attendance and Membership Changes Average Weekly Worship Attendance [155] Membership previous year [446] Members received during 2015 By Baptism [5] Affirmed by Faith [9] Transfer [2] Total [16] Members removed during 2015 By death [5] Own Request [2] Transfer [4] Total [11] Members as of 12.31.2015 [451] Confirmed Members as of 12.31.2015 [377]

2015 HCLC Finances TOTAL INCOME [$546,958] Budget Offering [$479,422]

(includes $7566 Unrecorded Plate Offering & $11180 Spec Services)

Building Use: Other [$1640] School [$4857] Other [$3078] Dedicated New Position [$28,415] Other Dedicated [$23,957] TOTAL EXPENSES [$545,320]

www.godeeperwithchrist.org 15

Discover. Grow. L i v e.


Holy Comforter Lutheran CHurch Staff

The Reverend Barbara Bartling Pastor Amy Oehlschlaeger Marsha Seale Bill Goebel Pam MacNaughton Colleen Engel

Senior Pastor Associate Pastor Minister of Worship and Music Financial Secretary Director of Administration Education Director

pastorbarb@godeeperwithchrist.org pastoramy@godeeperwithchrist.org marsha@godeeperwithchrist.org bill@godeeperwithchrist.org pam@godeeperwithchrist.org colleen@godeeperwithchrist.org

Church Council Members

Sheryl Stucky – President Al Schmit – Treasurer Brad Goodwin Sancy Rhodes

Hans Kell – VP Steve Hansen - Secretary Steve Bost

Holy Comforter Lutheran Church is the sum of its members blessed and empowered by the Holy Spirit to do ministry together. We are a traditional church & congregation that thinks and works “outside the box” to bring progressive ministries, services, programs and outreach to our local community and beyond! Holy Comforter Lutheran Church & School was the first church and preschool program in Kingwood, Texas. We are a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Visit www.godeeperwithchrist.org for more info on our Mission & Vision, History, Pastor, Staff & Council, Ministries, Communion Policy, Testimonials & Worship Services. Cover Photo by Colleen Engel

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