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Discover. Grow. L i v e.



PASTOR’S MESSAGE Greetings brothers and sisters in Christ— “Let’s stop complaining about the church we see and start becoming the church we dream of.” I love this line taken from the book Barefoot Church: Serving the Least in a Consumer Culture by Brandon Hatmaker. We often have such a hard time letting go of the past that we cannot see the reality in front of us or the opportunities therein, and we most definitely cannot dream of what can or should be. It is time to be the church God is calling us to be TODAY. What does this “new” church look like then? I believe it is more of a service-based, missional community led and fed by Jesus Christ than the community social center of the past. In this broken world in which we live, there is an incredible need of hope in the midst of despair. The need to love our neighbors is needed now more than ever. The reminder that Jesus defined neighbor not by proximity but by need is of utmost importance. The fact that if we love someone, then we hate to see them treated unjustly and we do something about it, could make the changes that the world so desperately needs. Sometimes I would like to ask God why He allows poverty, suffering and injustice when He could do something about it. But I’m afraid He would ask me the same question. We cannot think our way into a new way of living; we must live our way into a new way of thinking. We cannot wait for someone else to do the work because God is counting on us. Frankly, what is easier than inviting your unchurched friend or neighbor or grown child to serve with you in a service endeavor organized by your church? What is easier than sharing with others the great ways your church is making a difference in your life and in the lives of others? Our role, in part, is to help others see the kingdom of God at work. The more the church lives in faithfulness to God and the gospel, the more visible God’s grace will be for all those who long for it. Looking for something of significance? A place to make a difference? A place that empowers and encourages us to live a life sent? That, my friends, is the church. In Christ, Pastor Barb

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8

Why God? “Why God…?” is our October sermon series based on questions about life and faith raised by worshippers at Holy Comforter over the Spring and Summer. Each Sunday the preacher will dig deeper into issues relevant to today’s life as Christians: Why is there suffering? What about faith? Why forgive? Why pray? What’s it all about anyway? Join us for the journey of “Why God…?” beginning October 2, 2016.



[page 4] [page 5]

Faith Story: The Holloways Worship & Music Ministry


[page 4] Women of the ELCA [page 6] 9/11 Community Concert [page 6] Praise Walkers [page 7] First Place 4 Health [page 7] Stewardship Team [page 7] Early Childhood Education [page 8] Second Family Care Team [page 9] United Against Human Trafficking [page 9] Kids Hope [page 9] Primetimers


Gathering Place

[page 9]

Associate Pastor’s Message

[page 10]

[page 10] Kingwood Oktoberfest [page 11] Team Living Boldly [page 11] Camp Hope T-Shirt Contest [page 12] Camp Hope [page 12] Water to Thrive

GO! GO! is a quarterly magazine produced and published by the members of HCLC. The content of this magazine is intended to be shared. It is designed by Michelle Palmer and printed by PostNet - Kingwood. Editor’s Note: For article and photo submission, please contact Pam MacNaughton at 281.358.6500 or pam@godeeperwithchrist.org.



Faith Story:

The Holloways

We first were blessed to find Holy Comforter Lutheran Church School in 2007 when Scott and I were searching for a Mother’s Day Out program to enroll two of our three children. At the time Scott and I were in the process of adopting our three children, Dustin, James and Sabrina from the state of Texas and had just relocated to the Kingwood area. We knew that we wanted a place for our children that would be loving, understanding and teach them the values we teach in our own home of honesty, service and love for God and family. Little did we know at that time that Our Heavenly Father would send us to HCLC School and we would be introduced to the wonderful, kind, loving and understanding teachers. We felt the love of them all the first time we toured; it felt like home filled with a lot of caring moms. James and Sabrina spent all their preschool years at Holy Comforter. It was with a very sad heart when our Sabrina graduated as we felt we would miss the fellowship and love we had come to find from the families and staff of both the school and church. The Lord works in mysterious ways because in 2011 Scott and I were blessed with our baby girl Abigail and we knew that soon enough we would be active and involved in the HCLC School once again. It is at this time that we volunteered our time more with the church programs such as The Gathering Place and Sandwich Sundays. In March of 2015, my sister Clara and I were able to start bringing fresh farm-to-market produce to the parking lot of HCLC every Saturday, not only to the church members but to the Kingwood community as a whole. What a blessing it was to

provide such healthy fresh food to an awesome community! And the support and love we received and continue to receive from the church just goes to show you the love and kindness that fills their hearts to serve others in their community. Even though our youngest, Abigail, graduated this May from HCLC, we still feel blessed to have made so many wonderful lifelong friends and that I can serve on the school board and be a part of the HCLC School for years to come. As I asked my kids if they could give me one word to describe what HCLC School meant to them they said, FAITH, KINDNESS, THRILLING AND HAPPY. I love that a church could make a family feel so loved and accepted even if they are not of the same faith. It gives me great hope and love for our community and nation. By Kathleen Holloway

PRIMETIMERS 2016 The Primetimers have not been too busy this summer. On June 12 we attended a 3D Imax film about the National Parks at the Houston Museum of Natural Science. This was one of the bestattended events our group has had. Twenty-eight persons went to this event, which included an enjoyable dinner at Yia Yia Mary’s Restaurant after the film. It was a real joy to see the beautiful photos taken of these national treasures, and we will be forever grateful to those leaders who have created the National Park System over the past century. On August 6 we attended a performance of Dame Agatha Christie’s play, The Spider’s Web, at the Alley Theatre. Following the play, our large group had dinner at one of our

favorite restaurants, Birraporetti’s, across the street from the theatre. By Frank Kopta

Worship & Music Ministry in 2016 Ahhhhh!

Crawfish chef on the left!

Demo perfection!

GDC and families enjoy 2nd annual crawfish boil

Going deeper in faith, service, & relationships Worship & Music Ministry in 2016 We call the Sunday morning gathering a “worship service.” God serves us, His people, in all times and places with endless love, grace, and forgiveness. In worship we receive His Word (scriptures) and Sacraments (Baptism and Holy Communion). In response, we serve God through praise, prayer, singing, speaking, offerings, and more. Worship starts with God, not with us, and we respond. Worship forms us, shapes us, and draws us together as God’s holy people. In the words and actions of worship, we are gathered, fed, equipped, strengthened, and sent out to serve a world in need. “Worship is the heart and pulse of the Christian Church. In worship we celebrate together God’s gracious gifts of creation and salvation, and are strengthened to live in response to God’s grace. Worship always involves actions, not merely words. To consider worship is to consider music, art, and architecture, as well as liturgy and preaching.”-From the Nairobi Statement on Worship and Culture: Contemporary Challenges and Opportunities from the Lutheran World Federation, © 1996 LWF DID YOU KNOW that over 100 people serve as “worship workers” in various leadership roles at Holy Comforter, both behind the scenes and more publicly? Even so, we always have need for more people to assist in various ways in the worship life of the church. Countless individuals go deeper with Christ as they give their time and talent to ensure that our worship services go smoothly. Some of the opportunities for serving are the Worship First Team, altar guild, lectors, communion servers, acolytes, crucifers, lay Eucharistic ministers, ushers, sound board technicians, children’s chapel leaders, cantors, actors and support for drama events, and keeping up the children’s worship sacks. If you would like to help in any of these ways, please contact Marsha Seale or Linda Utecht for information and to set up training.

And, of course, MUSIC! Holy Comforter has a history of excellent music-making, as ordinary people work together to grow deeper as disciples of Jesus, ministering the Word of God through music. Would you like to learn to sing or improve your ability to sing? To ring handbells? To join others in musicmaking, learning and growing as disciples, using and developing the musical gifts that God has given you? To make new friends or deepen friendships that already have begun? To be part of a group that rehearses, prays, worships, serves and plays together? To find an oasis in a week filled with the busy-ness of life? Do you play an instrument? While you may begin at any time, fall is the very best time to visit or join a musical group at HCLC, and we have opportunities for almost everyone to participate. While there are no “term limits,” serving in a music group does not have to be a lifelong commitment, either. Give it a try! Of course, the congregation is the primary “choir” that sings when we come together to worship God, but some of us find deeper meaning in participating in a group that rehearses regularly, that delves deeper into the music we sing, ring, and play, that makes special offerings in worship – usually a choir. We invite you to join us in music ministry, to explore your musical gifts, whether or not you have ever done so before. The rehearsal schedule, all meeting in the sanctuary except children and youth: Voices of Praise - women’s choir – Mondays 12:151:15 p.m. Middle/High School Choir – singing, percussion, more – Wednesdays 5:30-6:00 p.m. Children’s Music – grades K-5th – Wednesdays 6:30-7:00 p.m. as part of WoW Bells of Praise – handbell choir grade 6 through adult – Wednesdays 7:30-8:45 p.m.

Gloria Dei Choir – mixed choir grade 6 through adult – Thursdays 7:30-9:00 p.m. Flute Choir – as schedules permit Additional Instrumentalists and Soloists – as schedules and preparation permit Child care is available upon request. Fall rehearsals for all groups are underway. See the brochures in the narthex for more detailed information, and/or contact Marsha Seale. Everyone is welcome! Join us! OF NOTE: Choral music and organ music are alive and well in our culture. In June, over 1200 organists and choral directors from all over the world gathered in Houston for the American Guild of Organists 53rd Bi-Annual National Convention. All who attended experienced a thrilling week of performances, inspiring worship, and professional growth through the many and varied workshops. In July, approximately 1600 choral directors from throughout the state attended the annual Texas Choral Directors Association Convention in San Antonio, with various performances and workshops. Both groups had numerous music reading sessions, product showcases, and exhibits, as well as opportunities for networking and the exchange of ideas and experiences. LOOKING AHEAD: Did you know that the beginning of the Lutheran Reformation was just over 500 years ago? The commonly accepted date is October 31, 1517. Our commemorations will begin in October of this year with The Kingwood OktoberFest at Holy Comforter on October 22 from noon to 5:00 p.m. Stay tuned for more to come…

By Marsha Seale Minister of Worship & Music

Music Bingo

Confirmation Photo Scavenger Hunt

Godly play

WOW dessert

More than mud bugs

VoP at Great Harvest The pros!

Very sweet!


More crawfish!



Women of the ELCA

Fun at the women’s retreat!

Food and fellowship!

9/11 Community Concert of Remembrance &Hope Combined choirs totaling over 150 singers from throughout Kingwood will join together on the 15th anniversary of 9/11/01 at 6:00 PM at Strawbridge United Methodist Church, 5629 Kingwood Drive, on Sunday, September 11. Many of HCLC’s singers will participate in this free event. The centerpiece will be the beautiful Requiem by Gabriel Faure. Everyone is welcome to attend.

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Prayer Shawl Ministry

WOMEN’S RETREAT This summer Naomi Circle women decided to organize a one day retreat for our Bible study from Gather Magazine since vacations and grandchildren cause scheduling problems and invited all the Circles, as well as friends from other congregations that participate in Priscilla Circle and Praise Walkers, to attend. On Saturday, July 23, an inter-congregational retreat was held at the home of Pixie Thames. Beth Moseman, Pixie Thames (member of Kingwood Christian Church), and Ginger Arrant (member of Good Shepherd Episcopal Church) led the three Bible studies on “Forgiveness and Reconciliation.” There were 14 women in attendance. Between Bible study sessions, an adult coloring activity using pages from Color the Psalms and Gather magazines provided time for getting to know one another. Another activity involved assembly of Children’s Nutrition Packs for Humble Area Assistance Ministries in Humble. A delicious lunch from Jason’s Deli was delivered, with dessert provided by Ginger Arrant. Finally, more fellowship time was enjoyed in Pixie’s swimming pool. The general consensus was to do this again next summer.

By Faye McKinzie

First Place 4 Health: Starts new session

First Place 4 Health is an all-round health program that address physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. A weekly Bible study is included in the program. The next session begins on Wednesday, September 21, at 9:15 a.m., and will continue through Wednesday, December 7. Cost for the session is the price of the Bible study book, which is usually around $20. If you are interested in attending, please sign up on the sign up sheet in the narthex. For questions contact Beth Moseman 281-358-5501.



By Beth Moseman

Praise Walk is a group that meets every morning from 8 – 9 a.m. Monday - Friday for an hour of exercise. During the summer (usually through September) we do water aerobics at a private pool of one of our members. When the water cools off we go back to walking/DVD exercise programs at church. Anyone is welcome to join us. Call Beth Moseman 281-358-5501 for details. By Beth Moseman


“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” -Matthew 6:19-21 What things do we value? What are the outward signs of our values? In America, we value freedom. The outward sign of that value is our desire for all people to have basic rights and liberties and the ability to seek justice. We are willing to defend that value, Citizens of Houston value their mobility. The outward sign of that value is the vast amount of expressways and the number of automobiles that use those freeways daily. In Kingwood, we tend to value a quiet living environment with good schools and nice green spaces. We choose to live here so that we can enjoy that environment. Individually, we all have different values. Some people purchase season tickets for their favorite football team, while others purchase season tickets for the theater or the symphony. Others enjoy hobbies or outdoor activities or travel. These differences are a reflection of our personality and values. What about Christians? Or more specifically, what about those of us who call Holy Comforter our church home?

We have chosen to place a value on our faith journey, and that value is expressed through our dedication of time, talent, and money towards our church and her mission. Listen again to the words of Jesus: “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” -Matthew 6:19-21 It is interesting that Christ provided several reasons why we are to store up treasures in heaven. There they are safe. There they cannot be destroyed by fire or flood. There they cannot be stolen. Future economic indicators and the movements of the stock market will not take a toll on treasure stored in heaven. Jesus went on to say that where our treasure is, there our heart will be also. He knew that what we hold dear and what we place value upon will be uppermost in our minds. He also knew that the location of our prized possessions will be what occupies our attention. If we prize something, if we value something, if we make that something our treasure, we are then willing to do whatever is necessary to protect and grow that treasure. That something, as Christians, is

our faith in Jesus Christ. We have a comfortable place to gather in worship and study and service. We have a host of ministries and teams, and a number of talented people, paid staff and volunteers, to lead them. New guests join us nearly every week. All of the wonderful earthly things that Christ has first given us are needed to spread the good news of God’s unconditional love. Our time, talents, and money are needed. Every member is asked to prayerfully discern his or her level of giving and growth. Let’s all consider what we really value in this earthly life, and keep our hearts and minds on Christ’s true treasure.

The Stewardship Team



Early Childhood Education@HCLC SUMMER 2016

In Juneau, Alaska

Biking in Amsterdam

Boy Scout adventure to the Bahamas On a cruise in Cabo!

Flat Jesus in Waco

CoPilot on 777

In Florida Visiting Alaska Making sandwiches on Sandwich Sunday. To the Hill Country


To the Kingwood Library At Bill’s Cafe in Kingwood

At Holy Comforter Lutheran Church we remind everyone that Jesus is the light of the world and that Jesus is with us everywhere, everyday. It was not just the school, but a cross generational activity for the church, school, confirmation and Camp Hope ministries. Our children, youth, and adults have embraced Flat Jesus! Flat Jesus has accompanied them to the Bahamas, to Las Vegas, to the local library and many more places in between. Wherever Flat Jesus went, we were all reminded that Jesus was and is with us—everywhere, every day! Thank you to everyone who took photos of Flat Jesus on your trips this summer! Keep those pictures coming! Thanks to Colleen for posting them for us! Please join us on Sunday, September 25, at 9:30 a.m. for a Welcome Flat Jesus Home Breakfast Party in Luther Hall! We will see where he and you went on your summer adventures! We will give some fun awards out, too! By Colleen Engel & Pastor Amy

Second Family Care Team Reorganizes On Tuesday, August 2, a group of members of HCLC met to reorganize our Second Family Care Team

(SFCT). We now have several new members and are excited about putting some new energy into this program. The SFCT is a ministry that provides practical, emotional and spiritual support to our care partners. We do such things as visits, household tasks, transportation, social outings, assistance with errands, and more depending on the needs of each individual. We are committed to serve with dignity, compassion and respect for each person. Currently we have 10 care partners that we are assisting. If this sounds like something you would enjoy doing, please contact Beth Moseman 281-358-5501. We can always use more volunteers! By Beth Moseman



On Sunday, September 25, there will be a potluck lunch at 12:15 p.m. (right after late service) in Luther Hall. Following lunch a speaker from United Against Human Trafficking will give us information about human trafficking, how to recognize it and what we can do about it. One thing we can do is to support Fair Trade organizations. HCLC is having a Fair Trade Sale this fall so come and learn more about why we are doing that and why it’s so important for you to be a part of that – either by helping with the sale or by purchasing products or both! Watch for a sign-up sheet in the narthex in September. By Beth Moseman

KIDS HOPE You can make a difference!

Cathie Tanner with Asst. Principal Sheryl Siwek

One Church, One School, One Mentor, ONE KID, One hour per week.

Holy Comforter has joined with Bear Branch Elementary in the Kids Hope mentoring program. We go to the school to mentor at risk children. Each Mentor has only ONE child to visit for one hour a week. Our goal is to love the child and provide one to one attention. We play games, talk, walk. Our job is to love these kids. Show them they matter. We need you! We have been very successful with Kids Hope. We need mentors. If you have one hour a week to help a child in our neighborhood, please prayerfully consider joining our program. Each mentor is paired up with a prayer partner. This person prays for the mentor and the child. If you are unable to mentor, please become a prayer partner. This program changes lives. IT IS FUN! Contact Cathie Tanner - 281-358-0622. By Cathie Tanner



The Gathering Place at HCLC meets on the first Friday of each month to offer respite care to families with a loved one who has dementia, Parkinson’s, stroke, etc. During the hours that care partners are at HCLC our volunteers engage with them in activities, crafts, exercise, music, and more. We offer entertainment and lunch along with fellowship and support. Our next Gathering Place will be Friday, October 7, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Our theme is “Autumn Colors.” Come find

Kids Hope volunteers - Karen Geffert, Cathie Tanner, Cindy Goebel

out what the Gathering Place is all about. Upcoming Gathering Place dates are November 4, December 2, and January 6. If you are interested in volunteering (once a month) or know someone who would benefit from attending The Gathering Place as a care partner, please contact Pam MacNaughton 281460-9252 or Beth Moseman 281-358-5501. By Beth Moseman




We are excited about forming faith together with you! Come and learn about God! Ask questions! Be creative! Discuss current events! Share a meal! You are invited to our Sunday classes for all ages. We have a new schedule for fall! All are welcome to our CrossGenerational classes, kids from age 3 to 99! 1st Sunday: Sandwich Sunday (10/2, 11/6, 12/4) 2nd Sunday: Faith, Family & Fine Arts (9/11, 10/9, 11/13, 12/11) 3rd Sunday: Creative Bible Stories (9/18, 10/16, 11/20, 12/18) 4th Sunday: Breakfast and Hot Topics (11/27) We will offer a Pastors’ class for adults: “Let Your Light Shine” with Karen Geffert & Pastor Barb (9/11, 9/18, 9/25, 10/9, 10/16, 10/23) and then Philippians with Pastor Amy (11/13, 11/20, 11/27, 12/4, 12/11). You are invited to our Wednesday classes for all ages with supper at 6 p.m. followed by class from 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. The classes offered are below: Godly Play for Preschool Children (3-6 years old) Music and Godly Play for Elementary Children Confirmation for Middle School Youth (6th-8th) Learning, Fellowship, Service for Senior High (9th-12th) Micah and Amos for Adults Along with our ongoing Sunday and Wednesday Faith Formation classes, there will be three special events on Sunday mornings! Mark your calendars and join us on Sept. 11 as grandchildren and grandparents do a special art project together at 9:30 a.m.! We will offer a special blessing during the 8:15 a.m. and 11 a.m. worship services too! You are invited to our Flat Jesus breakfast on Sunday, September 25th! Come and celebrate Marty (Martin Luther) on Reformation Sunday, October 30th with cake and games!

God’s Peace, Pastor Amy

water to thrive

You did it again!

Well Number FOUR has been completed in the Northern District of Tigray, Ethiopia, and following is the location of the well: Site Name: Akabi Seat Lat.: 14.20074 Long.: 39.22985 Beneficiaries*: 308 *This is the number of beneficiaries within 1 kilometer of the project. Because of the scarcity of water, often 2-3X that number may benefit from the project.

This well will provide clean water for many years to this village and the surrounding area. Clean water means not only better health for the people, but it gifts women and children with time for their families and schooling. Some had to walk four to eight hours each day to obtain water that may have been contaminated. Villagers are involved in every aspect of building the well. As the well is completed, they are taught how to maintain it. Holy Comforter has been a steadfast partner with Water to Thrive since 2009. We recently discovered that not only have we donated enough money to complete Well Number Four. Wells Number 5 and Number 6 are funded through your generous contributions! THANK YOU for your continued support of these people and this vital organization. Please plan to be in worship on Sunday, January 15, 2017. Representatives of Water to Thrive will be with us to celebrate our accomplishments and share information with us.

By Cathie Tanner

Saturday, October 22 @HCLC!


oly Comforter will be host for The Kingwood Oktoberfest, a first for our community. This event will be held on Saturday, October 22, 2016, and will highlight German heritage by featuring authentic German food, polka music, games and beer. The “gute Zeiten” (good times) will include music from The Texas Sound Check Band, German cuisine prepared by Kingwood Chef David Welch and brews on tap from Kingwood’s own Back Pew Brewing. Formerly The City Polka Boys, The Texas Sound Check Band has been a staple in the Texas polka community for more than four decades. Chef Welch, owner of FireCraft BBQ, will provide plates for $15 that will include two kinds of sausage, sauerkraut, German potato salad and other wonderful German food. If you are looking for something a little more

Saturday September 10

American, there will also be hot dogs, pretzels, chips, soda, water, and of course, beer! Back Pew Brewing and brewmaster Bobby Harl will provide several of their unique craft beers. Back Pew Brewing opened this year in Kingwood and “passionately brews their beers with creative characters and daring twists.” The Kingwood Oktoberfest will also feature booths and demonstrations for the whole family to enjoy and learn about German heritage. There will also be children’s games, a video truck and much more. For those who want to shop, the Oktoberfest Gift Shop and Fair Trade Market will be open during the entire festival. The Kingwood Oktoberfest will be from Noon to 5 p.m., October 22, 2016. Admission is $5 for adults and $1 for children under 18. Proceeds will help support church ministries both at Holy Comforter Lutheran Church and beyond. So break out your Lederhosen and join us for The Kingwood Oktoberfest! Prost! By Rick Janacek

Mark your calendars! Fair Trade Holiday Gift Sale

On Saturday, September 10, we held our Fall God’s Work. Our Hands day of service. Our day started at 9:00 a.m with a full, hearty breakfast provided by Cathie Tanner. Service activities ran from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Several volunteers drove to The Rescue Barn in Huffman to help with chores. Others visited with community residents who are unable to get out much. Still others strapped on their tool belts and helped with home maintenance items. This is always a fun and rewarding event for participants and those we serve. Be watching for our next day of service. You may contact Stacey Taylor with any suggestions for future service opportunities.

Last year’s sale was a big success thanks to everyone who helped and shopped. For 2016, we will once again be offering hand-crafted items from Ten Thousand Villages. Plus, we will be offering an extended array of coffee and tea and cocoa from Equal Exchange (including K-cups!). There will also be additional hand-crafted items offered from SERRV. This year’s sale will be held as part of The Kingwood Oktoberfest on Saturday, October 22nd and on Friday, November 4. Be watching for our next day of service. You may contact Stacey Taylor with any suggestions for future service opportunities. By Stacey Taylor

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...was the theme of Camp Hope, our three week Bible day camp for kids led by kids, our youth! Everyone loved the theme. Our middle school and high school staff made capes to wear and our campers made masks. It was loads of fun pretending to be super heroes the first day of camp. As camp progressed, our campers learned about a new Bible character hero each day and about historical and present day heroes in the world like Emma Watson, Mother Theresa, and St. Francis of Assisi. Also our campers discovered that they too are real life heroes, made by God with gifts and talents. They learned that God loves them just the way they are and that God wants them to share themselves with the world. They can share the story of God’s love. Every day they can help others. We know that being a hero means serving neighbors! So Camp Hope partnered this year with the L3 Foundation, which is kids helping kids with cancer. We collected change and medals to give to children who are ill with cancer and who are unable to participate in sports and other activities because of their illness. We also made lots of cards for neighbors in need: Star of Hope homeless men’s shelter, for children in Peru, and for The Gathering Place’s elderly members. One of the highlights each week was Splash Day. Every Tuesday, our campers participated in water balloon games in some kiddie pools outside. And on Thursdays they got to use shaving cream on one another. Mohawk - created hair with shaving cream was a big highlight. We ate pizza and popsicles on Wednesdays for lunch, which was also looked forward to. Camp Hope included lots of fun, singing, drama, art, science, games, snacks, praying, and splashing. Thanks to our 12 Senior Highs who served as staff! Thanks to our 12 Middle Schoolers who served as staff! We appreciate you! By Pastor Amy HOLY COMFORTER KIDS KEEP “HOPE” ALIVE W/ T-SHIRT CONTEST! HCLC school age children are proving that there is much to be hopeful about in this world! Almost a dozen youth took part in the annual t-shirt design contest for Camp Hope. They were encouraged to design a t-shirt based on the theme of the camp this year, “Be a Hero.” The winners of the event were selected by the staff of Holy Comforter, and they are: First Place: Emma Carver Second Place (a tie): Evan Janacek and Dylan Jenkins Third Place: Pierce Dietrich To publicize Camp Hope in the local newspaper, Pastor Amy Oehlschlaeger, Associate Pastor of Faith Development and Service noted, “This year’s theme not only helps individuals learn about the heroes in the Bible, but also the life of a hero from different places across the world. Each day of camp will connect the Bible story with the life of a hero. Well-known heroes, like Mother Teresa and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., but also heroes like Malala Yousafzai, the youngest individual to win the Nobel Peace Prize, and Mattie Stepanek, who has written poetry that has inspired millions to be peacemakers in the world.” For her exceptional efforts, Emma Carver, first place winner, received a medal and a gift certificate to have an ice cream outing with Pastor Amy!

By Christy Janacek


Photos by Melissa Balcom

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Photos by Melissa Balcom

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Discover. Grow. L i v e.


Holy Comforter Lutheran CHurch Staff

The Reverend Barbara Bartling Pastor Amy Oehlschlaeger Marsha Seale Bill Goebel Pam MacNaughton Colleen Engel

Senior Pastor Associate Pastor Minister of Worship and Music Financial Secretary Director of Administration Education Director

pastorbarb@godeeperwithchrist.org pastoramy@godeeperwithchrist.org marsha@godeeperwithchrist.org bill@godeeperwithchrist.org pam@godeeperwithchrist.org colleen@godeeperwithchrist.org

Church Council Members

Sheryl Stucky – President Al Schmit – Treasurer Brad Goodwin Sancy Rhodes

Hans Kell – VP Steve Hansen - Secretary Steve Bost

Holy Comforter Lutheran Church is the sum of its members blessed and empowered by the Holy Spirit to do ministry together. We are a traditional church & congregation that thinks and works “outside the box” to bring progressive ministries, services, programs and outreach to our local community and beyond! Holy Comforter Lutheran Church & School was the first church and preschool program in Kingwood, Texas. We are a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Visit www.godeeperwithchrist.org for more info on our Mission & Vision, History, Pastor, Staff & Council, Ministries, Communion Policy, Testimonials & Worship Services. Cover Photo by Melissa Balcom

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