Kingwood High School 2010-2011 Issue #1

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Order Your Yearbook


Team Joseph

photo by Sydne Steward

Walking through the doors on the first day of school, eyes were immediately drawn to the sea of green that flooded the Kingwood High School hallways. Every other student that passed by was

is valuable,” junior Brittany Bussey said. Joseph has taught many people in our community valuable lessons. “His accident and hospitalization has

junior Jason Dayvault said. The power and extent of the support given to Joseph has

Joseph has inspired me to live my life to the fullest because you never know what might happen tomorrow. - Lizzie Knouse wearing a green shirt with the words “Team Joseph” sprawled across their chest. At schools all across the Houston area, students wore their “Team Joseph” shirts to support a Kingwood Park High School student, Joseph Stanton, who has been in the hospital due to brain injuries. Students at Kingwood High School have been inspired by the strength of his family and friends. “He inspires me to keep pushing and to never give up because life


reinforced my knowledge that life is incredibly valuable, and that I need to make sure I don’t take what I have for granted no matter what is going on,”

overwhelmed many High School students. “His fight as well

Photos By Sydne Steward

as the support of our community reminds me that with the support of others, nothing can hold us back,” junior Joy Davis said. It amazes students how much faith can help overcome obstacles and hardships. “Joseph has shown me how powerful faith, support, and strength can help overcome adversity,” junior Madison Fry said. Joseph is talented and well liked by the Kingwood student body. “He is a very strong athlete, talented and well loved by countless people,” Fry said. Junior Gabrielle Cowart, who has been swimming with Joseph since she was four, has been inspired by Joseph and his family’s strength throughout the accident. “He never gives up

whether its swimming or football. No matter what, he never stops trying and trying,” Cowart said. Joseph has made a major impact on the students outlook on life. “I learned not to take anyone for granted, because they could be gone the next day,” Cowart said. Students united in wearing their shirts on the first day of school for a number of reasons. “I am not only supporting Joseph, but his family as well. This could happen to anyone,” junior Mike Taylor said. As news of the accident spread, a wave of emotion rushed through the students of Kingwood High School. “My first thought was oh-my-gosh, why did this happen? I was so stunned. I couldn’t stop crying,” junior Gabrielle Cowart said. Students of all ages have been inspired by the amount of people who came together to support Joseph. “It’s amazing how so many people came

together to help one kid. It shows how good of a family they really are,” freshman Wec Artac said. Students everywhere have been inspired by Joseph’s

to him pretty much. It is really amazing to see a love like that, so sacrificial,” junior Becky Stevenson said. Joseph’s cause does not stop at Kingwood High School. It is strong in many school across the

Houston area. “Joseph has inspired me in so many ways. After everything that has happened to him this past summer, he is still pulling through and making a change in the New Caney/ Kingwood/ Humble area. He’s impacting lives whether he likes it or not,” said New Caney student Kaelyn Topkok said.

photo by Sydne Steward

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strength and have learned valuable life lessons. “He has been so strong through this whole thing. He has taught me that life is so precious,” junior Hallie Hoffman said. Joseph’s friends and family have inspired everyone with their amazing strength. “I think how he fought was absolutely amazing. And Gabby? She devoted her entire summer

photo by Kaitlyn Beckert



Take on a New District

There is new competition in town as Kingwood Mustangs take on a new district. Every four years, Texas UIL sports are put into new districts, receiving new opponents. KHS’s new district includes Atascosita, College Park, The Woodlands, Conroe, Oak Ridge, and Lufkin. This district changes brings up new rivalries and challenges. For those of you who have not noticed, Humble High School is no longer in our district, making one of our school’s old rivals no longer in our competition. But, many of the new schools in this district will be much more challenging than are district has been in previous years. “ I think The Woodlands will be our biggest rival because we’ve had a lot of competition in the past and since they’re in our district now, it’s going to be intense,” said junior, Kayla Sampson. Many students are skeptical of Kingwood’s standing in the new district. The competition is a lot tougher and many worry that Kingwood will not do as well as we have in previous years. “ It will be harder to get


the win, but I think we will do good this year,” said sophomore, Cassidy Wheeler. For many students athletes, this will mean practicing and training more.The Mustangs will have to work harder to reach their goal this year, but we will feel great knowing we tried our best. Kingwood athletes understand this and know that through tougher competition they can be more proud of their achievements. “I’m really excited about the new district because we’ll have to work harder for the win, but we will feel very accomplished with the end result,’ said junior Kayla Sampson. So support your Mustangs for their hard work!

Rub the Hoof!




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A Night In, The Livable Forest

Hair, check, dress, check, meeting her dad for the first time, check. Only one thing is missing from this perfect Homecoming equation: the dance itself. On September 25 Kingwood high school, held its yearly homecoming at the Humble Civic Center. Students packed the main room with one goal in common: to have as much fun as possible. But with so many different components of homecoming, the experience is different to each person. “My favorite part of the whole homecoming, besides the game, is the mums.” Junior Will Pratt said, ”It’s fun to show my mum off and have competitions with everybody at school and the football games.” This year the Kingwood Varsity boys football team, lost their homecoming game: 21-42. They fought hard and definitely deserved a week to rest up for the dance. “For me it’s not really about the score, its about going out and showing we support our team,” Senior Evan Rabalais said, “Homecoming is mainly about the dance, and having fun with my friends, not winning some football game.” This year, the homecoming game took place a week before the actual homecoming dance, which only made some more impatient. For others, it provided crucial time to get that last minute suit or dress to make the night that much more special. “In general, this year was by


By Spencer Williams

“Good music, great friends, now thats one awsome night,” - Cody Wright

far more fun than last year,” Sopmore Angelica Antenello said, “The music was better, seemed like there were less people and the teachers weren’t as strict.” With the dj at the front of the room surrounded by teenage boys and girls crowding around to dance away the stresses of normal life, it was an interesting, to experience. “If you stayed out on the edge of the mash pit, it wasn’t too bad, it wasn’t until you got into the middle that you regretted even leaving the edge,” Freshman Erin Straka said. “With all the sweaty guys and girls dancing everywhere, it was hard to even know

Photo by Spencer Williams

were you where sometimes.” Aside for a few new additional rules, homecoming was the same as the years past. Kingwood high school students packed into the civic center to let go and have fun;two things that are crucial in surviving high school. “Having this dance is very important, putting the tradition of homecoming aside, it is a night where us, as students, can let go and just have fun,” Junior Ann Vondrack said. “In the end, once I had washed off all the sweat and glitter, and started to wind down, I stopped and realize just how much tonight was a night I would not soon forget.”

Photo by Caroline Hodges

Photo by Brenden Hubert

Photo by Brenden Hubert

Photo by Brenden Hubert Photo by Spencer Williams

1. Graduates and students a like join together to make the best of their night. 2.Roy Torres and his date show of their dance moves. 3. Freshman Niko Craniotis Poses for a picture tying to pull off the tie around the head look 4. A group of friends take a moment out of their dancing to pose for a picture. 5. Varsity football players sit and take a rest before they go back in at the Kingwood v. Northshore Homecoming game.



photo by Brenden Hubert

photo by Caroline Hodges


Photo by Melyssa Donahue

photo by Caroline Hodges

photo by Caroline Hodges



A Snowcone In July Jase Skarbovig: Artist in Action By Sam Mendez In a dark room lit only by the screen of a small Macbook Pro laptop there is an endless stream of music: from the sounds of strumming on a guitar to slaps on a bass to a patting rhythm of a tambourine. Jase Skarbovig, a senior here at KHS, is considered to be a well rounded student of the fine arts, especially music. Jase Skarbovig first became really interested in music with middle school band. Today, he uses his knowledge to create rather than just play. “One of the creative fine arts is the only option for me and what’s beautiful about it is those options open the door for many opportunities. I would love to compose or write musicals, I have already started a few” Jase said. Skarbovig enjoys

playing all instrument types so that he gets a full spectrum of variety with his music. “I started off playing brass instruments. I played French horn primarily: that l e d me to trump e t which is upp e r brass and is my strong point. I have been a

member of choir, I love using my voice as an instrument, various percussion, and then Photo provided courtesy I can play uka- of Jase Skarbovig

“I love using my voice as an instrument”

Photo taken by Sam Mendez

Jase isn’t that much of a fan of being really flashy with music. He likes the look of a messy laley, bass, guitar, and scratched up guitar and I’m pretty good with the it is reflected in his music. kazoo” Skarbovig stated His style on his soon to be released EP is supposed mockingly.

Photo provided courtesy of Jase Skarbovig

(Right) Jase performing in A Piece of My Heart. (Left) Playing french horn with his band members for last year’s talent show.

Photo taken by Sam Mendez

and is a very dedicated student. To Jase, music is reflected in his life and that is how he chooses to live. “Music makes me value life artistically, I value my friendships artistically, So most of all music has made me a person”. Skarbovig said.

Photo provided courtesy of Jase Skarbovig

to be a relaxed acoustic sound built of just chords and not too emphasized on ostentatious finger picking or anything of that sort. “What I love about voice is that you have what you’re given you can’t just up-

grade your gear and that makes it a really personal art” Jase exclaimed. As far as Jase’s composing goes, last year he did musical underscoring for theater’s one act play last year and was recognized at several competitions.

Jase’s passion for theater really began his sophomore year when he played the role of a lost boy and said that he “fell in love with it”. Since then Jase has been in varsity theater

Photo provided courtesy of Jase Skarbovig

(Above) Jase playing trumpet in last year’s talent show. (Above left) Teaching guitar.

The Icing On the Cake

With Tips from Junior Suruchi Avasthi * Don’t overheat batter when you mix ingredients together. * Combine dry ingredients together, then combine them with the liquid ingredients. * Always sift flour, baking soda, baking powder and spices to aviod lumps. * Make sure all ingredients are at room temperature for a fluffier cake or cupcake. 16

Christmas Cherry Pistachio Bark


2 (12 oz.) packages white chocolate morsels 6 (12 oz.) vanilla candy coating squares 1 3/4 cups of dried cherries, divided 1 1/2 cups chopped red or green pistachios


1. Microwave chocolate morsels on high for 3 minutes, stirring at 1 minute intervals. 2. Stir in 1 1/4 cups cherries and 1 cup pistachios. 3. Grease 15 by 10 jelly roll pan, and line with wax paper. Pour chocolate into the pan. Press remaining cherries and pistachios. 4. Chill for 1 hour.

Recipes by Junior Gabby Cowart Ingredients

Caramal Crunch Cake

583 g packet devil’s food cake 3 eggs 3/4 cup thickened cream 2 tablespoons honey

chocolate frosting 1/4 cup vegetable oil 1/2 cup castor sugar 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda


1. Prepare devils cake according to packet directions. 2. Line tray with baking paper. Place sugar, honey, and 2 tablespoons water in a saucepan over low heat. Stir for 5 to 7 minutes until sugar dissolved. Increase heat to medium. Cook, without stirring, brushing down sides of pan until light golden. Remove from heat and add bicarbonate. Pour into tray to cool. 3. Using the end of a rolling pin, break caramel into small pieces. 4. Cut cake horizontally into thirds. Place base on plate. Top with half cream and 1/3 of the caramel. Repeat with middle layer, remaining cream and half the remaining carmel. Top with cake top. Spread over forsting, Sprinkle with remaining caramel.


E xplosio n s

of Emotions Photos and story by Caroline Hodges

The lights are out. A scene of camouflage is lit by a dozen televisions playing a Vietnam War report. All goes silent. “Commence Fire!” is yelled. The sounds of sirens and explosions ring through the air. Red flashing lights illuminate the theater. The entire audience is holding their breath waiting Jase Scarbovig (12) and Izzy Flake (12) struggle over the death of a friend for the dialogue to begin. The Kingwood High School real, not just a tool. They actually went emotional and significant characters Varsity Theatre class presented A Piece through these terrible things” Senior was not easy for the actors. Emma Hanes, a senior, played the part of of My Heart to the public on October Sandra Peck said. Whitney, a Red Cross 7th- 9th in a moving performance. volunteer. The play is about the experi “At first it was really ences of not the men, but the womhard to relate, haven, who served during the Vietnam ing no connection to War. the character, but as “It’s important to show I learned about her the other side of the war, from the and really got to know women’s point of view.” Junior Marwho she stood for, it ian Kansas said. got easier to be emo Marian plays Martha an army tional” Emma said. nurse and one of the six all female The play centered on leads., something new to Kingwood the emotional impact theatre. They featuring three nurses, of the war, during and afterwards, Sandra portrayed Mary Jo, an enteran entertainer, a Red Cross Volunteer, and what the women went through tainer hired to sing for the soldiers. and an intelligence officer. “I did a lot of research to play to overcome the problems. “It was really different play“By the end of the play, we all ing a role where my character was this role: reading stories of women who served. They were really power- realized there were actually women who went through those things. We ful” Sandra said. However, relating to such realized that there importance to our 18

Top Left: Marian Kansas, Emma Hanes, Robert Terry(11), and Izzy Flake (12) reflect on the troubles of the war. Top Right: Marian Kansas grieves over the loss of a soldier. Below: Lauren Phillips (12), playing the female intelligence officer, threatens thieves while serving. roles in the play” Emma said. The intense emotions the characters’ stories brought were improved by the numerous special effects. These effects were everything from television screens to explosions to sirens. “I just push the right button at the right time: the hard part is coordinating the explosions with the actors, making sure they don’t end up talking during an explosion or with smoke pouring around them” Senior Will Gossett said. Will worked backstage during the performance, coordinating the pyrotechnics, or explosions and flashes. “This play required more safety precautions than usual: we had fire extinguishers always ready and the actors had to be aware of when where the explosions and smoke would come so they would not step on something or hurt themselves” Will

said. Even with all of the safety precautions, the running and falling sometimes led to hurt students. “I ended up with injuries from running, crawling, and falling on stage from the war zone explosions” Katie Flood, another varsity actor, said. Though there was a price to pay for the theatricality of the performance, Varsity Theatre pulled it off extremely well. The stunning performance left an emotional and teary audience. The theatre department performed a well deserved salute to all of the armed forces, especially those we often forget. A Piece of My Heart was a spectacular performance, different from anything Kingwood High School has ever seen.

Kingwood Theatre Presents...

November 18, 19, 20, and 22 7:30 p.m. November 20 at 2 p.m. Tickets $15 or $20


Kingwood Courier




Kingwood Courier


Kingwood Homecoming 2010

Best Dressed

Freshman Whitney Allen

Junior Gabby Cowart 22

Senior Nathaniel Adolphe

Senior Nicky Hewett

Shopping Heaven (Forever 21)

Two stories, rooms galore, accessories and jewelry everywhere you look. Every room has a different style or color. And yes, there are clothes everywhere, it’s a girl’s dream. The new Forever 21 is opened in The Woodlands Mall! The Woodlands Mall was recently one of six stores across the country to receive a new, expanded Forever 21. The new store totals to 85,000 square feet and is located where the old Mervyn’s was. The bigger space allows for a much greater variety of clothing and expands into men’s clothing as well. Since the opening, the store has had an overwhelming amount of customers. The larger store allows them to stock more clothes for all the different styles that people desire. “There are two stories and it’s really big. “ sophomore Cassidy Wheeler said, who has been to the new Forever 21 several times. The large of variety of clothes allows people to expand their style. “My favorite clothing item that I purchased there was a little flowy tank top with teal letters on the side. My mom bought it for me as a birthday present,” junior Kayla Sampson said. The new Forever 21 has been a great addition to the Woodlands Mall with a great shopping environment, variety, and a great way to spend a weekend shopping with friends!


Kingwood Courier



Photo by: Adriana Tomeu

By Amy Lebus and Caity Kramer

Walking into the costuming room, you are hit with a wave of fabrics ranging from glittery to suede. Siky blue fabric is being pinned together to create a future prom dress. Across the room, a sewing machine is busy at work piecing the blue dress together. At Kingwood High School,

Photo by: Caity Kramer

Students prepare to make to make a new outfit.

there are many students who can create their own clothes. “Last summer, I was in the theatre department costuming room and i was just playing around with fabrics on a mannequin, I pinned a few Photo by: Caity Kramer


things on and moved things around and I had unknowingly designed my first dress,” said Junior Eva Porras. Many students, just like Eva, stumble upon an outfit that they did not know they were making. By getting her start in the theatre Eva Porras models her departown creation for this year’s ment, Eva was Homecoming. inspired by her own creativPhoto courtesy of Ellen Chancellor ity to create Ellen Chancellor made the a dress she dress she is wearing below. loved. “I like to incorperate new fashions into my wardrobe by mixing more trendy stuff with classic pieces to give it a more timeless look,” said senior Ellen Chancellor. Classic pieces inspire Ellen to create timeless looks with a modern twist. She loves to make dresses and various pieces of outfits.

April Tillinghast is hard at work creating costumes for the Photo by: Caity Kramer upcoming KHS Theatre Production of “The Sound of Music.”

April Tillinghast, a junior, them or cut them out and put them first started making her own things in my sketchbook. after taking a reconstructive fashion class and eventually got to the point When I’m done I look at what I found where she could “The mood I’m in and I try and create make things from at the time has a something really cool,” scratch. said Eva. “I especially lot of influence on Lots of work goes love making anywhat I make. I also into designing each thing really unique,” love using artwork, piece, and inspirasaid April. tion can come from other outfits or She draws anywhere. Drawing her inspiration from fun accessories as ideas from many places vibrant patterns and inspiration.”-April allows for each piece to colors. April loves become a unique, oneTillinghast. maing costumes for of-a-kind masterpiece. theatre and enjoys mixing different patterns and designs from different These three girls draw inspidecades. ration from all different things to cre “I go through ton of magaate original pieces that are just what zines like Teen Vogue or Allure and they want. The clothes they make pick out things I like and go from reflect their individual personalities there. There will be parts of outfits and creativity. that catch my eye and I either draw

Photo by: Sarah Kratt

April Tillinghast is wearing her personalized Homecoming dress.


Kingwood Courier


Current Fashion Story by Kaitlyn Beckert Fashion has always been a major piece of pop culture, and in multiple methods it connects us as a society. Most people are noticed using at least one item that is worn by the majority. We can all agree that an amazing pair of jeans can probably never go out of style, but appearance has changed so much that it can be tricky to keep up with the latest fads.

“Seeing what other people buy and use usually inspires me, so I can take bits and pieces of every style,” senior Taylor Ferris said.

There are many different styles of outerwear that range from $30-$50 at the European store accessable at www.

Jackets, Cardigans, Blazers

Frills, Ruffles, Tears “I usually give myself a $100 limit when I do intense shopping,” junior Gabrielle Cowart said.

Delicate lace and silk shirts flatter just about anybody. You can buy affordable blouses like the ones above available at, $20-$42.


Five Ways to Style a White Shirt


“To me, current fashion includes what people currently wear that keep us looking modern and unique,” junior Marcela Saldana said.

Dresses that flatter all body types and are appropriate for the fall season like the ones above are available at and

Sweaters, Knitts

You will need a white shirt of your choice-can be fitted, a camisole, long or short sleeved-and a pair of dark wash denim jeans. • Styling the white shirt with a lace vest can exemplify the outfit in an elegant way to seem as if it took more effort to stylize. • A bright colored cardigan can bring out the best in a white shirt and can really transform the look from vague to vibrant. • P a i r ing the outfit with a light weight scarf that is either bright colored or patterned can add to the look and energize the stye. • A big, girly necklace will endues the shirt and draw more attention to the accessories, but gives the outfit a nice contrast at the same time. •

Wearing a cropped or fitted denim or black blazer can really change the look to appear more put-together than it really is.



By Amy Lebus and Caity Kramer

Scorpio (Oct - Nov 21)

Your life is not immune to stress, even though you may always have composure. For you, friends are a great source of comfort and laughs. Improving relationships with others will benefit you in the long run.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21) You need to relax and focus on the things you have been putting aside. You are feeling very friendly and work well with others. You help to keep your friends focused on the task at hand and you give great advice.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19) You often tend to push yourself too hard. But never lose sight, that you always have your friends to support you. You’re finding it difficult to think positivly, however you need to open your mind to new experiences.

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18) Even though you’re pleased with your social interactions, you always think about how they could be better. You like to spend money, but maybe you should wait to splurge on big money items.

Pisces (Feb 19 - March 20) You are extremely open to new things. You love to mingle with old friends and new people. You seem to always enjoy the small things in life. Its hard for you to say no because of your generosity towards others.

Aires (March 21 - April 19)


You make the world around you more comfortable. You tend to day dream way to much. Make sure you always think twice before you say something. This month will be your lucky month. You will be noticed more than usual.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Try to keep all the distractions that are going through your head, away from the decisions you need to make. The tempo of life leaves you feeling overwhelmed. Try going to a spa to relieve all of your stress.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21) You like to stay a mystery to people instead of opening up. People are always trying to get to know you better. Don’t be afraid to meet new people and try to open up and let people into your life.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22) You are a very creative person, and you love to communicate with other people. You will help so many people create wonderful pieces of work, because your sense of art. Try getting involved in a creative club.

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22) You know how to give many people great advice in their lives. You are comfortable in new environments and at ease when with strangers. When people come into your world you tend to open up to them and share your life.

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22) Your positive outlook on life, influences others to be creative in their lives. You love to plan parties for others and help them to make their dreams come true. You are in a partying mood and just want to dance.

Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22) Use your loving personality helps you meet and charm new people and friends. Your intution and sensitivity will win people’s hearts. Your tendency to give great advice will come in handy this month.

Health & Fitness


n u o r d T h A e s d O O F America

Saradina “Casu Marzu”

“The Cheeseburger”

- Most delicious and tasty treat in America -Sold at almost any restaurant and establishment -Americans alone spend 110 billion dollars on cheeseburgers

Phillipines “Balut”


-This is a fertilized chicken egg -Cooked when fetus is 17 to 21 days old -As popular in Phillipines as a hot dog in America -Believed to boost libido and are a hearty snack full of protein

-This sardinian cheese is infested with insect larvae -Since larvae can jump when they are disturbed, this cheese has to be covered or kept in a bag until it’s consumed

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“Bird Nest Soup”

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-Known as the“caviar of the East” -Predominantly made out of the bird swifts’ saliva -Known for it’s unique rubbery texture -Most expensive animal product consumed by humans (up to 10000 dollars!)


“Fried Tarantulas”

-People come from all around the world come to Cambodia to try this delicacy -Fried whole (legs, fangs, and hair!) -Cost only a few cents -Tastes like crickets - crispy on the outside and gooey on the inside

By: Jillian Vitarius & Nicole Morris The smell of warm garlic bread cooking in the oven while a women is running around frantically with a silly apron and with flour all over her face. The steam taking over the air from the boiling pasta. The splatter of red everywhere from the tomato sauce. Food, no matter where you are in the world, is a necessity of life. There are countless ingredients out there, and with so many different cultures and influences, millions of meals are created everyday. “My dad cooks real chinese food, not the stuff you order from those restaurants, but real chinese food that tastes if i was actually there.” said sophomore Nora Muffufey. It’s a wonderful opportunity to be able to experience and taste foods from different cultures. It allows you to experience and see how other people around the world live. Some foods, like dog, which we would consider unthinkable to eat in our culture, is considered a delicacy in others. “My vision of food from around the world is like Hins Garden or Chachis, I have never had the chance to taste those types of food in their homeland.” said junior Jamie Friderichs. Mexican food that we eat here is Texas is very different then the food they make in Mexico. Over the years, Americans have “americanized” different cultures’ delicacies to satisfy their own tastes. As we travel around the world, we can take a look at what other cultures eat…

Hats off to for pictures and info


Easy, Edible Excellence Savory, low-calorie recipes anyone can make! Story by Jillian Vitarius and Nicole Morris with photos by Jillian Vitarius

Italian Pasta Salad 1 pkg (16 oz) rotini 1 can (8 oz) tomato sauce 1 cup fat-free italian dressing 1 tsp dried basil 1 tsp dried oregano 1 cup mushrooms (sliced) 5 plum tomatoes (coarsely chopped) 1 medium red onion (chopped) 1 can (2.25 oz) sliced ripe olives (drained)

2 tbsp soysauce 1/4 cup water 1/2 clove garlic, minced 1/2 tsp ginger 1 pound lean ground beef 1/4 tsp black pepper

Coctail Meatballs 28

Directions -cook pasta according to package directions -drain -rinse with cold water -In mixing bowl, blend tomato sauce, dressing, basilm and oregano. -Add pasta, mushrooms, tomatoes, onion, & olives. -Toss to blend -cover -refrigerate at least 2 hours

Directions -Preheat oven to 450 degrees -In larger mixing, combine soy sauce, water, garlic, and peper. -Add ground beef. -Mix lightly, but thoroughly. -Form into 1� diameter meatballs. -Spray baking sheet with non-stick cooking spray. -Arrange meatballs on baking sheet. -Place in oven for 15 minutes. -Serve while hot in small bowls with toothpicks.

Fud g e em oz ) s

Directions -spray 9x9 inch square pan with non stick cooking spray -in heavy saucepan, combine chocolate chips with peanut butter -cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until chocolate melts completely -blend in nuts, mix in marshmellows -heat until marshmellows begin to melt -pour mixture into prepared baking pan -smooth top of mixture -place into refrigerator or 1-3 hours

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t te r m i xe d g (12 u k b P t r u 1 pe an e anu ts o p y i k h n c p p c h u ro a s te d u c 1 s p dr y u l lo w c e 1 m h a rs nu ts s mi ni m p 4 cu

s t e i D Fad Popular? Yes. But are they Healthy?


hoc ee t c

ith so many diets out there, it is hard to choose the right one, or even one at all. Although some “fad” diets may work for some people, it is important to do what’s best for your body. “I’ve never been on a diet before, if I ever wanted to lose weight I would just workout. Diets seems like a lot of work and stress.” said sophomore Cassidy Wheeler. Most KHS students are confused when it comes to diets. When choosing your diet, its important to think about your activity level. Food is fuel needed to keep your energy level up and your

body healthy. Do not fuel your body with junk foods like chips and soda, instead try more fruits and vegetables. You’ll soon find that your energy levels increase, and your feel less lethargic. “I’ve tried a couple of “fad” diets before, but they never really seem to work. Even if I do lose some weight, I gain it back in a couple of months” said freshman Cynthia Paul. Fad diets come and go, but it seems like the weight always stays. Often times, it is rare for people to see desired results. It is important to remember not to get frustrated as you try different diets. If you do not get the results right away, then do not get down on yourself. Everyone has different bodies, so everyone will have different results. With any diet, it is important to remember to consult your doctor and eat lots of good food. Never eat less then what is healthy for your body.


Sen10WiLLS rWills Senior Shelby, I leave you this song, “Ice Cream Paint Job” by Dorrough. We used to always listen to it after school. Love, your favorite Senior

Lucas, I leave you my skills for picking up the ladies. You need ‘em. You know I always got the hot dates!

Grayson, I leave you my awesome grades in English 4 AP. Mr. Page is really hard!

Love, your Big Brother

Love, your sister

In May, give the gift of a memory to your favorite underclassmen. For only $1.00, let the little guys know you care by leaving them something special from your time at Kingwood High School. Fill out the information below and bring to room 4406. Additional forrms are also available in room 4406. All turned in Friday, April January 22 All forms forms must must be be turned in by by Friday, 16th. Copyright Laws: Copyright laws require all quotations be credited by original author or be quoted by “Author Unknown”. A maximum of 4 lines of a copy written song, poem, etc. may be printed and must remain in the original text. Student Publications: In buying this space, the buyer is aware it is a student created product in an academic production class and errors can and will occur. The administration, faculty, students, publisher are not liable for errors, missing information, or lost materials. Content must be appropriate and is subject to approval. Digital media or technology malfunctions can and will occur causing lost data. No refunds or reprints will be made.

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t n e m n i a t r e t En




When did you first start playing guitar? “ I first picked up guitar in the seventh grade”

& Clay A

Did you start out on guitar? “I started playing piano in second grade” How did you learn to play guitar so well? “At first I took lessons, but I have mainly taught myself how to play guitar”

Who would you say are your biggest inspirations? “Well Rush is my favorite band of all time, but all the classics like Led Zepplin are great” How many instruments can you play? “I can play a total of seven instruments; bass, piano, guitar, harmonica, mandolin, banjo, and drums”

Would you consider yourself a one-man band? “Funny story, I was going to enter in the battle of the bands and planned to operate the drums by feet and play guitar, but then I severed my finger in the door”

Do you give give lessons? “Yes, I give lessons. I teach partially out of a book but also some little things and techniques that I’ve taught myself, also I have availability for lessons”

What’s thing you hope for your music to do? “I really hope to become one of those musicians who can inspire and influence those who want to make it big in life and have the fame that I want to have”

Do you wish to continue with music in college? “ I really want to major in song-writing and jazz composition and see where it goes from there”

Photos courtesy of Merrie Harper

“ Halo’s multiplayer has always been the best

by : Sam Mendez

The prequel to the multiple award winning series was released last September 14th and was, to say the least, an extravagant hit! It shaped and molded what the Halo series was built on and reflected the true tragic story behind the Spartans. “Reach’s storyline is pretty perfect and every real Halo fan goes through the campaign first,” Senior Christian Weiss said. The story of Halo Reach does not follow the storyline of the Masterchief as its predecessors did, instead it follows something more important: Noble Team. You play a Spartan, codenamed Noble 6, that was recently brought to Reach and has a very mysterious background. Reach is a Forerunner planet that has been inhabited by humans for quite some time. During the first campaign level, covenant starts attacking Reach for some unknown reason and it is Noble teams job to defend Reach until more UNSC reinforcem e n t s show up in three days. For half the campaign


Halo:Reach Review

UNSC command has ordered Noble team to defend Reach because there is something Dr. Halsey, the creator of the Spartan program, is working on at a UNSC camp named Sword Base that is believed to have the ability to end the war in mankind’s favor. The Halo series has always set a high standard for a remarkable story line amongst games and Reach keeps true to that tradition. It has a sense of connecting you to the characters and proving how hopeless the Reach really is, especially the last mission. For those of you who have beaten it, you know exactly what I mean. There are many great things the campaign offers that could be rambled about for extensive periods of time, but it would not be fair to those who have not played it yet and do not want it spoiled. As for the multiplayer, it has once again changed astronomically

and set another standard for online gaming. Its greatest game changing features are loadouts. Every round you get to choose a loadout with certain guns and certain armor abilities. This changes gameplay so much by giving everyone separate abilities the choose every death. This is not to be confused with Call of Duty’s perks

system where everyone completely customizes there weapon pack making it unfair for some players. In the loadout scheme people have all the same choices; they just have six different loadouts to choose from. The armor abilities are a jetpack, armor lock(temporary invulnerability), sprint, holograms, and temporary invisibility. Reach is well written and constructed for all fans of video games and more importantly, the fans of Halo. “Halo’s multiplayer is always the best,” Senior Travis Riley said.

Upcoming RED Movies By: Luke Taylor

Harry Potter VII

Like an old dog who still has his tricks, Frank Moses (Bruce Willis) is being hunted by his former employer, the CIA for that very reason. He is RED classified, Retired Extremely Dangerous. The CIA send their best assassins and black ops teams to take him out one morning. After Frank Moses takes care of them he begins to look for his old CIA team, Marvin Boggs (John Malkovich), Victoria (Helen Mirren), and John Matheson (Morgan Freeman). When they get over some past grievances they begin their search to find the man who wants Moses’ head and put an end to it. In his new explosive movie RED, Director Robert Schwentke is striving to put the newest and best action movie in theaters with renowned actors such as Morgan Freeman, Bruce Willis, and John Malkovich. This movie is sure to be an action packed thriller.

A line stretches out of the theater doors of hundreds of people in wizard robes, pointing crooked sticks and yelling gibberish. Harry Potter VII part I is bound to be the weirdest premiere of the year. This midnight premiere might be the biggest premiere ever! All types of Harry Potter fans will dress up as their favorite houses like Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin will be there and so should you! The Harry Potter movies have been very successful in the past and this one is going to be even better than the last! Deathly Hallows Part I starring Daniel Radcliff, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, and Ralph Fiennes comes to theaters November 19, 2010.


Leaving in his wake a fight for his crude and brutal legacy, Jigsaw from Saw V who was the mastermind behind numerous cruel traps and dark secrets has influenced one of his few survivors. Some of the survivors from Saw VI come to Bobby Dagen (Sean Patrick Flanery), who is also a survivor, for help to recover from the mental and physical horrors they experienced. As they will soon find out, there is a twisted man living inside their psychiatrist who, instead of helping them get over the terrible memories of the events that unfolded that night, brings them back to finish them off. Saw’s famous stomach sickening gore and mind puzzling suspense sets a high bar for director Kevin Greutert who has experience editing all of Saw’s previous movies. Saw VII is sure to be the best movie of the series yet.



Reclining back in a seat, struggling to concentrate on the wall to wall screen, while dodging 3D effects, not to mention juggling popcorn, Dr pepper, and Sour patch kids: this is the perfect Starplex movie experience. Starplex seems to be the preferred theater to everyone. They have new reclining chairs and, “The service is excellent and the theaters are always clean,” senior Michael Tramel said. Starplex is located off of Northpark Dr. in Kingwood and officially opened on

June 18th. “I like Starplex because its so close to home, “ Senior Michael McClurg said. Starplex theater shows 3D in all digital, crystal clear video. “Starplex is really cool because it is all digital and there are no more red and blue 3D classes, “ McClurg said. Compared to AMC, Starplex has a variety of food such as pizza, corn dogs, fries, chicken nuggets, and dollar hot dogs! “My favorite snack to get at Starplex is a salted pretzel with a mini cup of nacho cheese, “ Tramel 40 said.

Theater Gets



Story and pictures by Brice Jackson

Due Date is the next new comedy coming out November 5th.

Several came out to see “Despicable Me” in 3D once the theater opened in July. “I went to see Despicable Me with my friends and we really enjoyed the 3D experience at Starplex. We really loved the fluffy unicorn!” McClurg said. Starplex has almost every movie coming out in 3D now. “The new thriller 3D movie thats better than Despicable Me is Resident Evil” junior Will Pratt said. According to students at KHS, Starplex is clearly the better theater Starplex has a great concession stand with with its reclining seats, all digital a variety of selection. movies, and dollar hot dogs. Starplex theater opened June 18th with a premiere of Toy Story 3 The theater is located off of Northpark. Dr.



Kingwood Courier SPORTS

Strength, Courage, Fortitude.

A banner hangs on a wall in a room filled with the sounds of heart monitor beeps and and the compression of an automated syringe. Senior Brandon Ingram, number thirty-two on the varsity football team,

another player running a drill. Brandon at first came up seemingly fine but had slipped two discs in his upper spine which he did not realize until later, when his right side began to tingle. He called his dad who

Teamates Brandon Gray and CJ Simon visit Ingram while recovering at Herman Memorial.

broke his neck the Wednesday before school started and was hospitalized at Herman Memorial downtown. On that Wednesday Brandon collided with


came and picked him up to take him home and then go to Herman Memorial. At the hospital, Brandon was put in a halo and then put into surgery

Brandon lying in his hospital bed surrounded by gifts and get well cards from family and friends.

Senior Brandon Ingram’s struggle to recover after a life threatening football incident Photos Coutesy of the Ingram Family

Brandon’s 18th birthday with family

the next Tuesday. His surgery’s goal was to stabilize the two plates by inserting material between them.

They went in through Brandon’s neck and to get to his spine because it is safer than going in through the back of his neck. To say the least it was successful. The only lasting effects are eight to ten percent loss of movement in his neck and a scar. Ingram was starting tight end before his injury. He will not be able to play contact sports anymore and is dealing with it very well. “I won’t ever be able to play any contact sports and after the first time I was watching Kingwood play

instead of playing, I didn’t ever want to watch football again but I’m getting more used to it and I can watch it more,” Ingram said. Brandon will be in a halo until December and then will continue to be in a neck brace for a month. It is hard to do everyday things in a halo but Brandon has had alot of help from his family and caring girlfriend junior Morgan Willoughby. “ For my shirts, my dad cuts them up the back and puts on velcro buttons so that i can get dressed in the morning and my girlfriend sees me often which always makes me happy,” Brandon said. Brandon’s situation has been tough but made much easier with the support of the football team, his family, and friends and he gets better with everyday.


K. I. N. G. W. DOUBLE O. D. KINGWOOD By Brenden Hubert KHS cheerleaders get the crowd going, not by how hard they hit or how many baskets they shoot, but by chanting, flipping, jumping and exciting the fans at our school sporting events. After running out onto the football field, our cheerleaders work from beginning to end. Currently, high school cheerleading is not considered a UIL sanctioned sport. Our cheerleaders go to all the games and they don't have a specific season like other sports. Cheerleading goes all year round. Our girls cheer for different sports through out the year and also train for competitions at the same time. photo by Bre To most, cheerleading is nothing more than doing flips in the air nden H ubert and cheering on the home team, but if you ask a cheerleader she would say there is much more. "For the people that don't think cheerleading is a sport, i would like to see them lift a girl in the air and hold them while they are doing certain tricks," Senior Priscilla Gutierret said. "With no room for error, music blaring, and trying to remember all my moves, yeah I would like to see any random person do it right the first time." How hard is cheer? apparently harder than it looks. not only do cheerleaders physically work to do the things they do, but they actually do what they do all year round. "The hardest part of cheer is competition practice because or coach demands so much from us physically and mentally," senior Nicole Brovarone said. But according to TEA and UIL handbook, "cheerleading does not come under UIL rules, but it does have to abide to their regulations." "Cheerleading should be considered a group sport because you can not be a one person cheer squad. It takes a group of people to make up a squad," Senior Erica Westerheidle said. What makes cheer fun and exciting? Maybe just standing on the track cheering the team in front of the student body at the homecoming game. "I like the flipping the most because i can just go crazy and put my huge amount of energy to good use!" Says junior Madison Fry said. But should Cheerleading be in the Olympics? some say yes and some say nden Hubert photo by Bre no. "No, cheerleading should not be in the Olympics because gymnastics is like the same thing. Too many people do not like cheerleading for it to be in the Olympics." Said Senior Hayley Anderson



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Q. What position do you play in football? A. I play as a outside linebacker. Q.Do you believe playing Kingwood football is a team building experience.? If so why? A. I honestly think that I haven't connected with the team as much as I thought I would. Q.Does playing football have a positive or negative affect on your GPA? Explain why? A. Football has a positive affect on all my classes because I have to pass to play, but football does have a negative affect on my sleep. haha. Q.Who is your favorite Professional football player? A. Adrian Peterson #28 all day baby. Q.If you could attend any college you wanted on a full-ride scholarship, what school would it be? Why? A.Michigan, because my dad is apart of the alumni. Q.Whats your favorite sports drink? A.H2O, gotta stay hydrated. Q.Whats your motivation? A.I love the sport and always will. Q.What is your weight and height? A.I weigh 195lbs and im exactly 5ft 11in. Q.What skills do you believe you contribute to the team? Why? A.I bring alotta hype whenever we make a good play, it helps keep the team energetic. Q.Whats your favorite thing about football? A.The cheerleaders. haha.

1. Cheerleaders stand in formation at the A-Leaf Stadium. 2. Varsity Cheerleader Hope Griffin being anonounsed durring the game. 3. Senior Priscilla Gutierrez. 4. Senior Taylor Ferris being announced before the game. 5. The cheer squad cheering at the game. 6. Junior Madison Fry doing a toe touch before the game. 7. The football team lined up for the national anthem. 8. The football team running our on the feild before the game.


Playing for the cure Story by Trenton Stringer Photos by Spence Williams & Becky Risenhover


Rap music blaring, volleyballs flying, fans taking there seats in hope for another victory for the lady mustangs. Kingwood Mustang 2010 volley ball season has begun as the lady mustangs play every Tuesday and Friday Nights at Kingwood High School or other locations around the district. Playing Varsity volleyball can

Kathryn Coopland powers up for a serve take time away from your school life and home life with practice and games during the season and playoffs.. “It does take up a lot of time” Junior Kathryn Copeland said. It can also take affect on grades as players have minimal time for homework. Players must learn the management skills. “I think it does affect my grades

Top left & right: The mustangs huddle up Bottom right: Sarah Kowal prepares to return the ball. Bottom left: Jennifer Groudle celebrates after scoring a point for the mustangs.

in that practice and games take away from some of my study time” Copeland said Because the girls spend so much time together the team becomes one big family. “My team is like my family and I love spending time with them,” Copeland said. In most sports, if your team is not your family than the team cannot

play to the full of its potential. “I love my team they are my family in some ways” Junior Emily pinkston says That’s one way to be a functional unit is to play the game for each other, some think that is the best way teams function. The other is to play the game to the best of your ability “I go all out all the time No plays

off” says pinkston And going all out in the game sometimes means sacrificing time and putting in hard work for the team and for the win. But to play in theses games it takes years of dedication, in practice and on the court to play at your highest level possible.


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