KingwoodCourier Volume 5 Issue 3
Kingwood High School 2701 Kingwood Dr. Kingwood, TX 77339 281-641-6100
M U S T A N G M E N : YOUR FRIEND, THE Kingwood High School’s annual Mustang Men was, to say the least, entertaining. page 8
No summer plans?:
Find out how to keep yourself busy during the summer. page 19 photo by Spence Williams
Senior Wills! page 25
Prom 2010! page 10
Seniors Monica Castellanos Chelsea Williams Anna Hojnacki Brooke Ley Sadie Porter 2010-11 Editors-in-Chief Caroline Hodges Sam Mendez Spencer Williams 2010-11 Staff Kaitlyn Beckert Chance Frasier Alyssa Kahl Nicole Morris Jensen Nizzi Sydne Steward Trenton Stringer Luke Taylor Jillian Vitarius Veronica Martinez Adviser Michelle Palmer Principal Melissa Hayhurst Printer Mirror Publishing The Kingwood Couriers is the student magazine pubished by the advanced JournalismNewspaper class at Kingwood High School. Letters or comments are welcomed and encouraged, but they must be signed. The Kingwood Courier is a member of the University Interscholastic League and the American Scholastic Press Association. The articles herein are the individual views of the authors. These views may not necessarily be shared by The Kingwood Courier staff and its advertisers, or the teachers, administrators, and students of the Humble Independent School District. All advertisements are paid for by individual businesses in the surrounding community.
Inside the senior issue page 12
Table of Contents
Top 10 4 Senior Favorites 6 Mustang Men 8 Prom 10 Senior Picnic 12
UIL Academics 13 AP Art Class 14 Shattered Dreams 16 Movies 18 Summer Activities 19 Senior Goodbyes 20 Senior Wills 25
page 4
page 16
page 8
Senior Issue 3
S ’ D O O S W R G O I N I N E K S 0 1 P O T 2
Molly Chiu
5 Jeff Sparks
6 Trent Scott
Brian Reid
7 Catherine Cunningham
1 4
Andrew Ayala
Melissa Chen
8 Mansi Raythatha
9 Taylor Roberts
Mary Claire Bugher
Most Likely to Succeed
Jorge Cotte & Sarah Cipriani
Best Dressed
Thomas Ward and Kellie Roth
Mr. and Miss KHS
Most Dramatic
Kyle Whalen & Olivia Applegate
6 Senior Issue
Andrew Ayala & Molly Chiu
r o i s n e t i Se r o v Fa
senior issue
Jeff Sparks & Emily Heitwebel
Beauty and Brains
Patrick Freeman & Sarah Rennalls
Most Talkative
Most Humorous
David Stevenson & Olivia Applegate
Most Handsome & Beautiful
Most Musical
Most Friendly
Hayden Fox & Betty Foley
Sam Houdek & Olivia Applegate
Most Talented
Logan Blake and Kelly Clark
Robert Singletary & Sophie Blake
Most Athletic
Cameron Purgahn & Chelsea Purgahn
Most Artistic
Matt Trammel and Sol Ok
Senior Issue 7
Mustang Men
by Sydne Steward
Kingwood High School held their annual Mustang Men competition on Friday April 16th, 2010. This competition includes junior and senior male students that compete in a pageant to win the ultimate title of The Mustang Man. At the beginning of the show, the competitors were put into groups in which they had to perform a dance for the judges and audience. “The Peter Pan dance was the best one because it was creative and funny,” sophomore Claire Purcell said. At the end of their performances, the Mustang Men performed the traditional, “It’s Raining Men” dance. “Every year, the best part
of the show is when they dance with the umbrellas. It is hilarious,” junior Kayla Saba said. In this competition there were three different stages that the Mustang Men were able to compete in: dance, formal wear, and talent. “My favorite category of the competition was talent because they were all entertaining,” sophomore Jennifer Straka said. While the judges chose the top five, many of the participants entertained the audience by singing, dancing, and telling jokes. “My favorite part was when Sam Houdek stalled,” sophomore Gabby Cowart said.
Once the top five are chosen, the Mustang Men compete in the talent competition. The men chose to perform everything from playing the piano to painting a picture. “Thomas Ward was so funny when he dressed up as a girl and copied Ms. Congeniality,” Cowart said. After the the talent portion of the competition, it was up to the judges to choose the winner of Mustang Men. “I am glad Davy won, but I think Cameron Purgahn came really close,” Cowart said. After a long time of preparing and making videos for the competition, David Stevenson was crowned the 2010 Mustang Man.
Q and A with David Stevenson:
winner of the 2010 Mustang Men Competition How has being a Mustang Man affected you? It was a wonderful experience. The biggest difference is that many people who attended the show were suprised to see that side of me, and I’ve grown so much closer to the other guys in the show, as well as many others.
What to you plan to do as the 2010 KHS Mustang Man?
My first order of business is to advocate the construction of a new Disney park in Houston. Then, per Jason Watt’s suggestion, I’ll try to establish some sort of guys’ Dance Line for the school. Kingwood Stallions, anyone?
What was Mustang Men like behind the scenes? Well, with over 30 funny and talented guys, and some of the nicest StuCo girls I’ve ever met, the show was a blast to put together. I was actually impressed at how smoothly everything went; the guys learned their dances quickly and verything was put together efficiently, with plenty of spare time for fun. It was as fun and hilarious behind the scenes as it was on stage.
What was your favorite part of the competition and why? I’d like to say, first of all, that every part of the competition was fun; it’s hard to pick a favorite. I had lots of fun with the swimsuit competition this year. I loved the dancing, especially the hip-hop dance, which Kyler Sommer, Thomas Ward, Cameron Purgahn and myself choreographed and performed under the brillant instruction of our amazing dance teacher, Betty Foley. That was the best time I had all week.
Senior Picnic By Veronica Martinez
From MAP until fourth hour "It was cool to blow off most on April 10, seniors went outside of the classes and have a free day to take their senior class photo in with friends," senior Josh Mufront of the student parking lot niz said, "I had fun chilling with and then made their way to the all my friends and don't have to worry about any schoolwork or practice field for a class picnic. After senior class photo, senior homework." Dylan Cermak smashed Mr. Page The senior class had a blast and in the face with a whipped cream didn't have to go to their MAP class, 3rd period and pie. Cermak raised the most “It was cool to just 4th period classes. money for Stangs They were allowed chill, eat some Against Cancer. one final day to be The organization pizza and hang out children playing outside, jumping on was founded by with friends.� the moonwalks, and juniors Caroline Senior Eric Sanchez Hodges and Angetting bruises from neke Johnson and sponsored by playing around on the adventurCoach Earhart. ous playground. "Senior picnic was amazing," "Everything was great," senior Fabian Diaz said about the Se- senior Bob Kaznoon said, "it was nior picnic, "The games that the so great for us to hang out and school had were quite amusing be together one last time before to me." Diaz hung with his twin Graduation- without class schedbrother Adrian and friends on the ules, and nonsense in the way! It was so great! I felt like a kid again track field. The seniors went to the football when I was playing in the moonfield to start some events such as walks!" Pizza was served, along with sack races, football, frisbee, and egg races. The seniors had a lot cookies, water and cokes. "The Senior Picnic was pretty of things that they enjoyed such as moonwalks, food, drinks, mu- awesome and intensely fun," sesic and games. They spent hours nior Eric Sanchez said, "it was taking pictures of one another and cool to just chill, eat some pizza enjoying one of the last events of and hang out with friends." their high school career.
12 Senior Issue
KHS State Participants
s c i em
d a Ac
District Finalists
Caroline Hodges Editorial Writing
Editorial Writing 2 Caroline Hodges Informative Speaking 2 Suruchi Avasthi 3 Charlotte Christian
Accounting 2 Seahn Finn 3 Jackie Simpson
Lincoln Douglas Debate 2 Neil Grigg 3 Ben Daily
Calculator Applications 2 Lilly Liu 3 Jeff Sparks
Literary Criticism 3 Weiji Lin
Current Issues 1 Dillon Henderson
Mathematics 1 Chris Hsu 2 Trace Russell
Computer Applications 1 Jason Dayvault 2 Phillip Hensley
Number Sense 1 Chris Hsu 2 David Stevenson
Computer Science 1 Trace Russell 2 Christian Findley 3 Andrew D’Addesio
News Writing 3 Monica Castellanos Prose Interpretation 1 Sarina Garza
Weiji Lin Jason Dayvault Literary Criticism Computer Applications
Ready Writing 2 Weiji Lin 3 Hadley Hollingsworth Biology 1 Trace Russell Chemistry 1 Brian Wrobel Science 1 Trace Russell 2 Victor Manon 3 Brian Wrobel Physics 1 Trace Russell Social Studies 2 Ben Pfitzer Headline Writing 3 Monica Castellanos Spelling and Vocabulary 3 David Stevenson
13 Senior Issue
express AP Art
by Kaitlyn Beckert
While they explore various techniques and prospectives of drawing, painting, and printmaking, the enrolled students in AP Art create 25 or more pieces of high quality artwork throughout the two semesters. The class curriculum is based on constructing and puting together a portfolio of artwork for future college credit, and in addition to this, the students are able to submit them for college admission and scholarships. A couple weeks ago, their polished portfolios were submitted to the College Board. We wish them all the best of luck!
illa M c M
“Perilous Fight”
“Blooming Bright”
ey l h s A
e w o r Th
“Title Here”
14 Senior Issue
“Title Here”
Maddie LeBus
“Title Here”
“Life’s a Climb”
Hira Rehman
“Title Here”
“Title Here”
Senior Issue 15
Artwork By: Senior Michael Collier
Story by Alyssa Kahl Shattered Dreams is a program focused on preventing teen drunk driving. Every three years, Kingwood High School takes part in Shattered Dreams to inform our students of the dangers of drinking and driving. KHS began Shattered Dreams with a video of a party scene and then students went to the auditorium, gym, or the staff parking lot to witness the staged drunk driving accident. Many were moved by the sight of their classmates staged deaths and the police, ambulances, and life flight helicopter that were all present at the crash scene. “Seeing the car crash was really moving, it can really happen to anyone, “ Sophomore Chelsea Bonyata said. Throughout the day, students and teacher volunteers were pulled out of class, changed into black t-shirts, and covered with white face paint to represent the “living dead”. These students represented that someone is killed every 15 minutes in alcohol related car accidents. These volunteers were not allowed to talk with any students or teachers. “I thought it was a really good production, “ said Sophomore Emily Obaugh. After-school, all student volunteers were taken to the YMCA for a lockin. They were not allowed to use their phones to talk to any of their friends or family. The final part of the Shattered Dreams program included an assembly for each grade level. Student volunteers read letters that they had written to family members or friends as if they had really died in a car accident that day. The week’s emotional end reminded students of the grave consequences of drinking and driving. Opposite: 1. Senior Lauren Thomason played the part of the “Drunk Driver”. 2. Senior Elizabeth Chechack as a crash victim. 3. Chechack being wheeled into the hearse. 4. Sophomore Trey Wisenbaker is a crash victim. 5. Junior Dillon Henderson is taken by life flight. 6. Costume and Make-up students apply white paint to the “Living Dead”. 7. Senior C.C. Coyle is “dead on arrival”. 8. Volunteer rescue crew teams remove Wisenbaker from the drunk driver’s vehicle. Photos by Sophomore Anthony Rodriguez.
16 Senior Issue
Senior Issue17
Movies of the Summer 2 n a M Iron MAY 7TH
The Twil ight Saga : Ecl ipse JUNE 30TH
In this sequel, Robert Downy Junior stars as inventor Tony Stark and super hero Iron Man. Reluctant to share his technological advances with the government, he must choose to possibly risk this information getting in the wrong hands or sharing his secrets.
Photo credit: http-// blog/EXID18646/images/resized_ironman2poster Credits:
In this third installment in the popular Twilight saga, Eclipse, Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) is once again forced to choose between her two loves: Edward (Robert Pattinson) and Jacob (Taylor Lautner).
Photo Credit: http-//screencrave.frsucrave.netdna-cdn. com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/Twilight-EclipsePoster-23-3-10-kc
Summer Activities
It’s almost summer and you will be free to do anything you want! You can finally sleep in and spend the whole summer with your friends. Sometimes, mid-way into summer you may feel bored and want to go back to school. To make sure that doesn’t happen: here are some ideas to cure your summer boredom.
1. Go To a Concert
Invite some friends and go to an upcoming concert! 3oh!3 Verizon Wireless 06/05/10 MGMT House of Blues 06/0710
2. Watch a Movie
3. Get a Summer Job
Not everyone likes to work, but everyone likes to have money. It’ll keep you busy and you will have money to go out and do other things.
4. Go to the Beach Galveston is only an hour away, going there for the day with friends will be a great time.
Check out Movies of the Summer! Schedules for local theatres can be found at: Photos from:,, and,
Ah, Kingwood...
When I was a freshman, I walked into the ninth grade center eagerly yet fearfully anticipating my high school career. Would it really be like the movies, with silly drama, outrageous scandals, and mobs of way-too-over-achievers? Yes, yes it would be. Especially considering I was a cheerleader here for three years, but that is another story (by the way, yes I was an introverted [or, as other people saw it, halfmute] cheerleader - it sounds like an oxymoron, I know). In high school, I was able to discover new favorite classic literature and write papers on them! I absolutely adore writing boring essays because I can read, write, and employ the tone of an elderly British gentleman. Where else but in an english class can I write about the devolution of man, a handpicked selection of Kurt Vonnegut’s short stories, or some misanthropic topic? On that note, thank you GT program for being awesome. Even though I was not able to be in it this year, Mr. Page’s class was the best possible substitute. In Newspaper/Magazine class, I entered with a life-long love of newspapers. I was ecstatic when I became feature editor, and flabbergasted when I became editor-in-chief with Chelsea (and thus CHONICA began!). My love for journalism wavered when the Associated Press dropped the two spaces after sentences and my favorite punctuation mark, the Oxford Comma, but nevertheless
I cannot part with newspapers just yet. Daily Texan, watch out for me because I am a proud grammar purist and gosh darn it, I care about journalism! Anyhoo, on to the Courier staff. Palmer: I am so glad you were our adviser; you helped us all so much and I think this year was super successful. Spamoline (?): good luck next year without us and DO NOT procrastinate - I believe in you! Section editors/ reporters: do everything on time or I will haunt you in your dreams. Moving on to the people who got me here: my family; my friends; my acquaintances who were in all my classes but who I never talked to; my magnificent MAP class with Mrs. Masters; the fergasmic Craig; Harvey Birdman, attorney at law; and everyone else. Just your simple act of existing has influenced me, and I am not joking. You all are the reason I recycle and plan to adopt. Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like? If there is one thing I have learned from my time here, it is that a lemon party is definitely a bingo game gone wrong. Look it up on the internet and then make a t-shirt about it. Also, playing a Big Bang application, in particular Big Bang Chess with computer voices, is the best use of your time if you have a Mac (since they are useless otherwise). Now for my final published words as a KHS senior: Listen to “Start Wearing Purple” by Gogol Bordello!
-Monica Castellanos
CIAO Momo’s
AU REVOIR Chee Chora’s
Friends, Mustangs, countrymen, lend me your eyes...
Although the last four years have been the best and worst moments of my life, I must recollect only the best memories of my high school career. I am going to leave out the depressing and negative aspects of the evolution from an oblivious kid to an experienced adult because everyone should only be given the positive support to get through the transition. To the Courier staff: I leave my apologies, but my promise that it will all be worth it when you see the final product. The next couple years will be stressful and full of deadlines, but I am confident that all of you will succeed even your own expectations. The stressful “all nighters” will be difficult, but you will make it through. I have the utmost confidence in you. Sadie, Anna, Brooke, all I have to say is we are free. Thank you for all your help this year. Monica, my fellow editor and one of my closest friends: we met through newspaper, we spent late nights and early mornings together because of newspaper, we allowed our souls to die because of newspaper, but we have prevailed. I owe you and Mrs. Palmer so many apologies for my awful attitude towards the beginning of the end, but I hope that the knowledge of learning my lesson will be enough because now that we have reached the end, I do not have the opportunity to repay you. Although I am extremely happy to leave, I do believe we will miss our “Lemon Party” talks, and I will definitely miss your exaggerated Craig Ferguson obsession. But do not fear, we will have amazing college stories to share. I will miss you, my friend who
shares the love of the color purple. My years in newspaper have taught me many things, but the most important is that Mrs. Palmer is an amazing leader. Despite the fact that comment sounded rather socialist, Mrs. Palmer led me through three years of attempted resignations from the staff. In the end, I quit basketball, a sport I played for over half my life, to be co-editor in chief with Monica Castellanos. Thank you Mrs. Palmer for believing that I could help lead the staff. I know I did not show my abilities this year the way I could have, but I do appreciate everything you have done for me. So, thank you. My last note is to my best friend and sister Beth Wallinger. Bethie, we have made it through so much, not just this year but in the past. I can always lean on you, and I hope you still feel the same. I will miss the random dance offs in my car and the strange looks we get in the mall when we wear booty shorts with knee high boots. I will miss all those fond memories, but I know we will always be sisters. This mushy letter to you is my promise that I will do everything I can to stay close with you. I love you babe and always will. So there is my last tribute to this school. I enjoyed it, at times, but I am extremely happy to leave. I was satisfied with what I did these past four years, but I have never been the type of person to settle for simple satisfaction. Thank you to all those who have supported me this past year. Now I am off to make a difference in the world. So I wish all the underclassmen luck, but I wish the teachers more luck.
-Chelsea Williams
& I, y 2010 n i t Jus ’s Da e n i t Valen
Nina Sch Polase k ofie ld a , Melis nd I s . Ba a nff,
Nina & Calga Missa, Ro ry, Ca ots. nada
I am Anna Marie Hojnacki. I have a loving family that supports me in all my endeavours. I have an amazing boyfriend named Justin Brown who I love more than anything. I can’t wait to begin my adult life in college at Texas State University.
Brooke Katherine Ley To my family: Sorry I could’t find a good picture of us, but somehow that doesn’t surprise me. Thank you for putting up with me and my dramatic self! I’m going to be so homesick next year at college, but don’t worry I’ll probably be home every weekened. Leo: You’re the best nephew in the whole entire world. I love you and miss you so much!! Anna: Newspaper has been fun with you, I’m so glad we have become friends and always will be!! Thank you for holding me down, literally. Vertigo... for life. Lucas: Goodluck next year. You may need to start trying in school, if you want to go to Notre Dame like you say you do. No matter how big you are, you’ll always be my LITTLE brother. Reed: You’re the most amazing boyfriend in the world! This past year has been such a blast with you, and I know we’ve got more good times coming our way.
S a d i e
My years at Kingwood have changed me and made me into the person I am today. I’ve learned a lot about people, life, and myself. This year has been an interesting closure to my high school experience. I have met people who have impacted my life and found friendships I plan to keep for the rest of my life. My time as a part of The Courier staff has been stressful but at times fun, and has been rewarding ultimately. To the underclassmen who plan to continue with their efforts on the staff: Good luck, sometimes you might think it would be easier to quit or slack off but in the end it will always pay off to work hard. I would never regret taking the opportunity to be a part of this program. Chonica: You two are my favorite. From the insiders to playing chess my time with you girls has been a complete lemon party!
4 Op Ed
P o r t e r
Cheerleading has been one of the most important highlights in my high school career. I adore all the underclassmen taking over as next year’s seniors. You girls are amazing and inspiring. Be the best you can be, and next year’s season will be awesome. Im proud to have been able to be on a team with all of the wonderful ladies who made up our team this year! Especially MY juniors. You know who you all are. Hannah Stice: you were an awesome little sister! I love all of y’all. Van pushed me to try out and guided me to be more successful than I expected myself to be this past year. He has always treated all the girls as his own daughters and completed our team. You guys better prove to everyone just how good kingwood varsity is once again. The friends I have met through the past years made getting through senior year so much fun. Emily Schultz: You are one of my best friends.Without you kingwood would
never be as easy to endure. You are always there for me when I need a good friend to make me laugh through the tears. TK: All of you guys are hilarious. You guys taught me how to live with no regrets, and to stop caring what people think. This year with all of you has been a blast! I only wish I would have met this group a little sooner. This amazing group of kids has kept me laughing all year. TK ALL DAY. Reagan, Jessica & Jack, and Jackie: I hope to have more fun with you guys. Our time with Majank is not quite over. Garrison: No matter where we go in life, I won’t let our friendship fade!You have broken my heart before, but you’ve also pieced it back together countless times. Through all of our fights and all of the good times we’ve both grown from our experiences. I have a feeling that our time together has only just began. I’ll see you in college station!!
Senior Wills
Senior Wills 25
Kevin Anderson, I leave you two quotes. First from an anonymous Swiss General - when told his troops were surrounded, “Excellent! That means we can attack on all sides”. Always think outside the box. Secondly, from Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you”. One more thing, remember an old Korean proverb, “Nana Rorobi ya Oki”. It means down seven times, up eight. No matter how many times you fail, never stop trying.
Daniel Young
Rachel Chapin,
“You’re just a little baby!” I’m going to miss you so much next year! You’re going to make an awesome NHS President and I cannot wait to see what you can do.
Chelsea Cornejo
Andrew Copeland, I know I tease you a lot, but I hope you do well in high school. Later, bro!
Alicia Copeland
Cross Country,
I leave you all true spirit so that you can continue our winning tradition for the years to come.
Daniel Mireles
Clay Downham, Hi, always be awesome. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Good Guys, Bad Guys
Clay Downham, I leave you my Ronnie Coleman sayings. Yeah, buddy! Nothin’ but a peanut!
Madison Fry, To my favorite “ball of blonde,” freshman joy: You are by far my favorite person in this school, underclassman or not. You remind me of myself in so many ways, but unlike me, you’re not afraid to show it. Your heart, friendliness, and outstanding character has inspired me and made the biggest impact on me. Therefore, I leave you my strength to cary on, and my new found ability to always be who you are, no matter what ANYONE tells you, and you must promise me you will never change.
Kaleb the Great
Bob Kaznoon
Devin Davis, Devin! I’ll miss you next year and all our fun times; 7th period laughing with Cagney, shoving you in the back of my car, and many others! Stay sweet, love you forever!
Bella Diaz
Emilie Gentry, I leave you the job of flute mommy. Take care of those little fluties!
Molly Chiu
Girls Golf Team, I leave you guys my skills of instantly falling asleep on the school buses going to every tournament. Good luck next year ! :)
Nikki DeOcampo
Kelly Goudeau, I love you girlie, take care of the track team and keep the kingwood tradition alive. I leave you my track spikes. Use them well. I’m going to miss you !
Hailey Hopkins
Landon Hardy, Keep watching Mullins the Gnasher when I’m gone, Bro.
Shelby Hojnacki, I’m leaving you the Hojnacki Legacy. Don’t mess it up. You’ll do great in High School Bell. Don’t Worry.
Your Big Brother
Love, Anna
To All My Kapelle ladies, Choir has been amazing with you all. I would like to leave you tons of laughs and beautiful music with Mr. Dixon or in your new life and college.
Alex Schilling
Alex King, I leave you my love for the arts. I hope you continue to follow your dreams. Don’t stop believing !
Cassie Odell
Mrs Lard, Thank you for all your help through out high school. I really appreciate it.
Michael Mizler
Sean Lofgren, I leave you the beautiful holiday of Memorial Day, I’ll see you in Baton Rouge next year.
Love, your boy Kayla Medford, I leave you the nut and all the shmees !
Love, SHMEE ! Ashley McClain, Live life for yourself. Don’t base your actions on anyone else. Life is a one way trip, and its meant for you to live it the fullest. See you in Austin.
Love, Your Big Brother
Lucas Ley, You’re not as cool as you think you are :)
Love, Brooke
Taylor Marrone, Taylor I love you! You’re my best friend! :)
<3 Ry
Sam Mendez, I leave you my awesomeness and cuteness.
Becca Levesque, To my little sister, be good ! Stay true to yourself baby. I’m only a phone call away if you ever need me ! Love you Forever.
Your Big Sis, Your Best friend, Your Bella :)
Love, a very pretty angel
Aubrie Miller, I leave you our Bobfeep from physics class, please remember to feed it accordingly and please take care of our other animals.
Eduardo Sanchez
Hannah Meyer, I leave you all my weapons, and pity any boy who thinks the FBI is not for you!
Love, Kaleb the ox
Geraldine Morar, I leave my lung capacity because yours are collapsed. And “girl, you can have whatever you like.”
Kimberly Morar Jasmine Monserrate, I leave you my skills in all my classes and hope you do well in highschool.
Juliet Monserrate Annie Nelson, I leave you my phone number. Don’t ever hesitate to call me! John 14:27-28
Love your friend, Kaleb
Jayme Poland, I leave you my shelf # 117 along with any pencils that you can find under the risers that I dropped this year.
Kayse Poland
Dylan Norcross, Dylan, I leave you the clipboard and all responsibilites that go with it. Good luck, bossman ! (:
Mrs. Palmer, I leave you my luck and blessing to have a great life! You have shown nothing but kindness for 3 years, which is so admirable! Thanks for everything. Love you!
Samantha Miller
Malaney Peete, Hope you enjoy your senior year ! It’s good !
Nicholas Jodway
Thomas Schilling, I leave you tons of fun at school. Enjoy every minute of it because it goes by quick. Love ya ! Have fun!
Kenny Shirley, I leave you a pile of rocks to harass people with at all the track meets. Love, your favorite target in Mafia.
Alex Schilling
Josh McClain
Shannon Stacy, Hey Shannon! Hope you enjoy your time here in highschool! Make it last! Love you girl!
Spamoline, To you three, I leave the prospects of an awesome, frustrating year. Remember to enjoy next year because you will be seniors! And please make sure Palmer’s life is as easy as possible.
Alicia Copeland
Monica Castellanos
Robert Terry, I leave you my acting skills. There’s not much to leave, but I know you can take whatever I leave you and multiply it exponentially. You’re a champ.
Spencer Williams, I leave my drama free life to you. You need it more then i do. :) Love you !
Valerie Sorge, I leave you all our ridiculous inside jokes, but I still need you to tell me when lunch is...
Love, your friend Buddy
Sam Houdek
Amy Madden
Tony Winslow, Little Brother, be good in school and stop giving your teachers a hard time. You better wreck shop in football too. I’m proud of you man.
Love, Hailey
Dennis, Caraline, & Dominique, Thanks for sticking with it! You guys are the greatest. I wish you the best of luck in everything you do! Have a great summer and stay safe!
Morgan Milburn
Laura Craig, Sandie Raines, Kerstin Sheehan, Catie Daigre, Grace Howley, & Sarah Bradley, I leave you all the privilge of long-run potty breaks with no cover and also my strands of Taylor Swift hair. I love ya’ll and I’ll miss you !
Love, your favorite Senior.
Charlotte Wright & lunch guy, I leave you our amazing lunch convo’s and places...even though we didnt have any exciting talks. Have fun in fillies, ha!
Eduardo Sanchez
Ariel, Natalia, Jenn, Waterboy, Austin, Josh, & Tall Guy, I leave you my senority because yes, I AM a senior. Too bad only Ariel can have it :) !
Love, Erika !
2010-2011 Courier Staff, Some of you may not know me but most of you will-either way, I wish you all the best of luck. Take my advice, do everthing on time and obey your editors! This class will be one of your favorites.
Monica Castellanos