Letting your blue shine through
Track Photos By: Rachel Hill
Laura Michie, 10. Valetine L,10 and Amy A. 9, are sticking together in the 2 mile.
Laura Michie, 10. Valetine L,10 are sticking together in the 2 mile. Coming into finish.
Laura Michie, 10. Valetine L,10 and Amy A. 9, are sticking together in the 2 mile. Coming around on the second lap.
Hanna Howesman, 11, and Morgan Livingston doing some stretches before the big race.
Bienvenidos ~ Nos amigos pequenos!
Spanish 3 students from KHS enjoy playing futbol with their ESL pen pals during their trip to River Pines Elementary.
Spanish 3 students plan games with their first grade penpals during recess while on their annual trip to River Pines Elementary School. During the trip, KHS students practiced communicating in Spanish with their pen pals, who in turn worked on their English.
Spanish 3 students spend the day with first graders from River Pines Elementary School, who that have been exchanging letters with throughout the school year.
Amigos por vida.
Sophomore English Sophomore English III level, taking notes on what Mrs. Burleson has to say.
English III listening to Mrs. Burleson talk about the schedule this week
Sophomores trying to pay attention to Mrs.Burleson talk about this week.
Sophomores listening to Mrs. Burleson talk about the rest of the year.
Sophomores listening to what Mrs. Burleson has to say about this week.
above:seniors enjoying pizza at the picnic
above: seniors walking and enjoying the activities offered at Senoir Picnic
above: friends smiling for the camera
above: 10 Inches of Terror performs at Senior Picnic
right: seniors playing volleyball and eating at the picnic
9th and 10th grades look for pictures on their camera for their yearbook project.
Brittany S, 11t and 9th graders work on their yearbook project
photos by: Rachel Hill
Loren S, 10th , Alex M, 12, and Sarah M, 10th work on their yearbook project.
I just wanna DANCE.....
Christina Pozzi, freshman, and her fellow Strutter dancers prepare to leap during their award winning All eyes are on Christina Pozzi, freshman, as she spin during the sassy award winning number, I’ve Got dance, Brick by Brick. You.
Christina Pozzi, 9th, leaps with her fellow Strutters in the award winning number, Who’s That Chick?
Christina Pozzi, 9th, leaps over her prop during the award winning prop number, I’ve Got You.
Freshmen Christina Pozzi and her Strutter sisters are all smiles as they finish the award winning dance, Brick by Brick.
Living on the dance floor....
above:Brittany Stampsposing with the fetal pig
Above: Rachel and Brittany observing the pig
Below:Making an incision in the pig
Below: Rachel and Brittany looking at the instructions
Rather, speaking the truth in love, we grow up in every way into him who is the head,
Julia Berg,12 , Amy Berg,9 , Molly McShance,10 and Hannah Russell,11, enjoying the worship band.
Julia Berg,12 , Amy Berg,9 , looking back to see whats going on.
Julia Berg,12 , Amy Berg,9 , Molly McShance,10 and Hannah Russell,11, enjoying worship band
Julia Berg,12 , Amy Berg,9 , Molly McShance,10 and Hannah Russell,11, enjoying the worship band
We are the Body of Christ and we do not stand alone....
Lifeteen choir prepares for the 5:30 Lifeteen Mass
John LeBlanc , 11, and friend Mary Jackson prepare to take part in “Walk of Remembrance” to remeber Holocaust Victims.
As you do everything that you do to the glory of the One who made you, cause He made you.... KHS students take a break from the school week each Wednesday night and have youth group meetings at the old St. Martha’s campus. Its all smiles after a game of capture the flag in the dark.
Biographies . . .
Gabby Pozzi is an active member of EDGE youth group. She participates in cross country and has 2 sisters.
Alex Melgar is a member of the track team and participated in soccer. She plays guitar in her free time and plans to attend Sam Houston State University in the fall.
Rachel Hill is a very enthusiastic Alabama fan with family residing in the state. She is active in youth group and cross country.