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Passion For Fashion! Cool Dresses!

Flip-flops Debates Interviews Opinions Colors!

All in this Issue!

Fashionista of the Month is... Casey from Illinois!

Molly Green

New Every Month!





Table Of Contents • p.1-3 Fashion interview! (all that you need to know about fashion!) • p. 4-5 Fashion Column! (The Dear Summer Column!) • p.6-7 Fashion Ads! (AMAZING Fox flip flops!) • p.8 Fashion Debate! (What do YOU think?) • P.9 Additional details!

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The Fashion Gossip With: Jacklyn Lerner!

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the word “fashion?” Did you ever think about becoming a huge fashion designer someday? Why did you choose the outfit that you are wearing right now to put on today? My cousin, Jackie, is a designer in Beverly Hills, California. Jackie is 22 years old. She helps design and pick out clothes for famous celebrities. She has since become friends with a bunch of famous celebrities because of her job. Jackie went to a designer college in L.A. where she learned how to become a designer. She designs and picks out clothes for different people everyday. She helps pick out clothes for people on the front cover of magazines, which I think, is really cool! The kinds of clothes that she designs are usually different types of jeans and jackets. Me (reporter): What makes working with fashion so great? Jackie: What makes it so great is getting to see all the things in style before anyone knows about them, and getting to meet famous celebrities. Me: What do you love the most about your job? Jackie: I love getting to see my name on things and what people think about what I design. Me: What is the most important thing to you in fashion? Jackie: The most important thing is definitely treating people the way you want to be treated. That’s true even in life, not just the fashion world. Me: What’s your favorite everyday accessory?


Jackie: Hats! I love hats! They are so cute and fashionable! Me: Do you have any advice for people that want to be professional designers when they’re older? Jackie: Just always think outside of the box and be creative! Just never give up!! Me: What do you think is the best way to describe fashion in three words? Jackie: Personality, attitude, and creativeness because you need all three of those to become very successful in fashion! Me: Why does fashion matter? Jackie: It matters because otherwise people couldn’t express who they really are. Me: Where do you get your ideas? Jackie: I get a lot of my ideas from Mary Kate and Ashley, blogs, magazines, and even street style! Just whatever I see on the street. Me: How do you know what will be in style next week? Jackie: There’s something called “predicted” in fashion, and it’s a book. It basically tells you what will be in style three weeks from now. Me: Do you draw your designs on the computer or do you draw them on paper? Jackie: I draw them on the computer (usually) because they make perfectly straight lines and all the work is done for you! Me: Did you teach yourself how to sketch the designs or did someone teach you?


Jackie: I took classes, and on the computer, there is something called “Illustrator” that makes perfect sketches. Me: Do you think more about the colors or how the fabric will look? Jackie: I think about both because the color has to look good with your accessories and so does the fabric. It matters because you don’t want your colors to clash. Me: Who or what inspires you to make all kinds of different designs? Jackie: As I said earlier, Mary Kate and Ashley are really inspiring to me, and I love fashion from the twenties! Me: Do you like to start new trends? If so, what are some of your ideas? Jackie: I love new trends because I love to try patterns and hats! Especially vintage! I usually use “predicted” to start new trends. Me: What’s your favorite part of designing something? Jackie: I just love to see people’s reactions! I’m always curious and keep an open mind. Also, I just love to see how the finished product looks! Me: Can you think of anything else you could tell me that my readers would like to know? Jackie: Always be unique and keep a smile on your face! Also, have a good attitude.

I think fashion is really cool, and I might want to be a designer one-day. I think that it is really cool how my cousin designs these types of clothes and how people actually buy her clothes. Jackie is a big role model to me because she followed her dreams, and they became true! -Molly Green


The$“Dear$Summer”$Column This%column%is%where%we%pick%out%a%few%people’s%questions%that%we%get%in%from%all%around% the%world!%%Send%us%a%fashion%question,%and%we%might%pick%yours%to%be%in%next%month’s%issue!% (Rules%for%sending%are%on%the%back%page)

Come%here%to%get%the%latest%fashion%advice!%Should%I%wear%a%hat?%Should%I%wear%neon%colors?% What%should%I%wear%to%my%dance%recital? %%%%%%%%%%% Dear%Summer:%My%mom%is%making%me%wear%this%plain%black%dress%to%my%friend’s%Bat% Mitzvah,%and%I%think%it’s%a%little%too%formal.%I%can’t%think%of%anything%to%make%it%look%cool.%Do% you%have%any%ideas?%Thanks!% Emily,%MO,%United%States Dear%Emily,%I%think%it%would%look%very%pretty%if%you%put%a%sparkly%silver%belt%around%the% dress%to%make%it%stand%out.%I%also%think%it%would%be%really%cool%if%you%added%some%plain%silver% bracelets.%You%can%make%the%dress%stand%out%by%adding%white%Plats.%I%also%think%you%should% put%glitter%on%your%arms%to%match%the%belt.%A%plain%white%cardigan%would%make%the%outPit% complete!%Hope%I%helped!% Best%of%luck, Summer Dear%Summer, I’m%going%out%to%dinner%next%week%with%my%friends%and%family%at%a%very%fancy%restaurant.%I% was%thinking%of%wearing%a%bright%pink%dress%with%a%little%darker%pink%leggings.%I%also%think%it% would%be%adorable%to%wear%a%black%and%white%polka%dot%sweater%to%top%it%all%off!%I%was%also% maybe%thinking%about%wearing%pink%and%white%polka%dot%socks!%My%sister%says%it%won’t%look% good%AT%ALL,%but%I%think%it’s%cute!%Also,%I%don’t%really%know%what%to%do%with%my%hair.%Its%very% long,%but%I%don’t%know%how%to%wear%it.%Any%advice?%Do%you%think%I’m%right%or%my%sister%is% right?%Thanks!% Ariana,%NY,%United%States Dear%Ariana, I%think%that%your%sister%is%right%on%this%one.%The%two%pinks%would%clash,%and%it%just%wouldn’t% look%fashionable.%The%polka%dot%sweater%with%clashing%colors%and%the%polka%dot%socks%would% look%very%unfashionable%for%this%occasion.%May%I%suggest%wearing%a%nice%dark%blue%dress% with%short%sleeves?%Since%its%nighttime,%I%think%the%dark%blue%would%look%good.%If%you%want,%% wear%black%high%heels.%%That%would%look%super%cute!%You%could%maybe%get%a%silver%necklace% to%add%some%sort%of%color.%Straightening%your%hair%or%curling%it,%depending%on%what%type%of% hair%you%have%would%complete%the%look!%If%you%take%my%advice,%I%promise%you%will%look%like%a% superstar!% Best%wishes, Summer


Dear%Summer, I%have%to%wear%a%denim%skirt%and%wear%a%plain%white%shirt%to%my%friends%Sweet%Sixteen%Party.% I%don’t%really%like%it%and%don’t%know%what%else%to%wear%because,%after%all,%the%theme%is%white% and%denim.%%If%I%wear%anything%else,%I%think%I%will%totally%not%blend%in%with%anyone%else.%What% do%I%do? Thanks! Dear%Isabella, I%think%that%you%should%wear%the%outPit,%but%try%to%accessorize%it%as%much%as%you%can. Try%putting%on%some%bracelets%on%and%a%colorful%necklace.%Also,%try%adding%a%jacket%or%some% colorful%shoes.%Just%be%yourself%that%night,%and%trust%me,%a%lot%of%people%won’t%be%wearing% denim,%but%I%really%think%you%can%make%this%one%cool. Tell%me%how%it%goes! Summer Dear%Summer, %I%really%need%help%picking%out%an%outPit%for%my%cousin’s%wedding!%I%was%thinking%of%wearing% a%plain%white%dress%but%everyone%wants%me%to%match%them%wearing%blue.%What%do%I%do? Thanks! Mary,%UK Dear%Mary,% Maybe%you%can%try%matching%with%them%but%try%to%start%a%new%trend%if%you%really%want%to% wear%white.%Try%sewing%some%white%into%the%blue%dress%or%try%adding%some%white% accessories%like%earrings,%bracelets%and%etc.%Always%be%unique!% If%you%want%to,%you%can%also%try%convincing%people%to%try%to%wear%some%white%with%you!% Have%a%fun%time%at%the%wedding! Summer


YOU could get a special offer on these Fox flip-flops if you enter our contest at www.It’ you could get them FREE! wow! Go enter NOW and select a size! Great for the summer! (Must be at least 15 or older to enter)



Get these TOMS half off on our website!


Get this dress for $50 less than its original price from our website! Hurry before we run out! P.7

Does%It%Look%Good%When%People%Wear% Seasonal%Colors?

% Let’s%say%its%winter,%and%you%are%wearing%blue%and%white%like%the%snow%or%ice.%Other%people% might%be%wearing%bright%colors%like%spring.%You%might%think,%Wow$that$looks$really$cool!%Or% you%might%think,%I$like$seasonal$colors,$like$what$I$am$wearing.%%Let’s%see%what%real%people% think%about%this%important%topic.%%It%depends%on%what%you%like%but%a%lot%of%people%like%you,% like%wearing%seasonal%colors

Why%Seasonal%Colors%Don’t% Look%Good

Why%Seasonal%Colors%Look% Good%% %

It%looks%good%because%people%can%express% who%they%are%and%what%they’re%feeling.% % It’s%very%pretty%getting%to%see%all%the% colors%that%match%everything%else.%So%let’s%say%its% winter,%and%people%are%wearing%blue%and%white,% most%of%the%time.%Then%some%people%are% matching%the%holiday%colors%and%are%wearing% green%and%red%for%Christmas.%I%think%it%all%kinda% matches%people’s%moods,%and%it%all%goes%with%the% scenery%like%snow%and%ice.%% % Then%if%its%summer,%people%are%probably% wearing%neon%colors%to%match%the%grass%and%the% sun.%They%are%wearing%a%variety%of%colors% because%summer%has%Plowers%and%your%off%school% for%a%little%bit.%%It%just%all%goes%together.% % But%if%you%see%someone%wearing%black%or% gray,%it%totally%changes%your%mood.%The%colors% that%they%are%wearing%just%don’t%match%the% seasons%or%anything.%%It%all%looks%very%depressing.% % I%think%when%people%match%the%seasons% with%the%colors%that%they%are%wearing,%it%looks%so% cute%and%fashionable.%%It%just%makes%you%want%to% smile%and%have%a%pool%party%while%the%summer% lasts! % % ZAmanda,%14,%Massachusetts


It%doesn’t%look%good%because%everyone% matches,%and%it%looks%very%plain.%No%one%is% unique.%%It%is%all%very%boring.% % If%it%is%autumn,%then%people% would%all%be%wearing%orange%and%yellow%and% maybe%even%red.%%It%all%kind%of%Pits%in%with%the% background%that%is%the%scenery.%It’s%very%pretty% and%it%gets%you%into%a%good%mood! % But%then%in%Winter%people%are%all% wearing%white,%blue,%red,%green%and%so%on.%%It’s% just%very%camouPlage%and%boring.%%I%puts%you% into%a%bad%mood,%well%at%least%for%me.% % There’s%not%an%ofPicial%rule%where% people%actually%have%to%wear%the%same%colors,% but%some%people%act%as%if%there%is. % % % % % % ZClair,%17,%Nebraska%

If%you%want%to%Pind%out%more%about%this%topic,%then%visit%www.It’ the%“Debate”%tab! Then%submit%your%answer%to%the%question.%%You%could%possibly%be%in%next%month’s%debate!% (Additional%details%on%the%website)


To send a Question to The Dear Summer Column, You must be at least 15 or older, or if you are younger, you must have a parent/ guardian to help submit the question. If you are interested in sending a question please visit this web address: WWW.It’ If you want to be the Fashionista of the Month and be on the front cover, then please e-mail us why you LOVE fashion! You could be picked!



If you LOVE shoes and you LOVE Taylor Swift, then these Keds are for you! Introducing Keds for Taylor Swift! These cute polka dot blue and white striped shoes are perfect for summer! It even has a heart shaped charm with Taylor Swift’s name on the side! Please get them on our website! WWW.It’


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