Annual Report 2013 MarFund

Page 1

Table of Content Message from the President


Organizational structure


Chapter I: Protected Areas Program Conservation of Marine Resources in Central America Project Phase I Conservation of Marine Resources in Central America Project Phase II

3 3 7

Chapter II Small Grants Program Fifth Joint Request for Proposals Sixth Joint Request for Proposals

9 9 12

Chapter III: Community Fisheries Program Clinton Global Initiative Law Enforcement in Southern Belize Reef Complex

13 13 14

Chapter IV: Promotion of Networks and Regional Coordination Platforms Connectivity Network Mesoamerican Reef Rescue initiative

15 15 16

Chapter V: Program Management and Institutional Development Endowment Fund

17 17

Chapter VI: The Future of MAR Fund Strategic Plan 2014-2018

18 18

Financial Statements


Acknowledgments 20

Published by: MAR Fund This publication should be cited as: 2014 Rodríguez, C., C. González, M. J. González, A. Rivas, P. Cabrera (Institutional MAR Fund Report 2013. 21 pp.) Cover Picture: MAR Fund Text: Claudio González, Carlos Rodríguez Olivet, Patricia Cabrera Chaverri (MAR Fund) Editor: María José González, Gina De Ferrari, Carlos Rodríguez Printed in: Mapas de Guatemala Graphic Design and Layout: Mauricio Ponce - DG Comments and questions: /

Annual Report MAR Fund 2013

Message from the President Dear Friends, This was a good year to consolidate our priority network of coastal and marine protected areas. We have signed a Separate Agreement for Phase II of the Project “Conservation of Marine Resources in Central America”. Our endowment fund continues to generate revenues from investors, enabling us to support future conservation efforts through our partners. On behalf of our Board of Directors, committees and staff of the MAR Fund, I would like to express my gratitude to the German Cooperation for the confidence it has entrusted us. We successfully launched our request for proposals so that all of our partners, old and new, could qualify for grants to implement innovative initiatives for the benefit of the marine coastal resources of the MAR. As in previous years, we had the support of donor partners that contributed to funding projects. The response of organizations to the request for proposals was satisfactory and this will increase the number of partners applying each year. Our Community Fisheries Program continues to grow with the addition of new stakeholders in co-management of fisheries resources. The fisheries recovery areas network expanded in its geographic range. There is continuity and

complementarity in our various programs and projects in the region. There are significant achievements in the operating networks that we have supported in the MAR, such as Connectivity Network and the Reef Restoration Network. These results confirm that the only way to envision and manage the Mesoamerican Reef is as a single ecosystem, without borders or divisions. As in previous years, I want to thank all donors, governments and organizations who have supported us. Our goals and objectives could not be achieved without their valuable collaboration and commitment. Sincerely yours,

Lorenzo José de Rosenzweig President

MAR Fund

Members of The Board of Directors of MAR Fund

Work Team

13 calle 21-00 zona 15, Vista Hermosa III Interior 20-74 Guatemala, Guatemala 01015 Phones: (502) 2364-7288 (502) 2369-2697 Telefax: (502) 2364-7288

Lorenzo Rosenzweig, President Natalie Rosado, Vice-president Yvonne Ramírez, Treasure Carlos Vigil, Secretary Juan Bezaury, National Director, Mexico Eden García, National Director, Belize Edelweiss Hildebrand, National Director, Guatemala Edas Muñoz, National Director, Honduras Nelson Trejo, CCAD Representative Gina De Ferrari, Director Martin Goebel, Director Marco Cerezo, Director Nancy Christiano, Director

María José González Fuster, Executive Director Patricia Cabrera, Administrative Assistant Claudio González, Technical Coordinator Enrico Gasparri, Permanent Expert KFW Project, German Cooperation Ana Beatriz Rivas, Project Officer Dámaris Eguizábal, Administrative Assistant II Edgar Chalí, Messenger Email:


Annual Report

MAR Fund 2013

Organizational structure The MAR Fund works to inspire regional and innovative solutions to critical Mesoamerican Reef issues through meaningful and long-term financial support so that future generations can enjoy and benefit from a thriving reef system. In 2013 the principle MAR Fund objective was to grow as a reliable and transparent mechanism for procurement and distribution of funds that finance strategic conservation activities in the Mesoamerican Reef System region, and to promote the well-being of the people living in the region. The MAR Fund operation has as its foundation the pre-existing administrative, technical and financial capabilities of the four member funds: • • • •

Protected Areas Conservation Trust (PACT) in Belize Fundación para la Conservación de los Recursos Naturales y Ambiente en Guatemala (FCG) Fundación Biosfera en Honduras Fondo Mexicano para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (FMCN).

The MAR Fund operates from a central office in Guatemala with a core team that is highly engaged with the key operational staff from each of the fund members.

Board of Directors: Executive Committee

Investment Committee

Proposal Review Committee

Evaluation Committee

Development Committee

Executive Management

Government at National Level

Mexico Fund (FMCN)

Belize Fund (PACT)

Guatemala Fund (FCG)

Technical Coordination

Honduras Fund (FB)

Figure 1. Organizational structure of the MAR Fund


Auditing Committee

4 Environmental Funds 4 National representatives 1 CCAD representative 7 Donors / Collaborators

External Consultant (Marine Resources Conservation Project in Central America)

Administrative Coordination

Mar Fund

Annual Report MAR Fund 2013

Chapter I:

Protected Areas Program The MAR Fund supports strategic actions to safeguard the condition of the ecosystems in the MAR’s protected areas network, promoting the health of the reef and surrounding communities. The support is aimed at strengthening a network of infrastructure in and around the priority areas, to purchase equipment to mitigate biophysical threats, conduct research and monitor and evaluate the health of the reef system. It also aims to develop regulations, plans, and programs that strengthen institutions and generates alliances to maintain continuous surveillance and control over the protected areas, as well as their good management.

Carey Satin

Conservation of Marine Resources in Central America Project Phase I During 2013, phase I of the project, Conservation of Marine Resources in Central America, continued its development. The objective of this project is to consolidate the priority marine and coastal protected areas and ensure the conservation and sustainable use of their marine and coastal resources in the short term. This project serves the institutional priorities of the implementing partners as well as those of the MAR Fund. This Phase is supporting four protected areas: Yum Balam Flora and Fauna Protection Area, Mexico; Port Honduras Marine Reserve, Belize; Sandy Bay West End Special Marine Protection Zone, Honduras; and Punta de Manabique Wildlife Refuge, Guatemala.


MAR Fund 2013

Mar Fund

Annual Report

The following are some of the most relevant achievements in each of the areas during the year: Yum Balam Flora and Fauna Protection Area, Mexico: • The Holbox Island field station was repaired which is providing better service to the users of the protected area and increased the presence of CONANP in the area. • A communication system was acquired which allowed for better terrestrial and marine monitoring and surveillance, especially related to fighting forest fires. • A contract was signed with the Mexican Center of Environmental Rights, A.C. (CEMDA) to hold 4 workshops -two in Holbox island and two in Chiquila -- on basic principles relating to legislation, human rights, cooperatives, protected areas and closed fishing seasons. Participants included fishermen and tourism service companies as well as the staff of the Yum Balam protected area. • Community teams were trained on resolving conflict and dealing with day-to-day challenges such as illegal fishing, forest fires, etc. and provided them with tools to handle them effectively. • The necessary equipment was acquired to monitor migratory and resident birds and crocodiles.

• The protocol to monitor marine turtles and to identify critical areas impacted by disturbances and created a calendar of operations and biological monitoring was developed. • A visitor center was built to offer services to tourists in Chiquila financed by PROCODES. This was built with the intention of increasing fund raising by collecting fees for the enjoyment and use of the conservation areas, in particular by the Yum Balam protected area. This activity is considered as an important counterpart for the Project. • Education initiatives were conducted during the National Week of Conservation with the support of community groups such as Alma Verde, Manaholchi, the Chipes Mangleros and the Science Club.


Port Honduras Marine Reserve, Belize:

Mar Fund

Annual Report MAR Fund 2013

• The dock in front of the offices of TIDE was repaired. • A building adjacent to the office of TIDE was built - for the park guards to have their own workspace. • Gabions were placed around Abalone Caye to mitigate erosion. This resulted in the increase of 50 feet of protective barrier. • The ceiling structure of the boat shed to protect the fishing boat was reinforced and a radio communication kit was acquired. These will support the control and monitoring of the protected area. • Eight park rangers were trained in public relations, held an open water diving certification course and trained rangers on the use of oxygen kits. This will maximize the safety in diving activities carried out in the area. • A tourism strategy was performed for the three adjacent communities, developed a feasibility study and business plan for three production projects that are expected to be undertaken in 2014. These are: 1) a fruit drying facility 2) a community restaurant managed by women from Punta Negra and 3) promotion of sport fishing in Monkey River.

• A warehouse was built to store recyclable material.

Mar Fund

Sandy Bay West End Special Marine Protection Zone, Honduras:

• SPOT equipment, a satellite positioning device, was acquired for control and surveillance and to identify the sites where illegal activities take place. This equipment supported special operations and routine activities. • The protected area management plan was socialized with the target groups; and socialized a set of norms and regulations which led to an agreement with the national police to support patrols developed in the area. • The process through which fishermen in Sandy Bay, Crawfish Rock and Diamond Rock communities can obtain fishing licenses, was initiated. • The program “Protect our Pride” (POP) which provides local youth with professional training in diving, which gives them economic opportunities was initiated.


Annual Report

MAR Fund 2013

• A meeting was conducted in the dive centers in Sandy Bay West End in order to provide information on the good practice programs in the protected area as well as the regulations of the Management Plan. Sixteen of the 24 dive centers in the area participated. • A meeting about the relevance and participation of the Community Advisory Councils in the management of the Marine Protected Areas with 21 attendees from the Sandy Bay and West End communities participating was held. Punta de Manabique Wildlife Refuge, Guatemala: • A base camp that allowed patrols of land and water routes in the Motagua River mouth bar was installed, which increased the personnel presence in the area. • Fifty seven terrestrial and water patrols were performed. Equipment, materials and supplies, which improved control and supervision within the protected area was provided. • Rangers, technical staff and Nacional Civil Police were trained on topics such as regulations for forest use in the protected area, identification of marine fauna within the protected area, regulation of marine special use zones and marine conservation protected areas, Protected Areas law and Ramsar Convention. • A working group was formed to implement the Cooperative Agreement for the Protection and Sustainable Use of Aquatic Resources in the Bay la Graciosa and Santa Isabel Lagoon, Punta de Manabique Wildlife Refuge, Izabal. • Three routine meetings were held with members of the working group and a final meeting in which the community requested trainings on strengthening community leadership and the importance of the community organization. • A cooperative agreement was signed with the Association of Local Environment Management Program (ASOPROGAL). The association supports the communities of Santa Isabel, La Graciosa, and Punta Gruesa and the Technical Unit of CONAP in organizational strengthening of the three communities, consolidation of three community stores, and the repair of a children’s school in La Graciosa.


Annual Report MAR Fund 2013

This phase is a continuation of strategic conservation efforts that emerged from Phase I. Both phases seek to protect and conserve marine and coastal resources and aim to improve management practices and secure the sustainable use of resources. They also promote communication among the stakeholders with the goal of consolidating coastal and marine protected areas. The intention of both phases is to support the mitigation of the negative impact that human activities and climate change are having on the health of the reef ecosystem. The Financial Contribution Agreement for Phase II and the Separate Agreement, a legal document that includes all the information of the Project and the grant guidelines, were signed between the MAR Fund and KfW on April 30, 2013 and August 29, 2013, respectively.

Oceanus A.C.

Conservation of Marine Resources in Central America Project Phase II

Total contributions to the Project are US$6.7 million, to be invested in the following priority marine and coastal protected areas: 1. Manatee Sanctuary State Reserve, Mexico 2. Corozal Bay Wildlife Sanctuary, Belize 3. South Water Caye Marine Reserve, Belize 4. Río Sarstún Multiple Use Area, Guatemala 5. Turtle Harbour/Rock Harbour Special Marine Protection Zone, Honduras The project aims to implement effective long-term conservation mechanisms in the five protected areas. The planning processes, monitoring, management plans updates, surveillance and control systems, infrastructure and equipment are, among the activities that will be supported to improve the standards under which the protected areas are administered. To this end, the project encompasses three areas of work: • Conservation of coastal and marine ecosystems. • Improvement of management practices and sustainable use of coastal and marine resources. • Implementation of mechanisms to promote exchanges of knowledge and experience among the project target groups; e.g. among MPA managers or between resource users and the small grant program. The Marine Resources Conservation Project in Central America Phase II will build on the experience and lessons learned in the implementation of the first two years of Phase I.


Mar Fund

Annual Report MAR Fund 2013

Chapter II:

Small Grants Program The MAR Fund’s Small Grants Program is focused on the protection, restoration and conservation of priority marine and coastal protected areas and promotes improved resource management practices. Once a year, governmental and non-governmental organizations, academics, civil society associations and stakeholders in and around these protected areas in the four countries of the MAR region may submit proposals responding to the specific objectives of each call.

Fifth Joint Request for Proposals


On July 9, 2012 the fifth request for proposals was launched with the support of Overbrook Foundation, the Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP) of NOAA, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), the Government of Germany through KfW and the MAR Fund and awards were made in late 2012. The overarching objective of this request was to support the conservation, effective management, and sustainable use of coastal and marine protected areas in the Mesoamerican Reef system. Projects sought to foster effective management of the protected areas, protect the reef’s key components and functions, increase the number and average size of herbivores (which perform the critical ecosystem function of grazing of the coral reef), and to promote compliance with fishing regulations by building the capacity of fishers and promoting their active participation in the management of marine resources.


Annual Report

MAR Fund 2013

The projects, and their accomplishments as of December 2013 are listed below: 1. “Enhancing enforcement and compliance within the South Water Caye Marine Reserve, Belize” developed by the Belize Fisheries Department. The objectives of this project were to raise awareness about the protected area and the importance of law enforcement, to improve infrastructure and communications, and to support improved law enforcement within the reserve. Results include the following: • Installed demarcation buoys in the marine reserve. • Installed a solar-powered electric system at the marine station. • The fishing department performed a total of 158 patrols that resulted in two detentions. • As a strategy of friendly negotiation, a first meeting with the community fishermen of Riversdale was held to discuss the boundaries of the conservation area in the southern part of the marine reserve.


2. “Participatory design of fishieries recovery sites and fishieries comanagement areas in Rio Sarstún Multiple Use Area, Guatemala” developed by FUNDAECO. The objective of this project was to support the delimitation of fishing restoration areas in Cocoli Bay, the Sartun mouth bar and Laguna Grande through negotiations and agreements between stakeholders and the fishing sector. Results include the following: • Boat tours were taken to potential fishing restoration areas within the protected area. • Four fishing recovery areas were proposed and FUNDAECO designed a research protocol to establish a baseline for commercial fish species. • With the cooperation of Water Quest, fishermen were trained and certified in diving and biological monitoring techniques.

3. “Conserving fishieries resources through their rational use in the Marine Area of the Cuyamel-Omoa National Park, Honduras” developed by Omoa Conservation Corps (CCO). The objective of this project was to support the conservation and sustainable management of the fishing resources of the marine area of Cuyamel-Omoa. Results include the following: • CCO, DIGEPESCA (fishing authority in Honduras) and the Cuyamel-Omoa fishermen assessed fish diversity and abundance in three ecosystems: Chachaguala Lagoon, Chachaguala River and five sites in the coral reef zone


Annual Report MAR Fund 2013

• CCO, DIGEPESCA and fishers from Cuyamel – Omoa visited Cuero y Salado Refuge to learn from their experience with establishing fisheries recovery sites.


of Omoa. As a result of this assessment, a 900-hectare fishery restoration site was proposed to the authorities. The project has received support from the Forest Conservation Institute (the protected areas authority in Honduras) and DIGEPESCA. CCO and the fishers jointly made and installed artisanal demarcation buoys for the recovery site.

4. “Signaling the Protected Natural Area Arrecifes de Xcalak National Park (PNAX), México” developed by Amigos de Sian Ka’an. The objective was to develop the signage in the national park to build environment awareness among the users through education and training. Results include the following: • Demarcation points for buoys were established in the north and south boundaries of the protected area. • A map of diving areas was produced to guide tourists and tour operators. • An anchorage chain for mooring buoys was installed.

5. “Fishing resources status in Quintana Roo: a social-economic view of the fishing activities” developed by Community and Biodiversity (COBI). The purpose of the project was to ascertain the social relevance of the economic structure of the fisheries in Quintana Roo and to document fisheries activities, from the fishers’ perspective. Results include the following:


• A workshop was held to build environmental awareness among fishermen, school children and local authorities.

• Informal meetings were held to solicit opinions about small-scale fisheries in Quintana Roo. • A socio-economic questionnaire was designed and 175 people from 16 of the 25 target fishing cooperatives were interviewed.

6. “Strengthening inspection, surveillance and evironmental education in the Santuario del Manatí State Reserve, Chetumal Bay (RESM), México” developed by Amigos de Sian Ka´an. The objective of this project was to strengthen conservation, effective management, inspection and monitoring, and sustainable use of upland and coastal areas of the Manatee Sanctuary State Reserve, Chetumal Bay. Results include the following: • Identification of locations for demarcation buoys for the northern and southern borders of the protected area.


MAR Fund 2013


Annual Report

• Creation of a map identifying diving sites. • Installation of mooring buoy chains. • Design of information posters to be posted in the protected area. • Environmental awareness workshops.

Fondo SAM

Sixth Joint Request for Proposals


On July 22, 2013, the Overbrook Foundation, the NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program, the Government of Germany through KfW and MAR Fund jointly launched the request for proposals “Reducing Threats and Improving Management in Key Coastal and Marine Protected Areas in the Mesoamerican Reef”. This call was designed to contribute to the conservation of the ecological functions of the Mesoamerican barrier reef system. The call sought to support the protection and conservation of coastal and marine ecosystems in priority areas, promote the participation of civil society in best management practices and sustainable use of coastal and marine resources and strengthen communication and exchanges for the effective adoption of new practices. Six proposals in the four countries of the region were recommended for approval.

Annual Report

MAR Fund 2013

The marine and coastal protected areas that will be supported in Phases I and II are shown on the map below:

Yum Balam Flora and Fauna Protection Area


Mantee Sanctuary State Reserve Banco Chinchorro Biosphere Reserve

Arrecifes de Xcalak National Park Corozal Bay Wildlife Sanctuary South Water Caye Marine Reserve Port Honduras Marine Reserve

Payne´s Creek National Park

Turtle Harbour /Rock Harbour Special Marine Protection Zone Sandy Bay West End Special Marine Protection Zone

Río Sarstún Multiple Use Area

Punta de Manabique Wildlife Refuge

Cuyamel Omoa National Park

Laguna de Guaimoreto Wildlife Refuge

Protected areas of Phase I of the Project Conservation of Marine Resources in Central America Protected areas of Phase II of the Project Conservation of Marine Resources in Central America


Mar Fund

Annual Report MAR Fund 2013

Chapter III:

Community Fisheries Program The objective of this program is to work closely with the fishing communities that depend on the resources of the MAR region for their livelihoods. The goal is to empower fishermen to take control of their future and engage in the management of fisheries, with the objective of recovering the fisheries and manage them to ensure that they will be economically and environmentally viable. Fishing shelters (no fishing zones, fishing recovery zones and community marine reserves) are an essential component of the management process.

Clinton Global Initiative In 2013 MAR Fund was invited to participate in the Clinton Global Initiative - CGI. Participants are required to make a “Commitment to Action” and the MAR Fund’s is “More Fish - a Better Future for Mesoamerican Reef Fishermen.” The goal is to improve the health of the MAR’s ecosystems and restore fisheries recovery areas to allow fishermen to continue using the resource in a sustainable manner. This initiative aspires to protect and restore marine ecosystems and local fisheries, increasing the abundance and sizes of species, and to improve the food security of fishing communities. This commitment will strengthen efforts in three communities in the region that have started the fisheries co-management process and extend the model to at least two additional fishing communities. MAR Fund will provide financial support for the design, establishment and monitoring of fisheries and co-management programs developed in collaboration with local authorities of protected areas and fisheries, and with fishing communities. MAR Fund participated in the annual meeting of CGI from September 23 to 26, on which occasion the Commitment to action described above was submitted.


Annual Report

MAR Fund 2013

Law Enforcement in Southern Belize Reef Complex In 2013, the Southern Environmental Association (SEA) developed the fifth phase of this project. The overall objective was to reduce the level of illegal fishing in the reef complex in southern Belize, to a level as low as that of the Gladden Spit Silk Cayes Marine Reserve. The objectives for 2013 included:


a) reduce the number of illegal incidents, b) maintain a strong presence in the south reef complex through patrols led by SEA, c) continue working with the support and commitment of key community rangers/key resource users, and d) make management decisions through information analysis from its database. As a result, from January to December 2013, SEA conducted 150 patrols, reflecting a strong presence in the area, and had a successful prosecution rate of 42%.


Mar Fund

Annual Report MAR Fund 2013

Chapter IV:

Promotion of Networks and Regional Coordination Platforms Víctor Gudiel

Connectivity Network In 2012, a regional workshop was held to provide practical training and knowledge sharing in three aspects of connectivity: recruitment of reef fish larvae, invasive species (lionfish) and transportation patterns in the reef region. One of the workshop’s conclusions was that region-wide baseline information on reef fish larvae recruitment is important. From September 1 to 8 2013, the Mesoamerican Reef Connectivity Network, coordinated by El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) at the University of Miami and MAR Fund, organized the first simultaneous regional collection of reef fish larvae in the Mesoamerican Reef. ECOSUR and RSMAS partners prepared two detailed work protocols: a methodology for the collection of fish larvae using water column collectors and oceanographic measurement variables. Additionally a photographic catalog of fish species in the region was developed. For the implementation of this exercise, NOAA and ECOSUR provided technical support in Mexico, Belize and Honduras, and participating protected areas were provided with labels, traps nets, plastic bags and other materials. The protected areas that participated were: Contoy Island National Park, Mexico; Arrecife de Sian Ka’an National Park, Mexico; Arrecife de Xcalak National Park, Mexico; Port Honduras Marine Reserve, Belize; Río Sarstún Multiple Use Area,


Annual Report

MAR Fund 2013

Guatemala; Punta de Manabique Wildlife Refuge, Guatemala; Turtle Harbour / Rock Harbour Special Marine Protected Area, Utila, Honduras and Sandy Bay West End Special Marine Protected Area, Roatan, Honduras.

Mar Fund

During this exercise, 384 specimens were collected. The most representative species were the Halichoeres socialis from the Labridae family, followed by Chloroscombus chrysurus from the Carangidae family. The greatest abundance, 272 fish collected, was recorded in Punta de Manabique Guatemala.

Mesoamerican Reef Rescue initiative The objective of this initiative is to support the long-term ecological and economic viability of the Mesoamerican Reef and the environmental services it provides. It seeks to develop the human capacity, regulatory environment, local economic incentives and financial sustainability necessary for an effective and timely science-based restoration of coral reefs. The initiative is comprised of four strategies: 1) build knowledge of the practice of coral reef restoration, 2) provide alternative livelihoods and employment opportunities for local communities (related to reef restoration -- especially targeting youth and fishermen), 3) ensure governmental commitment to policies and regulations that foster reef restoration and 4) ensure, in the participating countries, long-term sustainable funding for ongoing and emergency coral restoration interventions. The chemical products company, MEXICHEM, donated more than 2 kilometers of PVC pipe to Oceanus, A.C. (which coordinates the MAR Network of Reef Restoration) to be used for the development of coral nurseries.


Mar Fund

Annual Report MAR Fund 2013

Chapter V:

Program Management and Institutional Development Endowment Fund On April 25, 2012 the MAR investment Fund Committee was constituted and held its first meeting. The goal of the growth strategy for the Endowment Fund, is to raise US$30 million to secure funding for management initiatives and resource conservation in the Mesoamerican Reef. On June 24, 2013 MAR Fund and the French Development Agency on behalf of FFEM signed a Financing Agreement for 1,060,000.00, 1 million of which was allocated to the endowment fund. The revenues generated from this additional capital will be used to strengthen the management of the network of coastal and marine protected areas of the MAR through small grants to civil society organizations. On December 31, 2013, the FFEM deposited in the MAR Fund’s account the amount of US$1,368,500, (equivalent to 1 million). This amount will be invested under the policy established by MAR Fund’s Investment Committee. The generous capital granted by KfW on December 30, 2011, continued to be invested as stipulated by the MAR Fund’s Fund Investment Policy. As of December 31, 2013, there was US$14,835,043 in the endowment fund.


MAR Fund 2013 Mar Fund

Annual Report

Chapter VI:

The Future of MAR Fund Strategic Plan 2014-2018 In 2013 MAR Fund carried out a review of its Strategic Plan, and the product of the exercise was a plan for the period 2014-2018. The mission and vision were confirmed and the fundraising strategies were updated. The plan also focused on strengthening communication platforms related to the exchange of information and experiences and facilitating collaboration among existing MAR region connectivity networks working on the conservation of the MAR. Since its inception, the MAR Fund has supported management of protected areas, provided training opportunities for protected area staff and local communities, produced economic strategies for local resource users, supported resource monitoring and evaluation and law enforcement, and has developed long term funding strategies. Under the new strategic plan, these activities will continue. Threats and pressures on natural and cultural resources are becoming more pronounced, and are exacerbated by climate change, and the MAR Fund has initiated work on adaptation and resilience to climate change. The MAR Fund will develop synergies and partnerships with those that have traditional knowledge and other tools to strategically deal with climate change in coastal and marine areas.


Annual Report MAR Fund 2013

The support of many institutions has continued this year, helping to strategically develop initiatives, programs and projects of the MAR Fund which in turn, help to improve the health of the reef and the lives of people who depend directly or indirectly on its conservation.

• Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) • Dim Sum Tea House • El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR) • French Global Environment Facility (FFEM) • Global Giving Foundation • German Cooperation • KfW • JRS Biodiversity Foundation • National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) • Oak Foundation • United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) • The Henry Foundation • The Overbrook Foundation • The Summit Foundation • University of Miami - RSMAS

Special thanks to the Members of the Board and Committees that support MAR Fund for their commitment, collaboration and time invested in strengthening the Fund through the promotion of innovative initiatives and strategies, and to the MAR Fund’s technical and administrative staff for their dedication and passion. We invite you to visit our website and/or our Facebook


Supporting conservation and sustainable use initiatives in the Mesoamerican Reef.

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