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MPD "PARADISE" Dawes is a Professional Entertainment Specialist Community Campaigner Award Winner 2010 - 2011 -Recognising The Spirit of London Exec Director, Alternative Education: YOUNG PEOPLE MATTER LTD Brand Manager & Label Coordinator: newBRAN ENTERTAINMENT Design Editor | Blogger: WHOISPARADISE.COM Exec Project Coordinator: THE GOOD SAMARITAN PROJECT 57th Dynasty Co-founder | Frontman: MOBO NOMINATED | UK HIPHOP AWARD WINNERS: BEST HIPHOP ACT Hustler | Artist | Community Activist | Multipreneur NYC raised, British born poet/ lyricist who lives Hip-hop. Grew up in The Bronx, now resides in South London. Professional career began with upstart grass-roots entertainment project(s) which afforded me great industry insight in liaising, marketing, negotiating and the creating of a footpath-like infrastructure to achieving national and international exposure, accolades and success. Many later projects have revolved around youth edu-tainment.