ENGLISH WORKSHOP Project for 2º ESO ( 1st term)
Answer these questions: o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
What kind of music do you like? Is there any kind of music that you can't stand? Have you got a favourite singer or band? Have you got music CDs at home? How many do you own? What kind of music do you have the most of? Can you play a musical instrument? If so, what do you play? How long have you been playing it? Are you good at it? What types of music do people listen to in your country? Is there any type of music that you can only hear in your country? How popular is live music in your country? When was the last time you went to a concert or live show? Do you prefer music in English or in your own language? Why? Why do you think English language music is so popular? Can a band be a worldwide hit if they don't sing in English?
This project has got 2 parts :
You are going to make a Powerpoint project about a famous English-speaking group. In the Project you may will include relevant information about the band, biographies of its members, anecdotes and photos from their concerts, critics on their albums and songs, … Then you will have to show your project to the teachers and the rest of your classmates.
After showing your Powerpoint project to the rest of the class you will have to make a listening activity with one of the band’s songs. You will play the song during an English class and explain to your classmates what the activity is about. It can be a fill-the-gaps activitity with the song lyrics, a worksheet with comprehension questions, ….
For this project you will have 4 sessions and you will organize your work like this: 1st session Surf the Internet and search for useful information. You will start elaborating your project and when the class finishes you will save everything in your pendrive or write it in your notebook.