‘PILOD’ LOGOTYPE My logo is a combination logo, made by geometrical shapes: a central circle with two ‘half moons’ inside it and two rectangles which end in triangles- one pointing to the left and one pointing to the right- converging in the circle. It suggests unity, but also an open collective because of the two ‘linkers’ that converge in the circle. The two ‘half moons’ are a combination of a ‘P’ and a ‘D’. In fact, all the logotype is a fusion of a design of the first and the last letter of P.I.L.O.D. That brings to the mind exchange, links, different things or people which fix perfectly. The word itself, under the image, is made of straight lines, except for the ‘I’ dot. Although those lines are straight, they do not follow a certain pattern, which suggests that even though the letters are not perfect, they are in harmony with each other. The circle suggests organization- as it is a geometrical shape- and also reminds to the sun or the Earth, two familiar and warm things which mean life and home. It also suggests unity and harmony, because P.I.L.O.D. is a plan to link people and do teamwork. The two rectangles mean solidity, security, equality, but they end in triangles, which mean movement. Also, their other ending is inside the circle. That is a connection between the inside and the outside; everybody can go in and out. The half moons are curved shapes which form another circle themselves. They mean constant movement, but also peace and happiness. Finally, the image is horizontal. That means stability and security. With this design, I want to describe all that P.I.L.O.D. program means. I made it by fusing the‘d’ and the ‘p’. With that I mean mainly union and an open collective that wants to share and exchange. With the letters, I wanted to show that even though the letters are not perfect, although they are not settled in a straight line and don not have the same size, they are in perfect harmony. The colours are dark blue, white and light green. They are contrasting colours. I used dark blue for the circle. It’s all the same colour except for the half moons, which are white. It seems powerful and united. The rectangles ending in triangles are light green, which is a lighter colour, but also has energy.
Andrea Abello – 3 E.S.O. (Bilingual Stream)