My TV programme -Student's worksheets

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ENGLISH WORKSHOP Project for 2º ESO ( 2nd term)


Answer these questions: o o o o o -

Do you like watching TV? How often do you watch it? What kind of programmes do you like? Why? What kind of programmes do you dislike? Why? Mention as many types of TV programmes as you can.

In groups, you are going to create a TV show, using the format you choose and using your imagination. For this purpose you are going to take the following steps: A REPORT

You will first write a report with this structure: 


Think of a suitable name for the programme. It should be an attractive name, or example, if it is a music program it can be called “10 hits” or if it is a talk show it can be called “Talking to Sara.” 


The TV program must be classified into different formats like: Reality Show, Talk Show, Soap Opera, The News, A Documentary, etc.


You have to describe what it is about, for example if it is a talk show you could write something like this: Talking to Sara is a Talk Show composed by three different cases of real people in which they present a problem and the TV presenter solves the problem, using specialized s support given by psychologists, lawyers, doctors, etc…


You must include the length of the program, for example: 5 minutes without commercials, 10 minutes with commercials,…

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