Interested in Being a Business Owner? Friday, March 30th Stillwater Pavilion
Want to become a Millionaire?
Sponsored by Beartooth Resource Conservation and Development
9:00 AM Introduction 9:30-2:15 Students will be in one of four workshops Financial Management Have you ever wondered how you can become a millionaire? Do you know how to make your hard earned money work for you? In this get up and move workshop you will explore money topics which matter to you.
Scavenger Hunt with Chamber Business Expo Exhibitors Tour the Billings College of Technology mobile lab and simulators as well as wind and solar energy technology/careers Stillwater County Entrepreneur success story (Fireline Protection Services) Lunch staggered sessions: Brown Bag Lunch (PROVIDED) FAFSFA Presentation and Communications Careers Video 2:15 Survey & Send students back to schools