BTC/CG/04.09/XXK 5101089991104
Th e B e n e f i s o f ÂŽ BY P LY G M L A R L Virtually Eliminates Maintenance Solid aluminum construction. No rusting. No distortion. No painting. Mounts securely and stays firmly in place to resist high winds, heavy amounts of snow and ice, ladder damage and pest invasion. Fits Standard Gutters Available in 5" and 6" sizes to fit new and existing gutters. Also Available in Copper
2600 Grand Blvd., Suite 900 Kansas City, MO 64108
Completely Weather & Pest Resistant
5" and 6" retro-fit copper for most existing
Mounts directly to gutter. No lifting shingles ...which may cause other repair headaches or void your roof warranty! Keeps Water Flowing Patented Aluma-Perf™ technology keeps leaves, needles, seeds and twigs out...and normal wind conditions*.
* Dry leaves require 6 mph winds and wet debris requires 23 mph winds. No-wind areas may require debris removal.
800 587 1339
Simple Installation
gutter systems