The purpose of this eMagazine is to connect readers and bloggers with authors. This is a FREE eMagazine that is produced quarterly. This publication honors our annual Reader’s Choice winners. There are some great books this year. I hope you’ll take the time to look around.
“If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.”
– Oscar Wilde
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… Meet the winners and read their stories Sylva Fae (7), Melanie P. Smith (22), Tom Benson (34), Sarah Hindmarsh (56), and Suzanne Downes (64)
Author Tips and Tricks
4) Survival Ste & Benji go on an adventure
5) Passion Struck
6) A Beginner's Guide to Starting Over
6) Living La Vida Mocha
7) The Devil Wears a Kitchen Apron
7) Quest for Love
8) Grand Tour -The Brass Queen II
9) Break It Down
9) The Baby
10) Sacrifices for Kingdoms
Melanie P. Smith https://melaniepsmith.com/
Sylva Fae https://www.facebook.com/SylvaFae
LaPriel Dye https://dyenamicsediting.com
Author Anthony Avina's Blog https://authoranthonyavinablog.com Mom’s Favorite Reads Review Group
MPSmith Publishing
Creative Edge Publicity https://www.creative-edge.services
MPSmith Publishing and Connections eMagazine does not endorse any information contained in the articles or advertisements throughout this magazine. All content is Copyright © by the individual authors and used with their permission. All rights reserved. This is an International publication. Language is based on submission region.
♦ Aspire Book Covers
♦ Dye-Namics Editing
♦ Tosca Lee
♦ Melanie P. Smith
♦ Candy Wolff
♦ John R. Miles
♦ Bjorn Leesson
♦ Rhonda Hopkins
♦ Donna M. Cramer
♦ Kelly Florence and Meg Hafdahl
♦ Russell Little
♦ Chantal Bellehumeur
Would you like a listing in the next issue of Connections eMagazine? Click here for submission requirements.
Everyone has heard the saying A Picture is Worth 1000 Words. Well, Connections eMagazine decided to put that to the test. In each edition we post an image and ask authors to tell a story in approximately 1000 words. Then, a poll is posted on our website and Facebook page and readers get to choose their favorite.
We’d like to introduce you to our previous winners. Each story is unique, compelling and interesting. It just goes to show, the picture might be worth a thousand words but, those words can be as diverse as the author who writes them. https://www.facebook.com/ConnectionsEMagazine
By Sylva Fae
Published February 2023
1. Give me three short facts that readers should know about you.
• I'm primarily a children's author.
• My writing inspiration comes from adventures in our little woodland, and the woodland themes carry through into my short stories.
• As well as being a writer, my other passions are bushcraft, wild camping and foraging.
2. Long or short? Which do you prefer writing - novels or short stories?
• Shorts! By writing children's books, my mind is conditioned to tell a whole story in a few words.
3. What are the challenges of writing short stories?
• The editing part is the most challenging. I tend to write shorts as a pantser, ramble on a bit, then edit it down to the word count. It is very satisfying to hit the word count exactly though.
4. Which is your favourite short story, and where can readers find it?
• My favourite short story is called The Ring, and you can read it both in the Connections eMagazine picture prompt challenge (February 2024), and in my soon to be published short story collection, No Fairytale.
Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess. She met a handsome stranger from a far-off land, who just happened to be a prince. They soon married and lived happily ever after in peace and harmony…
Wouldn’t that be lovely? Sadly, not all fairytales are so idyllic, and despite my attire, this is definitely no fairytale. So, here I am, deep in the forest, trying to stop this ridiculous gown from snagging on brambles as I hastily make my way to the clearing. From there, it’s thankfully only a few minutes’ walk to the small access road where I left my car early this morning. I’m nearly there – thank goodness I had the foresight to wear trainers under this voluminous skirt.
We came at dawn to capture that special light as the first sunbeams filter through the trees, appearing to radiate from a single distant source. Komorebi, I believe the Japanese call it; they have such beautiful words to encompass the whole mood and feeling of what we only describe. My photographer husband delighted at the way the light danced across the scarlet fabric of my fairytale gown, following blindly as I wandered farther, in search of the perfect setting. I was reluctant at first, when Nick suggested I model for him – he wanted to create an advertising campaign to entice new customers to book a photoshoot. Dressing up for a walk in my favourite place did seem like fun, if a little less practical than my usual jeans and t-shirt. I soon lost my inhibitions as I breathed in the glorious earthy scents, and Nick snapped away oblivious to anything beyond the viewfinder.
The familiar landmarks we passed, the thicket of spiky holly with a secret hollow inside, the ancient oak with boughs that reached down to provide an easy foothold, the bank of delicate indigo belladonna beneath towering foxgloves, brought memories of long summers and magical adventures, while Mum foraged for blackberries and wild mushrooms .
The knowledge engrained, and the delight of free food had carried forward into adulthood and I still tramped familiar paths with my basket of berries. I had hoped Nick would share my passion, but no, he was a big-city boy through and through. This photoshoot was one of the rare times I’d been able to coax him away from a concrete path and he seemed more alive than ever. I hoped the experience would inspire him to join me on future walks, and chattered about how we could do this every weekend. Nick shushed me, more engaged with the camera than conversation.
Nick urged that we only stop for a quick break, as he needed to get back soon for a work meeting. I carefully draped my skirts over a fallen log that conveniently served as a seat, and poured us both coffee from the thermos Nick insisted on bringing. I savoured the moment, soaking up the glorious sunshine. Nick stood, sipping his coffee while fiddling with his camera settings. Inevitably, the coffee sent Nick off searching for a ‘private’ place to attend to a call of nature, but not before instructing me to guard his equipment. Seriously? Who did he think was going to be hiding behind a tree, waiting to steal a camera at this time of the morning? I chuckled at Nick ’s city ways, and picked up his mobile to check the time – with no pockets, I’d left mine in the car.
A flurry of notifications pinged in as the screen lit up
The sunbeams disappeared as grey clouds drifted overhead. I managed to reach the car as the first raindrops splashed through the leaves. They mixed with the tears soaking my cheeks. I hadn’t thought rationally earlier, I had just gathered up my skirts and run, weaving between the trees, needing to get as far away from my cheating husband as possible. I sat watching the rivers of rain streaming down the car windscreen, distorting the scene beyond – I imagined Nick too intent on keeping his precious camera dry to notice my absence. Then I imagined him slowly realising he was alone, deep in unfamiliar territory. I pictured his panic when he realised his guide back to civilisation had disappeared. I assumed that right about now, he was searching for the phone that sat on the passenger seat next to me.
I shrugged off any guilt of leaving him stranded as I read back through the messages. They started with flirtatious jokes that soon developed into plans for covert meetings. A quick checking of dates showed their trysts coincided with my weekly woodland wanders, the walks that Nick avoided because he was ‘too busy with work’. I remembered the many times he’d seemed
nightshade or that ingesting them would cause hallucinations, convulsions and eventually death? I shrugged; it was no longer my problem.
The rain eased off; it was time for this princess to drive home, alone. But first, I needed to send a message to my now ex best friend to come rescue her prince from the forest – that is if she could find him. I switched off Nick’s phone, wiped my eyes and set off, spurred on by the thought of breakfast, a hot coffee and getting changed out of this silly dress. This fairytale was over and it was time to create a new love story.
teaching literacy to adults with learning difficulties and disabilities, and now works from home
By Pearl Oliver
There is a gulf between us
It is deep and wide
There is no transportation
To the other side
Whatever your deeds on earth
Will follow you to the grave
Whether you are good or bad
Only God can save
Only through Christ’s shed blood
When he died on Calvary’s tree
To atone for our sins
Throughout eternity
If you fail to repent and to accept Christ you know
There is no place for you in Heaven
So you must go down below
So think it over friend
And really count the cost
Though you gain the whole world
Your soul may be lost
About the author in her own words:
I was born April 22, 1920, the third child in seven of Arthur S. and Florence M. Jones. They homestead some land in Colorado. Cut trees from the land and built a log cabin. Dad worked for some farmers for $1.00 a day and his dinner. We cleared land a little at a time to farm, no machinery, just two horses and a walking plow. We attended a one-room country school. One teacher taught first - eighth grades.
I wrote a few poems when I was in my teens but was afraid I would be made fun of so I wouldn’t show them to anyone, and later destroyed them.
New York Times bestselling author Tosca Lee has won a third International Book Award this time in the Historical Fiction category for her 2023 WWII novel, The Long March Home co-authored with fellow New York Times bestseller, Marcus Brotherton. The Long March Home is a novel about a dark chapter of WWII history, the Bataan Death March.
The win marks Lee’s third International Book Award; her 2019 novels The Line Between and A Single Light have also won the prestigious award in the Thriller/Suspense and Science Fiction categories, respectively. The award marks the latest of Lee’s awards, which include Killer Nashville’s Silver Falchion, Christian Book of the Year, and the Nebraska Book Award.
The International Book Awards celebrates excellence in all sections of the publishing industry. Over 2000 entries were submitted to this year’s awards.
Jimmy Propfield joined the army for two reasons: to get out of Mobile, Alabama, with his best friends Hank and Billy and to forget his high school sweetheart, Claire. Life in the Philippines seems like paradise until the morning of December 8, 1941, when news comes from Manila: Imperial Japan has bombed Pearl Harbor.
Within hours, the teenage friends are plunged into war as enemy warplanes attack Luzon, beginning a battle for control of the Pacific Theater that will culminate with a last stand on the Bataan Peninsula and end with the largest surrender of American troops in history. What follows will become known as one of the worst atrocities in modern warfare: the Bataan Death March.
With no hope of rescue, the three friends vow to make it back home together. But the ordeal is only the beginning of their nearly four-year fight to survive. Inspired by true stories, The Long March Home is a gripping coming-of-age tale of friendship, sacrifice, and the power of unrelenting hope
The Long March Home: A WWII Novel of the Pacific took the New York Times bestselling author duo of Tosca Lee and Marcus Brotherton 12 years to write. The book has earned three starred reviews and Historical Novel Society’s “highest recommendation.”
“A must-read literary triumph.” Booklist starred review “[A] tour de force.” Publishers Weekly starred review
Originally released in 2007, Demon: A Memoir, the highly acclaimed debut novel of New York Times bestselling author Tosca Lee returns in an all-new fourth edition in paperback, ebook, and first-ever hardcover July 9th. This new edition with brand new cover art includes Interesting Facts About the Book, Discussion Questions, Author's Note, and Preview of the upcoming new fourth edition of Havah: The Story of Eve (coming August 13, 2024). The book is available through Ingram and most retailers.
Recently divorced and mired in a meaningless existence, Clay drifts from his drab apartment to his equally lusterless job as an editor for a small Boston press until the night Lucian finds him and everything changes with the simple words, "I'm going to tell you my story, and you're going to write it down and publish it. "What begins as a mystery soon spirals into chaotic obsession as Clay struggles to piece together Lucian's dark tale of love, ambition, and grace only to discover that the demon's story has become his own. And then only one thing matters: learning how the story ends.
This book is a masterpiece of fiction. It’s hard to put down and impossible to forget.
Nancy Mehl, Author of The Quantico Files and the Ryland and St. Clair series
So few books rattle me to the core yet lift my hopes to the heavens in the same breath.
Ted Dekker, New York Times Bestselling author of The Circle series
Imaginative, compelling, deep, memorable… a novel that has you compulsively turning pages and makes you think at the same time.
James Scott Bell, Bestselling author of Deceived and Try Fear
“This story floored me. When I met Tosca, I said, ‘I had to meet the author who blew my mind.’ This is a stunning novel you’ll remember not months, but years after you finish.”
James L. Rubart , Christy Hall of Fame author of Rooms
A powerful, discerning tale that will have fans pondering their own deals with the demons. Midwest Book Review
"Few books have stayed with me for years. This is one of them."
-James L.
Christy Hall of Fame author and bestselling author of Rooms
Demon: A Memoir by Tosca Lee is back!
New York Times bestselling author releases critically acclaimed book in new 4th edition
Lee, a former first runner-up to Mrs. United States, earned her bachelor ’s degree in English from Smith College. A stepmother of four and grandmother -to-be, she lives with her family in Nebraska. For more on Tosca, please visit: www.toscalee.com.
Connections eMagazine’s Reader’s Choice Awards is an annual contest. Authors can be nominated by anyone who has read the novel. Books are judged on cover design, character &/or world development, good flow & compelling intro, formatting & presentation, and Reader’s Choice. We had a lot of great entries this year and the competition was close. I hope you will take a minute to check out the winners. You might find a new favorite.
Overall scores are calculated using the judges scores, cover design, and public voting.
The Connections eMagazine Reader’s Choice Award is open to all independent authors and small press publishers — and their work.
by Sylva Fae
Lenny is off on an adventure, but as night draws in, he needs somewhere to sleep. He stumbles upon a campsite, but no matter what he tries, none of the tents are suitable for a sleepy squirrel. They’re too closed in, too noisy, too big… Will Lenny ever find a cozy, safe place to snuggle down to sleep?
"Lenny's Lavvu Adventure" is a delightful book for small children and beginning readers. The story features the outdoor adventures of Lenny, a young squirrel full of energy and curiosity, and his search for a comfortable place to sleep for the night. Colorful illustrations serve to maintain interest and visualization for young ones. A perfect "sit on your lap" book to read with little ones. In the end, the story sets up the hopeful possibility of more adventures for Lenny and the human he befriends along the way.
by Adrian Czarnecki
This, the second book in the Adventures of Hot Rod Todd children's picture story books sees Hot Rod Todd and the pack getting an invitation to visit the UK to race. So, they decided to make it a family vacation with Wild Child Rock Star Merc taking them in his revolutionary eco friendly Tour Jet piloted by Captain Chinook. The pack decided to visit Loch Ness in Scotland and oh my, what ensues on that trip is 'out of this world'.
As always with the pups there are thrills and spills, ups and downs, twists and turns but always, ALWAYS, the message is all about friends and friendship, caring about others without question, values and morals. Beautifully illustrated by Cameo Anderson, 'Hot Rod Todd Visits Loch Ness is a children's picture-story book comprising full page colored illustrations with text that parents can read to their youngsters or, if at reading age or learning to read, youngsters can read and enjoy themselves.
Magical Story Line a must read
All I can say is that the kids where enthralled. They loved that the pack flew in Mercs Jet to another country where they got involved in all sorts adventures searching for one of the pups lost in the water. So many great educational points and values, especially of friendship. Can't wait for the next book to come out .
What a wonderful book, full of great pictures with the most wholesome story and message.
Lovely little story!
It’s no secret that I am a cat lover. And I always enjoy Randi’s children’s books. The art is fantastic, the stories are fun and uplifting, and I always include my daughter, who feels the same. Oh, and this one rhymes. Just adds to the fun. Just sayin.’
by Randi-Lee Bowslaugh
When Neo was born, his leg was not straight. It was tough, and he didn't feel great. At the pound, they didn't have a clue. But the vet knew what to do. Neo dreamed of having a home. He wanted to be loved and to roam.
Follow Neo's journey as he seeks to find his forever home.
Genre winners are determined by combining the judges scores in — Introduction, world and character development, presentation, and cover design.
Published May 2023 https://melaniepsmith.com
1. Give me three short facts that readers should know about you.
• In addition to writing, I’m also a photographer and often use my own photos for my book covers.
• During my time at the Sheriff’s Office, I frequently trained with Search & Rescue. So, when it came time for the SWAT team to rappel out of the tram at the Snowbird Ski Resort my supervisor had me rappel first to shame the guys into participating without complaint. And yes, it worked.
• I’ve driven an M113 tank and know how to operate a backhoe.
2. Long or short? Which do you prefer writing - novels or short stories?
• Definitely novels, although I have enjoyed writing my police procedural series which is made up entirely of short stories.
3. What are the challenges of writing short stories?
• I struggle with shorts because I find it difficult to lay out the plot, and include enough details to pull the reader into the story, but still keep the word count low.
4. Which is your favourite short story, and where can readers find it?
• My favorite short story is my Paige Carter police procedural series. Each season includes 9 short stories, which I call episodes, and replicates the style of a television series. In each episode, a new crime is solved but the characters remain the same throughout. There are currently five seasons published, which you can find everywhere ebook, paperbacks, and audiobooks are sold.
The wolf crouched low, hidden in the deep shadows of the trees. It was nearly time. Her crystal blue eyes glowed in the darkness when a bright flash of lightning filled the ominous sky. Rain pelted the mossy ground, dripped from the leaves on the trees, and slid over her thick gray fur, but she didn’t care. The beast within her yearned to howl, to let loose and get lost in the wild animalistic need that threatened to overwhelm her. She whined and paced but held firm to the tiny shred of control that was slowly slipping from her grasp. She had a plan, a mission to fulfill, and she would only get one chance at this she would not allow the beast to consume her, to take over and become the uninhibited creature she feared and craved. Dark, menacing clouds filled the afternoon sky, torrential rain sliced through the air, and lightning crackled in the distance, followed by the loud boom of thunder. The wind seemed to sizzle as it whipped and circled, leaving a cold chill in its wake. Her entire body tingled she felt electrified and invincible. The beast within her clawed at the ground and fought to be set free. Still, she held firm and waited.
Finally, the distinct glare of headlights rounded the bend. The wolf raised her head and scented the air, then let out a low growl. Her target just arrived. She moved silently through the trees, a predator stalking its prey. When she reached the edge of the forest, she paused and waited. It didn’t take long.
Reginald Wallace stepped from his expensive Bugatti, an extravagance purchased with his deceased wife’s fortune, and darted for the back door. The wolf charged. She circled her prey, blocked his escape, and growled a low menacing sound that promised retribution.
Reginald slank back. He was shaking with fear but tried to hide it. Suddenly, he straightened and began to yell, curse and threaten. Then, he begged. Nobody heard his plea for help. For the first time since moving into the large expensive home, his closest neighbors were out of town. They won a surprise trip to Disneyland and wouldn’t be back for another week.
Reginald sobbed and shook in fear, finally realizing there would be no mercy. Defeated, he fell to the ground and curled into a fetal position.
The wolf lunged.
Payton pulled on the dark green raincoat and slid into her rubber boots. Then, she slowly walked across the perfectly manicured lawn and stood over the lifeless body of Reginald Wallace. Blood oozed from his neck, instantly became diluted by the heavy rain, seeped into the grass, and melded with the muddy earth below. Payton watched, mesmerized by the scene as memories of her mother flooded her mind.
Sabrina Jennings was beautiful and so full of life and love. She was devastated when her husband, Payton’s father, was killed by hunters when Payton was twelve. Over the years, Payton and her mother grew closer. They cherished weekend movie nights and mother daughter trips to the mall.
By the time Payton graduated from high school and headed off to college, they were friends and confidants. That all changed when Sabrina met Reginald Wallace. He was charming and charismatic. Sabrina was smitten almost immediately. She couldn’t wait to tell her daughter about the dashing new man in her life.
Payton spoke to her mother often by phone, but her university courses were far more challenging than high school, and three months passed before she made it home for a visit. The first time Payton met Reginald, he feigned excitement; but, underneath the smile, Payton sensed annoyance. She brushed it off and convinced herself she was imagining things. They spent a cordial weekend together before Payton returned to school.
Two months later, Sabrina surprised her daughter with an excited phone call to announce she had a new husband. Reginald insisted on a small, courthouse wedding and Sabrina didn ’t mind. Things changed overnight. Sabrina became evasive and her phone calls were more sporadic.
When Payton returned home without notice, Reginald refused to accommodate her. Sabrina was visibly upset, but agreed with her husband and suggested Payton might be more comfortable staying with her uncle Cade Jennings, the brother of Payton’s father. That weekend, Cade admitted he didn’t trust Reginald Wallace and was concerned about the quick wedding. He promised to keep an eye on Sabrina once Payton returned to school.
Cade kept his promise and checked in regularly. When Sabrina went missing, he called Payton immediately. She drove home that night and tried to get answers; but, Reginald wasn ’t talking. He insisted Sabrina went to the store and never returned. He said he had no idea where she could be or why she didn’t come home. Payton, Cade and their entire family searched every day for over a week, but Sabrina had just vanished.
A month later, Sabrina’s body was discovered by two local fishermen, floating in a nearby lake. Reginald was the prime suspect. He hired a ruthless lawyer with Sabrina’s money, dodged the investigation, and walked free. Payton returned to school distraught and emotionally destroyed. She watched for six long months while Reginald bought expensive toys and taunted the police. He practically dared them to arrest him. He strutted around town, cocky and confident that he’d gotten away with murdering his wife and stealing her money.
Eventually, Sabrina’s case grew cold. The police stopped searching for new leads. They stopped looking for the killer, because they knew Reginald was the killer. They just couldn ’t prove it.
Payton took one last long look at the lifeless body of a sadistic coward and smiled. Justice was finally served; her mother’s killer had been sentenced to death. The execution carried out by a wild animal. Case closed.
She turned and casually strolled away. Once she hit the muddy roadway, she pulled the green hood of her raincoat over her head and carefully maneuvered around large puddles and slick rocks. The song Roar by Katie Perry played in her head. Lightning flashed up ahead and thunder shook the ground, making the water in the shallow puddles ripple around her. Payton threw her head back and laughed.
She didn’t roar she howled.
The gathering is complete. Emotions are high. Can the team come together during this time to prepare or will outside forces tear them apart? Find out in Artifice, the highly anticipated sequel to Divergence.
Reading is like watching a movie, the descriptions are so vivid... so convincing.
Sarah Stuart - Readers' Favorite Reviewer
Magical and Action-Packed Fairy Tale
Fantasy Meets Mythology...A Must-Read!
Anthony Avina (Author / Blogger / Reviewer)
I highly recommend this novel if you are looking for excitement, magic, sirens, love, and epic battles.
Jennifer Reynolds Author of the Supernatural and Shore Haven Series
A fantasy packed with intrigue, action, adventure and romance.
Sylva Fae Children’s Book author of Woodland Warriors and Time to Shine and Mindful Monsters
P. Smith
Candy Wolff
The heartfelt testament of author, Candy Wolff whose memoir is a guide to healing and human resilience
In Lost and Found in Mexico, A Widow’s Road to Recovery, delve into the heartfelt narrative of Candy, whose story is an intricate tapestry of love, faith, and resilience. Her romance with Ross is not a fairy tale but a reflection of real-life struggles and triumphs, offering solace and wisdom to those navigating their own relationships.
Candy's unwavering faith in brighter days ahead serves as a beacon of hope amidst the storm, a testament to her profound love for Ross and his unwavering support. Yet, when tragedy strikes and he is taken from her, Candy's endurance becomes her most potent weapon as she navigates the emotional tempest that follows.
Through the depths of grief and uncertainty, Candy's story becomes more than just a narrative—it becomes a lifeline for readers grappling with their own losses. From the tender moments of love to the harrowing depths of grief, Lost and Found in Mexico is a poignant reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and a source of invaluable insight for those facing similar trials.
Candy Wolff, a mother of three grown boys, is not only a hardworking woman but also an inspirational speaker. Her journey took an unexpected turn during a much-needed vacation to Mexico with her husband. Seeking reconnection after navigating health concerns, financial difficulties, and depression, Candy discovered more than she had bargained for. In her compelling story, Candy shares a poignant narrative of tragedy and, with the grace of God, a triumphant journey from being lost to found in the heart of Mexico. Her experiences serve as a testament to resilience, faith, and the transformative power of hope.
In his recently published book, Passion Struck: Twelve Powerful Principles to Unleash Your Purpose, former Navy Officer John Miles plays both cheerleader and architect -counselor in identifying distinct principles as guideposts to achieve a purposeful life. Miles’ work is a framework for changing one’s life through an enhanced understanding that individuals hold the innate power to radically transform one’s life. Our wisdom is cultivated through our personal life experiences. The images in our mind wield tremendous power to do good (and, conversely, bad though the author doesn’t say so).
The book begins by examining the salient features of what all could be termed as 'passion'. Something that can lead one to one's full potential and intentionally create a life of one's dreams. Namely, power and versatility, originality, repurposing fears and anxieties, turning ideas into action, getting perfection out of flaws and weaknesses, and finally, charting a path to fulfilment. Chapters are then devoted for discussing different perspectives of each such topic in greater detail.
Pursuit of our goals is misdirected if we limit our aspirations to pursuing money or material goods or prestige. Today, the typical person is doing “just enough” to get by, remaining passionless and just “stuck.” Miles points to 12 steps or principles that helps us foster and pursue an intentional life of passion. Six Behavioral shifts include elements like Conscious Engagement, Outward Inspection, and Embracing Originality. Six mindset shifts include Brand Reinventing, Fear Containment, and Perspective Harnessing. Author Miles’ tone, style, and content are strong, clear, and well developed.
This book’s words reflect the wisdom of a life lived well and a wide canvas of experience. It will fit well for training future generations of leaders. How to deploy their passion and achieve peak performance regardless of their pursuit.
Passion Struck is a framework for changing your life, and within the pages of this book, you hold the power to embark on a remarkable transformation. And, once you become passion struck, a continuous process of growth and refinement shall continue to follow.
This book touches on every aspect of life. Don't be intimidated by looking at the contents thinking the book is a heavy read. There are lots of learning to be applied.
The book’s basic structure is well put together; the reading flows well. Miles’ bottom line is to borrow from evangelist Rick Warren’s familiar phrase of living a “purposeful driven life.” It is incumbent on the individual to take charge and make it happen.
John R. Miles entrepreneur, award-winning podcast host, former U.S. Navy officer, and Fortune 50 senior executive—reveals his groundbreaking discoveries that allow you to reshape your past and create an empowered and limitless future through authentic and candid personal stories. Alongside these narratives are twelve science-based principles on mindset and behavior that Miles discovered by examining and interviewing successful professionals such as Marc Benioff, David Rubenstein, Katy Milkman, Bernie Marcus, Uri Levine, Marshall Goldsmith, Robin Sharma, Susan Cain, Shawn Springs, Thaddeus Bullard, Elon Musk, Susan Wojcicki, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Navy SEALs, astronaut Chris Cassidy, and General Stanley McChrystal.
Published August 2023
1. Give me three short facts that readers should know about you.
• 1) I’ve had lunch with Her Royal Highness, The Princess Anne.
• 2) I’ve been to see the Lipizzaner Dancing Horses at the Spanish Riding School in Vienna.
• 3) I’ve navigated across the desert using a wristwatch. (During Gulf War One).
2. Long or short? Which do you prefer writing - novels or short stories?
• I prefer writing novels because there is more scope for the author to develop plot, characters and scenarios. In a novel, there is also a greater opportunity for the reader to absorb the ingredients of the story.
3. What are the challenges of writing short stories?
• Eloquence is the key when producing a short story. The author should aim to produce sufficient interesting information while being economic with words. No more than four characters is a good guide to offer minimal viewpoints, and all dialogue should be taut, necessary, and effective. The tale ought to be set on a short-time scale, so hours or days, rather than weeks or months. Any background information must be relevant.
A key component is a hook, and my personal target is to establish this within the first thirty-five words. I also strive for a twist in the tale ending.
4. Which is your favourite short story, and where can readers find it?
• Photographic Memory which can be found in the eBook Smoke & Mirrors and other stories. It also appears in paperback format in my Short Stories: Volume 1.
Amazon UK and Universal Link at https://tombensonauthor.com/smoke-mirrors-and-other-stories/
Athens, Greece
September 2015
Emma sat outside the bar, sipping her chilled drink, focusing on her boyfriend. Paul had gone inside for directions, but he’d been talking to a strange man for ten minutes.
Paul approached the table, grinning. “We’re leaving the city today.”
“We haven’t seen all the main sites yet.”
He sipped his beer. “We’re going to visit a place that doesn’t attract tourists.”
“Is this an apology?”
“For what?” He laughed
“For gambling our holiday money last night.”
“I didn’t lose much, so don’t get uptight.”
You returned to our room at three in the morning, cursing. I don’t associate that with winning.”
“I’ll make it up to you.” He took her hand and played his finger over her multi-coloured bangles. “I promise you today will be special.”
She wanted to believe him. “Okay, where are we going?”
He met her gaze. “It’s a place outside Corinth known as The Palace.”
“That sounds romantic, but is it a palace?”
“It’s an ancient site; apparently, much of it is intact and picturesque.”
Emma grinned. “I can’t imagine there will be many gift shops there.”
“Ambrose said we might find a souvenir in the ruins.”
Emma arched an eyebrow. “I do like a mystery gift.”
Paul stopped the motor scooter at a wooden road sign. It was still three kilometres to town, and a nearby damaged wooden arrow pointed towards a dusty road.
He half-turned. “Hold on.”
Within five minutes, the road was no more than a bumpy track, difficult to negotiate on a scooter. For twenty minutes, Paul steered around ruts and gouges in the sand. As the path twisted, olive trees grew along both sides, making it appear like a dilapidated driveway. The route continued upwards before bending again to reach a wide, shallow crater.
Oh my goodness,” Emma cried. “Stop here.”
Paul parked the scooter, and they dismounted. “It’s worth the ride out, isn’t it?”
It’s amazing,” Emma raised her phone. “This is when a good camera is handy.”
The foundations of a massive building and several outbuildings suggested it had been a grand residence. Four prominent columns atop wide steps had clearly been the entrance.
As they wandered around the site, Emma occasionally knelt to take pictures, capturing the Mediterranean light, providing shadows of wall sections and partial doorways.
“I’m puzzled.” She stood, slowly surveying the area. It’s not cordoned, and there are no warning signs.”
“Why would there be?”
“This looks like an excavation site, not normally open to the public.”
“It’s a ruin, Emma.” He chuckled. “This country and its islands are full of them.”
“Apart from a few here on the mainland, there can’t be many as impressive as this.” She began a careful descent, occasionally taking pictures. “I’d like a close look at those steps and the columns.”
They arrived at the ancient entrance, and Paul stood back, smiling, observing.
Emma gently rubbed her fingers over the stone. “There’s barely any sand on these steps, as if they’ve been brushed recently.” She took more pictures before ascending to stand between the remains of the columns. “Look at those mosaic floor tiles in the entrance hall area.” Again, she crouched and brushed her fingers over the area. “There’s something amiss here.” She stood, slowly turning.
“This might prove useful,” Paul said, producing a tattered, folded piece of parchment from a
shirt pocket. He unfolded the sheet for Emma.
“Paul, this is an ancient floor plan.” Emma turned the fragile document one way and another. “Where did you get it?” She fixed her gaze on him before flexing the fingers of one hand and the other, sensing cold.
“Ambrose used it as collateral last night when he ran out of money.”
“You’re telling me a local guy paid a gambling debt with this?”
“Well, I’d lost all my cash, and so had he. We ended up with I.O.U.s on the table, and I ended the night with this.”
Emma shielded her eyes from the sun. “Was that Ambrose you were talking to in the bar earlier, when you said you were asking for directions? ”
Paul nodded. “He wanted me to return the parchment and offered me a thousand euros. I figured it would be worthwhile to come and find the palace ruins instead.” He paused. “I’m sorry, Emma. There’ll be no more gambling. From today, I’ll be a different man.”
“Promises can be hard to keep, but I’ll trust you.”
They wandered from one part of the incredible ruin to another. More than once, Emma shivered.
Paul said, “It’s strange, isn’t it, for us to feel cold under a Greek midday sun?”
I’m glad you’ve felt it too. The farther we go into this ruin, the colder it gets.”
They arrived in a room with two walls bearing the remnants of colourful murals depicting naked lovers. While Emma took pictures of the ancient artwork, and trembled occasionally, Paul knelt in a corner, clawing sand from a damaged wall chamber near the floor.
“Look at this.” Paul dusted off the broad gold bracelet as he held it up, and it gleamed.
Emma smiled as she encircled her wrist and clipped the artefact into place. “You said today would be special ” Her lashes fluttered, and she winced. “Paul … my heart … it’s racing … my breath ”
Paul turned when he heard footsteps. “Ambrose ”
“I’ll have that map, thank you.” The razor-sharp blade glinted briefly in the sunlight. “Goodbye.”
Anastasia turned to her lover as they strolled among the tourists in Athens. “My darling, this body is the prettiest you’ve found me.” She ran her fingers through long lustrous dark hair. “I may no longer be a princess, but with every physical resurrection, I’m grateful we still have each other.”
Ambrose squeezed her hand. “While we have my ring and your bracelet, my love, we’ll always have each other. Five hundred years ago, I said we’d be together forever, and I meant it.”
The descriptions of the "Hallmark" town and the coffee shop were very well written. The story is very relatable to anyone that has had an extremely bad day.
Prize: Gold Medal in Romance, Overall #6, Popular Winner #8, #9 in Cover design
By H.M. Shander
Cara Gallagher had it all: the perfect apartment, a charming plus one, and a dreamy marketing job. Until, in the blink of an eye, she had nothing. Fired and dumped in a matter of minutes, Cara finds herself at rock bottom. Desperate for a moment of respite, she stumbles upon the Coffee Loft, hoping for a burst of sugar and caffeine to mend her wounded heart. Instead, she walks straight into the unexpected - the person she never thought she'd encounter again, the one who had always held her heart.
Elizabeth is on a mission. She’s a tempest of conviction, an activist and philanthropist from the vibrant lands of Trinidad with a desire to change the world. But everything becomes more complicated when she meets Michael, a socially conscious European prince with a heart as noble as his lineage.
Character/World Building: The characters are well developed and very interesting, and the mystery referred to captures the reader. The details complimented the story and the world she is creating is very interesting.
Patricia D’Arcy Laughlin
Prize: Silver Medal in Romance #10 Overall
Intro: The intro captures the reader immediately. The sample reflects excellent story telling and flows really well keeping the reader wanting more.
Denipia Leron, a beautiful young painter and visionary from the country of Usmerim, has just won the coveted Innovation Awards in the Arts. During her trip to the award ceremony, she learns that President Nichamir Linput of the enemy nation of Sorusvia is a primary patron and has expressed special interest in her. Fearful of what this could mean for her burgeoning company and artistic career, she vows to be polite, but keep the wouldbe dictator as far from her as she can.
Nichamir is used to getting what he wants, both personally and politically. Having saved his nation from a Calvernsin invasion, he believes himself justified in how he rules Sorusvia. In spite of the propaganda against him, Nichamir works hard to bring prosperity to his people. Yet the powerful ruler finds himself unprepared for his first meeting with the strong-willed and wary Denipia.
By Fern Brady
Intro: Strong hook, and the writer's ability to create imaginary worlds/realms (with actual maps) and characters captures the reader's interest. The sample writing had a good flow and kept the reader wanting to purchase the book.
Characters/ World Development: The characters came to life on the pages and the sample gave just enough information to hook the reader into wanting to turn the page to learn more. Vivid descriptions help the reader envision the fantasy universes and characters but did not distract from the story.
Prize: Tied for Bronze Medal in Romance
By Gabi Coatsworth
Intro: It has an interesting concept as the dead spouse ghost was actually advising her to move on with her life.
It's time for widow Molly Stevenson to stand on her own two feet. With blind dates, a needy ghost, and her small‑town bookstore in trouble, she's going to need all her inner strength to prevent another unhappy ending.
Forty‑something Molly can't bear to remove her wedding band. Still grieving the death of her beloved husband, the last thing she needs is her sleazy landlord raising the rent to drive her bookshop out of business. Now, this mild‑mannered indie bookstore owner must find the inner strength to turn the page to a brand‑new chapter.
So she's relieved when the ghost of her husband arrives claiming he's there to help. But is he?
With a little nudge from beyond the grave, Molly hatches a plan to revitalize her boutique and keep the doors open. But with everyone, including her spectral spouse, insisting she start dating again, Molly isn't sure what's worse-the dates she meets online or the love of her life trying to find her a new man-who's not quite as good as him. How will she find the courage to fight for herself?
The character development was excellent and interesting. The widow character and story line are very identifiable to many single readers who are trying to rebuild their lives. The story slowly progressed, but as the plot begins to build, the reader's interest is captured.
Prize: Tied for Bronze Medal in Romance, #5 Public Vote, #6 Overall
Intro: I liked the author's character descriptions and could actually picture the characters very well.
Characters/ World Development: Character descriptions and world building were good. Brought you into the scene with a lovable, but mischievous pet
for her cat. Because Kevin, the cat who hates everyone, is totally smitten with Ethan James. And with each purr, cheek rub and head bump that Kevin bestows on Ethan, Hazel begins to wonder if there’s something her cat can see that she can’t.
Book One of the Outside the Thalsparr Series https://bookgoodies.com/a/B0CW17D3N6
The Dokkrsdottir is not your ordinary Norse woman of the Viking age. One of the great warriors of her time, she soon learns that the hardest battles are not always those fought with a sword and shield. Through countless trials and tests, she is led by visions and omens on numerous adventures with the help of steadfast friends and family to discover her mysterious supernatural destiny, one more extraordinary than anyone could ever have imagined.
The story of Myrgjol the Dokkrsdottir begins with her birth in 800s Scandinavia where it becomes immediately obvious that she is very different in so many ways.
After adventures abroad and continuously making friends and loyal allies, and after suffering many losses and setbacks, she bravely travels the many winding paths of her destiny - facing and defeating a dark foe she never expected to face.
Bjorn Leesson has always been fascinated with many topics to include history, the supernatural, and writing. These interests combined led to the Outside the Thalsparr series, with the first book in the series, "Runes of the Dokkrsdottir." Bjorn was not formally trained as a writer and has worked in the industrial manufacturing field his entire life. Writing his stories and hoping others enjoy them is a passion and not a career.
Interview by Melanie P. Smith
Steffanie Costigan has always held a strong passion for writing despite her severe disability with dyslexia. She is currently living in Canada, Alberta, with her husband and three children.
Steffanie is a journalist and hopes to continue her passion for writing books and her dream of continuing as a journalist.
Steffanie studied creative writing and took her program in digital communications and media at Lethbridge College. She hopes her writing will resonate with people and inspire those that read her writings. This novel is her life's work as she started writing this book at the young age of 12 years old and didn’t stop until publication.
Her passion for writing started at the young age of three years old; She has also written plays and had the opportunity to direct one of her written plays, "A Stoney Gaze," in 2021. Steffanie met the love of her life Jarom Costigan in Adelaide, Australia. They soon married in March 2015.
The love between the two protagonist characters within this novel was strongly inspired by Steffanie’s own experience meeting her husband. If it is something Steffanie believes in, it's love at first sight, as that is the experience, she, and her husband both share with one another.
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
Well, I struggle with severe dyslexia resulting in a reading and writing impairment; despite my learning disability, I really love writing and have been doing it since I was three -years-old. I think really outside of the box with my imagination and enjoy story telling. I am also a local journalist in Lethbridge.
Are you a multi-genre author or a single-genre author? How did you decide what types of book you would write?
Although I have only published my first book recently of Land of the Dragon a historic fantasy; I do consider myself as a multi -genre writer. And have other stories I am currently working on that are of different genres.
If you write in multiple genres, do you have a favorite, or is one type of book easier for you to write than others, and why?
My favorite is fantasy, I believe this is my favorite because I have so many ideas in this genre particularly.
They had not even started to fight, yet I already could smell blood in the air
I am a traitor, victim, fighter, survivor, sister, and daughter of a Nazi. I am Eleanor Kuhn. I will not be indoctrinated by Hitler. I fight for the truth my world has forgotten and ignored, but upon escaping the country. I stumbled into a whole new world, and I soon realized that war is everywhere you look.
With nothing but the clothes on my back and five siblings in tow, I wash up on the coast of a world I’d only glimpsed in books and the clouds of dreams: Land of the Dragon. But there’s something about this new world that rings with familiarity. Or perhaps someone . . .
Land of the Dragon a historic fantasy layered with details and rich symbolism an Eric Hoffer Award nominee. If you like details in stories, magic, adventure, romance, dragons this book is a read you will enjoy time and time again. With each read you may uncover more details layered throughout the book that you did originally recognize. This book is brought to you from Reading Dream Press where stories come alive.
Tell us your latest news
Well, I am currently pregnant and due very soon. Working on Land of the Dragon 2 and other stories.
When did you start writing? Did an event or person prompt you to take that leap?
I started writing at the age of three from what I am told from my parents. I used to grab children’s books although I struggled to read them due to my learning disability. I would grab paper fold it in half to look like a book and copy the children’s book onto my homemade book. I really enjoyed the art of storytelling from a young age. I used to draw a whole story onto the walls of my childhood house. My parents thought the stories I drew looked so interesting they still have them on the wall to this day.
Mark Twain said “Write what you know.” Tell us about your writing process. Are you a plotter or a pantser? Do you plot, plan, and conduct hours of research; or, do you just sit down and write whatever comes to mind based on your personal history and knowledge?
I feel that I’m a hybrid of the two strategies of a plotter and pantser. I do both; each story I approach very differently. It really just depends on my mood at the time and where I find the most inspiration. I do try to simulate my characters feelings and environment so I can communicate to the reader and paint the picture of what is happening along with the feelings. I really want the readers to be able to fall into the character.
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
Yes, there are a couple of messages, one is the importance of history and understanding a nation losing its identity as a nation that is easy to corrupt.
How much of the book is realistic?
A good amount comes from real historic events and stories that took place in Nazi Germany in the 1940s.
Can you share something personal with your readers? Do you have any holiday traditions? What kind of music do you enjoy? What kind of movies do you prefer? Do you have a favorite author?
I can’t pick a favorite author, but I enjoy many types of music, I’m not really into the heavy metal stuff. I like romance movies, fantasy (Dark Crystal), action (Hunger Games) that kind of stuff with movies.
Do you have a mentor that helped or encouraged you to follow your dream of writing? My family.
What are your current projects?
I am currently working on Land of the Dragon 2, The Reaper of Love, and A Stoney Gaze.
Pick one of your characters and share some of their backstory that didn’t make it into the novel.
The werewolf King’s family’s backstory from Land of the Dragon originally had more details that was removed along with more details of Thomas’ love life.
Do you have any advice for other writers?
In order to write about something, you need to take the time to experience it, to feel it, to surround yourself in the moment.
Is there one person past or present you would like to meet and why?
A lot, hard to pick one. My interest in meeting someone from the past would not be someone who is well known rather meeting a relative of mine whose life was cut short. Because this relative had influence that impacted my family, and I would have a lot of questions for her.
Other than writing do you have any hobbies?
I love painting and drawing; I enjoy being a mother to my kids and wife to my husband. I like going on adventures; and above all, I enjoy spending time with my family.
What do you want written on your headstone and why?
Honestly, I don’t think of that kind of thing I am more focused on what is happening now and how I can make a good impact. If anything, I want people to remember me by my actions and my messages within my book rather than what is on my headstone.
Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
Just that I really took my time with Land of the Dragon because I want my readers to come out feeling uplifted with a new understanding they can apply to their own lives.
If money was no issue would you prefer a cozy beach bungalow or a rustic cabin overlooking a mountain lake?
I don’t know I would like both I guess it just depends on my mood?
One final question...Do you have a blog/website? If so, what is it? Do you have a social media platform where your fans can go to interact with you and follow your progress?
Yes, I sure do.
Website: https://landofthedragon.ca
Email: Steffanie@landofthedragon.ca
TikTok: @steff4055
Instagram: @LOTDSTEFF
Facebook: @LandOfTheDragon
X (Twitter): @StEfF4055
YouTube: @StEfF4055
Just for subscribing https://subscribe.rhondahopkins.com
Cover: Colours blend well, clear cover. Good layout.
Intro: The intro immediately sets up not only the untold dangers awaiting the protagonist, but the weight of responsibility thrust upon her shoulders.
Development: Best thing I've read in quite awhile! Great characters, interesting world.
The main character is well drawn and has a number of personality quirks. She's quite identifiable and the world compliments the characters well.
In a fantastical steam-powered world, eccentric aristocrat and secret arms dealer, Miss Constance Haltwhistle, has been blackmailed into stealing alien artifacts from the crown heads of Europe. Only the shady but annoyingly handsome US spy, “Liberty” Trusdale, can help her execute her perfect palace heists. As Constance creates chaos and mayhem across the Continent, monstrous creatures are plotting an interdimensional invasion of Earth. Will Constance and Trusdale stop bickering long enough to end the war of the worlds before it starts?
Prize: Gold Medal Winner in Fantasy | Science Fiction, #8 Overall
By Fern Brady
Intro: Several characters were introduced, each with a backstory that seemed well established and enough depth to relate to. The narrative posed questions which made me want to learn more about where the story was heading.
The first part caught my attention, and it went straight into the action.
Development: This novel excels at creating a mythos and heavy sci-fi story that elevates the cast of characters greatly.
Shattered by her father’s decision to deny her the throne as the first female heir of Dravidia, Princess Verena makes the worst mistake of her life: She runs away. Her departure, days before her wedding to the heir of the Principality of Aulden, throws her nation into war. In a desperate bid to reverse the consequences of her choice, the princess returns to planet Jorn, anxious to prove herself worthy to rule. But it is too late. The princess finds her kingdom conquered by Prince Amiel ra Aulden. Now, Verena must earn back her birthright as well as the trust of her people.
Cover: The cover is eye catching with great color contrast and blending
By David Atkinson
What would you do if you could go back in time and change your life? Which regrets and mistakes would you fix? What would your life look like now?
In Future Proof an experimental medical treatment goes wrong which allows Sam Harris to do exactly that. He starts by standing up to the kids who bullied him at school and then sets about trying to fix the mess he made of the rest of his life. However, as he discovers, changing his past doesn’t always guarantee a brighter future.
Cover: Eye catching, easy to read.
Intro: Intro does a great job of establishing the protagonist's grim setting and life up to the point the novel begins at, and invites readers into the chaos of his life.
I really enjoyed this intro, so much so that I feel compelled to buy the book and read on. I started off intrigued,
Character/World Building: The author created a vivid world setting.
The world at the start of the story was familiar and well described.
Relatable and engaging character dynamics
Prize: Bronze Winner in Fantasy | Science Fiction, #10 Popular Winner
Lester Lion Calls 911" is a delightful children's book that follows the adventures of Lester, a young lion who is thrilled about Fire Prevention Week and eager to meet real firefighters. But when he learns that anyone can dial 911 during an assembly, he mistakenly believes it's okay to do so while playing. Using his mom's phone, Lester dials the number, sparking an educational journey for Lester.
Through colorful illustrations and engaging storytelling, this book teaches young readers about the importance of discerning when to call 911 in a real emergency. Along the way, they'll also learn the essential safety technique of stop, drop, and roll, ensuring they're equipped with valuable knowledge to stay safe.
Join Lester Lion as he navigates through valuable lessons about responsibility, emergency preparedness, and fire safety in this heartwarming tale that's perfect for Storytime or classroom discussions.
In Lester Lion Wants to Roar, we meet Lester, a young lion cub. One day, while playing with friends, he runs into a tree and sustains a concussion. He finds himself unable to play or use his powerful voice to roar. Determined to regain his voice, Lester embarks on a courageous healing journey.
Along the way, he learns the importance of patience, perseverance, and self-acceptance.
With heartwarming illustrations and an inspiring message, Lester Lion Wants to Roar teaches young readers about acceptance, resilience, and the power to heal.
Donna M. Cramer is a retired special education teacher who lives in Massachusetts. She worked with young special needs students (preschool – first grade) for over 20 years. She sustained a life-altering brain injury while working at school, which forced her to retire early from teaching. Donna always loved writing and hopes to help children through a series of children’s books. She stays busy writing, doing yoga and walking on the beach. She lives with her husband and two Maine Coon cats. Through her years of teaching, she observed several students call 911 after being taught this vital skill. This book will clearly explain the correct use of the system.
Published December 2023
1. Give me three short facts that readers should know about you.
• I’m absolutely crazy about all animals, but especially horses.
• My favourite book is The Crystal Cave by Mary Stewart.
• I enjoy going to fantasy fan conventions.
2. Long or short? Which do you prefer writing - novels or short stories?
• Short stories usually, although I have written novels.
3. What are the challenges of writing short stories?
• Keeping a plot contained enough to make the word count without it seeming like one huge blurb for a longer story is always a challenge. Developing fully rounded characters that people can relate to and root for in such a short space of time is always a tricky one as well.
4. Which is your favourite short story, and where can readers find it?
• I’d have to say Bearskin and Bare -Skin, by the incredible Ronne Randall. It was published in an anthology called the Forgotten and the Fantastical by Mother ’s Milk books. The press is no longer in existence but there might be some copies on ebay or amazon marketplace.
By Steven Kelly
Character / World Development: Really great suggestions and information.
Intro / Content: It has a very strong hook
Prize: Gold Medal in Children’s Picture Books, #4 Overall, #6 Popular Winner, #2 in Cover Design
Survival Ste and Benji the toy poodle are venturing through the woods when oh no! Benji runs off with the map!
Can Survival Ste navigate the dangerous forest and make it to his fluffy companion safely.
Find out in this exciting adventure.
A fab read for kids who enjoy adventures and fun!
A great read for kids and adults too! A good way of teaching children about the outdoors and the issues they may encounter. The book comes with a story and puzzles too for the kids to enjoy when they have completed their reading. Definitely worth purchasing. Read to 6 & 8 year old boys who loved it!
By Sylva Fae
Cover: Colorful, great composition
Eye-catching and appealing
Lenny is off on an adventure, but as night draws in, he needs somewhere to sleep. He stumbles upon a campsite, but no matter what he tries, none of the tents are suitable for a sleepy squirrel. They’re too closed in, too noisy, too big…
Will Lenny ever find a cozy, safe place to snuggle down to sleep?
Character / World Development:
Great message about friendship and adventure
Prize: Silver Medal in Children’s Picture Books, #1 Cover Design, #1 Overall, #2 Popular Winner
Overall #1
Being a long, long time lavvu user I thought my grand children would love hearing the story, and yes they love it.
Very nice book, highly recommend 10 out of 10 from me and my family
- Amazon Customer
Colourful, draws the eye
Magical Story Line a must read
All I can say is that the kids were enthralled. They loved that the pack flew in Mercs Jet to another country where they got involved in all sorts adventures searching for one of the pups lost in the water. So many great educational points and values, especially of friendship. Can't wait for the next book to come out
- Amazon Customer
Prize: Silver Medal in Children’s Picture Books, #3 Popular Winners, and #2 Overall
This, the second book in the Adventures of Hot Rod Todd children's picture story books sees Hot Rod Todd and the pack getting an invitation to visit the UK to race. So, they decided to make it a family vacation with Wild Child Rock Star Merc taking them in his revolutionary eco friendly Tour Jet piloted by Captain Chinook. The pack decided to visit Loch Ness in Scotland and oh my, what ensues on that trip is 'out of this world'. As always with the pups there are thrills and spills, ups and downs, twists and turns but always, ALWAYS, the message is all about friends and friendship, caring about others without question, values and morals.
Beautifully illustrated by Cameo Anderson, 'Hot Rod Todd Visits Loch Ness is a children's picture-story book comprising full page colored illustrations with text that parents can read to their youngsters or, if at reading age or learning to read, youngsters can read and enjoy themselves.
Illustrations/ Content: It has a strong hook that grabs the reader's interest.
Overall #3
When Neo was born, his leg was not straight. It was tough, and he didn't feel great. At the pound, they didn't have a clue. But the vet knew what to do. Neo dreamed of having a home. He wanted to be loved and to roam.
by Rand Lee Bowslaug h
Lovely little story!
It’s no secret that I am a cat lover. And I always enjoy Randi’s children’s books. The art is fantastic, the stories are fun and uplifting, and I always include my daughter, who feels the same. Oh, and this one rhymes. Just adds to the fun. Just sayin.’
Follow Neo's journey as he seeks to find his forever home.
Character / World Development: I loved the message/moral and could be beneficial for children with special needs.
Cover: Great illustration Prize: Bronze in Children’s Picture Books, #1 Popular Winners and #3 Overall
By Suzanne Downes
Published February 2024
https://www.facebook.com/ profile.php?id=100037757172678
IntervIewed by Sylva Fa
1. Give me three short facts that readers should know about you.
• I’m the youngest of ten children, I was a £10 POM in 1966
• We emigrated to Australia but returned to England after two years
• Two of my three children now live very happily in Australia
2. Long or short? Which do you prefer writing - novels or short stories?
• I actually don’t really like writing short stories - hence the name of my collection of short stories - “The ‘I hate short stories’ Short Story Collection” I much prefer to write novels and really immerse myself in the story.
3. What are the challenges of writing short stories?
• Personally I find it really difficult to fit a beginning, a middle and a satisfactory ending into so few words - it’s a real talent that I feel I don’t have.
4. Which is your favourite short story, and where can readers find it?
• My favourite shorts are the Sherlock Holmes stories because I write historical murder mysteries myself - but they are a bit of a cheat because we already know the characters so Conan Doyle saves loads of time not having to explain who they are!
cent Australian backdrop – he’d lost count and interest – didn’t even know what State they were in. None of this was going according to plan!
Down-under had seemed the perfect solution to his problem. Wasn ’t it supposed to be the home of the ten deadliest creatures in the world, as well as some of the most remote and unforgiving terrain?
It should have been a doddle to kill Freda and get away with it.
But they hadn’t seen sight nor sound of anything faintly dangerous – not a peep from a python, nor a sniff of a spider. The crocs had been soporific, the box jellyfish had floated harmlessly away on the tide when he had managed to persuade her to swim.
Now they were on the last leg of the journey and hope was fading as they headed for Sydney –not much peril in an Opera House, he thought sourly.
However, he had the glimmer of an idea as he scanned the guide books. The Blue Mountains were only a train ride away and there must be crags and cliffs aplenty just ripe for a fatal accident. Echo Point should resound nicely with the fading screams of his falling wife.
The day began and ended with frustration. The train ride was long, and in his opinion, tedious, with Freda’s trilling, breathless admiration of every amazing scene flashing by the window. The Blue Mountains themselves, wondrous, beautiful, haunting, were entirely lost on Arnold as he
tramped after his tireless wife, taking endless pictures, almost every one of them on the edge of a precipice which would have been ideal for his purposes, if only the hordes of Japanese tourists had not dogged their every step. He just could not catch a break. Even when he suggested the furthest reaches, where only the most determined hikers would venture, there were always some beardy weirdos and their birkenstocked, sturdy-legged girlfriends admiring the view.
He was rapidly running out of patience.
Then came the brainwave. A walk over the top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge – A fall from there would kill anyone and there must be the odd opportunity, when no one was looking, to trip and push, then act the devastated husband – there might even be a chance of some compo – that would be an unlooked for bonus!
What was also unlooked for was the modern obsession with Health and Safety. Arnold very quickly realised that he should have followed his wife’s oft-given advice, research, research, research! Then he would have known that the climbers are harnessed and lashed together like a chain gang, with no possibility of a tragic “incident.” The walk was bloody hard work, accompanied by enthusiastic young Aussies who wanted to share their love of their great city and the wonderful, panoramic view from the apex. To make matters worse Arnold was attached for the long walk to a “bridge bore” who appeared to have personally counted every rivet and girder and seemingly knew the names of the men who built this wonder of the modern world. If he had managed to throw Freda over the side, he would gladly have risked the “double” and chucked the bore right after her!
Ever enthusiastic, Freda then wanted to walk around the Opera House when they were finally released from the tyranny of the Bridge and Arnold was too weary to argue.
He had to thank his lucky stars when his indomitable wife led him to the furthest point possible behind the milky-white structure, for suddenly they were alone with only a railing between Freda and the choppy, dark waters of Sydney Cove.
He tried to hide his glee as he encouraged her to lean on the rail while he took the photograph, silently taking a deep breath and girding himself for a sudden run and a heave. All his muscles tensed, ready for the moment; the instant when he would be converted from a husband to a widower and he would be free forever, with all his author wife’s royalties rolling in, year after year, and not a penny of it wasted on her fatuous “action” holidays and pet charities.
“By the way, sweetheart,” she said suddenly, as he lowered the camera, “I almost forgot to tell you. I had an email on my phone from my agent. She absolutely loved the idea I had for the next novel set in Australia and she has already negotiated triple my usual advance from the
fine bone china tea cup? Of course, the poor widowed Freda earned a fortune on the back of her husband’s tragic end; and within two years, had her very own plaque on the Sydney Walk of Fame.
There’s a baby in your house. It isn’t yours…
Intro: The intro does a great job of infusing tension and adrenaline right from the start.
Cover: Great thriller cover
The day I was told I’d never be able to have a child, my world came crashing down. My husband says he still loves me but I lie awake at night, wishing we could have a family.
One morning, my husband’s side of the bed is cold and empty. I hear a noise and head downstairs.
In the middle of the rug in my living room is a wooden drawer. Swaddled inside, with perfect rosy cheeks and beautiful round blue eyes, a baby gazes up at me.
I shiver. It’s all I’ve ever wanted, but this baby is not mine…
Prize: Gold in Horror, Thriller, and Mystery, #4 in Cover Design, and #9 Overall
Intro: Immediately thrust the reader into the untold dangers and ruthless antagonist awaiting the cast of characters.
World / Character Development: The way the author was able to elevate the tension and atmosphere in the first chapter, and then ease the reader back into rich character development in the first chapter was a great example of world development.
Four friends, a shared past, a common enemy.
In New Zealand’s Martinborough, an ex-wine maker is murdered. The precise planning and execution by the unknown assailant begin a series of vile attacks. Meanwhile north of Auckland, the long, hot summer is over and the tourists have left the Matakana wine country. A tranquil atmosphere descends and warm autumnal winds sweep across the grape-laden valleys. With the harvest due, grapes sit bursting upon the manicured vines awaiting the pick. Within this vista of peace, a rampage of death is about to rock the local community to its core.
Will it be their shared history that sees the four friends being picked off one-by- one?
Prize: Silver Medal in Horror, Thriller & Mystery, and #6 Cover Design
by Madeleine Eskedahl
by Fiona Tarr
Prize: Bronze Medal Horror, Thriller & Mystery, #5 in Cover Design
World / Character Development: The characters were well developed and for the first book in a series there was enough foundation laid to continue building with each book.
Great character. There's still an element of mystery as to her backstory, but there's enough of a hook to make her memorable. The setting is well drawn and easy to picture.
Intro: Easily establishes the unique setting from the very first paragraph.
The pacing was good and the double mystery was compelling.
She came to find answers – she discovered a trail of secrets…
When Jenny Williams took a job as the new constable in an outback opal mining town, she thought she’d be hunting down clues to find her missing aunt and cousin. But when a young woman’s body is found at the bottom of a mine shaft, a possible murder forces her personal agenda to take a back seat.
Jenny goes head to head with her new commanding officer. He doesn’t want to ruffle feathers in town and rules the case Death By Misadventure But Jenny is sure the dead woman met with foul play.
Risking her job, and her chance at solving her family mystery, Jenny will go behind her boss’s back and uncover not only a killer, but a lead that could reveal a decade of corruption.
1997 - Maria is twenty-two years old. She is leading the Bright Skies Agency, an antiterrorist/mercenary group, which combats human trafficking around the world. Barry Thomas, a government intelligence agent, working with Maria and her father MoJo objects to her tactics of letting herself be captured, then using the GPS within her to direct the BSA mercenaries to their target.
Maria is driven to finding Sgt. Warren whom neither her nor MoJo is convince died in the rocket attack on D.C. MoJo tells her and Barry the only way to be certain of death is to look a man in the eye and shoot him in the head. Maria takes control of the businesses which includes arms dealing, money laundering, kidnapping/rescues.
Intro: Well written and jumped right into the action.
World / Character Development: The world was well drawn and easy to visualise, and it did compliment the story well
by J L Hill
Nicky tells Maria he is stepping down as the Godfather and she is going to head both organizations. She has plans to rebuild the mob as a legitimate business after the Commission Trials had decimated the five families. At her request, Nicky puts out a contract hit on her as if she is performing a hostile takeover. She thinks it will bring Sgt. Warren out of hiding. It brings out more than they bargain for. Maria kidnaps Warren's daughter to use her as bait, as he had kidnapped her, to force him to face her.
The third novel in the adult urban crime fiction Killer Series is Killer With Black Blood. Nicky ‘Nails’ Rocci is head of his Mafia family. He takes Sal, who has been institutionalized after he killed his father and mother, to see their mausoleum. Snipers kill Sal and critically wounds Nicky. MoJo gets the news and, on his way back to New York, recalls Nicky’s fake assassination that started an inter-family war. MoJo forces Nicky to confront his depression and together they will track down Nicky’s assailant. Adding to Nicky’s problems, Nathan surfaces in the hands of the FBI and Nicky goes on trial for the murder of the two detectives and Joseph Banoa in the Bella Rosa Massacre.
The characters were well developed
Killer With Black Blood is the third book in the Killer Series by J L Hill and a mesmerizing tale for fans of urban crime fiction. Nicky ‘Nails’ Rocci heads his family Mafia. When Nicky ‘Nails’ Rocci invites Sal to visit their mausoleum, troubles ensue and Sal is killed by snippers while Nicky gets mortally wounded. Sal has joined Nicky after killing his own parents. Mojo returns to New York and forces Nicky to brace himself up and what follows is a bloody war and Nicky facing trial for murder.
This action-packed urban crime thriller is cleverly plotted and it offers a wonderful reading experience to fans of crime thrillers. The characters are complex and the author writes them against a backdrop of a world infested with crime. The writing is atmospheric and the narrative voice is compelling. The story features a whirlwind of action, bullets, and a good dose of humor. This entry into the series is a grand slam and readers will love the masterful storytelling, the intriguing characters, and the superb world-building.
by J L Hill
The Bram Stoker Award nominated horror duo of Kelly Florence and Meg Hafdahl is ready to take everyone on a journey across America’s creepiest dark tourism locations!
Grab your flashlight, garlic, and ghost hunting equipment. We're taking you on the ultimate road trip of the spookiest places around the U.S.
Horror lovers, lifelong best friends, and cohosts of the Horror Rewind podcast, Kelly Florence and Meg Hafdahl, have traveled around the U.S. to bring you the most thrillinducing spots for horror, history, and true crime. They've compiled a list of what to do, where to stay, where to eat and drink, and where to shop to make your vacationplanning a breeze.
They've also delved into the history and pop culture of each spot, revealing hidden gems, most notorious true crimes, women you should know, horror books and movies set in the state, and other strange facts about some of the scariest places around the nation.
Kelly Florence and Meg Hafdahl
Kelly Florence is an American author, screenwriter, and podcaster. Horror and suspense author Meg Hafdahl is the creator of numerous stories and books. Together they co-author multiple books and host the Horror Rewind Podcast.
Interview by
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I am a quirky, outdoor I play the cello and write fantasy books, and I which is basically Dungeons and Dragons, but dressed up in a forest!
Are you a multi types of book you would write?
I currently only have fantasy books published, but I think I have a few gothic mystery books bubbling their way to the surface. We
If you write in multiple genres, do you have a favorite, or is one type of book easier for you to write than others, and why?
I think fantasy will always be my favourite, but I think my books will always have an element of the unusual in them which keeps things fresh.
When did you start writing? Did an event or person prompt you to take that leap?
I have written short stories and Live Action Role Play for a long time, but I have always wanted to write books. I took advantage of all the free time in Covid lockdown to finally do so, and haven
How / where do you find the plots you write about?
I combine bits of folklore I love with the type of stories I want to tell. This usually involves something with an element of nature of mysticism. Then I pick the character arc and throw all the ideas together and see what falls out as an idea. Some of this feels quite instinctual, certainly to start with, and then I flesh it out into a workable book as I further develop the initial thought.
Mark Twain said “Write what you know.” Tell us about your writing process. Are you a plotter or a pantser? Do you plot, plan, and conduct hours of research; or, do you just sit down and write whatever comes to mind based on your personal history and knowledge?
I am a plotter. Once I have the idea, which usually comes from knowledge/ folklore I love as mentioned before, I will then write my way in with the character’s voice and ideas to start to tell myself the story. Once I know there’s something in it and the character’s voice is working, I will then plan our all the world and the chapters. That way, when I sit down to write I can just get going with the story and not have to think through what I am going to write that day.
Tell us your latest news
I have a lot of exciting promotion going on for my next book, Dissonance of Bird Song, that comes out on 13th August. This book really is my heart song, and I’m seeing a growing amount of excitement for it which is genuinely heart-warming to see. I will be at the Innsmouth Literary Festival in Bedford (UK) in September and hope to see some of you there!
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
I wrote Dissonance of Bird Song while I was going through diagnosis of chronic sinusitis, and coming to terms with this while I told the main character’s story. I mirrored a lot of my experiences with hers, so there are themes of loving yourself and finding freedom by advocating for your needs in the face of difficulty in this book. Telling that story really helped me do that for myself. There’s also a theme of the importance of nature, and how we should embrace a bit of wildness both in ourselves and in the world.
It’s fantasy, so not really, but a lot of my writing has an element of the allegorical or something that you could see as being mirrored from the real world in it. An element that draws on ‘real world’ things is the relationships – I think every author should people watch and understand what humans do, say and act like so they can incorporate that in their writing.
I am focusing on the publication of Dissonance of Bird Song right now, and then I will be planning out and writing a potential sequel to both DoBS and my debut: Testament of the Stars.
In the storm -riven wilds of ancient Cornwall the sea's whisper will charm us all.
Song is the folkloricfantasy tale of Eseld, a song-weaver fleeing her home to cure the sacred birds of her people and save her sister. Locked between the lies of land-dwellers and the snare of an ancient sea queen, Eseld must fight to find her own path. Amidst a storm of betrayal and heartbreak, what will Eseld sacrifice to save the ones she loves?
Do you have a mentor that helped or encouraged you to follow your dream of writing?
My secondary school English teacher used to tell amazing ghost stories instead of making us read endless boring textbooks. She sparked my passion for storytelling.
What books have influenced your life the most?
I always talk about this book, and it isn’t even fantasy but it does have fantastical elements. Zafon’s The Shadow of the Wind is one of my favourite books because it has all these wonderful and complex emotions and characters in it, combined with a beautiful poignant mystery about a missing author. Some of the quotes in it are exquisite and often come unbidden to my mind. One of them is about love, and how if you have to ask yourself if you love someone then you have stopped loving them forever already. This book teaches passion in all things, and loving people wholly. I am sounding a bit gushy now, so I’ll stop, but it is a heartwarming tale set in a difficult time period which makes it even more compelling.
you share a sample of your current work with us?
I snarled in the smoke-laced darkness of our roundhouse, snorting blood into the embers of last night’s fire. The rot in my lungs had returned. Each breath seared my windpipe until every gasp felt like a bee stinging my throat. Spring. It was almost here now, and the Myst-breath in my lungs was dwindling. I had only dregs left. My sister, Nessa, had almost depleted hers lighting the healing fire I now sat beside. The sweet pine smoke soothed me a little, but it wasn’t enough. I had to leave.
Waves laced with the cries of birds broke against the peninsula outside, singing to me of freedom. Sneak to the saltwater before it is too late. Blood dribbled from my nose, but excitement thrummed, beat through me like a drum. It was time.
I staggered up from the sweat soaked fur throws by the firepit. Peering through the small window of our roundhouse revealed the banners hung outside the other houses. Catches of rabbits hung from doorways, ready to feed the migrating birds flying over the cliffs at dawn. The banners fluttered in the storm-winds, painted with Mystcran birds in the usual reverence. As ever, we were a settlement hiding our desperate need to inhale and replenish the sacred sea-myst from the lungs of our birds behind a beautiful ceremony. The birds couldn’t come too soon.
Pulling away from the window, I stretched out my aching shoulders. The sea’s song lured me toward the Myst floating above the swells, and I would answer. Even if it meant defying the druid’s law: never risk losing our birds – and the Myst we need to survive – by leaving the settlement.
But I had to know how many of the birds would return. How many more had died? I shuddered, shoving the thought away.
It took more effort than it should to tug two woollen tunics on and tie a sheepskin wrap around my shoulders, making sure my finest embroidered tunic was still on show for the festivities later. Lastly, I slipped on my twisted tin torc over the top. I had to go now before dawn arrived and, with it, the birds.
My sister breathed deeply, wrapped in seal fur as she slept. I swiped away feverish sweat from my forehead before turning, preparing to creep out of the roundhouse. One last look just in case the druid catches me, or our bird doesn’t return and I leave to find her.
‘I’m glad you don’t get sick like me,’ I whispered, allowing myself a final lingering glance.
Guilt tingled through me at leaving Nessa and risking the druid’s anger falling on her, but I grabbed the pack that sat ready by the door and left. This journey was for me; I had to get well again.
Pick one of your characters and share some of their backstory that didn’t make it into the novel.
Nessa, the protagonist’s (Eseld) sister, is a warrior of her people and this is briefly mentioned but in the back story of the people of The Nest they were attacked by a neighbouring settlement who tried to take their supplies. This shows the scarcity of resources in the area, which explains why the people are so fierce in their efforts to survive.
Do you have any advice for other writers?
A fair bit that I’ve learnt through my time querying books, but for today I will say: write what you enjoy. Life is too short to do anything else.
Can you share something personal with your readers? Do you have any holiday traditions? What kind of music do you enjoy? What kind of movies do you prefer? Do you have a favorite author?
I have a really eclectic taste in music, my latest discovery is a Mongolian Folk Metal band called Uuhai.
One final question...Do you have a blog/website? If so, what is it? Do you have a social media platform where your fans can go to interact with you and follow your progress?
You can find me on X with the handle @AbeaumontWriter where I share lots of folklore and occasionally talk about gaming and Live Action Role Play. I am also on Instagram and Facebook and you can find these details, and more about my books, on my website: https://abeaumont75.wixsite.com/home
The relaunch of Murder for Me is now out by critically acclaimed
Russell G. Little is a writer and practicing divorce attorney. Murder for Me is a fictionalized compilation of the many people he’s encountered over his lifetime and thirty-two-year career. He lives in Houston, Texas, with his wife of thirty -two years, Melinda.
Ava is a middle-aged socialite jogging through a wooded park near her Houston home. The trees and her earbuds provide the only escape from her problems. Little does she know another problem is waiting just ahead the kind of problem that wants her dead.
Houston attorney Larry Lamb has his own difficulties to sort through. He’s mediocre at work and a failure at marriage, and there’s something inside him screaming to get out. It’s becoming harder and harder to control and it’s affecting him in mysterious ways.
Ava’s husband Don is madly in love with Marilyn Ramirez, a woman with the power to convince men to do whatever she wants. Marilyn has been arrested on suspicion of attempting to have Ava murdered so she can have Don for herself.
When Don drops a six-figure retainer onto Larry’s lap to defend Marilyn, Larry schemes to dump the case and keep the money. But Marilyn has a different plan, and the minute Larry sees her, her plan starts working.
Can Larry resist Marilyn’s manipulation, or will she summon the mysterious voice hidden deep within him? Follow Larry’s journey into the mind in this dark psychological page-turner.
Review by Author Anthony Avina's Blog
This was such a compelling and rich fantasy novel. The author breathed fresh life into folklore and intertwined it throughout this narrative, which was incredible. The artful, stylistic writing style allowed the reader to feel transported to this land, bringing a cinematic experience that felt like a blend of Adrienne Young’s book Sky in the Deep and the Netflix series The Last Kingdom.
The world-building and character development in this novel were outstanding. The protagonist’s emotional bond with the people she is sworn to protect and the magical system and world that she immerses herself in make this a gripping story to get lost in. This novel’s balance of action and mythology and the exploration of druids and their culture made the book fascinating and mesmerizing.
Remarkable, thoughtful, and compelling author Alexandra Beaumont’s “Dissonance of Bird Song” is a fantastic and thrilling fantasy and folklore novel. The twists and turns that keep the journey alive and the immersive world-building will keep readers invested and eager for a sequel to this fantastic new fantasy series. If you haven’t yet, be sure to grab your copy today!
Rating: 10/10
"If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book."
Mackenzie's Song: The Dark Series Trilogy Spin-Off by Cate
A gripping romantic thriller. Reviewed by Dawn Bolton
The author has written a gripping novel with believable characters. Mack finds out her fiance is not dead and has to guard him with the help of agent Brett. Kyle doesn't remember her and Brett falls for her. Later Kyle remembers her but later both men want her. Add in white supremacists and rejected lovers and a fast romantic suspense/ crime novel keeps the reader intrigued until the end. Highly entertaining. https://bookgoodies.com/a/B073W5CSG8
The Cursed Kingdom by Maya Daniels
This has it all... Reviewed by Julie
Romance, intrigue, history, gods and a bit of suspense all rolled up in a book which will appeal to both historical, contemporary and PNR readers. Add in a kick ass heroine, and you can't go wrong...
By Melanie P. Smith
After the last guest departs, JJ finds a housewarming gift addressed to Jo. She excitedly opens it and gasps with dismay. Someone left behind not a present but a blackmail letter. Jo crumbles into tears, fearing they must sell and never return. Her outraged husband swears to kill the wretched blackmailer. Unfortunately, the Chief of Police cannot unhear the threat.
All the world’s problems rest on her shoulders as her greatest love and husband lie in a coma
Aspire Book Covers is a website that offers inspirational book covers and formatting services at affordable prices. The website, located at aspirebookcovers.com, is run by Sharon Brownlie, who warmly welcomes authors to her site. Whether you have finished your book or are in the final stages, Aspire Book Covers provides customized covers to meet your specific requirements. Prices for pre-made covers are listed on the website, and keep a lookout because occasionally, some covers may be on sale!
For custom book covers, Sharon Brownlie will work closely with you to ensure that your book's cover design reflects your vision accurately. She will collaborate with you closely, engaging in discussions about your book description and understanding your requirements.
Shortly after moving into a new condo in what she feels is a safe neighborhood, Dawn finds herself in the middle of a burglary gone wrong. Not only does she become a suspect, but her Sphynx cat gets stolen. She wants nothing more than to put the nightmare behind her and go back to the peaceful life she had with her beloved pet.
Excerpt from the novella The Cat Burglary by Chantal Bellehumeur
Dawn stepped outside to breathe in the cool night air and look up at the starry sky. She appreciated how quiet and calming the night in her new neighborhood was.
Three loud bangs broke Dawn’s serenity. She half jumped, spilling some of her red wine on the fake grass.
Looking back up at the clear sky in her slight inebriation, she expected to see fireworks although she had never heard of anyone setting them off for Victoria Day weekend.
A woman’s piercing scream followed by another bang made her realize the loud sounds were actually gunshots, but her brain couldn’t quite process it. After all, she lived in a perfect neighborhood now.
Without thinking, Dawn tipsily ran to the end of her terrace and looked down. A man dressed in black from head to toe was standing on the sidewalk near shattered glass, waving a small gun around. He looked up, seemed to notice Dawn, and turned his head to shout at somebody.
Dawn didn’t understand what was said, but she noticed another man in black clothing run to the side of her building. She feared he might try to break in
Dawn ran back inside her condo to make sure her main door was locked. It was. She slid the chain for extra measure.
Realizing she had left the patio doors wide open in her panic, she ran back the few steps to slide the screen door and thick glass one closed. Dawn quickly pushed down on its locking mechanism and placed the security bar on the bottom track. She then closed the thick curtain as though it provided extra protection.
She frantically searched for her cell phone, not remembering where she left it after taking pictures. By the time she found it, sitting on the kitchen counter beside several empty bottles of wine, Dawn noticed it was dead. She couldn’t call 9-1-1 as planned until it was charged.
Before she could walk to her room where she kept her charger, Dawn heard pounding on her front door, followed by the sound of a man’s angry voice.
“Open up!”
There was a hint of an accent in his speech, but Dawn couldn’t place it; something Slavic maybe.
“I know you’re in there!”
Dawn clumsily dropped her phone on the tiled floor. Luckily, it had a protective case.
She picked up her device and kept quiet as the banging and shouting continued.
Unnecessarily tiptoeing to her bedroom, she wondered where her cat was.
As she searched for her beloved pet, Dawn spotted her closed laptop on her desk and had an idea. She turned the portable computer on, hoping it would go faster than charging her phone, and heard the intruder threaten to burn the place down.
Dawn didn’t want to find out if he was telling the truth.
Thinking fast, she continued looking for her precious cat who she had not seen all evening. Dawn finally found the hairless feline under her bed and called for him to come to her.
Pharaoh looked at his human with his big yellow eyes and meowed as though he didn ’t want to be bothered.
Dawn had to crawl under the bed in order to get her cat to move. Pharaoh meowed a few more times as Dawn gently pushed him in the direction she wanted him to go, and the cat finally ran out from under the bed.
Dawn got out from underneath the bed herself and realized her cat was nowhere in sight. She let out a sigh of frustration.
“I’m warning you!” she heard the man shouting. “I’m going to shoot my way in, and then I’m going to shoot you if you don’t cooperate.”
Which one is it? Burn the place down or shoot your way in? Dawn asked in her head which she now realized was pounding. Either way, she knew she needed to get out fast. She felt a little dizzy and nauseous though, so had to take a moment to steady herself.
She heard a gunshot, saw Pharaoh run back into her bedroom and managed to catch him before he could go back under the bed.
“You’re such a scaredy-cat,” Dawn whispered. “Not that I blame you right now.”
As a second gunshot was heard, Dawn felt like she was going to throw up so she quickly ran to the bathroom.
Dawn felt much better after vomiting, but her mouth tasted foul so she quickly rinsed it with mouthwash.
Another gunshot made Dawn refocus on the danger at hand. She realized her cat had run off again.
“Last chance!” She heard the man yelling.
“Okay, Okay. I’m coming to unlock the door,” Dawn lied. “Just let me finish in the bathroom.” She then proceeded to look for Pharaoh again and found him under the bed as expected.
Dawn ran towards her terrace door with Pharaoh in her arms and tried to slide it open without bothering to draw the curtain out of the way. She remembered needing to unlock it first and tried again.
Outside, Dawn darted to the edge of her rooftop while hysterically yelling out for help. She then remembered her plan to message people for help and wondered if she had time to run back inside for her laptop. She wasn’t sure the Wi-Fi would be accessible outside thought.
To her surprise, she suddenly saw a man climb right over the ledge of her terrace. She recognized him from earlier and realized for the first time he wasn’t covering his face. Dawn could easily identify him later; if there was a later. The tall bulky man with curly brown hair striking out from his folded beanie hat was pointing a handgun at her face.
“Get back inside,” he ordered with a similar accent to the other man. Dawn was frozen in place. “Please…” she begged. “Take whatever you want, but please don’t hurt us.”
“You’re going to tell us exactly where all the money is,” the intimidating man said as he moved closer to her.
“I honestly don’t keep any cash on me,” Dawn replied sincerely. She paid her bills online and always used a credit card for other purchases because of the cash back rewards.
“Don’t play dumb.”
Dawn was confused and suddenly had a thought. Maybe the previous condo owner usually kept a lot of cash on him and this man knew it.
There was a built in fire safe in the office closet, but it was empty when Dawn moved in. She now kept her passport and other important documents inside.
“I just moved here a few weeks ago,” Dawn stated with a shaking voice. “The previous owner died recently. I didn’t know him.”
The menacing man seemed to consider her words, then ordered her to go inside once more.
“I’ll do whatever you ask. Just promise you won’t do anything to my cat,” Dawn said with teary eyes.
Pharaoh let out a long meow as though begging for his life.
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“You call that a cat? I thought it was a giant rat!” the man said cracking up. Dawn gave Pharaoh a little kiss on the head. It wasn’t the first time somebody had compared him to a rat, and probably wouldn’t be the last. Some people found his hairless body ugly, but she thought he was adorable and loved him to bits. He was her baby.
“Fine. I won’t hurt your cat if you do as you’re told,” the man finally said once he was done laughing.
Dawn wasn’t sure she trusted him, but didn’t have much choice. She quickly placed Pharaoh on the ground to set him free and watched him run off.
“Now get inside,” Dawn was ordered again. She obeyed, not wanting to get shot.
The other unwanted visitor had not managed to get inside the condo yet, but three bullet holes were visible on the wooden door. Dawn noticed the bullets were lodged on her wall. “Now I’m going to have to get that fixed,” she said annoyed. Then she remembered the situation she was in.
The man holding Dawn hostage at gunpoint unlocked the door to let his accomplice in. He wasn’t covering his face either and looked identical to the other man.
The twins stared at Dawn for a moment, then the one clearly in charge asked for the money again.
“You can look around, but I swear I don’t keep any cash here,” Dawn repeated. “And to be frank, after buying this place I don’t have much in the bank either.” She let out an involuntary laugh and instantly regretted it.
“We’re not playing games,” both men said pointing their guns at her. It made Dawn wonder if she was drunker than she originally thought and seeing double. She became slightly nauseous again.
“Neither am I,” Dawn said under her breath before passing out.
Chantal Bellehumeur is a Canadian author born in 1981. She has several published novels of various genres as well as numerous short stories, poems and articles featured in compilation books, magazine, plus a local newspaper.
author-chantal-bellehumeur.webnode.com/products-/ https://www.youtube.com/user/chantalbellehumeur
Prequel to the Wales Rising series. Evan and his parents endure the dangers of work in a slate quarry in Wales, while Elen’s family ekes out a meagre living spinning and cloth finishing in rural Yorkshire. When their lives and livelihoods are threatened, desperation forces them to seek work in northern England’s new industrial heartland. Will their hopes of a better life turn into a nightmare?
Gold Winner General Fiction
Overall #9
Intro: I loved the two very different stories, connected by the harsh conditions and tenacious workers, toiling hard just to keep food on the table. The writing flowed well and kept my interest throughout.
Development: Both the adults and children were well written and three dimensional. Their characters felt authentic, and there was clear progression even within a short space of time.
I found the characters from both storylines compelling. I quickly settled into their worlds and got a feeling for how difficult their lives were.
Development: The central characters were engaging and well rounded. I especially enjoyed the young girl, who was very relatable.
By Rebecca Bryn
Intro: The intro grabbed my attention instantly and I feel compelled to read the whole series.
Silver Winner General Fiction
A fight for justice. A fight for freedom. Gwen and Sam, separated in the aftermath of the Merthyr rising, are reunited in 1839 after more than seven years apart, but when Evan's ministry moves to rural Carmarthenshire, they are thrown into a world of poverty and escalating protests. When the desperate locals make a stand and destroy the village tollgate, Evan feels duty bound to support them. But with wanton Efa Lloyd determined to make her own rules, can Sam keep his promise to Evan to never hurt Gwen again? As the Rebecca Riots spread throughout South Wales, tensions mount, and a violent battle against greed and inequity ensues. Will the consequences be as devastating as the Merthyr rising?
By Kate Risse
General Fiction
Inland is a harrowing account of separation and resilience as two families struggle to reunite after the Eastern Seaboard succumbs to catastrophic flooding. Trapped in the rapid floodwaters, Juliet and Martin search for a viable way back to Boston while their children face their own challenges for survival in the rising seas. This intense tale of endurance and hope examines the human connection and the unpredictable role of technology in a warming world.
Character Development: An excellent example of 'show, don' t tell'. Details of the setting are expanded on gradually, but vividly. The questions surrounding smartphone use are unanswered by the end of the sample, but I want to know more! The chapters, told from their points of view of a mother and son, are well written with distinctive styles used by each character.
Intro: The reader is launched straight into the action, which, told from multiple points of view, is compelling. It rapidly becomes clear that the characters are being plunged into a natural disaster of huge proportions,
Prize: Tied for Bronze in General Fiction, #9 Popular Winner
Intro: These did engage me and kept my attention throughout.
Somewhere in Minnesota is an amazing compilation of short stories! Jayna did a fantastic job illustrating the characters in each of the stories. I was sad when I finished the last story as they were so well written and dealt with life situations anyone can relate to.
Somewhere in Minnesota is a short story collection about the frenetic human experience and the ways in which life manifests itself and delivers defining moments. With Minnesota lakes and seasons as the backdrop, each story shares a different tale of characters experiencing life's unexpected turns - from peculiar circumstances to moments of crisis - that at least temporarily set their world off its axis.
The settings were described convincingly and built strong mental images.
Development: I really liked the character and his quirks. He was easily distinguishable. The setting was quite clearly a western, and seemed true to the period.
"The Virginia City Affair" is the seventh book in the "Lancer; Hero of the West" series and is the most aggressive to date. Our hero heads to the silver fields of Nevada to help an old friend, only to learn he's up against a killer on a mission.
As justified in his mind as the killer's mission may be, Lancer still finds himself caught between right, wrong and indifferent. When an old calls upon Lancer to save his family from a killer bent on revenge, Lancer answers the call as always. This time however, he learns he can't always trust his friends. Lancer also learns someone else from his past is waiting for him; a woman from very long ago.
Plot twists, good detective work, old connections and a little pure luck mixed with revenge in the silver fields of Nevada. Another Lancer adventure to keep you glued to your seat.
I hate to say this is a good book because it's real. The abuse is real. The stories are true but it's really well written and captivating. I read it in 3 days and cannot stop thinking about it and praying for all children and predators. It also helps me to reflect on my own life. How am I trapped in unhealthy habits or thought processes. Anneke is so strong and empowering. I recommend that everyone read this book and share it with others. I pray one day God will bring an end to all of this evil but until then I hope people open their eyes to the reality of this world.
This memoir invites the reader into the heart and mind of a young Belgian girl as she shares events out of one year of her life, her voice supported by the vocabulary and understanding of the adult author. The child’s circumstances are brutal; she is being sold by a mentally ill mother into a murderous pedophile network. She desperately clings to the belief that in spite of all appearances, true love does exist, and searches for the faintest sign of it in the midst of hell. When her blind love for her mother is transferred onto a charming perpetrator, she experiences romantic passion, but is soon cast into abject betrayal and violence, ultimately leading to her certain demise. In the darkest of circumstances, a near-death experience shows her the truth underlying her phenomenal world, and she is given a glimpse of that great love for which she is so desperately seeking.
Gold Medal in Non Fiction, #7 Overall, #8 Cover Design
Intro: The message is geared toward helping individuals improve themselves. In today's society, where so much seems to be based off of herd mentality, I think this book could offer people a way to break free and be true to their beliefs.
Informative: It's a well-researched book that looks at societal changes and it's effect on achieving one's dreams.
Loved this book by John Miles. It is such a thoughtful, clear and helpful analysis of how to live a truly passion-driven life. John's writing is very clear and original. He has masterfully distilled the wisdom of so many of the bright minds (academics, leaders, scientists etc) he has interviewed on his high-level podcast into nuggets that can help us all live happier, more fulfilled and meaningful lives. Amazon Customer
Imagine yourself waking up each day with a clear mission, free from self-doubt, and armed with the skills to lead and thrive in any situation. In Passion Struck, John R. Miles provides a compelling roadmap to elevate your life from ordinary to extraordinary.
Prize: Silver Medal Non Fiction, #5 Overall, Public Winner #7, Cover Design #7
Development: Witty titles and the topics hit home. They give the reader much to think about. And there's something that everyone can relate to.
Intro: It is a unique topic. The book promises to show an interesting perspective on society.
Think street poetry meets “Boiling Point.” Throw in some “Kitchen Confidential.” and stir in a big ladle of “The Bear” and you have, The Devil Wears a Kitchen Apron.
With over 45 years spent in hospitality, I’ve seen it all. I’ve met some very interesting people on this journey working in some of the most demanding establishments from 5-star Scottish hotels, luxury cruise liners touring the world and cooking for Royalty, to flipping burgers during covid lock down. I also reached the dizzy highs of working for the BBC and STV (Scottish TV) where I presented cookery programs for some years and wrote food columns for national magazines.
Unfortunately, kitchens draw in people with lots of social problems, from which I took some of my inspiration for my street poetry / spoken word / ramblings.
“Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.”
The web is a wonderful tool. There’s instant access to a wealth of knowledge on any topic - including Self-Publishing. Here are a few examples to help authors along the way.
Who can you trust to tell you that a character isn’t jumping off the page the way you wanted it to? Or point out a subplot that reads like filler? Who should you ask to tell you whether it’s a book that will have readers hooked from page one? Enter the alpha reader – your partner in taking your book to the next level.
If you are a writer and looked into the craft for more than about three seconds, you probably have an idea of how important book advertising is. Writing your book is a huge step in your writing journey, but without proper advertising, your book is unlikely to gain traction.
Book promotion is key to launching a new title successfully. To help you develop a promotional plan for a new book, we’ll walk you through the stages of a book launch, with examples of how successful authors have promoted theirs.
Everyone has different reading habits. Some potential book buyers see a beautiful cover and immediately flip to the back page to read more about the author. Others will read the entire book and look at the About the Author page last. Some skip the author page altogether. If you look at every page of your book as a potential hook for your reader, then creating the About the Author page takes on new meaning.