Connections eMagazine
Message from the Editor
This is a FREE eMagazine that is produced quarterly. As we look forward to summer, sand, sea, and cozy-beach reads the staff at Connections eMagazine is excited to usher in a new tradition. Starting with this edition, we will publish an extra, annual Special Awards magazine dedicated to our Reader’s Choice winners. There are some great books competing this year, you’ll definitely want to take the time to look around.
“In books I have traveled, not only to other worlds, but into my own. ”
– Anna Quindlen
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Naked and Afraid… Follow-up with Naked and Afraid contestant Sam Mouzer & get to know veteran participant Jamie Wildman Frizzell.
Page 6
Author Interviews
In this issue, meet critically acclaimed authors Marc Watson (Pg 40), Dr.
Volume 9 Issue 3
Author Tips and Tricks
Cover Design Winners
Top Ten Finalists
1) Time to Shine
2) Allaigna’s Song: Overture
3) Murder in the Blue grass
3) Inheriting Murder
4) Falling for Murder
5) Delilah
6) Seething
7) Lure
8) Crusader
9) Spooky Sleuths: The Ghost Tree
9) Give Us This Day
10) The Reefs of Time
10) Think Yourself Confident
Top 10 Popular Winners
Editorial Team
Melanie P. Smith
Sylva Fae
LaPriel Dye
Sarah Hindmarsh
MPSmith Publishing
MPSmith Publishing and Connections eMagazine does not endorse any information contained in the articles or advertisements throughout this magazine. All contents Copyright © the individual authors and used with their permission. All rights reserved.
♦ The Green Children
♦ A Promise Kept
♦ Once a Rose
♦ Echoes of Lascaux
♦ Melanie P. Smith
♦ Aspire Book Covers
♦ 1000 Word Challenge Winners
♦ Rhonda Hopkins
♦ JP McLean
♦ Kalee Boisvert
♦ Lucia Matuonto
♦ Sasscer Hill
♦ Winters of the Future Award
♦ Zachary Rosenberg
Would you like a listing in the next issue of Connections eMagazine? Click here for submission requirements.
and Afraid
Wildman and Rattlesnake Sam
Interview by Sylva Fae
I interviewed Sam Mouzer for a previous edition of Connections eMagazine, just prior to his Naked and Afraid episode being aired on Discovery, and to avoid spoilers, he wasn’t allowed to talk about anything that happened on the actual challenge. His episode with ‘Survival Lilly’ was amazing, but I was keen to meet up and find out more about the challenges he faced that weren’t shown on TV. I was lucky to not only meet up with Sam at the Bushcraft Show in England, but also Jamie Frizzell, the first Brit to do the Naked and Afraid challenge. Jamie and Sam survived very different but equally challenging experiences on the show, and each had fascinating tales to tell around the campfire.
Interview with Jamie ‘Wildman’ Frizzell and ‘Rattlesnake Sam’ Mouzer
But first, a mini Naked and Afraid fact file for those who want to watch Jamie and Sam’s episodes:
The Interview
Quick Fire Questions
Biggest fear before going
Jamie: The weather.
Sam: Who I was going to be when I’d starved for 10 days.
Scariest moment
Jamie: Getting hypothermia. My scariest time came a couple of nights before the end of the challenge when it rained the whole night. The rain came right through my shelter and flooded the whole area, submerging the fire and putting it out.
Sam: Worrying I was going to turn into a hangry beast, but I was proud that I didn’t.
Most inspiring moment
Jamie: Hard to pick one, probably the whole experience.
Sam: Realising I had the opportunity to step up and keep Lilly in the challenge.
Proudest moment
Jamie: Completing the challenge.
Sam: This is the same as my most inspiring moment, being able to talk Lilly into us completing the challenge together.
Worst experience
Jamie: Getting hypothermia.
Sam: What I said to Lilly in the challenge that affected her psychology so much; and, had I not vocalised that intrusive thought, we wouldn't have had to have that discussion. (Mini spoiler – Sam voiced his struggles to Lilly causing her to consider leaving the challenge).
Biggest lesson learnt
Jamie: Always go back and finish what you started.
Sam: Speech is free but words have weight; and I know that when the chips are down, that I will be a good person.
What is your background and how did it prepare you for the challenge(s)?
Jamie: My background is survival, bushcraft, lifeguarding and generally being an absolute maniac. Everything I focus my time on reflects in the challenges.
Sam: I was in a lot of outdoors based youth organisations as a child, and encouraged by my father. I was in the Army Cadet Force and Scouts. I tried for Royal Marine Commando, but didn’t make it, and then I joined the British Army First Battalion, the Staffordshire Regiment, Dragon Company Close Target Reconnaissance Platoon. Many of those skills helped me in the more practical aspects of the challenge; however, I was surprised that my skills as a mental-health support worker came into play a lot during the challenge, not just to keep my own psychology on point but also to support my partner with theirs. It helped us maintain disciplined and mission focused throughout the challenge.
With shows like this, I often wonder how much is staged and whether contestants are given food and support off camera. Can you tell us about what happens behind the scenes? How real is the challenge?
The challenge is 100% real. The crew show up in the morning at 9am and leave around 4pm, setting up cameras before they go.
This was at the forefront of my mind going into it. I was a fan of the show from when it first started, and to be honest, some of it seemed so wild, I did
wonder – surely this must be scripted or made up. But, I can positively assure you, from first-hand experience, that this is not the case. You are basically stripped naked, get your items, pointed in a direction and given a map, then they say, ‘see you in 21 days’. The crew wear masks and sunglasses, and are not allowed to communicate with you; it ’s a very small crew and they just hover around. As Jamie said, they’re only there during the day; and when they go home, you are left on your own. To give an example: When a bear came, it was 15/20 minutes before anyone arrived with a shotgun to back us up.
In such hostile environments, you are facing real life-threatening situations, what safety measures are in place, and at what stage would the production team step in to rescue you?
Jamie: They only provide protection while filming. After the day of filming, the night is yours and you have to be willing to defend yourself at any time. Of course, if things get serious, you can radio for help, but the crew might not be close by.
One evening, I was lying by the fire and I heard a growling. Then I saw two glowing eyes. It must have been less than 30 feet away. I turned my camera on to look at it with the night vision. The jaguar was staring right at me. It knew exactly where I was. It could have taken me out in a second. I believe animals can pick up fear, so I wasn’t scared and just stayed as quiet as I could, but I took my machete out so that I could defend myself, if need be. Ultimately, though, I just enjoyed the moment. I love animals, so I sat there and embraced the encounter.
Sam: You can also see in the footage, me and Lilly in the same shot as a rattlesnake; and you can see it snapping inches from my toes. If it had bitten me, there would have been professional medics on hand to help me out; and they would have had equipment for immediate medical support; but, we were at least
three-hours’ drive from a hospital / 25 minutes for a helicopter. All the wounds you see, all the field stitches, it’s all real! I didn’t realise just how much danger we were in until extraction, when we were taken to the field camp and I saw the vast array of medical equipment they had. They are prepared for a major traumatic injury.
I know both of you are strong and determined to succeed, but on the show, you refer to having to leave the challenge as 'tapping-out.' Jamie, I know you were forced to tap-out of one of your challenges, can you tell me what happened and how you felt? Sam, was there ever a time you felt close to tapping-out? Under what circumstances would you consider this?
Jamie: Leaving Peru was difficult but I had to get out to seek medical attention. I was going delirious and my jaw locked shut, for some strange reason. I later got told in hospital, that I was suffering from shock. I’m glad I got out and received the help I did.
Sam: I was taught once during a talk by the legendary EJ Snyder, who ’s one of the greatest of all time survivalists on Naked and Afraid, that ‘tap’ is an acronym for being ‘totally at peace’ and if you make the decision to tap-out, you should be totally at peace with that decision. I don’t think I could ever be at peace with that decision; and I think that the way my brain is wired, even if I wanted to tap-out, that just doesn’t compute for me. They would have to drag me out medically; and even then, I would have to be unconscious because they’d be dragging me out kicking and screaming. I don’t like to lose, but I am curious to see if I do have a limit –if I’m given future opportunities, we’ll see.
(EJ Snyder is a highly decorated Army combat veteran, who competed in the first Naked and Afraid challenge with Kellie Nightlinger, and has since completed many more survival challenges.)
Naked and Afraid is quite unique in that it equally showcases the skills of men and women in the pairs challenges. How did you get on with your partners? Do the women tackle the challenges differently to the men?
Jamie: Everyone tackles the challenges differently. I don’t know if there is a big difference between the women and the men; but from my experience, the men tend to do all the hard work because the women aren’t as quick to volunteer to get stuff done.
Sam: It started out with a man and a woman, but we’ve had every gender identity combination in the challenges – it’s very inclusive. One thing I will say, no matter how challenging it is for a guy, it’s a lot worse for a lady. Without going into details, there are certain things a lady will go through, that biologically, a male won’t. I think regardless of the gender identity, it’s about the person. Our bodies are just a vessel, and my partner Lilly, her skillset was incredible. She was a walking, talking survival encyclopaedia, and we were the best of friends from start to finish. I couldn’t have been luckier than to get a partner like Lilly.
My main worry would be finding food; did you have any prior knowledge of edible plants or animals where you were going? How long did it take to get food and what did you eat?
Jamie: Going into the challenge, you know where you’re going to go, maybe a few weeks before leaving, so you’ve got enough time to study using the internet or books, or whatever. But of course, if you’ve never been to that environment, it’s hard to fully learn. I tend to do a lot of studying online and with books before I get out there, then spend a lot of time out in the environment as I’m preparing to start my challenge. We were sitting about for about a week before the challenge, so it gives us time to get out and have a wee look at stuff.
Sam: Every challenge is contained within the confines of the map, by my rough calculations after the fact, we had around 25 square kilometres to range upon. As soon as we saw some crawdads, we knew that they could be a staple for us. We had a little knowledge of the local flora and fauna, which gave us purslane as another staple; one cup of it provides less than a gram of protein, but at least we had something to stuff our bellies with.
The full roster of our food was: Purslane ever y day which was our main vegetable and fibre; we got a western-back rattlesnake at the start of the challenge; 25 crawdads in total mostly thanks to Lilly’s fish trap; 3 lizards which were tiny little morsels but quite tasty; Lilly got an enormous jackrabbit — which really saved the day when we were in trouble; and they didn’t show it, but the following day we got quite a sizable ground squirrel which let us finish strong. We were very grateful for all the creatures we got and we despatched them as swiftly and humanely as possible, and utilised every morsel that we got. We would have starved had it not been for Lilly’s expert hunting skills, that’s for sure.
You're on the challenge for many days yet the show is edited down to just the highlights, were there any situations that didn't feature, that you wished they'd shown?
Jamie: I’m not sure, I’ve not watched my episode in a long time, especially my alone challenge; and I haven’t watched my Solo UK version and I didn ’t even finish watching the US version – I just didn’t like the format, the way it was jumping between survivalists, and each survivalist only getting around 32 minutes airtime, when everyone should have had at least an hour or more of their own episode.
Sam: We knew that a staple of the show is the interpersonal dynamics, or drama. They showed our little argument about shelter location, but it was a valid survival discussion, and for the record, Lilly was 100% right. The canyon (where they started to build the first shelter) could have flooded at any time. We did have a fallback shelter in some caves, where we situated some emergency firewood, and Lilly actually made some incredibly functional pine resin and fatwood fire starters, that could light off a single spark, and we utilised them in the rainstorm. We also left some at our fallback location at the caves. We also got a ground squirrel but they didn’t show it because the jack rabbit was our big win. And also, Lilly showcased so many bushcraft skills that didn’t make it in – she made a loom and wove grass into a jumper that lasted around 8 days, so I wish that had made it in as well.
What challenges did you face being naked?
Jamie: Well obviously the mosquitoes are going to get you; but saying that, if you were wearing clothes, the mosquitoes are still going to get you. Probably walking barefoot is the biggest challenge, walking on thorns, and if there ’re scorpions on the ground, they could bite your feet. I got attacked by ants – that was quite painful on my feet.
Sam: I’m not normally, in my normal life, a naked guy. Even in the middle of the night, I don’t like running down for a snack in my underpants – I feel very vulnerable. The nudity was a bit of a thing for me to get over, to be honest. It took about 72 hours for me to relax and it kind of made it worse that Lilly was very European about it. She was really comfortable with the nudity, and that made it worse for me because she found it very amusing that I was trying to protect my dignity with my little bag. I do get the reasons behind the nudity, obviously there is that sensational element; but over the course of the challenge, you could see our bodies wasting away and our bones showing. From a personal perspective, it makes the process a lot more visceral, every nerve ending feels every gust of wind, every drop of rain, every scratch, thorn, cactus spike and scorpion sting.
Clothing in itself would be a survival item, you could use it to make a water filter, to protect you from the sun, cordage or charcloth fire starter. I think the blur is actually more tasteful than if they’d put us in speedos and bikinis. I think that would sexualise it more than having an ‘artistic’ blur. The crew are very professional. They’ve documented these challenges many times over, so you don’t feel uncomfortable in front of them. They’re very kind and understanding. It does make it a lot harder than if you were fully clothed.
Sam, you help to run the Naked and Afraid fan club, and it's clear that there's a lot of camaraderie and friendly rivalry between contestants. Who do you think has been the best contestant so far and why?
Jamie: I like Gary Golding, because he doesn’t abide by rules, he’s not a sheep. He doesn’t do things just because others are doing them, and I like that.
Sam: I have a few favourites, but if I have to pick someone, I’d mention EJ Snyder, and his partner Kellie, because they did a challenge that nobody else has ever done before. They did the pilot episode with no knowledge of what to expect. I took a great deal of comfort in being a huge fan of the show, and having watched every single episode many times, so there weren’t that many situations we could encounter that I hadn’t already seen on an episode. There is also the legendary Matt Wright who got the first ever big-game win on a challenge in the Amazon. Gabrielle Balassone is another because she spent a lot of the challenge alone when her partner tapped -out early. The list goes on and on, but each survivalist is amazing in their own right, and each challenge is a totally unique, beautiful suffering.
I have maximum respect to anyone who even just gets off the plane to attempt these challenges; and now I’ve done my own, that respect has just gone up even more.
credits: On the show – Discovery TV Andy Byers Photography https:// 18
What's next for both of you? Would you consider doing a challenge together?
Jamie: Of course, I together. I don but I want to do some more TV work and I signed up to a talent agency, so I what happens there. I would like to pursue my TV career.
Sam: I’d 100% do any challenge, anytime, anywhere. And I Where can your fans follow you on social media?
Jamie: My social media is @WildManFrizzell for everything, that YouTube, or google Wildman Frizzell / Jamie Frizzell and I
Sam: I’ve just set up a Rattlesnake Sam account on Facebook so you can follow me there, or @SamMouzer on Instagram. I tor for Fans of Naked & Afraid & XL, so you can join that if you are also a fan. id=100067194469078
Thank you, Jamie and Sam for taking the time to share your experiences on Naked and Afraid.
If you would like to watch their Naked and Afraid episodes, they or streamed via the Discovery+ app.
Children’s Chapter Books
Children’s Picture Books
General Fiction
Horror | Thriller
Paranormal | Supernatural
Mystery | Suspense
Cozy Mystery
Romance Sci-Fi |Fantasy
Young Adult
contest. Authors can be nominated by anyone who has read the novel or was involved in the novel’s development. Books are judged on cover design, character &/or world development, good flow & compelling intro, presentation, and public voting. We had a lot of great entries this year and the competition was close. I hope you will take a minute to check out the winners. There are a lot of great books to choose from.
The Connections
Award is open to all independently published authors and their work.
Gold | Silver | Bronze | Finalists
Gold Medal
by Sylva Fae
Time to Shine
Lumi the firefly was sad. All of her friends had lights that sparkled and glowed, but her light was small and dull. No matter what she tried, Lumi just didn’t shine as brightly.
Can Lumi learn to shine like her friends?
Children’s Picture Books
“A sweet little story about friendship and working together. The little fireflies come to Lumi's aid and tell her the secret that will make her shine. Adorable pictures to accompany the tale.”
- Amazon Customer
Silver Medal
Allaigna’s Song Overture
You can’t hide from magic when it’s in your blood … When Allaigna was seven she almost sang her baby brother to sleep forever. She may be heir to neither her mother’s titles nor her secrets, but she has inherited her grandmother’s dangerous talent for singing music into magic. As her education proceeds from nursery to weapons ground to the rank of royal page, it becomes increasingly hard to keep her heritage and abilities hidden.
Secrets, it seems, are stock-in-trade for her family, and as Allaigna works to keep her own, she uncovers two that will affect both her life and the unstable peace of the Ilmar nations. One is the fate of her grandmother, who married a prince, turning the gift of the Sight into a double-edged weapon of state. The other is the truth behind her mother’s two-week disappearance following an ambush by outlaws en route to her wedding.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
As she discovers who she is, Allaigna must decide what to become: the skilled courtier her mother wants her to be, the political chess piece her father bargained on, or the hero her grandmother foresaw.
by JM Landels
Murder in the Bluegrass
Bronze Medal
Cozy Myster y
by Sasscer Hill
This is a new mystery series to me. I thoroughly enjoyed Janet. She's an older lady with a lot of experience and wisdom. She thinks methodically and there are some laugh out loud moments as you read what she's thinking. The mystery was intriguing and I found many of the characters interesting and It was a surprise ending. Can't wait to read more in this series.
Janet is invited to stay with the billionaire O’Sullivan family in Lexington, KY, for Keeneland's spring racing meet. Shipping her horses to the track, she arrives at the O’Sullivan estate only to discover it resembles a castle in a horror movie, complete with a dark and eerie tower.
Jealousy, rage, and sadness reside in this mansion. Sudden death and unraveling secrets leave Janet fearing for her life. Can she save herself or will a killer destroy her?
- Amazon Customer
Gold Medal Winners
Gold Winners
Category Other Fictio n Science Fiction | Fantas y Children's Chapte r Children's Picture
Gold Winners by Category
Cozy Myster y Horror | Thrille r General Fictio n Young Adul t Paranormal | Supernatura l Mystery Romanc e Young Adul t No nFictio n 26
MOUNT HAVEN Book 1 eBook, Print and Audio
MOONDANCE RIDGE Book 2 eBook, Print and Audio SUBTERFUGE Book 3 eBook, Print and Audio Criminal Suspense with a HEA
Thin Blue Line Series
Overall #1
Character / World Development: Great intro. Cute and eye-catching illustrations. Match the story perfectly Prize: Gold in Children’s Picture Books and Overall Gold Medal winner
Lumi the firefly was sad. All of her friends had lights that sparkled and glowed, but her light was small and dull. No matter what she tried, Lumi just didn’t shine as brightly.
Can Lumi learn to shine like her friends?
A sweet little story about friendship and working together. The little fireflies come to Lumi's aid and tell her the secret that will make her shine. Adorable pictures to accompany the tale.
By Sylva Fae
My Mummy is a Wor m
Dawn Birks
Timmy is nervous about careers day at school. He has a secret and doesn't know what to do. Join Timmy in school as he learns that friends will still like you no matter how different you or your family are.
A little wacky but a whole lot of fun. It's an entertaining and engaging read that has a very meaningful message. “
- Amazon Customer
by Christine Milkovic Krauss
Teddy Loves Spaghetti is the second book in the Adventures of Teddy series. Teddy is our real life rescue pet who lost his ears to frostbite and just happens to have a serious love for pasta!! This book uses humour to educate children about nutrition, alternatives to food based rewards, pet care and introduction to diabetes awareness.
Tedd Loves Spaghett
Aspire Book Covers is a website that offers inspirational book covers and formatting services at affordable prices. The website, located at, is run by Sharon Brownlie, who warmly welcomes authors to her site. Whether you have finished your book or are in the final stages, Aspire Book Covers provides customized covers to meet your specific requirements. Prices for pre-made covers are listed on the website, and keep a lookout because occasionally, some covers may be on sale!
For custom book covers, Sharon Brownlie will work closely with you to ensure that your book's cover design reflects your vision accurately. She will collaborate with you closely, engaging in discussions about your book description and understanding your requirements.
Allaigna's Song: Overture
You can’t hide from magic when it’s in your blood … When Allaigna was seven she almost sang her baby brother to sleep forever. She may be heir to neither her mother’s titles nor her secrets, but she has inherited her grandmother’s dangerous talent for singing music into magic. As her education proceeds from nursery to weapons ground to the rank of royal page, it becomes increasingly hard to keep her heritage and abilities hidden.
Secrets, it seems, are stock-intrade for her family, and as Allaigna works to keep her own, she uncovers two that will affect both her life and the unstable peace of the Ilmar nations. One is the fate of her grandmother, who married a prince, turning the gift of the Sight into a double-edged weapon of state. The other is the truth behind her mother’s two-week disappearance following an ambush by outlaws en route to her wedding.
As she discovers who she is, Allaigna must decide what to become: the skilled courtier her mother wants her to be, the political chess piece her father bargained on, or the hero her grandmother foresaw.
Intro: The story and writing style drew me in from the first paragraph. The descriptions were excellent, and the protagonist was realistic and nuanced. The birth scene was particularly compelling.
Overall #2
A Snake by the Tail
By Cherime MacFarlane
Intro: Draws you into the strange new world immediately.
Character/World Building: World was instantly relatable, and well developed.
The Messerian spy tells the captain he is not alone. There are others seeking to eliminate the pirates. He must keep the girl, Dahteste, close. She must not discover she is simply bait in the larger game they play. What gift does the girl have which makes her such a prize?
Pirates abducted her from her planet. The Mercenary Union ship which rescues her may be no better than the pirates. Captain Maden of the Long Sword refuses to take her home.
The predator his ancestors used to be claws it way to the surface around the girl. He wants things he shouldn’t. He craves Dahteste.
“I thoroughly lost myself in this wonderful world. It was awesome how the different species were truly different, not just superficially to make them alien, but the ways they were described had a purpose and felt 'real' for it.”
- Amazon
Two paths, one fate.
Lucan now knows who and what Mackenzie truly is. She is Terra, the supernatural boogieman whose tales of carnage are used by parents to bring wayward children in line.
But she’s captive, and the longer it takes to free her, the less choice he has – break the bond, or die.
Mackenzie thrust back into the nightmare of her childhood—learns the awful truth. Her captors have no mercy… and now they know how to force her to do their bidding. Her achilleas heel. And they’ll use that knowledge against her in the worst possible way. But as her hopes for rescue dwindle, she must use every bit of her wits and skills just to survive. Because even in darkness, light can be found.
Mackenzie must hold out long enough for those she loves to free her, but every passing second brings her closer to crumbling under the weight of a past she can’t outrun.
By J.S.Kennedy
“This is by far one of the best books I read recently. It has been a while since I couldn't wait to get a book and find out what is going to happen next. Easy to read, dynamic, and fun.”
“There is adventure, humor, tear jerking moments, and excitement. I really enjoyed watching the family grow and the protective and accepting nature of the family. It was a wonderful series and I can’t wait to read more.”
- Amazon
By Zachary Hagen
When you lose family, friends, and country, how far is too far? Elior watched as his twin brother, the only real family he had left run into a building as it disappeared.
Nyx, a cursed merman, watched as his father and best friend were killed in front of him.
Opal’s father died leaving her with a legacy to live up to and a throne to protect.
When they join forces with a wise professor to find the Well of Eternity, can they find answers to their problems?
Can the ancient evil lurking in the shadows of society be stopped before it’s too late, or will blood be spilled killing their hope and dooming Lux Terra forever?
Cover: Has all the elements for fantasy, colour, and a gilt frame that draw the reader straight to the genre.
Eternity’s Well will hook you from the very beginning and take you on a spellbinding, breathtaking journey through a new world where anything is possible.
Development: World development was excellent. You’re immediately pulled into the scene and the tension.
Hello, I’m Marc Watson, and I write stuff. I’m an author of genre fiction (primarily Fantasy and Science Fiction of all lengths). I began writing at the age of 15 with a pen and paper, and I’ve never really stopped, even though until recently it was more of a background to me than my defining trait. I have been published on flash fiction site, as well as comedy site I’ve been a student of the excellent writing classes at Athabasca University for a number of years.
I live in Calgary, Alberta, and was spawned out of the depths of Southern Ontario. I’m a husband, proud father of two, and can be sometimes found at an actual job. I’m an avid outdoorsman, martial artist of some high repute, baseball player of very little repute, and lover of all Mexican foods. One day ‘World Famous Poutine Aficionado’ will be on my business cards.
For public appearances and interviews, I am proudly represented by Creative Edge Publicity.
Marc Watson
IntervIew by MelanIe P. SMIth
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
Certainly! My name is Marc Watson, and I’m from Calgary Alberta, Canada. I’m a genre fiction author with four books and three published short stories. I have a fantastic wife, two teenaged sons, and most of my nonprofessional life is spent cooking, camping, gardening, or on a baseball diamond in some capacity.
Are you a multi-genre author or a single-genre author? How did you decide what types of book you would write?
I mostly stick to Sci-Fi and Fantasy, or some variation or combination of the two. I’m not skilled enough to go too far outside my comfy little corner of the writing world. As for trying to decide, I like to say that I write the books and stories that I want to read, only no one has written them yet so I may as well. If I don’t, who will?
If you write in multiple genres, do you have a favorite, or is one type of book easier for you to write than others, and why?
I’m primarily fantasy-based. Fantasy is just so easy for a writer like me because the parameters of the world are malleable. I can do anything I want because I made the rules. Post-apocalyptic is much the same. It’s the rules of our world, but wiped clean and started fresh. It’s very freeing.
When did you start writing? Did an event or person prompt you to take that leap?
I’ve dabbled in writing for fun ever since high school, but never considered doing it professionally. It was just this thing I could do. If we want to target a more specific date, it was February 29th, 2016. That was the day I decided to take it more seriously and put myself out into the writing world properly. I had a finished manuscript (what would end up being ‘Catching Hell 1 and 2’) and I figured I was in a place in my life where it was possible to try, so try I did.
I don’t think there was an actual catalyst for starting, but my wife was always very encouraging and was proud that I’d written something like Catching Hell, even though it was so rough at that time. Her and poutine. I was writing local poutine reviews at the time for a website I was pondering making but never ended up finalizing. Writing those reviews gave me an urge to put my writing out into the world. Thanks poutine!
…also my wife…
In the world of Ryuujin, heroes rise and fall, but there are always stories that slip through the cracks. The tales of the people who shape the years to come. Heroism and betrayal. Conversations between friends and enemies that will change the course of the world.
These are nine stories from a world that is historic, modern, and terrifyingly futuristic. A world where science and magic intertwine, and give birth to the unknown souls who become heroes, and the legends who fade away into history.
Between Conversations
Mark Twain said “Write what you know.” Tell us about your writing process. Are you a plotter or a pantser? Do you plot, plan, and conduct hours of research; or, do you just sit down and write whatever comes to mind based on your personal history and knowledge?
I am the All-Powerful God King Burrito Supreme of pantsing. I do very little research, and just let my fingers wander. Maybe, it will be a short story. Maybe, it will be a monster epic. Maybe, something in between. Maybe, nothing and I’ll give up on it because I don’t like it anymore and moved on to something else. When I feel like writing, I write.
Regarding my process, I only write during my lunch hour at my full-time job, so maybe 45 minutes a day, if I feel like it? It may not seem like much, but I’ve completed 6 novels that way (and counting) and countless short stories or other writing projects (like this interview, fyi!) so it works for me.
How / where do you find the plots you write about?
I wish I could tell you there’s some grand master plan going on all up in my brain, but the truth is I just get an idea and I write about it. Books like Catching Hell and my short story collection ‘Between Conversations’ all take place in the same world (what I’ve called the ‘Ryuujin World’), and I’ll write more books there as well, but others like ‘Death Dresses Poorly’ or my latest manuscript I can’t say much about (but isn’t in any way related to previous things I’ve done) just kinda happen.
Tell us your latest news I’m having chicken burgers for dinner.
…oh, also, I just launched the remastered ‘Catching Hell Part 2: Destination’ on May 9th of this year, bringing the epic science-fantasy duology to a close. I’m also a contributing author for the upcoming ‘+2 Rodcast’, a scripted, humorous look into the lives of an off-beat D&D party as they recount their latest adventures, so your readers should check that out when it launches later this year too! That way I can get even more chicken burgers.
Catching Hell: Part 2
A critical blow has been dealt to the robotic Army of the Old, but at a great price. Broken and weary, best friends Johan and Aryu have been separated while chasing forces from the distant past that they both fear.
Aryu, the man with wings, pursues the enemy while he slowly slips into the enticing magic and mystery of the Power, led by the great phoenix Nixon Ash.
Johan stands on the steps of Bankoor, a futuristic city full of wonder and mistrust. Here, he must make his stand to avenge his destroyed home and find his friend.
As the gap between the brave warriors closes, the worlds of technology and magic will clash.
“The author did an incredible job of worldbuilding, giving readers a truly immersive reading experience that made the characters and the setting feel alive on the page. The rich diversity that the cast of characters embodied and the thriving adventure that the story brought to life were brilliantly imagined thanks to great uses of imagery and atmosphere in the author’s writing style…”
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
I hope to write characters who aren’t black or white, but are a million shades of gray. I want you to question if you should cheer for them, or against them. Are they really right, or wrong? And who are we, the reader, to judge their actions? Not just in this novel, but in everything I do, I hope that comes through.
How much of the book is realistic?
It takes place in a very distant future, after a number of extinction-level-events have happened, and mankind is (once again) trying to build itself back up, so there are some aspects of the world similar to ours, but it’s a novel about magic Scottish phoenixes and a young man with wings fighting against a robotic army from a strange land, so hopefully not much!
What books have influenced your life the most?
In high school my class read a book called ‘The Shipping News’ by E. Annie Proulx that absolutely opened my eyes and mind to what writing had the potential to be. The simplicity of the story, coupled with the beauty of the words. The first time I read it I knew two things. 1) It was my favourite book and the best thing I had ever read, and 2) I will never, ever, ever write something that beautiful and amazing, and I’m totally alright with that. Outside of that, much of the Shannara series by Terry Brooks has helped move me forward, as well as the Dark Tower series by Stephen King. Both tread closely to science fantasy, I’d say.
What are your current projects?
I have a manuscript I’m excited about out for review by a publisher at the moment so I hope to hear back about that sometime soon. I also just finished a monster sci-fi project and I’ll begin shopping that around once I polish it up a bit. I haven’t had new work to try and get out in the world in some time so I’m exciting to get back to the basics with those.
Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
Tex-Mex is an acceptable genre of food that is different and beautiful away from traditional Mexican, as opposed to being a bastardization, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
Can you share a sample of your current work with us?
(I’m not sure how much you’re looking for, so here’s a few paragraphs from the Prologue of Catching Hell: Destination.)
There was once a beautiful tower here. It rose from the flowery meadow and stretched so high into the sky some swore that it had no end; a creation of the ancient, powerful ones.
They were wrong, of course. It had an end, and at that precarious top was a room of solitude where the sprightly entity known as Crystal Kokuou had sequestered herself for more than eight hundred years, seeking a place of peace and zen in order to find an answer to the question her beloved father had given to her: how can mankind maintain and serve the balance?
After her lover Ryu had finally passed away by playing chicken with Death and actually winning, she had seen the true extent that humans were capable of reaching. She had seen Embracers reach unimaginable levels of power, be it for evil or good, and all the time she had been assured that in the end, everyone still dies. Death had been the great equalizer. It was the balance keeper in all the universes.
But then Ryu had played the game against the Dark Stranger, and Death miscalculated both her lover’s power, and his resolve to end things, regardless of the consequences. Yes, Ryu was still dead after all was said and done, but it was on his terms. Reason didn’t matter to someone so determined.
She remembered that day so well. She had been in her Haven at the time, not in the tower that existed in the real world. Her Haven was her most perfect place in the world. It was so close to where she had been raised and loved so purely by her mother and father, where she had been taught to be a warrior in service of the balance.
Her Haven was also an unwitting protective shield against the horror Ryu had created with that gross and destructive wave of power that erupted from his mind.
The wave of unbridled Power swept the world, and suddenly the rules didn’t apply. A man, a human man, had become more powerful than the governing forces of the universe. He had battled Death, and Death had flinched in a most spectacular way. The lives it cost were immeasurable. If not for the dumb luck of being in her Haven at the time, she had no doubt that she, his oldest friend and most trusted confidant through all the ages, would have been one of them.
After that point, when her period of mourning was over and every tear she’d ever cried was multiplied a thousand times, she returned to the tower to feel the real world for what it was, hide herself and her feelings, and shield everyone from her Power. After all, with the death of the original Ryuujin, wasn’t she now the most powerful Embracer that there was? Although Ryu’s son may argue that point, she knew that she could very well become a threat to everything she loved. Eventually, she was simply alone in the sky.
Pick one of your characters and share some of their backstory that didn’t make it into the novel.
Certainly. Crystal Kokuou (mentioned above) is a youthful immortal who may be the most powerful person alive within the Ryuujin World I mentioned before. She appears younger (18/19ish) when she is actually many hundreds of years old. In her life she had two kids, Sho and Emerald. Sho also became an immortal, but Emmy chose a life of mortality. When she was older, she would take her mother to fairs and carnivals as her ’daughter,’ and the two would laugh and play together with this new, fake dynamic.
Do you have any advice for other writers?
For sure, probably too much, but I’ll keep it simple: write at your own pace. Don ’t get sucked into writing challenges like NaNoWriMo, or daily writing goals, or goals that push you to write when you don’t want to. Writing is personal. It’s an art, and art can’t be rushed. Maybe you write a word a day. Maybe you write ten thousand. Maybe you write nothing. That’s all fine. Let the words come. A word you force yourself to write risks being a word your reader forces themselves to read.
Other than writing do you have any hobbies?
As mentioned, I love baseball. I play it, I coach it, and I’m also an umpire, so I’m involved in all aspects of it. I’m also a video game player and collector, with twenty-two game systems to my name and over a thousand games.
What do you want written on your headstone and why?
“Whatever it means to you, be a hero.”
Is there one person past or present you would like to meet and why?
You know, I see this question asked to others sometimes and they have great, insightful answers, or heartwarming ones. I’m far more lame: no, not really. I feel very lucky to have met the people I have, but don’t necessarily lament the fact that I haven’t met others. Maybe Bruce Lee? I’ve always adored his philosophies and fighting style, but I also hear he was a bit of an ass so I dunno. Don’t meet your heroes, right?
Oh, scratch that: the person who invented the KFC Double Down, that sandwich where they replaced the buns with fried chicken, just so I can shake their hand. That person is on another level.
Can you share something personal with your readers? Do you have any holiday traditions? What kind of music do you enjoy? What kind of movies do you prefer? Do you have a favorite author?
I’m an admitted open book, since I believe we can learn a lot of life lessons by learning about others. So how about I answer each of those? I insist on having multi -layer nacho dip for Christmas, anything but country, mindless escapism movies because the real world is too much for me a lot of days, and Canadian YA Author Gordon Korman, whose books I stopped reading years ago, but will stand by that statement until I’m dead. I’m a writer because he’s a writer.
If money was no issue would you prefer a cozy beach bungalow or a rustic cabin overlooking a mountain lake?
I don’t mean to be rude but I legitimately dislike both of those ideas… Why torture myself if I’m so rich? The beach one I guess? That would make my wife very happy so that wins.
One final question...Do you have a blog/website? If so, what is it? Do you have a social media platform where your fans can go to interact with you and follow your progress? Of course. I’m on all the things! My website is, on Facebook at, and on Insta, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, and Hive at @writewatson. I’m most active on Twitter, and that is likely the easiest way to reach me.
Murder in the Bluegrass
Janet is invited to stay with the billionaire O’Sullivan family in Lexington, KY, for Keeneland's spring racing meet. Shipping her horses to the track, she arrives at the O’Sullivan estate only to discover it resembles a castle in a horror movie, complete with a dark and eerie tower.
Jealousy, rage, and sadness reside in this mansion. Sudden death and unraveling secrets leave Janet fearing for her life. Can she save herself or will a killer destroy her?
Character Development: Great character development. You get a feel for the family dynamic immediately and can feel the tension and mystery building.
Intro: Great intro, from the opening sentence it draws the reader immediately into action. Nice descriptions.
“A page turner that caused me to binge read the book. A great depiction of the rich in Kentucky. Sasscer Hill comes through again”
- Amazon Customer
Almost forgot to feed the dog, once I got started! Luxurious backgrounds are carefully described. Fast action, beautiful horses. A great read, enjoy it!
- Amazon Customer
Overall #3
“Who doesn’t love a mystery, especially if it involves a bunny rabbit! Emma and Pepper take you an a cute little mystery adventure with unexpected twists and turns.”
- Amazon Customer
A Hare–Raising Haunting
By C.K. Fyfe
When Emma purchases a rustic train depot in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, she expects the station to be steeped in history, not mystery. She and her rabbit Pepper settle into their new life in the woods, but they aren’t exactly alone a specter from a longgone past seems intent on haunting them. Is Emma’s imagination running wild, or is she chugging down a dangerous track?
Character/World Development: Right from the start, the reader gets a descriptive sense of who the protagonist of the story is and a hint of her background.
Intro: Great beginning to the story. The reader immediately knows that the mystery is about.
Wrap your mind around the fact this is a cozy mystery…but then also ends up feeling like it might be a thriller, cause gol dang it was heart pumping there for a moment only to laugh out loud and then wish you had a thousand more of these stories to read.
- Amazon Customer
2023 Competition Winner
Sylva Fae is a married mum of three from Lancashire, England. She has spent twenty years teaching literacy to adults with learning difficulties and disabilities, and now works from home as a children’s writer and illustrator.
Sylva is an award-winning author of multiple children’s books. She’s part of the editorial team of Connections eMagazine and an administrator to various Facebook writing groups. Connect with Sylva in her group Mindful Monsters & Friends.
No Fairytale
Sylva Fae
Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess. She met a handsome stranger from a far-off land, who just happened to be a prince. They soon married and lived happily ever after in peace and harmony…
Wouldn’t that be lovely? Sadly, not all fairytales are so idyllic, and despite my attire, this is definitely no fairytale. So, here I am, deep in the forest, trying to stop this ridiculous gown from snagging on brambles as I hastily make my way to the clearing. From there, it’s thankfully only a few minutes’ walk to the small access road where I left my car early this morning. I’m nearly there – thank goodness I had the foresight to wear trainers under this voluminous skirt.
We came at dawn to capture that special light as the first sunbeams filter through the trees, appearing to radiate from a single distant source. Komorebi, I believe the Japanese call it; they have such beautiful words to encompass the whole mood and feeling of what we only describe. My photographer husband delighted at the way the light danced across the scarlet fabric of my fairytale gown, following blindly as I wandered farther, in search of the perfect setting. I was reluctant at first, when Nick suggested I model for him – he wanted create an advertising campaign to entice new customers to book a photoshoot. Dressing up for a walk in my favourite place did seem like fun, if a little less practical than my usual jeans and t-shirt. I soon lost my inhibitions as I breathed in the glorious earthy scents, and Nick snapped away oblivious to anything beyond the viewfinder.
The familiar landmarks we passed, the thicket of spiky holly with a secret hollow inside, the ancient oak with boughs that reached down to provide an easy foothold, the bank of delicate indigo belladonna beneath towering foxgloves, brought memories of long summers and magical adventures, while Mum foraged for blackberries and wild mushrooms .
ing. I carefully draped my skirts over a fallen log that conveniently served as a seat, and poured us both coffee from the thermos Nick insisted on bringing. I savoured the moment, soaking up the glorious sunshine. Nick stood, sipping his coffee while fiddling with his camera settings. Inevitably, the coffee sent Nick off searching for a ‘private’ place to attend to a call of nature, but not before instructing me to guard his equipment. Seriously? Who did he think was going to be hiding behind a tree, waiting to steal a camera at this time of the morning? I chuckled at Nick’s city ways, and picked up his mobile to check the time – with no pockets, I’d left mine in the car. A flurry of notifications pinged in as the screen lit up…
The sunbeams disappeared as grey clouds drifted overhead. I managed to reach the car as the first raindrops splashed through the leaves. They mixed with the tears soaking my cheeks. I hadn’t thought rationally earlier, I had just gathered up my skirts and run, weaving between the trees, needing to get as far away from my cheating husband as possible. I sat watching the rivers of rain streaming down the car windscreen, distorting the scene beyond – I imagined Nick
Children's author, illustrator & ghostwriter
May 2023 Competition Winner
It’s a honor for me to be selected as the winner of our 2nd Quarter 1000 Word Challenge competition. After some debate and discussing the situation with people I trust, I have decided not to disqualify myself from the competition. The readers have spoken and I am humbled by the support my story received. There is no greater compliment for an author than to know the stories they conjure in their mind have entertained their readers and allowed them to escape for just a little while.
Long before she delved into the world of fantasy and suspense, Melanie served nearly three decades in the Special Operations Division at her local sheriff ’s office; working with SWAT, Search and Rescue, K9, the Motor Unit, Investigations, and the Child Abduction Response Team. She now uses that training and knowledge to create stories that are action-packed, gripping, and realistic. When Melanie’s not penning her next adventure, she can be found riding her Harley, exploring the wilderness, or capturing that next great photo.
by Melanie P. Smith
The wolf crouched low, hidden in the deep shadows of the trees. It was nearly time. Her crystal blue eyes glowed in the darkness when a bright flash of lightning filled the ominous sky. Rain pelted the mossy ground, dripped from the leaves on the trees, and slid over her thick gray fur, but she didn’t care. The beast within her yearned to howl, to let loose and get lost in the wild animalistic need that threatened to overwhelm her. She whined and paced but held firm to the tiny shred of control that was slowly slipping from her grasp. She had a plan, a mission to fulfill, and she would only get one chance at this she would not allow the beast to consume her, to take over and become the uninhibited creature she feared and craved.
Dark, menacing clouds filled the afternoon sky, torrential rain sliced through the air, and lightning crackled in the distance, followed by the loud boom of thunder. The wind seemed to sizzle as it whipped and circled, leaving a cold chill in its wake. Her entire body tingled she felt electrified and invincible. The beast within her clawed at the ground and fought to be set free. Still, she held firm and waited.
Finally, the distinct glare of headlights rounded the bend. The wolf raised her head and scented the air, then let out a low growl. Her target just arrived. She moved silently through the trees, a predator stalking its prey. When she reached the edge of the forest, she paused and waited. It didn’t take long.
Reginald Wallace stepped from his expensive Bugatti, an extravagance purchased with his deceased wife’s fortune, and darted for the back door. The wolf charged. She circled her prey, blocked his escape, and growled a low menacing sound that promised retribution.
Reginald slank back. He was shaking with fear but tried to hide it. Suddenly, he straightened and began to yell, curse and threaten. Then, he begged. Nobody heard his plea for help. For the first time since moving into the large expensive home, his closest neighbors were out of town. They won a surprise trip to Disneyland and wouldn’t be back for another week.
Reginald sobbed and shook in fear, finally realizing there would be no mercy. Defeated, he fell to the ground and curled into a fetal position.
The wolf lunged.
Payton pulled on the dark green raincoat and slid into her rubber boots. Then, she slowly walked across the perfectly manicured lawn and stood over the lifeless body of Reginald Wallace. Blood oozed from his neck, instantly became diluted by the heavy rain, seeped into the grass, and melded with the muddy earth below. Payton watched, mesmerized by the scene as memories of her mother flooded her mind.
Sabrina Jennings was beautiful and so full of life and love. She was devastated when her husband, Payton’s father, was killed by hunters when Payton was twelve. Over the years, Payton and her mother grew closer. They cherished weekend movie nights and mother daughter trips to the mall.
By the time Payton graduated from high school and headed off to college, they were friends and confidants. That all changed when Sabrina met Reginald Wallace. He was charming and charismatic. Sabrina was smitten almost immediately. She couldn’t wait to tell her daughter about the dashing new man in her life.
Payton spoke to her mother often by phone, but her university courses were far more challenging than high school, and three months passed before she made it home for a visit. The first time Payton met Reginald, he feigned excitement; but, underneath the smile, Payton sensed annoyance. She brushed it off and convinced herself she was imagining things. They spent a cordial weekend together before Payton returned to school.
Two months later, Sabrina surprised her daughter with an excited phone call to announce she had a new husband. Reginald insisted on a small, courthouse wedding and Sabrina didn ’t mind. Things changed overnight. Sabrina became evasive and her phone calls were more sporadic.
When Payton returned home without notice, Reginald refused to accommodate her. Sabrina was visibly upset, but agreed with her husband and suggested Payton might be more comfortable staying with her uncle Cade Jennings, the brother of Payton’s father. That weekend, Cade admitted he didn’t trust Reginald Wallace and was concerned about the quick wedding. He promised to keep an eye on Sabrina once Payton returned to school.
Cade kept his promise and checked in regularly. When Sabrina went missing, he called Payton immediately. She drove home that night and tried to get answers; but, Reginald wasn ’t talking. He insisted Sabrina went to the store and never returned. He said he had no idea where she could be or why she didn’t come home. Payton, Cade and their entire family searched every day for over a week, but Sabrina had just vanished.
A month later, Sabrina’s body was discovered by two local fishermen, floating in a nearby lake. Reginald was the prime suspect. He hired a ruthless lawyer with Sabrina’s money, dodged the investigation, and walked free. Payton returned to school distraught and emotionally destroyed. She watched for six long months while Reginald bought expensive toys and taunted the police. He practically dared them to arrest him. He strutted around town, cocky and confident that he’d gotten away with murdering his wife and stealing her money.
Eventually, Sabrina’s case grew cold. The police stopped searching for new leads. They stopped looking for the killer, because they knew Reginald was the killer. They just couldn ’t prove it.
Payton took one last long look at the lifeless body of a sadistic coward and smiled. Justice was finally served; her mother’s killer had been sentenced to death. The execution carried out by a wild animal. Case closed.
She turned and casually strolled away. Once she hit the muddy roadway, she pulled the green hood of her raincoat over her head and carefully maneuvered around large puddles and slick rocks. The song Roar by Katie Perry played in her head. Lightning flashed up ahead and thunder shook the ground, making the water in the shallow puddles ripple around her. Payton threw her head back and laughed.
She didn’t roar she howled.
Dr. Katherine received her BA in English and a MA in Elementary Education at Adelphi University. She received her Doctorate of Education and Supervision at Arizona State University. Katherine taught for 8 years before moving to the principalship of K -8 and K-6 schools for approximately 10 years. She has served as a freelance writer for various magazines including, Church Weekly, Prom Guide and Glendale Magazine. When Katherine isn’t working as counselor or writing curriculum she loves painting and photography. Some of her work in art, poetry and short stories has been distinguished by awards including the New York Mayor’s contribution to the arts Award, Outstanding Resident Artist of Arizona and the Foundations Awards at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference. She also runs recreationally, coordinates fitness boot -camps for women, and has a black belt in Taekwondo. Katherine loves speaking to groups delivering her messages with quick wit and real-life stories. She has been involved in church ministry for 18 years leading women ’s ministry, teaching, playing piano, singing, and teaching liturgical dance.
Interview by Melanie P. Smith
Fun Facts about Dr. Katherine Hayes Author, Speaker, Educational Consultant & Ministry Leader:
♦ Katherine has her black belt in taekwondo.
♦ She has lived in 4 different states and two different continents.
♦ She is an artist and specializes in portraits and abstract art.
♦ She loves preparing gourmet meals and watching all things superhero.
♦ She sings and plays the piano.
♦ She wrote and directed five plays for community theatre programs in NY and AZ.
♦ She wrote her first book to help finance a family living as missionaries in Mongolia.
• Principal K-8 and K -6 schools for ten years. I received my BA and MA from Adelphi University and my Doctorate of Education and Supervision from Arizona State University.
• Curriculum Writer
• Editor and Book Coach
• Podcaster
• Speaker
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I’m married to Tony, my best friend. We’re a blended family, and together we have seven children and one grandson. The best way to demonstrate (show, not tell) is to give you a bulleted list of my résumé. Some are past accomplishments, but many remain current activities.
• Teacher I started my career in early elementary and then moved on to work with fourth graders through middle school. I taught for eight years.
• Biblical Counselor
• Volunteer Counselor First Coast Women’s Services
• Freelance Writer Has written for various magazines, including Guideposts, Inkspirations, Church Weekly, Prom Guide, and Glendale Magazine.
Are you a multi-genre author or a singlegenre author? How did you decide what types of books you would write?
I am a multi-genre author. I’m a monthly contributor to three nonfiction blogs. I’ve also written a bible study for women. However, I’m passionate about writing thrillers. I’ve been writing one thriller a year for the past five years. I need to pick up my pace!
• Writer of several E-book devotionals, including God’s Little Black Dress for Women (I wrote her first book to raise funds for a family heading to Mongolia through the Pioneer’s mission project).
• Has written a general market thriller entitled A Fifth of the Story to be released on 2/27/24 by End Game Publishers through their Harambee Imprint. I’m currently working on the following four books in the series.
When did you start writing? Did an event or person prompt you to take that leap?
I’ve always been a storyteller for as long as I can remember. My father instilled a love of stories because he was an incredible storyteller and writer.
If you write in multiple genres, do you have a favorite, or is one type of book easier for you to write than others, and why?
Although I enjoy writing devotionals, articles, and bible studies, my favorite genre to write is a thriller. It is easier for me to flourish in that genre because of my active imagination and access to material I can write about.
How / where do you find the plots you write about?
My husband is a retired intelligence officer, so my thriller novels offer insights many readers likely wouldn’t be privy to. My novels are “full of intense action, plot twists, and real-life issues that we encounter today. The series of five books I’m working on follows a group of friends employed by the CIA and FBI. I can create believable fictional stories based on my husband’s past career.”
Mark Twain said “Write what you know.” Tell us about your writing process. Are you a plotter or a pantser? Do you plot, plan, and conduct hours of research; or do you just sit down and write whatever comes to mind based on your personal history and knowledge?
I often begin with the seed of an idea or a premise based on a real -life story. However, I fictionalize it by adding my characters and changing the time and place of the intriguing events. I begin
God’s Little Black Dress For Women
The armor of God sounds clunky and unattractive. Seriously, where do we find the femininity in adding 20 pounds to our existing frame? Many of us, if we're honest, believe that the armor Paul described in tlie Bible sounds excessively Roman soldier -like for our tastes. Yet, just because he described this masculine suit to protect a soldier literally and a Christian spiritually doesn't mean that God wasn't thinking of us as females when he desires to "dress" us for the battles of this life.
Many women are searching for the right "dress" that can define who we really are or should be. We can wear the armor of God with flair, style and function. In this book, learn how God tailor-makes a "little black dress" for each of us to fit every occasion.
with a simple synopsis, but my characters always take over and make me a panster. Since much of what I write about deals with social issues and current events, I conduct many hours of research.
Tell us your latest news
I’m just as passionate about serving nonprofit organizations committed to addressing social justice issues and eradicating injustice caused by poverty. One of the nonprofits I work with is, where I teach art virtually to middle and high school students in Guatemala. I often travel to this country to serve in the mission field and meet with students, teachers, the director, and the founders. Recently, my student’s work was selected to be in an exhibit in a museum in Guatemala City called “Somos Luz” (in English, this means We are Light). I was able to attend and help open this important show. This is a testimony to my students' enormous skill despite the challenges they face living far below the poverty line. The
school is in a landfill where the students and their families often make a living by forging through the city’s dump. Additionally, I sit on the board of another nonprofit,, that serves impoverished communities in Guatemala.
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
The messages in my novels address issues of social injustice and the value of genuine friendships, loyalty, and fighting for what’s right. However, it's within plots of high-stakes thrillers with many twists and turns!
I also serve on the board of 540, a free community designed to encourage, educate, and equip writers to clearly communicate the unique message God wants us to deliver to the specific reader who needs it most. The 540 community ( seeks to remove barriers for writers by providing free, virtual opportunities to access stellar education.
How much of the book is realistic?
My thrillers are realistic because they are based on actual issues we currently face and include incidents that have taken place. However, these books are works of fiction.
Do you have a mentor that helped or encouraged you to follow your dream of writing?
My parents were my first mentors and encouragers who supported my love of writing, even when I pursued another career. However, my actual writing mentor is Cecil Murphey. I’ve worked consistently with him for a few years, and he has helped transform my writing and editing. I’m also profoundly grateful for Edwina Perkins's guidance, grace, and generous support.
What books have influenced your life the most?
I have a long list of books that have influenced me, but these have been most impactful: The Bible, Their Eyes Were Watching God, The Bluest Eye, Devil in a Blue Dress, Small Great Things, American Spy, Bluebird Bluebird.
What are your current projects?
I’m crafting high-stakes thrillers but plan to continue writing E-book devotionals and inspirational pieces. I’m also crafting tales about an eleven-year-old earthworm named Werme McNaughty for my kids, their pals, and my grandchild. I would eventually like to transform these bedtime stories into a collection of children’s books.
Can you share a sample of your current work with us?
Book Blurb for A Fifth of the Story:
Pick one of your characters and share some of their backstory that didn’t make it into the novel.
My protagonist, Brock O’Reilly, is a martial arts expert. He received this training because he was bullied as a young child. Also, Brock has an on-again-off-again relationship with the woman he wants to marry but fears she’ll learn too much about his past. Unfortunately, this backstory didn’t make it into A Fifth of the Story.
What happens when you work for the highest security agency in the world but can ’t trust anyone? What if you returned from overseas to protect your country, but your country didn’t protect you anymore? Find out what happens when three close friends return from fighting the enemy abroad and are faced with the greatest battles of their lives stateside. They try to stop their country and families from imploding before time runs out.
Do you have any advice for other writers?
My advice for writers is to join a reputable critique group. I also recommend attending writing conferences and becoming part of the writing community. I also recommend finding a mentor and learning to develop your craft, editing, and skill. I also advise writers to avoid burning bridges. The writing community is a tight network, and it’s best to always be professional and ethical despite the rejections and challenges that are inevitable.
Is there one person past or present you would like to meet and why?
One person in the past I would love to meet is Zora Neale Hurston. She’s one of the most gifted writers I’ve ever read. I want to meet her to discover how she rose to such critical acclaim during the harsh racial injustice she faced during her lifetime.
Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
Readers, you are why I stay up way past bedtime and wake up way too early to write. I’m continually searching for ways to entertain, inform, and lead you with words the best way I know how.
Other than writing do you have any hobbies?
My hobbies include drawing/ painting, playing the piano, singing, photography, and cooking.
I work in church Ministry
What do you want written on your headstone and why?
I would want my headstone to say that Katherine lived a life dressed in love––because loving others fully leads to a well-lived life.
Leading women’s ministry, playing piano, singing, and teaching liturgical dance. I love running fitness boot camps and have a Black Belt in Taekwondo.
If money was no issue would you prefer a cozy beach bungalow or a rustic cabin overlooking a mountain lake?
If money were no issue, I would definitely prefer a cozy beach bungalow.
One final question...Do you have a blog/website? If so, what is it? Do you have a social media platform where your fans can go to interact with you and follow your progress?
Can you share something personal with your readers?
Do you have any holiday traditions? What kind of music do you enjoy? What kind of movies do you prefer? Do you have a favorite author?
My favorite holiday is Christmas, and my tradition is to have my tree and home decorated by November 16th because that’s my youngest’s child’s birthday. I have an eclectic taste in music ranging from classical, jazz, neo-soul, rhythm & blues, opera, reggae, calypso, soca, reggaeton, Broadway, hymns, gospel, and contemporary worship music.
I have a website where I maintain three blogs, and I’d love for others to stop by and hang out! I also run a podcast called Murder Mystery & Mayhem Laced with Morality. Here are my social media links:
Personal Facebook: katherine.hutchinsonhayes
Author Facebook: authordrkatherinehayes/
Instagram: authordrkatherine/ Podcast (Apple): murder -mystery-mayhem-laced-with-morality/ id1587958527
Podcast (Spotify): show/4zWmZckdnPsYG9CUAKkv1p
Intro: a compelling introduction and I found myself wanting to read further.
Her homecoming from prison quickly turns into a quest for vengeance when she is brutally raped and left for dead, and her fourteen-year -old ward is abducted. Sheer will and determination take this tough and gritty heroine up against wild beasts of the forest, Indians and outlaws to Leadville.
Can the colorful inhabitants of the Colorado mining town work their way into Delilah's heart, offering a chance for a future she thought she'd lost along with her innocence?
Character Development: Great character development. From the very first page you get to know Delilah, her childhood and the conflict to come.
Overall #5
Intro: The poetry and quotes form an interesting introduction to Cuthbert's, and Lindisfarne's, history and illustrate the wealth of contemporary and academic sources the author has drawn from.
Incorporating poetry, prose, play, diary and real historical accounts to create a novel like no other, Cuddy straddles historical eras - from the first Christian-slaying Viking invaders of the holy island of Lindisfarne in the 8th century to a contemporary England defined by class and austerity.
Along the way we meet brewers and masons, archers and academics, monks and labourers, their visionary voices and stories echoing through their ancestors and down the ages.
And all the while at the centre sits Durham Cathedral and the lives of those who live and work around this place of pilgrimage – their dreams, desires, connections and communities.
By Benjamin Myers
Derald Grake destroys his life the moment he decides to sell the family home. After capturing the American dream, this father of 4 hopes to solve the complex formula of buying low and selling high. Witness one ‘normal’ family embark on a hilarious and entirely unexpected journey involving, among other surprises, assassins, meth, murder, and the end of Amazon.
Wrapped inside this intriguing mystery are eye witness accounts and compelling evidence to separate truth from fantasy. Follow the clues, sort through the lies, and put the pieces together of this twisted reality.
By Sarah Hindmarsh
The prisoners in the end cell of the town dungeons had been there so long nobody could remember who they were, or why they were imprisoned. Three times a day a guard pushed a tray containing food for two through a tiny hatch. Three times a day the tray was pushed back empty. As far as anybody
knew it had always been that way. It took the innocent questions of a child to make the townsfolk wonder: what was so heinous a crime that a person would have been locked up for so long? And how could anyone survive being imprisoned for such a long time?
The child in question is not really part of the story. Suffice it to say that he had not been a well behaved boy and his father believed a tour of the dungeons would somehow motivate him to study harder in school. His questions however, were very important, as they caused great consternation amongst the previously contented townsfolk. For several weeks the townsfolk debated opening the cell to find out who, or what, was inside. The usually deserted town hall became a hive of activity most evenings. Eventually the mayor put forward a final motion to unlock the cell door.
“What if it’s monsters?” one woman asked. “If we open the cell they might escape and eat our babies.”
A man in the crowd scoffed. “Don’t be ridiculous woman; it’s probably just some very old thieves.”
“Or a tortoise,” said a little girl. “They live for hundreds of years.”
Some agreed with the young woman, others with the old man. Nobody agreed with the little girl, and her mother dragged her from the room by her auburn pigtails, with stern warnings about never speaking to her elders and betters unless spoken to.
“How would any human survive in that cell for longer than any of us have lived? ”
“Monsters don’t exist.”
“Isn’t there anyone who can remember when the cell was locked? ”
This last question silenced everyone. The mayor stood at the lectern, his pendulous chins wobbling as he strained to think of something to say. All eyes turned to him and expectancy filled the hall.
“Well,” he said at last. “Well, perhaps we should ask the oldest person in the town.”
Everyone nodded their agreement. There was not much wisdom to be found in the town, and the mayor had precious little of what did exist, but this at least seemed to be a sensible suggestion. But who was the oldest person in the town? Nobody knew. Someone suggested Old Tom, but Old Tom was an outsider, he had only been in town for a few of his nine decades. Sister Erica only looked old, and was in fact younger than the mayor, who was very much younger than any of the ladies in the women’s institute.
The oldest of the ladies in the women’s institute was Mother Holland; who wasn’t there because she was too ill to get out of bed. Nobody present could remember a time when she had not been old. Everyone finally agreed that even if Mother Holland wasn’t the oldest person in town she would know who was. They had to hurry though; Mother Holland really was very old – and very ill. There was a real possibility she would die before they had chance to ask her if they didn’t hurry. That, everyone agreed, would be most vexatious. That very afternoon the mayor and the school governors, who always thought themselves more important than they really were, crowded into Mother Holland’s cottage. They hovered over her bed and the mayor asked her about the end cell.
“Should never have locked them up in there,” the old woman mumbled.
“Locked who up in there? ”
“The green children. Never did no-one no harm they didn’t, I was on’y five but I liked em.”
“Why did they lock them up?”
“Folks don’t like what they don’t know, and them children was green as the leaves on the trees. I never seen anything like it.”
Mother Hubbard’s breath began to rattle. A portly nurse bustled through the door.
“Out now, Mother needs to rest.”
She was so efficient with her shooing that the mayor and the governors found themselves outside before they knew what was happening.
“Old woman must be mad,” said the head governor, tugging on his grey beard.
“Green children, whoever heard the like?” said the mayor.
So the townsfolk found themselves back where they had started. Some were impatient to find out who was in there, others were fearful that they might unleash something terrible. At last the prison guards, who were among those who were curious, took matters into their own hands. Taking the ancient keys from the hook above the chief’s desk they scurried along the dungeon passage and slid each one into its rusty lock. Three times they had to grease each lock before the keys would turn. Finally the last key moved with a clunk and the door was unlocked. The guards pulled at the handle. Nothing happened. With trembling hands the youngest applied the grease to the hinges, so laden with rust that their shape was almost obliterated. Then they pulled once more. The door moved, just an inch. More grease was applied, and little by little the creaking hinges gave way. The guards peered round the edge of the door.
At the back of the room on an iron pallet sat two small children. A hundred years in a dungeon had left their clothes so filthy they were almost black; and little more than rags. The children were covered in grime, painfully thin and cowered as a dog might on seeing a cruel master approaching with a whip. They clung to each other’s rags and their little bodies shook as the guards approached.
“They’re just bairns,” said the youngest guard. “How can they be just bairns after so long? ”
The guards all crossed themselves and muttered hasty prayers. It took many minutes of reassurances before the children would come out of the cell. As they walked through the dungeons to the guard room they jumped at every tiny noise, and their eyes grew wider and wider. The guards offered the children food, which they ate as though they were human. They asked them their names and where they came from; but they couldn’t remember. The guards concluded that a hundred years of imprisonment was enough to make anyone forget anything.
“Now what do we do?” said the head guard. “We can hardly leave two bairns in that cell.”
“I suggest,” said the third guard, wrinkling his nose. “That we wash them.”
So the children were washed, and as the years of dirt were scrubbed from their skin the guards saw that old Mother Holland had been right - the two children really were as green as the leaves on the trees.
Once they were clean and fed the children were dressed in clean clothes and taken to the town hall. A deathly silence filled the room. Children came out of that cell? And green children at that? The townsfolk were incredulous.
“It’s a trick,” shouted a small woman with a hooked nose.
“They painted ‘em,” said a teenage boy.
“They look fine to me,” said old Tom. Everyone pretended not to hear him.
“What do we do with them?”
“Lock ‘em back up.”
“Cut off their heads.”
“Should we not find out where they came from afore we kill ‘em”
“Must be demons, only way to stay a child for a hundred years.”
“Death to the demons.”
The children clung to each other and trembled.
“Now just look here,” said the head guard, “they ain’t done nobody no harm so let’s have no more talk o’ killin’ ‘em.”
“You take ‘em in then,” someone shouted.
“I might well do just that,” the guard retorted; he marched out of the town hall with one small green hand tucked firmly inside each of his. And so the meeting ended.
The head guard gave the children a bedroom in his attic and fed them three good meals a day. They called him Pops, and, because they could no longer remember their own names, he called them Elwin and Faye. That could have been the end of their story, but, as always, someone who really should have known better thought they could be helpful. The parish priest, Father Osmund, decided one day that the children should be baptised. This, he said, would wash away the afflictions that bound them to the devil.
The guard could see nothing of the devil in his little charges, although it was surely as strange as a thing could be that they were over a hundred years old and still children. However, he could see no harm in baptism, so the following Sunday the townsfolk gathered at the church. As the children crossed the threshold all the colour in their skin vanished, leaving them as white as snow. Faye cried out and grasped her brother’s hand. She tried as hard as she could to drag him back outside, but the townsfolk swept them along, deeper and deeper into the church.
“Please let us go, we can’t be here.”
“Take them to the font,” ordered Father Osmund.
The children were prised apart and Elwin was carried to the font.
“No don’t, you’ll kill him,” Faye screamed. She battered her tiny fists against the strong arms of those who held her back.
Father Osmund ignored her and, before the head guard could force his way through the crowds to stop him, splashed water, once, twice, thrice, upon Elwin’s brow. The boy fainted, slumping over the side of the font with his face half in the water. Perhaps he even swallowed a little of it. Faye kicked and scratched at those who held her captive. A howl went up as she sank her sharp teeth into a flashy hand. In the ensuing panic she escaped, and ran as fast as she could to the guard house that had become her home. There she hid beneath the stairs and refused to come out until the youngest guard promised her a story.
A short time later the head guard laid Elwin, still unconscious, on his bed in the attic. Faye clung to his hands, wept and cursed at any who dared to come near. The boy never woke up. In the morning the guards found him dead, his sister still clinging to his cold hands. They dug a grave in the prison gardens. After what had happened, the priest refused to allow him to be buried on consecrated ground. Perhaps that was for the best. The guards shed silent tears for their loss, and each felt no small amount of responsibility. It was commonly held afterwards that the children had been cursed by witches, and that Faye herself was transformed into a witch the day she entered the church.
Faye never forgave the townsfolk for the death of her brother. They did not try to baptise her again. After Elwin died the green hue of her skin began to fade and she began to grow up. The magic that kept her child-like vanished with the pigment in her skin. She grew up with few friends; even after the last of the green was long gone she was still different. The townsfolk did not forget the strange way she had come into their midst and went out of their way to avoid her. When her beloved Pops died she married a man in a neighbouring town and left never to return. As she passed through the outer gates it is said that she placed a curse upon the town. Nobody knows the truth of the matter - only that for five generations after, no first born son ever survived more than three days after his baptism.
As for where the children came from; there were many theories about that. The one that was most favoured was that they came straight from the mouth of hell, somehow escaped from the clutches of the devil. Old Mike, as the head guard was generally known after he retired, had a different theory. He saw that flowers had always bloomed a little bit brighter in Faye’s presence; bees worked a little faster, and birds sang a little sweeter. He never shared this with anyone, for everyone knows that these are the marks of the faerie folk. He grew to love his adopted daughter and was always afraid that, if they knew where she was, the faeries would claim her back.
Sarah Hindmarsh is a vet student turned teacher turned writer. She has won, and been nominated for, multiple awards and prizes for her children’s fiction, short stories and poetry, and also writes revision guides and books of writing prompts. She is currently writing her first novel for grown-ups – an LGBT+ high fantasy. In her spare time Sarah likes to compete in various equestrian sports and nap on the sofa with her dog, Kohla. Sarah is also autistic and ADHD, and writes personal essays about living and working as a neurodivergent person in a neurotypical world.
Connect with Sarah Hindmarsh at:
A high school nemesis. A misuse of powers. An Unexpected Consequence.
Sixteen-year-old Charley Cooper is furious when her cousin Danu uses her powers to get back at a high school nemesis without considering the consequences.
When someone attacks the other girl and she ends up in a coma, Danu becomes the prime suspect. As annoyed as she is at her cousin, Charley doesn't want her to go down for something she didn't do.
Even though Charley has never had magical abilities of her own, when she has what she believes is a vision about an attack on Danu, she's forced to investigate. Can she find the guilty party before her cousin pays - one way or another?
If you enjoy magic, quirky characters, and smalltown mysteries with a touch of romance, you're sure to enjoy A Witchy Mistake!
Jenna Greene is a teacher, writer, clumsy dancer, dragonboat coach and paddler, and semiprofessional napper. She loves every part of her life and starts each day with a cup of tea.
The Reborn Marks Series
Alone, back in slavery, Lexil must figure out a way to survive...
Lexil is back in Anstetor where it all began. Back to who she once was. Not only has she been separated from everyone she knows, she is imprisoned by a group of rogue Retrievers who want to brutally punish runaway Reborns.
Though obstacles are placed in her path, she continues her quest to rid the land of prejudice and slavery. Will she achieve her goal? Will she change beyond recognition by the choices she is forced to make?
Aided by unlikely sources, Lexil forges deeper into Anstetor, revisiting familiar places and haunting memories. New truths are presented to her. Relationships are challenged. Her body, mind, and emotions are pushed to the limit.
Renew: Book 1
Seven times marked. One way out...
Renew: Book 2
Haunted by memories of those left behind, Lexil and Finn are forced to venture back into the Wastelands.
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
My name is Jenna Greene and I’m an author from Alberta, Canada. I love reading, writing, and dance. I’m also a local dragonboat coach/paddler/drummer.
Are you a multi-genre author or a single-genre author? How did you decide what types of book you would write?
I write both realistic and fantasy books (tending toward the dystopian for my fantasy novels). I haven’t switched genres as much as I’ve recently moved the age group I write for from teens to children of all ages. I’ve published a few picture books in the past few years (Bachtavia Bat and the Search for a Hat and Winston, the Well-Dressed Wombat). In October of 2023, I’ll be releasing my first children’s chapter book.
If you write in multiple genres, do you have a favorite, or is one type of book easier for you to write than others, and why?
Whatever story that is begging to be told that day, week, or month is the one that is easiest to write. Also, what grades I’m teaching, or how old my daughter is, can make relating to certain age groups a tad easier.
When did you start writing? Did an event or person prompt you to take that leap?
I’ve been telling stories since I was four or five, using my She-Ra: Princess of Power toys, and having them ride My Little Ponies to save the day. Putting pen to paper came later (but not by much). I’ve always been a story teller and always wanted to describe adventures or plights. Since walking in a straight line isn’t always easy for me, I have to acknowledge that I do have talent with placing words.
One final question...Do you have a blog/website? If so, what is it?
Hawk is a wounded doctorbent on losing himselfonthe Chippewa reservation in Minnesota.
Jesse's a vegannature photographer trying to find herselfon thatsamewildland.
When Hawk shoots the deer that Jesse's photographing, passions flare. ThenJesse hears that Hawk's friend is dying and sets off alone onhorsebackto warnhim. He deserves the chance to say goodbye she never had.
But danger lurks everywhere nearthe small Midwestern town of Lure River.
Jesse'sjust discovered the twenty-year-old bones of a missing Indigenous girl inher shed and drawnthe unwanted attentionof two local men.
Can Hawk find Jesse before theyfind her?
Ruby Little Bear's tragic tale weaves through the narrative, reminding us that one moment canchange everything.
Romantic Suspense-Small Town Grit 0 0
mance e:Jesse Hawk
Overall #7
Crying, as his spells failed him.
By Joe DeRouen
A Promise Kept
One day, incantations went awry, Cast 'pon them both, revealing, Their innermost secrets to each other, He saw what he knew, and she saw love.
He paused in his angst, remembering of Sweeter times, pressed against his soul;
Gliding the winds, her wings beat fast, She came to him, as he brewed his spells, They shared joy, she taught him to fly, He taught her a little magic. They shared wonders anew, as well as Ancient riddles and wanderings, Companions in friendship, Sharing magical bonds.
In a fleeting moment, they shared the sight, What they dared not voice; spoken, What they dared not feel; embraced, In that moment, she flew away.
Why 'o why must it be this way, he raged, Anger's lightning blazing thunderstrokes;
Night and day he toiled, new enchantments, Crystal balls gazed, for a lone seagull, He sought out great wizards and magicians, And not one could help him on his quest.
Creating potions, scrying mirrors, Gazing to the stars, looking for answers, He cursed her, then himself, the world, His spells, for failing him.
Fear beneath her wings, revealed, Desire's blood, and gentle whispers, Of love, and hope, and a yearning, For what she thought could never be.
For days and nights, he did not rest, His seagull gone, perhaps lost forever, Why had his spells been so careless, Why did he scare her so?
She was afraid, not of her secrets, But of his, now that she knew them, She yearned stronger, and feared, Never knowing his kiss.
He wept, anger turning to sadness, Might-have-beens to never-coulds. He missed the beat of her wings, And the beat of her heart.
The answer came to him in a dream, A woman taken form from his seagull, Kissing sweet promises, whispering, I'll come back, as she drifted away.
The Adept folded into himself, Sleep calling to his weary mind;
In that instant, he let her go, Smiling, remembering, hoping;
Images swam 'round him, calling his name, As the mist encircled his psyche, Pulling at him with questions, And he knew why she'd left.
The next morning the sun spoke to him, Calling him to the window, promising warmth, The shutters fell open, the wind blew in, And she flew in after, a promise kept.
Joe is the author of the best-selling SMALL THINGS trilogy. He was born in Carthage, Illinois, and currently lives in Rogers, Arkansas with his wife Andee, their son Fletcher, and their cats Archer and Biscuit. Joe is a freelance writer, web designer, and substitute teacher. He collects all sorts of things, including Mego action figures, books, and Bicycle playing cards. When not teaching or writing, you can probably find Joe playing Pokemon Go on his phone.
World / Character Development: The dialogue allows the reader to understand the characters in great detail, whilst also giving a clear impression of the current events. The exquisite detail of the characters, their mentalities and preferences as well as appearance is crucial to allowing the reader to navigate the book and gain a deep knowledge of each character.
Detective Sergeant Jason Knight knew who murdered his partner and mentor. In court, he saw the three killers smile as they walked out, freed on a technicality.
Within weeks Jason would resign from the London Metropolitan Police, and what he planned wasn't in a handbook. All of the training and advice he'd received from his old boss would prove useful.
“When policeman, Jason Knight, sees his partner shot down in cold blood, revenge is uppermost in his mind. Turning vigilante, with the help of his new partner, Constance, he sets out on a cru-sade to bring the underworld gangsters to book. I have to say that the story is somewhat violent, but it’s meticulously plotted and kept me glued to the pages. I loved the settings in London and Glasgow, the characters, and the hint of a romance between two cops who were determined not to have a relationship of that kind. I was really rooting for them. A real page-turner.”
- Rebecca Bryn
Intro: Immediately the writer throws the reader straight into the action whilst simultaneously introducing the character.
Overall #8
They Hide
by Francesca Maria
Who are we if not for the monsters that we keep?
They Hide: Short Stories to Tell in the Dark collects thirteen chilling tales that weave through the shadows, exploring the nature of fear, powerlessness, and control.
- A series of murders in a New England colony
- An untamed beast in prerevolutionary France
- A mysterious stranger who invades 18th-century Ireland
- A traveling circus that takes more than the price of admission
- A gathering of the Dark, telling tales on the longest night of the year, and more.
Come play with vampires, werewolves, ghosts, zombies, ghouls and the devil himself. Make sure you check under the bed and don’t turn out the lights.
Development: Great description of a mundane day with something amiss.
Intro: A bold opening statement implying that monsters exist is extremely compelling. Moreover the reader is subject to several question that spark curiosity in even the most apathetic of individuals. Furthermore the adults account of their experience with monsters is conveyed in a rational and relatable way that speaks to our fearful inner child.
by Sarah Stuart
Can DCI Gerald Croft stop a crime wave before the media pick up the story and put him in the chief superintendent’s firing line?
An armed raid on a jewellers’ shop – deaths that might have been a suicide pact or murder – a teenage girl kidnapped. Is there more to come?
Intro: You are thrown straight into an unusual situation which shows the characters clearly through their interaction. The backstory is woven into the dialogue cleverly.
Arthur, whose life was devastated by the brutal murder of his wife, must come to terms with his diagnosis of dementia. He moves into a new home at a retirement community, and shortly after, has his life turned upside down again when his wife’s ghost visits him and sends him on a quest to find her killer so her spirit can move on. With his family and his doctor concerned that his dementia is advancing, will he be able to solve the murder before his independence is permanently restricted?
By Katie Marie
Once A Rose
Petals Shrivelled. Dried.
No longer wet silk; now roughened paper, hard veins scratching. Where gentle brush was silent
now a rasp a rattle a sigh
A forgotten scent.
A memory
of when yellow hues were butter beneath the clouds, and only the thorns scratched.
Sarah Hindmarsh is a vet student turned teacher turned writer. She has won, and been nominated for, multiple awards and prizes for her children’s fiction, short stories and poetry, and also writes revision guides and books of writing prompts. She is currently writing her first novel for grown-ups – an LGBT+ high fantasy. In her spare time Sarah likes to compete in various equestrian sports and nap on the sofa with her dog, Kohla. Sarah is also autistic and ADHD, and writes personal essays about living and working as a neurodivergent person in a neurotypical world.
Connect with Sarah Hindmarsh at:
JP (Jo-Anne) McLean is a bestselling author of urban fantasy and supernatural thrillers. She is an Eric Hoffer and Global Book Award winner and was a finalist in the Wishing Shelf Book Awards, the Chanticleer International Book Awards, and the Independent Author Network Awards. Reviewers call her books addictive, smart and fun
Supernatural thriller and Award-Winning novelist, JP McLean now releases her Gift Legacy Series in Stunning new Box Sets!!
Seamlessly blending paranormal mystery, fantasy, and romance, this beautifully written and deeply resonant adventure will swoop you into a vivid, new reality and leave your imagination soaring.
This boxed-set collection includes the final three books in The Gift Legacy series, plus Lover Betrayed.
JP holds a Bachelor of Commerce Degree from the University of British Columbia’s Sauder School of Business, is a certified scuba diver, an avid gardener, and a voracious reader. She had a successful career in Human Resources before turning her attention to writing.
Raised in Toronto, Ontario, JP has lived in various parts of North America, from Mexico and Arizona to Alberta and Ontario. JP now lives with her husband on Denman Island, which is nestled between the coast of British Columbia and Vancouver Island. You can reach her through her website at
There is a world that exists within our own. A world brimming with extraordinary wonder and ruthless brutality. And now that Emelynn Taylor has chosen a man’s life over keeping the secret of the gift, she finds herself in a deadly game of cat and mouse. But it’s not a game, and soon she’ll learn the true definition of brutal.
Lethal Waters Deadly Deception Wings of Prey
Will keep you on the edge of your seat . . . an intense, riveting, and fast-paced novel. Literary Titan
This boxed-set collection includes the first three books in The Gift Legacy series.
There is a world that exists within our own. A world brimming with extraordinary wonder and ruthless brutality. A world Emelynn Taylor doesn’t yet know she’s part of. The Gift she naively accepted years ago branded her as one of them. And now, if the Gift doesn’t kill her, one of her own kind might.
Secret Sky Hidden Enemy Burning Lies
Is it science...or strange and ghostly?
Asim's new town is freaking him out! There are weird noises at night, eerie lights, and now an evil tree that is growing way faster than it should. he's sure there's something supernatural going on. His friend Rokshar believes that everything can be explained by science. But even she's worried when the tree takes control of their teacher! It's starting to look like an evil spirit straight out of Guyanese folklore is to blame. Can Asim and his friends save their teacher-and the town from the ghost tree?
Find out...if you dare! It's a new spooky series based on ghost stories from Guyana.
The Ghost Tree
Natasha Deen
Intro / Content: Love the spooky intro that quickly sets the scene. Strong hook and great illustrations
Character/World Development: Great illustrations and descriptive characters
Overall #9
The Christmas Bird
By Robbie Cheadle
“simply wonderful! It is a heartwarming tale, and one that is appropriate for telling both at Christmas and other times of the year. The themes are deeply important, and the story is woven with care and talent. “
- Amazon Customer
The Deanne family is having a difficult time financially. Mr. Deanne's business has failed and there is no money for Christmas presents and other luxuries. The family's undernourished dogs discover a bird's nest on Christmas Day and attack and kill the chicks. All except one tiny ball of fluff with luminous bright eyes like drops of oil. The baby bird is in shock, but the four Deanne girls try to save it. Will the Christmas Bird survive?
By Natasha Deen
by Sasscer Hill
PlamondonThomas Think Yourself
Healthy & Think Yourself
by Tom Benson
by Theresa Jacobs by Robert P. French
Make Money Your Thing is an approachable guide to take women on a journey from avoidance and overwhelm to feeling comfortable and in control of their finances. This book provides simple action steps to learn the basics of money management, understand the importance of balancing the books, and embrace the uniqueness of your own personal situation. The end result is women feeling good about where their finances are right now, and building a solid foundation for where you want to go in the future. When money is your “thing” you can feel completely at ease about making it work for you–and feel confident that your financial goals and dreams are all very possible.
Kalee Boisvert has been in the financial industry for over 15 years, but her love of money started very young. Growing up in a single parent household, she watched her mom struggle with finances and wished there was something she could do to help. Around this time, she realized she needed to find her own way to save and earn if she wasn’t going to allow her circumstances to define her. And so, her own journey to financial literacy began.
Today, as a single mom and financially independent woman, Kalee is called to support women in their financial lives. She felt the pull toward a career that would allow her to pursue this deeply personal goal to advocate for women and their money, which led her on the path to becoming a financial advisor. Being an advisor allows her to work directly with women to empower and support them and help put an end to any moneyrelated stress and doubts.
To further her efforts supporting financial literacy, Kalee has two books being released in 2023 – a children’s picture book called MoneyWise Mabel’s Bursting Bank, and a non-fiction book called Make Money Your Thing! Which aims to build confidence and empower people in their financial lives.
by MelanIe P.SMIth
luna rey hall is a queer trans non-binary writer. they are the author of space neon neon space (Variant Lit, 2022), no matter the diagnosis (Game Over Books, 2023), the patient routine (Brigids Gate Press, 2023), and loudest when startled (YesYes Books, 2020), longlisted for the 2020 Julie Suk Award. they are the winner of the 2013 Patsy Lea Core in Memorial Award for Poetry. their poems have appeared in The Florida Review, The Rumpus, & Raleigh Review, among others. find more at
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
i am luna rey hall. a poet and author of three books including the patient routine.
Are you a multi-genre author or a single-genre author? How did you decide what types of book you would write?
i guess multi-genre? maybe single-genre? what actually defines that! i write a mix of poetry and horror/horror adjacent. i don’t really pay attention to genres when i’m writing but generally how i decide is based on what my current obsession at the time is.
When did you start writing? Did an event or person prompt you to take that leap? started writing in 2011-ish when i took my first English class in college and i look at reading Black Aperture by Matt Rasmussen as the reason that i actually continued writing after that class.
How / where do you find the plots you write about?
i get really easily obsessed with subjects and those tend to lead to the books that i end up writing, for example, in the patient routine i was obsessed with the real horrors of health anxiety that i was struggling with and how i could convey that to an audience.
Tell us your latest news
my debut horror novella came out in June entitled the patient routine— super proud of it. it’s very weird and out there and perfectly displays my writing style.
How much of the book is realistic?
there’s some very real fears within there, real genuine thoughts that i’ve had, and then there’s lots of exaggerated scenes as well.
What books have influenced your life the most?
candidly, one series of books: One Piece.
Do you have a mentor that helped or encouraged you to follow your dream of writing?
both Matt Mauch and Ellen Bass were extremely instrumental in my writing upbringing.
Published as submitted. Interview reflects the writing style of the author, not the interviewer or the magazine
Mark Twain said “Write what you know.” Tell us about your writing process. Are you a plotter or a pantser? Do you plot, plan, and conduct hours of research; or, do you just sit down and write whatever comes to mind based on your personal history and knowledge?
a little of both? when i start to dabble with an idea, i ’ll write down line after line in my notes app and eventually i’ll start to draft out an outline of the plot, at least for my fiction books. for poetry, it’s a little different where i’ll mull over an image over and over until i have the seed for a poem and then write an entire poem in one sitting, let it sit for awhile then revise/edit.
If money was no issue would you prefer a cozy beach bungalow or a rustic cabin overlooking a mountain lake? give me that cabin and mountain lake any day of the week.
Other than writing do you have any hobbies?
my life is pretty much work, writing, and my dogs. i have a few other hobbies though: art (been into collage lately), listening to music, watching movies, graphic design, dance, etc.
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
in the patient routine, i think the main thing that i want people to grasp is how difficult, overwhelming, and hard it is to live with health anxiety on a daily basis and there’s something to be said for self-acceptance too and trusting your body, but that all kind of going hand-in-hand.
What are your current projects?
i am working on three books currently: my next full-length poetry collection, working on my first novel that is about national parks, missing kids, and cryptids, and then another novella about analog horror that i’m pitching to publishing currently (hopefully will hear good news soon).
Pick one of your characters and share some of their backstory that didn ’t make it into the novel.
not sure if this really fits but just know that every single main character i have and ever will write are very queer and very trans in some way.
One final question...Do you have a blog/website? If so, what is it? Do you have a social media platform where your fans can go to interact with you and follow your progress?
i sure do: and @lunareyhall on all social media platforms— i’m pretty talkative and responsive so feel free to reach out.
Nathalie Plamondon-Thomas
Statistics show that 85% of people suffer from a lack of selfconfidence in at least one area of their lives. Draining negative selftalk creates procrastination, stress, anxiety, and burnout. People know what they want or need to do, and yet they do the reverse they resist change and can’t adapt to the fast world we live in. That makes them feel powerless, frustrated, and insecure. In a work environment
THINK YOURSELF Confident Non-Fiction
this can lead to a demotivated and unhappy team, low overall performance and a high employee turnover rate. With the layers of stress people are already buried under, important decisions are clouded by emotions or limiting beliefs, instead of being based on skills and experience. Bottom line: whether on a personal or professional level, most people admit to not working or living at their full potential.
Intro: Engaging writing style
Overall #10
Intro: Poems are short, you'll want to read more than once and think about their meaning.
by mehran hashemi
light needs darkness to shine is a poetry collection, or better said, it's the seasons, motions, and emotions of living. it's a journey of love, passion, depression, and healing.
the author lives in iran and hasn’t been able to visit any other country despite how much he would love to travel around the world, but poetry made his wish come true!
with words, he was able to visit his inner world and, in the darkness, find the light. it made him realize how bright his inner light shines.
and now, at this very moment, when you are holding his book in your hands, he hopes to lighten your heart, he hopes you believe that your inner light shines brightly too!
Published as listed. Description reflects the writing style of the author, not the magazine 113
Nathalie Plamondon-Thomas
Cover: Conveys the genre and subject matter well.
Development: The topic is clear and concise from the very beginning. The author presents their methods in a way that makes the reader believe anyone can do it.
You just ate a cookie. Oops. You might as well eat the whole box now, right? Your day is ruined anyways. Sometimes our brains make up stories for us and we end up doing things that we don’t want to do. Just like you can take a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink, all the tips in the world will be useless, unless you decide to do something with them. Your brain needs to be on board.
How do you trick yourself into showing up to a workout? What should you order in a restaurant? Should you eat before a workout? How do you prepare to eat optimally all week? These and many more common questions are answered in these simple tips from my own life. The 27 tips in this book will specifically help you program the six different layers of your brain. Instead of creating self-limiting stories, you will feel driven to do what you know you should be doing, instead of giving in to selfsabotage. You will be guided through setting up your mindset in a way that will get you transformational results for a vibrant life.
By Randi-Lee Bowslaugh
“This was a heartbreaking and honest book on grief, loss, and the painful path of addiction. The author remarkably conveys the emotional rollercoaster that comes with losing someone so close to addiction while also threading through the painful realities of maintaining healthy boundaries and yet desperately clinging to the hope of reuniting with the person that has lost themselves to this mental illness.”
- Amazon Customer
Addiction is a rampant mental illness that takes hold of individuals of any age. Brandon was only a teenager when drugs took over his life. The battle raged for decades before he lost.
Randi-Lee shares the truth behind the eulogy. Having a brother with addiction created a fissure and forced the need for boundaries. Stepping away and loving him from a distance was her only way to keep herself safe.
This book goes beyond losing a brother. It delves into risk factors, constructive coping strategies, and a family’s grieving process. Reminding those left behind to forgive ourselves and the person we lost.
Everyday laughter and communications with loved ones can change between heartbeats. Joy becomes hollow. Loss takes its toll. The last two years have increased the number of people coping with loss. For an author used to taking words and making them her own, Holly found one way; she wrote her beloved husband letters. A burden bared is a burden shared.
Informative: The letters to her husband are heartfelt, about her emotions and just telling him about things that are going on.
Letters to Chris
“Holly has beautifully, honestly, and openly communicated the same feelings of grief and loss that many of us have felt, but haven't been able to put into words. I can only hope that writing and sharing this work with us was as therapeutic as reading the words were.”
-Amazon Customer
Content / Message: The author is able to portray themselves as an expert on the subject without overwhelming the reader with a lot of technical terms and jargon.
by Janet C. Lindeman PhD and C. MacFarlane
Intro: Intriguing topic about dreams, not only how they reflect and resolve life issues, but how they can be influenced.
Dream Journaling For Self-Therapy
Wonder what that odd dream meant? Is there a reason behing the dream? Does your subconscious have a message for you? There is a genuine possibility that dream means more than you realize. The author of this book has years of interpreting her own dreams under her belt and using them to inform and heal her life. You CAN change your life.
A childrens book of discovery and friendship by bestselling author and podcaster
Lucia Matuonto
Lucia Matuonto is a bestselling author, host at The Relatable Voice Podcast and Uncut with Lucia by and children’s physiotherapist. Lucia’s writing journey started about 20 years ago when she wrote articles for magazines and had a successful blog. She was born in Brazil, studied and lived in 6 countries. Lucia Matuonto used to teach and treat children with motor and cognitive disabilities. The children she met inspired her to create an imaginary world, full of animals and fantasy. By observing the beach fauna in Florida, Lucia developed her characters, who are now present in many children’s lives
Welcome to Grey City! This is a city surrounded by walls with no trees, but full of factories, smog and dirt.
Brother and sister Noah and Mila have lived here their whole life.
On their daily walk, their dog Buster digs a hole under the city’s walls and escapes to the other side. Noah and Mila follow him and see a whole new world outside the little box they’ve grown up in. They discover the beautiful Green Town.
There they encounter new faces like Ali and Carol who show them what it’s like to breathe clean air, ride a bicycle and see trees everywhere you go.
Why have Noah and Mila never heard of Green Town before?
New World
Murder At the Willcotts Hotel
A Janet Simpson Horse Racing Novella
Clever senior, Janet suddenly becomes a very rich widow. But her newfound riches and freedom sometimes bring the kind of trouble from which only her wits can save her.
Wintering at an elegant southern hotel, with her new racehorse at a nearby training track, she meets an attractive man. A budding romance begins. But, when he’s a no-show for dinner, her search finds him dead from a brutal attack. Now, she’s a prime suspect for his murder.
Her fear doubles when she realizes the niece who has come to stay with her has been followed by a stalker. Can she finger the real killer before death strikes again?
Author Sasscer Hill was involved in horse racing as an amateur jockey and racehorse breeder for most of her life. Her mystery-thrillers portray the world of horse racing, and the skullduggery that big money and gambling so often attract. Her novels have won the Dr. Tony Ryan Best in Racing Literature Award (Flamingo Road) and the Carrie McCray Award (The Dark Side of Town). Her Nikki Latrelle mysteries have also received multiple award nominations for Agatha, Macavity, Claymore, and an additional Dr. Tony Ryan Award.
Travels of Quinn, published in 2020, stepped away from horse racing. Instead, the mystery-thriller revolves around the gypsy con artists known as Irish American Travelers. This novel was a finalist for a Silver Falchion Award for Best Mystery of 2020.
Sasscer lives in Aiken, South Carolina horse country, with her husband, a dog, and a cat. Find everything Sasscer! Click here:
As old secrets are revealed, Quinn and Riley find themselves targeted by members of a secret society that has long maintained violent control over Hollywood’s powerful elite. A society that, until now, has remained hidden in the shadows. A society that will stop at nothing to keep their secrets buried.
Exposed Circle of the Red Lily Book 1
This goes beyond what I've read in the past and is a fabulous romantic suspense story...with the emphasis on suspense.
Intro: Wow! A chilling start, followed by an intriguing story. Gripped from the start.
Mystery & Suspens
Enough is Enough - JJ rumbled when the Paparazzi invaded dinner
When JJ and Jo recognize privacy doesn’t exist for them, they head back to Magnolia Bluff to check on their friends and recapture the small-town anonymity.
They reject the status of urban legends in favor of acceptance and a quiet, peaceful life. A supermodel needs time and space to recharge herself between jobs, and he needs time to adore his wife.
Does Magnolia Bluff hold the answers to their prayers, or will a dark past overtake them?
Past, present, and future collide in a perfect storm no one expected. JJ and Jo need to take action. Chief Tommy Jager states he likes them, but he can’t wait for them to get back to their day jobs.
Who will live or die to prevent the truth from being exposed? The answers may be in the graveyard with the fresh flowers
Their friends are targets – Their dreams are broken – They must fight
The Killer Enigma
Selected by dedicated Readers voting for their favorite Finalists
The top 10 Popular Winners for 2022...
1) Time to Shine by Sylva Fae
2) Inheriting Murder by Jamie Rutland Gillespie
3) Falling for Murder by Jamie Rutland Gillespie
4) Light Needs Darkness by Mehran Hashemi
5) Good-Bye Too Soon by Randi-Lee Bowslough
6) The Fungus Among Us by Jessica Dawn Birks
7) Allaigna’s Song Overture by JM Landels
8) The High Priestess by Val Tobin
9) The Extra by Mel Anastasiou
10) Delilah by Kaye Lynne Booth
As part of this competition we have a public voting section. Readers are given an opportunity to vote for their favorite book among the finalists.
by Sylva Fae
by Jamie Rutland Gillespie
by Jamie Rutland Gillespie
This year the winners were from two different categories — Our Gold winner was from the Children’s Picture Book Category, and both Silver and Bronze were from our Cozy Mystery Genre. Congratulations to the winners.
1 2 3 125
Ontario authors Spencer Sekulin and J.R. Johnson are winners in the L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future Contest earning them both a trip to Hollywood, a week-long master-class workshop, and their winning stories published in the international bestselling anthology,
The Contest, one of the most prestigious writing and illustrating competitions in the world, is currently in its 40th year and is judged by some of the premier names in speculative fiction.
The Writers of the Future Contest judges include, Tim Powers (author of On Stranger Tides), Kevin J. Anderson and Brian Herbert (Dune prequel series), Robert J. Sawyer (Quantum Night), Brandon Sanderson (Mistborn series, The Stormlight Archive), Larry Niven (Ringworld), Orson Scott Card (Ender’s Game), Nnedi Okorafor (Who Fears Death), and Katherine Kurtz (Deryni series) to name a few.
The Illustrators of the Future Contest judges include, Bob Eggleton (11 Chesley Awards and 7 Hugo Awards), Larry Elmore (Dungeons & Dragons book covers), Echo Chernik (graphic designs for major corporations including Celestial Seasonings tea packaging), Rob Prior (art for Spawn, Heavy Metal comics and Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Ciruelo (Eragon Coloring Book).
Following the 1982 release of his internationally acclaimed bestselling science fiction novel, Battlefield Earth, written in celebration of 50 years as a professional writer, L. Ron Hubbard created the Writers of the Future ( in 1983 to provide a means for aspiring writers of speculative fiction to get that much-needed break. Due to the success of the Writers of the Future Contest, the companion Illustrators of the Future Contest was inaugurated five years later.
The 547 past winners and published finalists of the Writing Contest have published over 2,000 novels and nearly 6,300 short stories. They have produced 36 New York Times bestsellers, and their works have sold over 60 million copies.
L.Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume
The intensive mentoring process has proven very successful. The 382 past winners of the Illustrating Contest have produced over 6,000 illustrations, 360 comic books, graced 624 books and albums with their art and visually contributed to 68 TV shows, and 40 major movies.
The Writers and Illustrators of the Future Award is the genre’s most prestigious award of its kind and has now become the largest, most successful and demonstrably most influential vehicle for budding creative talent in the world of contemporary fiction.
Since inception, the Writers and Illustrators of the Future contests have produced 39 anthology volumes and awarded over $1,000,000 cumulatively in prize moneys and royalties.
For more information about the Contests, go to
About The Winners!
When Spencer Sekulin isn’t on the road as a paramedic or studying medicine, he is most likely writing. Born and raised in Ontario, Canada, Spencer fell in love with books at a young age, with authors like Terry Brooks and Eoin Colfer giving him an appetite for speculative fiction. Though he didn’t begin writing until university, he quickly discovered that it was just as fun as reading and the rest is history. His passions include emergency medicine, homemade coffee, travel obscura, and of course, writing.
J.R. Johnson finds speculative fiction appealing because she likes the idea that there is more to the world than meets the eye, and that the human race has a future. She grew up in the folded Appalachian hills, where she learned to love Fall, blueberries straight from the bush, and the stream beneath the willows near her house. The fact that Fall is inevitably followed by Winter, that picking berries means crossing paths with bears, and that the stream was laced with dioxins may also have had some impact on her outlook. She now lives and writes in Ottawa, Ontario.
Hungers As Old as This Land
Zachary Rosenberg
The settlement of Grey's Bluffs is a prosperous town. An independent community dwelling in the shadows of the mountains known only as The Hungers.
Esther Foxman and Siobhan O'Clery have grown up in Grey's Bluffs, thriving out on the western
territories in the aftermath of the Civil War. Devoted to one another and their home, the two set out to complete a regular pact at the Hungers to ensure that Grey's Bluffs continues to prosper.
Cyril Redstone is a man who knows death well. Becoming a mercenary after the Civil War, Cyril leads the marauding Blackhawks from one slaughter to the next.
Hired to destroy Grey's Bluffs, Cyril cares little for morality, nor that he owes its founder his life.
Esther and Siobhan are left to defend the only home they have ever known from the Blackhawks, their confrontation driving them deep into the mountains.
Where the darkest secrets of the Hungers await them. B0BWMG437D
Zachary Rosenberg is a horror writer living in Florida. He crafts horrifying tales by night and by day he practices law, which is even more frightening. His forthcoming debut novella "Hungers as Old As This Land." will be published by Brigids Gate Press and his first novel "The Devils and the Deep Blue Sea" shall be published by Darklit Press. You may find his works released or forthcoming at Air and Nothingness Press, Dead Sea Press and Nosetouch Press. You may follow him on Twitter at @ZachRoseWriter
By Sarah Hindmarsh
I dream all sleeps. Is always same. Horse on wall in cave. Echo sound like horse run in cave. Not know meaning.
Mother say painting cave close.
“Go look,” she say. “Find dream.”
How find dream? Not real. Not find something not real.
Mother cross.
“Boy stupid,” she say. “Find painting in cave, see dream meaning.”
I go cave two sun. Dark in cave. Not have fire stick for make light first sun. Some painting on wall near sky. Not see more. Painting near sky not horse. Not dream. Dog run in cave. Bark. Not sound like horse run.
Next sun have fire stick. Cave too big. Look long time, not find horse. Mother say need hunt. Sister hungry. Look more next moon. Take fire stick!
I good hunt. Make many kill. Mother happy. Sister not hungry. Dog get fat!
Next moon come. This time look three sun. Find wall. Horse not on wall. Stamp foot. Echo right. Why not painting? Mother think wrong wall. I know right wall. Ask holy man.
“Dream of painting?” he say.
“Yes all darks.”
He not say more long time. Tell me come back next sun. Mother slap for bother holy man. Next sun she come too.
“Dream mean boy make painting,” holy man say. “Tribe have painter again. Boy know painting good?”
Nod yes.
“Go. Paint!”
Know painting, not know make paint. Ask mother. Slap. Mother not know either. Ask all tribe. Many slap. Not want ask more. Last painter not get slap.
Dream change. Show flower, show boy make paste from flower. This how make paint? I try. First bad. Take two moon make good. Then dream painting again. Paint time!
Hunt much while make plenty paint. Many food in hut. Then paint. Take many fire stick, Take meat. Mother give berry. Not like berry. Mother know this. Take anyway so not slap. Dog try come. Send back two times. Dog stubborn. All female stubborn. Dog come.
Not know suns in cave. Maybe three, maybe four. Dog get bored. Walk off. Get lost in cave. Cross. Waste paint time find dog. Waste meat feed dog. Dog know cross. Go home. Paint better then. Make good horse. Make mistake on leg. Take full sun fix. Finish next sun. Stamp foot. Sound like horse run in cave. Boy proud.
Nobody see painting long time. Far in cave. Hard find. I know painting good. Holy man say Gods happy. Dream stop. Echo horse in cave now. I painter.
Next dark new dream.
Sarah Hindmarsh is a vet student turned teacher turned writer. She has won, and been nominated for, multiple awards and prizes for her children’s fiction, short stories and poetry, and also writes revision guides and books of writing prompts. She is currently writing her first novel for grown-ups – an LGBT+ high fantasy. In her spare time Sarah likes to compete in various equestrian sports and nap on the sofa with her dog, Kohla. Sarah is also autistic and ADHD, and writes personal essays about living and working as a neurodivergent person in a
Connect with Sarah Hindmarsh at:
© MPSmith Publishing
– Helen Keller
Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”
The web is a wonderful tool. There’s instant access to a wealth of knowledge on any topic - including Self-Publishing. Here are a few examples to help authors along the way.
Over 125 Supernatural Collective Nouns
A table of collective nouns for supernatural and mythical sorts of creatures, though some are real now nouns, in text and alphabetical order for all the creatures.
How to Market an Audiobook: 19 Tips for Strong Sales in AudioSocial
In recent years, there’s been an audiobook boom on the market, and the need to publish audiobooks has increased for traditional and indie authors alike. When deciding to sell an audiobook, don’t rush into it. You want to ensure you have all your ducks in a row, and that the market is ready for you before you begin.
How to Create Insanely Complex Characters Using “Shadow Theory”
Complex characters are the beating heart of good fiction. The simplest and most effective ways to engineer this complexity is to create contrast.
Why You Should Start Promoting Your Writing Before You’re “Ready”
You may be just starting to publish. Or maybe you’re even earlier in the process, and only beginning to think about dipping your toe in that icy pond. I hope you won’t let selfconsciousness prevent you from putting some basics in place. What if your early efforts catch fire, and you don’t have a system for capturing that momentum?
Are you a multi-genre author or a single-genre author? How did you decide what types of book you would write?
The books that I have published so far have been all related to mentoring. Because of my passion for helping others, books about mentoring and how it can be a part of the support structure for mental health is something that I am passionate about.
Mark Twain said “Write what you know.” Tell us about your writing process. Are you a plotter or a pantser? Do you plot, plan, and conduct hours of research; or, do you just sit down and write whatever comes to mind based on your personal history and knowledge?
When did you start writing? Did an event or person prompt you to take that leap?
I have been someone that journals all the time, but writing seriously as an author that would have been in 2014 when a colleague of mine suggested that I write a book about mentoring.
How / where do you find the plots you write about?
The stories that I share are my lived experiences. I find that by sharing those stories it is also therapeutic for me in dealing with my grief. Every day is a lived experience for me so I am never at a loss for a story.
I try to schedule 1 hour a day, usually in the morning to do my writing. My creativity dwindles by mid afternoon. I went away to a mountain resort area to begin the book that I am currently working on. The location was hand picked as it was the first place that Debra and I were stationed when we were a married couple. It was motivating and therapeutic for me and helped kick -start my next book.
What I have also found is that it works well for me to record my thoughts and then have them transcribed into text. The spoken word sometimes says more than the written word.
I have finished reading "You Are Not Alone." Wow. Thank you for sharing with me. It ran the gamut from shared wisdom to thought-provoking. It is something I will read again. I found it helpful personally and as a tool for my 'professional' Thumbs Up work. It helped me better understand (well-rounded) the work / model you have developed and I am more convinced than ever of the need to have mentoring an important and necessary component of mental health and addiction.
I found at times I had to 'put it down' as it resonated so deeply and I needed time to process what I was reading. We have to get this mainstream!!
Kim Titus, Director Advocating Positive Change for Mental Health ThumbsUp Foundation
Tell us your latest news
We have selected the publication date of my next book and I am excited to have date to work towards. I am also blessed to have a team that is focused on sharing my story with the world and who are very supportive of me. This is important to me.
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
That mentoring can be a part of your support structure for mental health. Understand your definition of pandemic as most of us don’t. Cancer is a pandemic, mental health is a pandemic and yet we choose to not speak out about that.
How much of the book is realistic?
Because the book is based on my lived experiences and that of a few select contributors it is all realistic.
What books have influenced your life the most?
I am a huge fan of Ken Blanchard because all his books tell a story. Through his stories and through mine we can make the world a better place to be.
Do you have a mentor that helped or encouraged you to follow your dream of writing?
I have a colleague that I went through RCMP Basic Training with and who inspired and recommended that I write a book. My wife Debra was also a mentor for me and inspired me to write and continue to write to this day as a way for me to honor her.
You Are Not Alone” came from suggestions/ recommendations that I write a book that speaks to how mentoring can bring value to the support structure for mental health. After a rather extensive review of the literature that is out there, I found that there was literature that looked at mentoring and mental health from an academic perspective but not from a practice perspective. That needed to change.
Writing this book provided me with the opportunity to confront some of my demons and to also better understand why I had behaved the way that I did. I realized that I had Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and that I had not treated it properly. I had relied on my spouse and two children to provide the support that I needed and yet they had their own trauma in dealing with my behaviour.
“ I am grateful to have come across this distinguished guide. From start to finish, the author’s words and advice shines brilliantly in helping individuals to find help needed.”
This book will give you a glimpse into my own story which will help you understand the value that mentoring could have brought me.
“You Are Not Alone” provides you with some insight into the world of mentoring and mental health. I hope that you come to the same conclusion that I did. There is truly a place for mentoring as part of the support structure for mental health. The benefits are many and include; reduced sick time in the organization, engaged employees, less turn over, less stress and anxiety, to name but a few.
I have learned so much in writing this book for you. I sincerely hope that you get the same value that I did and that together we can become part of the support structure and walk beside people that are beginning their healing journey.
- Amazon Customer
What are your current projects?
Writing “The Silent Pandemic”.
Do you have any advice for other writers?
Stay focused and give yourself time to be creative.
Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
I look forward to sharing my next book with you.
Other than writing do you have any hobbies?
Mentoring – I love to work with people in a mentoring capacity so it is not work to me.
Can you share something personal with your readers? Do you have any holiday traditions?
Is there one person past or present you would like to meet and why?
I would like to meet Michele Obama.
What do you want written on your headstone and why?
“You Are Not Alone.” It is a time when we get to reconnect with those that went before us.
One of the things that I had to deal with while in the RCMP was using alcohol as a way to mask what I had or were experiencing. We always celebrate Christmas Eve by eating appetizers, refreshment and playing games. That was a tradition that Debra had started many years ago.
What kind of music do you enjoy? What kind of movies do you prefer? Do you have a favorite author?
Country music. I love Top Gun. Ken Blanchard
I really enjoyed this book, as a first responder who had been diagnosed with Severe PTSD and returned to work, I experienced the Gaps in the system Doug describes. I truly believe Doug presents a great solution in the form of mentoring, as discussed in this book. Doug covers PTSD, OSI from both a personal and professional perspective. The personal anecdotes in this book are important for those suffering with PTSD as it reminds us, we are not alone in our struggle. This book is equally important for those hoping to work with people working through PTSD as it provides insight into what goes on.
Quick read but loaded with information
Jason Rorick
If money was no issue would you prefer a cozy beach bungalow or a rustic cabin overlooking a mountain lake?
I would take the cozy beach bungalow.
I am honored and humbled to be able to share some of my experiences as an effective mentor with you. Effective mentoring is a life long journey of learning and developing personally and professionally. I hope that you will grow as much as I have with the guidance provided through the "Gift of Mentoring".
One final question...Do you have a blog/website? If so, what is it? Do you have a social media platform where your fans can go to interact with you and follow your progress?
My fans can reach me on LinkedIn:
My website and blog is located at
“A nice blend between how mentoring helps organizations and their employees. The book is filled with lots of examples, case studies and techniques that can be applied to make mentoring relationships even more meaningful. “
- Amazon Customer