Embracing Generosity - Giving at Myers Park

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through intentional giving For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.” Ephesians 2:8 Friends, Poor 2020. This year has been dissed, like 1929 or 1941 or 1861. And yet, it’s a year, the gift of time, God working in mysterious but certain ways. It’s no mystery to me, though, why our church has remained so strong during this challenging season: it’s you, your commitment, your generosity. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your gifts during poor 2020. Now is the time we make our estimates of giving for 2021. We obviously have a lot of creativity (and uncertainty) in our projected budget. Our technical and broadcasting needs are obvious, as are peculiar expenses to make distanced gatherings happen. Our mission outreach will be more important than ever: as a recovery unfolds, it’s the marginalized, especially children, who face the most daunting challenges. Give this a good bit of thought and prayer. K now we need to hear from you for planning – and you need to be deliberate in your relationship with God too! Fill out and return your estimate of giving card with the materials enclosed or online at www.myersparkumc.org/give. Your Pastor,


1501 queens road | charlot te, nc 28207 | 704.376.8584 www.myer sparkumc.org/give

through intentional giving For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.” Ephesians 2:8


of your generosity this year!

sunday worship

continues to reach thousands in Charlotte and beyond through our virtual platform.

INVESTMENT IN MEDIA EQUIPMENT, including video cameras and virtual platforms, have helped keep us connected.


reached more than 400 children during “Staycation” Bible School, visited more than 300 children in their Ice Cream Truck, and presented engraved Bibles to 85 third graders.


we can support these emerging initiatives!

Enhancement of media Equipment and virtual platforms to communicate with our church family.

funding for personal protective equipment such as air purifiers, more hand-sanitizing stations and cleaning equipment for when it is safe for us to gather again.

increased support

for Marie G. Davis students as they navigate the widening gap of educational disparity.


our church family has delivered more than 6,000 meals, filled 100 backpacks with school supplies for Marie G. Davis, and provided 150 homeless care kits and 2,000 face masks to vulnerable neighbors in our community.

continued funding

for COVID–19 response in support of local and global ministry partners.


celebrated 98 graduating seniors and 82 confirmands and welcomed 90 sixth graders to the ministry.

creation of virtual mission NEW VIRTUAL MINISTRy

trip experiences to maintain presence with our global ministry partners.

opportunities include Midday Music, Bible studies, Pandemic Resiliency and Yoga.



(formerly Jubilee Plus!) raised more than $500,000 to benefit local and global ministry partners.


outdoor furniture including tents and benches.

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