THIS WEEK M AY 1 0 | 2020
NO LESS MINE by Leigh B. Williams 1501 Queens Road Charlotte, NC 28207
LIVESTREAM WORSHIP TIMES 8:45 a.m. | 9:45 a.m. | 11:00 a.m.
WE LCO M E To O u r C h u rc h !
We are the body of Christ, growing in faith and serving others.
Our Deepest Sympathy A. Fr anklin McGuire, father of Laurie Richardson, and grandfather of Sam and Susannah Richardson, died on April 30.
We Celebrate Our 2019–2020 Confirmands BY SAR AH SI M MONS Middle School Youth Associate
In Celebration
ast Sunday evening, we reflected on our baptism, and we wrapped up Confirmation with the traditional stole making. We are so proud of this 2019-2020 Confirmation class… their adaptability, commitment and faithfulness to show up this year and especially this season of staying at home has been inspiring!
Lucy Alice Baker, daughter of Kate & David Baker, sister of Daniel Baker, niece of Ellen and Anna Weddington, and granddaughter of Betsy Baker and Laurie & Keith Weddington, was born on March 24. Grace Jones, daughter of Lindsay & Kendall Jones, was born on February 29.
We can’t wait to officially confirm them in the church later this year and to continue to walk alongside them as they navigate their faith journey. May we continue to uphold our vows to them and to God!
Thank you to our amazing 16 adult mentors, Jason, Ellen and the clergy who taught lessons, brainstormed with me and helped make this happen. It continues to be a pleasure to do ministry and to serve our congregation together at Myers Park UMC!
I miss you all and cannot wait till the day we can be together in person!
There are multiple ways to remain together even if we’re not in the same room with one another! With multiple avenues of accessing our worship services, we can join together each Sunday online at 8:45, 9:45, and 11:00 a.m. Access our livestream at the link below or on Facebook. We look forward to continuing to worship with you on Sunday! Watch live at:
Wednesday’s live Bible study will be at 11:00 a.m. and led by one of our pastors. They will share with us insights that they've learned from the Bible. The Study will gather virtually at mpumc. Also, if you'd like to receive Dr. Howell's weekly emails, you can sign up here.
We may be finding ourselves more sedentary as a natural side effect in this season and not one that should be matched with guilt or fear of physical decline. One of the ways you can join others in finding healthy movement opportunities is through our weekly Zoom Yoga classes taught by Meredith Starling. Classes are offered Mondays and Thursdays at noon and Thursday evenings at 8:00 p.m. These classes are for all skill levels. If you are interested in joining please email Meredith. If you have any questions about the ministry, please email Rev. Taylor Pryde Barefoot.
As we journey together after Easter Sunday, in this COVID-19 season, we recognize the continuous need for support and community. We invite you to join one of our virtual small groups led by the pastors of Myers Park UMC. You need not be a member of our church or a member of the United Methodist Church to join. We welcome all of God’s people who desire prayer, care, and family. We need each other and we are better together. Contact Christine mull at cmull@ with any questions. Click here to join the small group and access instructions for using Zoom. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Throughout my time in Confirmation, I’ve been able to connect with God on a more spiritual level and have made bonds and friendships that will last forever. I would always get so excited to get into the car to go to Confirmation, because it opened my eyes to a whole new way of looking at God. I used to see God as someone who I would go to just to solve my problems, but now I see God my healer and guide, which has made me look at the situations I face differently.” Kate Daniels Confirmand
For me, confirmation has been a wild but fun ride. From meeting new friends to crazy adventures on the fall retreat, this experience has been a time for myself to really connect with God and to begin my faith journey. I have learned so much about God’s work through our weekly fellowships together, small group lessons, and mentor speeches. Over this past year, I have felt my relationship with God strengthen. I am thankful to have gone through this special journey and to have come out of it a better version of myself. I have leaped out of my comfort zone and have learned that God is always beside me. 'Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for he Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.' Joshua 1:9" Finley Holzman Confirmation Reflection
Better Together B Y R E V. N AT H A N A R L E D G E Pastor of Missions and Community Engagement
• Sunday worship continues to reach people all over Charlotte and beyond; attendance includes people from accross the globe
n you, O Lord, I seek refuge; do not let me ever be put to shame; in your righteousness deliver me. Incline your ear to me; rescue me speedily. Be a rock of refuge for me, a strong fortress to save me. You are indeed my rock and my fortress; for your name’s sake lead me and guide me, take me out of the net that is hidden for me, for you are my refuge. Into your hand I commit my spirit; you have redeemed me, O Lord, faithful God." Psalm 31:1–5
This week's Psalm is such a gift to us as we seek just how to express our exhaustion. So, I want you to enter into one of my favorite prayer practices, Lectio Divina. I love how Lectio Divina is defined as the practice of listening with the ear of your heart. Today, I want you to listen with the ear of your heart as you read the Psalm. Here are your steps to engage this Psalm: READ REFLECT and meditate on the word or phrase that caught your heart, write it down. RESPOND in prayer to what God called to your attention. Pray for clarity and give thanks for how God is speaking through the Psalm. REST in God, contemplating the phrase or word(s) revealed to your heart. Do this process three - five times. Please, don’t rush through it. Spend the intentional time scripture deserves and allow God to fully enter your heart through this Psalm. And, as you practice Lectio Divina for your personal spiritual development, I encourage you to consider your neighbor too. Pay attention to the word(s) or phrase That God is putting into your heart for your engagement with our neighbors. Write this down and use it as your commitment to perhaps be a firm foundation for those in our community.
Sharing Our Gifts
• Discover Myers Park continues to be offered virtually for those who are seeking to call MPUMC their church home • The class of 81 confirmands got creative with the traditional stole workshop led virtually by our Youth Department; we look forward to celebrating them in worship when we are able to gather • Music Ministry continues to record beautiful hymns shared through livestream worship; the Cherub Children's choir even had a chance to participate • A special series called "Where in the Church is Ms. Amy" and other fun resources are available for children and families on the Children's Ministry YouTube channel • For The Love of Reading volunteers have recorded themselves reading books to be shared with their friends in the program at Marie G. Davis • Shebra Claypool's kitchen is quiet during stay-at-home orders, but she is still finding a way to serve! She has sewn cloth masks for our friends at McCreesh Place who didn't have access to protective gear and provided meals from the church freezer.
by Britt Yett, Missions Program Director
Many of us want to be on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. We want to take action. But our government has asked those of us who do not play essential roles to stay at home to protect the health of others. So, if we can’t be on the front lines, the next best thing is to support those who are. With your support of Jubilee Plus, our Mission and Outreach Fund, we did just that. A nurse at Atrium Health asked us to remember and celebrate the Environmental Health Department. These men and women are tasked with cleaning and sanitizing the facilities where our sick, our elderly, and our disabled are cared for. It is one of the most essential behind the scenes jobs in medicine. Three weeks ago, as a thank you to these valuable providers, we delivered Panera gift cards to over 850 Atrium Environmental Health employees. This week, we will do the same for 778 employees in the Novant Health’s Environmental Services Department. We understand that this token will not make their jobs less dangerous or reduce the risk they take every day, but we do hope they know they are seen and appreciated by all of us! I wanted to share with you that this week we were finally able to hand out the Panera gift cards...They were so incredibly grateful...Please thank everyone again from the church who helped make this donation possible!" - Amanda Zeiser, Aramark
Thank you for making all of this and more possible with your continued offerings to the church’s Operating Fund and Jubilee Plus, the mission and outreach fund for the church. For more information visit You may also give by mail to 1501 Queens Road, Charlotte, NC 28207. Questions About Giving Opportunities? Contact Jamie Yearwood, Director of Development, at or 704-295-4808.
CO N N E C T WITH US ! F o l l ow u s o n s o c ia l m e d ia @ my e r sp a r k u m c
V i s i t o u r we b s i te w w w. mye r s p a rk u m c .o r g to find small groups, ways to serve and engage, how to give, and plug in with other members of our church!
Take a moment to view our virtual art gallery entitled: "Beauty From Brokenness" curated by ArtsCharlotte. This gallery contains artwork from Charlotte artists expressing their faith and showing the beauty that came from their own brokenness! Just click on the image to the left to be taken to our YouTube video. You can tour all the brilliant art in your own home at your convenience! Enjoy!
OU R CLE RGY Dr. James C. Howell Senior Pastor Rev. Nathan Arledge Pastor of Missions & Community Engagement
RESILIENCY TIPS FOR COPING WITH THE PANDEMIC by Rev. Bill Roth Pastor of Congregational Care
RECOGNIZE AND OWN WHEN YOU GET PHYSIOLOGICALLY / EMOTIONALLY TRIGGERED • Knowing what situations trigger you give you more power and control • Check in with your body and name your feelings
Rev. Taylor Barefoot Pastor for Emerging Ministries Rev. Jessica Dayson Pastor for Young Adults & Lay Involvement
• Knowing you are dysregulated frees you to choose too self-regulate • With practice, you can change your behaviors from reactive to intentional
• Scan your body and recognize any stress and tightness • Relax your muscles
Rev. Uiyeon Kim Pastor of Discipleship Rev. Bill Roth Pastor of Congregational Care Rev. Nancy Watson Executive Pastor
• Take deep belly breaths • Co-regulate by talking with your partner or friend • Self-sooth by visualizing yourself at your favorite calm place
MAKE HEALTHY LIFESTYLE CHOICES • Get 7-8 hours of sleep • Eat healthy and drink plenty of water • Learn and practice mindfulness techniques • Exercise and take a walks outside in the sunshine • Start a daily gratitude journal • Laugh more...incorporate humor and play into your day
TALK WITH A PASTOR A pastor on staff stands ready to respond to your question or concern. Those needing immediate pastoral help should call 704-376-8584 and follow the prompts to the pastor on call.
LIVE WITH MEANING AND PURPOSE • Practice spiritual disciplines--prayer, scripture reading, worship, and community • Consciously choose to widen you circle of compassion • Find ways to be of service to others and confront injustice • Set a daily intention to live as Christ calls you to live • Remember you are God’s beloved