1 minute read


May 2020

In this project, an urban intervention was carried out in the city of Bogotá, in the sector of Chapinero. Starting from an urban analysis of the sector and taking production as the basis of the physical spatial transformations that are evidenced, a series of phenomena were identified emerging and are the engine of those changes. Based on the above, a series of intervention strategies were generated at urban and neighborhood level, where a series of catalytic devices were generated that allow the creation of this new identified polyproduction and allows to potentialize new dynamics in the territory.


Overall Picture Location

The sector has a pulviscular production condition, given its size limitation, that is colonizing the sector and is organized around emergent proximities that gravitate around the 7th avenue produced from internal metamorphosis originating a replica of identities of camouflaged landscapes, detected from the condition of use of space and induced by tendential dynamics, adapting to the new requirements of the city and managing to enhance integration with other uses.

Bogotá, Colombia

Types of production

Future Vision Collage

Polyproductive District

It seeks to strengthen the current production, to enable the interventions and transformations to achieve a greater character, becoming a center of business, scientific, technological and cultural activity of the city; providing new spaces for the arrival of new productions similar to the current ones, which generate a heterogeneous development and greater competitiveness.

Designing strategic spaces for the development of these new productions that, in the same way, favor the transmission of knowledge to the productive system, where it is necessary that the centers of scientific, technological and creative innovation, be located close to the companies. Likewise, the increase in buildability allows urban renewal projects to contribute to the re-urbanization of all streets in the sector and generate new green areas, equipment and housing that decisively improve the quality of life in the territory.

Based on the general analysis and the vision taken according to the trends of the territory, a master plan is designed to enhance production, complement and support the other services, achieving greater cooperation between them and an improvement in the quality of life of the inhabitants. This, by means of specific interventions, located in strategic places so that they function as axes, catalysts and connectors between the same sector and with the rest of the city.

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