Our Aboriginal Awareness Day Recounts

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Our Aboriginal Awareness Day Recounts

Our Aboriginal Awareness Day On the 7th of June Senior Mac had an Aboriginal Awareness Day in our new hall at 12:00. First we walked in and sat down respectfully. Ashleigh introduced herself and explained what we were going to do and talk about during the next hour and a half. Next Ashleigh showed us some of the weapons and materials that the Aboriginal people used back in the harsh conditions that they lived in. Some of the materials and weapons are:- a Coolamon, a Bundi Stick, Ochre, Digging Stick, Dilly Bag, Spears, Wombat Fat and my favourite material Kangaroo Skin. The Kangaroo Skin was used for many different things such as: - Clothing, Blankets, Hunting, Food ect. Soon after that we did some boomerang painting. There were lots of different styles you could use and paints such as: - Yellow, Black, Red, White, Brown, Pink, Light Blue, Dark Blue, Green, Orange and Purple. Everyone had their own design to paint onto their Boomerang. I thought it was REALLY fun. During the lesson we were given a sheet of material. We had to put one or both of you hands onto the material. Then Ashleigh came around with 3 spray bottles each of the bottles had paint in it coloured Red, Black and Yellow. She would then spray around the outside of your hands. Then you had a choice to paint your hand prints or just leave it as it was. After the painting Ashleigh showed us body paints and told us how to make the body paints. Once she finished talking we got to decorate our face or arms. Not long after that we got taught some traditional dances that were once passed down to Ashleigh by her family. Eventually we got to go outside in the freezing cold and throw spears at cardboard animals that were made by Ashleigh. The hardest part that I found about throwing the spears was the wind kept blowing the opposite way. Finally and unfortunately it finished, Ashleigh said goodbye and thanked us for coming. Then we collected our things and walked back to class. I thought it was one of the best days that I experience.

By Alisha Hill

On the 7th of June at 12 o’clock Smc went to the hall because there was an Aboriginal Awareness Day. We walked inside and sat down then Ashleigh introduced herself. Firstly she showed us some Aboriginal artefacts, such as a digging stick, a dillybag and a woomera. After that we sat on a tarp and painted boomerangs and made hand paintings. It was fun, but I got paint on my hands. Then we put ochre on our faces and danced like animals such as kangaroos, emus and eagles. Lastly we went outside and threw spears at wooden cut outs of animals like a kangaroo and a wombat. After that we went into the hall and collected our possessions then we went to class. I liked it, it was a lot of fun and I learnt about Aboriginal culture. By Blade

Aboriginal Awareness Day On the 7th of June 2011, Senior Mc was waiting outside of the hall waiting to go to the Aboriginal Awareness Day. When we walked into the new hall around 12:00, Ashley introduced herself. She told us to sit around a mat she set up. Firstly she told us what we were going to do today. Then she got out a kangaroo skin and passed it around the circle, along with some pictures. After that she showed us some Aboriginal artifacts like the dilly bag, a bundi stick, a Coolamon and more. She also showed us type of rock that they used for the end of their spears and to cut the skin of animals that they killed. Soon after that, she handed out a little coloured boomerangs to paint. When everyone was done painting we put them up to dry. Next Ashley taught us three dances the kangaroo, emu and the eagle. Then she told us to sit down again, she handed out a piece of cloth to everyone. We put our hands on the cloth in the shape we wanted then she sprayed our hands black, yellow and red. Later on she showed us how to make paint out of ochre. All you do is crush it up until its powder then put a drop of water in and mix. Then she split us up into two groups, a boy group and a girl group. She showed us some more dances. She taught the girl group how to pick the berries, and the boy group how to hunt. Finally she led us outside, she showed us how to use the woomeras, where we were able to have a go at throwing the spears at some cardboard cutouts. But unfortunately I missed. I thought it was really enjoyable because we got to learn all different things about Aboriginal culture and we got to try things new.

By: Breanna

A t 12:00 on the 7th of June, Senior Mac went to the new hall for Aboriginal Awareness Day. First Smc walked in and sat down quietly and listened to Ashleigh. Ashleigh first showed us a kangaroo skin . Next Ashleigh showed us some weapons and how to use them. We were also showed some other aboriginal artifacts, such as, a dilly bag, Bundi stick, spears and also a turtle shell which was used as a bowl or even for drinking out of. We each were given a boomerang to paint. There were lots of colours to choose from, black, red, pink, yellow, brown, green, blue and purple. After boomerang painting, Ashleigh showed us how to do hand painting. We put our hands on a piece of fabric then Ashleigh went around spraying our hands with paint. Next we did body painting made from clay oak(ochre). It is dried up clay smashed up into powder with water added. With our face or arms painted we then learnt some aboriginal dancing. We learnt the emu, eagle and the kangaroo. Our class was broken into two groups – boys and girls. The boys leant the hunting dance, while the girls dance was about collecting berries. Finally we did some spear throwing. There were a cardboard cutout of a wombat and kangaroo to aim at. I missed but a few students actually hit them. I liked it. It was great fun. We learnt lots of things about weapons, spear throwing, animal skin and lots more.

By Chloe

On Tuesday 7th of June, SMc had their Aboriginal Awareness Day in the hall, It started at 12:00 and ended at 1:30. Firstly we walked into the hall and a lady named Ashleigh introduced herself and told us to sit down and told us what we are doing today. Next Ashley told us what weapons and tools Aboriginals used to use like the dilly bag, rocks and kangaroo skin and passed them around with pictures. After that we did some artwork. We did a boomerang and hand painting. With the hand painting Ashley came around with red, black and yellow spray bottles and sprayed our hands. When we finished our artwork we let them dry. While the artwork was drying we did some dancing and put some ochre on our faces. We danced like a kangaroo, emu and eagle. The boys and girls split up into two groups. The girls pretended to pick berries and the boys pretended to hunt. Later we went outside to do some spearing. We had to try hit a wooden kangaroo or wombat and I almost hit the kangaroo. After that, we went back into the hall and got our artwork and went back to class. I had a fun learning time because I learned lots of new things and how to make new things. From Chloe

7th of June 12.00o SMc went to the cola and then went into the hall for the Aboriginal Awareness Day. Firstly Ashleigh introduced herself and explained about the day and the reason was to learn about the Aboriginal Culture.

Firstly, when we sat down on the floor was looked at some weapons and a dilly bag. Then we passed around some things like a kangaroo skin and pictures. We got boomerangs and we painted them.

Then we did handprints on material and Ashleigh came around with RED, YELLOW and BLACK paint and sprayed them on our hand or hands.

Finally we did throwing. We threw spears at a wooden kangaroo and a wooden wombat and some people hit the wombat and then it was time to go to our classroom and do some other work.

I liked the day it was fun and I wish I could do it again AND LEARNING ABOUT ABORIGINAL CULTURE WAS FUN.


On Tuesday the 7th of June 2011 at 12:00 it was SMC’s turn to do the Aboriginal Awareness Day At the new hall.

First we walked in and respectfully sat down. A lady called Ashley introduced herself and she explained what she does and what we were going to do in the next hour and a half.

Next Ashley showed us some Aboriginal tools and artifacts then she talked about Aboriginal lives.

Soon we did some boomerang painting, and then we did some hand painting with the colours red, black and yellow. If we were done with our hand paintings Ashley asked us to form a into two different circles one circle would be with all of the girls in one of the circles and the boys had to form a anther circle so we could do a dance. The boys were doing spearing while the girls were doing some berry picking then after we did spearing & berry picking we did some other dancing. We did kangaroo dancing, emu dancing and the eagle dance.

After we did some hand painting, some boomerang painting and even some dancing. We went outside and Ashley told us to form a line. Each one of us got a turn of spearing at fake animals like a wombat, a kangaroo .

At last we got our things and went back to class.

Comment I thought that the Aboriginal Awareness Day was great. I also learnt that you can carry a baby in a Coolamon. I also got to see some Aboriginal tools like a bundi stick, a dilly bag and even a spear. And I also found out that you can make something called ochre you can make it out of a special rock and you just need to add some water and then you put the ochre that you made on your face and now you made ochre. By Destiny

Aboriginal day After lunch SMc walked in to the hall at 12:00clock for an Aboriginal day. And Ashley the Aboriginal lady told us to sit on the painting mat. She showed use some Aboriginal equipment like coolamon, bundi stick, kangaroo skin, digging stick, dilly bag and spears.

Next we did boomerang painting and there were lots of colours. We did hand painting and Ashley came by with spray bottles with black, yellow and red paint and sprayed our hands. Then we put ochre on our faces and we did Kangaroo, eagle and emu dancing. After that we went outside to do spearing at a wooden wombat and a wooden kangaroo. I missed the target but I had fun.

When SMc walked back in the hall we got our things and walked back to class.

I liked the day and I would like to do it again. BY Ethan

It was the 7th of June SMc got invited up to the new hall for the Aboriginal Awareness Day. The first thing we did when we got in the hall was we had to sit dawn around the tarp in a circle the Aboriginal lady introduced herself and showed us the kangaroo skin she passed it around and showed us a hand caught turtle shell one of her relatives caught for her and sent it dawn it had very beautiful hand paintings on the shell. Later we got to paint boomerangs and we got material and put our hands or hand on it while Ashleigh was spraying red, black, and yellow after we all stood up and come to the middle of the hall so Ashleigh could teach us a dance the dancing moves were the emu, kangaroo and the eagle and we got to put ochre on our face. Finally it came to the end of the day we went outside of the hall and through spears at the car bored cut out animals. It was great fun I wish we could do it again sometime. By Jacinda

On the 7th of June 2011 we had our Aboriginal Awareness Day in the new hall. An indigenes lady walked out to our class and told u to sit on the tarp. She introduced herself and said “Hi, my name is Ashley”. Ashley said “We are going to learn about aboriginal culture”. Ashley showed us some rocks and she told us that one they are like the hundred dollar bill because the Aboriginal people used to trade them for other rocks. After we looked at the rocks Ashley showed us a kangaroo skin. She told us that they used the kangaroo skin as lining for the Coolamon so it could keep the baby and children warm. The Coolamon is also used for collecting berries, fish, crabs, kangaroo, emu, geckoes and more. Ashley then showed us tools like dilly bag, bundi stick and spears. We were even allowed to use the spears by throwing them at a wooden kangaroo and wombat. We also did some hand and body painting. I really liked the Aboriginal Awareness Day because I learnt a lot about my Aboriginal culture.

By Jacinta

Aboriginal Awareness Day On Tuesday 7th of June SMc went to an Aboriginal Awareness Day in the new hall at 12.00 to 1.30. Firstly we walked into the new hall, then we all sat on a paint mat. Ashleigh introduced herself to all of us and explained what we were going to do during the next half an hour. Firstly Ashleigh showed us a Dilly Bag, Digging Stick, Ochre and a Kangaroo Skin. After that we did Boomerang painting and I thought it was really fun. When we finished we did hand painting on a piece of material. Ashleigh then came around with three spray bottles; the colours were Black, Yellow and Red. It was very interesting to see how we created some aboriginal art. After that we got some stickers from Ashleigh. Then we put ochre on our faces. I got ochre on my cheek and nose, it felt like mud. Later we did dancing like animals such as Emu, Kangaroo and Eagle, it was great. Ashleigh showed us how to use a spear. We got in one big line. We then had to try and hit a wooden kangaroo and a wombat. Then it was my turn and I got the wombat’s toe. After spearing we went into the new hall to get our things. Then we went back to our class room. It was really fun to learn about all the Aboriginal artifacts and dances. My favourite part was the hand painting and dancing.

By Jaimee

It was the 7th of June 12:00 O’clock and it was SMc’s turn to have their lesson on Aboriginal Culture. We walked into the new hall and Ashleigh said I’ll be giving you the lesson today.

First, Ashleigh showed us a display of Aboriginal artifacts and some of those things were Kangaroo fur and skin, dilli bag, bundi stick and spears. While we were looking at them, Ashleigh told us how they worked.

Next we painted boomerangs. The technique we used was dot painting it was interesting but fun. A bit later we did hand painting. Ashleigh would spray red, black and yellow on your cloth were your hands were the cloth would stay clean.

Eventually we did body painting with Ochre which was made out of clay and smashed down into powder. it felt like cream mixed with rocks when we smeared it on our faces. A few seconds later we started dancing like an eagle, kangaroo and an emu.

A bit later SMc split up into two sides, boys on one, girls on the other. The boys had to act as if they were hunting and the girls were picking berries. Finally we went out spearing wooden targets.

I loved it because I learnt alot about Aboriginal culture, it was fun!

By James.

Tuesday 7th of June after lunch SMc walked into the new hall for our Aboriginal Awareness Day. Firstly Ashley introduced herself to the class. Then she showed us the bundi stick, spear, the dilly bag and also boomerang and how to use them all. After that Ashley gave us black, yellow and red boomerangs. I was given the yellow boomerang. We all got to paint the boomerangs using the experience of dotted painting. Later she gave us a white cloth and spray painted our hand prints on it with red, yellow and black spray. Eventually we learnt how to make paint out of ochre and did a kangaroo, emu and eagle dance with the ochre on our face. Finally we went out and threw spears with the woomera at the wooden wombat and kangaroo. I learnt a lot about Aboriginal culture and I liked doing all the activities.


On Tuesday 7th June at12:00, SMc went to the aboriginal awareness day. Firstly we walked in and introduced ourselves to Ashleigh. Ashleigh showed us some aboriginal artifacts. After that we painted boomerangs and handprints. Then we put on ochre and danced. Then we threw spears at animal cut outs. We packed up and said goodbye. I liked throwing the spears it was fun. By: Mahley

On Tuesday 7th of June 2011 our class Senior Mc went to our new hall because we were involved in an Aboriginal Awareness Day. It started at 12:00 and finished at 1:30. Firstly we waited in the new COLA for an Aboriginal lady named Ashleigh. When she came we walked in and Ashleigh introduced herself and she told us what we were going to be doing. She showed us some weapons and what the aboriginals used to survived on. Next she displayed some or the kinds of aboriginal artifacts like dilly bags, kangaroo skins, spears and lots of other weapons. She passed some of the things around. Soon we did some Aboriginal arts like the boomerang paintings and hand paintings. There were lots of kinds of paint. Ashleigh went around the circle spraying our hands for the hand painting. I really enjoyed it. During the time we watched Ashleigh crush up some rocks which is called ochre. After she crushed it up she walked around the circle, so we put some on our faces. After the face painting, we did some aboriginal dancing about some animals. We danced like kangaroos, emus and eagles. When we finished the girls pretended to pick berries and the boys pretended to hunt for animals. Later we went outside to do some spearing at some wooden animals like a kangaroo and a wombat. It was a bit hard to throw because the wind kept blowing the other way. I hit the wombat and some other people did too. Finally we walked back inside to get all our things. We all said goodbye to Ashleigh and we all walked back to class. I had a really good time and I learnt some things about Aboriginal culture. By Sharniď Š

On Tuesday 7 June after lunch our class sat under the cola for our Aboriginal Awareness Day. A lady named Ashleigh came and invited us into the hall, Ashleigh introduced herself to our class, then we sat on a mat that she had placed on the floor. Firstly Ashleigh showed us some weapons and tools that they used in their tribe. Some of the things she showed us were a dillybag, coolamon, bundistick, woomera, some kangaroo skin, an emu caller and a few other things as well. The dillybag had been woven by Ashleigh, it took her a few months because she kept getting bored of it. Next Ashley

gave each of us a mini

boomerang to

paint, we were allowed to

keep them too.

Once we had finished

painting the

boomerangs we did hand


where we had to put our

hand or hands

on a special material, then

she sprayed

red, black and yellow paint

on our hands.

When Ashleigh had sprayed

the paint over

our hands, our hand prints

came out on the


Soon after

Ashleigh got a plastic

container with different coloured ochre in it. Then she showed us how to make the ochre and let us put some on our faces, she said it was a traditional thing to do before dancing . Eventually when everyone got some ochre Ashleigh show us a dance, the boys had to pretend to go hunting while the girls had to pretend to pick berries off of a tree. Finally we went outside to try spearing, Ashleigh told the class to line up under the COLA and wait for our turn. There was a wooden kangaroo and wombat with aboriginal art on them. When it came to my turn I hit the wombat right in the middle. It was pretty easy to throw because of how light the spear was. Just when everyone had their turn SS came to all the activities we had just done. Ashleigh thanked us for coming and said bye. After that our class went back to the room. I enjoyed the Awareness Day because I learned some things that I didn’t know before. By: Tane

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