Cattlemen's invite feb 2016

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Cattlemen’s Invite



Lot BW WW YW M -1.6 61 106 24

BD: 01/01/2015 • BW: 64 • WW: 847 • Sire: KG High Regard 2073

57 Lot

BW WW YW M 2.8 56 109 30

BD: 01/18/2015 • BW: 78 • WW: 770 • Sire: S A V Resource 1441


Cattlemen’s Invite

2-Year Old

86 Lot

BW WW YW M -2.1 64 110 20

BD: 08/25/2014 • BW: 58 • WW: 772 • Sire: KG Solution 0018

13 Lot

BW WW YW M .4 56 98 25

BD: 01/19/2015 • BW: 68 • WW: 760 • Sire: Musgrave Big Sky

Cattlemen’s Invite



This February issue of the Cattlemen’s Invite comes at a time when calving season is upon the majority of the cow/calf ranching families. For those who calve later there will still be plenty of things to get ready for. The year 2016 will bring us plenty of situations that may force us to make adjustments in our business and livestock programs. Keep in mind that even when the cattle market is making adjustments, there are still plenty of opportunities throughout the year to be thankful. There seems to be more cattle in our immediate area than I have seen in a long time. Many herds seem to be young in age and that is a great thing. I would have to think the cow herd within a couple hundred mile radius of my house would be one of the strongest in the nation for numbers, and feed sources. Across the nation there have been many areas that were dry in nature for the past few years but now have been blessed with moisture. We need to take a little time to go through our operation to see where we can tidy up our business. I am not suggesting that we cut corners and make sacrifices that would inhibit our chances of success, but maybe there are some things we have done in the past that can be met with a diligent thought process to make it better for the ranching operation and family business. I highly suggest not backing down on quality in the product that you sell. In the volatile market we are in, we have to own the best genetics that we can afford. As you go through this issue of the Cattlemen’s Invite, I think you will be impressed with the set of herd improving genetics that are offered. Many have been in the business of raising seedstock for a number of years. Take the time to contact them and use their resources to help you succeed! There are over 5,500 bulls offered in these pages alone. There are bulls for everyone’s program. The quality runs very deep within the pages you are studying. If we can be of help in your purchases of bulls or females give us a call. Thanks again for your support, trust, and friendship.

Don Ravellette


Cattlemen’s Invite

Beau Ravellette

a special publication of: Ravellette Publications, Inc.

Ravellette Publications, Inc. PO Box 788, Philip SD 57567 605-859-2516, Fax: 605-859-2410 Copyright 1981: Ravellette Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Nothing may be reprinted, photocopied, or in any way reproduced from this publication, in whole or in part, without the written consent of the publisher. Deadlines: Display Advertising: The 15th day of the month at 5:00 p.m.

CONTACT INFORMATION: Ravellette Publications, Inc. PO Box 788 • Philip, SD 57567 FIELD SERVICES: Don Ravellette Cell: 605-685-5147

Beau Ravellette Cell: 605-685-8155

GRAPHIC DESIGN: Mary Ravellette Office: 605-859-2516

Kelly Penticoff Office: 605-859-2516 The Cattlemen’s Invite is published in January, February, March, April/May, and November/ December by Ravellette Publications, Inc. Send address changes to Cattlemen’s Invite, PO Box 788, Philip, SD 57567. Cattlemen’s Invite, hereby expressly limits its liability resulting from any and all misprints, errors and/or all inaccuracies whatsoever in the advertisement and editorial content published by Ravellette Publications, Inc. and its said liability is here by limited to the refund of the customer his/her or its payment for the said advertising or the running of a corrected advertisement. Changes to advertising copy made after deadline date will be allowed only if time permits. Neither this publication nor any part of it may be reproduced, store in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of Ravellette Publications, Inc. Requests for reprints and permissions should be directed to Ravellette Publications, Inc., PO Box 788, Philip, SD 57567, phone: 605859-2516 or fax: 605-859-2410.

Cattlemen’s Invite



Cattlemen’s Invite


Reg No.: 18278259 • BD: 01/09/2015 BW: 73 • 205 Wgt: 775/109 • Dam’s NR 1/109 Sire: Conservative 3129 • MGS: AAR Ten X 7008 SA CED BW WW YW Milk IMF 10








.79 70.65




Reg No.: 18303497 • BD: 01/19/2015 BW: 76 • 205 Wgt: 746/105 • Dam’s NR 1/105 Sire: Raven Powerball 53 • MGS: S Chisum 6175 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF 1








.68 75.76




Reg No.: 18278210 • BD: 02/02/2015 BW: 82 • 205 Wgt: 850/120 • Dam’s NR 3/104 Sire: Connealy Gold Rush 026E • MGS: Sitz Upward 307R CED BW WW YW Milk IMF 8









.50 81.30


DAM OF 3125


Reg No.: +18290810 • BD: 02/25/2015 BW: 82 • 205 Wgt: 807/100 • Dam’s NR 3/111 Sire: Hoover Dam • MGS: Connealy Tobin CED BW WW YW Milk IMF 7







1.07 .98 61.30


Reg No.: 18278503 • BD: 01/19/2015 BW: 82 • 205 Wgt: 765/108 • Dam’s NR 2/100 Sire: Connealy Gold Rush 026E • MGS: Sitz Upward 307R CED BW WW YW Milk IMF 2








.51 55.06





Reg No.: 18285524 • BD: 01/15/2015 BW: 84 • 205 Wgt: 811/114 • Dam’s NR 5/110 Sire: AAR Ten X 7008 SA • MGS: SAV 004 Density 4336 CED BW WW YW Milk IMF 4









.73 62.11



Connealy Gold Rush 026E • PA Powertool 9108 Connealy Conservative 3129 • Raven Powerball 53 Raven Bullock 1693 • Connealy Front & Center Sitz Superior 10971 • AAR Ten X 7008 SA Sitz Summit 10609 • S Chisum 6175 Baldridge Brickhouse A011


Cattlemen’s Invite

BW -.4

WW 54

YW 98

Milk 21

Marb .47

RE .89

$B 106.43

BW -1.3

WW 58

YW 108

Milk 25

Marb .60

RE 1.16

$B 137.61

BW .2

WW 62

YW 102

Milk 26

Marb .56

RE .65

$B 87.96

BW 1.0

WW 53

YW 90

Milk 15

Marb .36

RE .43

$B 96.69

Cattlemen’s Invite



Cattlemen’s Invite

Cattlemen’s Invite



Cattlemen’s Invite

Cattlemen’s Invite



Cattlemen’s Invite

Cattlemen’s Invite



Cattlemen’s Invite


Cattlemen’s Invite

Cattlemen’s Invite



Cattlemen’s Invite

Connealy Capitalist X Mytty In Focus BD: 2/27/15 • BW: 75 • Adj WW: 940 +1.5 +55 +106 +22

SAV Renown X Hoff Head of the Class BD: 2/16/15 • BW: 75 • Adj WW: 852 +1.5 +58 +102 +30

SAV Renown X Mytty In Focus BD: 2/18/15 • BW: 74 • Adj WW: 876 +1.2 +65 +118 +28

Mytty In Focus X Connealy Lead On BD: 2/20/15 • BW: 73 • Adj WW: 836 +1.2 +57 +92 +21

Cattlemen’s Invite


K 88X Ribeye 5103 ET Reg: 43637083

Sire: NJW 98S R117 Ribeye 88X ET • MGS: CL 1 Domino 482P 1ET

BW 2.0

BW 4.3

WW 58

YW 88

M 32

M&G 60

SC .9

Fat -.022

REA Marb .39 .14

K Stockman Excel 545 Reg: 43637502

Sire: C Stockman 2059 ET • MGS: GO Torrington W16

WW 61

YW 93

M 39

M&G 69

SC .8

Fat -.004

REA Marb .36 .11

BW 1.3

BW 3.8

K Domino Classic 5188 ET Reg: 43637249 Sire: GB L1 Domino 177R • MGS: GO Abe T32

WW 62

YW 90

M 30

M&G 61

SC 1.0

Fat -.006

REA Marb .36 .13

K Stockman Excel 558 Reg: 43637532 Sire: C Stockman 2059 ET • MGS: GO Abe T32

WW 65

YW 94

M 40

M&G 72

SC .8

Fat -.022

REA Marb .41 .06

HEREFORD SIRES: C Stockman 2059ET • GB L1 Domino 177R • NJW 98S R117 Ribeye 88X

Auctioneer: Joe Goggins – 406-373-6844 | Hereford America: Marc Hotchkiss – 605-490-1513 | Hereford World: Levi Landers – 308-730-1396

BW 0

BW 1.7

K Arsenal Classic 522

Reg: 18295104

Sire: Connealy Arsenal 2174 • MGS: Connealy Danny Boy

WW 62

YW 111

M 19

Marb .42

K Sierra Cut 5148

RE .50

Fat .005

$W $B 51.22 120.85

Reg: 18295384

Sire: Connealy Sierra Cut 84B • MGS: Connealy K205 1153

WW 59

YW 112

M 23

Marb –

RE –

Fat –

$W 46.30

$B –

BW 2.1

BW 1.9

K Lad Ten X 11

Reg: 18295102

Sire: AAR Ten X 7008 SA • MGS: Connealy Final Solution

WW 76

YW 132

M 25

Marb –

RE –

K Total Consensus 501

Fat –

$W 64.80

Reg: 18295098

Sire: Connealy Consensus 858L • MGS: Sitz Madison 10477

WW 61

YW 102

M 20

Marb –

RE –

Fat –

$W 51.51

$B –

$B –

ANGUS SIRES: Connealy Arsenal 2174 • Connealy Black Granite • AAR Ten X 7008 • Connealy Sierra Cut

Reg. No: 17486097 | BD: 04/22/2012 | Tattoo: 224B Sire

Bon View New Design 208 Delia of Conanga 667 Connealy Confidence 0100 Connealy Thunder Becka Gala of Conanga 8281 Becka Lee of Conanga 37 Connealy Tobin

S A V 004 Traveler 4412


Fortunes 4412 Ethelda 742

Fortunes 1I2 Ethelda 423

EPDs: CED BW WW +15 -.5 +54


Cattlemen’s Invite

S A V 8180 Traveler 004 S A V Erica 0178 Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 G Marcys Ethelda E 910

YW CEM M Marb RE Fat +98 +17 +20 +.47 +.90 +.049

$W $B +51.82 +106.28

Never Miss An Auction Again! Watch & Bid online for FREE! Visit and Register Today! For General Questions Please Contact Our Office: (402) 316-5460 or

Cattlemen’s Invite



Cattlemen’s Invite

Cattlemen’s Invite


Reg. No: 17918412


BD: 1-10-2014


Tattoo: 444

Act BW: 72 | Adj. WW: 877 | Adj. YW: 1496 | Scrotal: 40.99 EPDs: CED +10 15%

BW WW -.7 +73 15% 1%

YW RADG SC +128 +.22 +1.10 1% 35% 30%

Doc CEM M CW +15 +10 +27 +50 45% 25% 20% 10%

Marb RE +.79 +.76 20% 15%

Fat $W $F $G $B +.013 +87.08 +93.90 +41.17 +160.56 50% 1% 1% 20% 3%

• DL Sonic 444 succeeds in delivering low birth/high growth genetics with breed-leading carcass conformation and maternal traits that work under range conditions. He was selected as the $38,000 high-selling bull in the Connealy Consensus 7229 2015 Lewis Bros. Bull Sale in western South Dakota DL Barbara 792 • Sonic excelled at every checkpoint: BW 72 lbs., 205-wt 877 lbs., WWR 113, DL Barbara 1199 365-wt 1,496 lbs., YWR 111. Adj. yearling scrotal measurements: 41.0 cm, CED BW WW WW YW RFI DMI YH SC DOC Adj. %IMF 4.89, ratio 113, Adj. REA 15.6, ratio 110; out of a first calf 66 18 3 4 91 78 84 32 34 heifer. He has great genomic numbers. Granddam’s production: 3 NR 110, 2 YR 109. HP FAT Tend Tend HP CEM CEM Milk Milk MW MH CW Marb Marb RE RE FAT • This deep ribbed Solution son excels in every economically important area: 37 17 13 38 28 33 49 30 27 11 49 30 27 calving ease, rapid growth, moderate mature size (6.0 frame), testicular development, milk production, marbling, muscle and yield. His pedigree SEMEN: $25 – CERTIFICATES: $30 is stacked with it, the EPDs and genomic prove it, and the bull looks like Volume Discounts it, phenotypically.

Dam Sire

KG Solution 0018

MOGCK Sure Shot KG Rito Lady 8724

Semen available at ORIgen or call one of the owners

Don Ravellette – Philip, SD 605.685.5147


Cattlemen’s Invite

Consider Breeding to a Great One!

Clint Stevenson – Hobson, MT 406.366.9023

Dan Lewis – Rapid City, SD 605.391.7090

Cattlemen’s Invite



Cattlemen’s Invite

Cattlemen’s Invite



Cattlemen’s Invite

Cattlemen’s Invite



Cattlemen’s Invite

Cattlemen’s Invite



Jan. 29 - Feb. 7 - Black Hills Stock Show and Rodeo, Rushmore Plaza Civic Center, Rapid City, SD Feb. 4 - Idland Cattle Co. Common Sense Sale, 1:00 p.m., Glendive Livestock Exchange, Glendive, MT Feb. 8 - Sletten Angus Ranch, 1:00 p.m. MT, Faith Livestock Commission Co., Faith, SD Feb. 9 - Thorson Hereford Ranch Bull Sale, Philip Livestock Auction, Philip, SD Feb. 9 - Shearer Angus Ranch Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m. MT, Philip Livestock Auction, Philip, SD Feb. 11 - R & D Angus Ranch Bull Sale, Valentine Livestock Auction, Valentine, NE Feb. 12 - Hook Farms and Clear Springs Cattle Co. (Wulf) “Bred for Balance” Simmental & SimAngus Sale, 1:00 p.m. CT, at the ranch, Tracy, MN Feb. 12 - Mohnen Angus Annual Production Sale, at the ranch, White Lake, SD Feb. 13 - Amdahl Angus & Herefords Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m. MT, at the ranch, Rapid City, SD Feb. 15 - Koupal Angus 39th Annual Bull Sale, 12:30 p.m. CT, at the ranch, Dante, SD Feb. 16 - Stout Charolais Ranch, 12:00 p.m. MT, Philip Livestock Auction, Philip, SD Feb. 16 - Milligan Herefords Annual Bull Sale, Philip Livestock Auction, Philip, SD Feb. 17 - Millar Angus Annual Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at the ranch, Sturgis, SD Feb. 19 - Lewis Bros. Angus Ranch Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m. MT, St. Onge Livestock Auction, St. Onge, SD Feb. 22 - Circle L Angus Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m. MT, Beaverhead Livestock Auction, Dillon, MT Feb. 23 - Deep Creek Angus Ranch Bull Sale, 12:00 p.m. MT, Philip Livestock Auction, Philip, SD Feb. 25 - Raven Angus Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m. CT, at the ranch, Colome, SD Feb. 27 - Kreth Hereford & Angus 51st Annual Production Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Mt. Vernon, SD Feb. 29 - Reyes/Russell 25th Annual Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the ranch, Wheatland, WY Mar. 1 - Deering’s Cheyenne Charolais 23rd Annual Bull Sale, Philip Livestock Auction, Philip, SD Mar. 3 - Fuoss Angus Ranch Annual Production Sale, 1:00 p.m. CT, at the ranch, Draper, SD


Cattlemen’s Invite

To be listed on our sales calendar, please email or call 605-859-2516

Mar. 5 - Smith Farms Angus Annual Red & White Hilltop Sale, 2:34 p.m. MT, at the farm, Hay Springs, NE Mar. 5 - Wilde Angus Ranch Bull & Female Sale, 1:00 p.m. CT, at the ranch, Shelving, MN Mar. 7 - Edgar Brothers 39th Annual Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Rockham, SD Mar. 8 - Trask & Peterson Angus Bull Sale, 12:00 p.m. MT, Philip Livestock Auction, Philip, SD Mar. 9 - Vin-Mar Cattle Company Annual Sale, Sheridan Livestock Auction, Rushville, NE Mar. 10 - Mogck Angus Farms Annual Production Sale, 1:00 p.m. CT, at the farm, Tripp, SD Mar. 12 - Wieseler Angus Annual Production Sale, 1:00 p.m. CT, Hub City Livestock, Aberdeen, SD Mar. 12 - Lensegrav Ranch Composite Bull Sale, Faith Livestock Commission Co., Faith, SD Mar. 14 - Holden Herefords 50th Annual Production Sale, at the ranch, Valier, MT Mar. 14 - Pine Coulee Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the Wagon Box Ranch, Hardin, MT Mar. 14 - Schauer Angus Ranch Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m. MT, Faith Livestock Commission Co., Faith, SD Mar. 15 - Cooper Hereford Ranch 50th Annual Production Sale, at the ranch, Willow Creek, MT Mar. 16 - Stevenson Angus Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Hobson, MT Mar. 18 - Montana Performance COOP / Basin Angus Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., MT, Midland Bull Test Sale Facility, Columbus, MT Mar. 18 - Schaaf Angus Ranch Annual Bull & Replacement Heifer Sale, St. Onge Livestock, St. Onge, SD Mar. 19 - Gray’s Angus Annual Performance Sale, 1:00 p.m. MT, at the ranch, Harrison, NE Mar. 19 - Forgey Graesser Angus Bull Sale, at the Forgey Ranch, Dallas, SD Mar. 24 - Gartner-Denowh Angus Ranch Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m. MT, at the ranch, Sidney, MT Mar. 26 - Mt. Rushmore Angus Ranch Production Sale, 1:00 p.m. MT, at the ranch South of Rapid City, SD Mar. 28 - Iron Mountain Cattle Co. Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m. MT, Belle Fourche Livestock Auction, Belle Fourche, SD Mar. 30 - Kasselder Angus Female Dispersion & Bull Sale, Burwell Livestock Auction, Burwell, NE

Apr. 2 - Reisig Cattle Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Hardin, MT Apr. 4 - Curt Miller Angus Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m. CT, Presho Livestock Auction, Presho SD Apr. 5 - Hinman Angus 29th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m. MT, at the ranch, Malta, MT Apr. 6-8 - Midland Bull Test Annual Bull Sale, Midland Bull Test Facility, Columbus, MT Apr. 7 - Arntzen Angus Ranch 40th Annual Production Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the ranch, Hilger, MT Apr. 10 - Lehrkamp Livestock, At the Ranch, Caputa, SD Apr. 11 - James Angus Ranch Bull Sale, Bloomington, NE Apr. 13 - Pass Creek Angus Ranch Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the ranch, Wyola, MT Apr. 15 - Pine Creek Angus Ranch Annual Bull Sale, Faith Livestock Commission Co., Faith, SD Apr. 18 - Red Rock Cattle Co. Annual Bull Sale, Faith Livestock Commission Co., Faith, SD Apr. 20 - Schaack Ranch Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the ranch, Wall, SD Apr. 21 - RLV Gelbvieh Production Sale, 1:00 p.m. MT, Belle Fourche Livestock Exchange, Belle Fourche, SD Apr. 25 - Ma & Pa Angus Ranch Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m. CT, Presho Livestock Auction, Presho, SD Apr. 26 - Fortune’s Rafter U Cross Angus Ranch Bull Sale, 12:00 p.m. MT, Philip Livestock Auction, Philip, SD Apr. 27 - Wedge Tent Ranch Annual Bull Sale, Lemmon Livestock Auction, Lemmon, SD Apr. 28 - Mangen Angus Ranch Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m. MT, Belle Fourche Livestock Auction, Belle Fourche, SD May 1 - Borns Angus Annual Bull & Female Sale, Glacial Lakes Livestock, Watertown, SD May 3 - Philip Livestock Auction’s Bull Day, Philip Livestock Auction, Philip, SD May 4 - McDonnell Angus Beef Country Genetics, 1:00 p.m., Bowman Livestock, Bowman, ND May 7 - Wicks Angus Annual Production Sale, at the ranch, Carpenter, SD

Cattlemen’s Invite



Cattlemen’s Invite

Cattlemen’s Invite



Amdahl Angus & Hereford ............................Front Cover Arntzen Angus Ranch ....................................................37 Cheyenne Charolais ........................................................28 Circle L Angus ..................................................................9 Cooper Hereford Ranch ..................................................11 Deep Creek Angus Ranch ................................................1 Edgar Brothers..........................................................34, 35 Forgey & Graesser ..........................................Back Cover Fortune’s Rafter U Cross ..................................................8 Fuoss Angus Ranch ........................................................13 Gartner-Denowh Angus Ranch ......................................16 Gray’s Angus Ranch ........................................................39 Green Mountain Angus Ranch............Inside Front Cover Hinman Angus ................................................................43 Holden Herefords ............................................................10 Iron Mountain Cattle Co.................................................36 Kasselder Angus..............................................................29 Koupal Angus ....................................................................3 Kreth Herefords & Angus..........................................22-23 Lewis Bros. Angus ............................................................2

Mangen Angus Ranch ....................................................41 Midland Bull Test..............................................................6 Millar Angus....................................................................31 Mohnen Angus ................................................................44 Montana Performance Bull Co-op ................................20 Mt. Rushmore Angus Ranch ................Inside Back Cover Pine Coulee Bull Sale ....................................................15 R&D Angus ......................................................................40 Raven Angus......................................................................7 Reisig Angus ....................................................................25 Ryes Russell ....................................................................14 Sletten Angus ..................................................................12 Smith Farms Angus ........................................................17 Sonic Partnership............................................................30 Spear U Angus ..................................................................5 Stevenson Angus ............................................................19 Trask & Peterson ............................................................33 Vin-Mar Cattle Co. ..........................................................18 Wieseler Angus ................................................................21 Wilde Angus Ranch ..................................................26, 27

Issue Dates & Deadline January ..........................December 15 February..............................January 15


Cattlemen’s Invite

March ................................February 15

April/May ..............................March 15

November/December ....October 15

Cattlemen’s Invite


BD: 1/9/15 • BW: 93 WW: 1012 YW: 1570 Sire: Mohnen South Dakota 402 MGS: SAV Final Answer 0035

BD: 1/15/15 • BW: 81 WW: 825 YW: 1437 Sire: PVF Insight MGS: Boyd New Day

BD: 1/16/15 • BW: 88 WW: 1008 YW: 1643 Sire: SAV Resource MGS: Wulffs Ext 6106

BD: 1/16/15 • BW: 83 WW: 818 YW: 1530 Sire: Mohnen Impressive 1093 MGS: SAV Final Answer 0035

BD: 1/17/15 • BW: 78 WW: 786 YW: 1439 Sire: Mohnen Impressive 1093 MGS: Boyd New Day

BD: 1/19/15 • BW: 99 WW: 952 YW: 1546 Sire: Mohnen South Dakota 402 MGS: WHS Limelight 64V

BD: 1/19/15 • BW: 81 WW: 879 YW: 1485 Sire: SAV Resource MGS: Wulffs Ext 6106

BD: 1/22/15 • BW: 94 WW: 917 YW: 1552 Sire: PVF Insight 0129 MGS: TC Aberdeen 759

BD: 1/22/15 • BW: 93 WW: 892 YW: 1650 Sire: SAV Resource 1441 MGS: SAV Final Answer 0035

CED BW WW YW MILK Marb REA 0 +2.4 +77 +127 +26 +.51 +.51

CED BW WW YW MILK Marb REA +7 0 +63 +115 +27 +0.39 +0.39

CED BW WW YW MILK Marb REA +13 -0.2 +67 +121 +26 +0.02 +0.85

CED BW WW YW MILK Marb REA +13 +0.4 +66 +113 +33 +0.54 +0.93

CED BW WW YW MILK Marb REA +16 -1.1 +56 +111 +29 +0.62 +0.31

CED BW WW YW MILK Marb REA +6 +1.9 +66 +117 +31 +0.50 +0.84

CED BW WW YW MILK Marb REA +4 +1.8 +73 +129 +34 +0.44 +0.80

CED BW WW YW MILK Marb REA -5 +3.8 +69 +114 +32 +0.57 +0.63

CED BW WW YW MILK Marb REA +1 +1.8 +65 +120 +32 +0.60 +0.78

FEATURED SIRES: Vision Unanimous 1418 S Summit 956 Apex Windy 078 Connealy Consensus 7229 Connealy Final Solution SAV Renown 3439 SAV International 2020 SAV Registry 2831 Koupal Advance 28 SAV Resource 1441

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