Eagle Pass Fall Bull Sale

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1. We’re challenging the cow herd. This means asking cows to graze more and get by on fewer expensive inputs like supplemental feed. This will result in higher cull rates, but higher cull cow prices will outweigh the loss in productivity, and the cowherd will be better adapted to a low-input management system when margins compress in the future.


AT THE DOS PALOS Y AUCTION YARD – DOS PALOS, CALIFORNIA Sale Time 1:00 p.m. PDT Lunch starts at 11:30 a.m.

2. We’re allowing higher prices to facilitate large dynamic changes to our production system. For us, that means moving our calving period to a more sustainable time that will eventually lead to higher margins and bet ter profitability. If you’ve wanted to make a significant change to better suit your lifestyle and long-term goals, now is the time to do it.

Just as important as the management of the cowherd, however, are the genetics of the cowherd. You can make all the right management decisions, but if the genetics don’t improve at the same time, you won’t get the results you’re looking for. The bulls you buy today will have an incredible lasting impact on your operation for at least the next decade if you’re keeping replacement heifers. Now is the absolute best time to invest in the future of your business by selecting the bulls that will improve your bottom line. I’m confident that we’ve got those bulls in this sale today. forward to seeing you on sale day!

I look

Many of you reading this have seen many more cattle cycles than I have. It’s one of the unique things about our business and while it’s valleys and peaks can’t always be pinpointed, it’s certain that the nation’s cowherd is contracting, and the turnaround is coming soon. Prices are beginning to trend higher and will soon reach a level that begins incentivizing ranchers to expand the herd. This is an exciting time for cattle producers! This is not the time for business as usual, however. How you manage your operation during the “good times” will set you up for future success. Here’s what we’re doing at Eagle Pass Ranch to take advantage of the low inventory numbers and higher prices:

– A J Munger



3. We’re drought proofing our operation. We’re using the better margins to invest in infrastructure that will allow us to more effectively manage drought in the future. This means developing more water sources, imple menting management-intensive grazing, and focusing on soil health to increase forage production. We won’t ever be invincible when the next dry spell hits, but we’ll be better able to “weather the storm”.

• Bulls selling for $3,500 or more are guaranteed against breeding injury for the first breeding season. Breeding season is defined as the 90-day period following the first turnout of the bulls.


sold to buyers in California and adjacent states are eligible for free delivery. Free delivery is also available to customers whose purchases total more than $25,000. We will arrange delivery to your ranch when possible, however, central stockyards and sale barns may be used as drop off points to prevent cattle from being in transit too long. Buyer’s cooperation in this regard is greatly appreciated.

All purchases made by internet bidding or on order with Eagle Pass Ranch are 100% satisfaction guaranteed upon delivery. This determination needs to be made at the time of delivery.

• If a replacement bull of equal or greater value is available, he will be provided as a replacement for the injured bull. If a replacement bull is not available, credit toward one bull will be given in the following year’s sale, less salvage value of the injured bull. Please notify us as soon as possible should injury occur and prior to the injured bull being sold for salvage. bulls are not covered by this guarantee. buyers who purchase 5 bulls or more.

e-mail:www.eaglepassranch.cominfo@eaglepassranch.com SALE DAY PHONES Sale Barn ........................................ 209-387-4113 AJ Munger (cell) ............................. 605-521-4468 AUCTIONEER Rick Machado ................................ 805-501-3210 LIVESTOCK PRESS AND SALE CONSULTANTS: Logan Ipsen, Western Livestock Journal 916-947-2392 Matt Macfarlane, California Cattleman ................................... 916-803-3113 Jason Judge, Advanced Beef Solutions ................................... 559-288-8142 Joey Cozzi, Dos Palos Y Auction Yard 209-769-4662 Joel Cozzi, Dos Palos Y Auction Yard ...................................... 209-769-4660 Jarod Cozzi, Dos Palos Y Auction Yard ....................................209-587-6082 Martin Machado, M&M Livestock 209-652-6946 SALE SCHEDULE (ALL TIMES PDT): TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27TH • 8:00 AM – BULLS IN DISPLAY PENS AND AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING ALL DAY AT DOS PALOS Y AUCTION YARD WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28TH –SALE DAY! • 8:00 AM – COFFEE AND DOUGHNUTS AT SALE BARN • 9:30 AM – BULLS IN DISPLAY PENS AND AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING • 11:30 AM – LUNCH STARTS AT THE DPY CAFÉ • 1:00 PM – SALE TIME

• Replacement

• If you take your cattle home on sale day, we will give you a rebate of $100 per head. This only applies to sale day load outs. Bring your trailer and save SIGHTmoney.UNSEEN

DIRECTIONS TO SALE Dos Palos Y Auction Yard 16575 S Hwy 33 Dos Palos, CA 83620 Dos Palos Y Auction Yard is located near the town of Dos Palos, CA on Hwy 33, approximately ¼ mile south of Hwy 152. LODGING INFORMATION La Quinta Inn & Suites, Los Banos ......................................... 209-827-4677 Best Western, Los Banos ........................................................ 877-574-2464 Courtyard Marriott, Merced ................................................... 209-725-1221 AllLIABILITYpersons attending the sale do so at their own risk. The seller assumes no liability, legal or otherwise, for any accidents occurring on or about the CashTERMSpremises.orcheck payment in full on day of sale unless prior arrangements HEALTHmade. All cattle will be accompanied by proper health certificates for shipment and have had a complete vaccination program, including Anaplasmosis.


VOLUME DISCOUNT A 5% volume discount is available to


93 / TI4% 150 / API15%

Economic indexes are easily the most efficient and effective way to select for future profitability. They are the ONLY genetic selection method that allows you to factor in the cost of selecting for traits, as well as the benefit.


In a nutshell, that’s what indexes do. They take all of the economically-relevant traits (ERTs) and calculate their value based on all the costs and benefits associated with those traits. So, which indexes should you use? Luckily, that answer is pretty simple. If you’re keeping replacement females, the All-Purpose Index (API) is the best choice. However, if you market 100% of your calf crop every year, the Terminal Index (TI) puts absolutely no weight on any maternal traits and it will allow you to maximize the market value of your calf crop at every end point, whether that’s as a weaned calf, yearling, or selling fat cattle on a value-based marketing grid.

Profitable Genetic Selection using API and TI

Lastly, it’s important to have a reference for how these indexes are tabulated. Indexes are displayed in dollars per cow exposed.So, if a bull breeds 30 cows a year For an average of 4 years that’s 120 total cows exposed If Bull A is +100 for API and Bull B is +150 for API, over their lifetime, Bull B will generate $6,000 (120 cows exposed x $50 difference in API) more Net Profit than Bull A. A percentile ranking is provided to show how a bull compares to other bulls in the breed.

There’s a lot riding on bull selection, as it not only affects the value of your calf crop that you will market for the next 4-6 years, but if you’re keeping replacements that can turn in to as much as 10-15 years!

For example, what’s another 25 lbs of Weaning Weight worth? Well, that’s pretty easy as there’s plenty of market information to determine the benefit of added payweight. But that 25 lbs of Weaning Weight isn’t free, unfortunately. It’s more than likely going to require more feed intake or milk production, but maybe it’s also related to more birth weight and potential calving problems. Or maybe it’s related to more mature cow size with higher maintenance costs because she still needs groceries year-round, whether she’s raising a calf or not.

So how do you make the most profitable decisions today, based on what the industry will be like in 5, 10, or 15 years?

Using API and TI: First, determine which index to use; if you’re keeping replacements use API, if not, TI. Then, just as with EPDs, zero in on the unit difference between bulls. (As described above, index units are in dollars per cow exposed.) The difference can be used to determine how much a bull is worth compared to another. Or, put another way, how much you can pay for one bull compared to another. For example, when buying an all-purpose-type sire, you can quickly figure a bull scoring +100 for API is worth an extra $6,000 over a +50 bull if both are exposed to 30 cows over 4 years ($50 diff. x 30 hd. x 4 yr. = $6,000). A percentile-ranking chart is required to determine where a bull’s index value ranks him relative to other bulls in the breed.

Ribeye Area (REA) EPD, expressed in square inches, is a predictor of the difference in ribeye area of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.

Marbling EPD (Marb), expressed as a fraction of the difference in USDA marbling score of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.

All-Purpose Index (API): Evaluates sires for use on the entire cow herd (bred to both Angus first-calf heifers and mature cows) with the portion of their daughters required to maintain herd size retained and the remaining heifers and steers put on feed and sold grade and yield. The API Index percentile ranking, if listed, is based on where the animal ranks among all cattle in the American Simmental Association’s database.

Terminal Index (TI): Evaluates sire for use on mature Angus cows with all offspring put on feed and sold grade and yield. The TI Index percentile ranking, if listed, is based on where the animal ranks among all cattle in the American Simmental Association’s database.

Calving Ease EPD (CED) is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births, with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first-calf heifers.

Birth Weight EPD (BW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a bull’s ability to transmit birth weight to his progeny compared to that of other bulls. Birth Weight EPDs are a component trait for calculating Calving Ease EPDs.

Milk EPD (Milk), expressed in pounds, is an estimate of the portion of a calf’s weaning weight attributed to milk and mothering ability. Optimal Milk EPDs can vary between environments. For assistance in selecting your Optimal Milk EPD range, visit www. angus.org/Performance/OptimalMilk/OptimalMilkMain.aspx.


BD: 2/2/21 ASA: 3888050 Tattoo: J034 78 TI 3.75 Act.

Yearling Weight EPD (YW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a bull’s ability to transmit yearling growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires.

tayability(Stay) EPD, expressed as a percent of daughters remaining in the cowherd at 6 years of age.


Weaning Weight EPD (WW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a bull’s ability to transmit weaning growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires.

Carcass Weight EPD (CW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of the differences in hot carcass weight of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.

$ Indexes: Though EPDs allow for the comparison of genetic levels for many economically important traits, they only provide a piece of the economic puzzle. That’s where $ indexes come in. Through wellconceived, rigorous mathematical computation, $ indexes blend EPDs and economics to estimate an animal’s overall impact on your bottom line. The same technology that led to the dramatic progress in swine, poultry and dairy genetics over the last several decades was used to develop the following $ indexes.

RFI 111 API EGL LIFELINE B101 S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 EGL ESTELLE X014 EGL CALLIOPE A429 EGL CALLIOPE F416 EGL GAME CHANGER D136 3354471 3498171 Homo Black 1/2 GV 1/2 AN Homo Polled0.64RFI 20% 20% 5% 10% 11 0.7 84 132 19 9 52 0.23 0.94 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs

Residual Feed Intake (RFI), expressed in pounds, is an estimate of the pounds above or below the amount of expected feed required for growth and maintenance. Act. RFI is the animal’s actual individual performance and the EPD estimates his offspring’s genetic potential. EPDs are calculated by Vytelle using the largest feed intake database in the world.

EAGLE PASS RANCH FALL BULL SALE 5 1 BLACK BALANCER Bulls BD: 2/2/21 ASA: 3888050 Tattoo: J034 EGL LIFELINE J0341 • GE-EPD • Herd bull. Cow maker deluxe with quality to burn. 78 TI 3.75 Act. RFI 111 API EGL LIFELINE B101 S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 EGL ESTELLE X014 EGL CALLIOPE A429 EGL CALLIOPE F416 EGL GAME CHANGER D136 3354471 3498171 Homo Black 1/2 GV 1/2 AN Homo Polled0.64RFI 20% 20% 5% 10% 11 0.7 84 132 19 9 52 0.23 0.94 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 2/17/21 ASA: 3888122 Tattoo: J127 EGL LIFELINE J1272 • GE-EPD • Calving ease plus added performance and muscle. 90 /TI15% -0.15 Act. RFI 139 / API35%EGL LIFELINE B101 S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 EGL ESTELLE X014 MAREN A471 MAREN C502 A A R TEN X 7008 S A 3354471 3428236 Homo Black 3/8 GV 5/8 AN Homo Polled0.13RFI 50% 20% 40% 45% 12 -1.4 69 116 9 7 35 0.34 0.65 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs The most widely used Balancer sire in the history of the breed and for good reason. Lifeline consistently sires quality bulls and females that are sound, functional, capacious, and excellent hoof and udder quality. These conve nience traits are what have made him so popular among breeders and commer cial cattlemen. Lifeline progeny are real-world tested and is the go to bull for siring value-added Balancer cattle. EGL LIFELINE B101 BD: 01/28/2014 ASA: 3354471 Tattoo: B101 10%+17 10%-2.6 70%+72 +10675% +0.2280% +4.980% 99%+15 85%+22 +0.0199% +0.6950% +119.075% +75.365% CED BW WW YW ADG MCE Milk CW Marb REA API TI Sire of Lots 1-9

EAGLE PASS RANCH FALL BULL SALE6 BLACK BALANCER Bulls BD: 3/15/21 ASA: 3888236 Tattoo: J045 EGL LIFELINE J0453 • GE-EPD • Big weaning weight bull, over 700 lb AWW! 71 TI -1.39 Act. RFI 105 API EGL LIFELINE B101 S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 EGL ESTELLE X014 EGL GRETA T011 GRETA Z303 EGL NORTHERN DANCER U659 3354471 3428222 Homo Black 1/2 GV 1/2 AN Homo Polled0.00RFI 30% 50% 10 -0.7 71 112 16 9 22 0.22 0.67 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 2/9/21 ASA: 3888072 Tattoo: 398J EGL LIFELINE 398J4 • GE-EPD • Heifer bull. Easy calving, with top-end performance. 78 TI 1.15 Act.127RFIAPIEGL LIFELINE B101 S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 EGL ESTELLE X014 EGL TESSA C1521 EGL TESSA E1520 EAGLE PASS COUNTRY 89C 3354471 3466460 Homo Black 1/4 GV 3/4 AN Homo Polled0.38RFI 10% 30% 35% 17 0.5 82 124 17 13 24 0.26 0.60 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 2/20/21 ASA: 3888138 Tattoo: J025 EGL LIFELINE J0255 • GE-EPD • Heifer bull. Top Profit bull out of the Lifeline sire group. 86 /TI20% -0.75 Act. RFI 161 / API10%EGL LIFELINE B101 S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 EGL ESTELLE X014 HALLE M240 EGL HALLE A336 CONNEALY PROTEGE 5391 3354471 3400855 Black (Red Carrier) 1/2 GV 1/2 AN Multi0.17PldRFI 15% 10% 50% 25% 16 -2.8 56 79 19 15 22 0.45 0.61 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 2/9/21 ASA: 3888075 Tattoo: J037 EGL LIFELINE J0376 • GE-EPD • Retain some ownership here. Look at the feed efficiency and terminal merit. 96 / TI3% -6.15 Act. RFI 151 / API20%EGL LIFELINE B101 S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 EGL ESTELLE X014 LANTRY A176 LANTRY C419 PA FULL POWER 1208 3354471 3428324 Homo Black 3/8 GV 5/8 AN Homo Polled1%-0.65RFI45% 50% 30% 20% 12 0.1 76 128 15 9 28 0.52 0.51 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs

EAGLE PASS RANCH FALL BULL SALE 7 BLACK BALANCER Bulls BD: 2/21/21 ASA: 3888145 Tattoo: J039 EGL LIFELINE J0397 • GE-EPD • Heifer bull. Ultra calving ease bull, big plus for range calving. 81 / 145Act.2.25TI40%RFI/25%APIEGL LIFELINE B101 S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 EGL ESTELLE X014 EGL FARAH ET EGL FARAH E045 WR JOURNEY-1X74 3354471 3438720 Black (Red Carrier) 1/2 GV 1/2 AN Homo Polled0.48RFI 5% 1% 18 -5.9 58 83 13 14 25 0.07 0.65 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 3/18/21 ASA: 3888258 Tattoo: J080 EGL LIFELINE J0808 • GE-EPD • Heifer bull. Loads of maternal value here. 70 TI 1.30 Act. RFI 117 API EGL LIFELINE B101 S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 EGL ESTELLE X014 AHL SWEETHEART 203Z EGL SWEATHEART E7125EGLROUNDHOUSE B019 3354471 3473455 Homo Black 1/2 GV 1/2 AN Homo Polled0.36RFI 20% 10% 35% 15 -2.7 65 96 16 11 23 0.23 0.76 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 2/8/21 ASA: 3888069 Tattoo: J124 EGL LIFELINE J1249 • GE-EPD • This bull can pack on the pounds! Dense made, sensible frame, cowman’s kind. 68 Act.1.41TIRFI 96 API EGL LIFELINE B101 S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 EGL ESTELLE X014 OLIVE C383 EGL OLIVE F389 DOC HOLLIDAY D100 ET 3354471 3498130 Homo Black 1/2 GV 1/2 AN Mutli0.28PldRFI 25% 10 1.5 74 108 17 9 28 0.12 0.82 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs

EAGLE PASS RANCH FALL BULL SALE8 BLACK BALANCER Bulls BD: 2/25/21 ASA: 3888160 Tattoo: J059 EGL ROUNDHOUSE J05910 • GE-EPD • Balanced bull with ideal growth and carcass numbers. Act.2.6572TIRFI 111 API EGL ROUNDHOUSE B019ROUNDUP X777 EGL EVELYNN U426 EGL FARAH ET FARAH C031 ET CONNEALY PROTEGE 5391 3354473 3496395 Black (Red Carrier) 1/2 GV 1/2 AN Homo Polled0.46RFI 45% 45% 12 1.1 69 119 20 8 22 0.34 0.24 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs • One of the most popular sires in the Eagle Pass program for the last 5 years. His daughters are proving to be calf raising machines that are incredibly sound, with great udders and fertility. There may not be a better, highly-prov en maternal sire group in the entire offering. EGL ROUNDHOUSE B019 BD: 02/19/2014 ASA: 3354473 Tattoo: B019 60%+12 +0.655% 95%+61 90%+96 +0.2185% +8.425% 99%+15 90%+19 +0.5615% +0.1299% +121.270% +73.770% CED BW WW YW ADG MCE Milk CW Marb REA API TI Sire of Lots 10-14 10

EAGLE PASS RANCH FALL BULL SALE 9 BLACK BALANCER Bulls BD: 2/13/21 ASA: 3888102 Tattoo: J052 EGL ROUNDHOUSE J05211 • GE-EPD • If you’re looking for a bull to sire CAB candidates, mark him down! 67 Act.-2.12TIRFI124APIEGL ROUNDHOUSE B019ROUNDUP X777 EGL EVELYNN U426 OLIVE S118 ET OLIVE C131 CONNEALY PROTEGE 5391 3354473 3428037 Homo Black 1/2 GV 1/2 AN Homo Polled-0.13RFI 15% 15% 12 -2.2 49 72 20 11 27 0.57 0.20 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 2/23/21 ASA: 3888152 Tattoo: J057 EGL ROUNDHOUSE J05712 • GE-EPD • Big gaining bull with top 1% feed efficiency means more profit potential. Act.-4.6572TIRFI 108 API EGL ROUNDHOUSE B019ROUNDUP X777 EGL EVELYNN U426 EGL NICOLE U459 EGL NICOLE B269 EGL LOCK AND LOAD X415 3354473 3355787 Homo Black 1/2 GV 1/2 AN Homo Polled1%-0.67RFI45% 40% 30% 5 2.9 74 121 13 10 35 0.44 0.52 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 2/13/21 ASA: 3888099 Tattoo: J054 EGL ROUNDHOUSE J05413 • GE-EPD • Low birth weight and still over 100 YW, this bull can do it all. 71 TI 0.51 Act. RFI 119 API EGL ROUNDHOUSE B019ROUNDUP X777 EGL EVELYNN U426 VIVIAN X304 VIVIAN A208 EGL LOCK AND LOAD X415 3354473 3427944 Homo Black 1/2 GV 1/2 AN Homo Polled0.07RFI 40% 15% 45% 13 -2.2 62 101 17 11 27 0.33 0.53 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 2/11/21 ASA: 3888089 Tattoo: J053 EGL ROUNDHOUSE J05314 • GE-EPD • Big carcass weight and marbling predictions, must haves for grid marketing. Act.2.1474TIRFI 115 API EGL ROUNDHOUSE B019ROUNDUP X777 EGL EVELYNN U426 PHOENIX T029 PHOENIX C068 ET RITO REVENUE 5M2 OF 2536 PRE 3354473 3427770 Black (Red Carrier) 1/2 GV 1/2 AN Homo Polled0.50RFI 50% 25% 30% 11 1.9 74 117 17 10 40 0.42 0.30 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs Check out more information at www.EaglePassRanch.com

EAGLE PASS RANCH FALL BULL SALE10 BLACK BALANCER Bulls BD: 3/4/21 ASA: 3888185 Tattoo: J027 EGL GAME CHANGER J02715 • GE-EPD • Bigger framed bull with plenty of horsepower to go along with it. 77 Act.1.32TIRFI122APIEGL GAME CHANGERBENNETTD136 Y6 EGL EVELYNN U426 LEAH T008 LEAH B011 ROUNDUP X777 3493046 3427987 Homo Black 1/2 GV 1/2 AN Homo Polled0.14RFI 35% 50% 30% 15% 14 0.3 70 116 15 6 37 0.55 0.55 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 2/23/21 ASA: 3888155 Tattoo: J024 EGL GAME CHANGER J02416 • GE-EPD • Love this combination of convenience traits and performance. 77 TI -3.33 Act.123RFIAPIEGL GAME CHANGERBENNETTD136 Y6 EGL EVELYNN U426 EGL SWEET SOURCE T633 SWEET SOURCE A480EGL Y147 ET 3493046 3427956 Homo Black 1/2 GV 1/2 AN Mutli-0.3010%PldRFI35% 50% 15% 25% 14 0.2 74 105 13 10 45 0.47 0.46 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 3/2/21 ASA: 3888177 Tattoo: J028 EGL GAME CHANGER J02817 • GE-EPD • Highest profit potential bull out of the Game Changer sire group. 90 / 148Act.-0.82TI10%RFI/20%APIEGL GAME CHANGERBENNETTD136 Y6 EGL EVELYNN U426 EGL BABY DOLL A622 EGL BABY DOLL C534LCOC FINAL ANSWER G532U 3493046 3355629 Homo Black 3/8 GV 5/8 AN Homo Polled39%-0.19RFI35% 25% 15% 13 -1.3 63 91 19 8 20 0.58 0.28 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 3/15/21 ASA: 3888238 Tattoo: J032 EGL GAME CHANGER J03218 • GE-EPD • Whether you sell off the cow or wean them, this bull will add payweight. 88 /TI15% -1.90 Act. RFI 135 / API40%EGL GAME CHANGERBENNETTD136 Y6 EGL EVELYNN U426 Y406 EGL ELLUNA A574 EGL TENDERLOIN N407 3493046 3355737 Homo Black 3/8 GV 5/8 AN Homo Polled-0.02RFI 20% 20% 20% 4% 10 2.5 85 134 21 10 43 0.76 0.31 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs • Top selling bull in our 2017 Spring Bull sale to Post Rock Cattle Company and Twin Oak Gelbvieh • Game Changer is siring calves with modest birth weight and explosive growth • A Balancer sire that is changing the game in terms of growth, carcass, and efficiency for Gelbvieh influenced cattle EGL GAME CHANGER D136 BD: 02/24/2016 ASA: 3493046 Tattoo: D136 60%+12 45%+0.1 20%+86 +13125% +0.2840% +10.310% 85%+19 +52.85% +0.6910% +0.5670% +150.420% +105.21% CED BW WW YW ADG MCE Milk CW Marb REA API TI Sire of Lot 15-20

EAGLE PASS RANCH FALL BULL SALE 11 BLACK BALANCER Bulls BD: 3/1/21 ASA: 3888176 Tattoo: J042 EGL GAME CHANGER J04219 • GE-EPD • If you produce value-added feeder cattle put an extra star down on this bull. 92 /TI10% 0.33 Act. RFI 140 / API35%EGL GAME CHANGERBENNETTD136 Y6 EGL EVELYNN U426 SIENNA Y836 SIENNA A865 FLAG CROSS COUNTRY 90052 3493046 3428196 Homo Black 3/8 GV 5/8 AN Homo Polled0.14RFI 45% 50% 10% 35% 11 0.9 78 116 21 9 48 0.39 0.61 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 3/19/21 ASA: 3888266 Tattoo: J131 EGL GAME CHANGER J13120 • GE-EPD • Backed by two of the most prepotent dams in the Balancer breed, U426 and 847T. 80 /TI45% -0.57 Act. RFI 115 API EGL GAME CHANGERBENNETTD136 Y6 EGL EVELYNN U426 LEE ANN 847T ET LEE ANN C240 EGL REMUDA Z339 3493046 3427782 Homo Black 3/8 GV 5/8 AN Homo Polled0.11RFI 45% 40% 10% 15% 9 1.9 77 121 17 6 48 0.58 0.58 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 2/15/21 ASA: 3888115 Tattoo: J008 EGL DOC HOLLIDAY J00821 • GE-EPD • Doc Holliday sons can do it all, find this bull in the pen and you’ll see why. 73 Act.-2.51TIRFI125APIDOC HOLLIDAY D100ROUNDUPET X777 TESSA W102 ET SKYLAR B423 EGL SKYLAR E160 EGL BARRETT B050 3457890 3438776 Homo Black 3/8 GV 5/8 AN Homo Polled4%-0.44RFI40% 45% 50% 11 0.8 74 123 12 16 31 0.32 0.51 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 3/6/21 ASA: 3888191 Tattoo: J013 EGL DOC HOLLIDAY J01322 • GE-EPD • Big gaining bull that started small and came off test towards the top. 77 TI No Act.TestRFI125APIDOC HOLLIDAY D100ROUNDUPET X777 TESSA W102 ET EGL T306 EGL MILLIE Y183 EGL NORTHERN WIND P068 ET 3457890 3370908 Black (Red Carrier) 1/2 GV 1/2 AN Homo PolledRFI 45% 20% 25% 40% 40% 12 0.5 77 133 15 12 40 0.37 0.72 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 2/27/21 ASA: 3888170 Tattoo: J072 EGL AVIATOR J07223 • GE-EPD • Top Dollar bull here, look at the indexes! 95 / 160Act.-0.44TI4%RFI/10%APIEGL AVIATOR E7136 MUSGRAVE AVIATOR AHL TESSA 350A ET AHL MISS DATELINE EGL MISS DATELINE EGLF413GAME CHANGER D136 3355549 3498189 Homo Black 1/4 GV 3/4 AN Homo Polled46%-0.16RFI30% 30% 50% 20% 20% 14 -0.8 74 107 23 14 43 0.52 0.46 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs Doc Holliday D100 ET Sire of Lots 21-22

EAGLE PASS RANCH FALL BULL SALE12 BLACK BALANCER Bulls BD: 3/2/21 ASA: 3888178 Tattoo: J004 EGL BIG ANDY J00424 • GE-EPD • High API bull in the Balancer division, restock the herd with this guy. 94 / TI5% -1.06 Act. RFI 170 / API4%DCH BIG ANDY D672DCH HILLE Y109 DCH HILLE 4266 NICHELLE Z761 EGL NICHELLE D683CONNEALY COUNSELOR 3702605 3435438 Black (Red Carrier) 5/8 GV 3/8 AN Homo Polled7%-0.33RFI15% 35% 50% 30% 40% 20% 50% 16 -0.6 70 107 23 17 35 0.52 0.68 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 2/20/21 ASA: 3888140 Tattoo: J003 EGL BIG ANDY J00325 • GE-EPD • No holes here, top marks for efficiency and profitability. 88 / 157Act.-2.38TI20%RFI/10%APIDCH BIG ANDY D672DCH HILLE Y109 DCH HILLE 4266 Y194 ET EGL MILLIE D170 EGL BARRETT B050 3702605 3435441 Black (Red Carrier) 3/4 GV 1/4 AN Homo Polled3%-0.47RFI30% 45% 10% 50% 14 -0.1 72 105 20 20 28 0.25 0.66 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 2/21/21 ASA: 3888147 Tattoo: J056 EGL ENCORE J05626 • GE-EPD • This bull is built to work on Angus cows, maximum hybrid vigor potential. 66 Act.1.43TIRFI 103 API EGL ENCORE E7166 JOB DANELL TD CHICO LOCO 28Y MS ASTRO 298Z EGL FARAH Y058 EGL FARAH C168 EGL LOCK AND LOAD X415 3355646 3355625 Black (Red Carrier) 3/4 GV 1/4 AN Homo Polled0.15RFI 50% 50% 10 0.4 67 107 14 11 32 0.18 0.60 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 4/1/21 ASA: 3888419 Tattoo: J074 EGL DOUBLE EAGLE J07427 • GE-EPD • The industry needs more Prime YG 2s & 3s and this is the bull that can do it. 93 / 137Act.-0.26TI10%RFI/40%APIEGL DOUBLE EAGLE VLKD146A301 HIGHMORE AHL DEB 467B ET EGL GWENTH D282 EGL GWENTH F261 PROBITY 254D28 3646191 3498582 Black (Red Carrier) 1/2 GV 1/2 AN Homo Polled0.22RFI 40% 10% 25% 12 0.6 75 122 16 4 48 0.48 0.08 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 3/26/21 ASA: 3888394 Tattoo: J078 EGL DOUBLE EAGLE J07828 • GE-EPD • The #1 bull for TI across the entire sale offering, big time potential. 100 / 1% TI 0.93 Act. RFI 149 / API20%EGL DOUBLE EAGLE VLKD146A301 HIGHMORE AHL DEB 467B ET AHL LEE ANN 202Z EGL LEE ANN F414 EGL GAME CHANGER D136 3646191 3498197 Homo Black 1/2 GV 1/2 AN Multi0.25PldRFI 30% 25% 20% 4% 20% 14 0.5 84 133 18 6 53 0.53 0.44 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs DCH Big Andy D672 Sire of Lots 24-25

EAGLE PASS RANCH FALL BULL SALE14 BLACK SIMANGUS Bulls 29 BD: 2/25/21 ASA: 3888162 Tattoo: 417J EGL DENMARK 417J29 • GE-EPD • Herd bull. Outcross genetics with unmatched performance and efficiency 87 /TI20% -8.51 Act. RFI 133 / API45%CLRS DENMARK 874DCCR WIDE RANGE 9005A HOOK’S XCELLENCE 87X 113A EGL FANNY 306F W/C UNITED 956Y 3097833 3498718 Homo Black 5/8 SM 3/8 AN Homo Polled1%-1.29RFI3% 4% 30% 5% 3% 7 1.5 96 151 19 17 52 0.26 1.10 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 3/14/21 ASA: 3888231 Tattoo: 444J EGL DENMARK 444J30 • GE-EPD • #1 Adj. WW bull at over 800 lbs! Highest WW and YW EPD bull in the entire offering. 88 /TI15% -1.61 Act. RFI 132 / API50%CLRS DENMARK 874DCCR WIDE RANGE 9005A HOOK’S XCELLENCE 87X EAGLE PASS UPFIELD 25B EGL UPFIELD 277F HOOK’S DROVER 13D 3097833 3498142 Homo Black 5/8 SM 3/8 AN Homo Polled5%-0.36RFI1% 1% 20% 2% 3% 6 4.9 103 166 18 18 59 0.30 1.11 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 1/11/21 ASA: 3888497 Tattoo: 106J EGL GUARDIAN 106J31 • GE-EPD • Biggest birth to weaning bull in the sale, #3 WW and YW EPD with negative BW 91 /TI10% No 139Act.TestRFI/35%APICLRS GUARDIAN 317G HOOK’S BEACON 56B CLRS ALWAYS XCELLENT S A V MADAME PRIDE 4529 EGL MADAME PRIDEBARSTOW7026 CASH 3563436 3438674 Homo Black 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Homo PolledRFI 40% 4% 10% 5% 25% 10% 12 -0.2 94 145 20 13 51 0.48 0.97 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs CLRS Guardian 317G Sire of Lot 31

EAGLE PASS RANCH FALL BULL SALE 15 BLACK SIMANGUS Bulls 32 BD: 2/15/21 ASA: 3924114 Tattoo: J005K EGL GRANITE CITY J005K32 • GE-EPD • Deep and stout, mirror image of his sire. May be top maternal bull in the sale. 85 /TI25% 3.06 Act. RFI 135 / API40%EGL GRANITE CITY 220GCCR COWBOY CUT 5048Z EAGLE PASS BRISTOL 4543 KRS RUBY B039 KRS RUBY F043 HOOK’S BRAVEHEART 105B 3655996 3503583 Homo Black 5/8 SM 3/8 AN Multi0.29PldRFI 30% 25% 40% 35% 25% 45% 10 0.8 81 131 24 13 36 0.48 0.69 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs Granite City sold in our 2020 Spring Sale to Krebs Ranch, Gordon, NE for $23,000. Semen was available that spring and we used him along with Krebs. In the Spring of 2021 we had the chance to buy walking rights back on the bull from Krebs as part a larger deal and we jumped on the opportunity after seeing how the bull matured out as a 2 yr. old. His bull calves possess the same power and presence that he does and do it in a very visually appealing manner. He’s low birth, with solid growth numbers and elite end product merit. As a yearling he was a high-efficiency bull, leading his contemporary group, and looks to be transmitting that to his offspring as well. We’re excited to keep using the bull and getting more data, but right now it looks like his genetics are extremely relevant for the industry right now. EGL GRANITE CITY 220G BD: 01/10/2019 ASA: 3655996 Tattoo: 220G 65%11.5 30%-0.9 25%+83 +13615% +0.3315% 80%+5 25%+26 30%+39 +0.6910% +0.6460% +150.720% +93.510% CED BW WW YW ADG MCE Milk CW Marb REA API TI Sire of Lots 32-35

EAGLE PASS RANCH FALL BULL SALE16 BLACK SIMANGUS Bulls BD: 3/3/21 ASA: 3888181 Tattoo: 155J EGL GRANITE CITY 155J33 • Top maternal presence with the numbers to back it up. 81 /TI40% 0.37 Act. RFI 156 / API15%EGL GRANITE CITY 220GCCR COWBOY CUT 5048Z EAGLE PASS BRISTOL 4543 HOOKS SONYA 20S EGL SONYA 17E LEACHMAN PROPHET J030Z 3655996 3438611 Homo Black 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Homo Polled-0.03RFI 25% 10% 10% 10% 30% 15 -2.8 67 100 21 20 12 0.61 0.78 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 3/5/21 ASA: 3924113 Tattoo: J004K EGL GRANITE CITY J004K34 • GE-EPD • #4 YW EPD with sensible BW means bigger paychecks on sale day. 94 / TI5% 0.99 Act. RFI 153 / API15%EGL GRANITE CITY 220GCCR COWBOY CUT 5048Z EAGLE PASS BRISTOL 4543 KRS QUEEN D070 KRS QUEEN F058 LRS CROWN 437D 3655996 3503622 Homo Black 5/8 SM 3/8 AN Homo Polled0.15RFI 30% 20% 10% 30% 35% 10% 12 -0.8 85 141 25 13 37 0.65 0.56 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 1/31/21 ASA: 3888042 Tattoo: 144J EGL GRANITE CITY 144J35 • GE-EPD • Heifer bull. Low birth weight, smaller framed bull that will work great on heifers. 89 /TI15% No 154Act.TestRFI/15%APIEGL GRANITE CITY 220GCCR COWBOY CUT 5048Z EAGLE PASS BRISTOL 4543 TJ 22X EGL NALA 105F G A R SURE FIRE 3655996 3451785 Homo Black 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Homo PolledRFI 40% 4% 15% 10% 13 -3.9 71 110 28 14 28 0.64 0.50 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs Check out more information at www.EaglePassRanch.com EGL Nala 105F TJ 22X Daughter and donor dam of Lot 72

EAGLE PASS RANCH FALL BULL SALE 17 BLACK SIMANGUS Bulls BD: 2/26/21 ASA: 3888167 Tattoo: 128J EGL FIRESTEEL 128J36 • GE-EPD • Heifer bull. Easy calving without sacrificing pounds. 89 /TI15% No 165Act.TestRFI/10%APIEGL FIRESTEEL 103FG A R SURE FIRE TJ EGL22XFANNY 241C EGL FANNY 47E HOOK’S BEACON 56B 3498940 3438618 Homo Black 5/8 SM 3/8 AN Homo PolledRFI 15% 20% 15% 15% 20% 10% 25% 16 -1.8 74 116 28 19 42 0.64 0.83 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 3/7/21 ASA: 3888196 Tattoo: 132J EGL FIRESTEEL 132J37 • GE-EPD • Heifer bull. Bulletproof option for heifers and young cows. 88 / 163Act.0.20TI15%RFI/10%APIEGL FIRESTEEL 103FG A R SURE FIRE TJ HOOKS22X SONYA 20S EAGLE PASS SONYA 50CKC F BENNETT ABSOLUTE 3498940 3080767 Homo Black 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Homo Polled3%-0.45RFI3% 20% 45% 45% 45% 45% 10% 25% 19 -1.5 73 121 24 16 33 0.64 0.83 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 1/8/21 ASA: 3888295 Tattoo: 088J EGL FIRESTEEL 088J38 • GE-EPD • Heifer bull. First calf heifer flat out got it done. Top 1% for RFI. 77 149Act.-3.92TIRFI/20%APIEGL FIRESTEEL 103FG A R SURE FIRE TJ EAGLE22X PASS MS FRONTMAN 2051 EGL MS FRONTMAN CLRS318G AFTER SHOCK 604 A 3498940 3691791 Homo Black 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Homo Polled1%-0.68RFI2% 25% 40% 25% 20 -1.2 64 99 23 16 26 0.46 0.61 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 2/18/21 ASA: 3888126 Tattoo: 122J EGL FIRESTEEL 122J39 • GE-EPD • Heifer bull. Sleep all night calving ease. 86 /TI25% No Act.TestRFI175/3%APIEGL FIRESTEEL 103FG A R SURE FIRE TJ EGL22XEMILENA 06C EGL EMILENA 46E HOOK’S BEACON 56B 3498940 3292011 Homo Black 5/8 SM 3/8 AN Homo PolledRFI 1% 2% 20% 10% 10% 21 -5.1 62 103 27 20 24 0.65 0.56 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs Breeders often ask, “If you could only pick one bull to use on 100 cows, who would it be?” For us that answer is Firesteel. We might be a bit biased because we raised him, but the bull just does so many things well. You can mate him to high powered donors and make next level herdsires or you can breed him to heifers and younger cows to make really high-quality cattle that balance up extremely well which is what we did. You can use Firesteel sons to add value to feeder cat tle, and the daughters will be just as good in the replacement pen. Needless to say, you’ll see a lot more influence from Firesteel in our program in years to come. EGL FIRESTEEL 103F BD: 01/28/2018 ASA: 3498940 Tattoo: 103F +202% 15%-2.4 70%+71 +10970% +0.2465% 10%+10 +324% 65%+28 +0.843% +0.8125% +178.72% +93.810% CED BW WW YW ADG MCE Milk CW Marb REA API TI Sire of Lots 36-40

EAGLE PASS RANCH FALL BULL SALE18 BLACK SIMANGUS Bulls BD: 2/10/21 ASA: 3888078 Tattoo: 123J EGL FIRESTEEL 123J40 • GE-EPD • Heifer bull. The stars have aligned, #1 API and RFI bull in the sale and its not even close. 93 /TI10% -6.33 Act. RFI 191 / API1%EGL FIRESTEEL 103FG A R SURE FIRE TJ HOOKS22X SONYA 20S EAGLE PASS SONYA 47CKC F BENNETT ABSOLUTE 3498940 3080764 Homo Black 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Homo Polled1%-1.22RFI1% 1% 40% 3% 2% 22 -5.5 65 99 24 21 15 0.88 0.38 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 2/7/21 ASA: 3888066 Tattoo: 004J EGL CINCHED 004J41 • GE-EPD • Heifer bull. For being a low BW bull, he’s a hoss that will catch your eye in the sale pens. 94 / TI5% -0.88 Act. RFI 162 / API10%EGL CINCHED 116F G A R SURE FIRE TJ EGL22XFLOSSIE 54D EGL FLOSSIE 211F CLRS CHANCELLOR 080 C 3498948 3498062 Homo Black 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Homo Polled34%-0.21RFI15% 20% 40% 25% 30% 3% 10% 16 -1.7 79 130 20 13 38 0.83 0.96 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 1/23/21 ASA: 3887993 Tattoo: 189J EGL PLUS ONE 189J42 • GE-EPD • Heifer bull. Royally bred son out of one of the top Angus bulls in the country and our premier 22X donor. 84 / 161Act.2.78TI25%RFI/10%APIE&B PLUS ONE CONNEALY CONFIDENCE PLUS E&B LADY 1023 PRECISION 936 MS MISS 306R TJ 22X MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 3659337 2575604 Homo Black 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Homo Polled0.20RFI 4% 4% 10% 15% 50% 20% 10% 18 -3.9 66 105 30 19 33 0.50 0.99 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 1/26/21 ASA: 3888011 Tattoo: 181J EGL NIGHT WATCH 1881J43 • GE-EPD • Heifer bull. Low birth weight and explosive performance and he’s a purebred. 85 / 144Act.2.76TI25%RFI/25%APIW/C NIGHT WATCH 84ECCR ANCHOR 9071B MISS WERNING KP 8543U MS MISS 306R TJ 22X MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 3336327 2575604 Homo Black PB SM Homo Polled0.26RFI 5% 4% 40% 1% 40% 10% 16 -2.1 80 106 38 18 23 0.10 1.15 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 1/8/21 ASA: 3887979 Tattoo: 178J EGL NIGHT WATCH 178J44 • GE-EPD • Heifer bull. Donor dam is a full sister to the ABS stud, Great Western. 80 /TI45% 1.50 Act. RFI 152 / API15%W/C NIGHT WATCH 84ECCR ANCHOR 9071B MISS WERNING KP 8543U TJ 22X EGL MISS 88G T C A VISIONARY 158 3336327 3691713 Homo Black 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Homo Polled0.02RFI 4% 3% 5% 10% 50% 45% 18 -4.6 67 98 31 19 15 0.31 0.70 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs TJ 22X Donor Dam of Lots 42-43 and Grandam of Lots 36-41 & 44

EAGLE PASS RANCH FALL BULL SALE 19 BLACK SIMANGUS Bulls 45 BD: 3/19/21 ASA: 3888263 Tattoo: 491J EGL RESOURCE 491J45 • GE-EPD • There’s only one purebred Angus bull in the sale and he’s a pretty dang good one! Act.2.6772TIRFI 119 API GLM 5064 RESOURCE 1509 S A V RESOURCE 1441 TC PEGGY 5064 EAGLE PASS MS BISMARCK 2044 EGL EMILENA 7002 K C F BENNETT ABSOLUTE 3646200 3438658 Homo Black PB AN Homo Polled0.25RFI 25% 20% 50% 20% 25% 10 2.5 84 133 18 15 43 0.47 0.39 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 3/28/21 ASA: 3888398 Tattoo: 494J EGL RESOURCE 494J46 • GE-EPD • #3 Adj. WW Bull, Resource cattle have proved their worth many times over in the cattle business. 81 /TI40% 1.37 Act. RFI 132 / API50%GLM 5064 RESOURCE 1509 S A V RESOURCE 1441 TC PEGGY 5064 PEARL A846 XXL PEARL D478 S D S SHEAR FORCE 320A 3646200 3435468 Black (Red Carrier) 1/4 SM 3/4 AN Multi0.15PldRFI 30% 25% 40% 5% 20% 7 1.8 81 131 22 16 51 0.53 0.61 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs

EAGLE PASS RANCH FALL BULL SALE20 BLACK SIMANGUS Bulls Hook’s Drover 13D Sire to Lots 47-49 BD: 1/24/21 ASA: 3888320 Tattoo: 366J EGL DROVER 366J47 • GE-EPD • Heifer bull. Will be the heaviest heifer bull on sale day, started out at 66 lbs! 80 /TI45% No 150Act.TestRFI/20%APIHOOK’S DROVER 13D W/C UNITED 956Y HOOKS ZAIRE 26Z EAGLE PASS MS CPR 2110 EGL PASS MS CPR 211GCCR COWBOY CUT 5048Z 3132748 3691748 Homo Black 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Homo PolledRFI 10% 10% 50% 35% 10% 10% 45% 17 -2.6 73 116 25 19 50 0.33 0.47 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 2/7/21 ASA: 3888346 Tattoo: 388J EGL DROVER 388J48 • GE-EPD • Heifer bull. Moderate framed bull chucked full of maternal. Range cow maker. 82 / Act.-1.48TI35%RFI127APIHOOK’S DROVER 13D W/C UNITED 956Y HOOKS ZAIRE 26Z EGL LADY BLUEPRINT E7169 EGL LADY BLUEPRINTNLC116GCOW BOSS 160C 3132748 3691720 Homo Black 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Homo Polled15%-0.27RFI20% 20% 35% 40% 30% 15 -1.5 79 122 21 10 29 0.42 0.34 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 2/10/21 ASA: 3888351 Tattoo: 393J EGL DROVER 393J49 • GE-EPD • Heifer bull. Huge birth to weaning spread, plus end product merit. Big time commercial value. 85 / 148Act.2.18TI25%RFI/20%APIHOOK’S DROVER 13D W/C UNITED 956Y HOOKS ZAIRE 26Z EAGLE PASS EMILENA 5041 EGL EMILENA 284G WBF SIGNIFICANT B132 3132748 3691777 Homo Black 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Homo Polled0.19RFI 10% 30% 20% 45% 10% 25% 17 0.8 82 132 20 16 47 0.47 0.59 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 2/22/21 ASA: 3888151 Tattoo: 400J EGL PASQUE 400J50 • GE-EPD • Rugged made bull that will hold up under tough conditions. 78 /TI50% -0.18 Act.123RFIAPI3C PASQUE 9351G BWELSHS DEW IT RIGHT067T 3C CROCUS 7576E B EAGLE PASS 8031 EAGLE PASS MS C PROTEGECONNEALY3096PROTEGE 5391 3657444 3436179 Homo Black 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Mutli0.15PldRFI 50% 40% 30% 20% 5 3.2 76 122 20 13 38 0.52 0.41 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 3/13/21 ASA: 3888229 Tattoo: 464J EGL PASQUE 464J51 • GE-EPD • Big time beef bull with extra shape and dimension. Top 5% RFI 80 /TI45% -1.59 Act. RFI 139 / API35%3C PASQUE 9351G BWELSHS DEW IT RIGHT067T 3C CROCUS 7576E B EAGLE PASS MS BISMARCK 2044 EAGLE PASS EMILENAMR21CNLC UPGRADE U8676 3657444 3080743 Homo Black 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Multi-0.375%PldRFI40% 15% 45% 30% 15% 11 2.2 79 109 21 19 33 0.43 0.93 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs

EAGLE PASS RANCH FALL BULL SALE 21 BLACK SIMANGUS Bulls BD: 1/27/21 ASA: 3888328 Tattoo: 365J EGL INNOVATION 363J52 • GE-EPD • High percentage bull with top end performance. Use the hybrid vigor to your advantage. 84 / 135Act.2.31TI30%RFI/40%APILCDR INNOVATION 71FCDI INNOVATOR 325D WS MOTHER LODE W21 EAGLE PASS TANKER 0095 EGL TANKER 205G CCR COWBOY CUT 5048Z 3491118 3691747 Homo Black 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Homo Polled0.26RFI 50% 35% 40% 20% 20% 12 1.2 80 121 20 12 41 0.50 0.51 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 1/28/21 ASA: 3888651 Tattoo: 370J EGL INNOVATION 370J53 • GE-EPD • Heifer bull. Proven easy calver that can still mash the scales down. Top 3% for efficiency. 76 TI -3.00 Act. RFI 141 / API30%LCDR INNOVATION 71FCDI INNOVATOR 325D WS MOTHER LODE W21 EAGLE PASS MS BISMARCK 2043 EGL MS BISMARCK 281GWBF SIGNIFICANT B132 3491118 3691776 Homo Black 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Homo Polled3%-0.51RFI10% 25% 50% 40% 30% 45% 17 -1.0 63 98 23 15 35 0.42 0.70 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 2/16/21 ASA: 3888357 Tattoo: 387J EGL INNOVATION 387J54 • GE-EPD • Top 20% or better for all 3 carcass merit traits, a cattle feeder’s dream. 83 /TI30% -1.17 Act. RFI 141 / API30%LCDR INNOVATION 71FCDI INNOVATOR 325D WS MOTHER LODE W21 EAGLE PASS MS EMPRESS 3044 EGL MS EMPRESS 215GCCR COWBOY CUT 5048Z 3491118 3691751 Homo Black 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Homo Polled43%-0.17RFI40% 50% 40% 45% 20% 15% 10% 11 3.0 78 118 24 16 41 0.57 0.98 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 2/16/21 ASA: 3888506 Tattoo: 405J EGL INNOVATION 405J55 • GE-EPD • As balanced of a bull as any other in the sale. Absolutely no holes genetic profile. 88 /TI15% -1.06 Act. RFI 151 / API20%LCDR INNOVATION 71FCDI INNOVATOR 325D WS MOTHER LODE W21 CCR MS 2073 COWBOY 5172C EGL MS COWBOY 41GEAGLE PASS CONVERSION 3491118 3691701 Homo Black 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Homo Polled8%-0.32RFI20% 45% 20% 25% 25% 10% 25% 15% 15 0.1 86 129 21 18 50 0.45 0.88 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 2/4/21 ASA: 3888338 Tattoo: 577J EGL INNOVATION 577J56 • GE-EPD • Natural calf of the 88G donor cow, a 22X daughter and full sister to Great West ern at stud for ABS. 88 / 140Act.-0.62TI15%RFI/35%APILCDR INNOVATION 71FCDI INNOVATOR 325D WS MOTHER LODE W21 TJ 22X EGL MISS 88G T C A VISIONARY 158 3491118 3691713 Homo Black 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Homo Polled6%-0.34RFI25% 50% 20% 20% 35% 10% 25% 10% 15 0.3 84 133 25 11 50 0.46 1.01 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 3/8/21 ASA: 3888189 Tattoo: 162J EGL WITNESS 162J57 • GE-EPD • Powerful F1 bull. Top 15% for both WW and YW EPD will add valuable pounds on sale day. 79 / Act.0.64TI45%RFI128APILCDR WITNESS 541COLF OTIS Y43 WS MOTHER LODE W21 EAGLE PASS EMILENA 5025 EGL EMILENA 7075 EF COMMANDO 1366 3027291 3438698 Homo Black 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Homo Polled0.31RFI 15% 15% 25% 25% 9 2.3 87 135 16 18 39 0.24 0.61 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs

EAGLE PASS RANCH FALL BULL SALE22 BLACK SIMANGUS Bulls 58 BD: 2/16/21 ASA: 3924109 Tattoo: J085K EGL FRONTIER J085K58 • GE-EPD • #4 WW and YW EPDs and the bull is an absolute stunner, find him on sale day. 93 /TI10% 0.37 Act. RFI 137 / API40%TMAS MR FRONTIER DL9705GSONIC 2086 TMAS MS LASS 7536E KRS MISS BIT E059 KRS MISS BIT G078 LRS CROWN 437D 3650190 3632053 Homo Black 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Multi0.24PldRFI 35% 40% 10% 10% 2% 20% 30% 14 -0.2 91 142 21 8 57 0.53 0.77 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 2/11/21 ASA: 3924105 Tattoo: J076K EGL FRONTIER J076K59 • GE-EPD • Heifer bull. Curve bending genetics that add value in every facet of production. 84 / 143Act.4.94TI30%RFI/30%APITMAS MR FRONTIER DL9705GSONIC 2086 TMAS MS LASS 7536E KRS BLACK ROSE E015 KRS BLACK ROSE G080LRS CROWN 437D 3650190 3632051 Homo Black 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Multi0.86PldRFI 15% 10% 50% 45% 50% 35% 16 -3.0 75 118 24 13 32 0.41 0.41 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs

EAGLE PASS RANCH FALL BULL SALE 23 BLACK SIMANGUS Bulls BD: 2/22/21 ASA: 3924082 Tattoo: J053K EGL EMPIRE J053K60 • GE-EPD • Cow maker pedigree and very maternal in his design. Good option to make a fancy set of replacements. 70 TI 3.06 Act. RFI 101 API KCC1 EMPIRE 280E TKCC CARVER 65C TR MS PRECISION 2077Z KRS BLACK ROSE A068 KRS BLACK ROSE E015MR HOC BROKER 3323732 3300851 Homo Black 5/8 SM 3/8 AN Multi0.20PldRFI 50% 8 1.2 76 106 23 11 22 0.10 0.61 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 2/6/21 ASA: 3888345 Tattoo: J118 EGL REBEL YELL J11861 • GE-EPD • The only composite bull in the lineup and you’ll like the bull. Big part of our breeding program going forward. 80 / 133Act.2.12TI45%RFI/45%APIREBEL YELL 804F ETPROBITY 254D28 ANISSA 921U ET EAGLE PASS DAYDREAM 101B EGL JULIA G084 CCR PAYDAY 0320C 3773923 3691856 Homo Black 1/4 SM 1/4 GV 1/2 AN Homo Polled0.28RFI 45% 40% 40% 30% 15% 50% 10% 35% 13 -0.3 79 126 28 15 46 0.40 0.47 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 2/2/21 ASA: 3888335 Tattoo: 369J EGL SOUTHERN 369J62 • GE-EPD • Super efficient bull with extra performance and carcass. Won’t find this combi nation anywhere else. 85 / 142Act.-4.10TI25%RFI/30%APISOUTHERN 658G BAR CK 1006X 6006D SOUTHERN MS 6516D EGL FLOSSIE 54D EGL FLOSSIE 277G CCR PAYDAY 0320C 3552042 3691774 Homo Black 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Homo Polled2%-0.62RFI50% 50% 15% 30% 50% 15% 20% 30% 30% 12 0.2 87 128 23 18 43 0.44 0.78 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 2/9/21 ASA: 3888350 Tattoo: 381J EGL SOUTHERN 381J63 • GE-EPD • One of the highest Stay bulls in the sale, daughters will prove their worth in the cowherd. 76 TI 1.70 Act. RFI 139 / API35%SOUTHERN 658G BAR CK 1006X 6006D SOUTHERN MS 6516D EAGLE PASS LEE ANN 06B EGL LEE ANN 193G NLC COW BOSS 160C 3552042 3691742 Homo Black 5/8 SM 3/8 AN Scurred0.01RFI 45% 25% 10% 13 -1.0 72 103 20 20 17 0.30 0.54 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 1/3/21 ASA: 3888276 Tattoo: 015J EGL DARKHORSE 015J64 • GE-EPD • Heifer bull. The Darkhorse cattle are always a favorite. Easy to handle, problem free cattle with a great look. 85 / Act.-0.29TI25%RFI170/4%APITJ DARKHORSE 452CTJ MAKERS MARK 215Y TJ EGL57ZEMILENA 7006 EGL EMILENA 102G HOOK’S BEACON 56B 3022434 3691716 Homo Black 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Homo Polled27%-0.23RFI1% 2% 15% 15% 40% 22 -5.0 65 100 21 19 21 0.56 0.73 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 1/25/21 ASA: 3887998 Tattoo: 012J EGL DISCOVERY 012J65 • GE-EPD • Heifer bull. A maternal brother to our Conversion herd bull with outstanding index values. 91 /TI10% 0.68 Act. RFI 169 / API4%V A R DISCOVERY 2240AA R TEN X 7008 S A DEER VALLEY RITA 0308 TSN MISS 1407 P146 HOOKS SONYA 20S HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K 2861041 2334099 Homo Black 3/8 SM 5/8 AN Homo Polled0.18RFI 15% 4% 50% 35% 2% 16 -4.1 66 109 20 15 36 0.92 0.56 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs

EAGLE PASS RANCH FALL BULL SALE 25 RED ANGUS Bulls 66 BD: 1/11/21 ASA: 3888306 Tattoo: 1053 EGL MERLIN 105366 • GE-EPD • A tremendous Merlin son out of a first calf heifer that dominated his contempo rary group. 88 /TI15% 3.86 Act. RFI 115 API WFL MERLIN 018A LCJ MERLIN T179 WFL COMMITMENT 042Y RED SSS RUBY 684P EGL RUBY 9004 AHL FLASHBACK 446B 3407858 3691799 Red PB AR Homo Polled0.52RFI 10% 15% 20% 40% 40% 10 2.8 90 137 27 11 35 0.38 0.44 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs

EAGLE PASS RANCH FALL BULL SALE26 6867 BD: 2/14/21 ASA: 3888111 Tattoo: 1040 EGL GUIDANCE 104067 • GE-EPD • Heifer bull. One of the top sons we’ve produced out of our new Guidance herd sire. 86 / 160Act.-0.29TI20%RFI/10%APIEGL GUIDANCE 9117MCD SPUR 6111 AHL DUCHESS 427B AHL DUCHESS 9U EGL DUCHESS E7243RED U-2 RIFF 1213C 3655886 3506940 Red PB AR Homo Polled0.02RFI 10% 3% 50% 20% 17 -4.5 51 85 23 13 18 0.49 0.03 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 2/12/21 ASA: 3888097 Tattoo: 1032 EGL GUIDANCE 103268 • GE-EPD • The sky is the limit for the quality of females this bull will generate in the near future. 87 / 145Act.2.40TI20%RFI/25%APIEGL GUIDANCE 9117MCD SPUR 6111 AHL DUCHESS 427B AHL VICTORIA 142Y EGL VICTORIA 8062 RED COCKBURN HEAVY DUTY 518C 3655886 3553619 Red PB AR Homo Polled0.31RFI 45% 20% 10 -0.1 63 98 23 11 18 0.51 -0.06 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs RED ANGUS Bulls The high seller in our 2020 Spring Sale, Guidance sold for $70,000 to a group of Red Angus breeders. We used him on some younger cows and he’s definite ly a low-birth weight sire. The quality that we look for is definitely there and we’re excited to see how the heifers develop and mature, but they should be world class. Big things to come! EGL GUIDANCE 9117 BD: 03/12/2019 ASA: 3655886 Tattoo: 9117 20%15 15%-2.3 95%+59 +10280% 0.2745% +10.65% 15%+28 40%+34 +0.735% +0.1799% +142.930% +84.230% CED BW WW YW ADG MCE Milk CW Marb REA API TI Sire of Lots 114-116

EAGLE PASS RANCH FALL BULL SALE 27 BD: 3/17/21 ASA: 3888247 Tattoo: 580J EGL GUIDANCE 580J69 • GE-EPD • The top terminal indexing bull out of the red cattle and the heifers will be just as good. 95 / TI4% 1.57 Act. RFI 154 / API15%EGL GUIDANCE 9117MCD SPUR 6111 AHL DUCHESS 427B AHL DUCHESS 9U EGL DUCHESS E7241RED U-2 RIFF 1213C 3655886 3506938 Red PB AR Homo Polled0.24RFI 30% 35% 20% 20% 11 -0.8 72 116 25 11 41 0.53 0.31 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 3/8/21 ASA: 3888202 Tattoo: 438J EGL GUIDANCE 438J70 • GE-EPD • Heifer bull. Super easy calving bull with plenty of performance to put him in the top tier for both indexes. 90 /TI10% -0.95 Act. RFI 166 / API5%EGL GUIDANCE 9117MCD SPUR 6111 AHL DUCHESS 427B AHL DINA 102P AHL DINA 13U LCC NEW STANDARD 3655886 3355499 Red PB AR Homo Polled14%-0.27RFI10% 4% 30% 50% 20% 17 -3.9 58 105 25 14 31 0.49 0.07 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 1/1/21 ASA: 3887957 Tattoo: 1070 EGL SUPREMACY 107071 • GE-EPD • We’ve found this mating flat out works, full brothers have been standouts in previous sales. 69 TI 0.71 Act.120RFIAPISCHULER SUPREMACY 7177E 5L BOURNE 670-111C SOR KARVE ENDRANCE 4205B AHL DUCHESS 106P AHL DUCHESS 42W PIE GET WESTERN 4061 3702604 3355504 Red PB AR Homo Polled-0.14RFI 20% 20% 12 -1.8 57 83 16 18 11 0.25 0.09 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 1/7/21 ASA: 3888290 Tattoo: 1030 EGL FRANCHISE 103072 • GE-EPD • Heifer bull. Black bull with a red gene that has endless mating flexibilty. Top profit indexes and efficiency too. 88 / Act.-3.64TI15%RFI166/5%API9 MILE FRANCHISE 6306SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON C-BAR ABIGRACE Y11 EGL DUCHESS E7192 EGL DUCHESS 9053 SRR TRUE GRIT 106 3690002 3691814 Black (Red Carrier) PB AR Homo Polled2%-0.54RFI25% 5% 20% 45% 15% 14 -3.6 52 89 27 16 21 0.56 0.37 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs RED ANGUS Bulls Schuler Supremacy 7177E Sire of Lot 71 AHL Duchess 42W Donor Dam of Lot 71

EAGLE PASS RANCH FALL BULL SALE28 RED SIMANGUS Bulls BD: 1/31/21 ASA: 3888333 Tattoo: 362J EGL GE55 362J73 • GE-EPD • A red hybrid bull with endless maternal value. Top Stay EPD bull in the sale, daughters will be extra special. 68 TI 3.79 Act.126RFIAPIES GE55 CDI PERSPECTIVE 238A ES AHLE55SAMARIE 6192D EGL SMARIE 9091 HXC DECLARATION 5504C 3623115 3695517 Red 3/8 SM 5/8 AR Homo Polled0.80RFI 5% 10 1.3 71 111 18 21 29 0.24 0.22 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs 73

RED SIMANGUS Bulls BD: 2/6/21 ASA: 3888344 Tattoo: 385J EGL GE55 385J74 • GE-EPD • Big time growth potential out of a first calf heifer. Cutting edge genetics, take advantage. Act.2.3674TIRFI 117 API ES GE55 CDI PERSPECTIVE 238A ES AHLE55CITA 6118D EGL CITA 9089 HXC DECLARATION 5504C 3623115 3695516 Red 3/8 SM 5/8 AR Homo Polled0.59RFI 40% 35% 30% 50% 6 1.4 78 125 20 15 39 0.32 0.38 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 3/21/21 ASA: 3888383 Tattoo: 453J EGL GE55 453J75 • GE-EPD • Heifer bull. Easy calving and was still the heaviest weaning red bull in the sale. 65 TI 0.90 Act.123RFIAPIES GE55 CDI PERSPECTIVE 238A ES AHLE55DUCHESS 9U AHL DUCHESS HXC CONQUEST 4405P 3623115 3427912 Red 3/8 SM 5/8 AR Homo Polled0.43RFI 10% 35% 25% 12 -3.3 56 87 25 18 13 0.23 0.22 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 1/26/21 ASA: 3888326 Tattoo: 373J EGL GC18 373J76 • GE-EPD • Heifer bull. 70 lb birth weight bull that tried to be 700 lbs at weaning, no easy task. Top indexing red bull. 94 / TI5% -0.18 Act. RFI 167 / API5%ES GC18 HOOK’S EAGLE 6E ES EAGLEC18 PASS EVELYNN 08B XXL EVELYNN 230G EAGLE PASS CONVERSION 3623066 3691757 Red 5/8 SM 3/8 AN Homo Polled-0.12RFI 5% 10% 15% 15% 15% 20% 20% 5% 18 -2.7 87 135 21 19 42 0.51 1.03 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs BD: 3/20/21 ASA: 3888378 Tattoo: 478J EGL DILIGENT 478J77 • GE-EPD • Heifer bull. Tied for high Stay bull in the sale. Invest in genetics that have proven staying power. 69 142Act.3.22TIRFI/30%APIHOOK’S DILIGENT 33D WS PRIME TIME B6 HOOK’S YURI 78Y AHL DUCHESS 9U AHL DUCHESS 4112BPZC TMAS FIRESTORM 1800 ET 3132768 3427909 Red 3/8 SM 5/8 AR Homo Polled0.33RFI 3% 3% 20% 3% 19 -4.4 57 88 27 21 11 0.23 0.36 CED BW WW YW Milk Stay CW Marb REA Rank EPDs Check out more information at www.EaglePassRanch.com

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