Thorson 2017 catalog

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The SD Hereford Tour is coming to

Thorson Herefords Be sure to stop by

Saturday, September 16, 2017 3:00 p.m. for food, refreshments, and great Hereford cattle.

Selling immediately following the Bull Sale

20 Head of Hereford Replacement Heifers Commercial Bangs Vaccinated

Annual Production Sale Tuesday, February 14, 2017 12:00 Noon (MST) Philip (SD) Livestock Auction Sale Barn Phone: (605) 859-2577

Auctioneer .............Seth Weishaar … (605) 210-1124 Sale Representatives: Beau Ravellette.....................................(605) 685-8155 RPI Promotions Dan Piroutek ........................................(605) 544-3316 Tristate Livestock News Levi Landers.........................................(308) 730-1396 American Hereford Association


• All animals of breeding age are guaranteed breeders. Customary guarantees will apply. • The auctioneer will settle all bidding disputes. • All persons who are attending this sale do so at their own risk. Owners assume no liability, legal or otherwise, for any accidents which may occur. • If you cannot make the sale, you may send or call in your bidding instructions. Your bids will be handled as directed and in your best interest. • Announcements from the auction block take precedence over any printed material. Catalog produced by:

RPI Promotions

Beau Ravellette • 605/685-8155

P.O. Box 788 • Philip, South Dakota 57567 Office: 605/859-2516


Welcome from Thorson Herefords!

Another year has come and gone and I guess I have to put a few thoughts in the front of this catalog. The first is a hope that this catalog finds you in good health and spirits with an eye toward the future. Winter is here and looks to stay a while but... well it is the northern plains. I can’t say I like it but hopefully we will reap some benefits in the spring. A few notes before you (hopefully) dissect this catalog. Somehow, 12 years of raising Hereford bulls is behind me. There has been a lot of changes in weather, markets and all other conditions along the way but this last year has been among the most challenging. That is where I want to start but I am not sure if there is a tactful way to say what I started out to do. When grass is tall, markets good and hay plentiful, it is hard to make an argument on why to change what somebody is doing. Making money is hard to argue with no matter what your operation is. But, as we all saw last year times change and the reason I wanted to raise Hereford bulls with an emphasis on the female side is for when times get tough. I firmly believe that when the grass and hay is iffy, markets are tough and inputs don’t go down, that is where the Hereford blood shines. I have run a lot of F1 baldies along with my straight Hereford cows and I am convinced that they are what can keep you in business when things get tough. Hybrid vigor is the last free thing there is and when you combine that with bulls that will last a long time along with a cow that does more on less and you have what it takes to weather a storm of conditions against making a profit. The emphasis on the female side is something else I would like to stress. My motto is building better cows and I have worked for that. Every sire I have ever picked and every decision on what to breed cow x to is based on what sort of heifer calf I think I could get out of that mating. These bulls are all “accidents” that happened to be male and make it through every test I could throw at them. On the cow side, I write this on January 2nd and my mature cows are still grazing. I am not going to say they are having an easy time but they are getting through the snow and ice although I helped them with a few tractor tracks. It remains to be seen how long they can keep it up but IF there is a thaw coming soon they might still be grazing at sale time. Bulls are sold by a lot of people but for some reason a lot of people think a registration paper is a license to run cows different (easier) than the majority of commercial cows. I look at it more like an obligation to test them every way I can. Most of you will recognize many of the sires represented. I think I may have already sold close to 40 bulls out of 847. 0214 and 034 were both born in 2010. I had calves out of 249 last year. The only new sire is 3305 and he might be the most impressive looking bull I have owned. His first daughters will calve this spring and while it remains to be told how they will actually do, I am excited about the prospect of more of his genes running through this ranch. Longevity is a trait I have worked for. 847 was breeding in the pasture at seven years old. His sire was breeding at eight. I see no reason that 0214 won’t be turned out next year at seven. The sires of both 0214 and 249 were still pasture breeding at 10. You can see a pattern. Couple that with the fact that the dam of my herd bulls averages 7 1/2 natural calves and longevity is bred in. Lastly the details. All bulls were semen checked by Dr Stangle and are fully guaranteed for the first breeding season. Udder scores range from nine (perfect) down to a lowest of four. Anything that is under a four gets culled here. If you live in South Dakota I invite you to bring your trailer. If you do I’ll give you a $100 cash per bull. If that doesn’t work, I deliver up to 500 miles for your purchase price. Call me anytime if you have questions. I enjoy talking cattle and will even show you around if you want to come out and take a look. and thorsonherefords on Facebook also have more info. Thank you for your interest and hope to see you Feb 14. Doug Thorson


Reference Sire CO L1 DOMINO 847U

Reg. 42941187 EPDs BW { L1 DOMINO 97349 WW L1 DOMINO 99496 YW Sire { L1 DOMINETTE 95369 Milk M&G { GB L1 DOMINO 017D REA CO L1 DOMINETTE 226M Marb Dam { CO L1 DOMINETTE 911 CHB DOB: 03/26/2008

2.7 47 80 20 43 .11 .28 $24

There isn’t much to say about 847 that hasn’t already been shown through my sale, but for those of you who are new, 847 is a front of the catalog bull if there has ever been one. With 9 sons in the sale and 8 more bulls that are out of daughters, it is easy to say he is the heart of my program. He was as deep and easy fleshing as any bull could be and possessed a perfect stride. He passed all those traits on. His daughters are fertile, easy fleshing cows that have generally good udders. With 155 calves born in 4 different herds his numbers are accurate. Unfortunately age catches up to everything and this may be the last large group of sons I ever have from him.

Lot 1

TH L1 Domino 5036

DOB: 3-23-2015

{ L1 Domino 99496

Dec. Weight: 1450

BW 205 CO L1 Domino 847 365 Sire CO L1 Dominette 226 (DOD) { SC Udder { CL1 Domino 638 EPDs JA L1 Dominette 0324 BW Dam { JA L1 Dominette 6702 WW No need to look past Lot #1 if you want a good YW Milk one.

Lot 2

84 647 1135 39.0 9 +3.2 +44 +68 +21

TH L1 Domino 5110

DOB: 3-28-2015

{ L1 Domino 99496

Dec. Weight: 1335

BW 205 CO L1 Domino 847 365 Sire CO L1 Dominette 226 (DOD) { SC Udder { TH L1 Domino 6002 EPDs TH Miss Domino 110 BW Dam SBH L1 Miss Domino 2052 { WW He may not have got off to the fastest start but YW he is catching up and soon will pass a bunch of Milk

87 545 1025 37.4 6 +3.8 +38 +67 +16

them. If you sell yearlings, this might be a good place to start. –3–

Lot 3

TH L1 Domino 5181

DOB: 3-22-2015

{ L1 Domino 99496

Dec. Weight: 1330

BW 205 Sire { CO L1 Dominette 226 (DOD) 365 SC Udder { JA L1 Domino 7640 EPDs TH Miss Domino 181 BW Dam { JA L1 Dominette 9303 WW Don’t hold the weaning weight against this guy. YW Milk He had an ear down on the day of weighing.

CO L1 Domino 847

Lot 4

87 565 1085 38.8 8 +3.4 +44 +75 +21

TH L1 Domino 5624

DOB: 3-20-2015

{ L1 Domino 99496

Dec. Weight: 1320

BW 205 Sire { CO L1 Dominette 226 (DOD) 365 SC Udder { JC L1 Domino 4013 EPDs TH L1 Miss Domino 624 BW Dam { JC L1 Domette 4019 WW If you want longevity this would be where to YW start. His mother gave me a 545# heifer calf this Milk

CO L1 Domino 847

84 595 1035 36.0 7 +2.1 +36 +59 +22

year at 10 years old and is bred again for next year.

Lot 5

TH L1 Domino 5731

DOB: 3-31-2015

{ L1 Domino 99496

Dec. Weight: 1430

BW 205 CO L1 Domino 847 365 Sire CO L1 Dominette 226 (DOD) { SC Udder { JC L1 Domino 4013 EPDs TH L1 Miss Domino 731 BW Dam { JC L1 Domette 4087 WW 731 might be the easiest fleshing cow I have YW Milk ever owned.

Lot 6

96 615 1080 37.0 5 +4.6 +43 +74 +20

TH L1 Domino 5836

DOB: 3-25-2015

{ L1 Domino 99496

Dec. Weight: 1530

BW 205 Sire { CO L1 Dominette 226 (DOD) 365 SC Udder { TH L1 Domino 6002 EPDs TH L1 Miss Domino 836(DOD) BW Dam { JC L1 Domette 4018 WW is is going to be a big bull when he gets done YW Milk growing.

CO L1 Domino 847


95 641 1235 39.0 7 +4.0 +46 +80 +20

Lot 7

TH L1 Domino 5864

DOB: 3-19-2015

{ L1 Domino 99496

Dec. Weight: 1400

BW 205 Sire { CO L1 Dominette 226 (DOD) 365 SC Udder { KC L1 Domino 06064 EPDs TH L1 Miss Domino 864(DOD) BW Dam { SBH Miss L1 Domino 2015 WW His mother is the matron of my best cow family. YW Milk

CO L1 Domino 847

Lot 8

83 640 1135 39.2 5 +1.8 +40 +65 +23

TH L1 Domino 5868

DOB: 3-29-2015

{ L1 Domino 99496

Dec. Weight: 1300

BW 205 365 Sire CO L1 Dominette 226 (DOD) { SC Udder { JC L1 Domino 4013 EPDs TH L1 Miss Domino 868 BW Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 534 WW A traditional looking bull. YW Milk

CO L1 Domino 847

85 570 940 37.0 6 +1.9 +33 +50 +19

Lot 9 Lot 9

TH L1 Domino 5922

DOB: 3-27-2015

{ L1 Domino 99496

Dec. Weight: 1470

BW 205 Sire { CO L1 Dominette 226 (DOD) 365 SC Udder { JBN L1 Domino 725 EPDs TH L1 Dominette 922(DOD) BW Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 760 WW 847 all over again. YW Milk

CO L1 Domino 847


82 673 1190 39.0 5 +2.4 +43 +76 +22

Reference Sire CO L1 Domino 249Z

Reg. 43280559 EPDs BW { HH ADVANCE 767G 1ET WW GB L1 DOMINO 175E YW Sire { GB L1 DOM PRCS 3134 Milk M&G { L1 DOMINO 04380 REA L1 DOMINETTE 07427 Marb Dam { L1 DOMINETTE 05539 CHB DOB: 04/01/2012

2.2 41 79 32 52 .04 .09 $21

249 was the high seller at Jamison’s 2013 sale. I had almost given up on getting a 175 son until I saw him sucking his mother. She is an elite cow that originated at Miles City and is now in Jack Holden’s embryo program. 249 works so well on heifers I used him again this year on them. His daughters are rounding into cows that have that “LOOK” factor and although, so far, only the first 5 have calved, they did a good job raising their calves. I am looking forward to more and more from 249 in the future.

Lot 10 TH L1 Domino 5017 DOB: 4-24-2015

{ GB L1 Domino 175

Dec. Weight: 1385

{ L1 Dominette 07427 { L1 Domino 07473

CO L1 Domino 249 Sire

TH Miss Domino 017 Dam { SBH L1 Domino Miss 2052

is bull has passed a lot of them since weaning and has that “LOOK” factor.

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

Lot 4 mother grazing on January 5th at 11 years old –6–

85 556 1060 39.2 6 +2.6 +36 +78 +22

Lot 11 Lot 11

TH L1 Domino 5206

DOB: 4-01-2015

{ GB L1 Domino 175

Dec. Weight: 1340

BW 205 365 Sire { L1 Dominette 07427 SC Udder { CO L1 Domino 936 EPDs TH Miss Domino 206 Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 864(DOD) BW WW If you need less frame take a look here. His YW mother weighed 1180 this year as a 4-year-old. Milk

CO L1 Domino 249

82 569 970 40.0 5 +1.6 +38 +61 +30

Lot 12 TH L1 Domino 5289 DOB: 3-19-2015

{ GB L1 Domino 175

Dec. Weight: 1375

BW 205 365 Sire { L1 Dominette 07427 SC Udder { JA L1 Domino 0214 EPDs TH Miss Domino 289 Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 836(DOD) BW WW 0214 daughters are top of the line and this is YW one of the best. Her calf this year weighed 630#. Milk

CO L1 Domino 249

84 605 1095 37.0 7 +2.8 +43 +75 +30

Lot 13 TH L1 Domino 5290 DOB: 3-29-2015

{ GB L1 Domino 175

{ L1 Dominette 07427 { CO L1 Domino 015

CO L1 Domino 249 Sire

TH Miss Domino 290 Dam { TH Miss Domino 016

is bull will raise a great set of baldies. –7–

Dec. Weight: 1405 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

86 643 1110 35.6 4 +3.2 +49 +85 +24

Lot 14 TH L1 Domino 5343 DOB: 3-27-2015

{ GB L1 Domino 175

Dec. Weight: 1365

{ L1 Dominette 07427 { CL1 Domino 034

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

CO L1 Domino 249 Sire

TH Miss Domino 343 Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 651

ick necked and broad backed.

87 578 980 38.0 6 +3.6 +41 +69 +29

Lot 15 TH L1 Domino 5351 DOB: 3-27-2015

{ GB L1 Domino 175

Dec. Weight: 1380

{ L1 Dominette 07427 { CL1 Domino 034

CO L1 Domino 249 Sire

TH Miss Domino 351 Dam { TH L1 Dominette 908

Light birthweight on both sides of this pedigree.

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

71 579 1055 35.6 6 +0.2 +36 +65 +29

Lot 16 TH L1 Domino 5389 DOB: 3-26-2015

{ GB L1 Domino 175

Dec. Weight: 1375

{ L1 Dominette 07427 { JA L1 Domino 0214

CO L1 Domino 249 Sire

TH Miss Domino 389 Dam { JA L1 Dominette 0324

I will take a whole herd of cattle that wean at 600 with a 75# birthweight.


BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

75 601 1045 36.0 8 +2.4 +43 +74 +29

Reference Sire CL1 Domino 034

Reg. 43082455 EPDs BW { L1 DOMINO 99496 WW HH ADVANCE 3113N 1ET YW Sire { HH MS ADV 875H 1ET Milk M&G { CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET REA CL 1 DOMMINETTE 200M Marb Dam { CL 1 DOMINETTE 8131 1ET CHB DOB: 01/10/2010

-0.3 34 56 31 48 .30 .18 $20

034 was one of those unfortunate instances where he was gone before I really knew what I had. I used him on a mixed bunch and then on some of my good cows and then on heifers 2 years when he got crippled. Now that his daughters are in production I wish I had used him on my best cows every year. His daughters are moderate in size, perfect in their structure and have fabulous udders along with raising many of my best calves this year. These 3 bulls are the last direct sons out of him but his influence will be present through his daughters for years to come.

Lot 17 Lot 17

TH L1 Domino 5304

DOB: 3-28-2015 CL1 Domino 034 Sire

{ HH Advance 3113

Dec. Weight: 1465

{ CL1 Dominette 200(DOD) { CO L1 Domino 936

TH Miss Domino 304 Dam { TH Miss Domino 116

If you want to keep heifer calves then take a good look at this bull. –9–

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

84 615 1100 40.0 8 +2.3 +41 +75 +28

Lot 18 TH L1 Domino 5367 DOB: 3-25-2015 CL1 Domino 034 Sire

{ HH Advance 3113

Dec. Weight: 1275

{ CL1 Dominette 200(DOD) { JA L1 Domino 6001

TH Miss Domino 367 Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 760

Negative on the birthweight EPD.

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

64 546 970 36.6 5 -0.5 +34 +56 +26

Lot 19 TH L1 Domino 5384 DOB: 3-20-2015 CL1 Domino 034 Sire

{ HH Advance 3113

Dec. Weight: 1290

{ CL1 Dominette 200(DOD) { JA L1 Domino 0214

TH Miss Domino 384 Dam { TH Miss Domino 010

Another top heifer bull.

– 10 –

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

74 557 1030 36.0 7 +1.2 +35 +66 +26

Reference Sire TH L1 DOMINO 3001

Maternal Grandsire: JA L1 DOMINO 6001S

Reg. 43381388 EPDs BW { CL 1 DOMINO 555R WW JA L1 DOMINO 0214 YW Sire { JA L1 DOMINETTE 2210M Milk M&G { JA L1 DOMINO 6001S REA JA L1 DOMINETTE 0003X Marb Dam { JA L1 DOMINETTE 1803L CHB DOB: 04/11/2013

2.2 47 26 26 49 .24 .08 $24

A home raised bull that I kept as an insurance policy for myself. I ended up needing him and then sold him the next year to the Arthur Ranch at Milesville. Since then, his mother has made Dam of Distinction and raised my best heifer calf 2 years in a row. There are only 3 but they are all pretty good.

Lot 20 TH L1 Domino 5120

{ JA L1 Domino 0214 TH L1 Domino 3001 Sire { JA L1 Dominette 0003(DOD) DOB: 4-11-2015

Dec. Weight: 1340

{ TH L1 Domino 809 TH Miss Domino 120 Dam { TH L1 Dominette 902

Pretty good birth to weaning spread.

– 11 –

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

76 617 1035 36.2 5 +1.0 +36 +63 +23

Lot 21 Lot 21 TH L1 Domino 5760

{ JA L1 Domino 0214 TH L1 Domino 3001 Sire { JA L1 Dominette 0003(DOD) DOB: 3-21-2015

Dec. Weight: 1430

{ JC L1 Domino 4013 TH L1 Miss Domino 760 Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 543

If you want to raise a set of black steers to stomp the scale then look here.

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

92 685 1200 39.6 4 +3.9 +47 +85 +25

Lot 22 TH L1 Domino 5916 DOB: 3-27-2015

{ JA L1 Domino 0214

Dec. Weight: 1465

TH L1 Domino 3001 Sire { JA L1 Dominette 0003(DOD)

{ KC L1 Domino 06064 TH L1 Dominette 916 Dam { SBH L1 Miss Domino 2003

Out of a trouble free cow that just raises a top calf every year.

– 12 –

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

76 635 1080 40.6 8 +0.8 +38 +63 +24

Reference Sire BT L1 DOMINO 3305A

Reg. 43398517 EPDs BW { CL 1 DOMINO 732T WW CL 1 DOMINO 9125W 1ET YW Sire { CL 1 DOMINETTE 475P Milk M&G { JA L1 DOMINO 5617R REA BT L1 DOMINETTE 8625 Marb Dam { ER L1 DOMINETTE 0317K CHB DOB: 02/14/2013

6.0 62 101 30 61 .41 -.01 $26

3305 is the “put that bull in the pasture next to the road.” He is big, long, deep and as easy fleshing as they come. His EPD’s for growth are the highest I have ever owned and yet he is so easy fleshing I think he could winter on straw and sunshine and do just fine. The birthweight on this crop of bulls is higher than I like but if you have mature cows and want to sell extra weight then look at his sons.

Lot 23 TH L1 Domino 5226 DOB: 4-11-2015

{ CL1 Domino 9125

Dec. Weight: 1410

{ BT L1 Dominette 8625 { CO L1 Domino 847

BT L1 Domino 3305 Sire

TH Miss Domino 226 Dam { TH Miss Domino 041

Long as a boxcar and redneck this guy is pretty good.

– 13 –

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

97 601 1080 39.6 6 +6.3 +55 +93 +24

Lot 24 Lot 24 TH L1 Domino 5229 DOB: 3-30-2015

{ CL1 Domino 9125

Dec. Weight: 1345

{ BT L1 Dominette 8625 { CO L1 Domino 847

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

BT L1 Domino 3305 Sire

TH Miss Domino 229 Dam { TH L1 Dominette 912

is bull is flat soggy with a lot of pigment.

84 585 1010 39.8 6 +3.8 +47 +76 +22

Lot 25 Lot 25 TH L1 Domino 5231 DOB: 3-26-2015

{ CL1 Domino 9125

Dec. Weight: 1460

{ BT L1 Dominette 8625 { CO L1 Domino 847

BT L1 Domino 3305 Sire

TH Miss Domino 226 Dam { TH L1 Dominette 924

If you like them deep bodied and easy fleshing then take a look here. – 14 –

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

91 641 1080 36.6 8 +4.5 +53 +83 +25

Lot 26 Lot 26 TH L1 Domino 5235 DOB: 4-16-2015

{ CL1 Domino 9125

Dec. Weight: 1420

BW 205 365 Sire { BT L1 Dominette 8625 SC Udder { CO L1 Domino 847 EPDs TH Miss Domino 235 Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 835(DOD) BW WW Check out the yearling weight epd. YW Milk

BT L1 Domino 3305

96 584 1065 39.4 6 +6.5 +55 +94 +24

Lot 27 TH L1 Domino 5285 DOB: 3-30-2015

{ CL1 Domino 9125

Dec. Weight: 1495

{ BT L1 Dominette 8625 { JA L1 Domino 0214

BT L1 Domino 3305 Sire

TH Miss Domino 285 Dam { TH L1 Dominette 907

If watching this guy walk across your pasture doesn’t put a smile on your face then you might be in the wrong business.

– 15 –

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

91 642 1145 40.0 6 +5.6 +55 +97 +26

Reference Sire JA L1 Domino 0214

Reg. 43129984 EPDs BW { HH ADVANCE 3113N 1ET WW CL 1 DOMINO 555R YW Sire { CL 1 DOMINETTE 3174N Milk M&G { CL 1 DOMINO 484 REA JA L1 DOMINETTE 2210M Marb Dam { JA L1 DOMINETTE 6565 CHB DOB: 02/07/2010

3.3 49 84 29 53 .07 .05 $21

0214 has passed the point of talking about his sire or mother even though both are outstanding because he can stand on his own merit. It seems that he just gets better with age. He will be 7 in the spring and shows no sign of slowing down. He has bred 34 out of the 35 cows I put with him each of the last 2 years and bred 26 in 21 days a year ago. His daughters are improving my cow herd and his sons are the most consistent group every year. Not sure what else can be asked of a bull.

Lot 28 Lot 28 TH L1 Domino 5007 DOB: 3-20-2015

{ CL1 Domino 555

{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { TH L1 Domino 6002

JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire

TH Miss Domino 007 Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 759

is bull just fits my eye well.

– 16 –

Dec. Weight: 1390 BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

89 580 1070 35.2 8 +3.8 +40 +70 +23

Lot 29 TH L1 Domino 5008 DOB: 4-10-2015

{ CL1 Domino 555

Dec. Weight: 1565

{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { DHD Domino 3113 N 5303

JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire

DHD Domino HH 8330 Dam { DHD L1 Dominette T8124

e heaviest when we semen tested.

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

90 658 1205 40.2 5 +4.2 +55 +95 +24

Lot 30 Lot 30 TH L1 Domino 5015 DOB: 4-02-2015

{ CL1 Domino 555

{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { L1 Domino 07473

Dec. Weight: 1295

JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire

TH Miss Domino 015 Dam { SBH L1 Miss Domino 9033

Pretty solid bull out of older genetics.

– 17 –

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

81 578 1000 38.6 7 +1.7 +38 +66 +21

Lot 31 Lot 31 TH L1 Domino 5032 DOB: 3-26-2015

{ CL1 Domino 555

Dec. Weight: 1410

BW 205 365 Sire { JA L1 Dominette 2210 SC Udder { CO L1 Domino 847 EPDs TH Miss Domino 032 Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 728(DOD) BW WW If you want a bull to build around this might be YW Milk him.

JA L1 Domino 0214

90 620 1140 37.0 7 +4.3 +48 +83 +24

Lot 32 TH L1 Domino 5042 DOB: 3-26-2015

UT O JA L1 Dominette 2210

{ CL1 Domino 555

Dec. Weight: 1410

BW 205 365 Sire { SC Udder { JBN L1 Domino 725 EPDs TH Miss Domino 042 Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 836(DOD) BW WW YW Milk

JA L1 Domino 0214

– 18 –

80 635 1100 36.0 6 +1.8 +41 +69 +24

Lot 33 Lot 33 TH L1 Domino 5116 DOB: 3-19-2015

{ CL1 Domino 555

Dec. Weight: 1445

{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { TH L1 Domino 809

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire

TH Miss Domino 116 Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 863

is cow is so trouble free I only notice her when I am looking for her.

88 635 1135 39.6 6 +3.1 +42 +75 +24

Lot 34 TH L1 Domino 5125 DOB: 4-04-2015

{ CL1 Domino 555

Dec. Weight: 1375

{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { CO L1 Domino 847

JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire

TH Miss Domino 125 Dam { SBH Miss L1 Domino 2029

BW check, WW check, udder score check. Sign me up for a bunch just like him.

– 19 –

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

75 600 1060 38.8 9 +1.3 +38 +70 +21

Lot 35 TH L1 Domino 5126 DOB: 4-01-2015

{ CL1 Domino 555

Dec. Weight: 1380

{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { CO L1 Domino 847

JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire

TH Miss Domino 126 Dam { TH L1 Miss Domino 651

His mother might be the best cow born here in 2011.

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

86 650 1010 41.0 6 +2.7 +45 +65 +27

Lot 36 TH L1 Domino 5130 DOB: 3-22-2015

{ CL1 Domino 555

Dec. Weight: 1495

{ JA L1 Dominette 2210 { CO L1 Domino 847

JA L1 Domino 0214 Sire

TH Miss Domino 130 Dam { JC L1 Domette 4018

End of the catalog and all that is le to say is this is the most consistent set of bulls I have raised.

BW 205 365 SC Udder EPDs BW WW YW Milk

85 615 1090 41.8 7 +2.9 +46 +76 +22

Thanks for your interest in our program! Please bring this catalog with you to the sale!! – 20 –

Present this to Doug after you make your purchase to receive your $100 in Cash

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