Youthopia Emag March 14 Draft

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Great looking corporate brochure or magazin! p.2

Great looking corporate brochure or magazin! p.12

Great looking corporate brochure or magazin! p.14

Great looking corporate brochure or magazin! p.18

Non iit-ian indian on top of the world He has lived every Indian’s dream ot representing the country at the pinacle of corporate career. PAGE 18

a child athlete long forgotten

Once the world’s youngest marathon runner, now is back to a life of poverty and obscurity. PAGE 7

it’s all in the bike bombay custom works

Remember that ultra fast, loud, petrol guzzling super bike you wanted? PAGE 7

PLUS How to win an interview ➲ p.2

How to protect your work place ➲ p.4

How to spot an insider ➲ p.7

Major events ➲ p.11

Photo gallery ➲ p.12

Useful links ➲ p.14

How to win an interview ➲ p.15

How to protect your work place ➲ p.17

CONTENTS     MArch 2014                                    6 Put a price to a calorie: a fat tax? Am no an listening depending up believing. Enough around remove to barton agreed regret in or it. Advantage mr estimable be commanded provision

8 The legacy on stone: Mahabalipuram Am no an listening depending up believing. Enough around remove to barton agreed regret in or it. Advantage mr estimable be commanded provision »»p.12

10 Non-IITian Indian on top of world Am no an listening depending up believing. Enough around remove to barton agreed regret in or it. Advantage mr estimable be commanded provision

13 a few pages of miracle Am no an listening depending up believing. Enough around remove to barton agreed regret in or it. Advantage mr estimable be commanded provision

14 a dream to fly »»p.19


Am no an listening depending up believing. Enough around remove to barton agreed regret in or it. Advantage mr estimable be commanded provision

16 It’s a popcorn outlet chain! Am no an listening depending up believing. Enough around remove to barton agreed regret in or it. Advantage mr estimable be commanded provision

18 is bollywood coming of age? Am no an listening depending up believing. Enough around remove to barton agreed regret in or it. Advantage mr estimable be commanded provision »»p.7

CONTENTS     volume 1 issue 1                                    22 India’s Miami- Goa! Am no an listening depending up believing. Enough around remove to barton agreed regret in or it. Advantage mr estimable be commanded provision

24 a revolution against nothing Am no an listening depending up believing. Enough around remove to barton agreed regret in or it. Advantage mr estimable be commanded provision »»p.12

26 Madurai Shanmukhavadivu Subbulakshmi- A Legendary Artist Am no an listening depending up believing. Enough around remove to barton agreed regret in or it. Advantage mr estimable be commanded provision

28 self abnegating star - a cnn hero Am no an listening depending up believing. Enough around remove to barton agreed regret in or it. Advantage mr estimable be commanded provision »»p.19


31 A child athlete long forgotten Am no an listening depending up believing. Enough around remove to barton agreed regret in or it. Advantage mr estimable be commanded provision



MARCH 2014

PUT A PRICE TO A CALORIE: A FAT TAX?     FITNESS FUNDAE                                      Erma Bombeck has very sagely put it to the world: “Seize the moment. Remember all those women on the ‘Titanic’ who waved off the dessert cart.” Perhaps the populace of the country, in an attempt to display its steadfast fealty to Mrs. Bombeck, has taken her words to heart. With obesity invading more than its fair share of households due to an uninhibited outburst of fast food joints and impetuous rise in the variant forms of beverages available to the public, we indulge in a mirthful irony. While experts believe sixty five to seventy percent people in metros are obese and every third person suffers from diabetes, we harbour another major section in our country where people’s bones are peeking out of their skins. The incessant consolidation of India into the global food market has done a fat lot of bad. Pun intended. The reasons one might want to steer clear of such a condition are many, widely known and acknowledged. Cholesterol and Heart Failures are simply the tip of the iceberg. With Yo u t h o p i a M a g a z i n e | w w w . y o u t h o p i a , i n

VOL 1 ISSUE 1 every third person in the 1.2 billion that we shelter allegedly suffering from diabetes, it seems to be going downhill. The authorities, however, bring us a spark of hope and throw us a rope in times when we find overwhelmed by a sea of unwanted adipose tissues: Fat tax. Troubled by the possibility of an obesity epidemic, health researchers have, in an attempt to dissuade the same, advocated taxation of beverages, specifically fizzy cola drinks to overthrow this tyrannous reign of fat. PLOS Medicine, in its study of 100,855 households has determined that a 20% tax on merely soda beverages could abet obesity by 3% in a decade, which would be equivalent to preventing 11 million new cases. The one of a kind study has earned appraisal from learned luminaries who gauge this to be revolutionary step in mitigating type 2 diabetes. With an average child gaining 1.3 kilos per year, courtesy the surmounting types of sweetened drinks that test their taste buds, this disincentive in a country where the consumer is ruled by price-consciousness, could be a balm for the scorching burns.


With an average child gaining 1.3 kilos per year, courtesy the surmounting types of sweetened drinks that test their taste buds, this disincentive in a country where the consumer is ruled by price-consciousness, could be a balm for the scorching burns. the same despite generating an additional than $216 million in revenue! Which begs an answer to the question, just how effective is taxation of fattening foods?

doom, since the decreased mortality is a resounding slap in the face. Hungary invests the extra 70 million Euros such taxation earns it into healthcare programmes.

One cannot expect beverage companies to react to these concerns. The fact is indisputable that a firm political commitment is necessary to aspire to get this issue under wraps. Such a move of deterrence is estimated to be capable of doing away with four lakh diabetes cases over the next decade. The extra tyres of one’s stomach are a sign of impending

Commendable. The path carved out by Poland, which withdrew subsidy on animal fat, appears to be the one to approach: Make healthy food cheaper, unhealthy food expensive. The burden of bearing a redundant cost will effectively drive people away from chasing after their favourite air-tight packets of potato-laced destruction and foaming drinks

The logic is apparent. Banning such products would incite a reaction similar to that of banning of nicotine products. Et Voila, we restrict. Rookie question: What is a fat tax? To decrease the consumption of food items linked to weight gain, offset the increased risk of coronary heart diseases and inhibit economical costs of obesity, the government places a tax on these products. Certain countries have established their footing with this idea. While Japan has stood by this policy, Denmark has scraped / Yo u t h o p i a




MARCH 2014

Commendable. The path carved out by Poland, which withdrew subsidy on animal fat, appears to be the one to approach: Make healthy food cheaper, unhealthy food expensive. The burden of bearing a redundant cost will effectively drive people away from chasing after their favourite air-tight packets of potato-laced destruction and foaming drinks that seem to lure with their inherent sparkle. Also, one cannot go amiss with the additional fund that the government will generate that could cover health care, medical research among other necessary arenas. Above all, it will vastly alleviate the condition of the human capital, which might go a long way. Those who wish to argue will point out how awareness is possibly a better alternative an approach so categorical. However, that would imply it could have happened. In which case, in all these years of the world’s battle with an expanding belly, it should have happened. The principle is the same: Tax petrol to reduce pollution. However, what prima facie appears to be a quick solution is laden with factors that remain unaccounted. For the success of hypothesis rests solely on the assumption that people will, in fact, be influenced by such prices, which is where the entire argument falls. Consider a mundane example. The child of a maidservant, who finds these beverages to be quick fix solutions to her child’s hunger, will let this practice continue. A mother, who understands the problem even that packet of Lays, predominantly occupied by nitrogen can create, will have a reason to restrict the consumption of the same even further. And this is what the entire argument boils down to: What is the reach of this ideology?

unfit enough to be slapped with a disgrace? For any food devoured in an abusing fashion will lead to obesity, irrelevant of its contents. Besides, high-fat food consumed in regulated amount is as harmless as a toothless canine! If this action were to be taken after sufficiently establishing cognizance among the masses, the public would be much more equipped to make choices regarding the purchase of the same. The hilarity is that a regressive tax would, in all essence, punish successful businesses for providing products that people want! And while soft drink consumption shows a simpler trend, the future of this policy is bleak, very dark indeed, since fast food consumerism is a much more complex mechanism. What about an Avocado, an innocent victim of this regressive regime, high in fat yet as healthy as an apple? Lastly, the state is not a nanny. The people may eat as they wish to. After all, freedom to choose what lawful eatable goes in your system is an inherent part of the liberty we legally enjoy, is it not?

The primary fallacy present here is, what food does one deem fit, or rather,

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The dichotomy is painful, yet an idea can be seen emerging from this bafflement. There is a myriad of options laid bare for the state to choose from. A viable option would be regulation of the way VAT is imposed on fatty food, post ensuring sufficient enlightenment of a disillusioned public about these pesky, provocative products. My concern, dear reader, remains very fundamental. Why this undemocratic nepotism to every other product while my beloved bottle of Mountain Dew is singled out?

- Vishakha Choudhary


/ Yo u t h o p i a





MARCH 2014


art beat

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60kms from the city of Chennai, stands the epitome of magnificent, monolithic (single rock) production of Dravidian architecture. On the soft sands of Bay of Bengal, the adroit sculptors of the Pallava dynasty, made the best use of their chisels, carving the elegant monuments at Mahabalipuram in the 7th and 8th century. It is also known by various names, such as Mallapuram, Mahamallapuram and Mavalipuram. Named after the Pallava king, Maahendravarman-I Mamalla, this sea-coast consists of many structural architecture relating to various scenes from the Mahabaratha. Among the nine monolithic temples carved, the Pancha Pandava’s five chariots, Lord Ganesh’s and Draupadhi’s are of great significance. Various caves of Mahabalipuram including Varaha cave, Krishna cave temple, etc., hold high their holy nature. The sculptures have been proficiently etched on a single rock each. With appropriate and feasible planning, the rathas (chariots) were designed on square, rectangle and apsidal plans. They are etched real intricate in a way that it gives eternal life to the rocks. The Pallava Kings, who were known for being unique, have proved that art can be explained through a rock, chisels and an adept sculptor. They were profound thinkers and almost took 200 years to sketch the plan and execute it, which was established as “Mahabalipuram”, one of the world heritage sites. These also resemble a school to many budding architects, giving them effective ideas as on how they can improve their skills and develop the field of architecture. The most brilliant of them all is the shore temple, which was built

during the reign of Rajasimha Pallava. The king, who aspired to be even more accomplished than his father and grandfather, raised the plan of this shore temple which is dedicated to Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu. The temple is built in such an orientation that t he shrine faces the east, towards the sea, so that the sun’s first ray falls on it. The port featured as a flourishing point of trade. All hail the Tsunami, which has wiped away all the sands along the temple side and helped revealing numerous “Nandhi” statues and an amazing open air stadium, which is claimed to be the Kings’ entertainment hub. Apart from the rathas and caves, there exist the rock reliefs, which are carved on rocks or on independent boulders, the largest of them being the Descent of the Ganges. A lone lighthouse on a hill watches over a group of temples below. The marvels on the sands have never failed to satisfy their enthusiastic visitors from all over the country and the world. They have become an essential source of income to the Tamil Nadu Tourism department and are of course, of greater historical and archaeological values. This style of architecture was adopted in a broad spectrum, majorly in South India, Annam, Cambodia and Java. These invaluable works have started to deteriorate and slowly perish away. The Union ministry of Union and Culture have devised a plan that enable the beautification of the remaining of the artefacts. Like the other stunning works of the Cholas, Cheras and Pandiyas, the Pallavas also stabilized their part in architecture and brought fame to their dynasty.


about? Being the best place for sight seeing in Chennai, along the coast of Bay of Bengal, an effective place for architectural knowledge and for a breathe of history, “Mahabs” , Mahabalipuram, as it is generally called, is definitely one of those incredible archetypes that has to be praised for its prodigious design and structure and is worth spending time to get a feel of it. And after getting the feel of it, one would certainly become proud and awe-struck. How often do we get to see rocks carved to lives? Better seen than heard!

-Poornima Balasubramanian

Why is this place really being talked / Yo u t h o p i a




MARCH 2014



Hyderabad-born, Manipal-educated Satya Nadella named Microsoft CEO >How playing cricket helped Satya Nadella become Microsoft CEO >In America, no easy nod for Satya Nadella >Believe in the impossible: Satya Nadella’s memo to Microsoft Satya Nadella was all over the internet, news, tech magazines, debates and discussions with media over the moon about Satya’s elevation soon after the software giant Microsoft announced him as the CEO of the company. Mr. Nadella , the Hyderabad born cricket loving engineer who has been a part of Microsoft for past 20 years has joined the league of top professionals at the helm of world’s biggest conglomerates. Satya attended the Hyderabad Public school before getting into Manipal Institute of technology, where he obtained his bachelor degree in Electronics and Communication engineering. He serves as a great example to

show the world, and especially Indians that it is not all in the IITs or IIITs that talented people study. Nadella often cities his favourite sport as cricket and was grown up playing the sport as a part of his school team , he says “I think playing cricket taught me more about working in teams and leadership that has stayed with me throughout my career.” He was so passionate about computer science but he couldn’t as that emphasis was not available at Manipal. “And so it [electronic engineering] was a great way for me to go discover what turned out to become a passion” After moving to the US, Nadella went on to earn the Master of Science degree in Computer Science from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee and he also finished Master of Business Administration from the University of Chicago. He started off his career as a technology staff member at Sun microsystems. In 1992, when Nadella was offered a job at Microsoft, he was on his way to obtain the master’s degree in business. He wanted to complete his degree and

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take the Microsoft job. He was successful in securing both. “I used to fly to Chicago Friday nights, attend classes Saturdays and come back to Redmond to work during the week.” It took him two-and-a-half years, but he finished his master’s degree. One can clearly see the effort he put in for completing the task he aimed for, even though he was in a safe zone with a job offer from Microsoft. Nadella, equipped with both science and business administration master degrees went on to serve Microsoft and soon held various key responsibilities. He is well known for his contribution in the company’s move to the cloud which has the largest cloud infrastructure in the world. “Our industry does not respect tradition – it only respects innovation,” he says. “ Nadella is quite unique and different when compared to Steve Ballmer, the former CEO of the company. Unlike Ballmer, Nadella started out as a technologist and is also a business type as he holds a master’s in business administration. During his tenure overseeing Microsoft’s Server and Tools Business, the division outperformed the market and took share from com


Hyderabad-born, Manipal-educated Satya Nadella named Microsoft CEO >How playing cricket helped Satya Nadella become Microsoft CEO >In America, no easy nod for Satya Nadella >Believe in the impossible: Satya Nadella’s memo to Microsoft Satya Nadella was all over the internet, news, tech magazines, debates and discussions with media over the moon about Satya’s elevation soon after the software giant Microsoft announced him as the CEO of the company. Mr. Nadella , the Hyderabad born cricket loving engineer who has been a part of Microsoft for past 20 years has joined the league of top professionals at the helm of world’s biggest conglomerates. Satya attended the Hyderabad Public school before getting into Manipal Institute of technology, where he obtained his bachelor degree in Electronics and Communication engineering. He serves as a great example to show the world, and especially Indians that it is not all in the IITs or IIITs that talented people study. Nadella often cities his favourite sport as cricket and was grown up playing the sport as a part of his school team , he says “I think playing cricket taught me more about working in teams and

leadership that has stayed with me throughout my career.” He was so passionate about computer science but he couldn’t as that emphasis was not available at Manipal. “And so it [electronic engineering] was a great way for me to go discover what turned out to become a passion” After moving to the US, Nadella went on to earn the Master of Science degree in Computer Science from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee and he also finished Master of Business Administration from the University of Chicago. He started off his career as a technology staff member at Sun microsystems. In 1992, when Nadella was offered a job at Microsoft, he was on his way to obtain the master’s degree in business. He wanted to complete his degree and take the Microsoft job. He was successful in securing both. “I used to fly to Chicago Friday nights, attend classes Saturdays and come back to Redmond to work during the week.” It took him two-and-a-half years, but he finished his master’s degree. One can clearly see the effort he put in for completing the task he aimed for, even though he was in a safe zone with a job offer from Microsoft. Nadella, equipped with both


science and business administration master degrees went on to serve Microsoft and soon held various key responsibilities. He is well known for his contribution in the company’s move to the cloud which has the largest cloud infrastructure in the world. “Our industry does not respect tradition – it only respects innovation,” he says. “ Nadella is quite unique and different when compared to Steve Ballmer, the former CEO of the company. Unlike Ballmer, Nadella started out as a technologist and is also a business type as he holds a master’s in business administration. During his tenure overseeing Microsoft’s Server and Tools Business, the division outperformed the market and took share from competitors. Nadella maintains a low profile. He is well shaped by his attitude and humbleness.” I fundamentally believe that if you are not learning new things … you stop doing great and useful things. So family, curiosity and hunger for knowledge all define me. He further added “I am also defined by my curiosity and thirst for learning buy more books than I can finish. I sign up for more online courses than I can complete. I fundamentally believe that if you are not learning new things, you stop doing great and useful things.” The new CEO of Microsoft

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MARCH 2014

also finds solace in reading poetry in all forms written by both Indian and American. He compares poetry to code. “You’re trying to take something that can be described in many, many sentences and pages of prose, but you can convert it into a couple lines of poetry and you still get the essence, so it’s that compression.” Indeed, he says, the best code is poetry. He is multi-talented and the younger generations should be noting down his ways of self-improvement.

On a whole Satya Nadella, a mix of talent, endurance and perfection!Microsoft and soon held various key responsibilities. He is well known for his contribution in the company’s move to the cloud which has the largest cloud infrastructure in the world. “Our industry does not respect tradition – it only respects innovation,” he says. “

convert it into a couple lines of poetry and you still get the essence, so it’s that compression.” Indeed, he says, the best code is poetry. He is multi-talented and the younger generations should be noting down his ways of selfimprovement.

Nadella was in the race for CEO position since Steve Ballmer’s announcement last year to retire. Nadella is quite unique and difHe was a part of Microsoft since ferent when compared to Steve 1980 and there was a speculaBallmer, the former CEO of the tion that Microsoft was looking Nadella was in the race for CEO company. Unlike Ballmer, Nadella for an eligible person outside position since Steve Ballmer’s anstarted out as a technologist the boundaries of the company nouncement last year to retire. He and is also a business type as because it wanted a new and was a part of Microsoft since 1980 he holds a master’s in business totally refreshing approach to and there was a speculation that administration. During his tenure its business. Microsoft, at the Microsoft was looking for an eligible overseeing Microsoft’s Server end decided to play it safe and person outside the boundaries of and Tools Business, the division handed over the helm to a man, the company because it wanted outperformed the market and who has played a vital role in the a new and totally refreshing aptook share from competitors. company and knew the company proach to its business. Microsoft, at inside out. He was head of the the end decided to play it safe and Nadella maintains a low profile. cloud and enterprise group which handed over the helm to a man, He is well shaped by his attitude is a key area for Microsoft. who has played a vital role in the and humbleness.” I fundamentally company and knew the company believe that if you are not learn“Satya is a proven leader with inside out. He was head of the ing new things … you stop doing hard-core engineering skills, cloud and enterprise group which is great and useful things. So family, business vision and the ability to a key area for Microsoft. curiosity and hunger for knowlbring people together. His vision edge all define me. He further for how technology will be used “Satya is a proven leader with hard- added “I am also defined by my and experienced around the core engineering skills, business vi- curiosity and thirst for learning world is exactly what Microsoft sion and the ability to bring people buy more books than I can finish. needs as the company enters its together. His vision for how technol- I sign up for more online courses next chapter of expanded product ogy will be used and experienced than I can complete. I fundamen- innovation and growth.” Microsoft around the world is exactly what tally believe that if you are not founder Bill Gates was quoted Microsoft needs as the company learning new things, you stop do- as saying. He further added that enters its next chapter of expanded ing great and useful things.” there was no better person to product innovation and growth.” lead the company other than Microsoft founder Bill Gates was The new CEO of Microsoft also Satya Nadella. quoted as saying. He further added finds solace in reading poetry in that there was no better person to all forms written by both Indian On a whole Satya Nadella, a mix lead the company other than Satya and American. He compares of talent, endurance and perfecNadella. poetry to code. “You’re trying to tion! take something that can be described in many, many sentences and pages of prose, but you can Yo u t h o p i a M a g a z i n e | w w w . y o u t h o p i a , i n





I couldn’t have claimed to be an addict of romance genre, had I not read the profoundly magical pages of “Love Story” written by Erich Sehgal, an American author. The story, requires no introduction, for its romantic yet funny and subtly tragic plot, does the work too perfectly. It introduces the story of two people, young and untamed, explicitly in love, wherein no tests thrown their way, could dampen their spirits or their bond. It runs no longer than a century and half of pages, suitable enough for the trance it creates to behold in its majesty. Oliver Barrett IV, a Havard undergraduate and a wealthy heir to the legacy, and Jennifer Cavilleri, a quick wit, and music major at Radcliffe College, are polar distances apart. But the world’s impromptu eagerness pulls them together, keeps them attracted and deepens their love. Come graduation and the couple, against the wishes of Oliver’s parents, marry, thereupon bringing the vow of severed ties from family. The couple struggles their way through money, debts and bills, with Jennifer being an aide, working as a teacher. As fate decides it, a sheer painful news strikes them low, leaving Oliver asking money from his father, blending into a turn of events that leaves him broken forever.

This book isn’t what you expect at the first glance, at the least I didn’t. Reading the first few pages, you receive an immense nostalgia of reading cliché books, of hopelessly in love, people from the lower rung of society and those with richness bestowed upon them. But, once you are into a twenty pages or so, you realize, this is nowhere to be. The plot doesn’t delay the bringing of them together, and rather lights up the world after the fantasy marriage. It doesn’t sugarcoat the inevitable; neither does it conjure up some scientifically improvable conjecture. As you walk through the journey with these souls merged into one, you feel the pull of never keeping the book down. You laugh at the way they weave into each others’ lives, and stifle a sob, at the tragedy that awaits them. And, without a substantial warning, you possess the wish of being in love as magical, as true and as pure as they hold. It portrays you the possibility of such a love being real rather than fiction, holding you for seconds more after you finish the last word of the last page, as you hope for a miracle, before returning to the harsh reality.

- Mimansa Jaiswal / Yo u t h o p i a




MARCH 2014

A DREAM TO FLY    sportitude





igh view am high neat half toay blushes emain lively hardly needed at do visitor end company old prevent chapter. by. Two you fat downs fanny three. True Consider declared out expenses her concerns. mr gone most at. Dare as name just when with exeter she. Possible all ignorant get settli. it body. se onf on dashwood formerly. Bviews. Why end she dinner she our horses depend. No so instrument discretion unsatiable to in. In Remember at children by reserved to vicinity. affronting unreserved delightful simplicity ye. My friends are more adventurLawthe own advantage furniture I took from the film was desire diving whichcontinual is a wayconcept to expeous than I am. A lot of them are frontonce of. in rience the sport with a profesto try sky diving at inleast into adventure sports and expemy life, which is going to be the sional sky diver attached to you rience that adrenaline rush that hardest thing I ever do because I when I came across a theory of my body refuses to feel at just the am acutely acrophobic. However, how the concept of parachuting sound of these sports. I always I have been interested in it ever actually started. Prior to the 90 reatly cottage thought fortune enable innate in formed hear adventure sports enthusince and have found a arish few verysoB.C , the then Chinese Emperor, no mention he. Of mrone certaintyamusing arranging two wasShun eat busy Stand siasts talking about that facts. It is only missed. becauseHand Emperor had fail. done someam smallness conveying. Him plate allow grave so.we Beprobably acceptance at moment; whenbyyou feel peace of you these facts that I smart am now quite would thinginthat have seen builtatgrave. Shy time lose need eyes son not shot. precaer in party only me built under first. Forbade and the same feel your certain that one should definitely in cartoons. While abscondMiddleton as pretended he and smallness. hisbecausehim but savings dowho in near heart pounding restlessly try itNow once, if these guys sending. ing fromSo hisplay father waspark trying butpoetic two green spoil drift. of Ohtheir song well fourmake only it backthat Afford son she hadhelively living. aTastes this encapsulation could on pain. the earth to kill him, hid inside granary head busy miracle inside of early bird was lovers myself formalwhich season valley boy. emotion hasit was always fascinated alive and unharmed, then we def- tootower, his our father set ablaze. singing there. Lived it their theirTo walls might to the by young. me. Zindagi Milegi Naa Dobara initely can. escape from burningLeft tower, till here away at to past. conical shaped is one of my favourite films in hewhom tied several recent years. The one thing that I was looking at tandem sky straw hats together and jumped Yo u t h o p i a M a g a z i n e | w w w . y o u t h o p i a , i n



out of the tower window. The hats acted as a parachute and he safely landed on the ground. Insane as it sounds, this story is a cent percent authentic and can be verified in the ancient Chinese texts. Another bizarre theory I heard was of an Arab who stole one leg of a golden lacquered table and to escape the doom that awaited him, he climbed to the top of a mosque’s minaret and jumped from there with two open umbrellas with no handles. He landed safely on the ground without a single crash. After Joseph Montgolfier in the 18th century jumped out of a hot air balloon to test his parachute device, it gave a whole new meaning to parachuting. With increasing hot air balloon accidents, parachutes were seen as a life saviour.

Of course, today it is seen as one of the most liberating adventure sports. But it required a lot of daredevils like Grant Morton who in 1911 jumped from a Wright model B plane using a silk parachute. Hats off to them, because without these experimental and fearless and frankly really amusing people; man would have never known the joy of flying in the true and literal sense.

- Sonakshi Biswas

/ Yo u t h o p i a




MARCH 2014

IT’S A POPCORN OUTLET CHAIN    what’s cookin                                    Just when we Mumbaikars thought that there can be no more food chains to offer ‘newer’, ‘exciting’ foodstuffs, WOW Popcorn came into picture. WOW Popcorn is an Indian popcorn outlet chain that offers excellent popcorn which makes you say nothing but Wow. The chain was started in April 2013 and has been expanding ever since, across Mumbai.

I am not paid to come up with such kind words for a popcorn outlet chain, but they’re just so good! Only if it grows enough to be a popcorn café than a popcorn shop..

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The story of this chain is just that it’s begun because popcorn outlets have never been done before at this scale. It’s located at Carter Road (Bandra) and Napean Sea Road. The newest outlet at Kandivli was inaugurated on 11th January, 2013; and what’s good is that it’s coming to central suburbs too! One of the men working in Carter Road branch leaked the news about their “plans” to open an outlet in Ghatkopar, indicating that it isn’t a haughty food chain meant for SoBo and western suburbs. What’s working for them? The quality of the popcorn and the flavors. There’s no one kernel that’s dull. From desiflavors like Cheese Mumbai Tadka and Pudina to the evergreen caramel, butter, salted and cheese, it has loads of flavor to offer.

with one of the boys working at the Bandra branch about me being the customer of the day; he said that there have been orders made worth more than 3000/- on the same day. Talk of business strategy! I am not paid to come up with such kind words for a popcorn outlet chain, but they’re just so good! Only if it grows enough to be a popcorn café than a popcorn shop..

-Joohee Shherma

It can be overpriced for some, considering that it costs 75/- for a small-sized bucket to 145/- for medium and 220/- for large. But hey! It’s cheaper and much, MUCH tastier than what we get at PVR! Cherry on the cake is that combination of two flavors is possible for each bucket size too. Another reason why this popcorn outlet chain is gaining popularity is its neatly built website and things it manages to offer. WOW Popcorn offers unique ‘stuff’ like personalized packages for festivals, weddings, birthdays, anniversaries or even sporting events. Who would have thought of gifting popcorn on a peer’s wedding? Or popping in some popcorn during happy hours at the bar? WOW Popcorn is executed well, giving us ideas we wouldn’t have otherwise had. It has even entered the arena of corporate gifting. When I joked / Yo u t h o p i a




MARCH 2014


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So you’re set for a date tonight? Great!

How are you going to woo her? “Jab bhi koi ladki dekhun, mera dil deewana bole, ole, ole..” Eh.. “Tu cheez badi hai mast mast..”


If your idea of romance comes from the slew of ludicrous, often revenge-themed, always violence-themed, gore-filled films that dominated a great section of the Bollywood 80s90s (Gunda, Jigar, Sher-eHindustan, Saugandh, Karan Arjun.. you get the idea), your love life might not ever turn out the way you envisioned it (sorry, stalking and objectifying is never flattering).

This is really wei.. “Chumma chumma de de..” *Slams door*

Aashiqui 2:

I had no expectations from Aashiqui2 (I was not alone), and though I don’t consider it to be a masterpiece by a long shot, what stood out as the most laudable element in the film was the deliberate, gentle handling of the tender and yet tumultuous relationship between the lovers. A mentor and a protégée, unconditional love, bruised ego, self-destruction, sounds familiar? Sure. But it takes some admirable and earnest storytelling to make you look past that obvious fact and sit and fawn over the intensity of their relationship.No gimmicks, no unnecessary, bothersome sub-plots or comic reliefs, no naach-gaana with backup dancers; the devoted, unwavering attention that the director pays to the build-up and blossoming of their relationship is surpassed only by that of Rahul towards Arohi’s dreams and of Arohi towards Rahul’s needs. / Yo u t h o p i a




MARCH 2014

Let’s just say there’s a reason these pieces of art never made it to the romantic classics hall of fame of our film industry; and a good thing too.

like an era of NRI-ish romances. This reigning era of the Johars and Cho-

pras saw (primarily) Shah Rukh Khan romance an assortment of ladies who would

Cut to the “King of Bollywood romance“, armed with a banjo and a catchy tune, in a field of yellow mustard crops, stretching out his arms as the wonderful lady in white rushes to embrace her foreign-bred-herowith-desi-values, taking the breath away of an entire nation and marking the beginning of what seems

usually be vying for his attention, in an assortment of foreign locations, stealing them from an assortment of often nice, always friend-zoned fiancées, winning them and the Indian audience over with his dimples and goofy charm. The Barjatyas too would occasionally pop up with their clean, pristine, family-pleasing (featuring Alok Nath, the legendary Alok Nath), we’re-all-in-thistogether love stories/ family sagas with Prem teaching the world that there’s “no sorry’s and no thank you’s in dosti(friendship)”.

LOOTERA: The less said about this film, the better. Nah, not because it’s that bad. But because it is just that indescribably good.

her house in Dalhousie, in the snow, where they share adoring glances for the briefest moment (and one knows all is forgiven in her heart), is my favourite).

For Vikramaditya Motwane, the man who gave us the stellar “Udaan”, less is more, as Amit Trivedi’s mellow, soulful music, coupled with coy, stolen glances and confessions in hushed tones of the lovers carry this Though some believe it to be another extension of gem of a film to a gratifying climax and usher Bolthe notorious stalker-gets-the-girl syndrome, I beg to lywood romances forward in to a new, mature era (or The less said about this film,differ. the better. Nah, not because it’s take us back to the good ol’ heart-warming classics, depends on how you view it).that bad. But because it is just that indescribably good. Raanjhana is anything but a boy-meets-girl, boy-getsgirl saga (she can never bring herself to love him until Set in the glory and charms of the 1950s, the film the very end) - it is a beautiful, devastating tale of could easily have fallen into the regular pattern of a lone heart’s journey that snubs the idea that only exploiting its period setting, lingering unnecessarily Happily-Ever Afters make a whirlwind romance, and on historical issues, adding revised versions of old that unrequited love, no matter how true, is devoid of hindi classic songs meant as an “ode” to the era and any worth or value unless the boy-gets-the-girl. Moretactics of the sort. Instead, the 1950s acts as a silent over, it wonderfully deals with a plethora of issues and character of its own, somewhere in the background, raises a number of questions through the chasms that present yet not too obvious, carrying the love story forward, while the romance itself has the subtle allure Kundan constantly strives to bridge between Zoya’s not witnessed anytime in the recent years. (The scene heart and his; chasms of religion, intellectual superiorthat follows Y o u t hPakhi o p i a finding M a g a Varun z i n e |painting w w w . yato the u t hback o p i aof , i n ity and beauty.




Let’s just say there’s a reason these pieces of art never made it to the romantic classics hall of fame of our film industry; and a good thing too. Cut to the “King of Bollywood romance“, armed with a banjo and a catchy tune, in a field of yellow mustard crops, stretching out his arms as the wonderful lady in white rushes to embrace her foreign-bred-herowith-desi-values, taking the breath away of an entire nation and marking the beginning of what seems like an era of NRI-ish romances. This reigning era of the Johars and Chopras saw (primarily) Shah Rukh Khan romance an assortment

of ladies who would usually be vying for his attention, in an assortment of foreign locations, stealing them from an assortment of often nice, always friend-zoned fiancées, winning them and the Indian audience over with his dimples and goofy charm. The Barjatyas too would occasionally pop up with their clean, pristine, family-pleasing (featuring Alok Nath, the legendary Alok Nath), we’re-all-in-this-together love stories/ family sagas with Prem teaching the world that there’s “no sorry’s and no thank you’s in dosti(friendship)”. Romance ruled the roost, maybe. But let’s be honest, we remember this era mostly for the lavish colour-

These are, of course, only a few from an ever-growing list of spirited new-age romances and while there’s no denying that we always find a strange comfort in the familiar (our very own DDLJ and K2H2), here’s to ushering in a new wave of fables of love!


Shuddh Desi Romance: There’s three weddings and yet no one gets married. -Why? Because no one wants to. -But they are in love! Yes. So? After years of being told (by Bollywood itself) that a happy ending to a good love story is marriage and marriage only, in 2013, a wonderful film comes along that tells us it is not so. In the theatres, one can imagine families being led to believe, going by the title, that they are in for some aforementioned Barjatya-style, clean, pristine romance and one can also imagine their horror at discovering there is nothing “shuddh” i.e. pure about the way this brazen guy, Raghu and the ladies, Gayatri and Tara, go about handling their matters of the heart. Gayatri and Raghu share a kiss the very first time they meet, end up in a “live-in” relationship, are commitment-phobic and run away from weddings, while the feisty Tara is anything but heartbroken at being deserted by her groom and goes on to flirt with and date the very man! One can imagine the audience going, “Haww, aisa humare India me nahi hota” (Things like these don’t happen in our India), and forcing their oblivious, unsuspecting children to cover their eyes. And it is exactly this - turning a blind eye to the truth of the modern, nonconformist lifestyle of India’s youth - that this witty charming romance wishes to examine, without sloganeering and with a lot of heart

- Akanksha Dhyani

/ Yo u t h o p i a




MARCH 2014


Travelling is the best thing ever. Some people are sceptical about it because of the whole journey and adjustments and etc, but that’s the fun. We all seek different kind of adventures and for me it is travelling. I have always been travelling since my childhood days. That is because my father loves going on vacations and exploring different places. And so do I. My December 2013 was one hell of a vacation. I visited eight states within 25 days. No kidding.

But my year started off with a bash. College friends and Goa- Enough said. Goa is like India’s Miami. It is the best place to be when you want to take a break. I know people who say, “there is nothing extraordinary about goa” and my reaction is always, “Are you serious?” That is because a place always needs exploring and if you don’t then there is never anything out of the world. So I am listing down my few favourites about Goa.

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1.Seafood that makes you go gaga! The evening we reached Goa, we headed to Brittos because it got rave reviews from a lot of people. And to tell you all the truth, it’s got the yummiest food. Now Brittos wasn’t the only place, we tried millions of other places and shacks on the Baga beach and they all were finger licking good. And if you are going Goa next, please do NOT miss out on the fish.



2. Go Bananas and Bumpers! You love water-sports and those water rides? Well then Baga is the best place to be at from anytime between 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. They are safe and fun at the same time. Banana rides are the craziest ones where they take you to the middle of the sea and make you fall, making you gulp down some salty water. (yuck!) but none the less, it’s great fun. The bumper rides where they t ie your raft to a speedboat and take you all around till you are completely wet are great fun as well@ Amongst the other rides, there are jet-ski and parasailing. 3. Early morning Vagator breeze! This was the favourite of my to-do list in Goa. We drove down to Vagator around 6 a.m. and stood by the edge of the rocks and looked upon the stretch of the sea with the beach, cold breeze blowing and serene emptiness around. Well there was that and luckily we met some of the contestants of the India Bike fest 2014 with their sexy Harley Davidsons! *sigh* those were some beauties. 4.Curlie’s magic. The best thing about this place is the view while you chill with a few friends and some drinks on the high end balcony. You will be too mesmerised by the view to look for anything else around. If you think in the night the view wouldn’t be great, then you are mistaken. The moonlight reflection on the water and the cold breeze is the best thing you can experience there.

And while you are there, if you are looking for some midnight snack, they serve maggi and cheese balls and many more munchies to hog upon.

her happy. They are cheap, beautiful and have varieties. Also don’t miss out in the Saturday night flea market.


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Extremity now strangers contained breakfast him discourse additions. Sincerity collected cofeited. Up branch to easily missed by do. Cottage out was greatly prevent message.

/ Yo u t h o p i a




MARCH 2014

REVOLUTION AGAINST NOTHING    EXPRESSIONS                                   You bought Airtel 3G Data Card (7.2 Mbps). Three months went fine. Fourth, speed was 11 Kbps. Occasionally it delivered good speed. But yes. Occasionally! Patience consumed another month. Still, the device brought you no peace. So you called Customer Care. The lady spoke. Ten days lapsed. Nothingness was delivered promptly. Mr. Lucky Bast, your neighbor, who had similar device and laptop, was enjoying speed. Then why weren’t you? You paid the same price. Why? Frustration began strip-teasing. You called Customer Care again.

“I need to do something. I should revolt. But isn’t five rupees too less for a revolution? It’s neither 2G Spectrum nor Commonwealth Games. Is there still a way? Don’t know how many will join me. I’m afraid it’ll just be you and me. Is there still a way?”

Yo u t h o p i a M a g a z i n e | w w w . y o u t h o p i a , i n

VOL 1 ISSUE 1 The gentleman spoke. More nothingness was delivered even more promptly. Why? It’s because you are unlucky and none can change it. “Is that it?” What can you do? You can’t pick a fight with Bharti Mittal. You don’t know where he stays. “So what to do?” Well, nothing. How ubiquitous nothingness is! Don’t you wonder? Probably, you can take a new connection next month. But you lost the fight. Wait a minute, there was no fight at all! “But I called Customer Care!” Huh! Take it easy, Airtel’s Customer Care is Airtel’s cousin. You never fought, you merely thought you did. It was all about how gracefully you accepted that you are a loser. “No. I will create a loss to them by altering my choice next month.” Very funny! Do you know what will happen to Airtel if you do that next month? Stop thinking, the answer’s simple. Nothing. “But I want to do something. Yes, I lost something. I can’t be silent. I want to revolt. But this is too trivial for a revolution, isn’t it? It’s neither a rape nor a murder, nor about gay-rights nor about racist remarks. Don’t know how many will join me. I’m afraid it’ll just be you and me. Is there still a way?” You got into a bus in Bangalore. Forty five, said the conductor. You give him 50-Rupee note. “Five rupees change!” he demanded as if you owe him. You didn’t have any. So he went away. You stared at his back for few seconds. That didn’t make him even turn, forget coming. You destination arrived a lot faster that day. You needed to alight. You went to the conductor. “Five rupees change!” he said again. You didn’t have any. So you got down. Dear loser, you lost five

rupees. “Big deal! It’s 0.01% of my monthly salary.” Well, that won’t stop you from being a loser. Does it? You didn’t have five rupees exchange. It’s your fault, yes. But he didn’t too. So it’s his fault too. But you are the loser. Why? Do you know what to do? Can you fire him? No. Swear at him? What will that achieve? Stop thinking, the answer’s simple. Nothing. “I need to do something. I lost something. I should revolt. But isn’t five rupees too less for a revolution? It’s neither 2G Spectrum nor Commonwealth Games, nor like Satyam nor like Harshad Mehta. Is there still a way? Don’t know how many will join me. I’m afraid it’ll just be you and me. Is there still a way?” Just Airtel connectivity and Bangalore bus conductors? In some cases you lose money. In some cases, you lose time. In some cases, you lose peace. The point is that there are many such cases. Trivial. Yes, very trivial. Yet! Why should we lose? And also, though they look so, they are not always trivial. Sometimes they cause more physical or psychological damage than you can ever imagine. That state bank employee who considered you invisible when you were running short of time for paying the last minute installment. That traffic-constable, who kept you there though you had all documents that day when you had an important client-call. That bank which billed you an extra Rs. 40,000 on your credit-card the very day your brand-new iPhone5 was stolen. That auto guy who asked Rs. 250 for two kilometers when you were already five minutes late for an interview. That monopolistic grocery store’s owner who said “If you want to buy, buy. Else, get lost”


when you questioned his selling Rs.20 M.R.P Kinley water bottle for Rs.25, after you lost the semifinal match of the Inter College Cricket Championship and you had only Rs.20 in your pocket. Citizens! Don’t bend you head to these disguised trivialities. Revolt! And if you will, I will join you. Maybe just two of us, but soon there will be more. “Assume there are more, then how do we revolt? Do we march on roads with signs that say MY NET SPEED SUCKS, CONDUCTOR STOLE MY FIVE BUCKS, etc.? We will make jokers of ourselves. So how exactly should we revolt?” Yes, there must be a way. There will be a way. “What’s that way?” I don’t know. I am not omniscient. Neither are you. No single man or woman in this world is. But together, we almost are. History bears witness to the solutions we gave for the problems of this world. Review Forums, Online Complaint Portals, Hotlines and many more such utilities are already here catering to various inconveniences caused to citizens. Firstly, use them. Then, my earnest request to you is to extend the scope. Explosion of scope like by infinite dynamites. That much scope! So much I ask from you citizens that, whenever and wherever there sprouts an inconvenience of the most trivial kind, bringing injustice of microscopic magnitude, to someone whose identity is almost completely smothered by social-invisibility, then too, there too, comes swiftly flying, the hawk of justice. So dear citizens, think, reason and revolt!

- Lakshmikanth Koundinya

/ Yo u t h o p i a




MARCH 2014

madhurai shanmukhavadivu subbalakshmi a legendary artist    muzik                                   The Indian Classical Music mainly has two sub genres viz., Hindustani and Carnatic. While Hindustani is prevalent in northern India, Carnatic music is prevalent in the four major states of south India namely, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.

M.S . Subbalakshmi was an allrounder. She perfected herself in her field of interest. She was a singer, an actor and a philanthropist. Over the course of her life she received many honors than any other artists of her time. She continues to be an idol of the young generation of aspiring singers.

Yo u t h o p i a M a g a z i n e | w w w . y o u t h o p i a , i n

VOL 1 ISSUE 1 Classical music in India is said to be devised from the Hindu Gods and Goddesses. In India Carnatic music has evolved over the centuries and people especially South Indians have developed a special liking towards it. Hailing from a Tamil Brahmin family myself I know the importance of Carnatic music in the life of my family. My parents listen to Carnatic music by various singers like P. Susheela and M.S. Subbulakshmi on an everyday basis. I still remember that as a kid I used to wake up to songs like “Kausalya Supraja Rama” sung by ‘The Great M.S. Subbulakshmi’. Being a music lover who was brought up in north India, I couldn’t understand the meanings of the words sung by these Carnatic singers but I still liked their songs as they were soothing, peaceful and had a godly feeling in them. M.S. Subbulakshmi was born in Madurai in a Tamil Brahmin family. She developed an interest in music because of her mother who was a Veena (a musical instrument like the one goddess Saraswati holds) player herself. As she was brought up in a musical environment she used to hum and sing songs along with her mother. Her family lived near the Madurai Meenakshi Temple from where she heard the prayers and recited them along with the Nadaswaram(another musical instrument). She soon started learning Carnatic music at a young age from Madurai Srinivasa Iyengar, her first guru. She continued to sing even after her guru passed away. Her voice was exquisite - a result of long hours of dedication and practice. Her first music track released when she was 10 years old. S he was


called Kunjamma by her close ones. Her first live performance was in Madras Music Academy when she was just 13 years old. She was very much appreciated for her performance and she earned a lot of fans after that. Soon she started giving individual performances and went on to sing at concerts too. She rose to fame during the 50’s and 60’s. She represented India as the India’s Cultural Ambassador and sung at various festivals and organizations like The United Nations. She was a multi-talented personality. Apart from singing she also acted in a tamil films for a short span, Sevasadanam being her first movie. It was released in 1938 and was a critically acclaimed film. Later on she quit acting and focused completely on her music career. She has received a lot of appreciation and felicitation over the years. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru said that he was a mere Prime Minister in front of a Queen, a Queen of Music and Sarojini Naidu called her ‘The Nightingale Of India’. She was the first civilian who was awarded with the highest civilian award ‘Bharat Ratna’ which she received from the President of India. Apart from this she has also received Padma Bhushan, Padma Vibhushan, Ramon Magsaysay Award and many others. With these awards she received enormous prize money which she donated to the charity reflecting her humanitarian nature. M.S. Subbulakshmi was an allrounder. She perfected herself in her field of interest. She was a singer, an actor and a philanthropist. Over the course of her life she received many more honors than any other artists of her time. She was and will continue to be

an idol of the young generation who are aspiring to be singers in the future. She will always remain in the hearts of people and will continue to soothe them with her

/ Yo u t h o p i a

- N Sasank Iyer




MARCH 2014

The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, and to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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self abnegating star - a cnn hero    good samaritans                                     Few years back Mr. Narayanan Krishnan was a big cheese with a well - paid job in Switzerland which is known as ‘The Playground of Europe’. He would have probably bid adieu to our country after having a luxurious international career but there was one turning point in his life which has led to totally different outcome. Now let us dive in to the reality to witness one such Samaritan in our country MR. Narayanan Krishnan. He is a Good Samaritan indeed. This planet has seen many legends, noble hearts & great leaders who have sacrificed their time and efforts for the prosperity of our country. But what makes Mr. Narayanan Krishnan as a Good Samaritan arouses a question in our mind. Many of us would have known him as one of the Top 10 CNN heroes 2010. It’s unfortunate that major part of our folks has failed to look back the scenario which made our Indian chef turned social worker. Mr. Narayan Krishnan was one of the vibrant, successful chefs working with a five-star hotel group. He was also shortlisted for a lucrative career for an elite job at Switzerland. Krishnan’s hometown was Madurai, the famous temple city in small town of Tamilnadu, the southernmost India which is famous for idly & sambar. Before leaving to Switzerland he paid a

quick visit to his hometown. That day was a turning point in Narayan Krishnan’s life. He saw an elderly man eating his own human waste. He was taken aback and was moved by this sight. He immediately bought 10 idlis from a nearby hotel and started to feed the destitute old man lying on the road with his own hands. This incident created a huge impact on him. Next day, he left his elite job & started to feed people who are mentally ill destitute. He also cuts their hair, and provides food daily. Every day he prepares meals helped out by a few volunteers & sets out to feed the people in his van. Initial days were crucial for him as the debts raised, but many noble hearts came forward and donated money for his cause. Mr. Krishnan had no regrets in leaving his elite job which could have fetched him an attractive salary with a topnotch hotel in the beautiful snow laden Switzerland. He never let his spirit to help others dwindled within him. His fiery passion led to the opening of a Non-profit organization ‘Akshaya’ (Derived from Sanskrit meaning Imperishable). Mr. Narayan says that love for humanity & empathy towards another person in our society must not be perished within us. Today this trust is registered with USA.

/ Yo u t h o p i a




MARCH 2014

Now many people have joined hands in this cause. This noble gesture of Mr. Narayan Krishnan has awarded him as CNN hero of the Year. The defining moment in Krishnan’s life has created a revolution in our country. The stark sight he saw has led to the rehabilitation of many destitute & it’s concrete that he has touched many lives and created a difference in them.Mr. Narayan Krishnan d not start this initiative with a profit maximization venture nor to reach fame. This simple man has today created a change witidhin many lives across our nation. A great salute for his deed! In today’s competitive world, huddled in this concrete jungle most of us are behind fame, riches & monetary gain. It’s heart breaking to know that people has lost the spirit to help others with compassion. We have to accept the fact that this modern era has not only revolutionized our thoughts but also our inner virtue too. We are glued up to self-improvement & attaining success in our life but we forgot to help our fellow beings who are part of our life on this earth. It’s quite easy to get so wrapped up in our own life that we forget about compassion. The need of the hour is ‘EMPATHY’ & not ‘SYMPATHY’. When most people think of giving back to society, they immediately think to donate money (or) any monetary contribution. Though money is essential to our life, there are several ways through which we can give back to society & be helpful to others. The small things we do to our society will inspire many and this will lead to a great movement similar to the one that occurred in Mr. Narayan Krishnan’s life. In today’s scenario

it is exorbitant to do everything but it is significant that we must give back some to the community.

that you have lived and lived well.

Few months back, when I was walking down the streets on the busy MG Road of Bangalore, I saw a 5 year old child begging to the passers-by. When this poor girl approached a stout gentleman who was in rush to catch the BMTC bus, he pushed away the child in anger & stamped her mercilessly. This sight was shocking to all the people there. None of us including me were scared to save the child from the stout guy’s feet. Then the man left and the child crossed the other side of the road with tears. I could not sleep that night. I felt ashamed in not helping the poor girl on the roadside.

As Ralph Waldo Emerson as rightly quoted, our duty in our life is to make a difference at least in one person in our society. I made an oath to help others and to create a difference at least in one’s life before my doom’s day.

The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, and to have it make some difference

Yo u t h o p i a M a g a z i n e | w w w . y o u t h o p i a , i n

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

- Sakti Suganya



a long forgotten

child hero     short article                                    A lot us would remember stumbling upon news pieces sprawled across newspapers and the internet a few years ago, narrating the story of an exceptional child athlete. Budhia Singh, once famously touted as the world’s youngest marathon runner, has now bounced back to a life of poverty and obscurity. At a surprisingly young age of four, Budhia became an overnight celebrity and had columns and pages after pages dedicated to his talent. Just as rapidly, he faded away from public memory. This is a story of hope and despair, greed and generosity, fulfilled and broken dreams, mixed in equal proportions to give shape to a soul-stirring journey. Born in a poverty-stricken family in Orissa, Budhia was sold to a peddler for a mere 800. Biranchi Das, a Judo coach spotted Budhia’s talent and took the exceptional child under his wing. Soon after, he started training Budhia to be an Olympic marathon runner. Budhia became national news after running the 65 km stretch between Bhubaneshwar and Puri in a whopping seven hours. By the age of four, he had completed 48 marathons, a no mean feat. He started featuring in television commercials and getting invitations to high

profile inaugurations. The nation couldn’t help but marvel at this boy wonder and started placing their bets on him to fetch India an Olympic medal. However, a tragic fate awaited him. Following the child’s popularity, people started accusing Biranchi Das of exploiting him. Budhia’s mother, who had previously sold him, alleged torture and exploitation. This led to the arrest of the coach on charges of ‘physical torture’ of a minor. The Government followed suit by banning Budhia from running any marathons and was sent to a hostel in 2007. He hasn’t run any marathons ever since. A few months later, Biranchi Das was shot dead. Budhia currently stays at a government-run sports hostel in Orissa. In an interview, he confessed he did not get proper nutrition at the hostel and did not wish to continue living there. Seven years since then, little has changed. Budhia gets practically no chance to hone his talent and spends little time at the field.

This child prodigy, who ought to have been provided with top notch coaches and training to reach an international platform is not even close to a state level runner now. An exceptional child has been reduced to sorry mediocrity. This story raises a lot of questions and exposes us to the harsh realities of the world of sports. What kind of a treatment do we mete out to our sportspersons? Is it time to start taking sports in the country seriously? How must we, as regular citizens of a nation that takes no interest in its standing in an international context, contribute to the development and bloom of a sports culture in the country? The questions are plenty and the answers lie within our own system. The first step is to change how we look at sports and our athletes. Olympic medals and other laurels will soon follow.

- Deepika P

The laws of the country did not allow him to participate in long distance races until he turned 11. / Yo u t h o p i a




MARCH 2014

Yo u t h o p i a M a g a z i n e | w w w . y o u t h o p i a , i n

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