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1994 Serge Monast Talk Explaining NASA's Project Blue Beam http://educate-yourself.org/cn/sergemonast1994transcript.shtml ca. 1994 1994 Serge Monast Transcript Explaining NASA's Project Blue Beam (April 15, 2010) http://www.sweetliberty.org/issues/hoax/bluebeam.htm [Introductory Notes]

E. out of, ex, from unum out of munu gift, present, office, spectacle, function, duty, tribute, service pluribus often, frequently E pluribus unum "Out of many, one" out of frequent (service) (tribute) God period

Pluribus is derived from the Latin phrase “E Pluribus Unum”, which means “From Many One”.

1. 1 something that you do, say, or build to show that you respect and admire someone or something a floral tribute (=flowers that you send to a funeral) tribute to: They showed the program as a tribute to the two men. in tribute to someone/something: The group named themselves in tribute to the 1970s’ tennis star. Thesaurus entry for this meaning of tribute 2. 2 in the past, money or other things that one leader had to give to a more powerful leader Thesaurus entry for this meaning of tribute 3. E. Means 5

8. E The hypothesized traditional source of those narrative portions of the Pentateuch in which God is referred to as Elohim rather than with the Tetragrammaton E abbr. 1. a. east b. eastern 2. energy 3. Baseball error 4. excellent e 1 or E ( ) n. pl. e's or E's also es or Es 1. The fifth letter of the modern English alphabet. 2. Any of the speech sounds represented by the letter e. 3. The fifth in a series. 4. Something shaped like the letter E. 5. E A grade that indicates failing status. 6. Music a. The third tone in the scale of C major or the fifth tone in the relative minor scale. b. A key or scale in which E is the tonic. c. A written or printed note representing this tone. d. A string, key, or pipe tuned to the pitch of this tone. 7. e Mathematics The base of the natural system of logarithms, having a numerical value of approximately 2.71828. Object 1

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