Bobo Norco Mr Dreamz Magazine Fall 2014

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LETTER FROM THE EDITOR “THE NEW ERA FOR A NEW GENERATION OF DREAMERZ” Music or the Art to transcribe emotions through melodies, sounds, words... Some notes on a piano, some drums on the MPC, a few words on paper ... and suddenly ... the magic happens. From Paris to Miami, NY to Tokyo, London to L.A, Mr Dreamz captures the urban art in all its forms in order to let the street talk. Cultures, languages differ but the message remains the same. With the social networks and new technologies, the magazine aims at openning the door to all these underground artists whose the talent just waiting to be put in front of the stage.Success always comes from dreamz. Working from Paris to Miami, via Montreal, Mr. Dreamz has developed over the years an extensive international network involving all the continents. Travels, cultural experiences and discoveries made all over the globe, are the starting point of the adventure. Working with more than 50 professionals worldwide, the magazine plays its card on the international field. Art... beyond the borders. By providing opportunities for younger generations, the mag has created the movement to help underground talents to get a real exposure and acquire a solid presence through medias, digital and print. Mr Dreamz is positioned as a new springboard for a whole new niche of artists, rappers, singers, producers, models etc ...

VOUSTAD CHRISTOPHER OWNER| CEO OF MR DREAMZ MAGAZINE KREATIVE KAYEOS & KRUSAUDIO.COM “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them”-Walt Disney Follow us @MrDreamzmag



Editor in chief DREAM KAYRIS Contributing writers Joha Brown Winnie MC B.B Bouk, Photographers Christophe Levet OffTopMedia Cover photography Offtopmedia Contributing illustrator Kayeos 305 PR/ Marketting We So Smooth Entertainment LLC/ Creamsquad



Interview by Winnie M.C

“Just always be yourself and never stop believing. Its funny that you ask that as females are my biggest supporters but my music is catered to the hustla within every one out there.” Sounds like you have a real good buzz on the net... Who are your partners in crime? The guys at Coast2Coast have really been pushing me heavy and I’m very appreciative. Before going on tour with C2C, I had the honor of working with Dj Steel & Dj Superstar Jay. They both pushed me very heavily on satellite radio, mixtapes and different blog sites. Microphone Bully is responsible for my blog posts as well as we have a really good working relationship.

What are your dreams? Do you live from your mu­ sic? I’m living my dreams so we can say its all a reality now. I just want to help all the kids who don’t have a way out of the hood and lack a positive male role model. I really wish that people would think about bringing a kid into this world out of love and have the proper support base to manufacture the neccessary protocol needed to create the leaders of tomorrow.

So far, what are your 3 biggest Highlights? The 3 biggest Highlights will be headling the Coast2Coast April tour, working with Rsonist from the Heatmakerz as he put together a fire track with Joell Ortiz & Mally Stakz, and getting a situation with Vevo.

Tell us the kraziest story you ever had in your life... I remember one time I went out with my college room mates to Niagara falls and ended up in a town some where in Canada 6 hours away in a room with a very pretty lady and my right hand man Kyle face first in the ground with the door wide open during a snow storm. How we got there, I don’t know but all I remembered as we were on our way to a strip club... LOL. I got more stories but this one is PG rated.

Is there too much violence in Hip hop? Not at all. Violence is a way of life that is incorporated in every aspect of life. So we can’t escape it. We can only embrace it but just know that their is a thin line between entertainment and reality.




10 x 15 x 2014

Twitter: @MokaBlast Official Website:

KANARY DIAMONDS Interview by Joha B If you had the power, what would you change in the Hip Hop industry? I would change the politics. If you had the power, what would you change in today’s society? I would change women’s view of themselves and society’s standards of beauty. If you had the power, what would you change in your city? I would change the mentality of my people and make them believe in themselves so that they can achieve better. If you had the power, what would you change in your past (life)? I would change allowing people to try to make me who they want me to be. What would your album bring to the Hip Hop Game? Hopefully, it would bring joy, fun, relief, memories, peace, and even accountability to some. Can you define it in one expression? Beauty for ashes. How did you choose the name of your EP? I literally dreamt about it. How did you hook up with Young Yonny? Tell us the story! I met Yonny on MySpace. He reached out to me and wanted to work. I think he’s an amazing producer and I was with it. That was a long time ago lol, and we’re still making music together. Do you plan to shoot a video for that single? Yes. It was shot at Venice beach. How did the fans welcome the “Ready To Fly” video? How did you discover the talented EPIK? They loved it. I get “that’s my favorite” a lot. Epic and I share the same management so it was a team move. So, talking about music, business, career... Are you ready to fly? Why Is 2014 your year? Yes, I am. 2014 and beyond is my year because everyday I take one step closer to my dreams. I heard you are about to collab on a new pop latin single with Dream Kayris. Is it the first time you work with a french artist? Yes. It will be my first time & I’m excited. I expect the different flavors to come together and make a great song that both mine and French fans can appreciate. Currently, do you live from your music? Yes. The TV and film placements keep the checks coming in.


“2014 and beyond is my year because everyday I take one step closer to my dreams.”

BOBO NORCO Interview by Marc BajolosKOLO Music Blow my brain... “I was in the studio at my house at about 2am and I heard the ins-

-trumental for the first time. I just got new studio equipment so I turned it up and that bass was so loud that I had to put my headphones on and if you’ve ever listenned to the song with your headphones on, it’s pretty self explanatory. One of my favorite producers, Audiplex, produced it!” How is the local Hip Hop scene in Santa Rosa, CA? The hip hop scene out here is crazy, so much un­discovered talents. The Bay Area has something in the air! Believe That… It sounds like putting your city on the map re­ally motivates you? Am I wrong? Of course putting my city on the map is important to me. I get this music shit & i mastered my sound and style. I will put my hometown on the map without a question. The first single i ever did, got on top 40 radio/ Urban/ and rhythmic. I got plans that include my city. How did you find your artist name? People just started calling me Bobo Norco, Bo Norco, Bo. Radios rotation, blogs & press placement, spot­ light in XXL magazine... No doubt than this 2014 year is going crazy for you? I’ve been prepared for everything coming my way. I’m just getting started. Iv’e always had a pop flavor but hip hop is where i come from and all i know. I’m just ready to make hits! Let’s talk about the XO Album... Define it in three words and explain! Funk, Sweat, Dope.. lol. The album is a Smacker check it out for yourself... We recently heard your single “YOU” and really loved it! It sounds more “R&B, pop”, “Groovy & smooth”... Where did you find the inspiration? Like i said, i needed to get on the radio so that i can make a bigger move. Competing with 100 thousand rappers was not what i had in mind. I can go places with my music that most artists can’t or just chose not to do. It was a risk but i made it happen. Was it a way to show that Bobo Norco can go out­ side the box? Yes it was exactly that, instead of looking at what the world is expecting i look at what the universe allows. You gotta be different to be great. Music Blow my brain... “I was in the studio at my house at about 2 am and I heard the instrumental for the first time. I just got new studio equipment so I turned it up an that bass was so loud that I had to put my headphones on and if you’ve ever listened to the song with your headphones on, it’s pretty self explanatory.


Who did produce the beat? One of my favorite producers Audiplex! Do you plan to shoot a video? My publicist Domenick Nati had a cool vision for the video. We were planning on shooting it but then my other single “You” jumped off on the radio so it’s on hold for a few months. What is your Top 3 best current emcee in the game? I like Papoose a lot! He’s dope. Kendrick of course, I really like what Pharrell Williams is doing. I respect it. How do you imagine BoBo Norco ten years from now? Healthy, Happy, and doing what i love to do best. MAKE MUSIC!

“My publicist Domenick Nati had a cool vision for the video. We were planning on shooting it but then my other single “You” jumped off on the radio so it’s on hold for a few months.”


FRANCESCO YATES Interview by Gigi Kerington

“Pharrell is brilliant as a person, a producer and an artist. I couldn’t tell you how much I learnt just from watching him do his own thing in the studio.”

My best experience in studio... “There’s many great experiences to list but I’d have to say when I was working on a song from my album called “Change the Channel” with Pharrell Williams. I had a flood of emotions and ideas all at once and I was really challenged creatively. Something great came of it.” For people who still don’t know you, where do you come from and how old are you? My name is Francesco Yates and I am a musician from Toronto, Canada with a passion for music. A lot of people know you as Pharrell Williams’ protégé... Is it heavy to carry on your shoulders? Did you feel that people expect more from you? Pharrell is brilliant as a person, a producer and an artist. I couldn’t tell you how much I learnt just from watching him do his own thing in the studio. He told stories that are burned into my memory; truly priceless lessons. There’s a lot of pressure of course to live up to with such a beloved musician and industry heavyweight, but I think I love this music thing so much that I don’t mind. I want people to expect more from me - it challenges me to great instead of just good. How did you hook up with Pharrell? Tell us the story? Initially my A&R from Atlantic Records, Aaron Bay-Schuck went to meet Pharrell to show him some of the artists he was working and Pharrell said he wanted to work with me. The crazy thing is that Leah Labelle, who works with Pharrell quite often, is under the same management company as me so when we all met it kind of felt like we were all on the same team anyways! My best song is... I couldn’t choose! That’s like choosing your favourite child. I love classics (MJ, Stevie Wonder, Sam Cooke, Led Zeppelin, etc.) My best verse is... The first verse in a song I wrote for my album called “Your Song”. I’m really proud of that song. My best memory as a performer is... I recently did a showcase in New York for an intimate audience where I felt free and alive up on stage. It was great.

My best meeting is... Meeting with Pharrell Williams, because it ultimately inspired a change in my musical direction. Best way to define myself is... Undefined, I suppose I’m a question that is okay with not being answered. Best way to turn my dreams into reality is... I’ve been focused on my music and continuing to learn for the great people I’ve been fortunate enough to meet. I think I’m on a great path and my eye remains on the prize. 2014... the best year because… My album is complete! Years in the making. I’m proud of where my music has come to and that I can share with the world. What are your upcoming projects for the end of 2014? I’ll be touring across North America this Fall with SoMo. This will be my first tour, so I’m very excited and grateful to have been invited on that tour. I love to perform live so I’m looking forward to being on the road. How could you define your musical background? I’m a hybrid of sounds and influences. My mom is a self-proclaimed “Disco Queen” and my dad is a lover of classic rock music. Merge these together with a little bit of soul and funk from the Motown era and this is what inspires my music. What is your next challenge? My goal this year is to share my music with as many people as I can. I love meeting new fans and people after my shows. The music is done, and ready to be heard. Now, I must deliver it to whoever is willing to listen. It’s a challenge and a blessing at the same time.


JBRE x DOUGIE KENT Interview by Geene Vodka

“Visiting the West Coast and seeing fans over there was my personal favorite experience. Another thing that I would have to say is making these new songs, that’s definitely a highlight. I guess if I had to pick a third, it’d be that we are about to go to Denver Colorado for a huge festival called GypsyJaneFest on October 3rd with Snoop Dogg, French Montana, Tyga, and a ton more. Being the only unsigned act is hella tight. You can cop your tickets at”


“I seriously love talking about Sane. He’s a producer out of West London who has been killing it lately. We stay pretty loyal to the majority of our jams going out having his name on it. There’s a ton of pride involved with Jbre and I when we craft a song with him. The dude is real young, and he’s over there mixing what’s hot in London and we are over here adding the rest of the ingredients on the East Coast. You can check out Sane’s work on his “ How did you get into Music? We both had influence with music all our lives. Jbre always recorded verses and freestyles on his Macbook and I was in a signed band at 18 as a drummer. Music ran deep since day 1. Being from Lancaster, PA there’s so much talent out here and everyone always has a helping hand out. How did you meet? Do you remember that day? I remember it like it was yesterday...we met in the gym at Millersville University and he showed me a few of his rough recorded songs. At the time, Jbre didn’t really put himself out there as an artist per say but mostly was honing in on his craft. I was a solo artist at the time, mainly had like 1 or 2 songs out but they never really got more than 300 plays tops. We decided to record a song together and it was pretty much a wrap from there. People really liked the vibe of polar opposites coming together on a track What is your opinion about PA Local hip hop scene? Relevant enough or not? There’s been some real bands and artists to come out of Lancaster. Gotta pay homage to The Roots, August Burns Red, Texas In July, and This or The Apocalypse for paving a national impact on the music scene. No matter where you go whether it’s downtown Lancaster or in the suburban area, you’re going to see a melting pot of hip-hop influences and artists. That’s what is so dope about Lancaster. Everyone is real different from the next. Lately the scene has been really flourishing in the hip hop aspect which is exciting to see. Your stats on the social networks are just impressive. How did you build that huge fanbase? Collectively, we pride ourselves in really mak ing it known what we are working on musically on social networks. It’s almost like your identity, so you need to brand yourself correctly. As much as we both could eat some of that awesome dinner you posted in Instagram, it isn’t relevant to the blueprint of your project ya know? It’s a mixture of branding properly and connecting with your audience on a real level. Everyday we take time to reach out to people and really thank them for tuning in. After all, the come up isn’t easy!

Do you have some tips for young artists, beginners who want to build their career online? Always keep it organic with the fans. They’re the ones that help you get to your destination. We’ve all been there with having only a few friends as fans. Although it may seems like a blow to the ego, you gotta flip it as positive energy because you just got one step further than most people. So it’s real important to keep working hard to prove yourself to build upon that. I think one of the biggest tips of advice looking back at things would be never do music alone. There’s been so many times when Jbre wanted to do something that I felt wasn’t a good idea, so we didn’t do it. Same thing if I wanted to do something, he may have told me “hey man, it sounds cool, but here are the potential problems in doing this” which helped many times. Sometimes, as musicians we get so caught up in the moment of things and opportunities that sometimes we forget that not everything is what it seems and could potentially make you go one step back. As far as the music goes, I tell anyone that it is real important to put out quality jams. Let’s talk about the AFTER HOURS al­ bum... Three words to define it? Energetic: the energy we delivered on this record was pretty interesting because it showed how comfortable we were with making it. Unpredictable: tracks vary from club bangers to slow jams Versatile: We mix a little EDM, main stream hip hop and underground hip hop in the album. Personally, i fell in love with the NOTHING PERSONAL track. What is the concept be­ hind it? Nothing Personal is still a very underrated track in my opinion. Jbre and I really wanted to show people another side of who we are and we are currently going through a branding stage with not only our image but our sound. So it was time to take off the glow paint from the club the night before and speaking that real stuff that we also live. We are part of a positive influenced team called the “Purple Planes” which is a bunch of guys that want to make a difference in the world. As you know, it’s real tough being young and doing things so the concept behind it is having people realize “hey...I was always there for you whenever you needed me, now this is my time... and if

you’re there for me through it awesome. If not..well then i’m going to keep doing me and don’t take it personal” Who did produce that crazy beat? Man I seriously love talking about Sane. He’s a producer out of West London who has been killing it lately. We stay pretty loyal to the majority of our jams going out having his name on it. There’s a ton of pride involved with Jbre and I when we craft a song with him. The dude is real young, and he’s over there mixing what’s hot in London and we are over here adding the rest of the ingredients on the East Coast. You can check out Sane’s work on Basically, it sounds like your music is very conceptual. For example, your Stimulation video... Explain us the story! Stimulation was a song that was the stepping stone of us maturing our sound. So with the music video, we didn’t want it to be something crazy. We wanted it to be a chilled out trippy video that you get lost in after watching it for a few minutes. Margaret Kramer is from our hometown and I met her at a party one night at Millersville University, and she voiced how she wanted to be in the studio to live the dream of a track. So that’s what we did, we brought her in and she killed it. What are the top 3 best (current) emcees? Yessss my favorite question! For Jbre I know he is a huge fan of Kid Cudi, 2-Chainz, and underground beat makers of all calibers for sure. So that’d be rad if we ever got to link with them. However, on my side of the pond...I would say 3 of the best current ones i’ve been bumping would be Jhene Aiko, Travis Scott, and Wiz Khalifa. Being from Lancaster PA, Wiz is only like a few hours away in Pittsburgh and he’s by far my biggest influence on not only music, but life. So as I tell my friends and fans...I’m workin for that day I hear myself on a track with that dude. Literally, I start my day with Wiz regularly which is pretty therapeutic considering he was in a similar position at one time coming up. Hopefully one day....



Interview by Winnie M.C / having totally fallen in love with the culture, I looked to translate all the words in to Japanese. “IKEN” was the word that stood out and felt like the right fit. IKEN (pronounced \’eee-ken\) means “opinion” and “option” in Japanese, which made perfect send to me as not only does our customer have so many options when choosing their iKen Watch combination, but it involves them having an opinion and expressing it with the watch. Why is your brand so different from other watches in the market? Because it’s awesome! No, seriously, it really is different. Other watches either have just interchangeable faces or arms. With an iKen, there are FIVE interchangeable parts. And in a minimum of 12 colors per part, this allows for over 250,000 permutations! No tools needed. Takes less than 15 seconds to build or change. Very reasonably priced.

How did you create the Iken Watches brand? Tell us the story. When I first came up with the idea of the watches. I didn’t want to be just another watch on the market that never got noticed or would be forgotten after one season. I wanted it to stand for something. Make an impression. I wanted people to be able to connect with it and wear it because it was part of a brand that meant something. So, when it came to choosing a name, I thought of words that meant a lot to me: choice, freedom, options, unique, authenticity, opinion, strong... These were amongst the selection. I then thought, for a twist, I would translate it in to another language. Having just come back from a trip to Japan and

Where can our fans buy your products? We are in almost 400 stores across the US and we also retail them online at: You can go to the website also and build your own! What’s the perfect IKEN to wear for a party? Anything with bling!!! Yes guys. That’s for you too! For a date with a woman? I’d say a color combination that is smart and understated for the outer pieces, and something deep and colorful for the dial, like dark blue or maroon. To work out? Whichever combination matches your sneakers or workout gear. The brighter, the better!

“Was it hard coming out as bisexual? Not at all, I am very open and honest. I am who I am, love me or hate me!” - Lynzey Patterson

Do you regard yourself more as an actress or an artist? That is a good question! I would consider myself as an artist I guess, as the reason being is that there are many other aspects of this industry I would love to work with. Although, I love acting. I’m also very passionate about writing and dance! I may even venture into music at some point. I feel that I haven’t tapped into all my abilities yet, but when I do, WATCH OUT! As an actress, what are your motiva­ tions & your goals? Remembering my mothers struggle, and everything I went through in life to get to where I am now is a constant motivation. Everyday I strive to be a better person and get closer to my dreams. Nobody is perfect and I am by far nowhere close to it. However, it is a big goal of mine to do something good for the world whether it’s through my acting or something I may write or do in the future. I want to touch minds, hearts and inspire people like me who thought they never could!


Which actors/actresses really influ­ ence you? Kirsten Dunst was one of my favourites growing up. She has been in so many different genres proving to be an amazing all around actress and I always wanted to be like her! Also, the late Robin Williams!!! It saddens my heart to know one of the most adored people in the world was suffering so much inside, his story inspires me so much because I think people in this world need their eyes opened to the fact that things like that actually happen, and they should know never to be afraid to reach out for help! So far, tell us your 3 biggest high­ lights! My Experiences working onset with Zalman King, when I met 50 cent and the movie I am about to film Unimaginable! What is the role you dream to get in your career? What type of charac­ ter? I would love to be a vampire vixen queen or a superhero! Or a super serious role that is intense and heart breaking!

“I have two film projects coming up this year. The first is a film titled Unimaginable, which is a thriller. I’m stoked! The second is a series called Sex And Soul Searching, which is a romantic comedy!”

LYNZEY PATTERSON Twitter @LynzeyPatterson

INCWELL ( Interview by Joha Brown What is your favorite memory thus far as a performer? I have so many great memories. I think maybe my favorite was performing at the Strathmore outdoor concert in Rockville, Maryland. After the show I had an older couple, probably late eighties, walk up to me and say when they arrived they didn’t know what to expect, but they were extremely pleased and entertained because they had never heard anything like that before. I wear that compliment with pride. The fact that, between the two of them in eighty plus years, I could provide them with innovative, new, and most importantly, quality music is a major accomplishment.

“My current single is entitled “New Day.” I think it’s a very honest song. I like to think all of my music is honest but in particular this song. As an artist there are just some songs that come from a very special place and/ or situation. This was definitely one of them. Someone could listen to “New Day” for the first time and know all about me. The music is also very dope. My folks Enduhstreatz did the production and it was mixed by the team at HOUSE. Alison Carney murdered her feature as well, she’s amazing.”

What method do you use in your life to overcome the hardships you have had to deal with? I can’t really give a concise answer. You just never know what you can fight your way through until you have to fight your way through it. I’m not sure anyone can pinpoint where that strength and perseverance comes from. Sometimes, I think we all feel like we’re in limbo, not too high and not too low. We’re somewhere in the middle walking around numb to all the disparity. We need that ability to survive but it’s a scary feeling when you don’t see any light at the end of the tunnel. For me personally, my beautiful family & friends have given me a reason to fight every second of everyday. It’s different for everybody of course, but I think if you can find just one thing worth fighting for, you can make it through anything. What is your advice for others who want to turn their dreams into reality? Just remember it’s a not a race it’s a marathon. It’s not about who gets there first it’s about who gets there and does the best and who will maintain their longevity. People get discouraged as they become older and it’s natural. My mind was a sponge at 16 and now it’s hard for me to absorb things at the same speed. 2014 has been the best year because... Because I got married to the love of my life and she gave birth to my beautiful daughter, Raleigh Taylor CarozzaCaviness. We call her RT3 for short.


Can you describe your “ShadyFace” con­ cept in three words? Portable. Sun. Protection.

shade is a necessity when at sea. So, why not have it made in the shade with ShadyFace... your best commodity for the outdoors.

How did you find this original idea? ShadyFace was born three years ago on the Island of Maui. It was out of sheer desperation that I came up with the idea for ShadyFace since I was “sick and tired” of being a victim to the hot, intense sun rays. I found myself scorching like a“Baked Lobster” realizing that everyone around me was experiencing the same dilemma by either using books, magazines or hats. Some even went as far as to engulfing themselves under towels “how glamorous” while others were busy running back and forth chasing after dangerous umbrellas due to the strong trade winds.....and that was the day that I got that “Ah Ha” moment! I just wasn’t going to be a victim to the sun anymore and was going to change the way we all shade ourselves from now on!

Is there a demand for your product in Eu­ rope as well? Absolutely! Europe is just as concerned with the reality of the sun becoming more harmful. Some Countries like France, Spain, Portugal, Croatia, and Italy to name a few have coastal beaches. boats, and yachts, whereas Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Hungary, etc. offer many lakes and outdoor adventures, so in a nutshell, anyone can benefit from a ShadyFace.

Los Angeles, Hawaii, Australia... How did you get into the international market? The world is large, however with the Internet being the information highway, every country will eventually hear about ShadyFace and its benefits for shaded protection. Consumers are educating themselves about the “dangers of the sun” and are desperately seeking the latest innovations for their backyards, resorts, hotels. yachts and cruise ships especially since


Is summertime your best market? Are win­ ters rude for your company? ShadyFace is a “all year around” product for all countries and every season. For instance: December (when its cold in New York) is considered a “High Season” when living in Hawaï, Mexico, Bahamas, Australia, New Zealand, South America, etc. What is your advice to others who want to create and market a product? My best advice when coming up with an idea is to have it immediately patented. It should be unique, beneficial and your passion for the rest of your life!

“My mind is always working, so I have Bluetooth Speakers which compliment ShadyFace very nicely, plus expanding now into the pet world with ShadyPaws for dogs by providing shade at the beach, parks and outdoor restaurants. Lastly, a ShadyFace SPF organic lotion line will also be coming soon!”

MAITLAND WARD Interview by Wilson Mac Aliis

“A dream without work and a goal is just a dream. But, I believe the dreamers are the only ones who can change things for the better”

As an actress, what are your motivations & your goals? I love comedy and strong female driven comedies (like Bridesmaids) are few and far between. I went back to school to study screenwriting a few years ago partly so I could create the kind of roles I like to play. I have two finished scripts in the pipeline that I’m attaching myself to. It’s a lot of work, but it’s a labor of love. As an actress, I love to make people laugh. If I have any role in brightening someone’s day, I have done my job well. Which actor/actress really influence you? Melissa McCarthy is the funniest woman alive. What is a recurring dream you have? I dream I’m back in high school and I haven’t been the whole year to math class (my least favorite subject) and I might not graduate if I don’t pass the big test. Also I dream I’m flying. That’s a cool one. 22

The best compliment a man ever gave you? You’re the hottest nerd on earth! The one quality about yourself that you think attracts men the most to you? I’m really down to earth and love to laugh. What are your projects for the end of 2014? Aside from putting together my film, I’m working on my fashion line with MarkWongNark, my designer and friend. We’re putting some amazing stuff together for spring 2015 under the label Maitland-MarkWongNark. Are you a real dreamer? Yes. But, I set goals. A dream without work and a goal is just a dream. But, I believe the dreamers are the only ones who can change things for the better. They see the future as it should be and not just how it is. Do you miss your ‘Boy Meets World’ days at all? Of course! We had such an amazing cast

and crew. And I think that jumps off the screen when people watch the old shows. We were genuinely having fun every week. It was and still is a family. Choose a quote that defines you the best as an actress... “God writes a lot of comedy, trouble is people don’t know how to play the funny.” --- I try to find light and humor in almost everything. And as a woman... “When in doubt wear red.” Twitter & Instagram: @MaitlandWard

VALERIE HALEY Photos by RobHillPhotos

AKA STRAWBERRY HUNNIE “A beautiful face will grow old but a beautiful soul will continue forever.”

Your definition of BEAUTY? My definition of beauty is not on the outside but it’s what’s on the inside. A beautiful face will grow old but a beautiful soul will continue forever. How long have you been in the modeling industry? I have been in the industry for 4 years. I must admit it has gone quick but as they say, Time flies when your having fun!

“I’m a character in myself! I have a very fun loving bubbly personality which keeps me always smiling and happy.” How many tattoos you got? Which is your favorite one? I have a couple of small tattoos, I am not keen on large tattoos however many models can pull them off.

At what point in your life did you know that you wanted to be a model? I was born a poser and have been strutting my stuff since I could walk.

For you, what characteristics are the most important to succeed in this industry? I’m a character in myself lol, I have a very fun loving bubbly personality which keeps me always smiling and happy.

What do you bring to the modeling industry? I think my most unique thing is my personality. It really shows through in my images. I also spend a lot of time interacting with my fans.

Who would you say is the personn that did really inspire you? Growing up, my idols were Mariah Carey and Rihanna as they are truly beautiful and women.

How is the modeling industry in your area? Being so close to London, there’s always plenty of opportunities for work there. However, being a mother of two kids, i have to fit it in around my commitments at home. Is Modeling your full time job? I model on a part time basis fitting it in with my hair extension business and looking after my two boys.

Do you plan on going into other things like acting? What are your other talents? Yes I am planing on pursuing a career in the music/singing which is one of my major passions. What do you do in your spare time when you are not modeling? When i’m not shooting I like to spend quality time with my children and family, they mean a lot to me.


MOCHA MeAMOR What is your definition of BEAUTY? Anyone confident enough to just be who they are is beautiful. Confidence is something you have to wear just like makeup. At what point in your life did you know you wanted to be a model? Modeling is never something that I aspired to do, it just kind of came along with the territory of being an entertainer. Tell us how you are unique compared to other models! I’m just me. There is no other Mocha like me. I feel that my image and personality are uncomparable. Do you feel that there are a lot of opportunities for young upcom­ ing models in your area? As far as in my area and the industry in general, I feel that the “modeling” industry has just become oversaturated with a lot of the same “type”. There are only so many back-shots that you can take and after a while “we” all pretty much start to look alike. I wish there were more avenues for “urban models” to get different opportunities to try for rather than hip-hop videos and men’s mags. I don’t have a problem with it of course, i’m just saying I wish more doors were open for us to do something different.

“The best way to deal with fake people is to keep it real with them.” How many tattoos you got ? & which is your favorite one? Too many to count at this point but my favorite are my paw prints. For you, what characteristics are the most important to succeed in this industry? Personality. Have a strong enough personality so that you don’t get taken advantage of but you also have to be pleasant enough so that people will want to work with you. For the fans, are you single? I’m single but i’m not alone. What is, for you, the definition of a DREAMER? Someone who thinks of ways to change their life but never acts on it or fails to execute a plan to make their dreams come true. What is your dream as a model? If i’m going to do it, I just want to be great at it and not be put in a box. Dancing and modeling is what I do but it’s not who I am or all that I am capable of. Official Twitter @MochaMeAmor1


CANDEE RED Interviews by Joelle Magnus stage, you just have to keep moving forward. Who would you say is the personn that did really inspire you? I don’t know about who inspired me, but my sister gave me the push to actually give it a go and encouraged me to enter online competitions. What do you do in your spare time when you are not modeling? I exercise (so I can eat what I want and not feel guilty!), I love going out and doing social things like going to the theatre, going to the movies, watching live music and having a few drinks and a dance. For the fans, are you single? Eternally haha!


What body part of yours attracts the most attention? Depends what I’m wearing! Usually my hair, but if I have a bit of cleavage going on then my boobs get their fair share of attention too! If you had to sleep with one woman who would it be? I have to pick just one? Haha! It used to be Katy Perry, but now I think Jennifer Lawrence would be a bit of a freak, and I just love her personality! Do you own any adult videos? Yep, used to pull them out and watch them in the dorm rooms at uni for a laugh!

How long have you been in the modeling in­ dustry? I started modelling for fun in university to get some photos for my portfolio so I could pick up acting work as I studied Drama. So that was 7 years ago but then I didn’t start seriously pursuing it until just over a year and a half ago. At what point in your life did you know that you wanted to be a model? I guess I didn’t think it could ever be a reality for me until maybe a year ago when I started making some headway online and building a profile for myself.

“Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder as they say. To me, it’s about that unique special quality that just grabs your attention and you can’t help but stare.”

How is the modeling industry in Australia? Relevant? Competitive? No. I’m in Perth, Western Australia on the West coast, whereas most of the big opportunities seem to be over on the East coast. Is Modeling your full time job? Gosh no! I work in administration full-time. How many tattoos you got ? & which is your favorite one? I have three. I just had my back tattoo re-done yesterday and got some colour put into it – so now I love it. Although my chest tattoo of a Sparrow has the most meaning to me. For you, what characteristics are the most im­ portant to succeed in this industry? A thick skin and perseverance. There are always going to be the naysayers that have only bad things to say about you, but you can’t take those comments to heart. You also can’t give up when you hear no. Everybody gets rejected at some

What is your secret fantasy? Me, Matthew Gray Gubler and Jennifer Lawrence. Yes! What is your dream as a model? I want to be internationally published and see my face on billboards! And as a woman... I also want to act and eventually see my name on Hollywood productions. Your favorite ice cream flavor? Vanilla with gummi bears, cherry ripe and jelly. Yep, I have a sweet tooth! Your recipe for the perfect romantic date? Out to a good restaurant for some great food and flirty conversation, then back home for some fun in the bedroom (or on the couch, or in the shower, or…)


J BRAWLA Interview by GiGi “On a MISSION to change the world because I’m Definitely not going to be changed by it” - JBrawla HIP HOP KRUSH

I come from the city of Atlanta, Georgia where the least opportunity is given because everyone is out there for the same thing and for me, it has always been hard, because opportunity wasn’t never given: I had to TAKE IT or leave it!


Grady Hopistal in Fulton County on March 11,1990


The first time i fell in love with hip hop is when i listen to “Me against the world” by Tupac Shakur, I can relate to the lyrics of the song because of my own life events.


“I’m not here to recite the game or others but to change it in the way that is best for our youth” Twitter: @Ktgmusic11 Facebook: Jbrawla.Ktg Soundcloud @Jbrawla-Ktg

Coming from a broken home with no responsible peers in my life, i was forced to become a man at a young age. Growing up without a dad, I realized i had to defend myself so I turned to violence and fighting in school to gain my own respect. I was angry because I didn’t understand why things were going so well for my classmates in their homelife while they had parents to help them and offer support, I had to figure everything out on my own. Because of my parents poor choices, I found myself on the street with noone to turn to, I believe giving up is never an option, I started my own hustle and grind to survive, very determined to stay in school. My schedule was grind all night and work all day. I hustled long enough to get a car which is where I stayed. I refused to let this become my life. I got a job and finished school. I knew there had to be something better and I was not going to settle. God blessed me with my own appartement to come home to and thats where my feelings started to come out on paper. I felt a sense of peace letting my past go on a song. I have become an artist through my pain. My struggle has made me wise. I’ve learned that no matter the situation, with faith and motivation, you will overcome the obstacles.


I network a lot for my hit single “Stand Up For Me” Feat TheVerce and Johnny Arsin on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube. Working with my Team Members, my wife Shalee Roper, Antonio Bankston, Adrianne Lee and my Music Producer KayOh (at Twenty96Studios), pushing and promoting and getting it to the radio stations. Also creating our own Push It Tour, hitting the Metro, Atlanta Dance Clubs, getting the DJ’s to spin the record. Hoping to connet with the right people to take it to the next level.


Hoping to change lifes in this generation and the next generation in the future and not only by music but presence on and off stage. The plans that i have will deliever the message to Hip Hop and through out the world. 28

SOME GUY Interview by Gigi (Twitter & Instagram @Some_Guy147 / Soundcloud: Someguy-147)

“Never pass up any opportunity to share your gifts with the world.” In the same vein, I want to share my work with other artists and fans” BIG LOVE

I first knew I loved hip hop the first time I heard the “Refugee Camp Remix” of Fu-gee-La. It was so soulful. At that point, it was the first record I had ever heard like that and it was amazing. I used to listen to just that track for hours. I remember writing down the lyrics just so I could rap along. That song was definitely my gateway into really appreciating rap music.


One of my most memorable stories was back in 2003. My best friend was going to Virginia Tech and Little Brother was doing a show up there. He knew I was a huge fan of 9th wonder so somehow he managed to get backstage and talk to 9th. He then calls my house at around midnight and puts 9th wonder on the phone and I’m losing my mind and my dad is in the next room screaming at me to be quiet and stuff but I don’t care. I’m sure 9th wonder doesn’t even remember that night but it was life changing for me. It made me realize that the power of music is something serious. I never even knew what he sounded like but if I heard an instrumental, I could immediately recognize that it was him. I knew I wanted to create something for people to enjoy, a soundtrack for their lives.


I will be working with Lee On The Beats on some stuff. I also am looking to release my debut instrumental mixtape before the year ends.


I’m gonna be the next Krush because I simply make music that everyone can enjoy. I feel beats that should sound good with or without a rapper/singer on it. If there’s anything that’s been proven is that quality always outlasts quality. And I feel I have that quality to be around for a very long time.


My dreams are to, of course, win a Grammy, but more specifically the Producer of the Year (Non Classical) category. But generally, I would like to make very good music that everyone can enjoy. I want people to look up who produced tracks on their favorite artist’s album and get excited when they see my name. I’m different from the masses because I’m not afraid to go against the trends. I can adapt just as easily as I can create and with that, you get a sound or a feel that’s different from most of what’s out there.


The other day Russell Simmons (@UncleRUSH) tweeted “Never pass up any opportunity to share your gifts with the world.” That spoke to me because what if the Timbalands and Kanyes of the world decided to be the best producers in their own houses. We would never have the priceless gifts that are interwoven with the fabric of our memories. In the same vein I want to share my work with other artists and fans.


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