Mr Dreamz Fresh Edition feat Steven Ogg

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LETTER FROM THE EDITOR “THE NEW ERA FOR A NEW GENERATION OF DREAMERZ” Mr.Dreamz Magazine has established its brand as “The New Era For A New Generation Of Dreamers” wich is available online, on mobiles and in print. The publication aims at giving artists & creators a voice that can be heard across all over the globe. Working from Paris to Miami and Montreal, the magazine showcases tomorrow’s mainstream stars. Working from Miami to Montreal, Frxnch magazine was created by french producer Dreamkayris and his sister, Natacha also known as Frenchvouvou, in Grenoble, France. They have worked with prestigious companies and artists such as the NBA (National Basketball Association), VH1, Universal Music Group, Iggy Azalea, H2EMP, MMG to name a few. With more than 5 years in the industry, the publication has collaborated with Kloud9 Agency which provides different placements, design services and social media management. With more than 2.5 Million digital impressions, Frxnch offers clients an extensive reach to their target audience.

DREAMKAYRIS OWNER| CEO OF MR DREAMZ MAGAZINE and KLOUD9 AGENCY. “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them”-Walt Disney Follow us @MrDreamzmag



Editor in chief DREAM KAYRIS Contributing writers Joha Brown Winnie MC French Vouvou Photographers Christophe Levet ZTPR Contributing illustrator Kloud9 Agency Solomon Reese PR/ Marketting Kloud9 Agency MR DREAMZ MAGAZINE 12 RUE FELIX VIALLET, 38000, GRENOBLE




FRESH MAGAZINE 2016 // coming soon







Hello Montreal!

FRESH magazine

Interview by French Vouvou

ORLA JOHANNES How did you launch your career in the entertainment industry? I’ve always dreamt of working in the entertainment industry, in particular television and radio. It’s a dream I had since I can remember. Throughout my childhood I attended dance and theatre school and competed in prose competitions which I loved. I attended Bournemouth University, England and graduated with a BA Honours in Hospitality Management, yet my dream was always Radio & TV. After University, I worked in London for a couple of years in advertising for The Sun & News of the World, and then accepted a job in Marketing in Montreal, Canada. It was there that I decided to follow my dreams of becoming a TV & Radio Host so I left the corporate world, went back to acting school, got an agent and started back into acting with small movie roles. To support myself financially, I was a hostess and a waitress and after only a year of pulling pints, seating punters and movie gigs I had landed a full time job with Radio Station 940 News Montreal as Traffic and Weather Reporter. Soon that position was followed with an offer to be Fashion Reporter on Entertainment Spotlight on CTV (Canadian Television), a weekly entertainment show full of interviews with celebrities as well as local content with cohost Mose Persico. I hung up my waitress’ apron and threw myself into the media industry which was where I wanted to be! From there I have had my own radio chat show called Tabletalk, which was great fun! I hosted it for over 3 years in Montreal and interviewed chefs, sommeiliers, authors, food critics and everyone attached to food and drink! Determination, networking,



being proactive, knocking on a lot of doors, sending demos and positive thinking got me exactly what I wanted, dreams do come true if u truly believe.

What’s been your career highlight to date? One real feeling of greatness was when I flew with the crew of Entertainment Spotlight, the television show I cohosted and was fashion reporter on for over 5 years, to film in London and Paris. It was a real sense of achievement to stand in Piccadilly Circus, London, filming where I used to walk only dreaming of doing just that! Another great achievement and my connection to the beautiful country of France is the new English Voice of Air France! My voice is the English voice that can be heard at the various airports telling travellers when their flight is boarding and to proceed to their gate! Being a «voice», do you have sometimes the impression to work too much in the shadow? Absolutely not. It’s what you make it. As a voice you can still capture peoples’ attention. Everything in life is what you make of it, I have always been a positive happy person with focus and direction and never seen voice work as being in the shadows. In fact I honestly can say there is nothing about me that has the word ‘shadow’ in it!! Lol What are your projects? Do you plan to act more in the future? The next couple of years will be challenging, I’m a person that wants it all! I have a beautiful family, I love my career,

I want to be able to do my own things like working out and all the things women do to keep ourselves looking great! It’s a bit tough juggling everything at the moment with two babies, but I know in a couple of years it will get easier and I can open myself up to more opportunities in Radio & TV hosting. Your love story with Montreal? I love montreal with all my heart! The people, the place, the excitement of the city and how montreal comes alive with all the festivities of grand prix, and all the other famous festivals. I love the restaurants and the shopping and I love how montreal gave me my dream come true! Who knew I had to travel so far to get it! I was on my own when I ventured to Canada for a job not knowing anyone but extremely excited at what could lie ahead. I’m an adventurous person with a zest for life. I’m a social butterfly and love hosting events and chatting with people from all walks of life. I’m an organised and tidy person… I cant think straight otherwise! I always had a dream, I always followed my dream and had absolutely no doubt in my mind that radio and tv was what I was going to be doing. In 2009, I made the front page of The Wall Street Journal for the power of my voice. Official Website:

//Living in Montreal, QC, Canada// Orla is a young British woman with an effervescent personality whom has won the hearts of Montrealers through her voice and bubbly persona. Orla arrived in Montreal in the middle of the iconic ice storm of 1998 and fell in love with the people and the city. Here she followed her dream of becoming a successful Television and Radio Personailty.




FRESH magazine

Slava Solonitsyn x EnchantVC Interview by French Vouvou

“We will be expanding our reach through setting our program in multiple places, you’ll also see us in some more significant events and feature more of our startups’ exciting progress very soon” What were the first steps in putting together EnchantVC? It took a lot of time to plan something like this out. We first setup a company called HaxAsia, where we tested the program to find out ourselves our readiness and capability to run a bigger fund. From there, we kept on building relationships and funding. You’ll know the right time to create a fund when you have the right partners to take this journey along with you. The next few steps were finding the right people with the right mindset and skill set to be able to reach a calibre that would be able to set startups up for success, apart from our core investment goals; plus gathering intel and data to fully understand where our focus is, how big, what our the limits are, and location & partnerships. From there, you leverage - are we ready? Yes we are. And that is how EnchantVC was born. Where did the idea to create such a type of accelerator come from? Over the past few years, it has been a very exciting time in the tech startup scene, and that scene has been transforming a lot. There are a few similar models out there, recognizing that the space is only getting specialized and enhanced because of the newly available avenues for smaller batch manufacturing for example. Having gathered experience through experimentation and working closely with most of the startups I have invested and incubated on, there comes the formula for a model where you’d be able to take a full circle journey that comes with its complexities with the startups through acceleration. It is for a longer period of time but the structure makes sense. They just all happened because the environment gave us the idea to be able to do this now. 10


How did you choose the name “Enchant” and as the co-founder, what is your main mission/job? We had been playing around with different names, but David Rose’s “Enchanted Objects” book really captivates what we’re trying to achieve. My team immediately adapted “Enchant” in different variations, but that word just glued in. My main mission is to find and identify opportunities for us to bring Enchanted Objects (hardware startups) to the mass market. I believe that we are encouraging startups and entrepreneurs to bring forth different ways of making our everyday lives better through the normal objects that we use into something smarter and more useful. There are ways not just to put these ideas out there, but to fully manufacture them for retail where you will reach your audience far and wide. There are lots of ideas and prototypes out there but never go into full production mode because of the lack of access or know-how to deliver them completely. There are lots of opportunities to build the idea and the point is not what is missing, but what is lacking in the market.

of startups from emerging countries - there are brilliant minds and lots of ideas of which problems to solve from these markets. The major factor here now is to keep encouraging them and find ways to give them avenues and platforms to be able to execute and deliver their ideas to life for everyone to use and enjoy.

How has this industry evolved in the recent years? There are better awareness and access to the startup world when it comes to consumer hardware and Internet of Things. Though the journey is still long for something like smart home or smart nation to get fully adapted everywhere, the world is progressing to make lives better in this manner. This is such a cycle and not a unique “change” with the world. The technology enables us to create better prototypes, design and knowledge to learn from data sources according to what is being innovated. This evolution won’t stop but will only increase rapidly. There has always been a decent demand

Singapore, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Shenzhen... How did you connect with so many professionals to build your incredible team? It’s all about networking. Our team have been built throughout the course of a few years when I worked with or got connected with them through my relentless search to know solid professionals within the industries they are at. It’s a never ending process to keep linking with the right people.

What is the best way to work with your company? How can a startup apply? For the application process, the best way is to go to our website ( and apply for our next tranches of the program. We are also present in some conferences like the Websummit and CES franchises so you could approach us from there. We are focused on Enchanted Objects within the consumer hardware space. With our selection criteria, We choose a startup with a strong leadership and inside competencies needed to push through their brilliant ideas to reality. As for the hardware tech part, the startups has to have at least a working prototype, trial marketing plans and tenacity to deliver.

Get connected: Facebook: Linkedin: enchant-vc

Astronhot// 2016

Art Lover

FRESH magazine

Daniel Mazzone Interview by Joha Brown “I was homeless for about 5 years when I was around 15 to 20 years old. My experience on the streets has helped me see the world in a different light. Helped me understand people and learn more about how people think and operate.” images? Or where does the source material come from? Actually my works aren’t paintings at all! All my artworks are handmade, where I cut up thousands of pieces of paper and arrange them in a way to create a complex mosaic. My work is physically comprised of little fragments of my subject’s visual history using real historical artifacts like original letters, magazine covers, song lyrics – and assembling them in a fashion that creates a portrait that not only portrays the subject’s likeness, but also who they were as a person. Nothing is based from digital images, everything is done by me free hand. What are your ideas about color? It looks like colors are very present in your pieces! I love color! If I could paint the whole world I would. Happy colors are proven to change our mood in a positive way. Who are some other artists you admire? Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol and one present artist that I can call my friend is Domingo Zapata. They’re all brilliant and highly motivating for me. We often hear STRUGGLE is a very powerful source of inspiration for artists. In your case, how long had you been homeless? How and when did this terrible period end? And how did this STRUGGLE help you achieve the success you have today? When you are out on the streets, you have so much time to think alone, and you meet people from different walks of life. I was homeless for about 5 years when I was around 15 to 20 years old. My experience on the streets has helped me see the world in a different light. Helped me understand people and learn more about how people think and operate. It was a major learning experience for me. Not the best experience in life, but definitely one of my greatest learning experiences. I wouldn’t change it for the world. When did you discover your passion for Art? More generally, are we born ‘artist’ or do we become ‘artist’? I first discovered my passion for art when I was 4 years old. My mother was an artist and art teacher for stained glass and ceramics. My first good memories were of me sitting with my mother at the kitchen table making art. I think we all have artistic abilities within our souls, we just have to find the right outlet. 12


Your life really looks like a movie! So many incredible surprises that led you to success. Are you still a dreamer? Yes! I still dream everyday. Dreams should never stop. This is what makes life so wonderful. Without dreams and creativity, life wouldn’t be that exciting or evolve. Fans call you the new ‘Andy Warhol’. I guess it is a great compliment for you! Does this nickname put more pressure on your shoulders? It’s such a nice compliment to be compared to an artist that has made such an impact on the world and art itself. As far as pressure I don’t feel any really I’m just trying to stay focused and keep doing my thing. Like Andy Warhol said, “Don’t think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.” What type of material do you use to create a piece of art? I only use different kinds of paper materials. Your paintings remind me of digital drawings… Are your paintings based on digital

What do you feel has been your biggest career highlight to date? When Canadian hedge fund titan Micheal Wekerle and famed baseball star Jose Bautista bought 10 of my works each. What do you have planned for the rest of 2016? Working towards my sophomore show at Art Basel Miami Beach this December and some other exciting projects I cannot announce yet... Stay tuned!

Get connected: Instagram @danielmazzoneart Facebook: danielmazzoneart

MARILYN’S LIPS & THE QUEEN by Daniel Mazzone





Beyond Life

FRESH magazine

Medium Fleur x Interview by Joha Brown

“Everybody has a team of helpers! They can be close family members or people you have never met. Meditation is the easiest way to connect with your guides.”

Do you remember the first time you connected with a ‘dead’ person? Or should I say ‘dead’ on earth? What was this first-time experience like? My first memories of connecting to the other side are from the age of 3 or 4. It was a part of my everyday life and I thought everyone could see what I could. Interacting with the spirit world was so normal to me that I don’t have a first-time experience that stands out. I do remember that my great-grandmother was among the first spirit people I spoke to. She was incredibly helpful because she was able to give me details, such as nicknames, that helped my surprised parents know I was not making up stories. Have you always been a Medium or did the ability develop at a certain point in your life? I can’t remember a time when the spirit world was not around! Have you had any formal training or instruction for this work? Although I was born with a natural gift of mediumship, I have spent a great deal of time sharpening and enhancing my connection. My training has centered around meditation and cultivating mental stillness to maintain a clear connection to the spirit world. What other educational degrees, certifications or learned skills do you have that has helped you be the success you are today? I graduated from UCLA as a pre-medical student. My interest in the sciences and neuroscience research has kept me rational and grounded.

My background has been helpful in that I aim to provide as much evidence as I can during a reading or show. I know that it can be hard to believe or accept that there is a spirit world, so I continue to look for more evidence, clarity and answers. Does everyone have guides? How do you recommend people get in touch with them? Everybody has a team of helpers! They can be close family members or people you have never met. Meditation is the easiest way to connect with your guides. Learning to quiet your mind is the first step in connecting with the spirit world. How have your abilities affected your personal relationships with family members, relatives etc.? I am lucky to have experienced unwavering support from my family and friends. I do have the ability to turn my gift ‘off’ and ‘on’. WhenI am around my friends and family, I turn my knob ‘off’ and I get to be just Fleur. Are ‘quacks’ your worst enemies? Do you understand why so many people are ‘skeptical’ about Mediums? There are people who take advantage of others in any profession. Unfortunately, mediumship is no exception. There are a lot of great mediums in the world and with some research you can find them. Getting a recommendation from a friend is a great place to start, as is looking up reviews. Above all, trust your gut. I believe everyone has intuitive abilities. If your gut is telling you to not to trust someone, you need to listen.

Do you also have psychic abilities? Or what are your limits? I do have psychic abilities, however I am very grateful that I can not read anyone’s mind! What is the place of GOD in your life as a Medium? Working as a medium has taught me that there is something much larger than ourselves. When I see the joy, relief, and healing that a mediumship connection can bring, it reminds me that there is something bigger happening and that is very humbling. With such abilities, do you feel you have a particular mission on earth? I believe we all have a purpose. My purpose is to connect people to their loved ones on the other side. I am simply a translator. As a translator I don’t have all the answers, I just pass on what I receive. What do you hope people walk away with after meeting with you and connecting with their loved ones who have passed on? The best thing I can hear after a session is when someone tells me that it feels as if they have just spent an afternoon with their loved ones. It is my wish that everyone has the ability to know their loved ones are around, and receive the closure and answers they are looking for when someone passes.

Get connected: Twitter @mediumfleur FRESH MAGAZINE 2016


Culture x Vibes

FRESH magazine

SHAE WILLIAMS “God is my life and without him nothing is possible. I give all the credit to God because I was given this undeserving talent to sing.” Describe to our readers how it was growing up in Louisiana and how that has helped your career? We have some of the most down to earth people in Louisiana and growing up there will always have an impact on everything I do. My mother is Baptist and my father is Catholic, put those two together you’ll get gospel and zydeco music. Louisiana’s southern culture is enriched with soulful music and free spirited people. I am a product of that southern free-spirited lifestyle and it has helped my career. Its helps me with my music because I can always go back to my roots for that unique style. In Louisiana there’s a saying in Creole, “laissez les bon temps rouler”, which is translated to “let the good times roll” and where there’s music there’s a good time in my hometown. You fell in love with music and discovered your talents in Church. What’s the place of GOD in your life? God is my life and without him nothing is possible. I give all the credit to God because I was given this undeserving talent to sing. It was Greater St. Mary’s MBC of Lake Charles, Louisiana that first took notice of my voice and on-stage brilliance. Growing up in church, gospel music laid a foundation of my delivery and revealed an early passion for performing. Other than your beautiful voice, what do you bring to the table? I’ve found out that being a recording artist requires more of you than just having a beautiful voice. It takes hard work, dedication and especially consistency. The most important part is staying focused on your goals



as an artist and without that I could just be another pretty girl with a beautiful voice. I want to show everyone that your dreams are possible if you continue to bring hard work and consistency to the table as I do. The past years have been rude for R&B music! We often heard that this genre was almost dead. However, 2016 seems to be a good year for R&B artists... How do you explain the ‘revival’ of the genre? The “revival” of R & B is actually happening now and as a R & B artist there’s no way we can sit back to watch it gradually diminish. Also as an artist I’m going to keep pushing because I truly believe in this genre. There’s so much that comes from R & B music, whether we know it or not, that’s setting these so called “new” trends in the music industry today. I believe this genre will work its way back up to relevance in the industry if we keep coming strong this year. Last year, you released a successful visual called “Ready”. Can you tell us more about the concept behind the song and the video? The song Ready, one of my favorites, speaks volumes and simply explains being ready to come out of your shell and openly embracing new things in life. I was experiencing breaking away from my comfort zone and making a first step towards change at that particular time. I’ve learned that it doesn’t matter if others think you’re not ready just as long as you know in your heart that you are ready. The video really brought this song to life which complimented the emotions that are implied by the lyrics.

How important is having a good team in order to succeed in the music industry? It’s very important to have a good team people on your side that you can depend on and trust to succeed in the music industry. It would be practically impossible to make it in this industry doing everything on your own. I’m grateful to have such great people on my team that I can always depend on having my best interest from the start. What are your upcoming project(s) for this summer 2016? I have a new single that’ll be dropping really soon. I’m also currently working on my new album too. Where can fans listen to your music and keep up to date on all? You can learn more about me on my website . My music is available on iTunes, GooglePlay, Spotify, CD Baby, and Amazon Music. Check out my fan page on Facebook, Twitter and also follow me on Instagram.

Get connected: Twitter @theofficialshae

“The ‘revival’ of R & B is actually happening now and as a R & B artist there’s no way we can sit back to watch it gradually diminish.”



Special Guest

CanadianFRESH Krush magazine 2016

Known as the funny/creepy guy from BROAD CITY or that crazy guy Trevor from GTA or that guy from BETTER CALL SAUL and nowInterview as thatbyass**** Jean Paul from Glass THE WALKING DEAD...” Interview by Geene Vodka


STEVEN Growing up in Calgary (Canada), who was your mentor when you were younger? Which actor/actress influenced you the most? My mentor was from the local theatre scene - Peter Spear. He taught at my high school in Calgary and despite the fact that I never studied drama officially, he was an enormous influence on me and my path as an actor. I had performed in the local theatre scene before meeting Peter, but he introduced me to the teachings of Peter Brook (“A stage space has two rules: (1) Anything can happen and (2) Something must happen.”) Unfortunately his passing also had an enormous effect on me. I never really had an actor or actress “influence” me during those formative years. Strangely I watched more Stampede Wrestling than classic films, but I caught the performing bug very early on. As for an actor or actress that HAS influenced me? Peter Mullan - on the top! Tilda Swinton. Peter Sellars in ‘Being There’. Daniel Day Lewis, Sean Penn and Gary Oldman - growing up watching their movies. Of course I’d be remiss not to mention R2-D2, Chewbacca and C3-PO. Ha ha Correct me if i am wrong but your first love was sport! What was this injury which stopped your dreams? Can you tell us the story? You stand corrected. My first love was the theatre and acting. I really went from theatre to volleyball after the above fore mentioned Peter Spear passed away. I thought being a renaissance man was passé and I needed to focus on ONE thing only - volleyball!! At 6’3” I was


small, but worked my ass off! It was most serendipitous that a car accident one summer had me rethink things. During the summer break I was returning to Calgary for training from Peachfest in BC (a gong show that might be equivalent to Spring Break in America) and I rolled my car off the side of a mountain avoiding wildlife. No serious injuries, but I hurt my “passing” arm for volleyball. I was always going to be the 3rd string behind Canada’s all star players so it simply allowed me to take another path. Following our team’s tournament in Quebec, I journeyed to Toronto and never did return to volleyball or to live in Calgary.

You played the role of ‘Trevor Philips’ in GTA 5. As an actor, you have such an ‘atypical’ career. You are the most legendary character of one of the most successful video game ever! Did you expect such a success? Not sure about “atypical,” but certainly most interesting- ha,ha. That character of Trevor Phillips in GTA V was such a great opportunity and I had so much fun!!! I had no idea what I was getting into on that one. I knew it was going to be an animated performance. I would have a cartoon version of myself that would essentially have my performance captured and then look like me- count me in! Some continue to recognize it as a “voice performance,” but it was just like shooting for film other than the final product was in fact an animated version. Granted the spandex, helmet complete with light and face camera in addition to those balls adorning the spandex suit made it most challenging. If an actor didn’t commit to their role or their surround-

Interview by Winnie M.C

ing it was noticeable in my opinion. There was no cheating. Literally nothing to hide behind on that sound stage where the motion capture occurred. Was it your first experience as a motion capture artist? Pretty much. Certainly to that extent and that amount of time. My “first time” in motion capture was a week or so spent on some project that was never released.

I read somewhere that you took a break in your career before GTA 5. What was your motivation? I had been very fortunate to build up a career as a working actor in NYC. Unfortunately the business sometimes and its realities can be frustrating and disappointing to say the least. I was so grateful to be making a living and was then blessed with some pretty big gigs with voice over work that it provided me with a dream opportunity. I purchased a place in the country, literally stripped it to its studs with an axe and chainsaw, then assisted in designing and building my hedonistic country getaway. That took a solid 5-6 years. Maybe not the best move for my “business,” but damn! It’s a beautiful place to enjoy and I wanted something for my son to enjoy and have in the future. During this period, did you consider quitting the acting industry forever? I tried, but it really is my drug of choice. Nothing gets me as excited, as passionate, as committed, as “high,” as when I’m actually acting. Well, running is close but more of a distraction than anything. FRESH MAGAZINE 2016

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#FromCalgary2LosSantos “I certainly get my fair share of “Hey Trevor!” “Trevoooor!!!” and if you check out my Instagram you will quickly see the “Trevor” comments. Even around the UWS in NYC I often get kids, even at my son’s school, shouting out to me -”Hey! Trevor! You’re Trevor!!” Making history with a charismatic character always has a risk: be put/imprisoned in a box! However, it sounds like it wasn’t your case at all! Did Trevor Philips open you more doors? Well I certainly get my fair share of “Hey Trevor!” “Trevoooor!!!” and if you check out my Instagram you will quickly see the “Trevor” comments. Even around the UWS in NYC I often get kids, even at my son’s school, shouting out to me -”Hey! Trevor! You’re Trevor!!” It’s all good. These fans spend NOT hours, but months listening and being me so there is an extraordinary attachment to that character that doesn’t come with one found in a movie or television show. On different days, in different circumstances I’m known as the funny/creepy guy from BROAD CITY or that crazy guy Trevor from GTA or that guy from BETTER CALL SAUL...and now as that ass**** from THE WALKING DEAD. Imprisoned? No. Remembered for such? Yes. Has it opened more doors? I would hope so. I’m very proud of that work, but do remind those fans my name is Steven and “Trevor” was a character I portrayed as my job being an actor. Maybe not that eloquently, but always politely! During the past three years, you have played roles in so many television shows (Better Call Saul & The Walking Dead to name a couple)… So far, which three shows/movies have been your favorite to be a part of? Egads!!! No favorites re-

ally. Working on all of these shows has been amazing! The cast and crew of The Walking Dead are simply inspiring! Unreal! Even though I was a mere, tiny cog in an enormous wheel on HBO’s WESTWORLD, I must say everyone from cast to crew to star names or not were an absolute pleasure and delight to work with and around! Can you tell us more about what projects you have coming up? Well, HBO’s WESTWORLD and certainly part deux of THE WALKING DEAD cliffhanger. Some exciting potential film projects in the UK and the USA, but awaiting financing of course. My social media - Twitter, Facebook or Instagram are always kept up to date and can keep you informed. What is the main differences between Steven Ogg & Trevor Philips? Who is more funny? More confident with women? More crazy? No difference between us at all. We are one and the same. JOKE!!!! We both are very loyal, we both have a dark sense of humor at times (I’m funnier!) Confident with women? I’d say Trevor and I approach things VERY differently on that front! We are ALL crazy in some way, shape, or form! Or I at least I hope we all have a lil crazy in us. More fun that way. What would you like to be remembered

Follow Steven on IG: @ogg_steven 20 20


for? My passion. My dedication. My commitment. To be off the cuff, but shoot from the heart. To know I tried my best and never stopped trying in EVERYTHING! For always striving, reaching, and desiring to be a better person. And my granola! Definitely for my granola! What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given that you can pass along to our readers? Phew! Well, honestly much of my “advice” has come from artists that I admire and having lost both Prince and Bowie recently it has reminded me of some things I’ve lived by. Also, the recent news of terminal brain cancer in another HUGE influence on me Gord Downie from The Tragically Hip has me thinking of some of his gems to boot. In no particular order: “Starfish and coffee. Maple syrup and jam... if you set your mind free baby, maybe you’d understand.” That is so important! Imagination and dreaming! “You can’t be fond of living in the past. ‘Cause if you are then there’s no way that you’re going to last.” So true. So relevant. “Making love with his ego, Ziggy sucked up into his mind, ah” Just always felt like great advice in the most indirect way- a cautionary tale of sorts.








Thanks for taking time to answer to our interview questionnaire. We know you are currently very busy! What are you cooking for fans? Thank you for taking the time to ask me some questions! My team and I have a lot of things in the works currently, tons of new music, a new project, new visuals, shows, etc. We are really just getting started. What is Hip Hop today in 2016? It’s whatever you decide it is to you. I think people spend far too much time trying to define things, put things into a box, especially music. Music is music to me, It doesn’t matter what category it falls under, I either enjoy what I’m listening to or I don’t. What is your message for all those people who says ‘Hip Hop’ is dead nowadays? I think that, with the internet, we as a society control what’s «dead» and what’s «alive» I think that every single person now has access to finding the exact type of music they prefer at all times. There may be certain sounds that are more popular than others at different times, but those are constantly changing. As Kanye West said “Are Rappers the new Rock stars” now? It really depends on how you define «Rock Star» if it’s judged by success in music sales then no, Adele sold around 3.38 Million her first week and Taylor Swift around 1.287 million. So I guess it really depends on how you look at it. For the 2 last years, you have been one of the most productive underground artists in the game...Your fanbase has grown very spectacularly! Beyond the quality of your work, what’s the secret of your success? Honestly there is no secret, I have a wonderful team, and we work very hard and smart. Everyone is passionate about what they do and we just continue to push ourselves, progress, and create amazing art.

Interview by Winnie MC. Feb 2016

After a 2015 promising year, what is your next challenge for 2016? Just to keep building on what we have been doing. We honestly have just been laying the ground work for what we have in store. This year is going to be the start of an amazing journey for #TEAMWITT and I. Musically, lyrically and visually, you have your own universe. Everything is very coherent and poetic. The way you chose to promote ‘Dreaming With Our Eyes Open’ proves it. So my question is who is the team behind your movement? #TEAMWITT is the team! That includes everyone involved in what we create and also the amazing fan base that we have created. We all are always pushing each other forward and I am forever grateful for everyone that’s apart of it. Are you currently dreaming with your eyes open? Why? I guess you could say that! Dreaming With Our Eyes Open is really just the process of turning a dream or a thought into a reality! What was the concept behind the LADDERS music video? It was basically being surrounded and followed by the people who want to see me fall. They are the irrelevant people that sit in the shadows waiting for you to slip up, the video was representative of overcoming that and focusing on where I am going on my journey and not letting those people affect that. ‘Conscious Creative Hip Hop’... Is it the best way to define your artistic style? I don’t like to be defined, let’s go with, I create music. Much love and respect! Follow his journey on Instagram @Wittlowry



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Kill For (feat. Stokes): Price… ‘Kill For’ is to HiPS what ‘The Price’ is to AiaC, albeit it takes that story to a much darker place. It talks about doing whatever it takes to get to where you know you should be, even if it means going too far. It talks about the fame monster, a concept I’ll explore further in future songs. Man in the Mirror: Madness… ‘Man in the Mirror’ is the unfolding of an already broken psyche. It’s an internal conversation between the exterior person and the person inside. It was inspired by Michael Jackson’s song of the same name.

Interview by Winnie MC. Feb 2016

achieve, there’s that one person you just wish would say “I’m proud of you” but doesn’t. That’s what ‘Proud of You’ is about, about wanting that person to see you the way everyone else already does. Happy Birthday: Mum… ‘Happy Birthday’ is one of the most personal songs on this projects. Like ‘Diamond in the Sky’ on AiaC, it’s about my mum, about how I’d give everything up for a chance to see her one more time even for but a moment.

Damn It Simona: Desire… ‘Damn It Simona’ is song of desire, of wanting what you know you shouldn’t have. Simona in many ways is the personification of temptation and how you can be drawn to her even though you know how bad things can end when you confuse love for lust and lust for love.

Run (feat. Swift K.I.D): Run… All I kept picturing when writing this song was a person standing still in a crowd with everyone else running passed him. This is one of those songs that’ll change meaning depending on when you listen to it and whatever situations are happening in your life and for that reason I’ll leave the listener to make their own connections and see them change in time.

Loneliest Star (feat. Swift K.I.D): Space… When writing ‘Loneliest Star’ I kept visualizing a star suspended in space without a planet orbiting it, wishing it had just one. It’s a song about fame and how you can shine so bright and still feel ultimately alone.

Worthless (feat. Madison): Used… ‘Worthless’ talks about feeling used, about feeling like all you are to someone is sex but at the same time being addicted to that feeling. It’s strange how we can feel two emotional extremes at the exact same time towards the same thing.

Nothing to Live For: Regret… ‘Nothing to Live For’ as the name suggests talks about putting the entirety of your heart into someone else and then watching that person walk away. It’s that empty space where your heart used to be.

Further Than I’ve Ever Been: Reflection… As you go through life, circumstance will mold you, you’ll feel pain, joy, sorrow, happiness, and in all that you’ll change, not knowing that you have until you look back. That is what this song is about, about looking back at your life and realizing you don’t recognize it anymore.

Feels So Good: Escape… At its surface ‘Feels So Good’ sound like the… feel so good pop song of the album, but listen to it carefully and it’ll reveal much more. That’s all I’ll say about this one, I’d rather the listener makes their own discoveries. Proud of You: Disappointment… No matter how high we climb in life and how much we








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