Mr Dreamz Magazine Fresh Nevaeh 2015

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// THE EDITOR MR Dreamz Magazine has established its brand as “The New Era For A New Generation Of Dreamers” wich is available online, on mobiles and in print. The publication aims at giving indie artists & companies a voice that can be heard across all over the globe. Working from Paris to Miami and Montreal, Mr Dreamz showcases tomorrow’s mainstream stars, their arts, image and stories first. Since 2011, The magazine has been reaching more than just readers but a cultural movement of dreamers that change the way we consume music, dress, dream and live. From Paris to Miami, NY to Tokyo, London to L.A, Mr Dreamz captures the urban art in all its forms in order to let the street talk. Dream Kayris

10| #BEYONDBORDERS // featuring Jacqui (South Africa).

Editor in chief DREAM KAYRIS

12| #PSYCHIC // with the psychic medium Thomas John.

Contributing writers Joha Brown , Winnie MC, French Vouvou, BB.Bouk Minino, Trendy Alien, French Cxcaine, Tari Aro

14| #NEXTMODEL // Katie McDonald, model and dancer from Nova Scotia in Canada. 16| #INSIDERS // With Zack Teperman, CEO of ZTPR (publicity firm). 18| FRESH GUEST // The new face of RnB has now a name: Nevaeh (Los Angeles, CA). 20| LIFESTYLE // Jennifer Reeves (Jewelry Designer), Clique Vodka represented by Frank Bachurski and Andreas Birnik, the founder of Creopop. 31| 2015 CONTROVERSY // Belle Gibson.


Photographers Christophe Levet Cover photography Christophe Levet Vincent Chine Contributing illustrator Kloud9 Agency PR/ Marketting

Kloud9 Agency

Mr Dreamz magazine 1000 rue Ottawa, h3c1s3, Montreal, QC, Canada










"An Alien coming from Mars, Reaching for the light beyond the horizon."








Exclusive interview by Joha Brown featuring Jacqui from South Africa.

// JACQUI // @jacquimusic Can you tell us one crazy memory from your past life? About 10 years ago, I was on vacation in Sun City, South Africa. I’m really a shy person but this day I decided i’m going to be daring and just do something wild. I’m so afraid of water and i decided to try out the water slide and another thing I cant swim. My brother went ahead of me then it was my turn. I sat at the edge building up the courage and i said to myself its now or never. I went down this slide screaming my lungs out and landed in the water which was ankle deep and i was drowning. My brother came up to me slapped me on my face and said ‘snap out of it’. When i opened my eyes everyone was looking at me I was just so embarrassed. My family reminds me of that incident all the time and tells everyone. Its a never ending embarrassment and thats why I will never forget it.

What do you feel is the most important problem in your society today? There are no jobs in South Africa. Many South Africans are emigrating to other countries to support their families and themselves.

to him and talk to him or not. I stood afar built up the courage walked up to him and said Hi and i introduced myself. I said I need help and I have this dream to sing and make Cds and he said I came to the right guy and the rest is history.

How can an artist change things? In other words, how can music impact positively on our societies’ problems? I believe that music was created by God to not only be an impact on a person positively but to change situations in a person’s life. My music is not only good sounding but has a positive mark on a person’s heart. I’ve had testimonies of people who say that listening to my music has lifted their spirits when they were down. This makes me feel that I’m doing what I was born to do and fulfilling my destiny.

What is the concept behind the «Take a look at me now» single? We wanted to depict that dreams can come true by believing in yourself and never giving up and persevering.

How is the South African pop industry? Describe it in three words. Diverse, Fresh, Current.

How did you meet Verd, your songwriter? Tell us the story? He was performing at a church meeting about 10 years ago. I was contemplating whether i should go up

What is your next challenge? To keep making positive good sounding inspirational music.


The visual is very beautiful! Who did write and direct the video? My friend for many years NIC BILLINGTON. Who is the team behind «Deep Eden Records»? GOD, my husband and myself.




//THOMAS JOHN // @MediumThomas Do you remember the first time you had a psychic experience? Tell us the story. I would say my first psychic experience was when I saw my grandfather. I was about four years old, and I remember it very distinctly. My grandfather would visit me and give me messages to share with my father and my grandmother. At first, my father didn’t believe it, but over time, he became more aware, and more understanding of it. Because the information I received was so specific, it was hard for my father to deny it. Throughout childhood I continued to have dreams and insights through dreams. I would see things play out in my dreams that would then take place days of weeks later. Have you always been psychic or did the ability develop at a certain point in your life? I was born this way. As a child, I would see energy around people, and I’ve always been able to see auras; I would see Spirits of people that had passed away. This is an ability that I always had. As I got older, it became stronger. I also realized that not everyone had this ability as developed as I did. To an extent, we all have psychic and medium abilities, it is just about developing them. What educational degrees, certifications or learned skills do you have? I studied for my undergraduate degree at the University of Chicago. I received a degree in Human Development. I do think that this degree has helped me with needing to relate to others and understand people. My work is very much a people profession, and so it is important to have a context of how to help people. I also work on an ongoing basis with many law enforcement and legal organizations. I have received government clearances at the federal and state level to work on cases as a psychic investigator. I have also taken over 1,000 hours of training in remote viewing, which is a special technique used by investigators to receive psychic impressions. One thing I am very passionate about is protecting this work from frauds, scammers, and people who don’t have the gift, but pretend like they do. I do think it is important that this work is carried out in an ethical way. Many people may have a small gift, but the gift really needs to be fully developed.

Thomas wrote «Never Argue With A Dead Person» which was released in April 2015. He compiled different stories about true readings he gave to individuals who he thought had interesting stories worth sharing. Do you believe that criminals will some day be prosecuted based on information given by psychics or mediums? I hope that there is more of a connection with law enforcement and psychics. I think they can be very helpful. To me, they are a resource just like anything else. There are so many missing persons cases, et cetera. The difficulty I find is that many times, law enforcement folks are not open minded to this type of thing, and they don’t typically regard psychics as reliable information sources. However, I see that changing in small ways in the last few years. To me, if a psychic can help bring closure to a missing persons cases or a murder, their information should be used just like any other tip. What exact psychic abilities do you have? The focus of my work is connecting with those that have passed away, and receive insight about people’s past, present, and future. I am a psychic and a medium. When I do a reading, it is usually a combination of all of this. More and more, people have been coming to me to connect with loved ones. That ability is a little more difficult to hone in, so because I have developed it, I think people tend to seek me out for my medium abilities. However, as I said, I also do strictly psychic readings where people hear

from guides and angels about spiritual direction, purpose, future events. Let’s talk about your new book Never Argue with a Dead Person. All of the stories are co-created with the people that had the readings with me, so the details and the moment by moment details are all very accurate. I took a lot of time to write this book. I wanted it to feel like you were a fly on the wall in my office, and that you really get to experience the moments like my clients did. I tried to make it as honest, accurate, and clear as possible. The point of the title of the book was to communicate that those in Spirit love us, and they are on our team. They want us to succeed and be happy. They root us on. They guide us. The book is 15 stories about what happens when I help clients and friends connect with the Other Side. The stories happen in my office and out and about in my daily life. There are all sorts of different situations and experiences. Every story has an overall message that the deceased person shares with the person I am reading. I tried to create stories that had universal messages and messages that everyone could understand and relate to. I wrote it realizing that many people may never get to experience an actual reading, so I wrote this book to really explain my process and how all of this works for me.




WHAT’S NEXT? Katie McDonald

from Halifax, NS, Canada. #CanadianModel

Interview available in Mr Dreamz magazine #WINTER16 edition featuring Antonique Smith 01/05/2016



Photos shot in New York





//ZACK TEPERMAN // @ZTPRTWEETS Zack Teperman, CEO of ZTPR (a publicity firm), shares with us his story. The Toronto native explains how he has developed his own company for years with always the same passion. (Interview by Joha Brown). are, and then we set forth a 3, 6 and 1 year strategy to get them to where they want to be.

Tell us a little about how you first got into PR. The short version is: I was working as an on-air radio disc jockey in Toronto, Canada and helping out with various events and gifting lounges for the Toronto International Film Festival when I met actor Martin Sheen and his publicist. Martin’s publicist and I talked about the growing public relations industry for a few days while he was in Toronto, and after being offered a trial position at his firm in California I decided to take a chance. A month or so later I quit radio and moved out to Hollywood to try my hand at being a publicist with Martin Sheen’s publicist’s company. I signed a three month trial contract, which led to me growing within the firm and after a few years the owner wanted to sell off some of his client list and so I decided to buy him out and open up my own firm covering both the United States and Canada concurrently, but with my head offices in Hollywood. Tell us a little about the actual «day to day» of what you do. Every day is different, and that’s why I love what I do. But my usual schedule is that I wake up at around 7AM PST. (sometimes a bit earlier) and open up my email inbox while still in bed and click through and answer back the important emails I have


received overnight (which on average is about 80-100 new ones) - it’s a fun rush to start the day, which wakes me up; I don’t even drink coffee. After answering the ones that need quick attention, I take a look at my schedule and go about the rest of my day. Some days its being in the office for meetings, on-set with a client on their show, conference calls with clients across the country, red carpet events, on-camera media interviews clients have to do, etc. etc.... every day is different like I said. And then at the end of my day I’m back to finishing up emails, planning items for the weeks to come, pitching clients to outlets, chatting with contacts on the east coast, and then heading to bed at around 3AM PST.; This process goes on 7 days a week.... there is no stopping in the PR world! How does the process of working with a new client start? Well it all depends on what type of client they are. Musician, actor, product, technology, food, restaurant, fashion, etc. - Each type of client has a different process depending on their own needs and wants, and whether they are developing or developed already. Generally though when we start with anyone, we do an initial call or meeting and discuss what the person’s goals

What’s your advice for getting the best results when working with a publicist for the first time? Setting realistic goals? Being realistic is always great, however, a lot of people are big dreamers (which isn’t a bad thing) and sometimes need a reality check because they sometimes think something is so simple, when there needs to be a process in place for a certain goal to be reached. I personally am always straight forward with each client and never make promises I can’t keep. I feel that my clients respect me, my team and firm a lot more because we cut the bullshit and tell them how things will realistically play out. Aside from coming in though with realistic goals, its always best to come in with all the elements needed to «get out there». Having a website built properly, social media platforms setup, logos, photos, etc. all ready. Having all the basic elements ready from day one saves us as a firm time, and helps us begin our process much sooner and easier. What were the keys to growing your agency? I think the key to ZTPR’s development is that our clients get the results they seek and my staff and I treat every client like family. We are very personal at ZTPR and believe that when a client puts their trust in you, you better not f**k it up! I also have started to branch ZTPR out into other areas of the country and started representing all sorts of people (doctors, lawyers, mediums, athletes), products, etc., and that has been key in keeping stuff fresh and expanding forward. What is most challenging about what you do? Finding enough hours in a day to do everything. Also, in PR, you work with a lot of different types of personalities and egos. It is challenging at times to disagree with these types of personalities/egos when some decisions need to be met, but going with my ‘no BS’ company motto, I tell my clients how it is. Website:





//NEVAEH //@OfficialNevaeh

Los Angeles... How can you describe this area in three words for our readers? It is so hard to just choose three, but I chose exciting, opportunities and beautiful. L.A is very exciting because there is always something to do and a lot of things to see and experience. I chose the word opportunities because there are so many out here and they are endless. Finally, I chose beautiful because this city is my home and I consider it to be one of the most beautiful places and you can’t beat the weather. Is it the perfect place for an underground artist who wants to shine? I absolutely think it is the best place for an underground artist because there are so many resources and connections to be made out here. The opportunities are endless and you have to make sure you take advantage of those opportunities and make the best out of them. How did you choose your stage name? I choose my stage name NEVAEH because of my personality & what my friends & peers think of me as a nice, caring, & fun loving person. What is the «Nevaeh» special touch? :-) What do you bring to the table? What I bring to the table is dope music that is rela-


table and real. That’s how I want to connect with other people. When I listened to your music, I found some similarities with Tinashe. And it is a compliment! Is she an artist you admire? Does she belong to the people who inspire you? It is a compliment. I actually get that a lot and I think the style of music we do is in a lane that hasn’t been explored too much. I absolutely admire Tinashe and I think she is very talented. I remember listening to her since her «Boss» days which is completely different from «2 On», but that just shows her versatility. Tell us 3 things you love about L.A... The three things I love about L.A. are the weather, people, and opportunities. I love the weather because of the fact that it can be 70 degrees in the winter is amazing. I love the people because you get to meet so many cool and interesting people that you just never know who you’re going to meet. I love the opportunities because, like I said earlier, there is always something to do whether there’s a festival, concert, or a show. You can never be bored. Three Things you hate? The three things

I hate are tough because the only thing I really hate is traffic, traffic, and traffic. There is tons of it and you can’t really escape it. How did you hook up with super producer Killa B? Tell us the story! I ran into Killa B while I was in a session with some friends. From there we exchanged contacts and I invited him to another session I was working on to check it out which turned out to be the first time we actually worked together. Since then, we just clicked and became really close. We still talk about that song till this day which is funny. Let’s talk about the «Cut Off» single feat. Tracy T. What has the feedback been about it? The feedback on «Cut Off» has been amazing. We didn’t expect it to get as much love as we did considering it was just something my friends over at RnBass convinced me to put out to finally put a song out. I’m really excited and I can’t wait to put more music out. Can we expect an official video? We just finished the lyric video for it which I am really excited about and an official video is in the works.




«Jennifer loves design by using Australia’s most awe-inspiring elements. She channels her appreciation for nature’s most extraordinary gifts and her belief that every woman is innately bestowed an alluring strength.» - (interview by Marcus Brown) my first men’s collection ( As a designer, where do you draw your inspiration from? I design in my head constantly, it can be a walk through the forest, or on a train ride looking out at window. It is also important to say, that sometimes I draw inspiration from my clients, they told me what they like and what design that makes them feel beautiful. How important is color to your design process? Very important. For me, my collection is all about colors. Colors enriches our life, I want my jewelry to reflect our love for colors.

LIFESTYLE // Jennifer Reeves

How did you feel the first time you saw someone on the street wearing one of your creations? It was an amazing feeling, it happened many years ago in Australia. I felt happy and special, and just wanted to keep going. What are upcoming trends in the jewelry design industry? Leather jewelry is getting very popular. Of course, people will always love the conventional diamond or pearl. But more and more people, men or women want something a little bit different, a little bit edgy. I am pairing my leather design with gemstone and pearl, making it wholesome and precious!

Tell us about your design style. What makes your collections unique? My design style is ‘artistry meet sophistication’, my jewelry is wearable art yet offering sophistication for women from all work of life. My collections include Gemstones from all corners of the world, I emphasis using true organic material from the ground. And I want the people who wear my jewelry to feel the connection to our precious earth through my designs. What are you favorite materials to work with? ‘Boulder Opal’ from Queensland state of Australia. I resided in Queensland for many years before living in US. I want to


share the world the magnificent and rarity of Opal, national Gemstone of Australia. Who is your clientèle? What kind of person wears your jewelry? More women or men? I have broad base of clientele, ranging from different nationality, from all work of life. A professional woman love my jewelry, because she can wear it at work and show it off, but in the meantime, whether at a dinner date, or at a cocktail party, anyone wearing my jewelry will be sure to get noticed from a distance. Right now I have more women clientele as I have more collections geared towards women and just recently launched

What is the biggest risk you ever took with a design? I recently made a few pieces using very chunky gemstones. Not everybody loves chunky design, but I think when it is done right, it can be so refreshing, unique, and beautiful! What advice would you give to someone interested in getting into the jewelry design business? Make sure this is what you really want to put your heart and soul into it, because it is not a easy ride or a short journey. There is so much involved to get it off the ground, get it spread and making it into a business. It is a long journey with many sleepless nights, but in the meantime it is a joyful and meaningful journey! Instagram: @jreevesdesigns


"An Alien coming from Mars, Reaching for the light beyond the horizon." 21




CHRIS MILES. «I don’t ever wanna be looked at as a “victim of bullying” I just want people to know that it sucks. I been there. I’ve realized that sometimes people really just don’t understand the harm they’re doing when they say certain shit until they grow up a little bit. I always been the type to look at situations through multiple perspectives tho so it’s all good.» #2016TEASER - WINTER EDITION - Coming



BRAD SCHECTER ANOTHER DAY “I’m not totally sure to be honest. My father had passed away a few years back, so I was still an open wound in many ways. It actually began as just a drumbeat I started playing. Then I took it to the piano and it started taking on a life of it’s own. I usually start with the chorus when it comes to writing lyrics. Then I know what the song is about. In this case, it was just about not taking life for granted and cherishing every day as though it were your last.” - Brad Schecter.

Interview available in Mr Dreamz magazine #WINTER16 edition featuring Antonique Smith 01/05/2016



LIFESTYLE ++ Clique Vodka What were the first steps in creating your own brand of vodka drink? Well first of all you have to have a love for the spirits industry. I personally come from an entertainment background so prior to entering the vodka business we had plenty of experience with different spirits brands and integrating them into what we did for a living as sponsors, etc. But when I was approached about creating our own brand of vodka, the first thing you have to do is decide what the story is behind your product. What is the name, where does it come from, etc. And of course most importantly you obviously want to create the best tasting quality product on the market which is something we were fortunate enough to do. Where did the idea to create your own brand of alcoholic drink come from? Our CEO approached my company and I a number of years ago about joining forces and launching a spirits importing company. He had already had some experience in the liquor industry and wanted to branch out on his own and form a powerhouse of a team to start launching the type of spirits that the industry had not yet seen. Unsurpassed quality at an unbeatable price. That is the idea. Giving the drinker an amazing value product as opposed to price gouging them for a product lacking in authenticity and taste. I loved the concept and had a lot of ideas to bring to the table based on what was being presented. So we decided to join forces and start with our flagship brand, Clique Vodka. How did you choose the name «Clique Vodka»? The name Clique was a group effort. We wanted a name and concept that everyone could relate to. Something that looked and felt different, but exuded inclusivity as opposed to exclusivity. The name Clique came to mind in a brainstorming session and really flowed off the tongue. The rest just fell into place. What was missing in the vodka industry that you felt you could create with your brand? The real niche for Clique Vodka is in the value segment of the market. Again we give our consumers a quality of vodka that is second to none, with a bottle that clearly stands out amongst even the most expensive of competi-

tion, and we do it at half the retail price. We are a company that actually speaks WITH our fans as opposed to AT them. I feel that is one of the many things that set us apart. Who is the typical C.V client? We cater quite a bit to the nightlife demographic. We don’t like to really pigeon hole the brand as speaking to one demographic over the other. However we have experienced an immense amount of support from the entertainment industry, nightlife, socialite based 25-40 year old. Vodka is the universal social lubricant. We welcome all comers. What are the biggest challenges you have faced with your business? Competing in the worldwide spirits industry is no small feat. There are a lot of large companies out there dominating the space and they have a much larger budget than we do. However we have some tricks up our sleeve and are working our own lane to grow an organic following by showing people that they don’t have to pay $40.00 a bottle to get a quality product that looks amazing as well. Where is Clique Vodka currently distributed to? Clique Vodka is always expanding. We are currently in 17 U.S states as well as Puerto Rico and Canada. We have distribution agreements on the table in multiple additional countries but I don’t like to count my chickens before they hatch. You can always stay up to date on our progress at What can we expect from your brand in the future? The future of Clique Vodka and our company in general is more exciting by the day. We are currently working on new flavors, line extensions, packaging upgrades and variations that are unprecedented in our industry. The brand is experiencing steady growth and we are excited to make some big announcements soon. We have caught the eye of some major international artists that are interested in aligning with the brand as investors and brand ambassadors as well. So we will see what the future holds. Interview by Winnie M.C



Training Routine! “My routine is constantly changing based on my goals at the time. What I mean by that is if I am trying to build my endurance and strength I focus more on athletic/performance training. Right now I am training for a NPC bodybuilding competition, therefore I am lifting more for aesthetics. I am doing a lot of circuit training and with lots of supersets. I have a trainer as well named Lee Murphy (@legionfitnesselite IG). He has helped me develop shoulders and back.�






Andreas is the CEO of CreoPop: This innovating company created the world’s first 3D pen with cool ink

Can you describe your 3D printing pen concept in three words? Creative. CreoPop is a 3D printing pen that enables users to create whatever shapes and objects they want. It is a bit like an electronic paintbrush with a variety of different inks available. Cool. CreoPop uses cool ink. This is a double entendre. First, CreoPop’s ink is ambient temperature because the ink is light-sensitive and hardened using the LED diodes around the nozzle. So there is no need to melt any plastic at high temperatures. Second, CreoPop’s ink is cool because of the many different properties available including glow-in-the-dark ink, temperature sensitive ink, aromatic ink, magnetic ink, glittering ink, etc. Safe. CreoPop is safe to use in a home environment given that there is no melting plastic and the ink has passed rigorous toxicology testing. In other words, why is CreoPop so different from other competitors? CreoPop is different from other 3D printing pens in several ways. First, since CreoPop uses light-sensitive ink, there is no need to melt any plastic. So unlike when you use thermoplastic 3D pens, you do not risk getting burns when using CreoPop. There is also no smell from any melting plastic. Second, CreoPop is cordless while other 3D pens need a cord to be operated. Many users have told us that they find CreoPop easier to handle since there is no cord getting in the way of the creative process. Third, CreoPop comes with a wide variety of different types of ink not available with thermoplastic 3D pens. Fourth, it is easy to change ink cartridges with CreoPop, enabling users to create multi-color, multi-material designs. How did your friends/family reac the first time you showed them your concept? They loved it - especially my 4-year old daughter who thinks it is very cool to have

a daddy who makes a product that she can play with. In all honesty, she is a little bit too young to make anything serious with CreoPop but she is fascinated playing with it anyway.

America (USA and Canada)? CreoPop can be bought from a number of leading retailers in North America including Best Buy, Adorama, B&H Photo and Matterhackers.

How have 3D Printing and technology fans welcome your innovating product? CreoPop has been warmly received within the 3D printing community as well as with technology fans. We initially crowdfunded CreoPop through Indiegogo with results that exceeded our expectations.

As an innovator, what is your next challenge both in life and with CreoPop? First of all, we want to make CreoPop available to people around the world so building international as well as domestic distribution is essential to make this a reality. Second, we are working on a number of new and innovative inks for CreoPop to make the creative experience ever more interesting. Third, we are exploring new types of hardware beyond the CreoPop pen.

How did you get into the international market? What was the process? It actually happened more or less immediately as we got orders from backers in 63 countries around the world on Indiegogo. Since then, we have closed agreements with distributors in a number of regions including North America, Europe, Asia and Australia to bring CreoPop into retail stores close to our customers. Where can we buy your product in North

Where do you see the future of 3D printing heading? 3D printing will ultimately enable people to make whatever they want in whatever materials they desire. Long gone will be the days when people associate 3D printing with little plastic trinkets. CreoPop seeks to be a prime driver in this brave new world.

Interview by Joha Brown.



Photos by Penel Woods (Toronto, Can) Murals Art by Young Jarus (Miami, Fl).







BELLE GIBSON 2015 Controversy Australian wellness blogger Belle Gibson lied to the world! What a scandal! For the last two years, she has built a business claiming that she had beat a malignant brain cancer with diet, positive thinking, and alternative therapies. She made the buzz with millions of social media followers, published a recipe book, and released an app.

“She says she is passionate about avoiding gluten, dairy and coffee, but doesn’t really understand how cancer works”

Belle even pretended to donate $300,000 of proceeds from her app to charity but last month, it emerged that it was never made! It was the beginning of the storm for her. Now Gibson has confessed to Women’s Weekly magazine that « she completely fabricated her illness ».

“I understand the confusion and the suspicion, but I also know that people need to draw a line in the sand where they still treat someone with some level of respect or humility— and I have not been receiving that.” – Gibson said.

A couple media outlets explained “she may have a psychological condition called factitious disorder”. It is when people fake illness in order to get attention. What an horrible story!

What do you think? Is she mentally Ill or Not? Read more on 31

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