European Dietitians
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The Voice of
President's Message: Our newsletter comes with very warm and festive greetings from EFAD for a peaceful and restful time with family and friends. Judith and I have already spent time this year at a Christmas Market in Germany enjoying the festivities. However, all of us want to take a moment to express our heartfelt sorrow at the attacks in France and in Paris in particular. We especially need to remember all those who will be away from their homes, over the next weeks and months; the refugees, those in transit camps and those who maintain our security. In this issue we report on a meeting where EFAD discussed with dietitians from around the world, the impact that we can have to improve the provision of food and secure a nutritionally sound diet. Dietitians have so much to offer and we should not forget to step up and offer support where we can. EFAD will continue to make a commitment to this global project. I am delighted to say that the European Dietetic Action Plan 2015-‐2020 (EuDAP) was unanimously adopted at our General Meeting and formally launched at our 9th conference in Amsterdam. Responding to EuDAP is another way of recognising and letting key stakeholders know how dietitians in Europe are responding to the health agenda. The EFAD Professional Practice Committee (PPC) report on a survey they carried out to benchmark the professional dietetic practice with a plea from a patient group for us to consider the value of ‘street dietitians’ is made in another article. An initiative in Spain to encourage dietitians to engage more in research is encouraging as are the reports of success of dietitians engaged in research across Europe. Our Newsletter continues to grow with excellent reports from dietitians around Europe and abroad. I am looking forward to 2016 particularly, our international meeting in Granada, Spain (September) and to hearing more about what dietitians are up to; exciting times! Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year,
Anne de Looy, President, EFAD Professor of Dietetics, Plymouth University, England ________________________________________________________________________________________________ EFAD Newsletter December 2015 1