Brand Level Guidelines
Table of contents
The brand spectrum 4
The brand spectrum comparison 6
Why are Levels B and C necessary? 7
What are the advantages of being Level B? 8
What are the responsibilities of being Level C? 9
How to determine where your offering belongs 10
How to transition your offering to the appropriate level 14
Transitioning to Level B 15
Transitioning to Level C 16
Branding a newly created offering 17
Evaluating a new brand 18
How to use the Cargill logo with a Level B or C brand 19
Identifier options for Levels B & C 20
Prototypes 21
Digital prototypes 28
Displaying multiple offerings in a Cargill communication 33
We’re here to help 38
Cargill operates under a masterbrand strategy. This means that we portray ourselves to the world as a single, unified company under the Cargill brand. Some aspects of our company have a strong connection to the masterbrand, such as our business units and functions. However, with Cargill’s offerings—the products and services we sell—the right level of connection may vary, depending on business needs.
the brand spectrum In order to clarify these relationships, we have developed a brand spectrum. This spectrum defines how each part of Cargill expresses the Cargill brand, ultimately helping drive the most amount of value. This document explains each part of the Cargill brand spectrum. It leads you through a series of questions to ask about your offering, helping you determine where in the spectrum it can drive the most value—for your offering, your business, and for Cargill overall.
The brand spectrum Level A
Level B
Level C
The Cargill corporate brand
Cargill endorsed brands marketed with the thrive expression system. They may have a brand name, but do not have their own unique logo.
Standalone brands that must have their own unique name, logo and brand expression system.
ISO sweet *Illustrative only
Cargill Brand Level Guidelines 1.0
March 2014
The brand spectrum comparison Level A
Cargill corporate brand
Level B
Cargill-endorsed brands
Level C
The Cargill organization: all locations, geographies, Business Units, platforms and functions
Business-to-business products and services directly tied to the Cargill brand
Business-to-business offerings and consumer products with unique brand positions and identities (logos)
Cargill Foods India, Human Resources
Alberger flake salt, Lecisoy fluid lethicin
Honeysuckle White, Purina, Clear Valley
What brand elements are used?
Full use of the Cargill brand identity (logo) and thrive expression system, visual and verbal
Full use of the thrive system, with thrive windows optional
Independent brand identities and expression systems
A unified system allows for a strong, consistent global brand
Business-to-business offerings gain more value with a close connection to Cargill
A distinct identity and system helps a product stand out from its competitors and drive a specific value proposition
What belongs in this group?
Cargill Brand Level Guidelines 1.0
Standalone brands
March 2014
Why are Levels B and C necessary?
Among business-to-business offerings, some can achieve greater value when closely aligned to the Cargill masterbrand (Level B). Others can be more valuable as their own distinct brand (Level C).
Here’s why having these two levels is important: • It helps bring clarity and a sense of order to the overall brand portfolio • It makes Cargill’s product and service offerings distinctive and more appealing to the customer • It provides Level B products and services with a halo of additional benefits built into the Cargill brand • It encourages Level C brands to stand on their own, giving them relevance and differentiation in the marketplace • It ensures that the Cargill brand does not compete with our customers’ brands in the retail/consumer space. N ote that consumer products should always be Level C, branded distinctively from the Cargill masterbrand.
Cargill Brand Level Guidelines 1.0
March 2014
What are the advantages of being Level B? Offering advantage
Cargill advantage
Because Level B brands are tied closely to the Cargill masterbrand, they can benefit from the higher-level characteristics and brand equity that Cargill has already built.
Having a strong portfolio of Level B products and services also benefits Cargill.
Brand awareness is the most significant of these benefits. But others include: • Heritage/trust • Assets and capabilities • Values, ethics and priorities • Global reach • Corporate citizenship • Performance • Expertise and innovation
• Cargill can have a more impactful voice in the marketplace when our brand portfolio is more consistent • Applying the masterbrand across multiple products and markets leverages the total investment in the Cargill brand, making our overall brand management effort more cost-effective and efficient • The corporate brand can provide the basis for a broader customer relationship than that of the offering itself • Level B brands help Cargill avoid unnecessary costs in creating new logos and brands • The Cargill corporate brand has global trademark protection that can extend to Level B offerings
Cargill Brand Level Guidelines 1.0
March 2014
What are the responsibilities of being Level C?
Beyond a trademarked name and a logo, each Level C brand must have the following: • A unique brand position in the marketplace • A distinct value proposition • A complete identity and expression system On the plus side, this work helps ensure your offering stands the best chance of attracting customers in a differentiated and targeted way. This path offers more flexibility than working within the thrive system. That said, creating a Level C brand requires a much higher degree of investment than marketing your offering under Level B, where a visual system is already established and the equity of the Cargill brand is used.
Cargill Brand Level Guidelines 1.0
March 2014
how do you determine where your offering belongs in the brand spectrum?
To determine where in the spectrum your business-to-business offering belongs (Level B or C), we advise you to conduct some research and evaluate your offering. It is imperative to answer the following questions with accuracy— reach out to Corporate Marketing if you need any assistance.
Cargill Brand Level Guidelines 1.0
March 2014
Ask yourself these questions: BUSINESS STRENGTH
1. D oes the product or service offering drive significant business?
1. D oes the product or service brand have a point of differentiation in the marketplace?
1. I s the product or service brand name well known in the marketplace?
2. Is the product or service growing or have a leading position in the marketplace?
2. I s the name registered or trademarked? 2. Does it have unique value propositions and benefits?
3. Is there strong investment to promote and market your product or service?
3. Does it take advantage of Cargill’s assets and capabilities to help differentiate itself?
1. Are customers loyal to the product or service brand?
1. I s the product or service brand highly regarded in the marketplace?
Cargill Brand Level Guidelines 1.0
3. Is the product or service brand identity/ logo well known in the marketplace?
March 2014
Results of your evaluation If most of your answers are NO
Transition to Level B
If most of your answers are YES
Transition to Level C
If most of your answers are NO, but you have an identity/logo:
If most of your answers are YES, but you only have an identity/logo, not a brand strategy and expression system:
Begin the process of transitioning to Level B. If there is benefit in retaining your product name, the name can remain and operate effectively in Level B.
Begin the strategic process of developing a unique brand position, reasons to believe, and a strong brand strategy. Coincide that with building a powerful, efficient and cost-effective brand expression system that will enable you to become a true Level C brand.
Cargill Brand Level Guidelines 1.0
March 2014
how to transition your offering to the appropriate level
Transitioning to Level B
After your evaluation, if you find your business-to-business offering does not have strong brand equity, but you have a logo identity, you can make an immediate transition to Level B. What does this mean? Begin to phase out the use of the logo entirely, display the product name only in the Helvetica Neue font consistent with the thrive expression system, and market under the Cargill brand—becoming a true Level B. If you decide to eliminate your brand name and use Cargill plus the product descriptor, see the second example below.
Level C
Level B
Original branding
Indulgent *Illustrative only
Cargill corporate brand
All Purpose Shortening
Cargill Brand Level Guidelines 1.0
March 2014
Transitioning to Level C
After your evaluation, if you find your business-to-business offering has strong brand equity, but only a logo, you will need to begin the process of developing a true Level C brand. What does this mean? You will need to develop a compelling brand strategy: determining your key customer segments, identifying your unique value propositions and establishing reasons to believe that support the brand. You will also need to develop an effective brand expression system that differentiates your brand in the marketplace. This expression system should include: • A color palette • Typographical conventions • A photography and/or illustration style (if applicable) • A brand personality/tone of voice
Example: Clear Valley
Cargill Brand Level Guidelines 1.0
March 2014
but what about branding a newly created offering?
Evaluating a new brand
Once a business decision has been made to create a new offering, you must determine its best strategic fit within the Cargill brand portfolio. Note: All consumer brands must be developed as Level C brands
Level B
Level C
In almost all cases, a new business-to-business offering will have the best chance of success in Level B.
Among new business-to-business offerings, Level C should be considered a rare exception. A Level C brand should only be considered if the offering has strong strategic rationale for making a major investment to differentiate it in the marketplace.
This approach allows the offering to make use of the established visual system, saving time and effort while adding to the overall Cargill masterbrand. For a complete list of Level B benefits, refer to page 8 of this document.
Cargill Brand Level Guidelines 1.0
March 2014
how do i use the Cargill logo with my level B or C brand?
Identifier options for Levels B & C
A Cargill identifier is mandatory on all business-to-business communications, regardless if it is Level B or C. The Cargill identifier is optional for Level C consumer product brand communications. The options below are available, either individually or in combination.
Š 2014 Cargill, Incorporated
Cargill Brand Level Guidelines 1.0
March 2014
prototypes The following pages contain sketches demonstrating how our brand levels are expressed, both on their own and in combination.
Single Page Ad Level B
Level C
Level C
Consumer brands
Alberger Flake Salt Subhead level 2 jae volorpo rernam vendion aserfo quib ajoe aska asus. The joinus a lorem epsem soire. Body Copy les ndit magnis doluptas simil idio volut alit aios apitatem dia qui aae pa assa autad el illiqui. A volut alit aios a pitatema dia quiae pa aut adel illiq aui. Some A volut sd s alit aios a pitatema dia quiae pa aut ad el as lliqui. A volut alit ds aios a pitatema diads quiae pa autad el ill sdiqui. A volut alit aios a pitat ema dia quiae pa aut ad el illiqui. A volut alit aios. Body Copy les ndit magnis doluptas simil idio volut alit aios apitatem dia qui aae pa assa autad el illiqui. A volut alit aios a pitatema dia quiae pa aut adel illiq aui. Some A volut sd s alit aios a pitatema dia quiae pa aut ad el as lliqui. A volut alit ds aios a pitatema diads quiae
Cargill is committed to helping people and organizations thrive.
CHOCOLATE COATINGS Body Copy les ndit magnis doluptas simil idio volut alit aios apitatem dia qui aae pa assa autad el illiqui. A volut alit aios a pitatema dia quiae pa aut adel illiq aui. Body Copy les ndit mag doluptas simil idio volut alit aio
© 2013 Cargill, Incorporated
• thrive expression system
• No thrive elements
• No thrive elements
• 2-color Cargill logo with product name
• Cargill logo at no larger than 25% of the size of the product logo
•G enerally, no Cargill name or logo is used.
• Cargill logo can be 1 or 2 color version
•A small Cargill logo or Cargill text endorsement may be used
Cargill Brand Level Guidelines 1.0
March 2014
Double-sided sell sheet Level B
Level C
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit
nostrud exerci tation ullamcorpe nisl ut
Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit
Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit
aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel
in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel
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et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit
et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit
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volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis
te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit
nostrud exerci tation ullamcorpe nisl ut aliquip ex
amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam
Contact Name (optional)
ea commodo consequat.
nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet
hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat
Lorem ipsum dolor sit
nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et
Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in
iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent
hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie
luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore
consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat
te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum
nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan
dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit
elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna
Alberger Flake Salt
Level C
Consumer brands
praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem
aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim
ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci
adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh
Business Unit Name
dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim
1234 Street Address City, State Zip Phone: 000-000-0000 Fax: 000-000-0000
Lorem ipsum dolor sit
ad minim veniam. Duis autem vel eum iriure
Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit
Contact Name (optional)
in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel
Business Unit Name
illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero
1234 Street Address City, State Zip
eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui
Phone: 000-000-0000
blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue
tation ullamcorpe nisl ut aliquip ex ea
euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore
commodo consequat.
magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi
Fax: 000-000-0000
enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud
Lorem ipsum dolor sit
Business Specific URL
exerci tation ullamcorpe nisl ut aliquip
Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in
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commodo consequat.
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dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse
nulla facilisi.
duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut
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Contact Contact Name (optional) Business Unit Name 1234 Street Address City, State Zip Phone: 000-000-0000 Fax: 000-000-0000
Contact Name (optional) Business Unit Name 1234 Street Address City, State Zip Phone: 000-000-0000 Fax: 000-000-0000
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• thrive expression system
• No thrive elements
• No thrive elements
• 2-color Cargill logo with product name on front and back of sell sheet
• Cargill logo at no larger than 25% of the size of the product logo
•N o Cargill logo, consumer product logo only on front
• Cargill logo appears only once on back of sell sheet
• Cargill name within copyright text and/or small Cargill logo appears on back of sell sheet • Cargill logo adjacent to copyright if needed to reinforce connection to Cargill brand. Optional, if needed. Not recommended
Cargill Brand Level Guidelines 1.0
March 2014
Multi-page brochure Level B
Level C
Level C
Consumer brands
Alberger Flake Salt
• thrive expression system
• No thrive elements
• No thrive elements
• 2-color Cargill logo with product name on front cover
• Cargill logo appears only once on back cover of brochure
• No Cargill logo, consumer product logo only on front
• Cargill logo in 1 or 2 color, at no more than 25% scale of product logo
• Cargill name within copyright text and/or small Cargill logo appears on back cover of brochure
Cargill Brand Level Guidelines 1.0
March 2014
Packaging Level B
• One or 2-color Cargill logo with product name on front of package • If packaging supports design elements, the thrive expression system may be applied
Cargill Brand Level Guidelines 1.0
Level C
Level C
Consumer brands
• No thrive elements
• No thrive elements
• Cargill logo styled for legibility at no more than 25% scale of product logo
• No Cargill logo, consumer product logo only on front of package
• Cargill logo appears only once on back of package, 1 or 2 color version
• Cargill name within copyright text and/or small Cargill logo appears only on back of package
March 2014
PowerPoint Level B business-to-business
Front cover
Interior pages
Back cover
• thrive expression system • 2-color Cargill logo on cover and within footer of document • Logo on back cover • Product name may appear on cover or inside, as appropriate
Cargill Brand Level Guidelines 1.0
March 2014
PowerPoint Level C business-to-business
Front cover
Interior pages
Cargill Cocoa & Chocolate
Back cover
Content Slide—Wilbur Chocolate
• thrive expression system • 2-color Cargill logo on cover and within footer of document • Logo on back cover • Product identity is only to be used on interior pages and never on the cover or back cover.
Cargill Brand Level Guidelines 1.0
March 2014
digital prototypes
Cargill Brand Level Guidelines 1.0
March 2014
Website Level B business-to-business Cargill’s existing web properties should be the starting point for delivering Level B information. Brands that cannot be accommodated within existing properties are required to use Cargill’s web guidelines as their starting point. For any new website or other digital effort, work with with the Cargill digital communications team. They can help consult on these projects and provide web toolkit resources.
• thrive expression system • Product name in Helvetica Neue
Cargill Brand Level Guidelines 1.0
March 2014
Website Level C business-to-business In some cases, a Level C business-tobusiness offering should be housed within Cargill web properties. Introductory content can be featured on Cargill’s main properties and link to the primary product site. For any new website or other digital effort, work with with the Cargill digital communications team. They can help consult on these projects and provide web toolkit resources.
Cargill main property site
Primary product site
• Product logo is displayed in main content area of the page
• Separate functioning website • Own value propositions and identity system
• Product logo should at least the size of the Cargill logo, but no more than double • Links to primary product site
Cargill Brand Level Guidelines 1.0
March 2014
Website Level C consumer brand In most cases, a Level C consumer brand offering should maintain a web property with its own brand expression. Introductory content can be featured on Cargill’s main properties and link to the primary product site. For any new website or other digital effort, work with with the Cargill digital communications team. They can help consult on these projects and provide web toolkit resources.
• No thrive elements • No Cargill logo, consumer product logo only • Cargill name within copyright text appears in footer
Cargill Brand Level Guidelines 1.0
March 2014
Digital banner ad Level B
Level C
Level C
Consumer brands
• thrive expression system
• No thrive elements
• No thrive elements
• 2-color Cargill logo with product name
• Cargill name is set for legibility with copyright text at bottom
• No Cargill name or logo, consumer product logo only
• Cargill logo is optional at bottom. Cargill Brand Level Guidelines 1.0
March 2014
how do i display multiple offerings in a Cargill communication?
Multiple Level B, business-to-business offerings
• Cargill logo and thrive expression are prominently displayed • Product names are consistently displayed (no single product displayed as hero)
Cargill Brand Level Guidelines 1.0
March 2014
Multiple Level B, business-to-business offerings & Multiple Level C, business-to-business or consumer product brands • Cargill logo and thrive expression are prominently displayed
• Product names are consistently displayed.
• All product logos are secondary identity to the Cargill brand, and sized consistently smaller.
Cargill Brand Level Guidelines 1.0
March 2014
Multiple Level C, consumer product brands
• Cargill logo and thrive expression are prominently displayed • Product logos are equally sized and displayed consistently. All are sized smaller than the Cargill brand.
Cargill Brand Level Guidelines 1.0
March 2014
Multiple Level C, consumer product brands
Front cover
Interior (Intro)
Interior (Brand page)
• thrive expression system • 2-color Cargill logo within footer of document • Cargill logo appears on cover and last page of document
Cargill Brand Level Guidelines 1.0
March 2014
we’re here to help Your colleagues are here to help. Contact us with any questions on the material presented here, or to help with your own branding challenges. It is strongly advised that you send new materials to the Brand team for review before bringing them to market. This will help Cargill ensure the overall system is consistently applied across the organization and our portfolio of offerings.
Bruce Behounek Director Corporate Brand Management 952-742-4086
Angela Poorman Corporate Brand Specialist Corporate Brand Management 952-742-4085
Lise Hansen Director, Online Communications Corporate Affairs 952-742-4734