WJHS Press Fall 2016

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Always FREE

Issue No. 9

WJHS Press Wells Junior High School // Early Winter 2016 Dances; Do they matter? by Zoe Clark and Julie Mott We (Zoe Clark and Julie Mott) have interviewed various 8th grade students to get their opinion on WJHS school dances. Each person has a very different opinion about the dances that could help the school plan future dances so the students enjoy them more. Questions: Do you go to or want to go to the dances? What do you like about the dances? What don’t you like about the dances? Would you prefer to go to the dance with someone or alone? In your opinion, what gender do you think is more pressured to go to the dance with a date? Do you think it is okay to kiss the person you’re dancing with on the dance floor?

feel like a loner. I like jammin’ out with my friends!” Would you prefer to go to the dance a date or a group of friends? “I’d rather go to the dance with a group of friends, but dance with one certain person at some points.” In your opinion, what gender do you think is more pressured to go to the dance with a date? “It seems like guys are more pressured to go to the dance with a date or be dating someone in general.”

Jonathan Brown, Grade 8Do you go to or want to go to the dances? “I like to go to the dances, because I’m the life of the party!” What do you like about the dances? What don’t you like about the dances? “I don’t like when I go to the dance alone because it makes me

In your opinion, what gender do you think is more pressured to go to the dance with a date? “Guys seem more pressured to have a date.” Do you think it’s appropriate to kiss the person you’re dancing with on the dance floor? “I don’t think the dance is a good place to (continue on page 3)

Rhiannon McQuaide, Grade 8Do you go to or want to go to the dances? “I usually go to the dances.” What do you like about the dances? What don’t you like about the dances? “I like hanging out with my friends, and putting in song requests. I don’t like some of the song choices.”


Wells Junior High School

Issue #9

Moving On by Andrew Mott

Staff List:

The buses rolled past me,

Editor In Chief- Andrew Mott (7)

the passengers staring and saying goodbye

Featured Writer- Zoe Clark (8)

moving onto the final destination

Featured Writer- Julie Mott (8)

always moving on that little old bus rolling along the fields of marigold waving goodbye moving on

Featured Writer- Negél Martell (8)

the bus driving them and taking them on the path moving onto the final destination driving away from their home away on the bus always remembered driving on sailing on moving on…

Featured Writer- Jon Brown (8) Featured Writer- Aiden Peasley (8) Featured Writer- Sophie Killam (7)

Table of Contents: Page 1- Dances; Do they matter? Page 2- Table of Contents/Staff/‘Moving On’ Page 3- Dances; Do they matter? (cont.) Page 4- “Goodbye” by Aarron LaChance Page 5- “At the Bottom of the Lake” Play Review Page 6- It’s Your Time to Shine, Writers! Page 7- Kaepernick’s Stand Page 8- Kaepernick’s Stand (Cont.) Page 9- Abnormal Poems Page 10- “Why do we have to choose?”

Featured Writer- Kadia Thompson (8) Featured Writer- Ella Richard (7) Featured Writer- Emily Gleason (8) Advisor - Julie Esch


Always FREE WJHS Press Issue No. 9

Wells Junior High School (began on page 1) a good place to kiss because it is a loud atmosphere and it’s very public whereas a kiss is a very private thing.” Katy Cafaro, Grade 8Do you go to the dances or want to go? I usually go, and yes I want to go What do you like about the dances? What don’t you like about the dances? “Ummm, I like the light for one and I like the fact that it’s not so centered around who’s dancing with whom. You’re just there to have fun. However, when you go to select a song they usually don’t get around to playing it.” Would you prefer to go to the dances with a date or a group of friends? “Well, I like going with a group and I like going with someone. It’s less awkward going with a group of friends though.” In your opinion, which gender is more pressured to go to the dance with a date? I feel like guys are, because they have this image to maintain.” Do you think it is appropriate to kiss your date on the dance floor? “No, I don’t think we are at that point yet, everyone has their own opinion, a cheek peck in the other hand is a slightly different story.” 3

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Any other comments about the dances? “Refreshments, kids volunteer to bring stuff in. MORE dances than last year!!!!!” Mr. Peloquin, a 7th Grade Social Studies teacherDo you go to the dances (Chaperone) or want to go to the dances? “Yes, (I can) see kids in a different light, (and I can) see them having fun.” What do you like and don’t like about the dances? “I like seeing different interactions. I dislike how kids start dancing at the end, not the beginning. Kids’ parents don't pick up at the end of the dance on time, we sometimes have to wait an hour.” Do you think students should go with a date or with a group of friends? “Don't have dates, go as groups, sometimes connect. I don’t think kids are pressured at this age.” Is it appropriate to kiss your date on the dance floor? “As kids start to learn what's appropriate hopefully they realize that a school setting is not appropriate for that.” Any other comments? “(I) would like to see more kids go, we used to have hundreds of kids go, it does not feel like as many kids go to the dances, I think dances are important, they are the life of the school. Numbers of students have dwindled.”

Always FREE WJHS Press Issue No.9

Wells Junior High School

Issue #9

“Goodbye” by Aarron LaChance This is not goodbye it is farewell you may soon be gone but you will always be in our hearts. Now go on your journey, and see the world of love and hate, but let our smiles help you and guide you through thick and thin. Let us be by your side through love and compassion. Let us help you.


Always FREE WJHS Press Issue No. 9

Wells Junior High School

Issue #9

“At the Bottom of the Lake” by Sophie Killam Ghost stories in the middle of the woods; creepy twists and strange stories. If any of these interest you, you w o u l d ’ v e enjoyed the fall p l a y performance ‘At The Bottom Of The Lake.’ This year, w e o f fi c i a l l y welcomed back Mr. Milliken to the WJHS drama productions permanently. He had taken a break for a couple years from the productions, but he has now decided to come back and rejoin us in creating these works of art. We also welcomed back Josie Perkins, from last year’s play. She did a phenomenal job last spring, and she has done so once again with At The Bottom Of The Lake, an interesting story of three girls wandering in the w o o d s , looking for a spot to tell ghost stories. But, when they reached the perfect place, they found someone sitting in that spot! With ghost stories coming to life, and an unexpected twist, anybody would be pleased that they saw this peculiar play. (left to right) Emily Kenney (6), Sydney McDermott (8), Ella Richard (7), Noel Spofford (7)


Always FREE WJHS Press Issue No. 9

Wells Junior High School

Issue #9

It’s your time to shine, writers! “Old” by Julie Mott

“We” by Aarron LaChance

The clock ticks slowly

We are one, one is all

Framed awards coated in dust

We make each other strong We build on one another

The specific warm mug filled with bitter coffee

We are unique

One inhale takes pipe smoke

We are different but the same

Out is the last breath before dawn

We are compassionate and hateful

The shutters slam as the rain starts creating new life

We are pain and happiness We are villains and heros

Then taking place of others We are human A cold hand stroked my cheek

We are us

saying their last goodbye

We are we


Always FREE WJHS Press Issue No. 9

Wells Junior High School

Issue #9

Kaepernick’s Stand by Jon Brown and Aiden Peasley On September 1st, the San Diego Chargers faced the San Francisco 49ers for the last preseason game of 2016. Colin Kaepernick, the 28-year-old 49ers quarterback, decided to make a stand. The National Anthem began to play and all the players, coaches, and fans stood to honor the flag, except Kaepernick- he began to kneel. As the song about The Star Spangled Banner went on, so did the snarky remarks about Kaepernick. Some people hated him, but some people applauded him, mostly the same ones he was taking a stand for- Latinos, Asians, and African Americans. He was trying to stand up against police brutality and social injustices. Kaepernick explained after the game why he kneeled, and what he said was, "I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder." Kaepernick felt that with all the news around him from tragic events exchanged between black men and police to just stereotypes we use in our day to day lives such as the fact that Asians drive terribly, and all Hispanics are illegal immigrants.

These racist and stereotypical thoughts are a reason why Kaepernick kneeled. Although those stereotypes are bad, another problem is police brutality. All over the country and in various settings, you may hear quite frequently about tragic and potentially hostile encounters between police officers and black men. Officers are trained extremely well because they never know who they are pulling over. They could be pulling over some everyday guy who was speeding- or they could pull someone over and be shot instantly. Something the public has not yet grasped is, yes- there are bad cops, but they are there to help us, not to hurt us. Even though this looks like white cops are targeting black citizens, there is crime from all races and murders, and not from police exclusively. It's not everything people are putting it out to be. Some people don't understand the situation at hand. What if you were a cop in a situation, and a random person who was breaking a law

was making you feel like it was a situation in which you could be dead any second? They want to make sure they are going home to their families, and we agree about that.


Always FREE WJHS Press Issue No. 9

Wells Junior High School - or they could walk over and be shot instantly. Kaepernick announced after the game that he would donate the first million of his 11.9 million dollar salary for this season to charity. He added that he was fine with speaking with students at the San Francisco Police Department. Not all of this is what it seems- to some, this may look like he is disrespecting the Army and/or the country itself. However many may disagree, it all winds down to the same basic point- Colin Kaepernick is trying to say that the violence is terrible. People are dying, he just wants peace. Some people think he is “the most hated man in the United States” and others may think he should be- but he is not meaning to be offensive to the United States Army. Colin started week 6 of the 2016 NFL season for the first time in a year against the Buffalo Bills. Some argue that he started kneeling when he wasn’t playing for a way to get spotlight back on him. He is now playing and kneeling, going on to disprove the authorities and represent all of the other players who support him. Chip Kelly, Kaepernick’s Head Coach, has been one of his biggest supporters for his kneeling along with Eric Reid, a 49ers Safety, but many others like Doug Baldwin, Arian Foster, Richard Sherman, Marcus

Issue #9

Peters, and their team’s are raising fists and locking arms while the anthem plays. No matter what nationality you are or what religion you believe in, you still have a right as an American citizen to freedom of speech and expressing your feeling about the world around you, and that is what numerous NFL players have done. People need to realize someone's opinion isn't factual- it's their opinion, if people say “How is this guy an American?’ - can't he share his opinion? Kaepernick has taken a stand by kneeling during The Star Spangled Banner- whether you agree with him or not, that was his decision and he will stand by that.

Sources: www.espn.com/nfl/story/_id/ 1 7 5 3 4 2 11 / c o l i n - k a e p e r n i c k - s a n fransisco-49ers-again-kneels-nationalanthem http://www.cbsnews.com/news/colinkaepernick-kneels-for-national-anthemamid-crowds-usa-chants/


Always FREE WJHS Press Issue No. 9

Wells Junior High School

Issue #9

“Abnormal Poems” by Andrew Mott



The only thing that can make something change its side

Three sides Those sides can be rotated

Besides a decent argument It can change its side Is a spatula. Not only is it not to be trusted Spatulas, fear not a being of doublesidedness

The product of man’s ambition towards building something of their own

fear the being

The product of nature’s beauty, packed into a small shape

of triple sides Triangles

Packed into that shape, forever doomed to a sad fate

Fear the triangles

Of being used only to flip food Never appreciated Never accepted


Always FREE WJHS Press Issue No. 9

Wells Junior High School

Issue #9

“Why do we have to choose?” by Négel Martell and Emily Gleason

Last year in winter, the students of Wells Junior High were given a new schedule. We thought it would be better. Longer class time, early release Wednesday, and fewer classes. And everyone got to have full Allied Arts time! It seemed like a dream come true. But something had to be given up for us to have this schedule.

But why do we have to choose between Contact Time and the electives that we so passionately love? “I don’t know if I want to give up my contact time anymore,” said an eighth grader Zoe Clark. “I need contact time.” Students shouldn’t have to sacrifice their contact time just because they want to do extra curricular activities. Something must change. We are hopeful that if we make our voices heard, that our teachers will work to change the schedule, and to make this work for us! For now, we will have to make the best of a tricky schedule and continue to balance our homework with our passions.

RTI. The perfect time to ask a teacher for some help on an assignment or to finish some homework for the next class. It’s the time (other than lunch) that you get some free time to do what you want, get yourself organized, and have a break from using your brain. Sadly, the new schedule has changed it all. Students who have chosen to do band and/ or chorus no longer have RTI. 10

Always FREE WJHS Press Issue No. 9

Wells Junior High School


Issue #9

Wells Junior High School


Issue #9

Wells Junior High School


Issue #9

Wells Junior High School

Issue #9


Always FREE WJHS Press Issue No. 8

Wells Junior High School

Issue #9


Always FREE WJHS Press Issue No. 8

Wells Junior High School

Issue #9


Always FREE WJHS Press Issue No. 8

Wells Junior High School

Issue #9


Always FREE WJHS Press Issue No. 8

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