Loyal creatures By Morris Gleitzman In the book Loyal Creatures this will happen. Bruno is a perfectly happy horse who loves his owner Antonio, they are so loyal to each other that everyone wants Bruno as their own pet. No one actually would take Bruno except one person. Farmer Gus the stupidest farmer of all. Antonio knows about this man, luckily he lives in Texas and we all know everything is bigger in Texas. He owns a 300 acres on his ranch and he is the only person who knows his way round it. No one can even spot the house there and Bruno’s stable is even harder to find so good luck with that Gus. But somehow he found Bruno and took him. Bruno is the smartest horse you will ever meet. He could use a cellphone he took Gus’s phone and texted Antonio to come get him he told him Gus’s number plate and everything. It took a while but he made and took Bruno back without Gus even knowing. Gus ended up in a car crash on a cliff he opened the trailer and Bruno wasn’t there he thought Bruno fell off the cliff and never told anyone.
By James 27.4.17