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4 Self-Study Findings 83

Chapter 4 Focus Group Reports Introduction

This chapter contains the reports of the results of the self-study as conducted by each of the five Focus Groups. Each report is preceded by a list of the members and the Focus Group Chairs. Please note that since the major portions of the Self-Study were conducted over the two year period, 2009-11, significant change in both students and staff has occurred. All participating members, regardless of the time served, have been included in the Focus Group lists at the beginning of each section of this chapter.

Each report was written by the Focus Group leaders based upon the discussions that occurred in their Focus Group meetings. Thus, while all reports address the appropriate guide questions, evaluate the school with respect to the questions under consideration, connect the discussion to pertinent Expected Schoolwide Learning Results, and provide evidence, each section of the report is somewhat unique.


Organization: Vision and Purpose, Governance, Leadership and Staff, and Resources: Leaders: Sue Singh, Special Education Juan Viveros, World Language Alonzo

















Social Science







Diaz Sanchez































Sally Jung Hyun

















Meyer Ferris








Food Services




























Special Ed.



Special Ed.



World Languages

























Villalovos Monroy





World Languages











Category A: Organization: Vision and Purpose, Governance, Leadership and Staff, and Resources A1. Vision and Purpose Criterion To what extent a) does the school have a clearly stated vision or purpose based on its student needs, current educational research and the belief that all students can achieve high levels and b) is the school's purpose supported by the governing board and the central administration and further defined by expected school wide learning results and the academic standards? Vision – ESLRs – Profile

Sonora has established a clear, coherent vision (purpose) of what students should know and perform; it is based upon high quality standards and is congruent with research, practices, the student/community profile data, and a belief that all students can learn. Sonora High School received input from representatives of all stakeholders, and through focus groups, to develop our ESLRs as well as the revision of student goals to align to state, local and National standards. Comment on pertinent student/community profile data that has impacted the development of the vision and the expected school wide learning results. Evidence [note evidence here or at


the end of Category A]

Sonora High School has a vision statement that supports the belief that all students can learn and achieve high levels. We acknowledge the importance of all stakeholders to the process of education and the welfare and achievement of our students. Our ESLRs and vision emphasize these same values for each student, promoting the realization of their individual potential The ever changing community demographics are monitored carefully to ascertain the continued relevance of each ESLR and/or ESLR group School Site Council, ELAC, and Principal’s Advisory Board reflects participation from all stakeholders who review and have a voice in the implementation of the ESLRs


• Student Goals (ESLRs) • Regular review and revision as needed at PLCs and Home Groups. • Minutes from Focus group and Home group meetings. • Meeting Agendas, sign-in sheets, emails, student goals • Website, handouts • Teachers tie lessons to student goals • Student handbook has the vision and mission statements • A-G requirements • Data Director • CELDT Scores • CST Scores

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School Site Council ELAC Principal’s Advisory Board ABI Common Assessments/ Benchmarks

Development/Refinement of Vision/ESLRs

The processes to ensure involvement of representatives from the entire school community in the development/refinement of the vision and expected school wide learning results are effective. Collaborative efforts were made with all stakeholders’ input to review the mission and vision statements. We revisit our ESLRs regularly to ensure that they align with state and Sonora standards and needs. Examine the effectiveness of the processes to ensure involvement of representatives from the entire school community in the development/refinement of the vision and expected schoolwide learning results. Evidence [note evidence here or at


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the end of Category A]

ESLRs are reviewed regularly by all stakeholders at PTSA, SSC, ELAC, and Principal’s Advisory Board meetings. They are fine tuned to meet the current needs of the SOHS population. Sonora High School ESLRs are aligned with the current vision and mission statements. Students, all staff (classified and certificated), administration, and parents contributed to the creation of mission and vision statements, and the adoption of the ESLRs. Teachers list student goals in their syllabus A-G requirements are posted and students are encouraged to learn and succeed. Single School for Student Achievement also reflects the application of the ESLRs, as does the WASC Action Plan


• Monthly Leadership meetings with administrators and department chairs • Home Group and PLC meetings • Focus Group meetings • SSC, PTSA, ELAC, and Principal’s Advisory Board meetings • Weekly leadership meetings for the administrative staff • ESLRs are posted in all classrooms and all instructional venues • Website • Student Agendas • Graduation Goals

Understanding of Vision and ESLRs

Students, parents, and other members of the school community demonstrate understanding of and commitment to the vision and the expected schoolwide learning results. Examine the effectiveness of the processes to ensure involvement of representatives from the entire school community in the development/refinement of the purpose and expected schoolwide learning results. Evidence [note evidence here or at


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the end of Category A]

Sonora High School provides support to the learning community by offering a framework of course offerings that meet the needs of all students. This includes making the honors, International Baccalaureate (IB), and Advanced Placement (AP) courses and tests (fee waivers/reductions are available) accessible to more students. Sonora offers a continuum of Special Education services and placement options for students with disabilities. Students are ensured an education and access to curriculum that is tailored to the content standards, graduation requirements, and A-G approved courses. Teachers provide daily rigorous coursework in content standards. Sonora High School ESLRs conform to the FJUHSD goals. Master schedule is created in response to student needs allowing for coursework designed to meet the ever-changing needs of the student body. Teacher conference periods and banked minutes allow parents and staff to meet and discuss Single Plan for Student Achievement, ESLRs, and/or other concerns.

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School Website District website School Site Council Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE) Principal’s Newsletter in the PTSA Spotlight Student Handbook PLC and Home Group meetings A-G requirements Curriculum Committees Pacing Guides Common Assessments Benchmark Assessments Course Catalogues Special Education Information Sharing Day Students and parents meet with counselors to plan coursework

Regular Review and Revision

The school is implementing an effective process for regular review/revision of the school purpose and the expected school wide learning results based on student needs, global, national and local needs, and community conditions. Examine the effectiveness of the process for regular review/revision of the school purpose and the expected school wide learning results based on student needs, global, national and local needs, and community conditions.


Evidence [note evidence here or at


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the end of Category A]

School goals, plans, and revisions are approved by School Site Council which is comprised of a representative sample from all stakeholders Administration, teachers and counselors speaks with students regarding the importance of testing/vision All departments are represented at Leadership Teachers use data director to access info about academic needs of students PLC release time to promote collaboration

• PTSA Sonora Spotlightanother way that vision is communicated • Administration expected behavior class visits • Administration testing pep/prep talks • Teachers hold Student Success Conferences (SSC) with students to create goals for CSTs • Staff Development Days to communicate and address new or changing needs

Additional Findings

What have you learned from analysis of additional evidence regarding this criterion? Evidence [note evidence here or at


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the end of Category A]

We have good communication between the district office, school administration and the communication between staff and parents Everyone has a voice that is heard Students, parents and staff take pride in their school and the learning environment


• Leadership Meetings • All staff meetings • Visits from the Superintendent • Open forum for discussion with Superintendent • Board Meetings twice a month • PTSA, ELAC, Principal’s Advisory Board, and booster meetings • Parent Institute to promote parent participation • Highest rated school in parent satisfaction for the entire district



Governance Criterion

To what extent does the governing board a) have policies and bylaws that are aligned with the school's purpose and support the achievement of the expected schoolwide learning results and academic standards based on data-driven instructional decisions for the school; b) delegate implementation of these policies to the professional staff; and c) regularly monitor results and approve the single schoolwide action plan and its relationship to the Local Educational Association (LEA) plan? Governing Board

The FJUHSD Board of Trustees clearly states its regulations, policies, and bylaws procedures in the district’s Board Policy Manual and the District’s website. The District informs all stakeholders of its activities by sending publications and posting information through this website. Sonora High School follows the school District’s regulations and policies and aligns them with the ESLRs. With the vision of its Leadership Committee and through the direction of the administrators, Sonora is able to delegate, implement and monitor the implementation of its policies. This is an ongoing process and on a yearly basis, which in turn drives the Single Plan for Student Achievement. Comment on the clarity of the policies and procedures regarding the selection, composition and specific duties of the governing board, including the frequency and regularity of board meetings. Evidence [note evidence here or at


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the end of Category A]

The district board meetings are held at the district twice a month Policies and procedures are developed by the district’s Superintendent and approved by the Board of Trustees All staff hiring must be approved by the district’s Board of Trustees The Board of Trustees approves the district and school’s budget Sonora High School implements courses from a Course Catalog that is posted yearly and approved by the Board of Trustees Sonora High School’s Leadership Comittee and Administration implement District Board Policy by monitoring and evaluating school data. The FJUHSD Board of Trustees is composed of 5 members that have all been on the board for a minumum of 28 years. The FJUHSD Board also has a student representative to communicate student concerns and perspective to the elected board members and Superintendent.


• The district posts the Board Meeting agenda on it’s website • The district’s policies and bylaws of the Board of Trustees and regulations to implement them are found in the Board Policy Manual and the district’s website • The district sends out a bulletin called In Touch which provides information about its meetings and what’s going on within the district • The Course Catalog is posted on the district’s website • Leadership Committee minutes

Relationship of Governance to Vision and ESLRs

The policies and procedures regarding the selection, composition and specific duties of the governing board are clear. Comment on the clarity of the policies and procedures regarding the selection, composition and specific duties of the governing board, including the frequency and regularity of board meetings. Evidence [note evidence here or at


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the end of Category A]

The Board of Trustees is elected by voters living within district boundary lines District’s Board meetings are open to teachers and community members Board members contact information is published for teachers and community members Board attends “Principals’ Summit” Board sends out monthly newsletter to staff Board sends out quarterly newsletters to the community Board Meetings and decisions are discussed in Sonora’s School Site Council and PTSA meetings

• The FJUHDS announces it’s meetings, minutes, policies, contact phone numbers, and school website links, 0n its website • In Touch publication is sent to all staff members at each site

Understanding Role of Governing Board

Sonora’s stakeholders are informed of the school’s and District’s decisions. All stakeholders are invited to get involved in school activities, programs, and governing processes. Sonora’s School Site Council is a reflection of its stakeholders by including students, staff, and members of its community. To what degree does the school community understand the governing board’s role, including how parents can participate in the school’s governance? Evidence [note evidence here or at


the end of Category A]

Sonora’s School Site Council communicates the school and District’s policies and information PTSA meetings

District’s Newsletters

District Summer Information Packet

EL parents receive the school and District policies and information at ELAC and DELAC meetings

• School Site Council is composed of students, parents, community members, classified staff, teachers, counselors, and administrators • Sonora’s PTSA meets on the 4th Tuesday of every month in the teacher’s lounge • Quarterly ELAC and DELAC meetings • Newsletters are sent to the district’s community on a quarterly basis


Governing Board’s Involvement in Review/Refinement

The FJUHSD is a data-driven district. The Board of Trustees expects each school to use Data Director, and other Test Scoring programs to guide and improve upon previous achievement. The governing board is regularly informed of all school’s performance and this enables them to create policy for the schools. How is the governing board involved in the regular review and refinement of the school’s vision and purpose and expected schoolwide learning results? Evidence [note evidence here or at


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the end of Category A]

Board encourages and expects schools to regularly use Data Director CST scores and API/AYP are analyzed Board annually approves single school action plan Board annually reviews school scores such as CSTs, CAHSEE, AP etc. Board members regularly visit Sonora to kick off the school year, make announcements, and attend events such as Open House and Back-to-School year Board posts its Course Catalog yearly

• Board reviews Data Director results • Data Director is used by teachers and administrators • District Board meets regularly (bi-monthly) • API/AYP posted on Data Quest website • Website Course Catalog revised and ratified by the Board of Trustees

Professional Staff and Governing Board

Sonora High School, through its Leadership Committee, School Site Council, ELAC, and the vision of the Administration is in constant communication with all stakeholders to relay any new information in relation to the governing policies adopted by the District. In turn, all communication comes from its leaders who inform all of the school’s stakeholders. To what degree is there clear understanding about the relationship between the governing board and the responsibilities of the professional staff? Evidence [note evidence here or at


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the end of Category A]

Sonora’s Leadership Committee meetings School Site Council meetings Staff Development meetings

• Leadership Committee minutes • School Site Council Minutes • Staff Development Agenda

Board’s Evaluation/Monitoring Procedures

The governing board has a defined and clear evaluation process for all school personnel that includes the school performance, and the school personnel in each of its operating sectors.


Comment on the clarity of the evaluation and monitoring procedures carried out by the governing board, including review of student performance, overall school operations, and fiscal health of the school. Evidence [note evidence here or at


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the end of Category A]

CST scores for entire school Practice CAHSEE Results for freshmen CAHSEE Results for student body Yearly evaluation procedures for classified personnel Permanent Teachers are evaluated yearly Temporary teachers are evaluated during their two year probation period Teachers set personal goals for their professional improvement All stakeholders approve the categorical expenditures in the Single Plan for Student Achievement at School Site Council Final approval of the categorical expenditures outlined in Single Plan for Student Achievement is given by the FJUHSD Board of Trustees on an annual basis

CST results CAHSEE Results Practice CAHSEE Results Yearly Certificated Evaluation Forms • Yearly Classified Evaluation Forms • Teacher Professional Development Goals and Pre-Evaluation Conference Forms • • • •

Complaint and Conflict Resolution Procedures

The established governing board/school’s complaint and conflict resolution procedures as they apply to the school’s shareholders are effective. Examine and comment on the established governing board/school’s complaint and conflict resolution procedures as they apply to your school’s shareholders. Evidence [note evidence here or at


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the end of Category A]

Parents, teachers, and/or students can address concerns at PTSA meetings Superintendent offers school site volunteer meetings to meet with Sonora’s staff Uniform complaint procedure Comment cards to speak at the Board meetings Students can express concerns through ASB and Principal’s Advisory Board Both classified and certificated staff can address their contractual concerns to their corresponding employee organizations


• PTSA meeting minutes • Universal Complaint Procedure is available in the school/district office and in the District’s website. • The district provides a list of the district’s phone numbers



Leadership and Staff Criterion

To what extent based on student achievement data, does the school leadership and staff make decisions and initiate activities that focus on all students achieving the expected school wide learning results and academic standards? To what extent do the school leadership and staff annually monitor and refine the single school wide action plan based on analysis of data to ensure alignment with student needs? Broad-Based and Collaborative

Sonora High School’s planning process is broad-based, collaborative and has commitment of the shareholders, including the staff, students, and parents. Document that the school planning process is broad-based, collaborative and has commitment of the shareholders, including the staff, students, and parents. Evidence [note evidence here or at


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the end of Category A]

Articulation meetings are held with the feeder schools/districts Special education department holds transition meetings with the feeder schools for each incoming student in special education Master schedule meetings with department chairs are held at the end of each school year to plan for next school year During the Special Education Information Sharing Day, the case carriers meet with all General Education teachers that have Special Education students in their classes to inform them of IEP goals and objectives. Departments collaboratively analyze data in making instructional and intervention decisions A Parent Institute has been held at our school for numerous years, to address the needs of our EL population Departments meet in PLCs decide on pacing guides and essential standards Master schedule is designed to promote collaboration opportunities between staff School Site Council meetings are held to get input from all the stakeholders Departments decide on benchmark exams and student scores are reported in Data Director, which guides our instruction


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Master Schedule Staff Meetings Single Plan for Student Achievement School Site Council Meetings Special Education Information Sharing Days Special Ed/General Ed Collaboration Classes Data Director At least Quarterly Benchmark exams Sophomore Research Project (multidisciplinary, English and History components) Humanities Offerings (aligns US History and American English curricula) Visual Arts department collaborates with the World Language to

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All instruction in classroom is aligned to state and national standards Superintendent comes on campus to have informal meetings with staff Data analyzed includes but is not limited to CST, SAT, CELDT, CAHSEE, CMA, and CAPA scores. Other formative, summative, and district assessments are also used. Additionally, AYP and API are analyzed. Based upon all of this data, curricular and instructional decisions are made. IB teachers meet monthly to schedule major projects and exams

plan and create decorations for the Spring Fiesta Dance Agriculture Program meets selected Science and Social Science graduation requirements MCA teachers meet to discuss curricular connections IB monthly calendar meetings

School Plan Correlated to Student Learning

Sonora High School’s Single Plan for Student Achievement analyzes student achievement of the critical academic needs, expected school wide learning results, and academic standards. What evidence supports that there is a correlation between the Single Plan for Student Achievement and analysis of student achievement of the critical academic needs, expected school wide learning results, and academic standards? Evidence [note evidence here or at


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the end of Category A]

ELA CST reading scores of all incoming Freshmen are analyzed before they start school Based on student performance on CST, freshmen who score a 1 or 2 on ELA are tested on a diagnostic reading assessment that determines placement in the REACH intervention Program or the READ 180 program CELDT scores of incoming EL freshman and newly enrolled students are analyzed for student placement Counselors have meetings with students on their caseload to work on students’ four year plans Counselors and staff determine the appropriate placement of students based on multiple criteria Collaboration classes are offered for mainstreamed students in special education Staff has had trainings on Differentiated Instruction Counselors, teachers, and the Dean conduct on-

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Data Director CST Scores Reading Diagnostic Tests Benchmark Assessments CELDT scores Common Assessments Focus on Essential Standards 4 year plan form Data Director Pacing Guides Collaboration between teachers CAHSEE boot camp Collaboration classes TeleParent

going evaluation of EL placements Release time is provided for EL teachers to collaborate and revisit instruction, discuss and receive training on strategies, and review intervention and placement for students

EL release days/time for teachers, counselor, Dean, and Administration

Correlation between All Resources, ESLRs and Plan

There is correlation between allocation of time/fiscal/personnel/material resources, expected school wide learning results, and the improvement school wide action plan. What evidence supports the correlation between allocation of time/fiscal/personnel/material resources, expected school wide learning results, and the improvement school wide action plan? Evidence [note evidence here or at


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the end of Category A]

CAHSEE Math and CAHSEE ELA classes are offered for students who have not yet passed the CAHSEE Mock CAHSEE practice test is offered for all 9th graders CAHSEE Boot camp for students that scored low on the practice test Accelerated Math for 9th grade students who score 1 or 2 on their CST test- this offers smaller class sizes and targeted Math interventions READ 180 or REACH Reading- 9th graders who score 1 or 2 on the CST Rosetta Stone for ELD students School has added the Teleparent component to improve the communication between home and school Title I monies allow more socioeconomically disadvantaged students to have access to more AP, IB, PSAT, PLAN, SAT & ACT Tests Our district maintains funding for the IB Program that draws more intradistrict and interdistrict transfer students Teachers and Administrators meet with students who are not being successful for Student Academic Conferences


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Leadership Team Meetings School Site Council Principal’s Advisory Committee Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE) classes Daily Announcements Website updates Student in the Reimbursable Meals Program can qualify for test fee reductions/waivers Open Enrollment Professional Development for teachers teaching intervention and IB curriculum Academic Conferences conducted by counselors and administration

Additional Findings

What have you learned from examining additional evidence regarding this criterion? Evidence [note evidence here or at


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the end of Category A]

Sonora High has increased student learning and opportunities for student success. Focus has been placed on Interventions, adding rigor and supporting the current programs that have proved to be successful Specific professional development is provided for teachers Parents are included as partners in all decisions Our API increased from 776 in 2006 to 798 in 2010


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All intervention classes IB, AP offerings Professional Development Academic Interventions and Conferences


Leadership and Staff Criterion

Sonora is a data-driven school that makes decisions based on school wide results. Sonora’s students, parents, staff, and personnel take pride on the school’s academic achievement, which is directly connected to the established ESLRs. The school’s leadership and staff monitor the school action plan, its alignment to the needs of students, and yearly refinement of it. To what extent based on student achievement data, does the school leadership and staff make decisions and initiate activities that focus on all students achieving the expected schoolwide learning results and academic standards? To what extent does the school leadership and staff annually monitor and refine the single schoolwide action plan based on analysis of data to ensure alignment with student needs? Employment Policies/Practices

The school has clear employment policies and practices related to qualification requirements of staff. Sonora High School follows clear and defined employment policies that have been established by the District. Evaluate the clarity of the employment policies/ practices related to qualification/statutory requirements of staff. Evidence [note evidence here or at


the end of Category A]

District/school employment policies are described in the District Policy Manual and SOHS Staff Handbook Employment policies and procedures are specified in the District Policy Manual under Human Relations

• District Policy Manual – Human Relations, Teacher responsibilities and duties • SOHS Staff Handbook • Fullerton Secondary Teachers Organization (FSTO) and District Agreement • California School Employees Association (CSEA) and District Agreement

Qualifications of Staff

The school has procedures to ensure that staff members are qualified based on staff background, training and preparation. Evaluate the procedures to ensure that staff are qualified based on staff background, training and preparation.


Evidence [note evidence here or at


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the end of Category A]

The district hires all teachers based upon recommendations of the principal, leadership team, and other certificated staff members Permanent Teachers are evaluated biennially The district hires classified personnel upon recommendations of the principal, leadership team, and classified personnel Classified personnel are evaluated on a yearly basis by a supervisor Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources reviews all staff applications and qualifications

• District Policy Manual – Human Resources • Fullerton Secondary Teachers Organization (FSTO) and District Agreement • California School Employees Association (CSEA) and District Agreement

Maximum Use of Staff Expertise

The process to assign staff members in order to maximize the use of their expertise in accomplishing quality student learning is effective. How effective is the process to assign staff members in order to maximize the use of their expertise in accomplishing quality student learning? Evidence [note evidence here or at


the end of Category A]

Staff members applications are checked by Superintendent of Human Resources and every employee is subject to a probationary period prior to being permanently hired Staff supervisors ensure the qualifications of the staff members are met

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District Policy Manual Certificated staff evaluations Classified staff evaluations

Defining and Understanding Practices/Relationships

The school has clear administrator and faculty written policies, charts, and handbooks that define responsibilities, operational practices, decision-making processes, and relationships of leadership and staff. Evaluate the administrator and faculty written policies, charts, and handbooks that define responsibilities, operational practices, decision-making processes, and relationships of leadership and staff. Determine the clarity and understanding of these by administration and faculty.


Evidence [note evidence here or at


the end of Category A]

All faculty responsibilities and duties are specified in the District Policy Manual, SOHS staff handbook, and in the contract agreement for staff. Prior to the commencement of the school year, the Superintendent and his team review these policies and procedures with the site administration team. In turn, the administration reviews these policies and with the site staff. There is a contract agreement for certificated personnel ratified by Fullerton Secondary Teachers Organization (FSTO) Bargaining Unit and approved by the Board of Trustees There is a contract agreement for classified personnel ratified by the California Schools Employee Association (CSEA) Chapter 82 and approved by the Board of Trustees

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District Policy Manual – Human Resources SOHS Staff Handbook FSTO Contract Agreement CSEA Contract Agreement

Internal Communication and Planning

The school has effective existing structures for internal communication, planning, and resolving differences. How effective are the existing structures for internal communication, planning, and resolving differences? Evidence [note evidence here or at


the end of Category A]

The structures of planning and internal communication throughout the district occur in a variety of forms both electronically and nonelectronically

District e-mail

Telephone Directories

District mail

Telephone directories

School’s website and links

Bulletin Boards

Bulletin Boards

Inter-district mail

Website links

District Policy ManualCode of Ethics

Policies for resolving differences are prescribed in the District Policy Manual

Minutes of district curriculum meetings

The district curriculum meeting are a forum for department leaders from across the district to communicate subject matter concerns and plan the curricular calendars

Union meetings allow for staff members to communicate labor issues


Staff Actions/Accountability to Support Learning

The school evaluates the effectiveness of the processes and procedures for involving staff in shared responsibility, actions, and accountability to support student learning. This includes an evaluation of the kinds of collegial strategies used to implement innovations and encourage improvement, such as shadowing, coaching, observation, mentors, group presentations. How effective are the processes and procedures for involving staff in shared responsibility, actions, and accountability to support student learning? Include comments on the kinds of collegial strategies used to implement innovations and encourage improvement, such as shadowing, coaching, observation, mentors, group presentations? Evidence [note evidence here or at


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the end of Category A]

Certificated staff members are encouraged to observe of its colleagues within the school Every certificated staff member must participate in Sonora’s co-curricular activities per contract. PLC time is used to plan new curricular innovations and mentor fellow department teachers

Department Chairs help facilitate collegial staff observations Certificated Personnel must accumulate three extracurricular points. PLC/Department agendas and meetings

Evaluation of Existing Processes

The school leadership regularly reviews the existing processes to determine the degree to which actions of the leadership and staff focus on successful student learning. To what extent does the school leadership regularly review the existing processes to determine the degree to which actions of the leadership and staff focus on successful student learning? Evidence [note evidence here or at


the end of Category A]

Sonora High School reviews and evaluates its existing processes on a yearly basis in order to increase its academic achievement

• Increased 20 points from previous year to achieve an API score of 798

Sonora’s leadership team analysis data of student’s performance

• CST Data

Student’s performance dictates in which programs are placed

• Read 180 and Reach Reading program

• Data Director Data

• Accelerated Math • CAHSEE Review for English and Math



Leadership and Staff Criterion

Leadership and staff are involved in ongoing research or data-based correlated professional development that focuses on identified student learning needs. To what extent are leadership and staff involved in ongoing research or data-based correlated professional development that focuses on identified student learning needs? Support of Professional Development

Sonora High School effectively supports professional development with time, personnel, material, and fiscal resources to facilitate all students achieving the academic standards and the expected schoolwide learning results. How effective is the support of professional development with time, personnel, material, and fiscal resources to facilitate all students achieving the academic standards and the expected schoolwide learning results? Evidence [note evidence here or at


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the end of Category A]

Four staff-development days are scheduled for the year are scheduled throughout the year Minimum days for benchmark analysis Parent emails and phone calls are sent out by teachers to ensure communication Student success conferences are held by staff and summer meetings are held with identified students in the summer by administrative staff AVID is offered for students to ensure access support for getting into college Staff utilizes research based practices Faculty and peer tutoring opportunities are made available for students in need Parent have access to student grades through ABI Sonora has also implemented a credit recovery program for students on campus Counselors develop 4 year plans with their caseload students and parents Teacher websites for additional information

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Professional Development Opportunities TeleParent Tutoring Calendar Credit recovery Program at Sonora High School ABI Counseling and Guidance Pacing Guides on website AVID tutorial sheets

Supervision and Evaluation

Sonora High School implements effective supervision and evaluation procedures in order to promote professional growth of staff. Staff and School Leadership continually increase their skills as professional educators. This education is accomplished through, but not limited to, on-site training, professional development programs, and formal education. The Fullerton Joint Union High School District provides these opportunities in order to


ensure that educators are well qualified to meet the needs of our diverse and ever changing student body. How effective is the school’s supervision and evaluation procedures in order to promote professional growth of staff? Evidence [note evidence here or at


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the end of Category A]

At Sonora, professional educators are evaluated on an annual basis until tenure is achieved. After tenure, educators are evaluated on a bi-annual basis. Through the evaluation process at Sonora, the educators set personal goals for their personal and professional improvement. These are discussed at a pre-observation meeting with the evaluator. Administration has offered to provide substitutes if a teacher wishes to observe another teacher within the department and learn instructional practices that are working. Feedback is provided by the administrator after formal and walk through observations. Departments meet and provide suggestions and assistance to team members who need guidance, mentoring, and assistance. The teaching staff at Sonora is highly qualified with all teachers having a full credential. Three teachers hold a doctorate degree, while more than 55% percent of the teaching staff has a master’s degree. The staff at Sonora extends themselves to the students. This is evident in viewing the number of student activities on campus at any given time. The Sonora staff is there to assist the students in the Learning Lab, After School Tutoring, Remedial Instruction, dances, athletics, band, and JROTC, to name a few. All of these student programs have dedicated staff member to guide the students to success.


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Evaluation list Professional Goals Formal Evaluation Procedures Home Group Meetings After school Tutoring schedule

Measurable Effect of Professional Development

There are effective operating processes that determine the measurable effect of professional development on student performance. Comment on the processes and their effectiveness in determining the measurable effect of professional development on student performance. Evidence [note evidence here or at


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the end of Category A]

Departments evaluate and analyze scores closely to close the achievement gap The data is disaggregated by subgroups and examined closely to identify strengths and areas of needed growth This data is used to inform instruction and programs Once areas of needed growth are identified, professional development opportunities are made available to staff Professional Learning Community support is available for staff Specific trainings have been offered to staff in Differentiated Instruction, Writing across curriculum, Research Based Best Practices, Scaffolding Instruction, Curriculum Planning, Assessment, REACH Reading Instruction, READ 180 instruction etc. Data director trainings have been offered to staff. Data director reports assist staff in making instructional decisions on pacing, materials, grouping, and standards that require additional concentrated emphasis. AP, IB teachers attend professional development on curriculum and instruction Counselors attend UC/CSU trainings about the latest college requirements in order to advise students Special Education teachers receive professional development through out the year on IEP based topics. Professional development is also offered on aligning curriculum Special education teachers receive professional development in individualizing instruction for students


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Data Director PLCs Professional Development Opportunities SDAIE teaching strategies Master schedule Middle School visits Pacing Guides Special Education trainings Staff Collaboration Technology support

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Staff is provided specific training in SDAIE teaching strategies Articulation opportunities with feeder schools for high school staff Cross curricular collaboration is promoted amongst departments. Social Science and the English department collaborate through the Humanities Program and through research projects. Agriculture Science provides Science credit for students. The special education department collaborates with all departments on campus. On site technological support is available CSUF Cohort - Master Program classes offered at the district office for staff who wish to advance professionally Staff is offered opportunity for summer conferences and subject specific trainings Coaches receive regular trainings to remain current in their certifications and up to par with current instructional practices

Additional Findings

What have you learned from examining additional evidence regarding this criterion? Evidence [note evidence here or at


the end of Category A]

Specific trainings that enhance the ability of staff to utilize available technological resources are available



Resources Criterion

The human, material, physical, and financial resources are sufficient and utilized effectively and appropriately in accordance with the legal intent of the program(s) to support students in accomplishing the academic standards and the expected schoolwide learning results. To what extent are the human, material, physical, and financial resources sufficient and utilized effectively and appropriately in accordance with the legal intent of the program(s) to support students in accomplishing the academic standards and the expected schoolwide learning results? Allocation Decisions

There is a relationship between the decisions about resource allocations, the school’s vision and purpose and student achievement of the expected schoolwide learning results and the academic standards. The school leadership and staff are involved in the resource allocation decisions Evaluate the relationship between the decisions about resource allocations, the school’s vision and purpose and student achievement of the expected schoolwide learning results and the academic standards. Additionally, comment on the extent to which leadership and staff are involved in the resource allocation decisions. Evidence [note evidence here or at


the end of Category A]

Financial resources allocated are utilized as effectively and appropriately in support of students in accomplishing the academic standards and the expected schoolwide results The APIO assures that resource allocations are utilized in support of student achievement as per the Fullerton Joint Union High School District guidelines The school informs stakeholders of goals, possible future steps, and funds available. SSC members participate in the decision making process and ultimately approve the Single Plan for Student Achievement

• Budget approved by the district • School site council meetings • Single Plan for Student Achievement


There are processes operating in relationship to district practices for developing an annual budget, conducting an annual audit, and at all times conducting quality business and accounting practices, including protections against mishandling of institutional funds. (Note: Some of this may be more district-based than school-based.) Evaluate the school’s processes in relationship to district practices for developing an annual budget, conducting an annual audit, and at all times conducting quality business and accounting practices, including protections against mishandling of institutional funds. (Note: Some of this may be more district-based than school-based.) 109

Evidence [note evidence here or at


• •

• •

the end of Category A]

Campus guidelines are prepared based upon guidelines developed by the District each year Budget Preparation is in accordance with the provisions of the Education Code, the Administrative Code, and the California School Accounting Manual Budget Preparation is to be done by the Assistant Superintendent, Business Services The District budget is discussed in Budget Study meetings. In addition to District members, the principal, and the APIO, each school site has a certificated, classified, and parent representative they send to the meetings. The district and school ASB and Attendance accounts are audited by an independent company

• District Policy Manual • Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team (FCMAT) ASB Accounting Manual and Desk Reference • Budget Study meeting minutes • Administrative Council meetings • APIO meetings


Learning takes place in a safe, nurturing, and positive environment. Custodial staff maintains the campus grounds and facilities. Determine if the facilities are adequate to meet the school’s vision and purpose and are safe, functional, and well-maintained. Evidence [note evidence here or at


the end of Category A]

With modernization taking place, several improvements were made to create a more positive environment

• •

• • •


New bathroom facilities for boys, girls and staff New student eating areas designated with tables and chairs (Sonora Café) Permanent Graphics in newly designated student eating areas New display cabinets Parking lot Resurfaced Black Top New Air Conditioning modules were installed during modernization

Instructional Materials and Equipment

The human, material, physical, and financial resources allocated are utilized effectively and appropriately to support students in learning academic standards and internalizing the expected school wide learning results The procedures for acquiring and maintaining adequate instructional materials and equipment, such as textbooks, other printed materials, audio-visual, support technology, manipulatives, and laboratory materials are effective. Evaluate the effectiveness of the procedures for acquiring and maintaining adequate instructional materials and equipment, such as textbooks, other printed materials, audiovisual, support technology, manipulatives, and laboratory materials. Evidence [note evidence here or at


• •

• •

the end of Category A]

The APIO assures that resource allocations are utilized effectively Books, other printed materials, and technology such as online databases and ebooks are available at/through the Campus Library and corresponding webpage CAHSEE Classes for Language Arts and Math for students that have not passed the exam The Accelerated Math Program has been acquired as the instructional materials for the Math Lab classes The Read 180 and Reach Reading Programs have been acquired as the instructional materials for the Advanced Reading classes The AVID program uses a plethora of materials to prepare middle performing students for college Career Center services including 4 computers for student use and license for COIN3 a career and college research program Rosetta Stone Language Program is a audiovisual, technology program newly acquired to supplement the ELD curriculum The fulltime IT technician on campus help maintain the upkeep of computers and other technology used for instruction Modernization of school has provided 5 modern science labs in the 900 building for a total of 11 science labs LCD projectors were installed in all classrooms, 111

• •

• •

The school implements policies that encourage prompt payment of fees for lost books which allows the school to use less site funds for purchasing replacement books for lost or damaged books Access to library technician Computers available in multiple locations on campus Interactive technology based instructional materials for intervention classes Technology such as COIN3, Rosetta Stone, online databases and ebooks LCD projectors Alphasmarts

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

library, and career center Computers or laptops are available in the English Computer Lab (13 computers), yearbook classroom (15 computers), Agricultural Department (28 laptops) More computers are available in ROP Auto Shop, JROTC, Science Lab, ELD classroom Pasco equipment for use with computers in Physics lab Alphasmarts are available for students in the CBI Program Books on tape are available for Special Education Department Assistive Technology is used in Special Education Math Department uses textbook on CD Rom TI Calculators in Math Slateboards in Math Geometry Sketchpad and Mathtype software programs American Honda training resources Boardmaker in Special Education PECS- Special Education CAHSEE Bootcamp uses review instructional materials to help student prepare for the test

Well-Qualified Staff

Resources are available to enable the hiring and nurturing of a well-qualified staff, including ongoing professional development. Determine if the resources available enable the hiring and nurturing of a well-qualified staff, including ongoing professional development. Evidence [note evidence here or at


the end of Category A]

Sonora High School teachers’ expertise and abilities are utilized to support student learning. The school master schedule is student-driven and is built with staff input to identify teaching strengths and experience. All teachers are assigned classes appropriate to their state certified credential authorization. Departments routinely evaluate their course offerings to


All teachers SDAIE/CLAD trained and credentialed Instructional Aides support student learning in the classroom and avoid academic slippage Schoolwide Sustained

ensure the needs of students are being met. Professional development focuses on all students achieving the ESLRs and academic standards. Early Release schedules allow teachers to learn and exchange ideas for the improvement of curriculum for students that provide a depth of subject matter understanding that relates disciplines and real world applications. The school professional development committee in collaboration with the school and district leadership examines staff, student and parent surveys, state mandated testing results, district testing results, and staff discussions to establish a plan that focuses on student achievement. The staff banks minutes to support faculty meetings, where teachers collaborate on methods and techniques that build student knowledge, academic and leadership skills.

Silent Reading (SSR) – 15 minutes per day • Princeton Review • PLC time for departmental professional development. • District Surveys • CST, CELDT, CAHSEE, CAPA, and CMA test scores

Long-Range Planning

The district and school’s processes for regular examination of a long-range plan to ensure the continual availability and coordination of appropriate resources that support student achievement of the academic standards and the expected schoolwide learning results are effective and are regularly evaluated. Evaluate the district and school’s processes for regular examination of a long-range plan to ensure the continual availability and coordination of appropriate resources that support student achievement of the academic standards and the expected schoolwide learning results. Evidence [note evidence here or at


the end of Category A]

The District has established Curriculum Committees to evaluate and improve educational program

PLC times is allocated for department planning to ensure common assessments match long term goals


• District Policy Manual • Common assessments • Bench Marks • Banked minute schedule

WASC Category A. Organization: Vision and Purpose, Governance, Leadership and Staff, and Resources: Supporting Evidence, Strengths, and Growth Needs Include the supporting evidence for findings, if not included with the sample prompts. Determine and prioritize the strengths and areas of growth needs for Category A. Category A: Organization: Vision and Purpose, Governance, Leadership and Staff, and Resources: Areas of Strength

Teachers 1. PLCs help teachers in assisting students to succeed. Common assessments help in examining student progress and needs. Benchmarks are an excellent guide for both the teaching and learning process. 2. Assistance is provided for students through tutoring and support classes. 3. The diverse educational needs of Sonora students are met through a broadly based curriculum, including standard level courses, IB, AP, Vocational, CBI and Autism classes. 4. Sonora is one of two public high schools in the nation offering Organic/Biochemistry. 5. Sonora offers AP Human Geography for freshmen. The Sonora pass rate for the corresponding AP exam significantly exceeds the National average. Parents 6. Parents have access to student grades, homework assignments, and attendance on ABI. Parents receive informational calls from Teleparent. 7. Sonora parents and students rated Sonora the highest within the district on annual satisfaction surveys. Students 8. Students have numerous opportunities to get involved in leadership - clubs, IMPACT, ASB, Best Buds, SSC, and Principal’s Advisory Board, electives, etc. 9. Student involvement is evident by the number of attendees in after-school courses/seminars, activities, sports and other after-school events.


Category A: Organization: Vision and Purpose, Governance, Leadership and Staff, and Resources: Areas of Growth Needs

1. Our Faculty/Staff needs input on how we spend our Staff Development time and money. The committee, instead of the administrators, needs to reconvene and make decisions based on our school's goals. 2. All teachers should have access to CST Scores from previous school, especially feeder schools prior to their arrival to Sonora High School. 3. PLC time is limited. PLC tasks further limit the time available for the sharing and discussing of teaching/learning strategies (i.e., too much structure). The strength of PLCs varies departmentally. 4. PLCs are defined by subject area. Teachers who are teaching multiple subjects cannot attend all of the corresponding PLCs. There is a need for secondary PLC time. 5. Funds need to be allocated for the reemployment of necessary support staff. For example, cutbacks in the career center and library result in a lack of support for students. 6. As the number of students in AP/IB classes increases, additional teacher support is needed. 7. The effective marketing of Sonora High School to the community of feeder schools (public and private). Marketing should not be exclusively focused on adults. Rather it should also target prospective students. 8. Clarification for both parents and students regarding the testing program used to determine honors placement. Parents and students can be and often are confused by the title and purpose of the exam. 9. Improve parent participation both in using the ABI tool and becoming actively involved on the school campus. Reach out to parents to assist with needed miscellaneous tasks such as photocopying and organizing classroom materials. 10. Enhance and maintain the website of the school. Suggestions for improvement: update displayed pictures on a frequent basis, encourage teachers to build/maintain professional websites on the school site, and include the subject of expertise with the teacher’s name in the directory. 11. Increase school spirit by embracing the mascot; add a mascot to the Spirit Squad.

Category A: Organization: Vision and Purpose, Governance, Leadership and Staff, and Resources: Supporting Evidence

The Supporting Evidence is included with the Findings as presented above.



Leaders: Shannon Appenrodt, Social Science Christian Nguyen, Arts Alvarez








Social Science



Social Science






























World Languages















Special Ed.





Byung Joon













World Languages



World Languages





































World Languages












Social Science















Medical Careers



Special Ed.


B: Standards-based Student Learning: Curriculum B1.

Curriculum Criterion

To what extent do all students participate in a rigorous, relevant, and coherent standards-based curriculum that supports the achievement of the academic standards and the expected schoolwide learning results? [Through standards-based learning (i.e., what is taught and how it is taught), the expected schoolwide learning results are accomplished.]. Current Educational Research and Thinking

The school provides examples that document the use of current educational research related to the curricular areas in order to maintain a viable, meaningful instructional program for students. Provide examples that document the use of current educational research related to the curricular areas in order to maintain a viable, meaningful instructional program for students. Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category B]

Sonora High School provides a rigorous, relevant, and coherent standards-based curriculum that supports the achievement of the academic standards set by the state ofCalifornia and the Fullerton Joint Union High School District.

• FJUHSD Board Policy and Curriculum Course Description and Outlines

Sonora has developed Professional Learning Communities (PLC) learning communities to help enrich our instructional programs. Teachers across all departments plan, develop, and implement quarterly Common Assessments and Common Benchmarks for students so that they are placed in appropriate subject-area and performance level courses.

• PLC meetings take place during time reserved by banked minutes • PLC developed standards and pacing guides • End of the quarter Common Assessment Exams

Teachers utilize Data Director for assessment and data analysis to develop a more meaningful instructional program

• Results from Data Director

AP/IB courses at Sonora are taught according to the California State Standards and Framework, as well as, AP/IB guidelines. AP/IB courses are aligned with the AP/College Board standards and International Bacccalaureate standards and accepted by both the CSU and UC systems. Participation in these courses has

• AP English Language, AP Lit/Comp, AP Spanish Language, AP Spanish Literature, AP French Language, AP Calculus AB, AP Statistics, AP


steadily been growing.

Biology, AP Physics, AP European History, AP US History, AP Government, , AP Psychology • IB Biology HL, IB Chemistry SL, IB English HL, IB French HL/SL, IB History of the Americas HL, IB Math Studies SL, IB Physics SL, IB Psychology SL, IB Spanish HL/SL, IB Visual Arts HL/SL

New IB and AP courses have been added to better serve our student populations.

• IB Dance HL/SL • IB Film HL/SL • AP Human Geography

The Community Based Instruction (CBI), including the Autism, programs are CAPA standards based programs designed to meet the unique standards of Special populations with meaningful instruction. Since these programs are not available at all district schools, SOHS serves many students that might otherwise attend a different school.

• CBI, including the Autism program curriculum

. Academic Standards for Each Area

The school has defined academic standards for each subject area, course, and/or program. To what extent are there defined academic standards for each subject area, course, and/or program? Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category B]

All courses have district approval and state, national, and/or internationally approved standards All textbooks are in line with these standards and district approved

Benchmark Exams are in line with standards in all curricular areas 119

• Copies of standards for all curriculum (e.g., World Languages’ national standards, AP national standards, IB international standards) • List of approved texts • Benchmark Exams

IEP Benchmarks are also in line with curricular standards Case carriers monitor IEP goals and benchmarks at each grading period All on campus ROP class curricula and syllabi are aligned with North Orange County ROP standards

• IEP Benchmarks and Progress Reports • Syllabi

• ROPERS (Regional Occupational Program Expected Results for Students)


There is congruence between the actual concepts and skills taught, the academic standards and the expected schoolwide learning results. To what extent is there congruence between the actual concepts and skills taught, the academic standards and the expected schoolwide learning results? Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category B]

Teachers design a curriculum based upon both the state standards and the ESLRs All textbooks are aligned with state standards

Common Assessments developed in PLCs align with academic standards

• Improvement in CST Scores • State Standards posted in many classrooms or on syllabi • Standards are listed in textbooks along with activities to enrich standards based learning • Common Assessments

Teachers evaluate the results of common assessments and reteach concepts as necessary. Student Work — Engagement in Learning

The examination of representative samples of student work and snapshots of student engagement in learning demostrate the implementation of a standards-based curriculum and ESLRs. How does the examination of representative samples of student work and snapshots of student engagement in learning demonstrate the implementation of a standards-based curriculum and the schoolwide student goals (ESLRs)? Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category B]

Students engage in a multitude of activities and assessments to demonstrate their knowledge of academic standards.


• Common Assessments • Portfolios in Visual Arts • District Art Show

All Departments use homework, quizzes, projects, and common assessments to reinforce curriculum. In Visual Arts, students compile a portfolio that demonstrates the mastery of the curriculum. In the English and Social Science Departments, student engagement in learning is demonstrated by their participation in a variety of academic enrichment activities. In the Math and Science Departments, student engagement in learning is demonstrated by their participation in a variety of academic enrichment activities. In the Physical Education Department, students engage in learning by displaying their improved fitness skills. In the World Language and ELD Departments, students’ engagement in learning is demonstrated by their participation in a variety of academic enrichment activities. In the Career and Technical Education Departments, student engagement in learning is demonstrated by their participation in a variety of academic enrichment activities. In the CBI Program within the Special Education Department, student engagement in learning is demonstrated by their participation in a variety of academic enrichment activities.


submissions • Research papers, poster board projects, video projects, mock elections, a mock 18th century salon, newspapers, scrapbooks, poetry notebooks • Face Projects in Math, The Volume Project in Math, participation in extensive Lab work • Lab book created in IB Biology • Students compete in the countywide Orange County Science Olympiads • Physical Fitness Tests • Hispanic Artist Projects, Day of the Dead Projects, City of Paris Building Project, Spring Fiesta Dance • Oral exams that are administered by advanced/native students, Oral dramatizations at every level, Extravaganza Show • Raise steers, lambs, pigs, and show them at Orange County and/or La Habra Valley Community Fairs • Orange County Home Building Competition • Farm Work Experience opportunities to fulfill Future Farmers of America (FFA) required hours • CBI students are placed in internships at St. Jude Medical Center in the City of Fullerton or through Workability 1 in paid or

unpaid internships in the City of La Habra • Contests among culinary arts that are judged by staff • Medical Careers Academy Senior Portfolios and interviews Accessibility of All Students to Curriculum

A rigorous, relevant and coherent curriculum is accessible to all students. The school examines the demographics and situation of students throughout the class offerings. The school’s instructional practices and other activities facilitate access and success for special needs students. What have you learned about the accessibility of a rigorous, relevant and coherent curriculum to all students? What did you learn from examining the demographics and situation of students throughout the class offerings? How do the instructional practices and other activities facilitate access and success for special needs students? Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category B]

Sonora’s AVID program supports middle achieving students to aid them in meeting schoowide acamdemic standards and all benchmarks of the ESLRs. All EL students take the CELDT exam to assess their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills and place them appropriately in ELD and/or SDAIE English courses. These students are given continuous support in providing a rigorous and relevant curriculum. After school tutoring is offered in many academic areas, both formally and informally After school tutoring is offered in core academic areas. During the 2010-11 school year, this tutoring has also been offered in Spanish for the EL students that need additional help in the native language. Accelerated Math is a curriculum used in the Math Learning Lab for students with CST scores of 1 or 2. Reach Reading and Read 180 are the curricula used in the Advanced Reading classes with CST scores of 1 or 2. Students Needing Academic Preparation (SNAP) are offered the summer before freshman year for at risk students in both math and English Mainstreaming and integration opportunities are made available to CBI students (students that are functioning in the moderate to severe range of cognitive abilities). This promotes social integration in this population.


• Weekly grade checks, research on prospective college choices, tutoring, assistance with student schedules, organizational and note-taking skills • AVID students need to take one AP/IB course • Training for differentiated instruction • 60/40 SDAIE classes • Accelerated Math • READ 180 • Reach Reading • Tutoring sign-in sheets, many teachers have an open door policy after school and during lunch • Student Tutors three times a week in the library • Tutoring sign in sheets • Smaller classrooms, strategic math intervention

There is a 504 Coordinator that assists students, parents, and administrators to develop 504 accomodation plans to allow access and success to curriculum

• SNAP enrollment lists • CBI students mainstreamed in general education classrooms, class rosters • Assistance of Instructional Aides • Designated 504 Counselor and her assistance to students • Home/hospital teaching for medically fragile students

Integration Among Disciplines

There is integration among disciplines at the school. To what extent is there integration among disciplines? Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category B]

Many departments work together to create interdisciplinary lessons and align standards based curriculum among the disciplines Sonora’s Medical Careers Integration Team consists of teachers from different curricular areas that receive special training on how to integrate the medical careers into their disciplines Sonora’s Agricultural program works closely with the Science Department to meet science requirements. World Language Department colloborates with Visual Arts in producing a project that connects to the curriculum Our Visual Arts Department works with US history teachers to help students create videos that connect to a historical event Honors English and AP European History at the sophomore level are coordinated in terms of pacing and aligning curricular standards in both English and History Pacing guidelines in all curricular areas are shared with the Special Education Department

•Humanities Program offered at the Junior level for English III and US History Students •Medical Careers Staff • Students can earn Biology and/or Earth Science credits when taking an Agricultural Science Course •Students can earn Economics Credits in Agricultural/Economics • Student projects • Student Video Project • Curricular Alignment • Students read novels that correspond with the historical events

Curricular Development, Evaluation, and Revisions

The school assesses its curriculum review, evaluation, and review processes for each program area, including graduation requirements, credits, grading policies, and homework policy regarding the impact of these processes on providing a challenging, coherent, and relevant curriculum for all students.


Comment on the curriculum review, evaluation, and review processes for your program area, including graduation requirements, credits, grading policies, and homework policy. Comment on the impact of these processes on providing a challenging, coherent, and relevant curriculum for all students. Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category B]

During the first few years of the current six year cycle, students had both academic and social grade taggings. If a student was significantly lacking units, this was reflected in the student’s academic grade level. Counselors met with these students to discuss graduation requirement concerns associated with this credit deficiency. When appropriate, students were placed in intervention/support programs which served a dual purpose: a) taught students missing skills, b) allowed students to earn elective credits. The assigning of an additional academic grade tag has been discontinued, however the rest of the school’s review, evaluation, and review process remains the same. There is an on-site after school Credit Recovery Class offered in multiple core academic areas to assist students in meeting graduation requirements Grading and homework polices for each course are clearly outlined in the syllabi. Department chairs and the administration receive copies of these policies. The district curriculum committees continually review, evaluate, and update curriculum

• Summer school remedial classes • Enrollment lists • Syllabi for each class • Minutes of district curriculum committee meetings

Policies-Rigorous, Relevant, Coherent Curriculum

The school assesses the curriculum and its rigor, relevancy and coherency after examination of policies regarding course completion, credits, grading policies, homework, etc. What have you learned about the accessibility of a challenging, relevant and coherent curriculum to all students? What have you learned from examining the demographics and distribution of students throughout the class offerings, e.g., master class schedule and class enrollments? Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category B]

AP and IB enrollment has been steadily growing with a rapid increase in the past year Many AP and IB students are in the Reimbursable Meals Program and were able to quality for a fee waiver/reduction for the exams Families receive information about the Reimbursable 124

• AP Tests given in 2009-286 • AP Tests given in 2010719 • Pass Rates continued to improve34 IB Students on free and reduced lunch took 83 IB exams in

Meals Program in the schoolwide summer mailer. Applications are also available in the office and/or cafetoria. Teachers and staff encourage students and families who qualified for the Reimbursable Meals Program to also apply for exam fee reductions/waivers. This helped increase student enrollment in both AP and IB courses and the opportunity to take IB and AP exams. Practical Math is offered for the first time this year to better serve students that traditionally struggle in math but needed a third year of math for graduation requirements

2009/2010 year • The number of AP test taken increased from 244 tests in 2006 to 719 tests in 2010 • In 2010, 28.8% of students taking AP tests and 50% of students taking IB tests qualified for fee waivers/reductions • Practical Math class enrollment lists

Articulation and Follow-up Studies

The school articulates regularly with feeder schools and local colleges and universities. The school uses follow-up studies of graduates and others to learn about the effectiveness of the curricular program. Share examples of articulation with feeder schools and local colleges and universities, including comments on the regularity of their occurrence. What has been revealed through the follow-up studies of graduates and others regarding the effectiveness of the curricular program? Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category B]

Counselors go to feeder schools and register all eighth grade students Interested prospective 8th graders take an IB entrance exam and results from both the exam and application process are shared with counselors who will be registering 8th graders 8th grade students and families are invited to Open House Night Campus tours are available for 8th graders and their families Prospective Special Education students had a campus tour The feeder schools send middle school AVID students to shadow SOHS AVID students for the day. Sonora’s Science Department meets with local junior high teachers to coordinate curriculum and expectations SOHS Math teachers administer a math placement test to 8th graders to properly select their freshman math classes 125

• Registration forms and conferences with middle school students • Transitional IEPs • IB entrance exams and application process • AVID field trips • Sonora College Night • Open House

Feeder schools/districts roll over Aeries data including standardized test scores. Unfortunately, this occurs early in the second semester when 8th grade CST scores are still unavailable. Freshman teachers report this creates a challenge early in the schoolyear until that supplemental data file is rolled over from the feeder school/district and/or arrives in student cummulative files. The AVID program encourages students to acquire information about prospective colleges and their options. Some ROP and Medical Careers classes articulate with the local community colleges College and University representatives from across the nation attend College Night to disseminate information about their programs Students can take Fullerton Community College placement exams in the SOHS Career Center Additional Findings

What have you learned from the analysis of additional evidence regarding this criterion? Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category B]

There is an extensive effort being made to serve our EL population with a variety of tutoring opportunities, courses offered, and support staff CST scores continue to rise as the staff meets the needs of all students


• EL Coordinator/Dean of Academic Services and EL and recent RFEP Counselor • Increase in API- one of the biggest in Orange County


Curriculum Criterion

All students have equal access to the school’s entire program and assistance with a personal learning plan to prepare them for the pursuit of their academic, personal and school-to-career goals. Do all students have equal access to the school’s entire program and assistance with a personal learning plan to prepare them for the pursuit of their academic, personal and school-to-career goals? Variety of Programs — Full Range of Choices

All students have opportunities to make appropriate choices and pursue a full range of realistic career and educational options. The school provides for career exploration, preparation for postsecondary education and pre-technical training for all students. What have you learned regarding the extent to which all students have opportunities to make appropriate choices and pursue a full range of realistic career and educational options? How does the school provide for career exploration, preparation for postsecondary education and pre-technical training for all students? Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category B]

All students have access to AP and IB courses.

There is an on campus ROP career guidance specialist Medical Careers has job shadowing opportunities, externing, and summer programs

Sonora has an on site designated EL counselor that continues to follow the progress of EL students even after they have been reclassified

There are a variety of courses offered in the Career and Technical Education and ROP areas that let students explore a variety of options

• •

Ongoing increase in socioeconomic disadvantaged students taking the AP and IB exams Counselor and support interviews and progress tracking EL and recent RFEP counselor Medical Careers speakers, work hour logs, job shawdowing JROTC, Agricultural, Culinary Arts, Marine Diving, Wood Shop, Auto Shop, Forensics, and Legal Law

Student-Parent-Staff Collaboration

Parents, students and staff collaborate in the development and monitoring of a student's personal learning plan, based upon a student's learning style and career and educational goals. To what extent do parents, students and staff collaborate in the development and monitoring of a student's personal learning plan, based upon a student's learning style and career and educational goals?


Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category B]

Sonora High School’s full range of academic choices gives both students and parents many options and opportunites to develop plan and monitor progress

Sonora teachers use a variety of resources to keep parents informed of progress and academic options based upon their performance

IB Coordinator meets with both parents and students for academic planning EL parents at Sonora High School are invited to ELAC meeting and to Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE) classes to become involved. Counselors help students develop and revise, as necessary, a four-year plan

• • • •

ABI, students and parents can monitor academic performance and progress Teleparent, Sonora website, teacher websites Individual conferences with students, IB Parent Nights PIQE attendance and graduation lists Four Year Plans Letters are mailed home inviting families to attend individual counseling meetings Counseling Meetings

Counselors have senior meetings with all students There is a classroom gudiance unit on financial aid and college applications Case carriers write and modify, as necessary, IEPs The EL Counselor and the EL Coordinator/Dean of Academic Services develop Individual Learning Plans for EL students Monitoring/Changing Student Plans

The school implements processes for monitoring and making appropriate changes in students' personal learning plans (e.g., classes and programs) and regularly evaluates them. What processes are utilized for monitoring and making appropriate changes in students' personal learning plans (e.g., classes and programs)? How effective are these? Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category B]

Counselors meet with students individually to register for their courses that will help them meet their goals

Individual registration conferences

EL counselor follows students even after they have been reclassified

Designated EL and recent RFEP counselor

Counselors review student progress and recommend

Student conferences


credit recovery options or better class selection Teachers have Student Success Conferences with students to and review CST scores from the previous year and encourage them to perform well on the current year’s CSTs Students that fail 2 or more core subject-areas courses are required to attend a Grade Intervention Meeting to address intervention options/placements.

with counselors •

9th grade Success Conferences

Grade Intervention Meeting

Attendance queries and home visits

There is an informational day hosted by the Special Education Department to share information with general education teachers Sonora’s counselors and the Dean also monitor attendance and contact parents when they see a disturbing pattern or trend. When necessary, the Dean and the School Resource Office (SRO) do home visits. Post High School Transitions

The school implements strategies and programs to facilitate transitions to post high school options and regularly evaluates their effectiveness. How effective are strategies and programs to facilitate transitions to post high school options? Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category B]

IB and AP courses help students attain the skills and knowledge needed to compete and succeed in college

Course offerings and curriculum

Many students are able to start college with advanced standing in regard to units as a result of having passed IB and AP exams

IB and AP success rates on exams and curriculum

Many Career and Technical Education classes provide students with skills that could be applicable to post high school options

Auto shop, Wood shop, culinary arts, forensics, Legal Law, Marine diving, JROTC, Medical Careers, Agriculture

MCAIII students qualify as medical assistants right after high school when they pass exam

Sonora’s Agricultural Program includes an Agricultural Incentive Grant graduate follow-up. In qualify for this grant, the department must keeps track of program graduates to see who went on to either full or part-time employment, community college and four-year college, and military service. It also keeps track of which graduates continued in the Agricultural industry/career or choices. 129


Medical Careers LVN program that transitions well to a RN program


Agriculture Grant Report that includecolleges attend, and job placement, Agriculture or nonAgriculture

Additional Findings

What have you learned from the analysis of any additional evidence regarding this criterion? Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category B]

Sonora offers a rich variety of Career and Technical educational options. All Career and Technical Education classes meet once a year with professionals from their industry.



Curriculum Criterion

Upon completion of the high school program, students have met all the requirements of graduation. To what extent are students able to meet all the requirements of graduation upon completion of the high school program? Real World Applications — Curriculum

All students have access to real world applications of their educational interests in relationship to a rigorous, standards-based curriculum. To what extent do all students have access to real world applications of their educational interests in relationship to a rigorous, standards-based curriculum? Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category B]

Sonora teachers are continually connecting standards and student goals to real-life applications. Corporate mentors donate time, providing leadership and industry expertise to a number of Sonora programs.

• •

ROP and Agriculture classes require students to write professional resumes and cover letters and offer mock interview opportunities. The World Language national standards (communication, culture, connections, comparisons, and culture) create an environment that promotes using the target language and culture in authentic settings. Teachers focus on real world application and practice of their world language in a plethora of activities.

• •

Medical Career classes create first aid kits for the annual food drive HOSA participates in state and national competition levels.

ROP and Agriculture resumes and mock interviews Extravaganza Show, Holiday Caroling in the target language, Field Trips, Cultural Research Portfolios, Cultural Dances, Spring Fiesta, Building Paris, Scavenger hunts in cultural areas in terms of both food, language, and traditions First aid kits created by medical career classes Field Trips within the community, financial training and menu planning and meal preparation Poll worker volunteer list

CBI classes provides an independent living class on Students in the Government class volunteer as poll workers during election time Meeting Graduation Requirements

The school implements academic support programs to ensure students are meeting all requirements, including the CAHSEE.


How effective are academic support programs to ensure students are meeting all requirements, including the CAHSEE? Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category B]

A Mock CAHSEE is given to the all freshman students to identify students that need additional help preparing for it CAHSEE boot camp is offered to sophmore students on the cusp of passing the exam. The boot camp is a pull out program to reinforce and further develop skills given to students that were close to passing CAHSEE review class is a semester long class and is offered to both students that have taken and not passed the exam and sophomores who had significantly lower CAHSEE scores on the mock exam


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Results of mock exam Enrollment list of boot camp pull out program Class roster for CAHSEE review

WASC Category B. Standards-Based Student Learning: Curriculum: Supporting Evidence, Strengths, and Growth Needs Include the supporting evidence for findings, if not included with the sample prompts. Determine and prioritize the strengths and areas of growth needs for Category B. Category B: Standards-based-Student Learning: Curriculum: Areas of Strength

Overall Improvement in CSTs Intervention opportunites for students that need help in succeeding in academic areas Common assessments and benchmarks that measure academic growth and are aligned with state standards Improved access to AP and IB classes and exams for socioeconomically disadvantaged students Vast curricular offerings, especially in Career and Technical Education Category B: Standards-based-Student Learning: Curriculum: Areas of Growth Needs

Improve EL and socioeconomically disadvantaged students’ performance on CST scores Continued focus on CAHSEE intervention to improve pass and proficiency rates. Continue to work with special education department to assess student needs and improve Special Education performance on standardized exams Continue integrating writing across the curriculum, with common expectations and assessments for all student levels Continue to cultivate all parent involvement and communication with staff and administration

Category B: Standards-based-Student Learning: Curriculum: Supporting Evidence

API Common Assessments and Benchmarks AP and IB class enrollment and examination passage rates Teacher Reflection Sheets Additional Supporting Evidence may be found throughout the Category B Focus Group Analysis


Instruction Leaders: Marjie Blevins, English Jerome Diebolt, Arts Adame









Balandran Rivera

















Special Education






























World Languages




Guerra Chavez





Special Education





















Onwodi (Victoria)




























Social Science



Social Science












World Languages



Social Science





























C: Standards-based Student Learning: Instruction C1.

Ins tr uc tion C r ite r ion

To what extent are all students involved in challenging learning experiences to achieve the academic standards and the expected schoolwide learning results? Results of Student Observations and Examining Work The school’s observations of student working and the examining of student work provide information on the degree to which all students are involved in learning to assist them in achieving the academic standards and the expected schoolwide learning results. The school, particularly, has evaluated the degree of involvement in the learning of students with diverse backgrounds and abilities and modified approaches based on findings. To what extent did the observations of student working and the examining of student work provide information on the degree to which all students are involved in learning to assist them in achieving the academic standards and the expected schoolwide learning results? Particularly, comment on the degree of involvement in the learning of students with diverse backgrounds and abilities. Evidence [note evidence here or at


the end of Category C]

All students at Sonora, including those with diverse backgrounds and abilities, have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of programs. These programs include: Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) – a four-year curriculum designed to give those students in the academic middle the opportunity to go to college. Honors and Advanced Placement (AP) courses – these are primarily upper-level, challenging, college level classes, including the newly offered (now in only its second year at Sonora) AP Human Geography course, taught primarily to entering Freshmen. International Baccalaureate (I.B.) courses which offer certificates and diplomas—again, offering students who want more demanding work a choice of the most rigorous academic trajectory—the I.B. diploma—or rigorous coursework without the additional requirements of the diploma. The Sonora Faculty brought the request to begin the IB Program to Sonora over two decades ago to the administration, who then thoroughly embraced the idea and provided excellent support. Two new I.B. courses have been added to the curriculum within the last two years, I.B. Film and I.B. Dance. Evidently, it is quite rare for a U.S. high school to successfully offer both of these courses. Medical Careers – classes and a 3-year curriculum designed around various opportunities in the medical


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Sonora and ROP class rosters Master Schedule CST scores A.P./I.B. scores Reach Reading/Read 180 rosters and scores ABI grades IEP sign-in sheets and records Photographs from Orange County and La Habra Valley Community Fairs— Agriculture Medical Careers portfolios and internships Tutor sign-in sheets World Language oral finals I.B. orals, labs, art portfolios, and essays are adjudicated around the world, using international

field; Agricultural Sciences - classes and curriculum designed around the agriculture field, including coursework from the traditional high school program taught from the perspective of the courses’ application to agriculture and vice-versa. Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corp (JROTC)– classes and curriculum taught and conducted in association with the United States Army. Additional programs offered at Sonora include classes through the Regional Occupational Program (ROP) such as marine diving, engineering, forensic science, legal law, auto mechanics, culinary arts, and art and animation Community Based Instruction (CBI)-a program which places students with special needs into the community Reach Reading and Read 180—two separate reading intervention programs) Math Intervention—a class that uses the Accelerated Math program designed to help students succeed in their standard math class); and California High School Exit Exam preparation classes; Tutoring sessions – extra help is available in the afternoons four days per week provided by CSF and NHS students and teachers alike; During Finals Week, the World Language Department utilizes, Spanish for Spanish Speakers, Spanish IV and French IV students to help give the oral component of finals to the Spanish I and II and the French I and II students; Students from traditionally disadvantaged backgrounds (English Learners—ELs--, Special Education, and socioeconomically disadvantaged students) are provided a challenging learning environment in all of their classes, especially those which offer the EL students the 60/40 ratio of a non-EL/EL population in the classes. This enhances both effective learning of the same course content as well as ensuring more effective cultural assimilation. The EL teachers, the CBI teachers, the campus speech psychologist, counselors, and teachers work together to modify goals and lessons based on individual students’ needs and their IEPs. Several years ago, Jane Schaffer visited our school site


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rubrics Dissections Math projects Social Science/English Department 10th grade research paper Speech and Debate Academic Decathlon Science Olympiad World Language and ELD Extravaganza Show Four class sections of AP Human Geography offered to entering Freshmen during the schoolyear 2009-2010, the first year of the course on campus

for five days. Each teacher was taught her writing program, and her lexicon and ideas are used across all subject areas. Back-to-School Night, Freshmen Parent Night, I.B. Freshmen/Sophomore/Junior/Senior Nights and the Sonora Parent Institute all focus on distributing information to parents of various educational and economical backgrounds.

Student Understanding of Performance Levels The students know beforehand the standards/expected performance levels for each area of study. To what extent do students know beforehand the standards/expected performance levels for each area of study? Evidence [note evidence here or at


the end of Category C]

The staff and students at Sonora High School have created a vision of success firmly rooted in the California State, national and/or international standards, guided by both the Single Plan for Student Achievement and the Expected School-wide Learning Results (ESLRs). At the beginning of each semester and course, teacher expectations are communicated to students. This information is disseminated through the syllabi distributed in each class and reviewed throughout the semesters. These documents are taken home for parent signatures to ensure understanding and acknowledgement, and a copy of each syllabus is kept on file with the administration. Common semester, quarterly, and unit benchmark assessments within departments have been developed to insure proper attention to standards and the ESLRs. In 1987, Sonora’s English Department was the first department in our district to create and regularly use common writing assessments (funds have not been available for the last three years to continue with this assessment). Benchmark assessments are also administered which are aligned with the California Standards Tests. Teachers frequently use pre-tests, anticipation and pacing guides, in addition to KWL charts and other strategies to introduce concepts to students. Diagnostic tests are used in many classes to ensure correct placement. California standards, lesson objectives, and daily 138

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Syllabi California, national and/or international Content Standards ESLR posters Current standards posted on classroom board Common benchmark assessments Posted California State, national and/or international Standards Diagnostic tests, pretests Weekly calendars Information about assignments and assessments posted on the teachers’ websites Intro activities to each unit (anticipation guides and pacing guides) KWL charts and Venn diagrams

agendas are often written on boards in the front of classrooms to aid students to focus their learning process. High academic expectations are set at the beginning of the school year and set a tone for success for all grades and academic levels (i.e. Honors/AP/IB courses, general education, English Learners, and Special Education). Many English classes have mandatory summer reading; each teacher provides a list of guiding questions or thematic areas upon which to reflect. Students are tested with both short answer examinations and in-class essays

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Quick writes Hypothesis are formulated Summer reading lists and assessments

Differentiation of Instruction The school’s instructional staff members differentiate instruction and evaluate its impact on student learning. To what extent is differentiation of instruction occurring and what is the impact on student learning? Evidence [note evidence here or at


the end of Category C]

Differentiated instruction plays a significant role in the day-to-day teaching in classrooms. The faculty utilizes a wide variety of strategies to reach the greatest number of students. As all students learn and develop differently, Sonora uses programs that are cohesive and self-paced. Sonora implements many different techniques in its teaching such as lab versus lecture and tactile versus auditory. Pairs, collaborative and cooperative learning are found in classrooms across the curriculum. Teachers make a conscious effort to make both the information and skills meaningful to students. Innovation is often seen at Sonora and the staff uses a variety of methods to reach out to students. Sonora has done an excellent job of allowing for teacher innovation and student preference as well as meaningful and individualized learning within the school framework. Teachers work in conjunction with other staff members to reach all students. This partnership includes general education teachers, Community Based Instruction teachers, counselors, the school psychologist and speech therapist, and community partners who may provide employment training and work opportunities for the CBI students. Because one of the great strengths of Sonora is the importance teachers place on getting to know their students on a personal level, these close relationships


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Attendance and ABI rosters that reflect 60/40 percentages in English I, Integrated Science, Biology, World History, U.S. History, Government, and Economics School announcements Media and oral presentations Debates Writing portfolios Inquiry learning in science Agriculture showing of animals Survey projects Lab experiments World Language and ELD Extravaganza Show Band, Choir, Drama, and Dance

allow them to teach both to the strengths and to the areas that need strength. Both Impact Mentoring and Best Buds help accentuate the vital importance of asking questions, supporting one another, and helping every single student. Individual student work is often displayed in individual classrooms as well as in the common areas of campus and, occasionally, at the district office. This work exposes students to their peers’ talents and what is occurring in other classes. Shared work also encourages students to try new things and take risks.

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performances Display cases Special Education Share Day with all teachers DVD’s created for projects Impact and Best Buds Jane Shaffer Writing style: 1-chunk paragraphs for lower skilled/2-3 chunk for higher skilled (structure for and color coding of essays) Journals

Student Perceptions The students understand the expected level of performance based on the standards and the schoolwide learning results. Through interviews and dialogue with students that represent the school populations, the school learns about the students’ perceptions of their learning experiences. Through interviews and dialogue with students that represent the school population, comment on a) their level of understanding of the expected level of performance based on the standards and the schoolwide learning results and b) their perceptions of their learning experiences. Evidence [note evidence here or at


the end of Category C]

According to the students, Sonora has created an environment of acceptance, high standards, and friendliness. A district survey is completed every two years by students, parents, and faculty alike. According to the latest survey, Sonora’s staff earned top districtwide recognition as an outstanding group, as voted upon by the students completing the survey, which was approximately ninety-eight per cent of the enrollment. Sonora is frequently visited by former students who share how their learning at Sonora impacted them while at college. A.P. and I.B. students often come back from college and say that Sonora prepared them extremely well, particularly in I.B. Biology, A.P. Psychology, and English IV. Other returning graduates additionally comment that Sonora actually over-prepared them: Their experiences are easy and less stressful than those of their peers. Students also return from college and work on the


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Student interviews District survey Pictures of students doing work in class API banner in Lower Commons of academic improvement Staff directory Volunteer lists The school newspaper UC Personal Statements PTSA Spotlight/Principal’s Newsletter Freshman Newsletter

campus as tutors, mentors, and volunteers. They work with programs such as AVID, I.B., Academic Decathlon, and even sports. The summer basketball program is particularly strong due to a large population of returning students who help the coach mentor and coach the young kids who participate in the camp. Approximately twelve current staff members, ten teachers and two classified, are graduates of the school. Just recently, four students of high caliber and leadership on our campus visited local intermediate schools with the I.B. Coordinator to share and celebrate their experiences at Sonora. Further, a student from Bennington is doing an internship at Sonora for the next month, as part of the university coursework.


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Letters from former students Interviews with students during lunch and in notes to teachers Back-to-School Night Sing-in sheets of the parents who attended Back-to-School Night Brochures for all parent nights


Instruction Criterion

All teachers use a variety of strategies and resources, including technology and experiences beyond the textbook and the classroom that actively engage students, emphasize higher order thinking skills, and help them succeed at high levels. To what extent do all teachers use a variety of strategies and resources, including technology and experiences beyond the textbook and the classroom, that actively engage students, emphasize higher order thinking skills, and help them succeed at high levels? Current Knowledge Teachers are current in the instructional content taught and research-based instructional methodology. Provide a range of examples that demonstrate teachers are current in the instructional content taught and research-based instructional methodology. Evidence [note evidence here or at


the end of Category C]

The faculty at Sonora continues to stay on top of the latest trends in teaching through a variety of methods. Teachers attend many conferences for their curriculum areas as well as education practices in general. Some of these include Medical Careers Academy, AVID, AP, IB. Counselor receive special training at a number of conferences that address topics such as, UC, CSU, private colleges requirements. Additionally, the attend College Board and financial aid conferences. Current textbooks are used in classrooms throughout the campus and are replaced on a rotational basis. The English Learners population at Sonora is a quite significant segment of the population of the school, as presented in Chapter One of this report. Thus, SDAIE and CLAD/CTEL strategies are used in all classes. Every teacher at Sonora has taken courses to help them differentiate both instruction and assessments. All certificated staff possess at least one type of CLAD credential, SDAIE training, or equivalent. Some of the resultant strategies used in the classrooms include: visual aides such as flashcards, nonlinguistic representations, activities that connect new information to prior knowledge, time accommodations, small groups, scaffolding, and cooperative learning. The Sonora administration encourages teachers to observe in the classrooms of colleagues, both within and outside of their area of expertise, including providing release time for such visits. These opportunities allow staff members to witness effective instructional practices that are being implemented across the campus.


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Degrees and certificates of staff Staff development agendas PLC meetings and minutes Data Director reports Classroom observation reports Science, World Language, and English field trips Play program notes Classroom activities across the campus, including debates, essays, research papers and other both typical and unique educational opportunities SDAIE instructional tools and activities

Our Early Release days consistently provide informal sharing in departments through Professional Learning Community meetings, and lively discussions even occur during break and lunch. The Math Department eats lunch with one another daily and the Science Department share food, strategies and ideas at break throughout the schoolyear. Sonora has implemented a data-driven plan of action to improve performance for all students. The online program Data Director is used extensively throughout the school year for this purpose. Past scores are analyzed on a regular basis. Staff members have participated in training for this program. In the Science Department, field trips are an integral part of the learning process. The semester long Marine Science class takes four field trips. They visit the Dana Point Ocean Institute and Floating Laboratory, the Corona del Mar Tide Pools, the Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific, and the Bolsa Chica Wetlands. The I.B. Biology class goes to the Los Angeles College of Chiropractic Medicine and students have the opportunity to study dissected cadavers. The Introduction to Physiology class visits either the above Chiropractic School, a local hospital, or, when available, one of the Body World travelling exhibitions. The Foreign Language Department offers several opportunities outside of the classroom. Several of the French students attend a weekend long French Camp Sponsored by the Foreign Language Association of Orange County (FLA-OC) in April. Sonora is in its fourth groundbreaking year of offering Mandarin. The English Department provides opportunities for students to view movies and plays outside of Sonora taking advantage of the many culturally enhancing productions in the wider Los Angeles basin. When possible, English classes attend plays at local theatres such as the South Coast Repertory and/or the Renaissance Faire. The Social Science Department encourages seniors to get involved with the city government, shadowing the Mayor and other city leaders for an entire day. Every two years, students also volunteer to work the election polls in local precincts. The Music Department occasionally hears professional 143

concerts, and the Dance Department saw Alvin Ailey perform two years ago. Sonora boasts an acceleration of honors, AP classes and IB courses within the last several years. We added AP Human Geography, AP English Language and Composition, IB Dance, and IB Film. We now offer an increasing number of AP and IB courses. The pervasive financial and maintenance staffing problems associated with up-to-date technology largely limits Sonora students from taking advantage of the many online educational opportunities. Teachers as Coaches Teachers work as coaches to facilitate learning for all students. To what extent do teachers work as coaches to facilitate learning for all students? Evidence [note evidence here or at


the end of Category C]

Student accessibility to teachers has been a dynamic element in the culture of Sonora for many years. Teachers have embraced an attitude of being a “guide on the side” as opposed to a “sage on the stage,” working alongside students as partners and not limiting teaching to lectures. Teachers at Sonora are constantly acting as coaches in order to facilitate learning for all students. Formal tutoring takes place on campus four days a week after school in various classrooms and in the library. During this time, students can get extra help on a variety of subjects. Informally, tutoring occurs on a daily basis before school, during teachers’ prep periods, during breaks, during lunches, and after school. The inception of two strong programs, ABI and Teleparent have allowed more thorough and precise communication among parents, teachers, and students. For the past several years, teachers, students and parents have had access to online grades. Updated in an ongoing manner, the ABI program allows parents and students to keep track of grades on a daily basis. For the 2010-2011 school year, Sonora brought back the Teleparent program for use by staff members. This program allows calls of a variety of topics to go to students’ homes in their home language. Various forms of recognition occur on campus to


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Tutoring sign-in sheets ABI access logs Teleparent access logs Student of the Month lists Principal’s Honor Roll lists Teacher/student conference forms Counseling notes Homework logs Grade checks FFA/Agriculture hours English, Science, and Social Science tutoring and end of semester review classes Science labs Athletics Afternoon and evening learning experiences for AP/IB exams Student Agenda

encourage success. Each month, a Student of the Month is chosen from each department. These students receive a certificate signed by their department head as well as the principal. A similar certificate is given to all students who make the Principal’s Honor Roll each semester. Student conferences take place on a regular basis on campus. Teachers and counselors meet with students to discuss schedules, grades, behavior, specific issues, and California Standards Test results. Another technique used at Sonora to encourage the coaching role of teachers is the use of weekly calendars, goal sheets, and student reflective feedback regarding their learning. These sheets take a variety of forms, but all give students a way to keep track of various pieces of information in one place, set specific goals, and allow students more independence and power in the assessment of their own learning. Weekly calendars and grade checks are often taken home to be perused, verified, and signed by parents. Counselors also work as coaches in a one-on-one setting with students. By providing guidance on things as disparate as college choice and depression, counselors are a great resource for students.


Examination of Student Work Representative samples of student work demonstrate: a) structured learning so that students organize, access and apply knowledge they already have acquired; b) that students have the tools to gather and create knowledge and have opportunities to use these tools to research, inquire, gather, discover and invent knowledge on their own and communicate this. To what extent do the representative samples of student work demonstrate: a) structured learning so that students organize, access and apply knowledge they already have acquired? b) that students have the tools to gather and create knowledge and have opportunities to use these tools to research, inquire, gather, discover and invent knowledge on their own and communicate this? Evidence [note evidence here or at


the end of Category C]

All departments demonstrate the academic gamut of teaching strategies which structure learning so that students can synthesize and apply their knowledge toward higher level thinking skills. The I.B. Program focuses on empowering the students to think and be engaged in stimulating courses that will demand that they use many tools to enhance and deepen their own learning. They must choose a topic that reflects their own passion and research it, culminating with a 4,000 word extended essay. They must do orals 145

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Sophomore English/Social Science research paper Media and oral presentations History debates Writing portfolios Inquiry learning in the sciences

internal assessment in both World Language and English; these orals are sent to outside readers often in another country to be judged. They must take the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) course which focuses entirely on teaching students how and why we think the ways we do. The papers written during the class are also sent elsewhere, generally to another country to be adjudicated. Science, art, English, and math require that the students submit labs, artwork, World Literature papers, and projects, which, again, will be sent to other countries to be assessed, if a part of the IB program. Sophomore students write a cross-curricular research paper for their English and World History. The departments closely work together on process and the final product. The renowned Agriculture Department shows animals at the Orange Country and La Habra Valley Community Fair. Students also take care of an animal all year at Sonora. The English Department asks the students to maintain their writings in their portfolios. Students are occasionally asked to reflect upon their writing and their learning in their portfolios. The Social Science Department requires seniors to run for office and deliver speeches on camera. They are also to make posters and interview others to support their programs. The World Language and ELD Departments create skits in either Spanish, French, Mandarin, or ELD classes with the best skits being selected for the Extravaganza, an evening show in the target languages. Students in A.P. Spanish Language choose an element of the Spanish speaking world and create an extensive project exploring that element. The projects are showcased in the library at the end of the year. Students in the French classes recreate different Parisian building and monuments. Fellow students and parents are invited to tour the mock city and receive historical, architectonic, and cultural information from their student tour guides. In science, there is frequent use of student warm-ups to open class, allowing students to access previously acquired science standards. Instruction in the science curriculum closely ties laboratory investigation with


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PowerPoint presentations Animal showing at the Orange County and La Habra Valley Community Fair Students raise animals during their time at Sonora Speeches DVD projects Cornell Notes for AVID IB Extended Essays IB prompts and assignments AP tests Political videos and posters Video of World Language and ELD Extravaganza Photos of recreation of Paris Labs The AP Spanish Language cultural project Science labs

other classroom learning experiences. Classes are often split into groups to perform hands on labs such as the tsunami lab in Integrated Science. The kinesthetic and visual aspects of the labs is ideal because it allows students to research, inquire, gather, discover, and invent knowledge on their own and with peers. One of the culminating activities for Integrated Science is a 4th quarter Energy Project. Teams of students research a means of generating electricity and are asked to design a model, and a PowerPoint presentation where real-world benefits and costs are presented. Representative samples of student work demonstrate that students are able to think, reason, and problem solve in group and individual activities, project, discussions and debates and inquiries related to investigation. To what extent do the representative samples of student work demonstrate that students are able to think, reason, and problem solve in group and individual activities, project, discussions and debates and inquiries related to investigation? Evidence [note evidence here or at


the end of Category C]

Much collaboration occurs among the students both within and outside of the classroom. In a number of classes, students can take partner or group tests. In Social Science, they are involved with debates, surveys for which they must gather and interpret statistics, election projects for President, and shadowing the city government employees for a day. In Science, they do an energy project in Integrated Science I, a partner-oriented series of purification labs in Organic/Biochemistry, and students actually take turns teaching Science Seminar during the afternoons. For most of the arts, students are required to work together, be it Band, choir, the fall play, the spring play, the musical, and/or dance. As a part of the World Language and ELD coursework, all students must coordinate efforts for their World Language and ELD skits for the Extravaganza. In French, students recreate Paris. Students in English must work together to present their projects on Macbeth, Catch-22, Blood Wedding, and the I.B. English amalgamation project where students synthesize at least six characters and create a play using those characters. By the sheer nature of their activities, students in athletics must work together in order to succeed and improve. In Floriculture, students learn to both make and sell beautiful floral arrangements. Further, students have the opportunity to volunteer their time to help decorate the floats for the Tournament of Roses Parade.


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History debates City Government Shadowing for a day Stats survey project Integrated science Energy Projects Extravaganza Band, choir, drama, dance performances English projects I.B. English amalgamation project Floriculture projects NHS Students Special Olympics

For the NHS Induction, senior students must create, run, and participate in the ceremony to bring in new juniors and seniors. The ceremony is formal, demanding precise organization and serious countenances from the students. Students in CBI and in Best Buds work together on the Special Olympics put on in May at Cal State Fullerton. Representative samples of student work demonstrate that students use technology to assist them in achieving the academic standards and the expected schoolwide learning results. To what extent do the representative samples of student work demonstrate that students use technology to assist them in achieving the academic standards and the expected schoolwide learning results? Evidence [note evidence here or at


the end of Category C]

There are a variety of programs that are technologically generated in which students can learn and excel. PowerPoint presentations are ubiquitously used by teachers and students. The Accelerated Math Program, READ 180, and the Rosetta Stone are all invaluable programs that help students greatly improve their basic educational skills, usually rapidly preparing them to learn much more successfully in their general education classes. Students are allowed to use their laptops in class, providing immediacy and clarity to their learning. The LCD projectors in each class help with Power point and showing films in class. The departments require students to do internet research. The Math and Science Departments use Smart Boards. Computers are available in the library for student use. For all intents and purposes, several computer labs were built for our school. However, these areas are not kept up nor are they serviced by any technician. As a result, very few computers are in consistent use. The Science Department has seven to nine computers per classroom. Keeping these computers running, and thus using them effectively, continues to be a challenge.


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Rosetta Stone Accelerated math Read 180 Reach Reading PowerPoint Computer lab LCD Projectors in each classroom Laptops Library computer lab Internet research Visual arts classes Smart Boards Organic/Biochemistry individual Research Projects

Representative samples of student work demonstrate student use of materials and resources beyond the textbook, such as utilization and availability of library/multimedia resources and services; availability of and opportunities to access data based, original source documents and computer information networks; and experiences, activities and resources which link students to the real world. To what extent do the representative samples of student work demonstrate student use of materials and resources beyond the textbook, such as utilization and availability of library/multimedia resources and services; availability of and opportunities to access data based, original source documents and computer information networks; and experiences, activities and resources which link students to the real world? Evidence [note evidence here or at


the end of Category C]

In the area of technology, one of the school’s major challenges is that we don’t have many computers for students to use. This challenge is exacerbated by the fact that many students in our school do not have computers at home to use. Medical Careers classes use real medical equipment and technology both in class and in internships to link the academic learning to applied medical care. Students can research topics in either of the library two online databases, Student Resources in Context and

Opposing Viewpoints in Context. The following ebooks are available for student research: Encyclopedia of World Biography , The Gale Encyclopedia of Surgery , Countries and Their Cultures, The Gale Encyclopedia of Science , and Genetics.

World Language research projects have students navigate authentic websites in the Target Language. Agriculture uses laptops and accounting software to create record books. This year, students are planning, organizing, and building Raider Ranch. For this assignment, students must develop and write a business plan for Raider Ranch where, after conducting internet research, they estimate/project the costs associated with building it. Social Science classes use the internet to research alternative perspectives and get different view points about historical events. Science


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School website Individual teachers’ websites Library Website

Real World Experiences Opportunities for shadowing, apprenticeship, community projects and other real world experiences and applications are available to all students. To what extent are opportunities for shadowing, apprenticeship, community projects and other real world experiences and applications available to all students? Evidence [note evidence here or at


the end of Category C]

Students at Sonora have a wide variety of opportunities to participate in apprenticeship and shadowing. The Community Based Instruction Program is designed to allow students a unique, safe environment in which to acquire the benefits of a standards-based academic program that focuses on individual needs. Integral within the program are work experience opportunities and life skills instruction.

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The annual Sonora Holiday Food Drive has become one of the most important and most anticipated events of the year. Over the years, it has grown into a three week long event in which up to $36,000 has been raised to feed and give gifts to needy families in La Habra. In 2010, over 120 families were supported with just over $25,000 collected. Students ‘shop’ for food both at Albertson’s and at Sonora. At Sonora, food and supplies are set up inside the school and the kids, then, deliver the gifts to the families themselves. Several programs, including the Counseling staff, take students on college visitations throughout the school year. Students attend UC Irvine, Cal State Fullerton, and Fullerton College with other seniors to see and learn about the campuses and what to expect in college. Students in JROTC perform on Veteran’s Day for parades to honor those men and women who have served our country and also travel to summer camps at local military bases. Students in Social Science, Science, and English have powerful speakers come to teach them about skills needed in their prospective career, about college, and life in general. Students have multiple chances to bring their work to the community through performances, projects, and competitions. These opportunities demonstrate to the community at large that Sonora students are active learners who are encouraged to nurture the idea that


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Holiday Food Drive Community Based Instruction College visitations Public performances Foreign Language Extravaganza Creative Writing Club—poems and prose written, read, and published Guest Speakers Science field trips to view and study human cadavers Field trips to view and study marine life Plays CAS

they can be lifelong learners and contributors to their communities. Examples of these occasions include: the Holiday Food Drive, Art exhibits, Drama plays and musicals, Concert Band performances, Choir performances, Dance and Drill Team performances and competitions, Marching Band competitions, Percussion and Color Guard competitions, JROTC competitions, Science Olympiad competitions, Speech and Debate competitions, Academic Decathlon, Science field trips, English field trips, local fair showing of animals, Medical Careers portfolios and internships, Creative Writing Club—writing, reading, and publishing poetry and other pieces of writing. Since the IB goal is to educate the whole person and foster responsible, compassionate citizens, one of the IB diploma requirements is to voluntarily engage in Creativity, Action, Service (CAS). Students must select a topic that is thematically integrated to their IB learner profile. Once it is approved by IB, the student has two years to complete her/his 150 hours of activities/services.


WASC Category C. Standards-based Student Learning: Instruction: Supporting Evidence, Strengths, and Growth Needs Category C. Standards-based Student Learning: Instruction: Areas of Strength

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Students have great accessibility to teachers and other staff members. The school provides a wide variety of program opportunities, including intervention courses. The curriculum promotes a college-bound atmosphere for all students. There is a wide variety of ROP classes available to all students. Access to higher level courses has increased for all students. Sonora students evidence great participation in a number of community activities and events. Sonora students have access to many projects in both the school and the wider community that require students to apply and synthesize their skills into academic and general life situations. Sonora has a positive approach to helping our students by giving much time to our lessons and to assisting them beyond the classroom. Sonora has a rich offering of multiple courses that serve a variety of learning styles and skills. Sonora offers incredible opportunities beyond the classroom.

Category C. Standards-based Student Learning: Instruction: Areas of Growth Needs

Obtain eighth grade test results for incoming freshmen in time to plan lessons to meet the individual student needs.

Many parents are often not able to access ABI effectively

Faculty meetings need to be occasionally organized such that academic interchange may take place, as compared to only administrative information sessions, important as they may be.

The library needs to reinstate adequate additional learning and resource opportunities.

Student access to adequate technology needs to be significantly improved.

Category C. Standards-based Student Learning: Instruction: Supporting Evidence

The Supporting Evidence is included with the Findings as presented above.


Assessment/Accountability Leadership: Paul Haplin, English Kirk Lathrum, Math Altieri




















Special Ed.









Social Science




De Leon














World Languages















Social Science





















Special Ed.










Special Ed.






Social Science









Food Services





















World Languages























D. Standards-based Student Learning: Assessment and Accountability D1 & D2.

Assessment and Accountability Criterion

To what extent does the school use a professionally acceptable assessment process to collect, disaggregate, analyze and report student performance data to the parents and other shareholders of the community? D2a. To what extent do teachers employ a variety of assessment strategies to evaluate student learning? D2b. To what extent do students and teachers use these findings to modify the teaching/learning process for the enhancement of the educational progress of every student? Professionally Acceptable Assessment Process

The school uses effective assessment processes to collect, disaggregate, analyze and report student performance data to the parents and other shareholders of the community. Comment on the effectiveness of the assessment process to collect, disaggregate, analyze and report student performance data to the parents and other shareholders of the community. Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category D]

Sonora High School uses professionally acceptable assessment tools to collect, disaggregate, analyze, and report student performance data to parents and other shareholders of the community. Assessment data is reported to parents and other shareholders through a variety of methods. After results of various tests and other assessments are received by the school, the school send letters and UPRs (Unsatisfactory Progress Reports) to the families. This information can also be shared through the TeleParent program and/or accessed via the Internet on the school’s website and/or ABI. Individual Test scores are also communicated during parent conferences, SIT, IEP, and/or 504 meetings. Schoolwide assessment data are also included in the Single Plan for Student Achievement, which are shared with stakeholders at school site council and district board meetings.


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

API AYP DataDirector DataQuest Newsweek Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE) for EL UPRs CAHSEE scores CST results School Website District Website Letters home Parent conferences ABI/Aeries AP & IB Results Community newspapers School Newspaper School Site Council District Board Meetings SAT, ACT, PSAT, PLAN CAPA results CMA scores RSP, SIT, IEP, 504 plans CELDT results TeleParent

Basis for Determination of Performance Levels

The school has determined the basis upon which students’ grades and their growth and performance levels are determined and uses that information to strengthen high achievement of all students. Upon what basis are students’ grades, their growth and performance levels determined and how is that information used? Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category D]

Sonora High School determines the students’ grades and their growth through an assortment of assessments to support and bolster the achievement of all students. This information is used to determine, among other items: students’ placement, acquisition of standards, bases for reteaching/spiraling instruction, progress toward graduation, test retakes, and tutoring. Based upon assessment results, students are provided intervention classes in an attempt to address the achievement gap. Students with multiple areas of concern meet with counselors to determine which intervention and/or support classes are most beneficial. Counselors meet with all students to develop a 4-year plan to ensure progress toward completion of graduation requirements and post-secondary goals. Teachers use the data that is disaggregated on DataDirector to develop SMART goals, which are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely, to move students toward proficiency and mastery of the standards. CELDT, CST, CAHSEE, and site administered assessments are used to place ELs in classes. Students are placed according to the district EL Master Plan recommendations and students’ individual circumstances (grade, post-secondary goals, units, etc.).

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


DataDirector AYP API CAHSEE CSTs Tutoring PSAT, PLAN, SAT, ACT SMART Goals CAPA CMA Common Benchmarks Reteaching/Spiraling instruction CAHSEE Review classes REACH Reading Read 180 Accelerated Math CAHSEE Bootcamp/Mock CAHSEE Nelson Testing RSP, SIT, IEP, 504 plans AP/IB Results Counseling – 4 year planning CELDT Sheltered/SDAIE classes

Appropriate Assessment Strategies

Teachers use appropriate assessment strategies to measure student progress toward acquiring a specific body of knowledge or skills such as essays, portfolios, individual or group projects, tests, etc. To what extent do teachers use appropriate assessment strategies to measure student progress toward acquiring a specific body of knowledge or skills? Examples of these strategies include essays, portfolios, individual or group projects, tests, etc. Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category D]

Teachers at Sonora High School use various assessment strategies in order to determine students’ progress and acquisition of a specific body of knowledge and skills. Portfolios, which are a means of compiling student work, allow teachers and students to assess growth over a period of time (i.e. one semester, one year, etc.). The World Language and ELD departments produce Extravaganza, which enables students to demonstrate mastery of the target language by writing and performing student skits. Calculus and Algebra II students complete a Summer Packet in order to review the skills and prior knowledge necessary to be successful for the upcoming course. The Special Education Department hosts an “Information Share Day” each year to communicate and review assessment results and student achievement with general education teachers. General education teachers are informed as to which assessement tools are most beneficial and effective for their Special Education students, who have IEPs.

• •

• • • • • • • •

Portfolios Classroom assessments Tests, quizzes, essays, homework, presentations, dramatizations, taskbased activities, warm-up activities, discussions Summer Packets Extravaganza Common Benchmarks IEPs Peer review Reteaching/Spiraling Instruction Test Retakes Pacing Guides

Pacing guides have been developed in all core subjects to ensure continuity across each grade level or subject matter, which enables teachers to work together to develop common assessments and benchmarks. Demonstration of Student Achievement

A range of examples of student work and other assessments demonstrate student achievement of the academic standards and the expected schoolwide learning results, including those with special needs. Provide a range of examples of how student work and other assessments demonstrate student achievement of the academic standards and the expected schoolwide learning results, including those with special needs.


Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category D]

All students’ work (including those students with special needs) demonstrates the extent of achievement of academic standards and ESLRs through multiple methods. Class activities and discussions are related to the content standards in each subject. The Community Based Instruction (CBI) program curriculum is tied to the CAPA standards. Students are assessed on mastery of life skills and applied academics. AP and IB national/international assessments evaluate student achievement of academic standards. Practice test and Internal Assessments allow for assessment of mastery of standards prior to the final cummulative exam. Quarterly Benchmarks in Math, English, Science, Social Science, and World Language assess where students are at the end of each grading period.

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

CBI program Tests/Quizzes Essays Rubrics Homework Presentations Dramatizations Task-based activities Warm-ups Standards-based activites Discussions Benchmarks AP and IB practice test and Internal Assessments

Curriculum Embedded Assessments

The school regularly examines standards-based curriculum embedded assessments in English Language and math, including performance examination of students whose primary language is not English, and uses that information to modify the teaching/learning process. Provide examples of standards-based curriculum embedded assessments in English Language and math, including performance examination of students whose primary language is not English. Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category D]

Sonora High School evaluates, in a timely manner, standards-based curriculum embedded assessments in English Language and math, including performance examinations of English Learners and strives to use the results to differentiate instruction for and/or, as necessary, reteach all students. Teachers also use everyday informal assessments to check student progress toward acheivement of the standards. For example, students, including EL students, demonstrate comprehension of the standards through whole class or small group discussions, pair share, gesturing (hands up, thumbs up, etc.), and visual representation (slate board, storyboards, etc.). In the Extravaganza Show, ELD students have an


• • • • • • • • • • •

Class Discussions Small Group Discussions Pair Share Informal Assessments Presentations Common Benchmarks District Finals Subject-alike Benchmarks Unit Tests/Quizzes Writing Assessments Rubric-based writing

opportunity to perform the script they have developed as a means of demonstrating their mastery of English.


Student Feedback

Student feedback is an important part of monitoring student progress over time based on the academic standards and the expected schoolwide learning results. To what extent is student feedback an important part of monitoring student progress over time based on the academic standards and the expected schoolwide learning results? Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category D]

Sonora High School uses student feedback to gauge students’ performance over various time intervals to determine students’ proficiency in academic standards and ESLRs. Based on student progress, some students are required by parents, coaches, and/or counselors to obtain and fill out Weekly Progress Reports or Daily homework logs to monitor student progress throughout a semester and/or school year. Weekly Progress Reports and Daily logs allow students, parents, coaches, and counselors to verify student progress or lack of progress in each class. Student Success Conferences, conducted during SSR in the weeks leading up to the CSTs, allow teachers an opportunity to discuss last year’s results with each student. Through this one-on-one meeting, teachers and students can identify areas of strength and weaknes, in preparation for the upcoming CST. At this point teachers can also review with students once again the progress they have made on the current year’s standards using data from the benchmarks and other assessments. Parent, student, teacher conferences, counseling meetings, and IEPs, 504 Plan, and SIT meetings are held to provide feedback to all involved. During these meetings, students communicate their opinions about personal progress they have made toward the standards and ESLRs. In ASB, Principal’s Advisory Board, PTSA, SSC, ELAC, and other meetings, students express feedback about schoolwide progress toward meeting the academic standards and ESLRs.

• • • • • • •

• • • •

Weekly Progress Reports Daily homework logs UPRs Report Cards ABI Daily quizzes Student Success Conferences Parent, Student, Teacher conferences Counseling meetings IEP, SIT, and 504 meetings ASB, Principal’s Advisory Board, PTSA, SSC, ELAC

Modification of the Teaching/Learning Process

Assessment data is collected, analyzed, and used as the basis to make decisions and changes in the curricular and instructional approaches. Evaluate the effectiveness of how assessment data is collected, analyzed, and used as the basis to make decisions and changes in the curricular and instructional approaches. 159

Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category D]

Sonora High School effectively collects and analyzes assessment data to guide and modify future planning, instruction, and assesments. Teachers meet in their PLCs to review data collected from DataDirector and/or ABI to evaluate and modify instruction and assessments. For instance, teachers whose students performed well in a specific standard share their instructional practices with their PLC. Based upon the data, teachers formulate pacing guides and SMART Goals to address areas of concern and/or strength.

• • • • • • •

Release time for teachers to analyze data PLCs SMART Goals Department meetings DataDirector ABI/Aeries Pacing Guides

Monitoring of Student Growth

The school has an effective system to monitor all students’ progress toward meeting the academic standards and expected schoolwide learning results. Provide representative examples of how progress of all students toward meeting the academic standards and expected schoolwide learning results is monitored. Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category D]

Sonora High School has a system in place to monitor all students’ progress toward meeting the academic standards and ESLRs. Specifically, the school uses DataDirector to monitor student progress toward proficiency on both standardized assessments and site-generated benchmarks, which are standards-based. These findings are analyzed by teachers, counselors, and administrators to determine student progress. When concerns arise that a student is not making adequate progress towards academic standards and ESLRs, referrals are made to the counselors and/or, in the case of Special Education, the case carrier. When students fall significantly behind in units, the counselor and/or the APPS may refer the student to Credit Recovery, the Opportunity Program, or other continuing or alternative education options. When there are linguistic and/or academic concerns that an EL student is not making adequate progress, the EL and Recent RFEP counselor and/or Dean of Academic Services meets with the student and/or family. During this six year cycle, when it became apparent that a disproportionate number of ELs were not making progress towards meeting the academic standards and/or ESLRs, the school made the systemic switch over to the


• • • • • • • • • • • • •

Report cards UPR TeleParent ABI/Aeries Grade checks Benchmarks Dictrict finals Counseling EL Coordinator/Dean of Academic Services EL and Recent RFEP Counselor Counseling referrals Opportunity Program referrals La Vista High School and La Sierra High School referrals Credit Recovery Program referrals

current SDAIE composition in clases. It consists of 60% English Only, IFEPs, and/or RFEPs to 40% ELs in the English, Science, and Social Science Departments. Additional Findings

What have you learned from analysis of additional evidence regarding this criterion? Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category D]

Sonora High School analyzes a wide range of assessments to determine all students’ progress and performance levels in relationship with standardsbased assessments and ESLRs. The school employs DataDirector as a means to collect data from several sources: CSTs, CAHSEE, Subject-specific Benchmark Exams, CELDT, CMA, and CAPA. Teachers and administrators use DataDirector to assess the success of their SMART goals, to identify the students who need interventions and/or additonal academic support, and to measure all students’ progress toward proficiency on standards-based assessments. Sonora High School’s shareholders are informed of the data by letters home, access to ABI/Aeries, the school and district websites, report cards and UPRs, and TeleParent. Teachers meet in PLCs to analyze data in order to modify instruction, to reteach, to use professionally acceptable instructional and assessment strategies to ensure all students continue to progress toward proficiency of the standards and ESLRs.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


API AYP DataQuest DataDirector Newsweek Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE) for EL parents UPRs CAHSEE scores CST results Letters home ABI/Aeries Read 180 REACH Reading Accelerated Math ABI/Aeries AP & IB Results Community newspapers Princeton Review Common Benchmarks District-wide Finals SAT, ACT, PSAT, PLAN SMART Goals CAPA results CMA scores CAHSEE results CAHSEE Review courses Sheltered/SDAIE classes Reteaching/Spiraling RSP, SIT, IEP, 504 plans CELDT Tests Nelson Testing

• • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Tutoring Test retakes IMPACT mentoring Classroom assessments • Tests, quizzes, essays, homework, presentations, dramatizations, taskbased activities, warm-up activities, discussions Mock CAHSEE Portfolios CAHSEE Bootcamp Extravaganza Pacing Guides Summer Packet PLCs/Focus groups Rosetta Stone Essential Standards Single Plan for Student Achievement 60/40 SDAIE classes On-going re-evaluation of EL placement TeleParent School Website Counseling – 4-year planning Letters home to parents Report cards & UPRs

D3 & D4.

Assessment and Accountability Criterion

The school with the support of the district and community has an assessment and monitoring system to determine student progress toward achievement of the academic standards and the expected schoolwide learning results. The assessment of student achievement in relation to the academic standards and the expected schoolwide learning results drives the school’s program, its regular evaluation and improvement, and the allocation and usage of resources. To what extent does the school with the support of the district and community have an assessment and monitoring system to determine student progress toward achievement of the academic standards and the expected schoolwide learning results? To what extent does the assessment of student achievement in relation to the academic standards and the expected schoolwide learning results drive the school's program, its regular evaluation and improvement and usage of resources? Assessment and Monitoring Process

The following shareholders are involved in the assessment and monitoring process of student progress: district, board, staff, students and parents. To what extent are the following shareholders involved in the assessment and monitoring process of student progress: district, board, staff, students and parents? Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category D]

The shareholders for Sonora High School, which include district, board, staff, students, parents, and interested community members are actively involved in the assessment and monitoring process of student progress. The school administration reports and analyzes standardized test scores in the Single Plan for Student Achievement. This plan is presented at the School Site Council meeting, which is comprised of parents, students, and staff. Upon School Site Council approval, the plan is presented to the School Board for final approval. Information from the Single Plan for Student Achievement is presented to the leadership team, who share the information with their departments. The curriculum meetings occur once a month to monitor student progress and assessments. When changes or adaptations need to be implemented, they go to the staff, parents, and district board for approval. Students and parents receive all assessment results so they, too, can be active participants in monitoring student progress. Much pertinent data are published in the SARC which is available on the website for all stakeholders to view.


• • • • • • • • • • •

DataDirector District Curriculum Commitees District Finals Common Benchmarks Letters home District Newsletters PTSA Newsletters TeleParent ABI/Aeries School Board Meetings/Minutes SARC

Reporting Student Progress

There are effective processes to keep district, board and parents informed about student progress toward achieving the academic standards and the expected schoolwide learning results. How effective are the processes to keep district, board and parents informed about student progress toward achieving the academic standards and the expected schoolwide learning results? Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category D]

Sonora High School has processes in place to effectively inform district, board, and parents about student progress toward achieving the academic standards and ESLRs. The processes that SOHS has in place, as previously described, are highly effective as evidenced by our continuous increase in API. Additional evidence is listed to the right.

• • • • • • • • •

DataDirector DataQuest District Finals Letters home District Newsletters PTSA Newsletters TeleParent ABI/Aeries School Board Meetings/Minutes

Modifications Based on Assessment Results

The school uses assessment results to make changes in the school program, professional development activities and resource allocations, demonstrating a results-driven continuous process. Provide examples of how assessment results have caused changes in the school program, professional development activities and resource allocations, demonstrating a resultsdriven continuous process. Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category D]

Sonora High School, along with its shareholders, uses assessment results to direct changes in the school program, professional development activities, and resource allocations, which demonstrates a resultsdriven continuous process. Based upon assessment results, students are placed into intervention classes, such as: Math Lab, Advanced Reading, CAHSEE Bootcamp, and CAHSEE Review classes. Based upon the assessment results, teachers and staff are also provided opportunities to attend professional development conferences, such as: Jane Schaffer Writing Training, Steven Krashen and Kate Kinsella speakers, and various subject matter conferences through OCDE. Analysis of assessment results has been an on-going conversation point in PLC meetings. The results are the


• • • • • • • • • • • •

Accelerated Math (Math Lab) REACH Reading (Advanced Reading) Read 180 (Advanced Reading) CAHSEE Review classes Math Lab Princeton Review CAHSEE Bootcamp Pacing Guides SMART Goals Tutoring Jane Schaffer Steven Krashen and

basis for creating Pacing Guides and SMART goals to drive program changes. The Princeton Review training enabled attendees to share with their peers and students the criteria for CST scoring, test-taking strategies, and released test questions. Assessment results are shared with the School Site Council and school program changes are voted upon and included as appropriate in the Single Plan for Student Achievement.

• •

Kate Kinsella for EL teachers/staff IMPACT Single Plan for Student Achievement

Additional Findings

What have you learned from analysis of additional evidence regarding this criterion? Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category D]

Performance data from state, district, and classroombased assessment is collected and distributed to the shareholders in a variety of ways. The collected data is analyzed and used to determine student progress toward achievement of the standards and ESLRs. Based upon the results, the school and district modify and develop programs and allocate funds as a means of supporting all students. Furthermore, the data is the impetus in developing the Single Plan for Student Achievement.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


DataDirector DataQuest District Finals Letters home District Newsletters PTSA Newsletters TeleParent ABI/Aeries School Board Meetings/Minutes Accelerated Math REACH Reading Reading 180 CAHSEE Review classes CAHSEE Bootcamp Princeton Review Pacing Guides SMART Goals Tutoring Jane Schaffer Steven Krashen EL Conference IMPACT Single Plan for Student Achievement

WASC Category D. Standards-based Student Learning: Assessment and Accountability: Supporting Evidence, Strengths, and Growth Needs Include the supporting evidence for findings, if not included with the sample prompts. Determine and prioritize the strengths and areas of growth needs for Category D. Category D. Standards-based Student Learning: Assessment and Accountability: Areas of Strength

• • • • • • •

School-wide API increased 22 points last year to 798 in 2009-10 and increased 61 points since 2004-05 All significant subgroups demonstrated increases in API helping reduce the achievement gap The percentage of students scoring in the Advanced and Proficient bands increased The administration has provided teachers more time to meet in PLCs to create and analyze data Sonora has developed and is analyzing Common Benchmarks to monitor student progress toward standards and ESLRs The number of students taking an AP test has increased from 244 in 2006 to 719 in 2010 with the passing rate increasing from 67% to 73% Intervention and support programs have been developed and implemented as a result of assessment results to meet the needs of all students

Category D. Standards-based Student Learning: Assessment and Accountability: Areas of Growth Needs

• • • •

Latino, SED, EL, and SWD subgroups need to continue to improve in API, CSTs, CAHSEE English Language Arts, and CAHSEE Math to continue to reduce the acheivement gap Students’ CELDT performance need improvement Continue modifying and improving Common Benchmarks and Pacing Guides for all subjects More professional development time and training to dissagreggate and analyze data is needed

Category D. Standards-based Student Learning: Assessment and Accountability: Supporting Evidence

The Supporting Evidence is included with the Findings as presented above and/or Chapter 1 of this report. /


Culture & Support for Personal & Academic Growth: Leaders: Keesha Mandella, World Language Phil Pacia, Agricultur Agnew


Social Science



Social Science

Ambriz Jr.

















Food Services














Juan Carlos











Espinoza Cedillo































Jung Hyun




World Languages







World Languages
























Special Ed



Social Science






























Social Science

















E: School Culture and Support for Student Personal and Academic Growth E1.

School Culture and Student Support Criterion

To what extent does the school leadership employ a wide range of strategies to encourage parental and community involvement, especially with the teaching/learning process? Regular Parent Involvement

The school implements strategies and processes for the regular involvement of parents and the community, including being active partners in the teaching/learning process. The school involves non-English speaking parents. Evaluate the strategies and processes for the regular involvement of parents and the community, including being active partners in the teaching/learning process. Comment on the effectiveness of involving non-English speaking parents. Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category E]

Sonora employs a wide range of strategies to encourage parental involvement including: • Parent nights (IB, Guidance, ELAC, AG, Medical, Boosters, etc.) • Newsletters • Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE) is a nine-week program that teaches parents about graduation requirements and A-G requirements. It empowers parents to become more involved in their students education. • Website • PTSA Involvement • Local resources translated in second language are available for parents and community • Parents are responsible for Grad-Nite for Senior class


• • • • • •

Parent letters (IB, Guidance, ELAC, AG, Medical, Boosters, etc.) PIQE graduation program PTSA Involvement

School Accountability Report Card (SARC) Non-English speaking parent communications ~second language notices/newsletters ~parent meetings minutes ~PTSA Spotlight which includes the principal’s newsletter ~School Site Council to approve future spending of categorical money ~Teleparent ~Beginning of the year orientation packet

~Bilingual administration/ office staff Use of Community Resources

The school uses community resources to support students, such as professional services, business partnerships, and speakers. How effective is the school use of community resources to support students, such as professional services, business partnerships, and speakers? Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category E]

Agriculture uses corporate sponsors for animals/feed and has strong ties to the community with the annual La Habra Valley Community Fair and the Orange County Fair. The department has strong ties with local businesses and place students in internships for industry practice. The Ag. Department has a 2+2+2 articulation with Mount San Antonio Community College and Cal Poly Pomona. As part of this articulation agreement among the schools, students that take agriculture course at SOHS qualify for college units at both Mount San Antonio Community College and/or Cal Poly Pomona. The department also provides a strong leadership program, Future Farmers of America (FFA) which places students out in the city to fulfill community service activities. Medical Careers relies on St. Jude and Whittier Presbyterian hospitals as important resources to provide real world applications to our students. Students are provided with an internship during the summer of their junior and senior year. This provides the opportunity for the businesses to see that the high school is offering career preparedness courses. Special Education connects community and job building skills with their partnership at St. Jude and local businesses in the City of La Habra. The department also works in conjunction with the Workability 1 program administered by the California Department of Education (CDE) to place students with special needs in paid/unpaid positions in the community. The City of La Habra is fortunate to have a community resource center, The Gary Center, which provides counseling, dentistry, and other services to 170

• • • • •

• • • •

Agricultural Internship and scholarship. Graduate follow-up Internship with St. Jude/Medical Careers St. Jude Community Partnership/CBI internship Rotary Involvement-monthly Student Scholarships Breaking the Image, STAMP, Anaheim Regional Memorial, ADEPT, 10 Principles of Success, etc. Gary Center interns Lions’ Club and local optometry referrals for glasses Local medical clinics Advance!, a unique community outreach organization that offers free college application, financial aid, and scholarship information.

those in need on a sliding scale. They send interns to Sonora to provide students weekly one-on-one social counseling that academic counselors might not be able to address. Rotary / Lions’ Clubs in La Habra are comprised of local civic leaders, businessmen, and school administrators and teachers that help provide scholarships and financial assistance for our high school needs such as monetary scholarships, financial assistance to programs and teen representative positions. When appropriate, the school nurses provide students and families referrals to optometry, dental, and/or medical clinics and local Lion’s Club. Guest Speakers from the community are invited yearly to bring a sense of urgency to the campus on topics such as drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. Additionally, motivational speakers, such as, 10 Principles of Success, past graduates, etc., are invited to provide a different perspective. Individual classes also draw on community resources to further their message (i.e. Agriculture, AVID, JROTC, Medical Careers, etc.). Parent/Community and Student Achievement

The school ensures that the parents and school community understand student achievement of the academic standards/expected schoolwide learning results through the curricular/co curricular program. How does the school ensure that the parents and school community understand student achievement of the academic standards/expected school-wide learning results through the curricular/co-curricular program? Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category E]

School to parent communication has greatly increased with the technology available through TeleParent, the improved school website including teacher pages with homework and standards links, as well as school activities and resources. ABI (Aeries Browsers Interface) is the web based program where parents and students may access attendance and academic progress on a 24 hour basis. DataQuest is a website available for all community members and parents to view schoolwide data including academic achievement, standardized test results, demographics, API/AYP information, and English Learner data. Additionally, SOHS performance 171

• • • • • •

Student handbooks, teacher syllabi, teacher websites, Teleparent School Website ABI Data Quest Back to School/Open House informational nights School Accountability Report Card (SARC)

on standardized test is shared with parents and community members at PTSA, ELAC, and SSC meeting. Back to School/Open House night’s present opportunities to see student successes in all departments, as well as extra-curricular presentations. While individual grades may be posted, these nights are intended to showcase work and not detail individual student progress.



School Culture and Student Support Criterion

The school is a) a safe, clean, and orderly place that nurtures learning and b) has a culture that is characterized by trust, professionalism, high expectations for all students, and a focus on continuous school improvement. a) To what extent is the school a safe, clean, and orderly place that nurtures learning? b) To what extent is the culture of the school characterized by trust, professionalism, high expectations for all students, and a focus on continuous school improvement? Safe, Clean, and Orderly Environment

The school has existing policies, regulations and uses its resources to ensure a safe, clean and orderly place that nurtures learning. Comment on your analysis of a) the existing policies and use of resources to ensure a safe, clean and orderly place that nurtures learning and b) all aspects of the school with respect to safety regulations. Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category E]

A. A. • The staff and administration at Sonora High School • strive to improve the academic and physical • environment of the school site on a daily basis. Thanks • to the continued commitment of students, parents, administrators, custodial staff, classified staff, and teachers, our school is a safe, clean and orderly place • that allows learning to be nurtured on every level. As an indoor campus, the school is more protected than • others due to limited doors of entry. Custodial staff maintains the common areas after break and lunch as well as individual classrooms after hours. Additional security keys and lights have been added to the gym, as well as a new sound system and score board. Sonora themed, student drawn murals grace the walls of several department halls that are maintained and • respected by staff and students. The recently added Sonora Café has provided students • with booths and tables conducive to study groups and adds to the school culture with positive messaging on • professional billboards. Many of the clubs and organizations on campus facilitate a safe learning environment by providing positive involvement with special groups. IMPACT Pals provide mentoring for all freshmen students. They • address social concerns with the Cross the Line activity during which students can visually see how many fellow students have experienced difficult life experiences such • as the loss of a parent, and/or engaged in risky behavior 173

Gym improvements Themed murals Sonora Café IMPACT peer mentoring program for all freshmen. Best Buds mentoring program for CBI Explicitly taught safety, health, and organizational lessons in Agriculture, MCA, CBI, Culinary Arts, JROTC, and Science, Athletic/PE classes Athletic teams build trust and teamwork Gary Center interns on site for counseling Programs available to address tobacco prevention and cessation classes are available (TAP/TEG) Conflict mediation available for alternative discipline After school staff and

such as tobacco/drug use. IMPACT also promotes the commitment and good choices messages in other activities including Red Ribbon Week and Step-Up Grade Challenge at the end of the first semester. The Step-Up Grade Challenge encourages students to improve current grades and rewards those that accomplish it with a carnival. Conflict Management offers peer mediation as a precursor/alternative to disciplinary actions such as Saturday School or suspension. The Best Buds Club mentors the special education student in Community Based Instruction (CBI) with activities year round. The school has a La Habra Police Department Special Resource Officer (SRO) assigned to the school site during the school day. Additionally, police officers work games and dances for extra supervision and security. Sonora also has two full time campus security guards. They comb the grounds to ensure that students attend classes and keep trespassers off school grounds. Custodial and campus security staff help keep traffic moving in an orderly and safe fashion in the parking lot before and after school.

peer tutoring available Monday-Thursday School nurse on site to address student needs

B. B. Sonora High School places the utmost importance on safety of all that attend and/or work on campus. While many programs and services uphold the safety regulations, communication remains the key component to ensure that a safe environment is created and maintained. Our student handbook provides every student with detailed information on safety protocols, including code of conduct expectations and directions for all cases of emergency. There are also staff handbooks for disaster preparedness in each classroom along with posted reminders of unsafe items that are prohibited on campus. The disaster preparedness committee prepped each classroom with a flashlight, fire extinguishers, and first aid packs. Administrators visit each 3rd period class at the beginning of the year to go over safety and expected behavior concerns with all students. Practice (both announced and unannounced) drills are held throughout the year for fires, earthquakes, and intruders. These drills improve safety by ensuring the roles and responsibilities are clear in case of emergency. Science and Career and Technical education classes all


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Student handbooks School Resource Officer Security Guards Evacuation plans Safety Committee High expectations of student behavior posted in every classroom Cleanliness is a high priority for staff, security, administration, and custodial staff Fast and effective response to unexpected situations such as the stabbing or unplanned fire evacuations, and power outages of 2009 Updated Teacher

have strict safe practices testing that must be passed before participating in lab activities. Sonora employs a full-time police officer (SRO) as well as two campus supervisors that ensure student orderliness. In addition to keeping the students safe, they also assist with student conflicts, and campus guidance.

Handbooks of Disaster Plans Red Cross Disaster Bags in each classroom with flashlights and supplies for emergencies. Annual Earthquake and Fire Drills to ensure teacher and student readiness

High Expectations/Concern for Students

The school demonstrates caring, concern, and high expectations for students in an environments that honors individual differences and is conducive to learning. To what extent does the school demonstrate caring, concern, and high expectations for students in an environment that honors individual differences and is conducive to learning? Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category E]

One of Sonora High School’s strength is the broad spectrum of course offerings that meet the needs of different learning styles as well as different academic levels of achievement. This includes special programs such as Medical Careers, Agriculture, and AVID as well as IB/AP courses. Sonora High School places a tremendous focus on being a safe and welcoming academic and social environment for all students. For example, ASB leads such activities as Spirit Week, March Olympics, Dancing with the Staff, honorary assemblies for athletic teams, lunch rallies to demonstrate the value of philanthropy and involvement in the community. Sonora’s largest and most significant community outreach program is the Holiday Food Drive. This schoolwide endeavor has grown over its more than 35 year history to its current state which for the last two years has served 120 families with enough food and supplies for a month. High expectations are upheld and rewarded with such recognition as Principal’s Honor Roll and Advisory Board, Student of the Month by department, and Senior Award night. Individual differences are honored in ROP courses, Extravaganza skits, musicals, talent shows, Mr. Sonora night, and other diverse club activities. 175

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AP and IB courses available and encouraged for all Variety of diverse course offerings and programs EL support with SDAIE classes ASB school wide activities Principal’s Honor Roll Principal’s Advisory Board Student of the Month Talent Show, Mr. Sonora Extravaganza World language and ELD skit night Musicals that value the performing arts, Strong participation in over 40 diverse clubs on campus including but not limited to:

The Regional Occupational Program (ROP) continues to provide a wide array of programming for the student body. ROP offers courses in engineering, marine diving, graphic arts and forensic sciences. The ROP plays and important role in the area of Career and Technical education on our campus. A large percentage of our student body is also involved in many different clubs which are both intra and extra curricular at Sonora. The strength of our campus is our organizations which come together on many levels to support the student body, campus and community needs on a year to year bases. Each club addresses different needs and is made up of a vast collection of students from many different backgrounds. As part of Best Buds, general education students are paired up with CBI students. The “best buds” often eat lunch together and participate in extracurricular activities such as dances, BBQs, games, etc. MEChA and Spanish Club, in conjunction with the World Language Department plan and host the Spring Fiesta dance. At this Latino themed dance, students have an opportunity to see their home culture and language legitimized at school while fund-raising to help subsidize the cost of World Language AP tests.

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Federation of Christian Athletes (FCA), Junior Statesmen of America (JSA), National Honor Society (NHS), California Scholarship Federation (CSF), Bible Club, Girls League, Future Farmers of America (FFA), MEChA, Spanish Club, Best Buds, etc. Special Education IEPs Strong ROP program

Atmosphere of Trust, Respect and Professionalism

The school has an atmosphere of trust, respect and professionalism. To what degree is there evidence of an atmosphere of trust, respect and professionalism? Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category E]

The culture and climate of Sonora High School strives to create an atmosphere of trust, respect and professionalism among the staff. Departments work together on common early release days to align curriculum, analyze alignment of standards, establish common assessments, and departmentalized final exams. Cross-curricular assignments have also been designed to interconnect subjects, such as Sophomore research paper. Outside the school day, staff and students participate in school wide events such as the annual Food Drive to help La Habra families in need, Dancing with the Staff (student taught), Lip Sync, Spring Fiesta (the dance hosted by MEChA club and the World Language Department for the Latino Community), etc. 176

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Departmentalized assessments and standards School wide events SIT teams for intervention Professional Learning Communities

Administrative team, staff works collaboratively to create student intervention for conflict resolution outside of the academic environment. Professional Learning Communities have been established to provide staff with time and resources to work together to strengthen individual department needs. The SIT team is composed of counselors, teachers, psychologist, Dean, APs, and classified staff. This team professionally looks at at-risk students’ academic and social history to see what interventions it can recommend.


E3 & 4.

School Culture and Student Support Criterion

All students receive appropriate support along with an individualized learning plan to help ensure academic success. Students have access to a system of personal support services, activities and opportunities at the school and within the community. E3. To what extent do all students receive appropriate support along with an individualized learning plan to help ensure academic success? E4. To what extent do students have access to a system of personal support services, activities and opportunities at the school and within the community? Adequate Personalized Support

The school has available adequate services, including referral services, to support students in such areas as health, career and personal counseling, and academic assistance. To what extent does the school have available adequate services, including referral services, to support students in such areas as health, career and personal counseling, and academic assistance? Evidence [note evidence here or at the end of Findings

Category E]

At Sonora High School, Individual Learning Plans are created in a variety of programs and intervention services. These may include: the guidance-created four year, English Learners, 504, IEPs, IB, AVID, and/or MCA plans. We offer a variety of counseling support services that address social, emotional, and mental well-being. These include an onsite psychologist, referrals to the Gary Center, as well as student-led programs such as IMPACT peer mentoring and Conflict Mediation that promote peer assistance. All teachers are CPR trained. Coaches are both CPR and First Aid certified. Aquatics and PE instructors have an additional water safety certification. A school trainer is also available to attend to sports related injuries or concerns. Sonora is fortunate to have multiple certified nurses on campus. One of the Medical Careers Academy teachers is a Registered Nurse and often responds to emergency, particularly when they occur on her side of


Health Services/Personal Counseling: • School Nurses • Medical Clinic referrals • Gary Center counseling referrals • Onsite psychologist & speech pathologist • IMPACT peer mentoring program • Best Buds • Tobacco Cessation Services • Conflict Mediation by peers • Student Intervention Team (SIT)

the building. We have a Registered Nurse who is assigned to SOHS 40% of the time for referrals and IEPs. Lastly, there is a Licensed Vocational Nurse on site full time. The nurses provide on-site first response medical attention to students. When on-going or more elaborate medical attention is necessary, they provide referrals to outside medical agencies or clinics. In cases of emergency, paramedics are called. Academic assistance is also prevalent on campus through individualized 4 year plans for all, weekly tutoring in the library, career center of information, and specialized courses to address their individual needs. In addition, Sonora High School offers parents the opportunity to participate in an annual individualized meeting with a counselor to review career and educational goals. This meeting allows the staff, parents, and students to come up with a plan that addresses four year program planning, preparation of college applications, information about standardized testing schedules, and/or other post-high school options. Seniors are given practical guidance on completing admission applications, financial aid documents, and other available service. When students need additional help with college, FAFSA, and/or scholarship applications they can go to Advance!, a unique community outreach organization in the City of La Habra. For the non-college bound students the school provides information on career and technical education available as well as ROP and military training as alternative options for students on campus. One member of the counseling staff has a case load of English Learners and recent RFEPs to aid those students with career planning and educational planning. Her efforts are supported by the Dean of Academic Services who oversees the program for English Learners.


Career and Academic Assistance: • Individualized counseling meetings available to parents and students • Senior Plans (parents welcome) • Student Intervention Team (SIT) • Tutoring in the library ~Peer to Peer ~Teacher Assistance • Instructional Resources 1. United Streaming Technology resource 2. ROP 3. AVID program 4. IB Program 5. CAHSEE Boot camps 6. CAHSEE courses 7. JROTC 8. REACH Reading 9. READ 180 10. Math Learning Lab 11. Intro to Algebra Skills 12. Princeton Review Inservice 13. Princeton Review Practice Exams/Class offerings 14. Choice of Programs, including Career and Technical Education 15. Expanded Opportunity for AP Enrollment • Club Rush • EL Coordinator/ Dean of Academic Services • EL Differentiated Instruction • Principal’s Advisory Board • Career Center • Teacher Availability

In reference to the SIT team, teachers have the ability to refer student to the counseling team who are “at risk” due to attendance, behavioral, or academic deficiency. To help these students, the school provides tutoring, facilitates teacher- student communication, and trains students to use organizational and time management strategies to enhance their educational needs. Additionally, possible SIT recommendations may consist of the counseling staff, school psychologist, and/or nurses offering crisis counseling and referrals to outside agencies to help students cope with issues in their lives. On occasion, the SIT may recommend the student be assessed for qualification for Special Education services. Based on data from standardized tests and students “history of achievement,” they are placed in appropriate support classes and programs, such as CAHSEE review, Boot camps and review courses like Advanced Reading and Math Learning Labs. Direct Connections

The school has direct connections between academic standards and expected schoolwide learning results and the allocation of resources to student support services, such as counseling/advisory services, articulation services, and psychological and health services or referral services. How direct are the connections between academic standards and expected school wide learning results and the allocation of resources to student support services, such as counseling/advisory services, articulation services, and psychological and health services or referral services? Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category E]

The direct connection is a tiered program of services which assesses the level of need a student may have and selects the appropriate service(s) for that child. As demonstrated in evidence we have a support staff in place to deal with all the student needs on campus. Those services may be used when necessary and are available in many different forms. The supports service provided directly relate to student achievement and performance and are provided to ensure that a student gets back on track as soon as possible. Depending on 180

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EL Coordinator/Dean of Academic Services School Nurses Gary Center Counseling Onsite psychologist & speech pathologist Special Education Services CBI Program

the severity and urgency of the situation, various levels of aid are available. The listed programs are also in place to serve all our students with special needs. The services are offered to students and their families as the needs arise and the SIT and/or IEP teams feel would be advantageous for the students’ emotional health and academic performance.

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Student Invention team Regional center Community medical clinics

Strategies Used for Student Growth/Development

Strategies are used by the school leadership and staff to develop personalized approaches to learning and alternative instructional options which allow access to and progress in the rigorous standards-based curriculum. Examples of strategies include: level of teacher involvement with all students, a curriculum that promotes inclusion, processes for regular review of student and schoolwide profiles, and processes and procedures for interventions that address retention and redirection. Evaluate the types of strategies used by the school leadership and staff to develop personalized approaches to learning and alternative instructional options which allow access to and progress in the rigorous standards-based curriculum. Examples of strategies include: level of teacher involvement with all students, a curriculum that promotes inclusion, processes for regular review of student and schoolwide profiles, and processes and procedures for interventions that address retention and redirection. Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category E]

Specialized Programs: Students on our campus have the ability to apply to any program they wish to be involved in. In most cases there are no perquisites or measures of student’s ability. Students can choose more than one program and generally after time narrow their scope to one or two on campus. It is promoted within the student body to be involved and most students become apart of some specialized program Counseling: Teachers are the first line of defense offering advice to students. Many teachers/program coordinators advise students about academic choices. Guidance Department service is provided to all students which meet with a member of the staff at least one time during the school year. At that time, counselors review student’s profile and academic performance. If necessary, SIT referral may be made for additional input from other stakeholders. Students take advantage of an “open door” type policy that allows the counselors to be available anytime during the school day so if a student needs help they are their to assist.


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Individualized Learning Plans (the guidancecreated four year, English Learners, 504, IEPs, IB, AVID, and/or MCA plans) Individual and Group counseling Many specialized programs Student Intervention Team Gary Center referrals Alterative programs Referrals to continuation programs such as Opportunity at La Vista or La Sierra High Schools Intervention/Support Classes Unit Recovery

Remedial Academic Services: Teachers offer tutoring both formally (schoolwide tutoring schedule) and informally (per student request and by appointment). Students are periodically evaluated on academic, attendance, and behavioral progress to evaluate students’ placement in alterative programming such as tutoring, intervention/support classes, unit recovery, SIT, alternative/continuing education, Special Education, or other program services offered at the school or by the district. In many cases, when students are referred to alternative/continuing education, they have the option to return to SOHS upon becoming current with graduation requirements. Support Services and Learning

The school leadership and staff ensure that the support services and related activities have a direct relationship to student involvement in learning, e.g., within and outside the classroom, for all students, including the EL, GATE, special education and other programs. To what extent does the school leadership and staff ensure that the support services and related activities have a direct relationship to student involvement in learning, e.g., within and outside the classroom? Particularly, evaluate this with respect to the EL, GATE, special education and other programs. Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category E]

The administrative team collaborates with the staff to create services, within and outside the classroom, that have a direct relationship to student involvement in learning. • Supports Specialized Programs • Created and established CBI, including Autism, Programs • Invites and supports Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE) for EL and Title I parents • Sits on Medical Careers and Agriculture advisory boards • Supports the development and growth of all programs on campus • Supports and establishes an academic atmosphere on campus for all students • Promotes growth in student learning by implementing academic programs that reteach concepts not yet mastered • Continues to offer current AP and IB courses and introduce new ones 182

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IMPACT JROTC AP and IB Medical Careers Agriculture Athletics CBI/Autism Program EL Program PIQE Newly introduced courses-IB film, IB dance, AP Human Geography

Equal Access to Curriculum and Support

All students have access to a challenging, relevant and coherent curriculum. The school regularly examines the demographics and distribution of students throughout the class offerings (e.g., master schedule and class enrollment numbers) and the types of alternative schedules available for repeat or accelerated classes (e.g., summer and class periods beyond the traditional school day). What have you learned about the accessibility of a challenging, relevant and coherent curriculum to all students? What have you learned from examining the demographics and distribution of students throughout the class offerings (e.g., master class schedule and class enrollments)? What type of alternative schedules is available for repeat or accelerated classes (e.g., summer, class periods beyond the traditional school day)? Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category E]

Master schedule development is a collaboration between administration and department chairs Intervention courses and elective classes are offered for all students Thanks to fee waivers/reductions, there has been more access to AP and IB tests for a larger percentage of the student body Zero and 7th period classes are offered for students to have room for elective classes and special program needs such as AVID, JROTC, dance, etc. SOHS and FJUHSD continue to offer a fairly extensive summer school program even during these difficult economic times to help facilitate students’ ability to take relevant courses as part of a coherent curriculum. Classes are offered in Unit Recovery beyond the traditional school day

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ROP Courses Summer programming Advanced Placement Programs “Zero” to 7th Period day

Co-Curricular Activities

School leadership and staff link curricular and co-curricular activities to the academic standards and expected schoolwide learning results. To what extent does the school leadership and staff link curricular and co-curricular activities to the academic standards and expected schoolwide learning results? Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category E]

Many classes, programs, and clubs link curricular and co-curricular activities to academic standards. The connection is embedded in the curriculum as part of the schoolwide learning outcomes such as: Medical Careers, Athletics, Agriculture, JROTC, Girls’ League, IB and many more. Most of the co-curricular activities have a foundation and/or connection to the curriculum


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CSF/NHS clubs provide tutors for peer to peer tutoring days Athletic teams require grade checks and CIF requires 2.0 grade average to participate

(e.g., Health Occupatios Students of America is linked to Medical Careers Academy, Future Farmers of America is linked to Agriculture, Science Olympiad to Science, Speech and Debate is linked to English). The number of students present and participating in activities after the school day has concluded is a testament to their interest in and devotion to the clubs and real world learning.

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FFA Club awards points for community activities The IB diploma requires Creativity, Action, Service (CAS)-150 hours of volunteer work JROTC requires community service

Student Involvement in Curricular/Co-Curricular Activities

The school has an effective process for regularly evaluating the level of student involvement in curricular/co-curricular activities and student use of support services. Comment on the effectiveness of the school process for regularly evaluating the level of student involvement in curricular/co-curricular activities and student use of support services. Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category E]

FFA Because FFA, JROTC, and HOSA all have the coHOSA curricular activities directly tied to the program’s coursework, advisors can effectively evaluate the level of JROTC student participation in their curricular and co-curricular activities. Student Perceptions

The school is aware of the student view of student support services through such approaches as interviewing and dialoguing with student representatives of the school population. Comment on the student view of student support services after interviewing and dialoguing with student representatives of the school population. Evidence [note evidence here or at Findings

the end of Category E]

Student representatives feel supported by the services available. This has been repeatedly communicated at ASB, Principal’s Advisory Board, PTSA, SSC, ELAC, and other meetings. Students also feel comfortable addressing teachers and other staff members, in the classroom and in less formal settings, about their views.

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ASB Principal’s Advisory Board PTSA SSC ELAC District biennial survey

WASC Category E. School Culture and Support for Student Personal and Academic Growth: Supporting Evidence, Strengths, and Growth Needs Category E. School Culture and Support for Student Personal and Academic Growth: Areas of Strength

Committed & Invested Staff o Large percentage of alumni return to teach at SOHS

Plethora of AP and IB offerings

Student Assistant Programs o Spirit related programs such as ASB and IMPACT o Guidance services including referrals to outside agencies o Intervention and Support classes

Community Service o Food Drive o Club/class service projects o CAS (IB)

Community Partnerships o FFA o Medical Careers o AVID o JROTC o Rotary Club

Category E. School Culture and Support for Student Personal and Academic Growth: Areas of Growth Needs

Library Services

Career Center Services

Improved Access to Technology


Website Improvement

Incorporate more Cultural/Ethnically Diverse Events such as Spring Fiesta

Enhance features of school security by considering possible ID badges/lanyards for staff and students

Stronger Introduction to Sonora o 1st day assembly o Alma mater o School pride o Attendance at Athletic/Extracurricular Events

Category E. School Culture and Support for Student Personal and Academic Growth: Supporting Evidence

The Supporting Evidence is included with the Findings as presented above.


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