Sonora WASC Chapter 05

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5 Schoolwide Action Plan 1

Goal 3 (Area of Improvement): Sonora High School will develop and implement a system to support students to learn and achieve grade-level standards in English Language Arts, mathematics, science, and social science.

• •

Self-Study findings indicate a need to support students at risk of not meeting academic proficiency. o Increase the percentage of students school-wide scoring Proficient or better on the CSTs in each content area o Increase the percentage of students in each significant subgroup scoring Proficient or better on the CAHSEE ELA and Math The school recognizes the importance of providing opportunities and classes to support student achievement. EL Students did not meet the District’s Title III AMAOs targets.

Expected School-wide Learning Results Addressed: Communicates Skillfully, Thinks Critically, Behaves Responsibly, and Applies Learning

Yearly Growth Targets: • • • • • •

Increase by 3 percent the number of students school-wide scoring Proficient or better on the CSTs in each content area Increase by 5 percent the number of students in each significant subgroup scoring Proficient or better on the CSTs in each content area Increase by 3 percent the number of students school-wide scoring Proficient or better on the CAHSEE ELA and Math Increase by 5 percent the number of students in each significant subgroup scoring Proficient or better on the CAHSEE ELA and Math Increase by 5 percent the number of EL students meeting the District’s Title III AMAO targets Increase by 3 percent the number of students graduating completing UC/CSU required courses









Review the implementation of student support/interventions and their impact on improving student academic achievement in the following:

See goal #1


Explore the option of adding a formal second year of Read 180 • Determine the number of students that would benefit from a 2nd year • Identify and purchase materials and develop a curriculum and pacing for 2nd year course

Teachers, Department Chairs, APIO, Principal


Provide student academic support through the Guidance Counselor Case Carrier Model • Separate EL and Recent RFEP Counselor • 4 year academic/career planning guide • Student conferences • Grade-level counseling meetings

Guidance Counselors, Dean of Academic Services, APIO, Principal

General Funds

Four year plans Counseling Notes


Guidance meetings Leadership meetings


Expand the afterschool tutoring support in the core academic courses. • Peer Tutoring • Staff Tutoring

Selected Teachers, APPS, APIO

General Funds Title I Funds

Tutoring Schedule and Sign-ins

August, 2011

Department meetings Leadership meetings

Title I Funds EIA-LEP Fund

Master Schedule PLC Minutes Department Minutes Leadership Minutes Site Council Minutes

August, 2012

PLC meetings Department meetings Leadership meetings School Site Council meetings

August, 2013



Continue with the IMPACT Program; designed to provide Impact Mentors (upper classmen) to support freshmen as they transition into high school.

IMPACT Coordinator, APSA, APIO

General Funds

IMPACT Training and Schedule


Leadership meetings


Review the implementation of the Credit Recovery Program and its impact on students getting back on track to graduate.

Credit Recovery Teacher, Counselors, APPS

General Funds

Student Attendance Student Transcripts

August, 2011

Guidance meetings Leadership meetings


Review the implementation of the CAHSEE ELA and Math Support classes for identified students. Revise curriculum. • Review CAHSEE pass rates • Review CAHSEE proficiency rates

Selected Teachers, Selected Department Chairs, APIO

General Funds Title I Funds

Lesson Plans CAHSEE Pass Rates

July, 2012

PLC meetings Leadership meetings School Site Council


Review the goals of the AVID program to better serve SOHS students • Structured tutoring program • Student Identification • Monitoring of student academic progress • Increase the number of AVID students meeting A-G requirements

AVID Coordinator, AVID Tutors, APIO

General Funds CPA Funds Perkins Funds

PLC minutes, AVID Binder

August, 2012

PLC meetings AVID Team meetings


Continue and expand the SLC opportunities available through the International Baccalaureate Program, the Agriculture program, the Medical Careers Academy, and the Culinary Academy. • Explore the possibility of

Department Chairs, Program Coordinators, APIO, Principal

General Funds

PLC minutes, Master Schedule

January, 2012

PLC meetings Leadership meetings

Art Teachers, APIO,

PLC minutes


PLC meetings

developing a Media Technology/Film Production program Develop curriculum and sequence of courses for the Media Technology program


Leadership meetings

10. Work with Washington Middle School and other feeders to articulate core content curriculum • Articulate Math and English content and pacing • Review SLC and other programs available • Articulate with school’s ELAC and other parent groups to familiarize them with high school requirements programs

Department Chairs, Program Coordinators, Dean of Academic Services, APSA, APPS, APIO, Principal

General Funds Title I Funds

Articulation agendas

August, 2013

11. Develop and implement a schoolwide Technology Plan • Conduct a needs assessment • Explore and identify possible funding sources

Computer Technician, Department Chairs, APIO, Principal

General Funds Available Grants

Technology Plan Needs Assessment Grant Applications

December, 2012

12. Parent Communication and Support • Parent Institute for Quality Education • Parent Resource Center • PTSA • Back to School Night • Open House • IB Parent Night • Ag Parent Night and FFA • Medical Careers Academy Parent Night • Increase usage of ABI • Website

Teachers, Department Chairs, Dean of Academic Services, APSA, APPS, APIO, Principal

General Funds Title I Funds EIA-LEP Funds

Brochures, Website, Agendas, Sign-in Sheets, Teleparent usage data, ABI usage data, meeting minutes

September, 2011 December, 2011 Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing November, 2011 Ongoing


Articulation meetings Leadership meetings

Leadership meetings School Site Council meetings

PLC meetings Department meetings School Site Council meetings ELAC meetings PTSA meetings Booster meetings Leadership meetings

• • • • •

Teleparent Spotlight Newsletter School and Program Brochures Feeder and private school visits Twitter

Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing August, 2011


Goal 3 (Area of Improvement): Sonora High School will develop and implement a system to support students to learn and achieve grade-level standards in English Language Arts, mathematics, science, and social science.

• •

Self-Study findings indicate a need to support students at risk of not meeting academic proficiency. o Increase the percentage of students school-wide scoring Proficient or better on the CSTs in each content area o Increase the percentage of students in each significant subgroup scoring Proficient or better on the CAHSEE ELA and Math The school recognizes the importance of providing opportunities and classes to support student achievement. EL Students did not meet the District’s Title III AMAOs targets.

Expected School-wide Learning Results Addressed: Communicates Skillfully, Thinks Critically, Behaves Responsibly, and Applies Learning

Yearly Growth Targets: • • • • • •

Increase by 3 percent the number of students school-wide scoring Proficient or better on the CSTs in each content area Increase by 5 percent the number of students in each significant subgroup scoring Proficient or better on the CSTs in each content area Increase by 3 percent the number of students school-wide scoring Proficient or better on the CAHSEE ELA and Math Increase by 5 percent the number of students in each significant subgroup scoring Proficient or better on the CAHSEE ELA and Math Increase by 5 percent the number of EL students meeting the District’s Title III AMAO targets Increase by 3 percent the number of students graduating completing UC/CSU required courses









Review the implementation of student support/interventions and their impact on improving student academic achievement in the following:

See goal #1


Explore the option of adding a formal second year of Read 180 • Determine the number of students that would benefit from a 2nd year • Identify and purchase materials and develop a curriculum and pacing for 2nd year course

Teachers, Department Chairs, APIO, Principal


Provide student academic support through the Guidance Counselor Case Carrier Model • Separate EL and Recent RFEP Counselor • 4 year academic/career planning guide • Student conferences • Grade-level counseling meetings

Guidance Counselors, Dean of Academic Services, APIO, Principal

General Funds

Four year plans Counseling Notes


Guidance meetings Leadership meetings


Expand the afterschool tutoring support in the core academic courses. • Peer Tutoring • Staff Tutoring

Selected Teachers, APPS, APIO

General Funds Title I Funds

Tutoring Schedule and Sign-ins

August, 2011

Department meetings Leadership meetings

Title I Funds EIA-LEP Fund

Master Schedule PLC Minutes Department Minutes Leadership Minutes Site Council Minutes

August, 2012

PLC meetings Department meetings Leadership meetings School Site Council meetings

August, 2013



Continue with the IMPACT Program; designed to provide Impact Mentors (upper classmen) to support freshmen as they transition into high school.

IMPACT Coordinator, APSA, APIO

General Funds

IMPACT Training and Schedule


Leadership meetings


Review the implementation of the Credit Recovery Program and its impact on students getting back on track to graduate.

Credit Recovery Teacher, Counselors, APPS

General Funds

Student Attendance Student Transcripts

August, 2011

Guidance meetings Leadership meetings


Review the implementation of the CAHSEE ELA and Math Support classes for identified students. Revise curriculum. • Review CAHSEE pass rates • Review CAHSEE proficiency rates

Selected Teachers, Selected Department Chairs, APIO

General Funds Title I Funds

Lesson Plans CAHSEE Pass Rates

July, 2012

PLC meetings Leadership meetings School Site Council


Review the goals of the AVID program to better serve SOHS students • Structured tutoring program • Student Identification • Monitoring of student academic progress • Increase the number of AVID students meeting A-G requirements

AVID Coordinator, AVID Tutors, APIO

General Funds CPA Funds Perkins Funds

PLC minutes, AVID Binder

August, 2012

PLC meetings AVID Team meetings


Continue and expand the SLC opportunities available through the International Baccalaureate Program, the Agriculture program, the Medical Careers Academy, and the Culinary Academy. • Explore the possibility of

Department Chairs, Program Coordinators, APIO, Principal

General Funds

PLC minutes, Master Schedule

January, 2012

PLC meetings Leadership meetings

Art Teachers, APIO,

PLC minutes


PLC meetings

developing a Media Technology/Film Production program Develop curriculum and sequence of courses for the Media Technology program


Leadership meetings

10. Work with Washington Middle School and other feeders to articulate core content curriculum • Articulate Math and English content and pacing • Review SLC and other programs available • Articulate with school’s ELAC and other parent groups to familiarize them with high school requirements programs

Department Chairs, Program Coordinators, Dean of Academic Services, APSA, APPS, APIO, Principal

General Funds Title I Funds

Articulation agendas

August, 2013

11. Develop and implement a schoolwide Technology Plan • Conduct a needs assessment • Explore and identify possible funding sources

Computer Technician, Department Chairs, APIO, Principal

General Funds Available Grants

Technology Plan Needs Assessment Grant Applications

December, 2012

12. Parent Communication and Support • Parent Institute for Quality Education • Parent Resource Center • PTSA • Back to School Night • Open House • IB Parent Night • Ag Parent Night and FFA • Medical Careers Academy Parent Night • Increase usage of ABI • Website

Teachers, Department Chairs, Dean of Academic Services, APSA, APPS, APIO, Principal

General Funds Title I Funds EIA-LEP Funds

Brochures, Website, Agendas, Sign-in Sheets, Teleparent usage data, ABI usage data, meeting minutes

September, 2011 December, 2011 Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing November, 2011 Ongoing


Articulation meetings Leadership meetings

Leadership meetings School Site Council meetings

PLC meetings Department meetings School Site Council meetings ELAC meetings PTSA meetings Booster meetings Leadership meetings

• • • • •

Teleparent Spotlight Newsletter School and Program Brochures Feeder and private school visits Twitter

Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing August, 2011


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