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'Globe literature Green

enosh2.— Unit 1: Priorities

N-wo roads diverged In a wood, and F .1 took the one less traveled by. And that Fax made all the difference.' —Robert Frost

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Nam -


513612d: WELL_ Teach Mrs. Teleda Dew Date: 310chobm 2008


11 11e.cc


1 1 1frio Cennechon. ( cnr: alwaysTarf and follow dines-110nsin book) team About Sett iaotic foreign loCattors are Mtmenmes the setting for Modes or films The Germs in Me man im portantBibemuse (NOTE: ate complete sentences; use fa mosemportant wards of the election in tlrelectiow: r Your sentences)

I. The Stern takes phew in west Texas, near tile Mexican border.

a The narrator [Miss the awn men are feed merMants

The munterman PM thought that the two men was on mina awn he saw their shouldei holsters as they leaned on the counts' to look al the map. The narratoch first ImprmsiOn that the COUnterman is a "loser" was Wrong He is a th but he didn't ant to give them 5. The counien -nan probe* had a navesmap than the One he gave the men, en anything that might have made them suspicious about the nOmethstert liattett Bridge. bridge. The twO men cub the telephone line to prevent the counterman and nartatot from calluss The last sentence helps maintain the stords suspense because nothing makes sense unit w read the yew last wed neither! eaten's. the senterce, bit the whole Mormisficm on a new rimming. Mow bemuse the narrator 11 first person point of view stacks well i n this stow, we are quickly drawn imc pat of S. Y. there is a hint in the fourth Parag raph abautthesu ntrfse ending n th is paragraph the narrator tells us net to leer too sad" for the losers" of the ...odd. Its a hint the counterman is not e loser. 1W If I had teen tile counterman. I Play have been very nervous after Seeing the shoulder hoLster, but l would have malniained a Cool head like he did and tried figun n6 out quickly what ba do to prevent any trouble. MMAjgol. I

• (NOTE ritecomplete seances; use the mostbnpxtmt weds of the prestan in yaw


I. We learn thesetting of Whe Gethwa y " in the nth paragraph of the stony 2. The geographic location of We story is important becauSe Its to nne to the Mexican Corder. 7. The restaurant es impudent as a setting for this story became it's located in a vent lonely and desolate place which becomes important as the story Unfolds port of the plftt ol th s tHy Demuse Me counterman uses his famrity with the area to Seteng animNi outsmart the olmtnals The enmlnals have to rely on him for knOwiedge on how to reach Mexico t because It Mikes O hne " tang alter is PP P Ill which creates a zaee ci yes, Meisimportan time is story IB M S place is Develop Your Voc sbula rf (NOa S l read and ickw Sectl°^5 b°±)

1. far swan mother 5 tum ef off

Original Sentencev I He had a tearaway look in hw eyes.

4 binernits

2 The mad 7.1g7a95 we er Ste mountain pass 3 The ficaeffer Wil into the hole

6 WI riQ!fier35101)an IS NeY5 you can use at the ice clew factor)" 7 Hy father- m.12w stll otmo d that she Marry a nOblealarn fl It was Imp:Mann() her om 9 ilstflines ate often m disrepair au A 1216cab p aware teddy ass buffalo npltel.

Globe Literature Green level: Unit 'I Asslenments 15 sea ts


earn ISIOn Read h he !Growing stars air complete all of the assignments on sots own paper. Attach Vas 5reet to the front of you work. nite:you romple y earn dearly on yo paper: nd write neatly and this assignment. you will take an in-da ys assessment. Note: Each astnmenE (COmpletea va be discretion' bran ISM S>dy51 ffmaMber on b"le blank A rent

1. "The Bet째 - Page 4 Read `learn About Setting"- Page I. Complete the Writing Oonneclion: Read `Understand the Selection" - Page 10

A ll5W elgt cans #1-10 (10 complete sentences); r. Read 'Think About Setting"- Page II

d. Rear "Develop Your Vocabulary. - Pagel! I Complete section (4 multple theuee and 8 sentences)'.

2. "Lather and Nothing Else"- Page 19 Read "undersband The Selection"- Page 20 I. Answer Quaions *I-10 (10 complete senten): Read Isriline About Fiction"- Page 21 C. Rer/ "Develop Your Vocabulary째 -Page 21 I. Complete Section (8 identifyi ng Yen Or tun and 6 ssnIetlIC): I.

A nswer QUeSOODS#1-4

3. The Oath of Athenian Youth"- Page 27 a Reatl 째Learn Aleut Point of Vlore - Page 36

I Complete the Writing annectlon: b. Read Understand the Selection - - Page 22 I. 415V ier Qua-dons .01-10 (10 com PlelE sentences); c Read Think About Point a l/leer - Page 29 Answer QUGGti0115 #1-4:

d. Read ' IDevelop Your Vocabulary - Page IS 1. Complete Sec on (5 nouns and 5 sentences)! 4 ^The Necklace"- Page 3 t Read "Learn About Character- Page 30 I Complete the writing Connecttlya Read "understand The Selectlor - Page 40 I Answer Queens #140 (10 complete sentences): c. Read 'Think almut Character - Page 41 I. Nurser alettiODS #1-5:

I. Crimples Section (6 synonyms and 6 senteno)'.

5. "Polar Night"- Page 47 o Read "Learn About Theme" - Page 46 I. Complete the Writing ConneWon b. Read "Understand The Selection" - Page S4 i. Answer Questions A 1-10 110 complete sentences): E. Complete -13. pond to Literatu r e" - bottom of Page 54 (1 paragraph): d. Read "Think About Theme Page 55 I. Answer QuesanS a by 6. "TO NOW Fear - Pages 57-58 Read "Learn About Speaker - Page 56

I. Complete the Writing Ganef-tow Read Untlersiand The Selection" - Page 60 I. Answer Cue5130nS #1-1D CO complete sentences): c. Read "Think About The Speaker- Page 61 I. Answer Coeval:GCS

d. Read "Devekaa Your vocabulary"- Page 61 I. Complete Section (12 den nlhons) 7. "The Scarlet Ibis"- Page 62 Read "Learn About Symbolism"- Page 62 I. Complete the Wising Cormation• Read - understand The Selection" - Page 76 I. Answer QUethons #11 13 (10 complete sentences): Read "Think About Symbolism" - Page 77 Answer Questions #1-5. Read "Develop y our vocabulary"- Page 77 Complete Section (3 definitionS and 3 sentences). 8. "The Monkey's Paw" - Page 79 Reed "Learn About Chni x"- Page

i. Complete be Writing Connection: Read Understand The Selection" • Page 96 Answer QuesbonS th1-101,10 compkte sentencw c Read "Think About Climax a Page 97 9. Build Language Skills - Page 99 Complete voc.ab 1 ry CA. Complete Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics #1-10 Green Globe Unit 1 Writing Process

Compare and Contrast Literary Elements in a Short Story Wren P ao.019 ° wage ws tine, they often examine the elements of literature that apply You have

sludied selkng, character abl, and theme You can flaw use these to an al pa the selections that you have

choose two Selections that you feel strongty about—either in a positive a a negative way Compere and contrast the two selections you chose to make a pent aboul your opinion

Look at the model below It Is pad of one student's compadson of plot ei rThe Necklace" and "Leber and Nothing Else TiootIce how often the wrier keeps us loaned on Me library eleglenrplot

" rim Mho the ot r 1 The lot of mthe 71ectlacer• isens The mbar has mate us share the feelings of the characters 3. We enjoy the exaMmeni of the ball and the 2 torture of being the necidam 4 We Share the drudgery eel the work MatImide does to earn money or the necklace i We share her shock in chscovenng that the necklace was a fake 6 Each event Is described so and build le a realistically that we find ourselvesinvolved in in the plot 7 A well-wrrIten plot should begin i s lie Necklace: 9 In fad, the climax is the end of the what happens rg powabl climax 8 This is certainly story. so that its full inipact stays with you 10 The plot of 'Lather and Nothing Else° doesn't seem to have a Pima, 11 There are Pipivr acluai events. and these do not bold upon eachoder m any way leading to a climax 12 The end of be story p s too Prague arid lacks the impact of a surmise ending 13 In tether and Nothing Else: there are fewer events and I thrnk this is why I didn't hke the story as much 14 Most of the story Involves the complicated thoughts and feelings of the main character I It is interesting to wonder how he will finally decide. but I prefer the exciting everts ant aMbh or The 9e0171050


Make a Chart

You heve to organize your indi gnation and ideas before you begin to wr y& One way to do this Is tomake a chart A chart MP help you to Me sure that you include a IP of your ideas and opinions In your %viten companson. The chart below shows one way informatIon br the model paragraph might be °winged. It is Only a Partiatoad because the model shows only one pen of a larger wdtten comparison. Look et the (Mart Compare It to the model,

!oral, E emen


ecklace plot well. constructed: axenng events. surprise ending

"Lather and


Nothing Else" unexciting.. few aduel events.

I preferred "Necklace

ending rather flat no real chmax

Your Tom The first task in this wallop assignment is to choose try shod soles you will compere, focusing on one of the following elements setting, character, plot or theme Use the aJrform below to organize be i remotion you mM use in your companson I the two selectee&



Write Your First Draft Wore the first draft W your corn parison on your ewn papw Remember to use your ideas and examples from the clin g you may awange this Inky-nabs/lin any order y bat occur to yen The guidelines hsled below wilr CAC yOu 43 organize end write yr,

If Topic Sentence SO3 yr Topic Sentence rodu :BS your paragraph's ma in idea rnl ydelne names or both short n ra Ws stories the literary elemeem rr which you w.11 rows your nompensan. and your opinion 0 k tlw AIAnL_1 11ance

S Supporting Santo nces Wits at least 8 supnoning sentences that surdron your IDP nenters e Use Serails I/ 24C model pa rag raph'S upprtIng sentences I escwpdon, examples andrar reasons peeks

final sentence wraps up your paragraph nook a t thn model pare apps nonCluthon /5 concluding Sentent y TIA se n C•

Phechemos Use correct sen paragraph

punoteben canitalwabon end sped,

oughout entire

RO Total Points


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