North Basin Coating NB-1000 Polyester Data Sheet Mechanical Properties: TEST Thickness Gloss according to Gardner 60 ASTM D 523 Cross hatch adhesion ASTM D 3359 method B Mandrel bending test ASTM D 522 Cupping ISO 1520 Impression hardness according to Buch-holz ISO 2815 Impact test ASTM D 2794-90 1/10 in Distortion Pencil hardness ASTM D 3363 Drill mill test Saltspray resistance test ASTM B 117-90 Humidity resistance ASTM D 2247-87
NB-1000 GLOSSY SURFACE 2.5 - 3.5 mils/ 60-90 microns
NB-1000 NB-1000 SEMI-GLOSS MAT SURFACE SURFACE 2.5 - 3.5 mils/ 2.5 - 3.5 mils/ 60 - 90 microns 60 - 90 microns
80 - 90
55 - 70
15 - 25
pass 100 %
pass 100 %
pass 100 %
1/8 in/3 mm
5/32 in/4 mm
3/16 in/5 mm
5/16 in/8 mm
1/4 in/7mm
3/16 in/7 mm
up to 160 in/lbs
up to 160 in/lbs
up to 160 in/lbs
2 H (min.)
2 H (min.)
2 H (min.)
ok 1500 h test, max undercutting 1/16 in/1 mm 1500 h test, max blisters 1/16 in/1 mm
1500 h test, 1500 h test, max undercutting max undercutting 1/16 in/1 mm 1/16 in/1 mm 1500 h test, max blisters 1/16 in/1 mm
1500 h test, max blisters 1/16 in/1 mm
Our verbal and written recommendations for the use of our products are based upon experience and in accordance with present technological standards. These are given in order to support the buyer or user. They are non-committal and do not create any additional commitments to the purchase agreement. They do not release the buyer from verifying the suitability of our products for the intended application. This standard form substitutes any and all previous standard forms and notes for customers published on this subject matter. North Basin Coating (806)894-1531 Fax – (806)894-8181 P.O. Box 730 Levelland, TX 79336