Resume Marc J. Rogoff

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MARC J. ROGOFF, PH.D. Education M.B.A., University of Tampa, Finance, 1986 Ph.D., Michigan State University, Resource Development, 1979 M.S., Cornell University, Soil Science, 1975 B.S., Cornell University, Environmental Science, 1973 Professional Licenses Certified Environmental Professional, CEP No. 322 Qualified Environmental Professional, QEP, No. 4970062 Professional Affiliations American Public Works Association Chair, Solid Waste Management Committee, 2005-2008 Sustainability Committee Executive Committee, West Florida Branch 2006-2008 Executive Board, West Coast Branch, 2005-2008 Solid Waste Association of North America Director, Florida Sunshine Chapter, 2002National Professional Certification Board, 2000Director, Collection and Transfer Technical Division, 2006-2009 Waste-to-Energy Technical Division Director, 1984-2001 International Corporate Director (Consulting), 1993-1999, 2007Technical Program Co-Chair, NAWTEC, 1996-2001 Technical Newsletter Editor, "Talking Trash", Florida Sunshine Chapter, 19932001 City of St. Petersburg, Florida, Brownfields Citizens Task Force, 1998-2001 Hillsborough County, Florida, Brownfields Citizens Task Force, 1998-2001 National Advisory Council on Environmental Policy and Technology, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2000-2003 Honors and Awards Meritorious Service Award, Florida West Coast Branch, APWA, 2007 Florida Sunshine Chapter Solid Waste Association of North America Professional Achievement Award, 2006 Outstanding Contribution, 1992, 1993, 1999 Resume

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Distinguished Service Award, 1991 Professional Achievement Award, Solid Waste Association of North America, 1991 Who's Who in America, 1998 Professional Experience Dr. Rogoff has over 25 years of experience in solid waste management as a public agency manager and consultant. He has managed more than 200 consulting assignments across the United States on literally all facets of solid waste management including, waste collection studies, facility feasibility assessments, facility site selection, property acquisition, environmental permitting, operation plan development, solid waste facility benchmarking; ordinance development, solid waste plans, financial assessments, rate studies/audits, development of construction procurement documents, bid and RFP evaluation, contract negotiation, and bond financings. Dr. Rogoff has directed engineer's feasibility reports for nearly two dozen public works projects totaling more than $1.2 billion in project financings. He has interacted with bond rating agencies, financial advisors, insurance underwriters and investment bankers involved in these financings. His efforts have included the development of detailed spreadsheet rate models establishing the financial feasibility of each projects, long-term economic forecasts, and projected rate impact upon project users and customers. During the course of his governmental and consulting career, Dr. Rogoff has directed or conducted more than two dozen solid waste system rate analyses and delivered testimony before city councils and county commissions regarding their impact on customers. Example project experience includes: Landfill Charlotte County, Florida, Landfill Design. Dr. Rogoff directed a multi-year program to permit an innovative landfill design for the Zemel Road Landfill in Charlotte County. This new design resulted in $70 million in gross revenue savings to the County in landfill operations, an additional 14 years of landfill life. This project received a national Gold Excellence Award from the Solid Waste Association of North America. Further, he managed design studies that resulted in the siting, permitting, and construction of the Zemel Road Mini-Transfer Station and the East Englewood Mini-Transfer and Recycling Facility. He also directed the development of a business plan for the implementation of a construction and demolition landfill and development of an overall benchmarking assessment program. Charlotte County, Florida, Capital Improvements Program. Project Director for a multi-year capital improvements program for Charlotte County's solid waste system. Projects currently involved with include: assessment of alternative landfill cover materials; completion of the Title V permit renewal; development of the Title V annual operating report; landfill life assessment; design of an expansion to the East Charlotte Mini-Transfer Station; evaluation of biosolids handling process at the Zemel Road Landfill; and design of scalehouse and entrance road improvements to the Zemel Road Landfill. Polk County, Florida, Landfill Impact Evaluation. Project Manager for an evaluation of impacts at Polk County's North Central Landfill due to the proposed increase of water levels in Lake


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Hancock by the Southwest Florida Water Management District. This project is assessing proposed mitigation alternatives and life cycle costs of each alternative. Pinellas County, Florida, Solid Waste Management Consulting Services. Project Director for a multi-year, continuing services, solid waste management consulting contract with Pinellas County, Florida. Major projects have included five-year renewal of the Operation Permit and the industrial wastewater NPDES permit for the 700-acre Bridgeway Acres Landfill site, modification of the surface water and leachate management plan for the site including improvements to the slurry wall and leachate collection system, design of a customer drop-off center; completion of the annual financial responsibility reports, and renewal of the long-term care permit for the closed Toytown Landfill. St. John's County, Florida, Solid Waste Management Consulting Services. Project Director for a multi-year, continuing services, solid waste management consulting contract with St. Johns County, Florida. Projects included design, permitting, and construction services for closure of formerly unlined landfill cells and lined expansion of the County's landfill. Orange County, Florida, Solid Waste Management Consulting Services. Project Director for a multi-year, continuing services, solid waste management consulting contract with Orange County, Florida. Projects included design, permitting, and construction services for lined expansion of the County's Class I landfill and landfill gas recovery along with unlined expansion of Class III cells, closure cost estimates and financial responsibility reports.. Solid Waste Facilities Island County, Washington, Transfer Station and Drop Off Station Operational Assessment. Project Manager for operation assessment and benchmarking of two 200 tpd transfer stations and four citizen drop-off stations. Charlotte County, Florida, Design and Permitting of a Transfer Station. Project Director for the re-construction and retrofit of a 200 tpd transfer station with recycling drop-off facility, household hazardous waste collection, and “swap shop”. Escambia County, Florida, Single Stream Recycling Facility. Project Director for evaluation of conversion of “dirty MRF” into a single-stream, recycling facility. Escambia County, Florida, Transfer Station Analysis. Project Manager for evaluation of transfer station alternatives for the Emerald Coast Utility Authority (ECUA). Charlotte County, Florida, West Charlotte Mini-Transfer Station Renovations. Project Director for West Charlotte mini-transfer station renovations, Charlotte County, Florida. Charlotte County, Florida, Scalehouse Improvements. Project Manager for Zemel Road MiniTransfer Station and Scalehouse Improvements, Charlotte County, Florida. Charlotte County, Florida, Permitting Assistance. Project Manager for the East Englewood Mini- Transfer and Recycling Facility, Charlotte County, Florida. This study included


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identification of feasible sites, zoning and permitting assistance, construction plans and specifications, bidding assistance, and construction monitoring. Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County, Florida, Design Analysis and Siting Evaluation. Project Manager for Preliminary Design Analysis and Siting Evaluation for Proposed Glades Solid Waste Transfer Station and South County Transfer Station Evaluation for the Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County. Pasco County, Florida. Project Manager for the East Pasco Solid Waste Transfer Station and Recycling Center for Pasco County, Florida. Pinellas County, Florida, Transfer Station Evaluation. Project Manager for evaluation of north county transfer station needs and financial costs, Pinellas County, Florida. City of Lakeland, Florida, Feasibility Study. Project Manager for a feasibility study evaluating the need for a materials recovery and processing facility for the City of Lakeland, Florida. Orange County, Florida, Solid Waste Administration Facility Assessment. Project Manager for a needs assessment of a solid waste administration facility, Orange County, Florida. Solid Waste Studies City of Lakeland, Florida, Automated Collection Alternatives Study, Project Manager for citywide program to assess the feasibility of a residential (43,000 customers), residential automated collection program. Conducted detailed anlaysis of cost savings and transition plan. Escambia County, Florida, Modification of Commercial Franchise Collection Program, Project Manager for comprehensive examination of existing frnachise agreement, stakeholder meetings, and working with County Attorney to draft amended agreements. Escambia County, Florida, Commercial Franchise Charlotte County, Florida, Collection Audit Study. Project Manager for an audit of the franchise collector's co-collection program (commercial and residential) to identify the percent split for billing at the landfill. He also managed a separate audit program to evaluate setout rates for refuse, recyclables and yard waste. Multiple Counties in Florida, Solid Waste Consulting Services. Project Manager for comprehensive solid waste consulting services for Brevard, Broward, Lake, Orange, Palm Beach, Pasco, Pinellas and Sarasota Counties and the City of Tampa. These services included preparing environmental assessments, facility feasibility assessments, permit applications, electrical power plant siting applications, solid waste master plans, rate studies, procurement documents, and construction monitoring programs. Pinellas County, Florida, Waste Composition Sampling Study. Project Manager for comprehensive four-season, waste composition sampling study for Pinellas County, Florida.


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City of Lakeland, Florida, Solid Waste Consulting Services. Project Manager for comprehensive solid waste consulting services for the City of Lakeland, Florida. These included solid waste planning efforts to analyze the City's existing solid waste collection program. He assisted the City in implementing a pilot automated collection program, evaluating the feasibility of developing a roll off service program, street sweeping disposal facility, and assisting City employees in preparing an employee bid for recycling services. City of Lakewood, California, "Evergreen" Solid Waste Collection Review. Task Manager for review of an "evergreen" solid waste collection contract in the City of Lakewood, California. Osceola County, Florida, Solid Waste Collection Franchise Program. Project Manager for a solid waste collection franchise program in Osceola County, Florida, which included a feasibility study and collection ordinance development. Cook County, Georgia, MSW Recycling Management Plan Development. Project Manager for development of the MSW Recycling Management Plan Cook County Recycling Program for Cook County, Georgia. Orange County, Florida, Financial Responsibility. Project Manager for financial responsibility cost estimates for the Orange County, Florida solid waste system. Orange County, Florida, Alternative Solid Waste Collection Services. Project Manager of request for proposals for alternative solid waste collection services by franchise haulers, Orange County, Florida. City of Inverness, Florida, Sanitation System Analysis. Project Manager for the City of Inverness, Florida's analysis of sanitation and yard waste system. Osceola Power Limited Partnership, Biomass Fuel Study. Project Manager for the Biomass Fuel Study for Osceola Cogeneration Project. This 20 county effort to evaluate biomass sources for a privatized, electrical cogeneration facility was prepared for the Osceola Power Limited Partnership/ Solid Waste Rate Studies Dr. Rogoff has extensive experiences in completing financial studies and analyses of public works systems, including solid waste systems, water and wastewater utilities, park and recreation facilities, military base operations, and municipal street light programs. He has developed rate models that allow solid waste providers to evaluate variable cost of service rates and determination of appropriate rates of return for franchised or privatized operations. He has worked with a variety of clients to develop changes in solid waste collection operations to improve revenue funding and budgetary goals. Escambia County, Florida, ECUA Valuation Study. Project Manager for analysis of ECUA collection system and to develop an economic value of fixed assets, rolling stock, and customer accounts.


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Escambia County, Florida, Landfill Valuation Study. Project Director/Manager for conducting an economic valuation study analyzing the long-term income stream of the facility as well as fixed assets (land, buildings, facilities). Island County, Washington. Operational Assessment and Benchmarking Study. Project Manager of an assessment of County’s solid Waste transfer system. Study involved benchmarking of staffing and financial areas (operations costs, required reserves) with similar facilities nationally For more than 100 projects across the United States, Dr. Rogoff has provided comprehensive financial studies and analyses services including: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Financial Planning Feasibility Studies Capital Equipment Needs Projections Operational Efficiency Evaluations Asset Valuation Annual Budgeting Cost of Service Studies Benchmarking Assessments Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Program Renewal and Replacement Funds Financial Assurance for Waste Facility Closures Rate Structure Design and Evaluation Collection and Tipping Fee Rates Rate Modeling Revenue Financing Strategies Independent Engineers Reports for Bond Financing Review of Privatization Opportunities

Recent rate and cost of service studies include the following: • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


City/Borough of Juneau, Alaska Matanuska- Susitna Borough, Alaska City of Pasadena, California City of Brooksville, Florida City of Dunedin, Florida City of Lakeland, Florida City of Madeira Beach. Florida City of Pensacola, Florida City of Port Arthur, Florida City of Santa Maria, California Charlotte County, Florida Escambia County, Florida Imperial County, California Island County, Washington

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Oklahoma Environmental Management Authority. Oklahoma Orange County, Florida Southside Hampton Roads, Virginia

Public Works Planning and Engineering Hillsborough County, Florida, Strategic Plan for Traffic Systems and Americans in Disability Act , Project Manager for system wide assessment of the impact of current and proposed changes to the ADA on the traffic program for County. Hillsborough County, Florida, Street Lighting Rate Study, Project Manager for rate study of current operations of a 120,000 customer system (largest program in the Southeast United States) and assessment of non-ad valorem special assessment of residential street lighting. Gwinnett County, Georgia, Street Lighting Policy Study. Project Manager for comprehensive analysis of current County program, including staffing, prioritization of needs, rate structure and funding of future facilities. Hillsborough County, Florida, Industrial Water Use Assessment. Project Manager for countywide assessment and plan of industrial water use in Hillsborough County, Florida. This program includes an analysis of water conservation alternatives and financial incentives for the County's largest water users. Hillsborough County, Florida, Development of Inventory of Water Use. Project Manager for development of an inventory of water and electric use of major public facilities operated by Hillsborough County, Florida. This task included development of a specialized software product to assist the county in analyzing water and electric use. Southwest Florida Water Management District, Technology Assessment. Project Manager of a technology assessment of a document management system which can be utilized by the SWFWMD for permitting stormwater management facilities. Manatee County, Florida, Advanced Treatment Process. Project Manager of advanced treatment processes for removal of natural organic matter and algal exudates at the Manatee County, Florida Water Treatment Facility. Hillsborough County, Florida, Traffic Sign Management Program. Project Manager of a traffic sign management program. The retroreflectivity of the County's 100,000+ traffic signs was measured using statistical samples and GIS software. Multiple Counties in Florida, Continuity of Government Operations. Project Manager of continuity of government operations (COOP) plans and terrorism annex plans for Bay, Indian River, Martin, and St. Lucie Counties in Florida. These efforts included feasibility analysis of alternative relocation buildings for the major responder agencies in all five communities. Hillsborough County, Florida, Residential Street Lighting Plan. Project Manager for development of a residential street lighting plan in Hillsborough County, Florida. This work


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effort included an analysis of current non ad valorem rate structures, drafting new county ordinances, and public education programs for street lighting upgrades. Hillsborough County, Florida, Standard Operating Procedures Manual. Project Manager of standard operating procedures manuals for the Traffic Division in Hillsborough County, Florida. This included a review of existing policies and procedures, specifications, reports, and forms. Pensacola Naval Air Station, Florida, A-76 RFP Response. Group Leader that assisted an employee team at the Public Works Center at the Pensacola Naval Air Station in responding to an A-76 RFP. This effort included an assessment of mission essential staffing, technology to optimize this staffing level, and to prepare a final bid, Multiple Counties and Cities in Florida, Community Visioning & Public Opinion Surveys. Project Manager for community visioning and public opinion surveys in Polk and Sarasota Counties and the Cities of Oldsmar, Seminole and Tarpon Springs, Florida. In particular, was responsible for conducting workshops the public decision makers on annual and five year goal setting plans. Miami-Dade County, Florida, Efficiency Study. For the Miami-Dade County, Florida Water and Sewer Department, conducted an efficiency study of departmental operations that resulted in business plan for control of overall ratepayer costs and scheduling of capital improvement investments to address water and sewer needs. Hillsborough County, Florida, Community-wide Asset Inventory. Project Manager for development of a community wide asset inventory of park facilities in Hillsborough County, Florida. Waste- To-Energy Dr. Rogoff has extensive experience in the development of waste-to-energy projects from the initial feasibility to commercial operations monitoring. He has conducted bond feasibility studies, operations assessments, and provided recommendation on key procurement issues. Dr. Rogoff has conducted feasibility studies on more than 50 facilities worldwide. The following projects are illustrative of the breadth of his experience. City of Marion, Iowa, Economic Assessment of Plasma Arc Gasification, Task Manager for development of a pro forma economic model to analyze operational and capital costs of a 525 tpd plasma arc gasification facility. Borough and City of Juneau, Alaska, Plasma Arc Gasification and WTE Feasibility Assessment, Project Manager for technology assessment of a proposed plasma arc gasification and WTE alternatives for disposal of 100 tpd MSW and biosolids. America Samoa Power Authority (ASPA), Waste to Energy Feasibility Assessment. Project Manager for comprehensive assessment of waste-to-energy opportunities for 150 ton per day facility including assessment of feasible technologies, market assessment, procurement options, and Pro Forma economic analysis.


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Conduit Capital Partners, New York, Technology Assessment of Proposed Andres WTE Project, Project Manager for technology assessment and pro forma economic modelining of proposed WTE project. South Hampton Roads Planning Commission, Virginia, Master Plan Development and System Assessment, Task Manager for development of a pro form economic model to analyze 30 year impacts of expanded development of a regional landfill, WTE, and development of individual eight municipal programs. Pinellas County, Florida, Expansion Assessment. Project Manager for assessment of expansion needs for the Pinellas County Waste-to-Energy Facility. Orange County, Florida, Master Plan Technology Assessment. Task Manager of a waste-toenergy technology assessment as a component of a solid waste master plan for Orange County, Florida. This assessment evaluated current viability of the incineration and energy recovery technologies, current capital and operating costs, as well as implementation hurdles. Multiple Counties and Cities, Waste-to-Energy Ash Management & Recycling. Dr. Rogoff is a national expert in waste-to-energy ash management and recycling. As Chair of SWANA's Waste- To-Energy Committee, he managed three bi-annual surveys of ash recycling in the U.S. He has developed ash management plans for the City of Tampa and Pinellas County and served as Project Manager for a feasibility study of a privatized ash recycling facility serving the Connecticut Resource Recovery Authority. Multiple Counties in Mississippi, Resource Recovery Feasibility Study. Project Manager for a ten-county, resource recovery feasibility study for the Mississippi Department of Economic and Community Development and Division of Energy and Transportation. This study included an evaluation of existing and proposed transfer facilities as well as long-hauling options. Hillsborough County, Florida, Siting and Implementation of 1,200 tpd Mass Burn Facility. Dr. Rogoff directed the siting and implementation of the 1,200 ton per day (tpd), mass burn owned by Hillsborough County, Florida. Project responsibilities included: detailed siting studies leading up to the purchase of a 360 acre, government campus (waste-to-energy facility, wastewater plant, and ancillary county offices); rezoning and land use studies; environmental permitting under Florida's Electrical Power Plant Siting Act; drafting of solid waste flow control and solid waste assessment ordinance; negotiation of design, construction and service agreements with plant operator; testimony in bond financing and bond validation hearings; and construction drawdown payment. Pinellas County, Florida, Engineer of Record Services. Project Director of a multi-year, engineer of record consulting contract with Pinellas County, Florida for their 3,200 tpd, mass burn facility. Projects included: renegotiation of the 30 year energy supply contract with Florida Power for increased revenues; system expansion feasibility report; implementation of electrical power plant siting permit application related with their Clean Air Act retrofit; design of a storm water and plant water use program; scale house expansion; redesign of ash and metals recovery building; assistance to County team for renegotiation of plant service agreement; managing an ash recycling demonstration project; preparation of two consulting engineer's reports resulting in


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issuance of $200 million of bond financings; and annual inspection/audit of plant for bondholders. Broward County, Florida, Independent Engineering Services. Project Director for a multi year, independent engineering services for Broward County, Florida. Responsible for periodic construction observation reports during construction of the two 2,250 tpd mass burn facilities. Also served as independent engineer during plant operations providing on call independent "arbitration like" reviews of contractor requested change orders and reviews of reports issued by engineer of record. Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County, Engineer of Record Services. Project Director of multi-year engineer of record services for 3,200 tpd refuse derived fuel plant owned by the Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County. Projects included: design of entrance facility and scale house; arbitration assistance on several unresolved change orders with service operator; and completion of annual inspection/audit of plant for bondholders. City of Tampa, Florida, Engineer of Record Contract. Project Director a multi-year, engineer of record consulting contract with City of Tampa, Florida for their 1,000 tpd, mass burn facility. Projects included: renegotiation of the energy supply contract with Tampa Electric Company for increased revenues; system expansion feasibility report; scale house expansion; ash recycling studies; and completion of annual inspection/audit of plant for bondholders. City of Huntsville, Alabama, Engineer of Record Contract. Project Director a multi-year, engineer of record consulting contract with City of Huntsville, Alabama for their 690 tpd, mass burn facility. Projects included: completion of annual inspection/audit of plant for bondholders; review and approval of performance incentive plan for plant operator; and arbitration assistance on several unresolved change orders with service operator. City of Key West, Florida, Plant Performance Evaluation. Project Director for evaluation of plant performance of 250 tpd, mass burn facility owned by the City of Key West, Florida. Lake County Florida, Engineer of Record Consulting Contract. Project Director a multi-year, engineer of record consulting contract with Lake County, Florida for their 528 tpd, mass burn facility. Projects included: completion of annual inspection/audit of plant for bondholders; arbitration assistance on several unresolved change orders with service operator; and completed consulting engineers report for plant refinancing. Connecticut Resource Recovery Authority, Privatized Ash Recycling Assessment. Project Manager for review and assessment of a privatized ash recycling facility to serve four waste-toenergy facilities owned by the Connecticut Resource Recovery Authority. Solid Waste Association of North America. Dr. Rogoff served as Technical Director for SWANA's Waste-to-Energy Technical Division from 1984 to 2001. During the course of his tenure, he visited more than 30 waste-to-energy facilities in the United States for evaluation of SWANA's Excellence Awards Applications. He also served on joint association (SWANA, ASME, and MWMA) technical committees responsible for development of 12 national waste-toenergy annual conferences.


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Environmental Investigations Charlotte County, Florida, Permit Modification. Project Manager of a Title V landfill air construction modification permit application in Charlotte County, Florida. Hillsborough County, Florida, Water Quality Issues. Project Manager of water quality issues associated with the use of the Tampa-Hillsborough County interconnect. Charlotte County, Florida, Tier 2 NMOC Emissions Testing. Project Manager of Tier 2 NMOC emissions testing at the Zemel Road Landfill in Charlotte County, Florida. Charlotte County, Florida, Deep Well Injection. Project Manager of a deep well injection well integrity test and engineering report for the Zemel Road Landfill in Charlotte County, Florida. Pinellas County, Florida, Electrical Power Plant Siting Application. Project Manager of an electrical power plant siting application for a solid waste fired, electrical generating facility in Pinellas County, Florida. Included analysis of air, noise, and water quality impacts to surrounding land uses and testimony before several state and regional planning agencies on the project. Charlotte County, Florida, Groundwater Monitoring Assessment. Project Manager for ground water monitoring assessment and plans for the Zemel Road Landfill, Charlotte County, Florida. International Solid Waste Studies Conduit Capital Partners, New York, Technology Assessment of Proposed Andres WTE Project, Project Manager for technology assessment and pro forma economic modelining of proposed WTE project. Review of Guatemala City Solid Waste Management System. Dr. Rogoff directed an analysis of solid waste collection and disposal practices in Metro Guatemala City. This work is now proceeding onto an evaluation of a privatized landfill disposal or transfer station option. A fatal flaw analysis is being undertaken of proposed landfill disposal sites. Waste-to-Energy Feasibility Study, Ponce, Puerto Rico. Project Director for evaluation of Waste-to-Energy options for multi-national cement manufacturer desiring to provide alternative energy for Ponce facility. The analysis took into account waste flow, permitting, and infrastructure needs. Reviewed the solid waste flow control needs, analyzed preliminary financial feasibility, and developed a preliminary site plan for a proposed location for the project. Waste-to-Energy Feasibility Analysis, Guantanamo Bay Naval Air Station, Cuba. Conducted an analysis of waste-to-energy options to dispose of solid waste stream for Naval Air Station. Developed pro-forma economic analysis detailing construction, operation, and life cycle costs for 30 tpd facility with energy recovery.


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Publications and Presentations Books Solid Waste Pocket Guide: Facts, Figures, Conversions and Other Handy Information for the Solid Waste Professional (Kansas City, MO, American Public Works Association, 2008). Analyzing Cost of Service and Designing Rates for Solid Waste Agencies (Kansas City, MO, American Public Works Association, 2007). Implementing Municipal Solid Waste Recycling Programs. (Park Ridge, New Jersey: Noyes Publications, 1994). How to Implement Waste-to-Energy Projects. (Park Ridge, New Jersey: Noyes Publications, 1987). "Municipal Solid Waste Combustion Systems" in Principles of lntegrated Solid Waste Management. Chapter 7: 333-403 (Annapolis, Maryland: American Academy of Environmental Engineers, 1999). Expert Witness "Expert Witness for Cedar Rapids/Linn County Solid Waste Agency", Marion County Landfill litigation assistance to Ahlers and Cooney, P.C. (in progress). "Expert Witness Testimony for Rolite, Inc. v. Wheelabrator Environmental Systems and WMX Technologies, Inc., United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Civil Action No. 94-5894". Prepared for Federal District Court. July 1999. Professional Juried Award Applications Charlotte County, Florida, Solid Waste Management System Gold Excellence Award Competition, Solid Waste Association of North America, 2006. Pinellas County, Florida Refuse-to-Energy Facility, Silver Award Excellence Award Competition, Solid Waste Association of North America, 2001. Zemel Road Landfill Design, Charlotte County, Florida, Honorable Mention Award in the 2000 Florida Institute of Consulting Engineers Engineering Excellence Award Competition Pinellas County Solid Waste System, Florida, Integrated System Gold Excellence Award Competition, Solid Waste Association of North America, 2000. Charlotte County Zemel Road Landfill, Florida, Landfill Gold Excellence Award Competition, Solid Waste Association of North America, 1999. Publications Marc J. Rogoff and Robert Gardner, “Cost Escalation for Operating Contracts”, SCS Technical


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Bulletin, June 2009. Marc J. Rogoff and Robert Gardner, “Tips for Operating Agencies in Difficult Economic Times”, SCS Technical Bulletin, June 2009. Marc J. Rogoff, Allison Trulock, and Bruce Clark, “Efficiency and Cost Effectiveness Are the Names of the Game for Solid Waste Collection Programs, MSW Management, April 2009. Marc J. Rogoff, Bruce Clark, and Amanda Moore, “Solid Waste Déjà vu – Waste-to-Energy Technologies Break New Ground”, APWA Reporter, March 2009. Marc J. Rogoff and Amanda Moore, “Recent Twists and Turns in Solid Waste Flow Control”, APWA Reporter, March 2009. “What the Future Will Bring to Solid Waste Collection”, MSW Management, April 2008 Marc Rogoff and Ziad Mazboudi, “Current Technology Trends in Solid Waste Collection,”, APWA Reporter, March 2008. Robert Westly and Marc Rogoff, “ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems: A Snapshot of the Experience of Solid Waste Organizations”, APWA Reporter, March 2008. Daniel Cooper, Marc Rogoff and Bruce Clark, “The Importance of a Solid Waste and Recyclables Management Plan for New Mixed-Use, Commercial Projects”, APWA Reporter, March 2008. Marc J. Rogoff and Phil Richmond, “Integrating Financial Analysis Into Solid Waste Operations Planning”, MSW Management, Nov-Dec, 2007 “Getting What You Are Due”, Public Works, August 2007. "Crafting an Acceptable Solid Waste Rate Increase", Government Engineering, March 2007. Marc J. Rogoff and Donald Ross, "Cost of Service Studies in Solid Waste Management", APWA Reporter, March 2006. Marc J. Rogoff, Bruce Clark, and Jose Gamboa, "Advances in Technology Alter How We Now Plan and Operate Solid Waste Management Facilities", APW A Reporter, March 2006 "The Value of Performing Cost of Service and Rate Studies", Public Works, March 2006 "Using Retroreflectivity Measurements to Assist in the Development of a Local Traffic Sign Management Program", ITE Journal, October 2005. "Urban Infilling Impacts on Solid Waste Facilities", MSW Management, March 2005. "Funding Street Lighting - One County Works to Implement Its Street Lighting Program", Public Works, December 2004.


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"Operating Efficiently With SOPs", Public Works, October 2004. "Lessons Learned: Solid Waste Collection Franchising Issues". Public Works, March 2001. "Ten Tools for Increasing Success in a Competitive Collection World". Waste Age, June 2000. "So You Wanted To Be An Expert Witness". Environmental Practice, March 2000. "Is the Waste-to-Energy Industry Dead?". MSW Management, December 1999. "The Changing Face of Solid Waste Management in the United States". Environmental Practice, July 1999. "Optimizing a Landfill in Advance of Competitive Pressures". MSW Management. June 1999. "Organizing for Success: Preparing a Winning Employee Bid". Public Works, June 1998. "Electric Deregulation and Its Impact on the Waste-to-Energy Industry". World Wastes. February 1998. "Landfills: Growing Up, Not Out". World Wastes. May 1997. "Ash Recycling Held Back By State Regulation". Solid Waste Technologies. December 1996. "Surfing the Internet and World Wide Web for Solid Waste Information". World Wastes. June 1996. "Should You Own or Operate a Landfill". World Wastes. May 1996. "WTE 1996: Resolution or Confusion". World Wastes. January 1996. "Building Recycling Plants Brings Risks". World Wastes. September 1995. "Finding Funds to Fuel Recycling". World Wastes. July 1995. "Marketing Efforts Aim to Close the Loop". World Wastes. May 1995. "Which Waste Processing System Is Best For You". World Wastes. April1995. "Materials Collection Comes of Age". World Wastes. January 1995. "So You Want a Career in Recycling". World Wastes. December 1994. "What Goes Around Comes Around". American City and County. April1994. "Inspections of Waste- to-Energy Facilities - Real Benefits for Plant Owners and Operators". Public Works. August 1993. "Recycling Countywide". Georgia County Government. June 1993.


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"Flow Contro1- An Emerging Issue for Implementing Recycling Facilities". American City and County. January 1993. "City and County Cooperation on Curbside and Yard Waste Recycling Including Innovative Multi-Family/Commercial Pilot Program". Quality Cities. October 1992. "The Future of Waste- to-Energy in the United States". Engineering News Record. June 1992. "Waste Stream Analysis - What It Means for Recycling Programs". Public Works. April 1992. "Developing a Yard Waste Program for a Rapidly Growing Community". World Wastes. April 1992. "What Has Happened to Landfill Regulations". American City and County. January 1992. "The Ash Debate: States Provide Solutions". Solid Waste and Power. October 1991. "County Government Leads in Office Paper Recycling". Public Works. July 1991. "Can Resource Recovery Facilities Be Good Neighbors". Solid Waste and Power. June 1987. "Teamwork and Communications: Keys to a Resource Recovery Project's Success". Waste Age. November 1986. "Do the Hard Tasks First". Waste Age. April 1986. Presentations “Developing a 21st Century Energy From Waste Facility – An Island Perspective”, 26th Pacific Islands Environmental Conference, June 22-25, 2009, Saipan, Commonwealth of Northern Marianas Islands (CNMI).. “Analyzing Cost of Service and Designing Rates for Solid Waste Agencies”, APWA International Public Works Congress and Exposition, August 20, 2008, New Orleans, LA.. “Can Your City Still Afford to Provide Solid Waste Collection Services”, 18th Annual Solid Waste Management Seminar, May 29, 2008, Phoenix, AZ. “Can Your City Still Afford to Provide Solid Waste Collection Services”, APWA Florida Annual Meeting and Trade Show, April 28, 2008, Jacksonville, Florida. “Can You Afford to Stay in the Solid Waste Collection Business”, Fourth Annual Canadian Solid Waste Symposium, April 14-17, 2008, Halifax, Nova Scotia. “How to Sell Your Rate Increase to Community Decision Makers”, SWANA WASTECON, Reno, Nevada, October 16, 2007. “Everything You Need to Know About Solid Waste Services… But Were Afraid to Ask”, Alabama Government Financial Officers Association Sumer Meeting, June 20, 2007.


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"Hillsborough County Develops a Roadway Lighting Capital Improvement Plan With GIS", 2007 ESRI Southeast Regional User Group, May 4, 2007, Jacksonville, FL. "Can You See Me Now? Meeting the New MUTCF Retroreflectivity Standards", 2006 APWA International Public Works Congress and Exposition, September 11, 2006, Kansas City, MO. "Evaluating the Impact of the Proposed Federal Retroreflectivity Guidelines in Hillsborough County", APW A Click Listen and Learn Program, "Retroreflectivity: Lighting the Way to Safety", April; 20, 2006. "The Impacts of Urban Infilling on Solid Waste Facilities", Presented at the 10th Annual Landfill Symposium and Solid Waster Managers Trends and Challenges Conference, June 7,2005, Boulder, CO. "Improving One of the Nation's Largest Residential Street Lighting Program", Presented at the APWA Florida Chapter 2005 Annual Meeting, April 21, 2005, Tampa, FL. "Keep on Top of Your Agency's Standard Operating Procedures", Presented at the APW A Florida Chapter 2005 Annual Meeting, April 19, 2005, Tampa, FL. "Executive Manager's Summit on Debris Management = Summary and Recommendation, Presented at the SW ANA Florida Chapter Spring Meeting, April 12, 2005, Altamonte Springs, FL.. "Solid Waste Management and Waste-to-Energy in the United States", Proceedings From the 9th Annual North American Waste-to-Energy Conference, June 10,2001. "Organizing for Success: Preparing a Winning Employee Bid". Proceedings of the SWANA 3rd Annual Planning Symposium. July 22, 1998. "Waste-to-Energy Facility Ash Residues". Presented at the Spring Meeting of the Florida Chapter of the Solid Waste Association of North America, March 21, 1998. "Electric Deregulation and Its Impact on the Waste-to-Energy Industry". Proceedings of the 35th International Symposium of the Solid Waste Association of North America. October 21, 1997. "Solid Waste Association of North America 1996 Ash Recycling and Reuse Survey". Presented at the 34th Annual International Solid Waste Exposition, Portland, Oregon. September 18, 1996. "The Results of the 1994 SWANA Ash Recycling Survey". Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Symposium of the Solid Waste Association of North America. August 4, 1994. "Municipal Waste Combustor Ash in Florida - A Status Report". Symposium of MSW Ash Reuse, Newark, New Jersey. October 23, 1993. "Current Developments in MWC Ash Management". Proceedings of the 28th Annual Solid Waste Exposition, GRCDA. August 12, 1990.


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