two dimensional design -
student work - mary rousseaux
rhythm students used old book pages, masking tape and ink to create patterns that described emotions using rhythmic themes.
you will create a repeat pattern that is based on your personal signature use different materials to create 10 unique signatures select one signature to expand and create a pattern develop a pattern that uses of section of your signature change the scale, overlap the mark, extend or contract the mark fold into itself, take just one line a repeat it – be creative use this mark to describe a characteristic that is unique to you transfer this pattern to tracing paper to just one quarter of the paper then fold and copy it to the other three sections cut paper rearrange to form repeat pattern transfer to lino block using charcoal on the back of paper spray fix marks carve block print image on provided rice paper, print six times
Focal point For this project you will be asked to create
3 hand drawn maps
Each must have a series of locations that will act as focal points one map must include 5 or more locations in Ypsilanti one map must depict a day in your life and one must be a reflection of your childhood imaginary place one must use color each should have a key scale and paper , materials used is up to you think outside the box, you will be graded on the entire body of work we will crit only one of your maps pls turn in all three maps, your notes and your research information I want to see how your developed your idea. presentation is everything. make this project special you are sharing something , make it count.
Mapping ideas
line students used sumi ink and brush to develop lines that evoked emotions
scale playing with the idea of scale students worked in teams creating narratives using superballs and cellphones. they were challanged to produce images that told a story. this assingment was introduced , completed and presented in printed format in one class period