reference sheet for teachers

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Dear Teachers, This sheet was designed by several pilot teachers to supplement your training from Pearson and serve as a quick reference guide to the different components of the enVision program. Try to realize that there are many supplemental pieces to this program and many of us used different pieces in different ways. Also, the program can be used with or without computers or Smart Boards. The Smart Boards do bring many aspects of the program to life, but are not necessary. Remember…#2 and #3 are CORE (mandatory) and #1 and #4 are MORE (supplements)! 1. Daily Spiral Review or DSR/Problem of the Day (MORE) • NOT core and teachers have used this in various ways. • Located in each plastic topic pouch. • The DSR not only reviews skills presented this year, but also reviews skills from previous grades. This could be helpful to get to some topics that may not be covered in the pacing chart until later in the year. • Both can be used as morning work or as weekly independent packets reviewed over at the end of the week. 2. Interactive Learning Activity (CORE) • Your introduction (the hook) to the lesson (ONLY 10-15 min.). • Completed with textbooks closed. • Very easy to run over the allotted time of the activity, so try to monitor it because it does lead up to the next core part anyway. 3. Visual Learning Bridges (CORE) • These run across the top of the pages of the textbook. • On the Premium edition of the computer program. o These are animated and can be stopped for discussion. • They are also provided as transparencies. These can be found online or in the Teachers’ Resource Box. • After the discussions, the regular lessons continue with the guided practice, independent practice, and problem solving problems (just like the old series.) Some teachers felt that there were sometimes too many questions on the pages and had different students working on different problems and then more problems could be answered and discussed. • Tell parents that they could use this to help them learn the concepts as well. 4. Quick Check (MORE) • Found in each plastic topic pouch. • Quick way to evaluate student progress. There are 2-4 multiple choice questions and one Writing to Explain question. • Can be done as exit questions, as homework, or even as a little quiz the next day before starting the next day’s lessons.

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