I think the most used technology has probably been the camera. We have used the camera to film, we have used it in many different ways and angles to create a wide range of effects on the audience, some of the angles used have been, establishing shot, low angle shot, high angle, close up, pan and many others. With the camera we have used the tripod in order to make the filming more tidy and less shaky. Over all, using the camera has been one of the most interesting areas of the course.
The Blog At the beginning of the year we had to create a blog, this seemed like to much work but it end up been quite simple. This Blog made us think for a name for our production group, this is when we came up with the name BOSar, which is the first letter of the three of our names. We also used our blog as a place where we could save our ideas and post our work and our planning process. This helped us a lot at the end when the time to make the film came, we changed many thinks that we didn't like and also that other people comment that they didn't think it would suit the movie.
This is the programme we used in order to put our film together with the many different shots. This programme was the one that we used to edit our movie and also put all the special effects, its a difficult programme to use at the beginning but it gets easier with experience. For example the first time i used it was with our preliminary task which wasn't a very important task and our editing techniques weren't great but then as we started to use it for our film and also for the making of our titles which took us a very long time. On this programme you can add effects such as fade in fade outs, jump cuts, slow motions and you can make shots go faster in order to create a more intense atmosphere.
When we finished our movie and we finished all the editing, we decided to use YouTube to post our movie in order to get some feedback form our target audience. We got many views and the feedback was mostly positive even though they said the movie was confusing. YouTube is something that I'm used to therefore it was no problem for me to use it. We also did a Tagged version of the movie with various tags saying what was happening and why. Overall I was very happy with our final movie and I think if it had to be continued we would make a great movie