Assessment Objectives

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Assessment Objective 1 Assessment Objective 2 (15 marks) (15 marks) Assessment AO1: Articulate creative, AO2: Demonstrate detailed Objective informed and relevant responses critical understanding in to literary texts, using appropriate analysing the ways in which terminology and concepts, and form, structure and language coherent, accurate written shape meanings in literary expression texts Band 1 Candidates characteristically: Candidates characteristically: 0-10 a) communicate limited a) identify few aspects of form, knowledge and understanding of structure and language in Hardy’s poetry Hardy’s poetry b) make few uses of appropriate b) assert some aspects with terminology or examples to reference to how Hardy support interpretations of the shapes meaning idea that Hardy’s poetry is harsh c) make limited references to and full of strange words Hardy’s poetry. c) attempt to communicate meaning by using inaccurate language. Band 2 Candidates characteristically: Candidates characteristically: 11-22 a) communicate some basic a) identify obvious aspects of knowledge and understanding of form, structure and language Hardy’s poetry in Hardy’s poetry b) make simple use of b) describe some aspects with appropriate terminology or reference to how Hardy examples to support shapes meaning interpretations of the idea that c) make related references to Hardy’s poetry is harsh and full Hardy’s poetry. of strange words c) communicate meaning using straightforward language. Band 3 Candidates characteristically: Candidates characteristically: 23-34 a) communicate relevant a) identify relevant aspects of knowledge and understanding of form, structure and language Hardy’s poetry in Hardy’s poetry b) present relevant responses to b) explore how Hardy uses the idea that Hardy’s poetry is specific aspects to shape harsh and full of strange words, meaning using appropriate terminology to c) use specific references to support informed interpretations Hardy’s poetry to support their c) structure and organise their responses. writing d) communicate content and meaning through expressive and accurate writing. Band 4 Candidates characteristically: Candidates characteristically: 35-45 a) communicate relevant a) identify relevant aspects of knowledge and understanding of form, structure and language Hardy’s poetry with confidence in Hardy’s poetry with insight b) present relevant, wellb) confidently explore how informed responses to the idea Hardy uses specific aspects to that Hardy’s poetry is harsh and shape meaning full of strange words, fluently c) show a mastery of detail in using appropriate terminology to their use of specific references support informed interpretations to Hardy’s poetry to support c) structure and organise their their responses. writing in a cogent manner d) communicate content and meaning through sophisticated and mature writing.

Assessment Objective 3 (15 marks) AO3: Explore connections and comparisons between different literary texts, informed by interpretations of other readers Candidates characteristically: a) make few links and connections between Hardy’s poems b) reflect the given view in a limited way c) assert their agreement with the given view.

Candidates characteristically: a) make straightforward links and connections between Hardy’s poems b) reflect the given view in a basic way c) simply agree or disagree with the given view. Candidates characteristically: a) explore links and connections between Hardy’s poems b) communicate understanding of the given view c) consider different interpretations of Hardy’s poetry d) construct a balanced debate. Candidates characteristically: a) explore links and connections between Hardy’s poems with confidence b) communicate mature understanding of the given view c) consider different interpretations of Hardy’s poetry in a cogent manner d) construct an illuminating debate.

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