Help the world one plant at a time Plants are multicellular organisms (more than one cell) with a cell wall. Plants also produce most of our food, oxygen, and paper. Plants have many important processes like Photosynthesis and Transpiration. Photosynthesis is the process when plants use energy to produce oxygen and food for a plant. Transpiration is a process in which water is lost through the stomata. These to processes help us and the world survive.
People have been trying to plant plants to make the world a better place. Plants make oxygen, food, habitats, preserve soil, make products, keeps us healthy, beautifies our land, and regulates the water cycle. So plants help us in a lot of ways. News on plants: people have been making plant roofs so we have a healthier life and people been planting plants to make healthier food for us to eat and share. We want to inspire people to make gardens in their home and communities. This will help everyone have a healthy happy life. This will provide healthy food and oxygen. Sometimes people might be lazy and not want to do it but if they do something good comes of it. These ideas to have a garden in every home will help everyone, every place, everywhere.
The Layers of the soil The layers of the soil help the world by providing areas in the soil that helps plants grow. By providing those areas all plants are able to grow and help the economy. They grow to provide air, and food, and other resources. People are using soil to grow plants, trees and everything that grows from the ground. Soil helps keep life on Earth including your life. You already know that soil supports the growth of plants, which in turn supply food for animals. Therefore, soil provides you with nearly all the food you eat. But that’s not all. Many other items you use, such as cotton clothing and medicines, come from plants. Wood or lumber in your home comes from trees. Even the oxygen you breathe comes from plants. The soil is made out of dead critters, minerals, decomposing tree branches, and decaying plants. Just to name some of the items that make up the
soil layers. Those help create the minerals that all evidently decompose and create food for the plants in the process of photosynthesis. These characteristics play a very important role in what the soil is used for and why it is important. Soil is made up of distinct layers, called horizons. Each layer has its own traits that make it different from all of the other layers. Scientists divide the soil into layers from the surface down to the underlying bedrock. This is called a soil profile. The layers in a soil profile are known as horizons. The depth of each horizon varies among different types of soil.
Soil is underrated: Soil is a mixture of minerals like water, air, organic matter, and countless organisms that are decaying remains of once living things. Soil also works as nutrients for plants. It is a habitat for animals, works as a filter to clean water. It also provides a base for building and it supports the web of life. There are four layers of soil. The first one if humus. Humus is a dark organic material from decayed plants and animals. The next one is topsoil. It is the most fertile area of the soil where most living things live and thrive. The next one is subsoil. It is composed of different mixtures of small particles such as sand, silt, and clay. The next one is bedrock and parent rock. It is rock formation that is the source of soil. It is the layer of rock beneath the soil.
Soil is used to plant trees and other plants. It is the base for trees whish produce air so we can breathe. It is useful because we have trees and plants that keep us living because they produce oxygen. People are using soil for composting and planting gardens. We can plant trees in soil which gives us more oxygen so we can breathe. We can also make compost piles and keep recycling soil. Many people have started foundations for helping plant trees and plants in soil to keep our soil heathy. We need to preserve our soil because without it, we might all be dead! Let’s make the world a better place. Let’s change the world!
Viruses. So, what is a virus? Well a virus is a tiny organism that may lead to severe illness in humans, plants and animals. Having a virus causes fear, panic and a fever. Viruses affect us every day, sometimes they can be useful to advance our knowledge in medicine. And this is cruel but sometimes, if killed by the virus, it can help overpopulation. You See viruses come up on the news all the time. For example, an article published on September 5, 2014 about a man overcoming Ebola and reuniting with his family once again. He caught it on a trip to Africa. Ebola is a virus that attacks the connective tissue which holds everything together basically, it also lSome positive impacts is advancing our knowledge in medicine, finding cures or vaccines for different viruses and some ways to avoid catching a virus are washing your hands more frequently, not going to infected areas in other countries, and if you do have a virus, don’t go out in public unless going to a doctor because it could be highly contagious.
Skeletal system The skeletal system is the framework of the body consisting of bones and other connective tissue which protects and supports the body’s tissues and internal organs. Some problems with the skeletal system is the spinal back with posture. Here are some ways to help that by keeping your back straight. But there is a process you can go through. This is important because this process will help people that have back problems. Step one: look at yourself in the mirror. Your head, shoulders, and hips should all be in one straight line. If your head just forward pull it back open the shoulders, spreading the chest. Step two: build strength in your upper back by doing exercises witch will pull you shoulders back and open your chest. Do strengthen exercises that will work you abdominals and the back muscles. Step three: sit up straight where ever you sit most at all times. Practice this every day, and if you forget and slouch over remind your self to sit up straight again. Put stick notes on the wall or where ever you sit most to remind you self to sit up
straight every time you sit there. Also you can give yourself rewards and try and do it for as long as you can and every time you break your record you can give yourself a reward. Those are three easy steps to keeping your back straight our skeletal system is the support system for our entire body. Keep your back straight to keep your skeletal system in good shape. This could help people with back injuries.
About the nervous system The network of nerve cells that transmits nerve impulses between parts of the body. The nervous system controls your body and other systems. The nervous system most complicating part is the brain, made of neurons, spinal cords, and brain.
The nervous system tells your body what to and when to do it. Without it we could not think or more. Also, you could not control the rest of the body systems and not be able to do anything.
To protect the Nervous System we should not take drugs because drugs will affect the way we think. If you take drugs or not stay healthy, the Nervous System will start to shut down. We should pursue these ideas to stay safe and stay healthy.
The Scientific Method All across the country scientist are making big discoveries for life science baking and other important stuff. They are all using one thing in common though. They are all using the scientific method. The scientific method was used by some of the greats such as Isaac newton and Leonardo da Vinci. The scientific method is a process which scientist or people use to work out problems or record data about their invention or discovery. The scientific methods steps are ask a question. Do background research. Construct a hypothesis. Test your hypothesis by doing an experiment. The finale step is to analyze. This topic has changed our world into a better place because without the scientific method our country or our world would not have any progress because the scientific method makes discoveries so our world can be a better place.
Photosynthesis Photosynthesis is the process in which plants take in carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight, and produce oxygen. Carbon dioxide is what animals and people breathe out, and what plants breathe in. Oxygen is what people and animals breathe in, and what plants breathe out.
Photosynthesis is important, because we need the process to survive. Plants need what we breathe out, and they provide us what we need to breathe in. Some scientists, are conducting systems that mimic the natural photosynthetic process, by which use the energy in sunlight to synthesize carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water. Also, people everywhere are planting more plants to create a healthier environment. I am going to plant more plants in my backyard, to create a healthier space for my dogs and I. Of course, I will probably have to replant them every year, because most plants don’t survive the winter. It is important for me to follow through with my idea, because it can create a healthier place for everyone around me.
Caffeine Caffeine is a stimulant made of a crystalline compound that is found especially in tea and coffee plants. It can control the central nervous system and increase mental sharpness. The chemical name for caffeine is trimethylxanthine. It is [Grab your reader’s attention with a great quote from the document or use this space to emphasize a key point. To place this text box anywhere on the page, just drag it.] extracted by pressure cooking beans and leaves CO2 to produce the drug in powder form. Caffeine increases comprehension memory, reflexes, and thoughts. It also works the same parts of the brain as cocaine, amphetamines, and heroin. But if someone is to overdose on caffeine the aftermath could be lethal. It is important for people to know what their bodies could be hurt by.
Caffeine can cause migraines (a headache of varying intensity often accompanied by nausea sensitivity to light and sound) and anxiety (a feeling of worry). Some caffeinated products include, coca cola products, coffee, chocolate, red bull/energy drinks, monster drinks, Lipton drink, Pepsi, and espresso. Although we are fighting the case that caffeine is dangerous for the human body, there are some good factors to it. Caffeine increases memory, caffeine and carbs replenish muscle glycogen, detoxes the liver, keeps reflexes alert, increases hair growth and wards off Alzheimer’s. But it the end the negative effects of caffeine cover up the positive effects of caffeine.
In recent news articles caffeine is argued to not be given to children because of its lethal effects and the studying done in laboratories to figure more of the effects of caffeine. We would like to inform our families of the negative effects of caffeine so they can maybe be persuaded into taking on a healthier lifestyle.
Caffeine Caffeine is a substance added to food and drink items, as well as to certain mediations to relive drowsiness or enhance the effects of pain killers. The food and drugs administration classifies caffeine as a both a drug and food addictive. It works as a pain reliever or an addictive substance.
Caffeine Molecule ki/File:Caffeine.svg
Caffeine is described in many different ways. Some of key words to understand caffeine are addiction, pain reliever, sugar, and medication. Addiction is a person who is addicted to a particular substance, typically an illegal drug. Pain reliever is medicines that reduce or relive headaches, sore muscles, arthritis, or other aching pains. Sugar is a sweet crystalized substance, obtained from various plants. It consist essentially of sucrose and
used as a sweetener in a food or drink. Medication is a substance used for medical treatment, especially a medicine or drug. These can easily be used with caffeine, leading to negative effects to the human body. Caffeine can be useful, such as helping you stay awake. But it also can be very harmful to your body.
It can give you anxiety and may be addictive to some people. In, “” they indicate that “Caffeine is defined as a drug because it stimulates the central nervous system, causing increased alertness.” This explains that caffeine is affecting your nervous system, and it could very so harm how your system works. If we continue too partake it, there will be consequences to your health and body. Next, the stimulation off urination
might not be normal, and an increase in blood pressure and vasoconstriction. Lastly, there was a reduced control of fine molar movements (movement of your molars)
Do you really know how much caffeine is in your favorite drink? The word "caffeine" came from the German word kaffee and the French word café, each meaning coffee. Many people are not aware of the stimulating effect that caffeine provides, and it is used on
daily basis. Scientists believe of caffeine as psychoactive drug in the world, and research is being done on its health benefits and consequences. ( There are several benefits and consequences to caffeine. This science topic proposes a positive impact on the world myself, my family, and my community. Here are many positive impacts it has: Caffeinated coffee cuts mouth and throat cancer risk by 50%. Coffee can reduce the risk of stroke as much as 22%. Shown to reduce the risk of several types of cancer. Heart rhythm disturbance hospitalizations decrease with coffee drinkers. Coffee decreases the risk of type 2 diabetes. Caffeinated Coffee may help with weight loss. Research out of Melbourne, Australia is finding that study participants are reporting decreased appetite when drinking regular coffee as opposed to decaf or caffeine tablets as part of an ongoing study. People who drink at least 4 coffees or teas have lower blood pressure according to a new study out of Paris. Tea drinkers had the most blood pressure benefit, while coffee drinkers had just slightly less. To conclude, there are many good effects of caffeine such as keeping you awake and alert and it will lower the risks of some cancers. But there are also the bad effects of taking in caffeine, such as being addictive and giving you anxiety. Now that you know everything about caffeine, you should now regulate how much caffeine you are taking in. It could give you some negative side affects you do not want...and it could become……… Addictive!
Photosynthesis Photosynthesis is the process in which a plant uses energy from the sun as well as sugars that are in it to make its “food.�
As you can see water comes up from the ground, carbon dioxide enters, oxygen exits and energy is taken from the sun. This is the process of photosynthesis. You may be thinking, why does photosynthesis matter to us? It matters because not only does it make food for plants and benefit them but it benefits us as well. You see plants and humans sort of trade off air. Plants need carbon dioxide (which we exhale) and we need oxygen
which they release while in the process of photosynthesis. Without plants our air supply would not be doing as good. Humans should be thanking plants for letting them breathe oxygen instead of all the nasty pollution that is being released into our air by countless companies who frankly don’t care. They should be thanking plants most for air to breathe after they ruin a great portion of it. Photosynthesis isn’t just another boring science thing it is a very interesting process to see how something different survives and has food while helping your entire race to live on with good quality air. Though the process may seem simple it does much more than just make a plants food. Photosynthesis is important to the human race and most other living things. Think about it.
Cells Cells are the building articles of live. We count on cells of keep us alive. Key vocabulary words for cells could be, plants, animals, cells, and molecules. Cells can keep us from being sick or be the building blocks of life and death. Cells are alive and can be helpful for being safe from the cold. Cells can reproduce other cells for the body to make sure you aren’t low on cells. Cells are really important because they keep us alive and clean from sicknesses and other bad things for our bodies. You can see it on the television on the science channel and other resources. On the discovery channel it will show cells once and a while, or on the science for kids show. Cells can improve the way we think about live and growth. Cells can improve our health and prevent sickness. There are things that can prevent cells like cancer and other major sickness that can prevent cells from reproducing other cells. This is important because it keeps us alive. These resources are provided by,