Identitywa Adult Handbook, MrSiero

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Your Needs, Our Focus Supporting people with intellectual disability and their families. You can call us on 9474 3303

Welcome Seeking support in caring for your family member with an intellectual disability is a positive step that can help maintain your family’s health and harmony. At identitywa, we can help you achieve this through our Accommodation, Respite and Recreation Services. Our Accommodation Service will help your family member achieve a new level of independence through living in a supported residential home. We understand that this is a major decision, and we’re here to support you through this process. Our Respite and Recreation Services provide opportunities for your family member to develop social and life skills, and have fun with their peers. They also give you time to relax and focus on your needs. At identitywa, we have over 35 years experience in supporting people with disability. We are an outreach of the Catholic Church, and base our work on strongly held values of Care, Quality, Justice, Respect and Cooperation. We thank you for the opportunity to provide support to your family, and look forward to seeing you soon.

Marina Re Chief Executive Officer

Contents 01















Our services

Our Staff

identitywa can support you and your family member in four ways, through:

In each of our services, your family member will be supported by specialist staff such as Social Trainers, Residential Aides, Family Support Workers and Recreation Assistants.

• Accomodation • Out-of-Home respite • In-Home Respite; and • Recreation

Eligibility Your family member can access identitywa’s services if they are: • Over 18 years of age; • Have an intellectual disability; • Can have their medical and behavioural needs met by our service; and • Live with their family or carer in a private home.

All staff are trained in First Aid, manual handling, medication administration and managing complex needs, and must have a National Police Certificate. Staff also have the opportunity to undertake training according to the needs of the clients they support.

Make contact If you have any questions after reading this guide, contact our friendly Client Services Team on 9474 3303 or email

Accommodation 02 | ACCOMMODATION

identitywa’s Accommodation Service offers people with intellectual disability the opportunity to live in a residential home within the community. We offer ‘shared accommodation’ which means your family member will share a home with 3-4 other people with similar support needs and interests.

Supported living In this environment, your family member will be supported in living the life they want to lead including: • Pursuing work or ATE commitments; • Maintaining and developing social networks; • Participating in social and recreational activities; • Contributing to the household; and • Accessing their chosen place of worship.

Own room

To access our Accommodation Services, your family member needs to have Accommodation Support Funding. Our Client Services Team can advise you on how to apply for funding through the Combined Application Process (CAP).

Your family member will have their own bedroom which they’re free to personalise with furnishings and decorations. Staff and other residents will respect the privacy of your family member’s room.

CAP is administered by the Disability Services Commission (DSC). More information is available on their website at

Families We strongly encourage and support family contact. You are welcome to visit at any time, and staff will facilitate your family member in visiting you. Contact with friends and visitors is also encouraged and supported.

A PLACE TO CALL HOME identitywa has over 30 houses throughout Perth. We will work with you to find the house that best suits your family member’s needs. A three-month trial is undertaken to ensure your family member is happy in their new home, and all residents are compatible. If the new home does not meet your family member’s needs, we will explore other options in consultation with you.

Daily support Through careful planning, staff will provide an appropriate level of support across all aspects of your family member’s life. This includes day-to-day needs such as appointments, finances, shopping and transport, as well as long-term goal-setting, decision-making and skills training. Staff also ensure relationships in the house remain happy and harmonious.






Staff follow stringent risk management measures to ensure safe and correct administration of your family member’s medication.

Once your family member starts living in their new home, a weekly Board and Lodging Fee is payable to identitywa. The fee is equivalent to 75% of your family member’s Centrelink payment and covers expenses related to the running of the house (see the Residence Agreement for details).

If your family member becomes ill, staff will arrange medical care in consultation with you. If your family member’s medical needs change, staff will liaise with you, or refer you to the appropriate agency to ensure they get the care and resources they need.

Most residents pay their fees via direct debit from their bank account. Other payment methods are available on page 12.

identitywa has over 30 shared accommodation homes located in quiet residential streets throughout Perth.



Daily finances

Strict policies ensure your family member’s money is spent wisely.

Insurance All identitywa homes have comprehensive contents insurance which covers your family member’s possessions and furnishings. We also keep a register of your family member’s personal items.

Administrator We encourage families to appoint a financial administrator to manage your family member’s finances. We recommend applying to the State Administrative Tribunal to have the Public Trustee of Western Australia appointed as the Administrator. We can assist you in this process if needed. The Public Trustee is responsible ensuring there are sufficient funds in your family member’s account, and investing accumulated funds.


Staff can manage your family member’s daily finances by opening a bank account for them. Their Centrelink payment is paid into this account, and staff withdraw funds for daily requirements e.g. clothing, toiletries, medication.

Out-of-Home Respite Out-of-Home Respite offers you regular, planned breaks from caring for your family member.

The house


Our Adult Respite House is located in a quiet residential street, and has a warm, homely feel.

Out-of-Home Respite means your family member stays with us at our Adult Respite House in Koondoola. They receive high quality care, and are involved in a range of enjoyable activities in the community and at the house.

It caters for up to 6 adults at a time, so there are plenty of opportunities for your family member to interact with other people. The house is well-placed with aids and equipment.

identitywa’s Adult Respite House is located in a quiet residential street in Perth’s northern suburbs. identitywa Adult Respite



Respite options

Although identitywa is not a crisis service, we do try to respond in emergency situations if we have a vacancy.

Bookings Bookings can be made up to 12 weeks in advance. Bookings further in advance can be negotiated with the Coordinator e.g. for holiday plans. Bookings are made through the Adult Respite Coordinator.

Fees Out-of-Home Respite is partly funded by the Disability Services Commission. We also offer feefor-service places for those with Individual Family Support funding, or for those who wish to include identitywa in their Family Living Initiative.

The current fee schedule will be discussed at our initial meeting with you. See page 12 for fee payment methods.

During respite We will provide your family member with all meals and laundry service. Staff will follow your family member’s routine as closely as possible and continue regular programs e.g. physiotherapy. There are also plenty of opportunities for your family member’s involvement in community and centre-based activities suited to their interests and abilities.


You can access respite during the day and/or overnight. The length of stay can range from a few hours to a few days. A minimum of two hours is preferred.

08 | IN-HOME RESPITE In-Home Respite Options TYPES



Day & Evening

Monday to Sunday

3 hours preferred

In-Home Respite In-Home Respite is another way for you to have regular, planned breaks from caring for your family member. In-Home Respite means a Family Support Worker will come to your home to care for your family member.

We make sure your allocated Family Support Worker fits comfortably with your family.

Locations Our In-Home Respite Service is available throughout the Perth metropolitan area.

To make bookings additional to your regular respite times, you can contact the In-Home Respite Coordinator.

Fees identitywa’s In-Home Respite Service is funded by Home and Community Care (HACC). However, a nominal fee is charged. The current fee schedule will be discussed at our initial meeting with you. HACC guidelines stipulate that no families may be disadvantaged by an inability to pay. If you have difficulty paying, feel free to discuss this with the Coordinator. See page 12 for fee payment methods.

Respite options Respite is generally booked on a regular, ongoing basis, but we can also cater for particular occasions. Times and length of respite can be negotiated with the In-Home Respite Coordinator. Although identitywa is not a crisis service, we do try to respond in emergency situations if possible.

During respite Staff will follow your family member’s routine as closely as possible, including regular programs e.g. physiotherapy. They will also ensure that they are engaged in a range of enjoyable activities suited to their interests and abilities.


They will also engage them in positive experiences at home and in the community.


Recreation identitywa’s Recreation Service enables your family member to be involved in a range of enjoyable social and recreational activities. We have two options to choose from: RESPITE THROUGH RECREATION (RTR)


RTR supports your family member’s participation in a community recreation group of their choice, on an ongoing basis. Basketball, swimming, gym membership and visual arts are some of the activities participants have been involved in. RTR encourages your family member to have fun and develop skills while you have a regular break from caring. It has the added benefit of raising community awareness about the abilities of people with support needs.

Time and location Activities can be undertaken anywhere within your local community. The time will depend on the activity chosen by your family member. A minimum threehour booking is preferred.

Staff Your family member will be supported by a dedicated Recreation Assistant.



The popular Social Club is a group of peers who regularly attend social and recreational activities together. The Club helps members develop an independent social life.

There are generally 2-3 Recreation Assistants and volunteers at each outing.

Activities are diverse and have included karaoke, cooking classes, football matches, surfing, wine tours and comedy shows.


Time and location Outings are typically held on weekends throughout the Perth metropolitan area.

Our Recreation Services are supported by the Disability Services Commission and Lotterywest. However, fees are charged for both services. Social Club members are charged a small Members Contribution fee to cover activity expenses for staff and volunteers. Social Club members also pay activity expenses on the day e.g. admission fees. Some activities are pre-paid e.g. theatre tickets. RTR fees will be discussed at our initial meeting with you.

Activities Social Club members meet quarterly to plan activities for the next three months. Members are given advanced notice of each activity, and register their interest on a first-come, first-served basis.

See page 12 for fee payment methods.


The Social Club is designed for people who are independent in their mobility, personal care tasks and communication.


Useful information Application process - To access any of our services:


Ring identitywa on 9474 3303 and ask to speak to our Client Services Team.


They will arrange for a staff member to visit you to discuss your family member’s needs (including assistance to secure funding).


A plan is then developed which outlines supports to be provided for your family member.


The best accommodation, respite and/or recreation options are identified.


An Agreement is signed and your family member’s first contact is arranged.


For our more popular services, there may be a waiting period until a vacancy becomes available. Every effort is made to allocate services fairly and according to the needs and preferences of each family.

Paying fees - identitywa has a monthly billing system. You can pay your fees in the following ways:


Phone 9474 3303 to pay by credit card (a 2.5% service charge applies).


Send a cheque or money order to PO Box 5, South Perth WA 6951.


Transfer funds electronically (EFT). Account details are printed on your invoice.


Pay in person at Head Office: 46 David St, Kensington. Pay by cash, cheque, money order, EFTPOS or credit card.

Communication At identitywa, we value clear communication with families. You’re always welcome to talk to staff about issues relating to your family member’s involvement in our services. We will always give you a verbal report on your family member’s participation in our services, and can provide a written summary on request.

We Value Your Views We also welcome written or verbal feedback from you at any time. Your feedback helps us improve our services to better meet your family’s needs.

We occasionally conduct client satisfaction surveys and focus groups. These are another opportunity for you to have your say about our services.

Confidentiality In accordance with the Privacy Act, information you give us will only be used for the purpose it was provided.


If you would like to tell us what we’re doing well, or raise a concern about our service, see our brochure called ‘We Value Your Views’ - it will guide you through this process.

Our Commitment To Quality VISION, MISSION & VALUES Our clear Vision, Mission and Values are a constant guide to ensure we maintain a high quality service for which we have become known: Our Vision: A compassionate and socially just society that is inclusive of people with disabilities and their families.

Our Mission: To maximise the wellbeing, potential and quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities – in particular, those with high support needs and/or expressed spiritual needs.


Our Core Values Care: We promote well-being and enable people to develop to their full potential.

Quality: We are accountable for our decisions and actions and ensure services are holistic and responsive to people’s needs.

Justice: We share power for the benefit of all and advocate for equality of opportunity and just outcomes.

QUALITY MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK We also use the Disability Services Commission’s Quality Management Framework to measure how successful we are in supporting you to achieve the following outcomes in your life: Positive relationships

Respect: We value people’s worth and dignity and treat people with honesty and integrity.

Cooperation: We work to build

Lifestyle of choice Outcome: Individuals, families and carers have choice and control over the lifestyle they want to live.

POLICIES identitywa also has a comprehensive range of policies which guide our service delivery to you. You are entitled to access these policies. Some which may interest you are available at

Support networks Outcome: Individuals, families and carers have confidence in their support networks now and into the future.

Wellbeing Outcome: Individuals, families and carers maintain or improve their sense of wellbeing.


community throughout the organisation and demonstrate openness by working together towards positive outcomes.

Outcome: Individuals, families and carers have healthy, strong relationships and connections with their families and broader communities.

Our Commitment To Quality DISABILITY SERVICES STANDARDS The Disability Services Standards offer a third means of ensuring you receive the level of service to which you are entitled. These Standards define what government expects services to achieve when assisting people with disability and their families. To ensure we comply with these standards, we are monitored by the Disability Services Commission’s Independent Quality Management process and the National Annual Data Collection.


These Standards cover our OutOf-Home Respite and Recreation Services.

Standard 1 Service Access Each consumer seeking a service has access to a service on the basis of relative need and available resources.

Standard 2 Individual Needs

Standard 6 Valued Status

Each person with a disability receives a service which is designed to meet, in the least restrictive way, his or her individual needs and personal goals.

Each person with a disability has the opportunity to develop and maintain skills and to participate in activities that enable him or her to achieve valued roles in the community.

Standard 3 Decision Making & Choice Each person with a disability has the opportunity to participate as fully as possible in making decisions about the events and activities of his or her daily life in relation to the services he or she receives.

Each consumer’s right to privacy, dignity and confidentiality in all aspects of his or her life is recognised and respected.

Standard 5 Participation & Integration Each person with a disability is supported and encouraged to participate and be involved in the life of the community.

Each consumer is free to raise and have resolved, any complaints or disputes he or she may have regarding the service provider or the service.

Standard 8 Service Management Each service provider adopts sound management practices which maximise outcomes for consumers.

Standard 9 Protection of Human Rights & Freedom from Abuse and Neglect The service provider acts to prevent abuse and neglect, and to uphold the legal and human rights of consumers.


Standard 4 Privacy, Dignity & Confidentiality

Standard 7 Complaints & Disputes

Our Commitment To Quality COMMUNITY CARE COMMON STANDARDS The quality of our In-Home Respite Service is assessed against the WA Department of Health’s Community Care Common Standards. Standard 1 Effective Management The service provider demonstrates effective management processes based on a continuous improvement approach to service management, planning and delivery.

Standard 2 Appropriate Access and Service Delivery


Each service user (and prospective service user) has access to services, and service users receive appropriate services that are planned, delivered and evaluated in partnership with themselves and/or their representative.

Standard 3 Service User Rights and Responsibilities Each service user (and/or their representative) is provided with information to assist them to make service choices, and has the right (and responsibility) to be consulted and respected. Service users (and/or their representative) have access to complaints and advocacy information and processes, and their privacy and confidentiality and right to independence is respected.

We thank you for the opportunity to provide support to your family, and look forward to seeing you soon.

Head Office 46 David Street, Kensington WA 6151 PO Box 5, South Perth WA 6951 T (08) 9474 3303 | F (08) 9474 3315 E

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